Harlingen-Holland | Dynamic Frisian Harbour Town with Unusual Hotels.

Harlingen is a very pleasant place situated in Holland very well known and characterised to be a famous dynamic Frisian harbour town with a very lively atmosphere and furthermore with Unusual Hotels which are certainly a very special highlight and attraction in their kinds capturing the attention and the curiosity of every visitor also for the peculiar presence of those hospitality establishments developed with creativity and talent next toa notable historic and cultural patrimony with protagonists architectural gems of the artistic Dutch school who created also in that centre stunning masterpieces and maritime landscapes very inspiring.

Situated at approximately at 115,0 kilometres from the Capital of The Netherlands Amsterdam and just 29,0 kilometres west of the town of Leeuwarden facing the scenic Frisian Islands Vlieland and Terschelling at short distance from the German border, Harlingen is a very suggested destination visiting and discovering a site with an appealing charm in a territory packed by beautiful natural attractions and a long captivating history including in the minor centres of that very pleasant region.

The Friesland, the province which includes in its land that town is a historic and relevant area famous for its old traditions linked to trade, commerce and navigation  boasting among the most skilled sailors of the country, a prestigious busy mercantile activity started centuries ago with extreme success and making the fortune of country always very active to develop new routes across all the seas including the Far East developing superb operations admired by nearest bigger countries who frequently were surprised by the talent of a constantly advanced and productive Nation.

That captivating centre has always been mainly related to very busy international maritime trades but apart all those marked features it is also a site very famous for an outstanding ceramic, pottery and tiles production started a long time ago with extreme success and including in its boundaries you can admire monuments and sights of notable interest. 

That past continuing in the present consecrated the relevant local harbour which was for centuries was one of the main maritime gates of The Netherlands placing Harlingen in the highest ranking, as a maritime key for its very strategic position, a more than significant cross point on the shore of  the Waddenzee a space of the North Sea which is also very famous  for its fantastic biological diversity and inscribed in the UNESCO´s World Heritage List.

Connected to the IJsselmeer and the Markemeer those two maritime large waters basins which are a sort of hallway on the sea leading to a direct access to the port of Amsterdam supported since centuries ago the active commerce of the Dutch merchants started who started to use the harbour of Harlingen since the 17th century as frequent base for their several trips and expeditions towards Scandinavia, Great Britain and the Baltic Sea.

Tourism became in more recent times another notable source, the centre town is rich of Neo-Renaissance buildings and other architectonic marvels of extreme beauty and  the visitor can also admire a good number of historic attractions including monuments which reflect the historic and cultural patrimony of that important site.
The beautiful views on the North Sea with the opportunity to enjoy excursions by ferry visiting the Frisian Wadden Islands of Vlieland and Terschelling awarded by UNESCO  for their marine value in its territorial waters is certainly another incentive which will delight your stay in Harlingen.
The presence of  two railway stations is definitely another great option to visit that place with relevant facilities in terms of communication permitting to insert that lovely centre as stage in a tailor made tour and including in alternative it could be an excellent start point for several trips all around the county with radial excursions with a splendid and wide number of attractive destinations discovering the many beauties of the Friesland.

The Dutch railway system works very well and there is  all around the territory a very efficient service in combinations, connections, excellent scheduled times and frequencies of trains from one destination to another and that is certainly a further great aspect obviously to take in high consideration for all those who prefer that kind of transport than a Fly & Drive.

Comfortable accommodations including curious and unusual Hotels which can conquer the taste and an extreme curiosity of the tourist is another considerable feature and a delicious local cuisine is another pleasant surprise with fresh, superb fish and seafood that in that place are among the best of the entire country. 

The History of the town although in the local territory were found artifacts dated the bronze age started with relevance in medieval times concretely in the 12th century when the town of Grayn was inundated and Harlingen obtained an important role to establish a former harbour to replace that centre as local maritime hub.

According to historic documentations that place was also populated in the Middle Ages by some Viking settlers, concretely in 1234 when the Norsemen developed a former small village along that coast of The Netherlands.

In the following centuries  there was an increasing development with and active port which was greatly enlarged and thanks to that started a very intense commercial business at the beginning mainly dedicated to some important expeditions of fish, especially herrings but soon also vegetables and cereals.

A relevant signal of the importance of that centre came in the 17th century when the Friesland Admiralty formerly based in Dokkum since the late 16th century was moved to that port considered for its strategic and geographic position more suitable, operative and appropriate to develop more prosperous traffics.

It was since then that Harlingen became due to those reasons the most dynamic Frisian harbour town and probably reaching its golden ages in that period in which acquired reputation, value and prestige thanks also to clever merchants who contributed to a boom highlighted by a superb commercial activity on large scale with several products added to the previous such as fabric, textiles and potters.

In 1645 that centre began to organise a very important merchant fleet and to lead several relevant naval operations in that Dutch region and furthermore that site was connected to the important town of Leeuwarden by the canal Van Harinxma.

The local history always linked to the destiny of Holland continued with all those successful maritime operations which elevated The Netherlands in a position of high ranking with the notorious monopolies and companies established in the Americas and Asia controlling important markets  until today with a decline during the 2nd World War when the Dutch territories were occupied by German troops but retaking a brilliant rhythm not long time later that historic event.

Nowadays the aspect of the town still reflects its glorious mercantile past visible along the banks of its constantly busy harbour  Noorderhaven and next to it you can admire a series of beautiful Neo-Renaissance and Renaissance buildings erected in periods in which those artistic movements in Holland created important schools conquering the admiration of a multitude of art lovers for those special and defined lines, high shaped facades with a very scenic aesthetic image and use of different materials all harmoniously combined, features very visible in many local constructions.

You can admire other excellent examples around the Stadhuis, the Town Hall, and those two areas highly represent those characterful architectural styles which are certainly a beautiful local highlight giving accent and appeal to a very pleasant urban environment.

 Voorstraat is a very important avenue of Harlingen considered the central axis of the municipality and in its proximity there are the most important  historic monuments. That artery is the lively  heart and beating core of the town and along that street you can find some other fascinating buildings with many houses boasting very distinguished charming lines and decorations.

Those works left by talented architects all around Holland closely related the Flemish School captured the attention of several Kingdoms and Duchies who called those incomparable masters to embellish their cities and towns in many corners of Europe and in Harlingen you will be delighted by stunning clear kinds of those masterpieces.

Captivating gable roofs, ample windows placed on charming wide facade and stylish portals are some of the most significant details of those constructions present in that site and all is very well integrated in the local urban architecture.

Hannemahuis elevated in 18th century is certainly a clear and lively exponent of those enchanting structures , consisting in a splendid big house erected using brick as main material, highlighted by large rectangular windows and fine lines all around the contour of the building. 

Arranged on three story and developed on a large rectangular plan with a charming ample main gable facade all in the layout is i perfect harmony with the architectural elements inserted with extreme criteria also in a section consisting in a flat lateral roof covering part of the house.

That stylish architectural marvel apart its historic value hosts a special local attraction, the Geementemuseum Het Hannemahuis a very interesting exhibition representing the chronological history of the town since its maritime golden ages and main local activities displaying collections of tiles, Chinese porcelain, replicas of boats, ships and typical objects of the province of Friesland as traditional furniture and silverware.

In that museum you can also admire paintings by Nicolaas Baur a prominent artist considered one of the most distinguished painters in the 18th century about seascapes and well known all around the Dutch territory for his incredible talent to immortalise marine subjects, views of cities and towns, sunsets and moonlight something who elevated that man native of Harlingen as an icon considered in addition as one of the best artists in that concrete period.

The versatility of that artist during his life was also highlighted when he started to paint winter scenes with different colours and tonalities of nature and also for that he was declared as one of the most eclectic and complete painters of the entire Nation between the late 18th century and early 19th century.

Baur apart his profession covered the charge of correspondent of the Royal Institute , that Institution predecessor of th Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences founded in 1809. The man died in his beloved Harlingen in 1820 leaving great memories and the town decided to pay homage to that unforgettable local figure with the dedication of that museum.

Along Vorstraat you can also see a statue dedicated to Anton Wachter a character present in several novels written by Simon Vestdijk, a writer, poet and also doctor considered among the most talented novelists of the 20th century and born in that Frisian town which decided to honor that illustrious son of the municipality who often narrated his native Harlingen in his works and that  monument is a tribute to an iconic character that as Baur helped to increase the popularity of that centre in another kind of art as literature.

Stadhuis, the Town Hall is another of the local architectural marvels, a beautiful construction reflecting a sublime representation of the finest Dutch Neo-Renaissance style dating back the 18th century erected by the architect Hendrik Jacobs Norel and ended in 1736.

That outstanding masterpiece consists in big two story building with ample windows on the sides of the facades while in the middle was placed a splendid arched doorway surmounted by a forged iron balcony. In the upper section of the main facade under a typical gable roof was inserted a lunette and you will notice a relief depicting St. Michael the Archangel the Saint Patron of Harlingen.

Very interesting is also to enjoy a walk around that stunning building and Voorstraat where there is an impressive concentration of other charming structures built in different periods, the major part of them dated from the 17th until the 19th century.

What is very impressive as notable detail is that those two centuries of difference of age between those constructions  is an aspect almost irrelevant because all is in perfect harmony, including some are a perfect or almost identical replica of the older and all that is certainly very impressive and captivating with no one detail broke the harmonious aesthetic environment.

The use of identical materials, shapes and outlined  elements loyal to a school which transmitted marked architectural concepts to the successors undoubtedly has left those deep marks generating a very charming local urban image with a total absence of peculiar contrasts with the risk to ruin the setting with something of extremely  bizarre and that aspect is something which delight the visitor in a while.

You can continue to enjoy the visit admiring Groete Kerk the main local Church also called Nieuwe Kerk, the new Church which is also the most relevant local Religious Temple erected in the town. It was totally rebuilt in the 18th century over the foundations of a former Sacred site dated the 12th century and the only section of that older medieval building is the Neo-Gothic bell tower which was totally saved with an integral restoration managed in the 15th century.

That architectural element is certainly the main highlight of the entire complex and it presents as relevant detail a splendid arched wide stained glass window in its inferior section surmounted by a high metallic conical roof. The interior conserves some relevant attractions such as an organ and a pulpit dated 18th century and notable are also ample stained glass windows transmitting a considerable luminosity to the nave and apse.

De Stenen Man located in Westerzeejdijk next to Harlingen dam is another iconic symbol of the town. It is an iron monument erected in 1774 depicting Caspar de Robles son of a Portuguese merchant  and a Spanish woman.

That man was Governor of Friesland during the Dutch War of Independence and in occasion of a terrible inundation which devastated a big area of the province in 1570, the local inhabitants had not money to build a dam system to save the land and they contacted De Robles looking for support.

That character heard the population which was living a very bad time and he ordered to build a barrier consisting in two dikes around the centre. For all that Harlingen paid him a tribute honouring that great helpful attitude towards the community with that symbol representing him in that work you can see nowadays.

Noordhaven is the local Port and Marina of the town and it was developed in the place formerly occupied by the old dock, the site where born all the historic local relevant maritime trade activity and today despite that mutation it continues as in the past to have a very lively and dynamic atmosphere with its busy mercantile activities and much more in its proximity you can find  bars and and shops which form all together a very bustling and animated environment.

The harbour is lined by beautiful Renaissance buildings which give that area a very picturesque aspect and it is also the place in which tourists and locals are mixed walking along a charming maritime promenade.

As important harbour town, Harlingen naturally has its Vuurtoren, the lighthouse which is today an iconic building protagonist since a long time ago when it started to  indicate the routes of the Dutch sailors and navigators sailing and landing along the local banks or in proximity of the coastline and its towering image is a superb highlight.

That emblematic construction was totally restored in a splendid Art Deco style and transformed in a Hotel offering the chances to have a very unusual accommodation. Climbing the steps arranged on three floors the guests can enjoy a beautiful view of the town, the entire harbour and the Frisian Islands.That is certainly a great attraction in its kind and not just for ordinary curious people but for tourists and and professionals of  Hotel & Hospitality Industry who can admire a special and rare accommodation greatly arranged with many comforts.

If the Lighthouse is a curious accommodation that Dutch town has another one probably much more unusual and it is  the Harlingen Crane Harbour Hotel. Well known all around the country but with a fame which also captured the attention of many people worldwide it is definitely one of the main local highlights and unique attraction in its kind.

Developed in a crane of the 60s used in the past to support the expeditions of the mercantile boats with destination the Baltic Sea and Scandinavian countries, that operation to convert that industrial crane was managed between  2001 and 2003 with extreme success.

Located on the dock it was transformed in a very functional and comfortable Hotel certainly for many people strange, singular and for many also pretty bizarre but at the same time ingenious. All that you can see nowadays was an idea by Willem Dookstra and his wife Carla who decided to use that mean dedicated to the charge of different materials in a luxury accommodation and including the old ladders were converted in modern lifts.

The room is equipped with the most modern design providing stylish decorations including furnished by the latest audio & video technologies and a cabin shower completing that unusual Hotel with also an internal lift delivering the breakfast.

Accessible by a steel ladder but also by a lift, another highlight is that the crane is still working and it can rotate at 360 degree giving the great chance to admire unique panoramic views. It is really curious and impressive to see an accommodation with those features and that kind of hospitality representation for many people is a very astonishing surprise.

Both they became further attractions in that harbour town for a stay or also for a visit. The curiosity and the desire to see and admire something special in that case linked to the Tourism Industry in  structures suitable to offer overnights are always something very interesting to discover and appreciate the creativity of who invented all that.

A historic detail related to Harlingen is also the immigration of the local community had in different periods when some natives left the town to look for and find a better life on the other side of the Ocean and especially in America.

As you know many Dutch people settled in U.S.A and New York was one of the first destinations when several colonies coming from The Netherlands who started to settle the territories along the bay of the River Hudson. Some others including inhabitants of that town also reaches other places of the Unites States of America among them Texas where there is an American town called Harlingen founded by settlers coming from that harbour town of West Frisian.

Local cuisine is another aspect delighting the visitor in Harlingen and it  reflects the local seafaring spirit and soul but you can taste many other typical Dutch specialities in a culinary panorama pretty rich and varied. A special mention deserve the exquisite herrings considered among the best in the world and also cod has a very considerable reputation prepared in different styles. Mussels and prawns are always fresh and they are extremely appreciated for their very special taste.

Very traditional are the Metworst and the Rookworst famed local sausages cooked in different styles such as grilled, boiled or baked and also accompanied by the Stamppot, a dish consisting in mashed potatoes with vegetables and bacon.The Hutspot is another popular plate made by mashed potatoes combined with carrots and garlic often accompanied by beef and pork meats but it can be combined with the mentioned Rookworst.

In addition the cheese is another product of high quality in Holland and you will find excellent types in that region too. In Holland you can find superb beers, the country is an important producer of famous brands with a remarkable International reputation and you can find a vast choice  mainly lager beers also produced in in that Region.

Visiting Harlingen is like a pleasant walk in the Dutch and Frisian culture and history. That corner of The Netherlands offers a multitude of very interesting things to do, highlighted by its artistic and historic attractions and it is also relevant to discover the hard work of that people to save the land under the level of the sea highlighted by a secular struggle and all what they developed creating a relevant historical patrimony with all their efforts taking land from the North Sea.

The locals are very kind and lovely and in addition there is always all around a very relaxing atmosphere which is another very positive incentive during a stay. 

If you are planning a tour, holidays or you are in Holland in another town or city, Harlingen is very suggested to insert in an itinerary as stop and stage during your tailor made route in a fantastic Fly& Drive.I added some links below they could be useful for your pleasurable holidays in Holland if you have some future plans to visit that marvellous country.

Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is situated just 123,0 kilometres south of that town and from that city  by E22 motorway via Purmerend in about one hour and some minutes in normal conditions of traffic you will be at destination.(I wrote a post about that city in the case you are interested)

Simply the view of the enchanting Frisian islands and a visit in the centre of that town will capture your attention at first sight, the special atmosphere you will breathe all around that dynamic and attractive harbour town is another detail which will delight you enjoying a very pleasant and captivating place in that attractive country called Holland which always has something of beautiful to offer surprising you.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Harlingen

Hotel Holland Zeezicht
Hotel Anna Casparii
Hotel & Restaurant Vof´T Hereenlogement
Hotel Centraal
Harlingen Harbour Crane Hotel 

Recommended Restaurants in Harlingen

Restaurant De Tijoter
Restaurant Vof´T Herenlogement

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