Garmisch-Partenkirchen-Germany | Charming Empress of the Bavarian Alps.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a superb resort of Germany,the charming Empress of the Bavarian Alps a place which conquers every visitor for its outstanding beauty in a combination of of history and nature highlighted by fascinating Alpine landscapes.

Situated at 89,0 kilometres  from the splendid Munich and just 64,0 kilometres north from the Capital of Tirol the splendid Innsbruck that German town is  a prestigious and distinguished destination,ideal choice and destination for all people who wants to enjoy splendid holidays all year.

Thanks to the several facilities and a wonderful organisation in terms of transport and communications the Bavarian Incoming Tourism Industry has created around that place a formidable network of facilities and structures able to respond to the all most diversified enquiries with extreme success and also for all that 
 is always great to plan to visit a place which has all to offer a visitor.

Formed by two old former towns such as Garmisch and Partenkirchen and on the shores of two rivers called Partnach and the Loisach two waterways which cross during their course two lands as Germany as Nation so proud to have such outstanding resort in its territory and Bavaria one of the German Bund (state) which reached thanks the prestige of such stunning resort fame and notoriety worldwide thanks to its beauty but also to be a paradise for skiing and winter sports lovers and furthermore with a a relevant cultural patrimony.

Garmisch -Partenkirchen with its approximately 27,000 official inhabitants born from the union of those mentioned municipalities in the year 1935 just one year later of that "marriage"and in the year 1936 it was already a very appreciated destination  thanks to its impressive development and with a great capacity to provide since those times outstanding services in terms of hospitality over the media.

For its great position at the foot of the charming silhouette of the Zugspitze a peak which is one of the local landmarks the current town was since that mentioned period  a resort with special features very suitable to organise sporting events in a local territory which permits between 800,0 metres and 2963 metres of altitude several chances to host different competitions and also for all that it was selected as place for to celebrate the Winter Olympic Games.

The town was named as seat for of such important appointment which takes place every four years and including it was also the candidate to celebrate also another edition that one of the year 1940 but the sad event related to the 2nd World War caused that the games did not take place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

With a relevant and indisputable international prestige and a constant presence in the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup apart the mentioned Olympic Games performed in the 30s that resort was also the place in which were celebrated the Alpine Ski Worldchampionship in the editions corresponding to thee years 1978 and 2011.

In addition to all that the German resort was also candidate and finalist with the city of Munich in cooperation with the towns of Königsee and Schonau to host the 2018 Winter Olympic Games which will celebrated in South Korea.

The splendid aspect of that charming resort of Germany is that a tourist can find an ample offer of Incoming services,a wide selection of accommodations such as Hotels,Apart hotels,Apartments forming a formidable network always ready to satisfy a big variety of requests providing the maximum comfort.

Another remarkable highlight is its Information centre which offers all the most detailed needs for tourists and skiers always at the top of the highest efficiency.In winter for who loves skiing there is always a notable support to the visitors in terms of information regarding tracks and climatic conditions while in spring,summer and early autumn all people who is fond  about trekking,hiking,climbing can receive by that local Institution all kind of tips in a very professional way about all  the several captivating excursions in the immediate surroundings.

The local Operators are always very kind and they know how to treat a tourist and also thanks to all that for many people Garmisch-Partenkirchen is so special and a destination among the most loved in that corner in the heart of the German Alps.

The local transports work very well with a network of buses extremely efficient and the visitors coming by car can find at their arrival  big areas of parking and once there every tourist can enjoy a great variety of excellent restaurants offering several chances to taste the best local cuisine.

A lively nightlife with a relevant presence of bars and traditional taverns present in different corners of the town are together another further attraction permitting to spend pleasant evenings and nights.
The history of that Bavarian town was born by those two former villages previously mentioned which lived separated since the 20th century keeping despite the new eras their own identity and image in an union which linked them in an unique municipality with different historical steps and development.

Partenkirchen  is historically the place in which since the Roman colonisation times was concentrated the political and social life,trade activities and a relevant cross point of culture.

That ancient Roman settlement which was called in Latin denomination Partanum was found in the 15th century B.C and from that name derives one part of the current German name (Parten) while the other word Kirchen which means Churches was added after the construction of religious buildings erected in its boundaries.

The current resort was in those times a very important centre developed along the Via Claudia a long Imperial road which linked Bavaria to the Adriatic and in particular to the cities of Augusta Vindelicorum the current Augsburg to the area of Venice exactly to Portus Clodia (Portus of Claudia)  the current town of Chioggia and linked to that centre of Veneto the name Via Claudia.

The section of that ancient road corresponds today to the current street Ludwigstrasse which is one of the most relevant and important local axis of transit and relevant point of communication inside the territory of the municipality.

That long artery was also a very strategic point of extreme relevant  later during the development of the Roman Empire which started to connect the Bavarian and Tirol Alps incorporating the local territory in the region of Noricum which extended its influence from the German Danube valley to Hungary.

The ancient Garmisch was originally a rural area and its inhabitants were mainly farmers dedicated to pastures and its name derives from Germenskau which means land of Germans due the presence of German Teutonic tribes settled in a western corner of the current municipality.

In medieval era those two settlements were several times attacked and invaded and for a long period both were under Frank rule also with the next Carolingian dynasty which governed the Bavarian territory.

In the middle ages and concretely in the 14th century Partenkirchen was declared a market town for its important past related to intense trade activities while Garmisch continued to be a centre mainly devoted to agriculture and farms.

Despite that both reached their golden ages in a different reality,the first thanks to a notable and lively commerce constantly developed year by year while the second was a centre very productive generating a notable prosperity.

Different causes at the end of the Medieval era marked a decline with that notorious historic event linked to the discover of America and much more when the Republic of Venice who established important links with the Bavarian land started to loose importance due those new discovered routes crossing the Ocean.

Plagues and the difficult to create other alternative markets of relevant value were also the signals of a gray period of those two centres which never came back to the golden ages of their past.

The following centuries with the famous period related to the unification of the lands of the Dukes and the Constitution of Bavaria gave the land a new renaissance and prosperity with artistic movements and new developments in terms of local commerce although other invasions and the continuous disputes between Austrian and Bavarian Houses created several problems and troubles with a lack of a stable political stability.

The 19th century was a relevant period well known for the Unification of Germany when the Canceller Otto Von Bismarck was able to unify all the states of the current German territory.That operation was mainly created with a strategy generating the intention to exclude from a geographic sphere of influence a secular enemy ; Austria and its powerful Empire.

The revolution dating back the year 1918 and the change from Monarchy to Republic is also part of the modern history with the creation of the Bundesrepublik of Deutschland the German Republic of which also Garmisch and Partenkirchen became part.
The unification of those two towns as mentioned at the beginning of the post took place in the year 1935 during Adolf Hitler rule in occasion to prepare the Winter Olympic Games celebrated one year later.

Historically that event was not accepted with pleasure by Partenkirchen which was for historic relevance and for many centuries more important than its "sister" and in occasion of that important event the place was mainly named with the name Garmisch while Partenkirchen was not often mentioned or by someone frequently ignored.

Garmisch and Partenkirchen are really different and you will note all that during a visit.Partenkirchen kept its medieval image with a charming aspect of captivating old town with its emblematic and historic artery consisting in Ludwigstrasse and a well preserved historical centre in which where developed important streets such as  Badgasse, Badgasse,Hinderburgstrasse, Ballengasse,Sonnebergstrasse and Faukenstrasse. 

Including all the area in proximity of Hauptstrasse and a limit in correspondence of Banhofstrasse the long avenue leading to the railway Station in direction to the Garmisch Olympias Stadium are also part of that wealthy old centre which was developed centuries ago reaching levels of extreme importance.

Strolling those streets you will notice a charming succession of old splendid buildings,traditional picturesque and coloured Bavarian houses erected in traditional architectonic style captivating cobblestone streets and alleys with cosy old Gasthauser and traditional taverns.

Garmisch is another reality and you can breathe there a more than contemporary atmosphere with the presence of many modern restaurants and buildings.All the area around Kupark one of the large green lung of the municipality.

The walk from Olympiastrasse to Richard Strauss Platz or another one starting from Am Kupark and leading to Promenadestrasse reflects a very contemporary image although there you can find the Alte Kirche (the Old Church).

The same happens strolling the streets around the square Marienplatz and the nearest Klammstrasse all there is pretty modern and with nothing in common with the old Partenkirchen.

All there was prepared to receive the big flows of tourism coming to the resort with the establishment of several fast foods,restaurants and bars permitting before or after a meal to go immediately to enjoy the slopes of the charming empress of the Bavarian Alps.

Garmisch is also the place of a vibrant nightlife and in which people often goes to bed late while Partenkirchen has kept its aspect and soul in a very traditional way close to its old noble past,more peaceful and relaxing and in many of its corners that nostalgic and charming atmosphere of centuries ago.

Garmisch -Partenkirchen is that,two realities,two identities in one municipality after that unification in the 30s,they were different centuries ago and they continue to be that also in the 21th century.

The town is highly interesting thanks a a rich and notable historic patrimony offering a wide range of artistic monuments,beautiful old Churches and captivating buildings erected in different periods.

You can start the visit from one of its iconic sites in the central and charming square Marienplatz in which you can admire Sankt Peter Kirche a splendid Baroque Church built in the 18th century by the architect Josef Schmutzer.

That Religious construction dedicated to St.Peter and developed on a long rectangular plan shows a sober aspect with its light walls and a gable red roof developed over the central body.On its sides you will notice a splendid presence of a succession of high stained glass windows curved on the top very typical in several examples of Sacred temples in Southern Germany and Austria.

One of the main architectonic highlights is certainly its magnificent high bell tower developed with a stylish belfry covered by a captivating onion dome highlighted by a beautiful and scenic pinnacle of clear Byzantine architectonic inspiration.

Inside you can admire some relevant frescoes by Matthaus Günther and a series of statues of Saints made by a Bavarian sculptor called Anton Sturm.Splendid is the apse section with a stupendous Baroque altarpiece rich in decorations and arranged beneath a dome with frescoes well combined and in perfect harmony with the splendid nave and all the statues placed on its sides.

Not far in Promenadestrasse in the  neighbourhood of Loisach which takes its name by one of the rivers crossing the resort you can visit another important Religious Temple the Alte Kirche the Old Church probably built in the 8th century and several times restored during the course of its history.

The architectonic design of that construction erected on a rectangular plan consists in two naves and one of its highlights you can appreciate is definitely its magnificent complex of Gothic vaults among the most beautiful in the entire Bavaria and developed in the 16th century.

That Church had a deep restoration and it also boasts a beautiful altarpiece in Baroque style and stupendous stained glass windows.Other relevant works are a statue of St.Christopher and some magnificent frescoes dating back the 15th and 16th century.

In proximity of the famous and lively Ludwigstrasse and pretty close to the Rathaus (the Town Hall ) you can admire a beautiful example of Neo Gothic architecture.It is Maria Himmelfahrt Kirche a Church dedicated to the Virgin of the Assumption.

The construction of that Sacred building is pretty modern and it was consecrated in the 19th century by the Archbishop of Munich.That Sacred Christian Temple despite is pretty young is anyway an impressive revival of the typical German and Bavarian Gothic architecture showing a perfect symmetry of its elements with three ample nave and a very high polygonal bell tower surmounted by a copper roof topped by a pinnacle.

That kind of structures are a kind of perfect replica remembering a historic period in which there was in Germany a renaissance of the old Gothic Medieval architectonic canons in many centres of Germany,some of them combined or replacing the most common Baroque style in vogue in those times.

Walking along Schnitzschulstrasse you can see the building hosting the famous Richard Strauss Institute which honours with its name the prominent and famous composer.That Institution is dedicated to that iconic figure who with his music and outstanding works conquered so many people and he decided to buy a villa in the resort in the year 1908 place in which he died in 1949.

The artist native of Munich loved so much Garmisch-Partenkirchen and that site is the right and perfect place to discover something more about that emblematic figure visiting an exhibition which displays all the chronological life of that great German master with a collection of documents,recordings and memories.

The Institute furthermore is also very active organising several events,temporary exhibitions,meetings and it a mandatory to take a look to that site simply because it is strongly linked and related to one of the most iconic artistic characters of Germany considered one of the most talented musicians in his times.

In he town was also born another artist called Michael Andreas Helmut Ende a prominent writer internationally known and protagonist of several notable works among them Die Unedliche Geschichte,the Never ending Story and in his honour the town decided to establish a Museum located in Fürstenstrasse.

Another exhibition which worth  a visit is the Museum Aschennbrenner situated in Loisachstrasse which displays a very interesting collections of pottery,porcelain,some dolls and other items as splendid Christmas Cribs.

Fifteen minutes approximately walking from Partenkirchen,you can visit the Baroque St.Anton Kirche.It is a splendid sanctuary dedicated to St.Anthony located next to a picturesque path surrounded by a small captivating Alpine forest.

The main highlight of that charming Religious Temple is its splendid dark onion dome which surmounts two polygonal elements forming a beautiful bell tower.Inside you can admire beautiful frescoes by Johann Holzer who also embellished in the 18th century the dome of that Religious building.

The Partnachklamm is another must when you are visiting Garmisch-Partenkirchen.To reach that special place you can walk until the Olympiastadion or much better reaching the Forsthaus Graseck Gasthaus.

From that point taking a path carved in the rock approximately 750/800 metres long you will have the chance to admire one of the most spectacular gorges of Bavaria and Europe which inspired the writer Michael Andreas Helmut Ende with its famous work Die Unendliche Geschichte The Never ending Story previously mentioned before.

That superb gorge is formed by the river Partnach which with its waters fall between two giant rocky walls making that magnificent masterpiece of nature.

There is a notable difference scene between summer and winter visiting such place so why not to visit Garmisch-Partenkirchen in those two different seasons could be a great idea to see  two very different images of that wonderful natural site of the resort in both periods.

In summer you can enjoy a wonderful view of a  cascade flowing in the gorge with stupendous reflections of the sun lights on the water while in winter is equally beautiful and charming to admire the spectacular icicles and formation of ice on the rocks of that stupendous site.

That place is considered a great attraction and it is generally very visited by a multitude of people so sometimes it is possible to wait for in a queue before to have access to that unforgettable natural masterpiece.

The Zugspitze is the giant overlooking Garmisch-Partenkirken,a majestic peak which protects and dominates the town situated at approximately 12,0 kilometres from the centre.

About that emblematic local symbol worth to be mentioned the presence of a spectacular track railway linking that summit from the Austrian side,an ingenious work which links two countries separated by the Alps on one side the Austrian Tirol and on the other one the German Bavaria.

On the summit of that splendid mount which shows a very attractive silhouette from every perspective you can see a symbol of Christianity consisting in  Chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary called Maria Heimsuchung blessed by the Pope Karol Woytila John Paul II and sanctified by Pope Benedictus XVI Josef Ratzinger when he was Cardinal of Bavaria.

A beautiful excursion to breathe the real and magic Alpine atmosphere around the town is a very suggested visit to the Eibsee a magnificent waters basin situated at about 1,000,0 metres of altitude.That lake is dominated by the Zugspitze and apart its unforgettable natural scenery it is also a great oasis of peace,a place simply unforgettable.

Surrounded by green forests all the area surrounding that picturesque lake is also the right place if you are a trekking lover with the superb chance to enjoy long walks discovering the beauty of the local mountains.

From that idyllic place also starts a very lovely path leading to that iconic mountain (The Zugspitze).That trail is undoubtedly one of the best highlights to admire unforgettable panoramic views over the Empress of the Bavarian Alps part of the best memories and images to take home and immortalise in your best trip albums.

That walk is definitely a must and in about two hours and half along that spectacular trail once reached the summit will be an experience to remember for ever.

Another very recommended excursion to admire that magnificent mountain from another perspective and to enjoy another fairytale place is reaching Konighaus am Schachnen consisting in a manor which was the residence of Ludwig II of Bavaria,a marvellous and scenic Royal House erected in the second half of the 19th century.

That charming and captivating building  is located approximately 11,0 kilometres south of the town and that King used that place as residence and hunting lodge during his pleasant stays in the Bavarian Alps.

The beauty of the historic value of that construction is furthermore highlighted by the splendid views on the Alps and the superb Alpine Garden situated beneath that splendid building boasting a rich flora which conquers every visitor.

If you are fond about history and you want to know more about Bavaria and something linked to its hidden treasures a short distance from the town in direction Farchant you can visit the ruins of Wenderfels Schloss a castle which was built between the 12th and 13th century and used for important political operations of Bavaria until the 17th century.

That fortress according some information was abandoned for mysterious reasons related to ghosts,strange episodes and it fell in ruins.Many stones and materials of that fortress were transported to Garmisch-Partenkirchen to build St.Peter Kirche and also to Farchand to develop the local Parish Church of that small town which is situated just 5,0 kilometres away.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen is considered the Top in Bavaria about Alpine Ski and all what is related to Winter sports offering approximately 110,0 kilometres of Alpine Ski slopes and in addition 30,0 kilometres for all people fond about Nordic Ski  with trhe brilliant chance to enjoy Ski Cross Country at a very high level.

The famous downhill track is one of the most spectacular highlights in the International panorama with its about 5,0 kilometres of longitude.Considered one of the symbols of the resort,it was awarded since long time ago by many experts as one of the most challenging in the World.

Very technique and in some point very thrilling for its several changes of gradient and spectacular curves,the iconic Kandahar starts at 1690,0 metres of altitude and the Ziel the finish is at 770,0 metres of altitude with a maximum grade of over the 90% something absolutely unique in its kind.

That emblematic site is part of the legend of Alpine Ski and it was designed in the year 1935 in occasion of the Winter Olympic Games which took place one year later.Some sections have picturesque and peculiar names or better for someone a little be intimidating.

Hollentor is one of them which translated means the Hell Door a superb challenging curve with high coefficient of risks for every skier,very steep reachable at a very high speed while the Holle which meaning Hell is a formidable steep icy stretch with impressive gradients.

The famous Himmelreich for who knows Garmisch-Partenkirchen or simply for who knows and speaks German language is the translation of Kingdom of the sky consisting in a incredible jump placed after two consecutive curves in which the athletes change rhythm in two occasions during the race before that drop in the sky.

Another section is the famous Freie Fall (the Free Fall) with a superb high wall reaching the maximum slope around the 92%,absolute record with regard to a downhill in the Fis World Cup.

The local tracks are also famous to have every time a fresh very cared snow,they are are always in excellent conditions and the resort provides 20 ski lifts consisting in cable car,standard ski lifts and chairlifts all them permit a very easy access to all the most important tracks in a very short time.

 Along the Alpine Ski tracks network you can find black,red and blue slopes,all that means an open opportunity to ski at every level,ideal places for beginners but also for intermediate and experienced skiers.

Approximately  9,5 kilometres of slopes are indicated as Black Slopes with high coefficient of difficulty and obviously suitable for professional, semi professional and masters.

The red slopes for skiers with an intermediate level of experience are developed on a surface of about 25,0 kilometres while all the beginners can enjoy approximately 7,5 kilometres of easy blue slopes excellent to learn step by step before to move to the reds.

The group of tracks consists in a large network called Alpenspitze reaching an altitude of 2,629,0 metres, Kreuzeck and Hausberg.Those three special areas are prepared for all people.Hausberg is a large space in which there are easier tracks,the gradient is not excessive and it is particularly indicated and suggested for who wants to learn to ski,for children and families.

Alpenspitze is a mosaic of everything,Originally oriented for intermediate skiers it also has some challenging tracks and some spaces ideal for "advanced beginners" while Kreuzeck is the right place for athletes and skiers with a high level of preparation and very skilled and that area is that one on which takes place the competition linked to  the Fis World Cup.

Snowboard and freestyle are also other trendy activities which find a very relevant place in that resort thanks to excellent wide spaces with ideal slopes to  practise those trendy and spectacular specialities. 

Thanks to that the great winter sport tradition that prestigious Bavarian resort is also famous to be the birthplace and land in which started their careers celebrated champions such as the family Neurheuter with Christian and the son Felix,the mum Rosi Mittermaier, the sisters Susanne and Maria Hiersch and also Armin Bittner an excellent specialist of special slalom in the 80s and beginning of the 90s.

Naturally the presence of such ski stars helped furthermore to develop the fame of  Garmisch-Partenkirchen also in terms of development of Ski Schools (there are many) and relevant spots performed by those acclaimed and distinguished champions to promote that resort as holiday destination.

The Bavarian resort despite to be the symbol of Alpine Ski in Germany is also a famed stage of Nordic Ski and every year it is and constant appointment of the World Cup Jump Ski inside the World Circuit of the Viertzchanzetournee.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen also has a very relevant local tradition about other Nordic Ski specialities and it is the birthplace of two stars of Biathlon such as Magdalena Neuer and Miriam Grossner.

Furthermore very populat is also one of the trendy Olympic sports launched in the year 2006 in occasion of the edition of Sestriere -Turin 2006 (I wrote a post about that Italian resort in the case you are interested) the Curling.That sport has a considerable relevance there with an excellent school and champions of International fame such as Andrea Schöpp and Monika Wagner.

Winter is definitely the season of the great appointments with the Fis Alpine Ski World Cup and the glorious Ski Jump competition.

Although the local Ice Hockey Club is not actually at the same level of its glorious past has an important tradition with a Sporting Institution which won many titles and it has several fans and supporters.

 In a place as that charming Empress of the Bavarian Alps a visitor can also enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities consisting in trekking,climbing and including the opportunity to practise rowing and kayak on the nearest rivers and furthermore a cycling and mountain bike paradise with a multitude of kilometres along challenging road and spectacular dirt trails.

The Alpental Golf Klub in the Edelweiss Lodge and Resorts also it is a great chance to practise Golf in a fascinating green wide space facing the Alps with magnificent view of the Zugspitze and it is a great incentive apart the high ranking and superb organisation of that Golf Course to enjoy playing an unforgettable scenery enjoying that activity surrounded by majestic towering peaks.

Many cultural events are also protagonists in Garmisch-Partenkirchen as the Garmisch- Partenkinchen Festival celebrated in July and August while Summer of Culture takes place in August.

 June is the month dedicated to the figure of Richard Strauss the famous musician and the town organises in his honour a special Festival with his name.July is highlighted by BMW Motorrad Days a special meeting calling motorcyclists from all around Europe with a participation of over 30.000 people and that event offers the chance to enjoy music shows and brilliant performances by singers and artists of relevant fame.

That Alpine Bavarian town is also notorious for other aspects.It hosts important Institutions such as the George Marshall European Centre founded in the year 1993 flanked by the Edelweiss Lodge and Resorts which houses the American Forces Recreation Centre.

A further highlight linked to science and medicine is the presence of the prestigious German Centre of Rheumatology for Adolescent considered one of the most important Medical Centre specialised in the scientific research and an analysis in the world about Rheumatic studies.

If you want to enjoy something alternative in the town there is also a Casino very famous in all Germany and with a relevant reputation at intercontinental level.

Local Gastronomy is also protagonist offering an ample variety of delicious recipes.Notable is a wide variety of meat stews and  the presence of the famous Wursteln a product often combined in different plates.
Those kind of local sausages are cooked in many styles,grilled,boiled,baked accompanied by sauerkraut,potatoes and also present in sandwiches.

You can try the delectable  Rindfleisch a sort of roasted beef served with vegetable and  Kartoffeln (roast potatoes) while the popualr Schweinebraten mit Spätzle is another highlight consisting in a very tastefully roast pork served with a kind of Gnocchi (the Spätzle) carrot,potatoes with all that combined with a gravy sauce.

Very typical are also the Leberkndel a kind of dumplings prepared in soups or accompanying other kind of plates.They are pretty similar to the traditional Knodeln so famous in Austria and South Tirol too

.Also fish occupies an important place on the Bavarian tables and very popular is the Fischwurst a kind of Roller Bleak served with potatoes.

Another plate worth to be mentioned is the Lechtalforelle consisting in delicious baked trout generally served with salads,vegetables or boiled potatoes,

Bakery,cakes and desserts are also great protagonists in local culinary panorama,you can try the excellent Bayerische Creme and the local Apfelstrudel that one very appreciated worldwide and in addition to those two famed recipes there is an endless list of other succulent pastry specialities.

About drinks you can find in that German land a traditional product called Glühwein which is similar to a Vin Brulée or a Mulled Wine and also excellent fine wines as Silvaner,Riesling and Müller Thurgau apart the famous Lindauer Obstbrandweinen which are fruit liquors.

Bavaria has a wide and superb variety of Beers,it is enough to mention the city of Munich which celebrates every year the famed Oktoberfest,the most important Beer Festival in the World.

Garmisch-Parterkirchen is a splendid Eden offering the chance to spend enjoyable holidays and tourism all year skiing,winter Sports but also so many things to do as cultural Tourism with the chance to visit the beautiful Munich so close and other stunning corners all around Bavaria.The nearest magnificent Austria and Tirol with their rich history are obviously a further incentive to chose that resort as favourite destination.

You can reach the resort from two different Airports.Flughafen Mûnchen Franz Josef Strauss the Airport of Munich is situated at just 126,0 kilometres of distance and in approximately 1 hour and half driving in normal conditions of traffic you will reach Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

A second brilliant option is definitely landing on Innsbruck Kranebittewn Flughhafen the International Airport of Innsbruck which is situated just 58,0 km away and from there in about 50 minutes driving you will be at destination.

That charming and attractive Empress of the Bavarian Alps offers a multitude of choices,combinations and activities every month during all year in which the tourist can find there an endless list of chances and opportunities,including the organisation of tailor made tours exploring a land so rich of attractions including gastronomic routes.

Definitely Garmisch-Partenkirchen which is unique charm unique in its kind is a must if you are planning your  holidays visiting that magnificent corner of Germany and the charming Empress  of the Bavarian Alps is of course there ready 365 days a year to welcome you.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Quality Hotel Koenigshof
Hotel Rheinischer Hof
Hotel & Gashof Schatten
Hotel Zugspitze
Hotel Edelweiss
Hotel Trifthof
Hotel Hilleprandt

 Recommended Restaurants in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Restaurant Braustuberl
Restaurant Koch´s
Restaurant Akrams
Restaurant Flosserstube
Restaurant Zum Wildschutz
Restaurant La Baita

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