Zamárdi-Hungary | Lake Balaton Marvels Between Enotourism and History.

 Zamárdi is a very pleasant centre of Hungary on the shore of Lake Balaton, a stupendous attraction in the heart of Europe packed by natural marvels with a lot to offer between enotourism and history, the first topic is a niche of tourism sometimes underrated in a land which offers a wide range of fine and selected wines of high quality with a secular tradition while about the  second aspect it boasts a great historic patrimony all around its boundaries, two features which next to many others things to do make that place a very special and complete destination.
Located in the county of Somogy immediately after the famous Siofok one of the most famed resorts situated just 10,0 kilometres west, the beauty of Zámardi is undoubtedly its great position facing the magnificent Tihany Peninsula and Balatonfüred another prestigious site.

That waters basin one of the most beautiful lakes existing in Eastern Europe  situated in the western territory of Hungary at 103,0 kilometres south-west of the marvellous capital Budapest,a notorious premier destination and next to that beautiful city it is one of the major attractions of the entire country.

 That wonder of clear and calm waters is approximately 80,0 kilometres long and about 13,5 kilometres wide it  is the largest waters basin in the Transdanubian region and in central Europe and its formation is generated by the Zala river providing the largest inflow of water while the canalised Sió, an artificial channel is the only outflow flowing out  in its southern bank.

The Balaton sinc the times of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire when the Hapsburg House members often visited became a very famed and acclaimed climatic Eden entering in the preferences of several aristocracts and also that detail elevated its popularity inside the most relevant tourism Elite.

The lake has a very particular formation, the northern shore is hilly,  a paradise for the cultivation of vineyards which find in that specific environment a very appropriate setting thanks to a very favourable micro climate generated by the meeting of breezes coming from east  and those of the Bakony hills while the southern side is pretty flat and mainly devoted to waters sports and well known in addition for its vibrant nightlife. 

An important aspect related to the climatic conditions are its temperatures it is it is never too cold and neither too hot, in summer they are excellent around an average media of 23º / 24º degrees while during the the media  is 10º/11º degrees and  only between December and January there are some days with a maximum of - 1º or  -2º degrees. All  that naturally permits apart the presence of those iconic vines cultivations to enjoy tourism for many months during a year for the joy of many visitors.

Since a long time ago  it is a beloved climatic destination for the total absence of pollution,  comfortable Hotels to spend pleasant holidays, very appreciated for its beaches and with a wide selection of chances to practise water sports just like a seaside resorts or other famous lakes such as Garda, Como,  Leman, Lugano, and Maggiore among others.
The first historic denomination of the lake was Illryan when that ancient population called it Pelso  meaning sinkhole, a name used later by the Romans who called it Lacus Pelso or Lacus Pelsodis in Latin language.

According to those denominations used during the times of the Imperial Rome the meaning is different and it is  flat lake. The first word means lake while the second "Pelso" or also Pelsodis" was probably linked to a plain in the Pannonia, that vast region covering a wide flat territory between  Hungary and Croatia.

 The current word Balaton derives from the meeting of the Magyars, the ancestral fathers of the current Hungarian people with Slavic populations settled there.  

The first listening those settlers who spoke a different language calling continuously the lake Blatna or Velika Blatna absorbed that linguistic influence changing it in their linguistic form. Those words mean muddy or large mud in the second case and in that period the lake had not yet received drainage. Afterwards it was also called by the locals  Magyar Tenger which means Hungarian Sea.

On both coasts there are captivating resorts ,during some visits to the Balaton among them an Educational apart the most important resorts I discovered the beauty and the many options that Zamárdi offers and it was a very pleasant surprise because  it offers apart the fascination of its territorial environment many chances of a complete tourism.

The town has a very lovely aspect with a great historic patrimony in its boundariesa charming Baroque Church,very interesting museums and monuments, naturally the attractive shore of Lake Balaton showing all its marvels and splendid natural corners including with the presence of a notable fauna.

A pleasant beach with opportunities to enjoy water sports, a delectable local gastronomy, the great chance of tasting wines, a vast range of radial excursions visiting several sites of notable interest in its immediate vicinity,  excellent communications, good services and facilities such as fine restaurants, bars, transport and navigation are other great features to take in high consideration.

Historically all the area including the current town  was inhabited since prehistoric times and in the municipal boundaries were found rests and objects dated the Iron Age. The following local chronological stages are parallel to the rest of Hungary with a long history to narrate.

Explored and peraphs settled for a period with provisional camps by Ilyrians tribes Zamárdi  was an important and relevant site during the times of the Roman Empire which during the campaign of colonisation assimilated local Celtic populations who mainly lived of pasture and agriculture establishing in that central area of the European continent a vast region called Noricum.

After the fall of the Imperial Rome flocked the invasions from East and North in a land easy reachable due its flat territory. Huns, Ostrogoth, Lombard ,Gepids,Slavic , Avars, Franks, Magyars and Ottomans, a very long list of invaders in different historic periods settled there.

Linked to the occupation of the Avars some very interesting discoveries consisting in  several traces found in different corners of the municipality  determined they built a former centre pretty organised.

All that is  a bit unusual because those settlers were mainly devoted to raids and a nomadic life but the finding of a wide cemetery, the bigger discovered in the entire Hungary certifies the presence of an official settlement next to a large number of findings consisting in different kinds of items, objects,utensils and tools.

That population coming from East occupied a big area of the Danube Valley and in the Balkans and despite pretty belligerent and fierce were easily defeated by the Franks who had an army much more organised and they incorporated those lands in the Holy Roman Empire.

After a total destruction of the former town in the 11th century due to other invasions, in the same late century after a fast renaissance and reconstruction, the former town   appeared in the official maps of several Kingdoms, Duchies and Counties in 1082 with the denomination Egyázaszamárd.

In medieval times that centre had a very slow reconstruction and development and it was totally devastated in a second occasion  during the Ottoman occupation in the 16th century and due to that second tragic event disappeared relevant Roman constructions and other historic buildings.

Afterwards the Hapsburg House integrated the town in the vast Austrian-Hungarian Empire since 1697  with the declaration of independence of Hungary in 1848 but remaining in the sphere of the Imperial domains of Vienna which gave major autonomy in 1867. 

The tourism started to be  developed in the early 20th century despite the Balaton was a very special and favourite destination thanks to Spa and thermal baths, activitiies in which that Nation boasts a long and great tradition.(I wrote a post about Budapest in the case you are interested to know a little bit the history about that)

The fall and dissolution of that Empire after the 1st World War  followed the history of the entire land. Before the 2nd World War along the coasts of the Balaton there was a pretty active tourism,mainly national but also with many Austrian people who knew very well the area returning there very often.

After that historical event the town had a mutuation  in its former name and it was called Ballatonzámardi changed in the course of the War in a simple and current Zamárdi when the country entered in the Soviet sphere.

The fame and prestige of Balaton Lake and Zámardi in that new era after some years pretty gray started to have positive signals at the end of the 50's and much more in the 60's despite Hungary signed the Pact of Warsaw in 1955 as part of that emergent former Eastern European bloc which gave origin to the infamous Cold War.

The short distance from the capital Budapest supported the incoming tourism towards the Balaton visited by many tourists from the former adherent countries of that Socialist alliance and particularly loved by several visitors coming from the DDR the former Republic Democratic of Germany in those times led by Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker later.

The Hungarian capital in that period was one of the favourite destinations in that disappeared Marxist-Leninist European environment with the Hungarian Capital often protagonist in those notorious cultural interchanges among those Nations with the creation of sort of packages which promoted holidays extensions towards the Balaton mamanged by the former Socialist Hungarian Party.

Some years later at the end of the 70's there was a  significant flow of western tourists who started to frequent the beautiful coasts of that lake.They were mainly Germans from the BRD the former West Federal Republic of Germany , French and Italian tourists who appreciated that waters basin for its climate, clean waters and natural environment with the opportunity to enjoy Spa tourism too.

In the 80's Hungary increased its tourism promotion in International Tourism Fairs constantly presents in ITB Berlin , MAP Paris and BIT Milan,the Hungarian National Tourism Board despited was led by the Governement but with a vision more open than other eastern countries introduced in those important events a good product,very attractive and suitable for a wide range of preferences and tastes generating a notable interest.

After  the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 with the collapse of the Socialist regimes the great 
success came in the 90's when Hungary opened the doors to the entire World. Ther were increasing incoming operations, constructions of new and trendy Hotels, the establishments of apartments and other kinds accommodations and that lake had a fast development in terms of Hospitality services.

All that was a winning key also for Zamárdi which since then developed a lot.That attractive destination was inserted in  a wide selections of combinations,such as Budapest & Balaton, Balaton & Magyar Puszta,Balaton & Pecs with extensions by coach tours  to other towns.

It was undoubedtly a great proposal of what Hungary could offer in terms of tourism, a country that despite its size not too big offers a cultural and historic patrimony absolutely immense and amazing.

Including the enotourism started to be promoted and the town mainly lives of tourism, agriculture and in particular is closely related to the production of wines thanks the presence of several vineyards  which generated a great resource in that niche with tasting wines orf notable level, a stunning touristic activity which provides in that area considerable and great Educational simply perfect for all those who are interested about all that.

Those programs will introduce you since the origin ,the history  and step by step all the passages until the consolidation of those fine and selected products which are a fantastic gateway of tourist proposals easily combined with several other activities making  Zamárdi a very complete lake side resort.

In the last years that town of approximately 3000 inhabitants has reached excellent levels of incoming flows, a destination ideal to enjoy sunny holidays and a multitude of outdoor activities but also offering that unique opportunity tasting superb wines.

During an Educational you can discover why they are so successful,the climatic situation with mild temperatures  never too cold makes possible the implantation of excellent grapes also resistant in winter season when after the harvest the temperatures descend starting also in those colder months a new proficuous cycle for the following year.

The territory has not high hills but they form all together a sort of shield mitigating the strenght of winds coming from east which find in that concrete geographic point the breeze of the Bakony hilly plateau and all that creates an ideal micro climate perfect for the cultivation of vineyards.

The fertile local soil is not dry rich of benign mineral properties and including volcanic rocks and neither to wet, all that permits the implantation of robust grapes which found there a perfect habitat producing wines that  in many cases are not inferiors as quality to the most celebrated of western Europe.

Very  ventilated late afternoons with cool evenings after many sunny days next to cool evenings are the best conditions to have perfect grapes before the autumn harvest because the fruit assimilated all the natural processes without suffering too hot temperatures which could generate a different final result.

You can enjoy there very excellent wines boasting a fine and elegant taste, extremely palatable, the reds are very smooth, full of body, savoury, result of grapes rich of properties including in texture and gradation of colour eternally strong and vivid signal of a healthy and stunning product. 

I suggest you apart the supreme fine and velvety Kefrankos, Cabernet, Blue Frankish, Zweigelt and Merlot the reds by  Konyary Winery with a special great product called Páva, a top creation composed by Sauvignon and Franc Cabernets considered one the finest and elegant masterpieces in Hungary all time.

About whites, you can  taste a local elegant Rizling also called Riesling Italico which is produced by local grapes called Rizlingsilvani and you will greatly appreciate its high quality. Apart its colour simply perfect, that straw tonality with in some occasions tendencies to a clear green has a very fresh and spry taste, a total absence of peculiar or anomalous bubbles and checking the tonality across a glass you will notice it is totally pure and immaculate.

 The taste is immediately palatable at the first sip,of high quality, ideal during meals but also thanks its qualities very appropriate to be used in the finest and highest Haute Cuisine for the preparation of foods related to the most selected gourmet panorama ,ideal for risotti but also for fish, seafood, different kinds of casseroles and many other recipes.

What is very relevant is that once tasted it leaves a very good sensation,it endures the right time on the tongue,it is also excellent accompanying starters, appetisers and in addition magnificent as aperitif,in social times or including in soft cocktails.About that I suggest you to add ro that wine a bit of Campari or a bitter Crodino, you will have a great result and also for that it is a kind of wine complete and versatile. 

During a wine tasting I did not find many differences with a famed Riesling of the Oltrepó Pavese, that area in the Southern Lombardy in proximity of Pavia or the other prestigious one produced in Alto Adige not even with the father of the Rieslings with cradle in the German Rhineland or in the nearest French Alsace.

Apart similar  colour, gradation and features you will find in other fine wines produced by local grapes Chardonnay and Zölveltelini and also the Olaszrizling is  a further premier wine of Top quality many other stunning products.

There are many other selected kinds produced mainly in the area of Badacsony,as the excellent and fine Pinot Gris, Thurgau and Keknyelu. The local Pinot Gris is very similar to those from Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia with also affinity to the Slovenian of the Vipava Valley and do not miss to try a sweet Muscat Ottonel of superb quality.

Hungary is a great country with a very old traditions about  enoculture and if you love to discover and know more,the Balaton is one classical and famous a perfect place to enjoy  great enotourism returning home totally delighted and satisfied.

Many people often links that country simply and and in many cases only with the famed Tokaji mainly produced in the northeastern territory of the Nation in that famous and well known area called  Sarospatak close to Slovakia but also the Balaton is a splendid destination to appreciate fine wines of elite and after that a brilliant idea for who all the Travel Specialists to develop new Educational for operators and of course successful Incentive trips and tours. 

Apart those masterpieces Zamárdi offers a great visit with many things to admire in its boundaries. The centre of the resort is mainly concentrated in proximity of its main hill overlooking the lake called Köhegy where many artifacts of the former civilisations were found during different archaeological excavations. 

That site was the centre and hub social and political life of the former settlement since ancient times where the first Celtic populations lived and in which the Romans erected some Patrician villas along its lower slopes.

It is a low plateau of approximately 175,0 metres in altitude which during the times of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire was also named Steinberg which means in German language stoned mountain. Köhegy has continued to be a relevant point in the modern era and the railway station and the main roads leading to other destinations of the country were built at its foot. 

 Gaspar Andras Utca is a long boulevard flanking the shore of the lake from west to east of Zamárdi waterfront. From that road start a series of long avenues such as as Klapka Utca,Vasvari Pal Utca and Tanciscs Mihaly Utca which entirely cross the core of the town.

Behind the inhabited centre lies the exit of the municipality corresponding to Fo Utca another important artery with the long Siofok Utca situated in proximity of the Station and  leading to the resort of Siofok south of the Motorway E71.

Along Fo Utca you can visit Zamárdi  Néprajzi Gyultemeny, the Ethnographic Museum,a very interesting exhibition displaying the chronological history of the town with an interesting collection  illustrating the local life along the coasts of the waters basin. 

It offers in addition the opportunity to admire different kinds of objects,tools and utensils found in different periods and that visit is very suggested because it is like a great introduction of many historical stages that centre lived.

In the same street you can also see in a green esplanade Honfoglalási Emlékmu, a monument consisting in three stones one bigger in the centre and two smaller on the sides placed over a small stoned step. It is a work made in 1996 by the famous sculptor Tibor Szervatiusz to commemorate the 1100 years of Hungary.

 In the area of the station you can visit Zamárdi  Kalandpark which is another attraction and a place to enjoy something of alternative. It is an Adventure Park, a pretty recent tourism and fun proposal offering the visitor the opportunity to enjoy relaxing and joyful times in a splendid verdant area with over 1,3 kilometres of sliding slopes, obstacles and adventure experiences, fun for children but also for adults and families.

There are activities to try to keep your physical activity in motion,a pleasant experience if for one day you want to be a sort of Indiana Jones and furthermore enjoying a beautiful scenery. Kalandapark also offers courses for children with excursions and climbing, the complex also hosts a souvenir shop,a bar with Restaurant-Pizzeria and as further attraction it also provides a Mini Train. 

If you are fond about history and in particular historical military events on Siofok Utca a good chance is to visit Zamárdi Mini Hadtortenety Múzeum.That small but interesting exhibition displays several relics about the military history of Hungary during the 1st World War when the country was part of the famous Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

Another section is devoted to  histor the 2nd World War when Hungary participated to that event supporting the axis Berlin-Rome-Tokyo. That museum is very interesting if you are interested to know which role played that central European country in those two wars  and you will discover many important aspects of a Nation that despite its not extremely big had in those events a notable relevance.


In Szadadaság Ter, a square which name means square of the freedom,you can notice a plaque dedicated to  the heroes of the War of Independence.The history of Hungary and Austria was for long time linked by a sort of indivisble chain until 1848 when Lajos Kossuth former Minister of the Hungarian Government became the leader of the country with several disputes against the Hapsburg rulers with the desire to give the Hungarians autonomy.

That plaque commemorated all the people who fought against the Austrian troops which also attacked the town of Zamárdi.It also depicts a tribute to the figure of the Count Josip Jelacic who was Ban of Croatia, Governor and leader of that land also part of that former Imperial power but that man despite he was not Hungarian supported the locals with his soldiers to defend the town by an intense siege.
 Római Katolicus Templon is the Catholic Church of Zamárdi a splendid Baroque building ended in 1740 erected in honour of the Virgin Mary. Developed on an ample rectangular plan,the construction has a high white facade highlighted by long curved stained glass windows on its sides and it is covered by a red brick roof with a  dome established above the apse and presbytery sections.

 The interior reflects in all its architectural details a traditional Baroque style in use in that period with an interesting altarpiece and a splendid pulpit. Another highlight is a relevant French organ and that Sacred Temple due to its excellent acoustic is often used to perform concerts.The nearest high bell tower is another attraction noasting a long scenic copper spire placed on a square flattened domed section surmounted by a Christian cross.

The history of Római Katolicus Templon was also protagonist of a sad event happened during Soviet occupation.The Russian soldiers used the bell tower as check point and many important architectural elements and details were sadly destroyed and burned including an organ of immense value.

Behind that Church you can see a beautiful painted statue depicting St. John Nepomuk, the floods protector and a cross placed inside a sort of small Chapel with pediment on a high pedestal. Another monument visible in that area it is a stoned cross facing Római Katolicus Templon symbol of the considerable Catholic faith in Zamárdi.
In Akáfca Utca in proximity of Sandor Petofi Utca, approximately 300,0 metres from Gaspar Andras Utca and the lake side promenade you can visit Tengeri Akvárium, a splendid Marine Aquarium showing a wide range of fishes from different continents such as Europe, Americas and Africa too.

In its kind that space is considered a great attraction with a very interesting flow of tourism to admire that variety of fish species that complex contains and elevated as one of the main attractions of the province.
Along Petofi Utca you can admire another religious building called Udulohelyi Kapolna,  a Sacred shrine dedicated to the Virgin Mary.That small religious construction was erected in 1920 by Purebl Gyozo developed on a circular plan with presence of curved windows on the walls and covered by a large dome of Byzantine inspiration surmounted by a cylindrical element with a pinnacle as terminal.

The adjacent bell tower was erected on two blocks developed on a square base,the upper section is arranged on a polygonal surface consisting in a long pyramidal copper roof topped by a cross.
Szent Istvan Utca is a long avenue starting from the centre of the town and leading to the western coastal side of Zanárdi and on which there is another attraction remembering the military past of Hungary, the Military Park.

That space shows the visitor how the Hungarian Army was prepared in the 2nd World War and during the period of the Cold War when the country was part of that group of satellite states adherent to the Socialist Pact of Warsaw linked to the former USSR.

You will see there a memorabilia of vehicles, tanks, artillery pieces, mortars, cannons and other arms used by the former Hungarian Communist Army. If you are interested to see a part of military  history of that period and to discover how was organised the national military asset in that  war and in the period in which Hungary was a former Socialist Republic that is a special site for you.
A great point to have an ample panoramic view of the town is from the top of its hill.In that place there is a splendid lookout tower where you can admire the stunning Tihany peninsula on other shore of Lake Balaton,the vineyards and all the hills surrounding that beautiful waters basin of Central Europe and accordingto  historic documentations  in that point was developed one of the first Celtic settlement, place later occupied by the Romans.

Another emblematic highlight in that area is Rákoczi Emlekko. It is a commemorative monument represented by a memorial plaque remembering the Liberation of Zamárdi in occasion of the War of Independence.

Hosok Kapolnaj  is another important historic site  situated on the called Calvary hill next to the cemeteryof the town facing a space where was established a red Cross on the pave with a small stoned step leading to its entrance. It is the Heroes Chapel built in the 20th century and consecrated in 193dedicated to the local heroes died in occasion of the 1st War and later also devoted to the victims of the second.
That regarded construction was erected on an irregular circular plan with a fine doorway established under a portico formed by two strong neoclassic columns supporting a large pediment while the roof consists in a large dome of clear Byzantine inspiration topped by a metallic cross.

That area is where are situated the Vineyards, emblematic place of the production of the local fine wines and you will notice in a wide esplanade with a big cross to commemorate the ancestral inhabitants.

All the surroundings of the town are rich is forests and woods making them perfect habitats for several animals,in particular birds. it is possible to see many species such as owl, woodpecker, quail, crows, pheasant, blackbird but apart them on the shore of the lake there is also a notable presence of different kinds of duck, gull and swan among others.
Other animals represented in the local forests are hare, deer, fox wild boar and furthermore a protected specie of red deer.

In the western side of the town outside the centre in Kiserdo forest you can see a particular rock called Szamark the donkey stone. It is a block of volcanic rock with a figure depicting that kind of quadruped but nobody could identify the date of that carved representation and according to some local stories there are also the signs of the footprints of Jesus Christ beside that attraction.

 There are many suggestive legends encircling Kiserdo forest and the rocks present in that place. Someone said it was a place of ancient pagan rites with Druids as protagonists of meetings and synods others suppositions are related to the theory of ancestors leaving significant messages to the descendants and further opinions regarding depicted scenes of life by the ancient local settlers probably linked to first Celtic population or in a remote hypotesis related to an Illryan tribe.

There is in addition another suggestive story telling that the site was also used by some Crusades or Templar Knights returning from the Holy Land and leaving some indications about that country. The mysteries of history are always extremely fascinating with legends, narrations, reality, discoveries and mysteries in the air but all that is als part of the beauty of our world and history.

 The harbour of Zamárdi is very charming, suggested for a walk at sunset ,the view is simply great with the headland of Tihany in front of it coast, a special and scenic image all to immortalise in hundreds of pictures and considered by many people highly romantic. Naturally the beach is another highlight,splendid to enjoy the warm waters of the Balaton and the several opportunities to practise water sports as sailing through that Central European waters basin.

Gastronomy in Zamárdi is the combination of the local traditional Hungarian cuisine with the typical local plates.The famous Porkolt and Gulash accompanied by fine wines mentioned before are part of the culinary highlights.
Naturally fishing another source of the economical activities of the town influenced the local gastronomy. The lake is rich of carps, pikes, catfish, breams, eel all them cooked in different styles such as grilled, baked, stews and casseroles among them worth a mention the renowned Fisherman's soup Balaton style.

Other dishes pretty famed in that area are the delicious stuffed ribs Pinkósz style, grapes noodles and the notorious Badacsony barbecue style. Venison meat is an additional highlight with wild boar, pheasant, fawn as protagonists and one of the most famed plates is the saddle of hare in sauce.

About desserts you can taste a delicious Strudel  despite that delight is typically Austrian but extremely rooted in that area, the famed Lángos, a kind of fried dough and a large range of pancakes filled with fruit.

Zamárdi also hosts important events,cultural meetings and concerts and one of its important  appointments is dedicated to electronic music, consisting in Sziget a special event which calls many people from all the country.

Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport is situated at approximately 100,0 kilometres from that resort and in about one hour driving you can reach that destination in a very easy way starting to enjoy the marvels of Balaton Lake and obviously you can take in high consideration that place if you are interested in enotourism apart visiting a place extremely rich in history and attractions.

Hungary is a great country,  a mine of treasures and surprises, its capital is famous worldwide for its enchanting charm but the sublime Queen of the Danube is not the only wonder.That old land former Roman colony and stronghold of the Magyars in the heart of Europe is packed by unforgettable places, one of them is definitely that waters basin with all its marvels and Zamárdi is one of its numerous little pearls to discover and enjoy along its splendid shore.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Zamárdi

Hotel Wellamarin
Villa Klapka

Recommended Restaurants in Zamárdi

Restaurant Paprika Csarda
Restaurant Haussmann

Useful links

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