Silbertal | Fabulous Austrian Gateway to Hundreds of Marvels.

Silbertal is a fabulous Austrian gateway to hundreds of marvels, a shining pearl in the Montafon Valley, a splendid land packed by a multitude of attractions in the State of Vorarlberg situated at a short distance from Vandans, another very attractive place from which through a beautiful panoramic road between scenic mountains and intact forests will lead you to the captivating centre of Feldkirch

From there you will be very close to the nearest Swiss border and not far you can enjoy the great chance to visit the small but charming Principality of Liechtenstein in the heart of the Alps.

That magnificent centre of Austria of approximately 900 inhabitants located at an altitude of 889,0 metres is a mine of shining gems in the district of Bludenz on the shore of the Litz river which is formed by a source in the Freschalpe at 1800,0 metres of altitude and the water of a lake called Langsee and it runs for approximately 24,0 kilometres forming the "Silver Valley" finally merging with the Ill a tributary of the Rhine in the attractive municipality of Schruns.

That waterway with the surrounding fascinating peaks create a picturesque and stunning frame around a magnificent picture which seems painted by bright colours harmoniously combined representing a striking natural setting of the most true and genuine Austria.

Visiting a site as Silbertal is a great experience for every tourist and hundreds are the inviting reasons to plan a trip there starting from its spectacular Alpine landscapes with protagonists wonderful mountain ranges such as the Verwall, Arlberg, Silvretta and Rätikon next to high hills dominating green plateaus crossed by uncontaminated streams and rivers, images which  immediately delight the visitor during a stay all day from charming sunrises to extraordinary sunsets.

Many outdoor activities such as cycling on road, cycle tourism, mountain bike,,trekking, climbing skiing and other kinds of winter sports are all together, a wide fan of proposals for active people who love a very active tourism and also for all those who are fond of history and art  that land offers many opportunities to discover hundreds of marvels in a place which has a lot to narrate boasting a rich historic patrimony extremely surprising.

Another aspect which always captures the attention is that Austria is a very sensitive country able to conserve its territory with pride and also centres not too big as that resort fully confirms all that showing an environment perfectly preserved in which artistic monuments and nature are eternally protagonists delighting everybody at first sight.

The valley in which that municipality is situated immediately attracts the human eye for its colours,traditional fine architecture,a genuine and delicious gastronomy, kind people and a local culture which is totally rooted in its inhabitants who have conserved traditions, folklore,  costumes and folklore all topics transmitted generation by generation since a long time ago.

Also that is more than appreciated knowing a reality which will transmit you how all that is still alive more than ever and very visible fascinating all people who desire to learn the cultural aspect of a land.

An excellent number of very comfortable accommodations makes Silbertal an ideal place to spend holidays in an environment which is also more than appropriate to find serenity and peace, no noise and traffic and  it is enough a simple walk along the Litz river surrounded by a multitude of natural attractions living along its shore a magic atmosphere which will generate a sort of immediate desire to enjoy 100% unforgettable holidays but also the feeling to return there once again.

Other feature to take in high considerations are the excellent communications and an uncontaminated atmosphere due a total absence of pollution making Silbertal a very appreciated climatic destination.

The proximity of two Nations as the wonderful Switzerland and that other stunning small State with Capital Vaduz called Liechtenstein is an additional great chance to admire unforgettable places also in those nearest Nations planning itineraries highly suggestive full of significant destinations and visiting other centres in the immediate vicinity such as Bludenz, Schruns, Nenzing, Bartholomäberg, Sankt Anton im Montafon, Nüziders and many others.

The town with its charming centre immediately offers the visitor a stupendous image immediately introducing in a while in which kind of paradise is situated that site with also a history extremely interesting and rich of events.

Inhabited since prehistoric times the first documentations related to a official settlers are linked to an ethnic group of a Rhaetian Celtic tribe who lived in that area at the borders of Austria and Switzerland.

That population  came in contact with the Vindelici, a population coming from the Danube valley who started to develop some villages in a territory north of Feldkirch establishing its major centre in the boundaries of the beautiful current town of Bregenz on the Austrian Lake Constance shore founding a settlement called Brigantion.

From that meeting there was a fusion of those former settlers mainly devoted to farms and pastures.All that happened before the Roman colonisation which started in the 4th century BC with the integration of a wide territorial Austrian area in a vast province called Noricum in the 2nd century while the present Vorarlberg with Silbertal was officially incorporated in the Empire in the 15th BC becoming part of a province named Raetia.

After the fall of the Roman Empire the major part of that land and Tyrol were invaded by the Alemanni who established several settlements before that other Germanic tribes such as Lombards and  Bavarians in different periods became rulers of those territories.

In medieval times due to movements and replacements of populations leaving the Montafon valley which practically remained unpopulated the Counts of Montfort lords of Feldkirch, an influential aristocratic dynasty from Germany linked to the iconic Duchy of Swabia governing that land since the early 13th century facing that particular situation called new settlers including the Walser, an ethnic group coming from the Swiss Bernese Oberland territory.

That welcome community after an official invitation did not find difficulties to be integrated in the the local society , the Walser spoke the Tisch a sort of old German understandable  by the other residents and all them lived in harmony mainly devoted to handicraft, livestock and agricultural activities.

Furthermore they continued to use their traditions, language and costumes without cases of intolerance or repressions from part of the rulers or other settlers.(I mentioned the Walser in some posts related to Gressoney la Trinitè in the Italian Aosta Valley Region and Bosco Gurin in Switzerland in the case you are interested)

When Silbertal reached a defined image of developed small centre the governors  to increase trade activities permitted the transit and stop of many merchants across that strategic gateway consisting in the Montafon Valley and naturally all that was very advantageous generating interchanges of goods and products creating since then  a wealthy and prosperous society.

In the early 16th century the Vorarlberg under as part of the Austrian Empire led by the emblematic Hapsburg played an important role in the fortune of that Imperial power thanks to the discovery of mines with a notable extraction of silver and copper which became relevant resources for the local economy elevating the fame and prestige of Silbertal.

From that historic event is derived the name of the municipality which is the composition of two German words such as Silber meaning Silver and Tal, synonymous of valley forming a denomination equivalent to silver valley which was officially formalised in the 17th century.

Despite that for a short period between 1805 and 1814 there was a domain of the Bavarian Kingdom with times highlighted by several disputes and claims and those nine years of occupation were not enough to stop a return of the House of Habsburg with the entire State returning to the older ruler.

Those times lived as part of that iconic Imperial power were characterised by the continuous business generated by those emblematic mines but also by a feudalistic organisation with nobles related to the highest ranking of that Reign.

After the events of the 2nd World War ended in 1918 with the fall of the Empire with capital Vienna was a period highlighted by an episode particularly interesting regarding the history of that centre and the entire State

That  Austrian territory developed strong cultural and commercial links with very active cooperations with the nearest Switzerland and the Swiss Confederation was already known since then for its political stability with Cantons boasting an own strong autonomy and local laws and the inhabitants of the Vorarlberg immediately one year after the war organised  in 1919 a referendum with the desire to join that nearest country.
The reasons were many,a safe democratic Nation giving autonomic powers and a support in the development of rights favouring a wealthy life to the locals and neutrality in case of future wars ensuring a peaceful future.

All that was undoubtedly very tempting because the risk and fear to fall in the centre of other possible disputes between Austria and Germany fighting for that land could created further unhappy situations once again.

Despite a large victory in that referendum in which approximately the 83% of the population voted in favour to be annexed to Switzerland that result was unsuccessful.The new Austrian government did not want to lose other territories after the new maps design which took place in the post war and Austria was supported by other countries which did not want new separations after several diplomatic meetings during the new development of the European borders.

Including from the Swiss side there was not a great enthusiasm to receive new compatriots who did not participate to the creation of the Helvetian Confederation.Some Liberal German speaking Institutions were not totally favourable and also the French and Italian Cantons supported by the Grisons in minority did not accept that possibility which could be a further linguistic and cultural amplification in an already German majority with very strong influence in the country.

After that, the Vorarlberg Bund continued to be part of Austria which lived some years from the 30's to 1945 linked to Germany in that notorious Anschluss, an annexation of that Central European Republic to  the Third Reich.

.After the 2nd World War that area was occupied by French troops who stayed there for almost ten years.Since then the local chronological stages  continued as a territory part of Austria continued until nowadays in a new national reality which despite a laborious recovery reacquired a notable image and a successful future.

The captivating centre of Sibertal is mainly arranged on the shore of the Litz river which entirely crosses the municipality flowing along Landestrasse, a long road leading to thel extra radius and other charming villages and town flanking some beautiful small lakes and spectacular Alpine virgin forests.

The local core consists in three main streets one of them situated on the other side of that waterway facing that artery and called Barghera and another one named Matta flanking Parish Church.

In the northwestern side of the boundaries you can see an agglomeration of houses and south of the river is situated Ganlätschstrasse consisting the main axis connected to the southern municipal territory not far from the distinctive Bergbaummuseu, an important  exhibition representing the history of the iconic mines in Silbertal.

In the centre you can find some Hotels and accommodations and the Tourism Information Centre ideal site to collect several information regarding also all the splendid surroundings with the opportunity to plan great radial excursions all around the magnificent Montafon Valley packed by hundreds of marvels.

The local architecture reflects the beauty of a typical and traditional Alpine town highlighted  by stoned and wooden houses with flowered balconies and charming small gardens forming all together a fairytale environment. You will notice in a while that .all is extremely well preserved and it is a pleasure to admire how all the main attractions are concentrated at a very short distance each other.

You can start the visit from Sankt Nikolaus Kirche the Church dedicated to St.Nicholas the Pfarrkirche,the main Religious site of Silbertal. That beautiful white Relligious building was erected in the late 19th century over a previous Sacred construction, it boasts a very stylish  silhouette highlighted by a magnificent high bell tower of Gothic inspiration and thanks to its position surrounded by picturesque landscapes is one of the most photographed Churches in the entire Vorarlberg State.

Developed on a rectangular  plan with a pretty high facade and a light brown gable roof,it is a clear example of Wiener Schüle, the Viennese architectural school which influenced not only the constructions erected in Vienna but also in all the Danube and Central Europe area.

Long curved windows on the sides symmetrically lined,a splendid front side with a wonderful portal surmounted by a lunette are some of the most notable highlights of the frontal section subdivided in three parts.The lower includes the doorway flanked by two small windows, the central consisting in three long and narrow arched windows while the upper side is remarkably embellished by the presence of a splendid rose window.

The attractive bell tower is located behind the main body of the Religious complex and it was erected on a rectangular base with a long conical grey spire topped by a cross which is in contrast in terms of tonality with the light colour of the main building.

Despite that all is harmoniously combined with the natural setting composed by the green colour of the nearest forests and the scenic brown and verdant mountains making that image a great photographic spot of Neo-Gothic architecture in the Alps in all its splendour.

The interior is arranged along a large nave with beautiful decorated vaults,relevant statues and a splendid stoned baptismal font, notable are also the fine columns symmetrically established and the beautiful painted ceiling with vaulted sections. A further attraction is a magnificent organ placed over the doorway behind a magnificent carved wooden balustrade supported by wooden pilasters with capitals.

The painted curved stained glass windows are a further artistic marvel transmitting from the exterior luminosity to all the spaces including the presbytery. Other highlights are a wide number of fine Baroque works such as some  sculptures, refined carved elements and a magnificent altarpiece established beneath a beautiful dome with wonderful sinuous vaults completing the architectural layout of a spacious apse.

Close to that stupendous structure you can see the cemetery and next to it some years ago was elevated a War Memorial Monument in honour of the soldiers of Silbertal died in the two World War ,in the first fighting for the Imperial Austrian Army and in the second for Germany.

That monument disappeared was protagonist of a peculiar and special episode because
according to some local researches regarding all the victims was discovered a name of an officer called Josef Vallaster who was born in the town and he died in 1943 at Sobibór in Poland in which as you know was established a notorious Lager, a camp of extermination well known the tragedy of the Holocaust

That man was during that period was one of leaders who managed  the operations of that infamous Polish site and once confirmed his role the local Institutions decided to remove that Memorial representation.

Silbertal with its very famous past linked to its mines also has a Religious building related to that activity  situated in a neighbourhood called Kristberg in a peaceful verdant plateau surrounded by a beautiful firs and pine forest called Bergknappenkapelle, the Chapel of the Miners erected in 1450.

It is the oldest Sacred building existing in the entire Montafon Valley and despite some historical documentations which declared the existence of that Sacred Temple since the mid 15th century, the current construction according to other versions was elevated in the early 16th century .Apart that controversial opinions it is well known to be a devoted and regarded Religious temple linked to those workers with that denomination  but it is also known as Sankte Agatha Kritstbergkirche, the Church St.Agatha in Kristberg.

The structure is arranged on a long rectangular plan covered by a stoned grey gable roof, considerable are series of curved stained glass windows covering the light facade and a bell tower erected on a square base adjacent to a corner of the main building.

The upper section presents a red brick space with a circular scenic clock and covered by a stoned roof. You can also admire a splendid wooden portal at the entrance and that kind of construction could be classified in its kind an example of late Alpine Gothic style for its architectural inspiration and details closely related to the structures elevated at the end of the medieval cycle.

In its interior you can see a small altar beneath an arcade decorated by sculptures of Saints and a big Crucifix which is a beautiful representation of Austrian school. Very interesting are also some paintings on the right side,excellent works in Baroque style and superb is also the wooden brown ceiling in perfect harmony with the light walls.

Kristberg is also famous for the presence of Silber Weg, the Silver Path, a spectacular educational trail with the chance to discover the natural beauty of Silbertal .It is a fabulous gateway to the astonishing natural marvels in stunning environment with  the chance to walk through unforgettable forests dominated by towering mountains admiring along it the fascinating splendour of the valley.

In the meantime you will be in the heart of the local history discovering a territory which in the past gave the town its prestige and notoriety because Silber Weg was originally the path used by the miners who reached the mountain on which were discovered the silver mines and that trail leading to the votive Church of St Agatha and also connected to the very interesting Bergbaumuseum.

Once reached that superb exhibition you can have the chance to learn stage by stage the history of those emblematic sites which became the main local resource of the entire Vorarlberg. In its spaces is displayed a complete chronological illustration and explanation since the origin until the more contemporary times in which of those renowned activities renowned contributed to a very wealthy era of the Municipality.

That important period gave the town fame all around Austria and that museum is highlighted by a step by step of the local golden ages with the extraction of that metal and their relevance in the markets until the period of decline when other more productive and profitable mines especially discovered in America changed the local economy because the silver extracted in that Continent had cheaper costs in terms of labour and sale.

The Montafon valley is a splendid place in which the visitor can enjoy winter sports and in particular skiing. The Silbertal  cable car by the Kristbergbahn,  the station of Kristberg leads to an altitude of 1430,0 metres and not far you can find a Ski area well known by locals with tracks which despite a not too elevate height are very spectacular with steep sections and series of challenging curves and in the proximity you can also enjoy other beautiful slopes established close to the splendid centre of of Schruns.

The Silvretta Montafon Ski Region of which Silbertal is part has an excellent network of facilities and services,all the slopes are very well maintained and cared, it is also paradise also for snowboarding,  it boasts three ski lifts complexes and the mentioned Kirchberg offers approximately 4,0 kilometres of Alpine Ski pistes.

Adventure ski and snowshoes are other loved activities permitting thanks to a spectacular territory packed by natural wonders to discover also the reality of that land covered by snow exploring sites of immense beauty. Another superb incentive for all those who love Ski Cross Country is a wonderful space offering approximately 11,0 kilometres of trails for the joy of the lovers of that Nordic speciality in a fairytale scenery.

From that neighbourhood also start several  trails for trekkers and hikers leading to the Alpe Latons a magnificent height at 1800,0 metres of altitude also reachable by a trail from  Bartholomäberg, that place is an emblematic destination for the production of the iconic Sauerkäse, a pride of the entire Vorarlberg made by pure skimmy milk and it is also a destination particularly loved by mountain bikers.

It is marvellous area offering to fantastic landscapes and also suggested is that one leading to the Fritzensee,a beautiful,picturesque small lake which is one of the great attractions dominating the centre of Bartholomäberg and near that wonderful waters basin you can find some great Ferienhäuser, holidays homes very comfortable and full equipped.

 Montafon Valley offers 1400,0 kilometres of trails, a Mecca for passionate trekkers, I suggest you if you love that activity to reach some heights simply fantastic such as  Relllseck and  Wassernstubenalpe are great destinations to fill your plan of excursions.

Both are in their kinds a fabulous Austrian gateway to discover other marvels along routes  in a magnificent natural Eden admiring a spectacular horizon highlighted by a majestic mountainous crown simply extraordinary.

 The first is an excursion of approximately 1,5 hours starting from  Bartholomäberg and once on the top at 1500,0 metres of altitude you will be delighted by the stunning views of the Verwall and Silvretta mountains and much more by the Piz Buin a scenic peak of 3312,0 metres which marks the border between Austria and Switzerland, a striking Alpine pyramid to immortalise in hundreds of pictures.

The second it is situated at 1734,0 metres and it is one of the most panoramic view points to admire all the Verwall heights range with the chance to admire impressive vertical Alpine walls above captivating forest, that mountainous group is the natural barrier between Vorarlberg and Tyrol forming one of the best images of the Rhaetian Alps.

A very easy trail is the Kristberg-Bartholomäberg not difficult and ideal for everyone and in that place if you have an idea to create a photo album about a section of the Austrian Alps with magnificent corners immersed in a stunning nature is the perfect site for you of course.

Lake Constance is another great incentive ,in a very short time you can reach the Austrian coastline visitingthe mentioned wonderful Bregenz and continuing along the German coast you can visit Lindau,Hagnau am Bodensee (I wrote a post about that centre on the case you are interested) continuing until Friedrichshafen and Meersburg in a land characterised by a notable historic patrimony and fine wines with a superb tradition.

Including via Lustenau you can enter in Swiss territory along that marvellous waters basin stopping in stunning resorts such as Romashorn, Kesswil and Müsterlingen before to come to the wonderful city of Konstanz. Also that coast of Switzerland is fantastic with several options to take a boat enjoying an unforgettable lake cruise and with the view of a small scenic island called Mainau.

Vaduz the Capital of Liechtenstein is not far and it is a further great place to visit.That Principality despite its size has a very captivating charm enclosed by high peaks and rugged rocky walls with a historic centre very fascinating and two magnificent attractions as the beautiful Cathedral of St.Florin and its picturesque and emblematic Castle.

Once there after to have enjoyed such scenic place you can continue until the Hinter Grauspitz, a stunning peak located in another mesmerising corner of the Alps.

The town is also site of events and one of the main highlights is the Legends Festival celebrated at Silbertal open air -stage .From that municipality also starts the famous Montafon Marathon since 2003 considered one of the most challenging competitions in that kind of races.

Mountain Bike is also protagonist with  Mountain Bike Montafon Marathon which is a spectacular race crossing that splendid Austrian valley and internationally well known.

Gastronomy also plays an important role delighting a multitude of visitors who appreciate the superb quality of a very genuine food and the supreme level of its incomparable cheeses.

The secular traditions linked to the dairy products is highlighted by the iconic Montofaner Sauerkäse but also Reibkäse and Rahmkäse pride of the local gourmet industry and well known all around the nation.

Those cheeses in addition boast a great reputation and appreciation abroad as in Germany and also in Switzerland which has a long distinguished tradition and it considers those Austrian delights superb examples of quality.

Extremely versatile,they can be inserted in a varied starter, snacks, appetisers accompanied by ham and toasted bread and a glass of wine,excellent also to create sauces or melted over meat and vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, courgettes or potatoes. In addition they are perfect "au gratin" in different recipes and ideal if grated on a risotto..

 In that land there is also the chance to enjoy a classical cheese route along the emblematic Käsestrasse an itinerary developed in a territory called Bregenzerwald 

It is a great Educational itinerary which apart to be highly panoramic offers the chance to visit specialised farms and producers having a chat with them with tasting, really suggested for all people who are interested to know the history of those delights and including to buy them.

The Käsdönnala is a typical and traditional local plate prepared with those distinctive delicacies similar to a French Quiche Lorraine while the Kässpätzle is another delicious speciality consisting in dumplings prepared using butter, cheese and eggs similar to the famed Knödeln a sort of typical gnocchi. Another famous dish is the popular  Krutspätzle which is a variant of the previous combined to sauerkraut sauce.

The Landle Kalb, the local calf meat has a great reputation,very tender and tastefully, superb for casseroles and stews and do not miss to try the local Schinkenspeck, it  is another emblem, a special bacon excellent fried and grilled, but very indicated to fill rolls, sandwiches, to complete and garnish meats and ideal in a breakfast with fragrant slices of tasted bread.

You can also try a wide selection of soups ,very popular are the Gemusesuppe made by different kind of vegetables,the Rindsuppe with beef meat and the Flädiesuppe,a pancake soup among others. In that Region you can enjoy the famous Schnitzel,tha breaded fillet or cutlet, a symbol of the Viennese cuisine generally served with potatoes or salad.

Among cakes and desserts next to the iconic Strudel and Sacher Torte delicious emblems  of highest pastry Austrian traditions do not miss to tast the superb Öpfelküachle which is a renowned local sweet apple cake.

Innsbruck Kranebbiten Airport is situated at 145,0 kilometres from the town and in approximately one hour and 40 minutes driving in direction Bregenz via Silz driving along  A12 Motorway and National Road S60 you will be easily at destination.

Another excellent option to reach Silbertal is from Zurich Flughafen International Airport  situated 173,0 kilometres away  and in less than two hours driving via Wil and Gossau by A1 Motorway you can reach that destination in a very easy way also from Switzerland.

Silbertal offers a multitude of attractions,the majestic silhouettes of the Alps above you, an uncontaminated nature, the chance for all people who love sports ,outdoor activities, a delectable culinary art, photography and much more discovering an Austrian corner absolutely unique.

It is a more recommended destination for singles, couples ,families, nature and art lovers and group of friends.Immediately there it is love at first sight ,every smallest detail is something which will be as an immediate imprint during your pleasant stay and a perfect choice to plan a great holiday.

Discovering the Vorarlberg ,Montafon Valley and Silbertal is an unique experience, a fabulous Austrian  gateway to enjoy hundreds and more marvels, places that always transmit the desire to stay there more time and the hope to return once again without hesitations to relive unforgettable times.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Silbertal

Hotel Gasthof Hirschen
Hotel Silbertal
Hotel Bergkristall
Winkler Hannelore Apartments
Bittschnau Willi & Cornelia
Aparthaus Schuchter
Haus Dominik

Useful links


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