Piran-Slovenia | Splendid Istrian Town on a Captivating Adriatic Gulf.

Piran is one of the most divine attractions of Slovenia,a splendid Istrian town,situated on a captivating Adriatic gulf,along that short but magnificent short coastal stretch forming the sunny and captivating Slovenian Riviera

The relevant historic past under Venetian rule but also many other civilisations in the most remote past such as Roman,Slavs,Franks,Byzantines and Austrian have left their cultural and architectonic indelible marks in that corner of Istria with a very relevant historic patrimony still visible in that charming resort.

 Walking in the narrow streets of the centre of Piran,immediately the visitor will notice that all is very well preserved,it is like to come back in the past and all that generates pleasant sensations.The town is very attractive,a great destination for everyone who wants to spend sunny holidays,relax and enjoying in addition cultural tourism and much more.

That Slovenian resort provides a long list of several chances also about outdoor activities such as water sports,trekking in the immediate proximity,horse riding,wonderful Spa treatments in the nearest Portoroz (I wrote a post about that other famous place) all that combined with a mild climate and an excellent genuine gastronomy.

Thanks to its great geographic position on the extreme coast of Slovenia,surrounded by Mediterranean vegetation,with picturesque cypresses,olive groves and fig trees,Piran is a shining gem of the country,it is something a traveller can not miss visiting that small but so attractive country.

Considered a magnificent jewel of Venetian and Gothic architecture,the origin of the name Piran  has different versions.Some researchers declared it is for the derivation by a Celtic name Bior-Dun,which means village on the hill, while other historic suppositions are oriented towards the Greek word Pyr meaning fire, from ancient fires which were lit on the headland to show the maritime routes to the sailors who were sailing towards the port of Aegida, near the current town of Koper,also called Capodistria.

The town is culturally bilingual,for its historic past and geographic position and the Slovenian and the Italian are official languages.There is still a small Italian minority in Piran,approximately 600 people, equivalent to just the 4% of the total population,native Italian speakers are about 1000 of the total of the residents,not many considering the past,due to the massive exodus of Italians in particular in the 50s after the 2nd World War.

The long history of Piran started with the ancient Ionian Greeks who landed on those Adriatic coasts to explore the Northern Mediterranean,although the territory was already populated before by some Celtic tribes and also by the Illryan another ancient civilisation who settled in several territories of the Balkans too.

Officially Mentioned for the first time by the Anonymous of Ravenna in the 7th century under the name of Piranòn and later simply with Pyr,it is widely believed that the first former important and relevant settlement was of Roman origin,although probably established in the same area of the camps of the former Celtic settlers.

After the fall of the Roman Empire,the land of the current Slovenia suffered several Barbarian invasions,all them generated devastation and desolation in the interior and all that was the cause that many people escaped trying to find refuge in the area of Piran along the coast of Istria and it was also a refuge for other populations coming from Venice and the current Friuli Venezia Giulia,especially from Udine, Udine,Cervignano and Aquileia,during the infamous Huns invasion in the Italic peninsula too.

For its  magnificent position facing a huge bay,pretty close to Trieste,  not far from  Venice and with a great access to central Europe, reaching from there the Austrian borders in a short time,including Piran is also a gateway to the marvellous Dalmatian coast

That coastal town was since long time ago a very privileged strategic point to establish trade and commerce,a notable cross road linking different  countries along very important routes where Slavs and  Byzantines enjoyed that advantage developing several important activities.

The situation worsened at the time under Carolingian rule established in the year 788.A representative participated in the Placitus Risanus as a sort of castle or fortress,called to protest against the settlement of Slavic peoples in various regions of the Istrian hinterland.From, the year 830 up to 935,Piran was subject to different changes of rulers and later it was incorporated in the Carinthia:a domain which lasted until the year 1040.

 The town had tumultuous periods due to the continuous changes of rulers,until the Venetian period when the current town joined in medieval rimes the Marine Republic of Venice Republic in the late 13th century.That Slovenian centre was immediately considered very important for the new rulers,especially for the exportation of salt in all the Mediterranean area and Central Europe,the locals due that great development,grateful to the new governors fought next to the Venetians in many battles against Ottomans and pirates along all the Adriatic.

The influence of Venice was very intense strong and today when you are walking through the streets of the town you will notice in many facades of palaces and buildings the emblematic Lion of St. Mark,symbol of that glorious Republic of Veneto.

As important Venetian stronghold,that splendid Istrian town town resisted to various assaults and incursions by pirates and including to two intense attacks by the eternal rival of the city of the lagoon the Republic of Genoa which with two sieges in 1354 and in 1379 tried to conquer the town with negative results.

The wealthy economy and the fame of that coastal town reached all the borders of all the Eastern Mediterranean but unfortunately a series of epidemics reduced the population,in particular a plague in the year 1558.That episode was that a first signal of a decreasing importance and much more die also when the city of Trieste became the main port of the Austrian Hapsburg,the decline of Venice also marked the end of the golden ages of the town.

After the fall of the Venetian Republic in the year 1797 Piran was absorbed by the Austrian-Hungarian Empire  except a short period of French domination during the Napoleon invasions.In the early decades of the 19th century under Austrian rule the  activity of salt trade came back to be the main source of the local economy.

In that period the centre was mainly inhabited by Italian merchants,many of them descendants of  the Venetians,that presence was also a cause of several fights and disputes with protagonist Italians,Croatian and Slovenians for the exercise of trade monopoly in the Istrian peninsula in the year 1894 and furthermore also several protests against the imposition by the Austrian Empire to proclaim the area a  bilingual land using Italian and Slovenian as official languages,apart obviously the German.

In the second half of the 19th century, Piran became with the nearest Portoroz one of the favourite destinations of the high class and nomenclature of Austria and after the 1st World War,that seaside town with the fall of the Hapsburg House was  assigned to Italy.At the end of the 2nd World War,after a German occupation.After the war it was declared part of the famous Zone-B,a kind of free land with the city of Trieste and in a geographic sector under military administration of Tito's Yugoslavia.

After the London Congress which took place in the year 1954,the major part of Italian,but also German and Hungarian speaking populations suffered an intense exodus and the former Yugoslavia government repopulated the land in particular with Slovenian,Croatians but also with other people coming from the rest of the new state,from Serbia, Bosnia,Herzegovina and Montenegro.The local history of the current town will continue with the destiny of Slovenia until its independence obtained in the year 1991.

Today Piran shows in all its splendour a very charming aspect,the historic centre of the town is a captivating maze of narrow streets and alleys protected by the well preserved historic walls with fortifications,ramparts and towers.The core of that Slovenian jewel is a mine of historic treasures with Medieval,Renaissance and Baroque notable buildings the predominant is a massive presence of typical Venetian architecture,while the southern area is mainly focused on tourism and hospitality with several restaurants,bars,cafes and the beautiful panoramic promenade.

The historical walls of Piran with its gates called Raspo were built between the years 1470 and 1534 forming a complex of defencive fortifications surrounded by 8 towers.Some years ago,they were renovated and some sections were connected by walkways for visitors.The walls were built gradually and most of the work was done just when it was changing the way of warfare following the introduction of gunpowder which required a new way to organise the defence of the town.Those constructions became a distinguished member of the Association Friends of the Walls.

That foundation has more than 150 members and each year it celebrates meetings and events with their experiences in relation to those iconic,historical and emblematic defencive symbols of the past in different walled cities,there are many historic cities and towns part of that organisation such as Lucca,Zadar, Chester, Canterbury,Verona,Elvas,Plasencia,Hertogenbosch and Piran too.

 The first Raspo in Gothic style was built within the city walls,and it can be reached walking along the street Rozman Ulica.When you are on that street you can see the second Raspo also located in that street and built in the year 1470.Another one Marciana gate was built in the year 1534 and it has a Renaissance aspect while another gate called Mugla is older and it was erected in Medieval times concretely in the 12th century and it is and 'one of the oldest town gates preserved in the municipality,situated in a district called  Punta.

 The gate Delfin is another one,erected in Gothic style and it was built in the year 1483 and named after the Mayor Dolfin,celebrated with three dolphins and it is the only one which has retained its original style without alteration or changes due restorations.Another gate is named Polje,that one is dated the 14th century and beside it stood the Chapel of St. James,which was connected with the Lodge and the old Town Hall while the gate Sveti Rok developed in a traditional Baroque architectonic style was renovated in the year 1660.

 The heart of that superb and splendid Istrian town is in correspondence of Tartinijeva Hiša well known also in Italian language as Piazza Tartini a huge square,where lies the monument of the famous violinist and composer Giuseppe Tartini born in Piran in the year 1692.That talented  musician played an important role in the cultural local life and to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth,the population decided to erect a monument honouring that important figure.The artist Antonio Dal Zotto created that bronze statue depicting the famous violinist, which was placed there in the year 1896.

Tartini Square was once part of the complexMmandrač,connected to the Luka the harbour and its structures used by fishing boats in Piran.In that square,you can see iObalne Galerije Piran the Civic Gallery hosting several exhibitions and sections of modern art.

One of the highlight of that relevant museum is the Ex-tempore, where every year are placed works of over 500 artists from Central Europe.The art gallery is also dedicated to Herman Pecaric,with a permanent collection of figurative works of that important Slovenian artist.In Slovenian fine arts Pecaric occupies a prominent place as portraitist,he created a sort of Istrian style in a realistic way and the artist donated to the Municipality a vast collection of his relevant works.

 Občinska Palaca the Town Hall and the Court are other highlights of extreme relevance.Historically the town, after concluding the alliance in medieval time with the Republic of Venice erected that palace at the end of the 13th century outside the existing city walls.

The Romanesque Gothic facade is decorated with a Coat of Arms and tombstones,the building was demolished in the 1877,deleting the passage which linked it to the Lodge and in its place was built the present one,which opened more than two years later.

The central axis of the new building features a winged lion with an opened book,in honour of the Republic of Venice.The sculpture of the winged lion was common also on many other buildings and the opened book meant a period of peace, while the closed-end was synonymous of war.In the atrium there are some tombstones which were already in the building of the former construction.

The old Loggia was situated where now stands the building which houses the galleries.It was connected to one side of the Town Hall and the Chapel of St.James.In a document dated the year 1384 is written that it housed the office of the Cataveri patrimony of Piran Rangers,the guards of the town.The lodge was also a place of meeting of the elders of the town and later that building was replaced by the current Casino.

 Benekanka is another building part of the historical patrimony,it is also the best preserved example of Venetian Baroque architecture,it is a house which was built in the 15th century and it is the most ancient building of the square.

The facade consists in an elegant three-light window with pointed arches and a  charming balcony with heads of limestone on the balustrade and above there is an inscription bearing the motto in Venetian language Lassa pur dir which means Let them talk.

That phrase is linked to a legend born in old times,when Piran was part of the great Republic of Venice and  it flourished as trade town with the Middle East and it was visited by many wealthy merchants.One of them,coming from Venice, fall in love with a beautiful local  young woman and he began to attend his beloved, bringing flowers,presents and many gifts.

Finally the man to prove his love built right next to the current Občinska Palaca the other Venetian Palace,but many people talked about that love story,evil tongues not silent and that is why the rich merchant embed that inscription with the words Lassa pur dir.

That monumental and impressive square also has two tall wooden masts dated the 15th century.One of them bears the image of St. George,Patron of Piran and the other represents St.Mark and the Lion the symbols of Venice.

In that stupendous square you can also see the Tourist office and Sodna Palaca the palace of the Courts.That building is a charming example of Tuscan style,erected over the ancient Fondaco Palace in the year 1301.That construction was led by the architect Giuseppe Mossio and on the northern facade you will notice several coats of arms and inscriptions.

The Giuseppe Tartini Teater is another building worth a mention.It is a theatre which was built on a previous palace and the former design was by the architects Giacomo and Gioacchino Grassi and inside you can admire some beautiful frescoes by Napoleone Cozzi.It was inaugurated in the year 1910,the foyer and the hall are lavishly decorated and embellished with frescoes depicting Greek muses,flowers and many other allegoric figures.

Do not miss Tartini house where the famous violinist and composer lived and it is one of the most ancient buildings of the square.It was previously called Pizagrua House and it is a magnificent example of Gothic style,although later it was renovated in more contemporary Neoclassical style.

During some restorations which took place between the years 1985 and 1991 have been discovered there interesting frescoes.The house is today the headquarter of the Italian Community hosting several cultural events,art workshops and the library legacy of Diego de Castro.

On the first floor and open to the public there is the room dedicated to the famed violinist,with many exhibits, obviously the most interesting is of course his violin Amati and in addition there are artist's death mask,some pictures and his testament writings.

 Apollonius Palaca is another splendid palace,consisting in a construction which arose from the union of two buildings.Above the Baroque front doorway was placed an inscription,witnessing of the restoration dated the year 1693.In occasion of the researches carried out in neoclassical murals were discovered in the first half of the 19th century as in other buildings.

Another very interesting masterpiece of architecture is the famous Baroque House,located on the east side of the square.With its structure and magnificent elements,including a wrought iron railing in real contrast to the classic style of the Church of St.Peter very close to the palace.That building was totally restored in the most important Baroque period lived in Piran,the southern facade is very influenced by that architectonic style with semicircular arches on the ground floor.

 Cerkev Sv Petar is a Church dedicated to St.Peter and it was built in Medieval times,exactly in the year 1272 outside the city walls.In the year 1818 the building was profoundly altered by architect Pietro Nobile in Classical style,above the portal it shows the relief by sculptor Antonio Boso, depicting the delivery of the keys to the Apostle St. Peter.
Cerkev Sv.Jurija the Church of St. George,patron Saint of Piran,is one of the most important religious temples in all Istria and Slovenia with an impressive and imposing bell tower,47 metres high and separated from the main body of that Religious construction.It was was built in the year 1609 as replica in style and inspiration of the famous Venice Bell Tower in St,Mark square and erected by the architects Nodari and Torra in the 17th century with a spire adorned with a sword-bearing statue of the patron Saint Jurija. 

Consecrated by nine bishops,the current aspect is typically Baroque 'from the last renovation which took place in 1637 while the adjoined baptistery was erected in 1650.Inside it presents seven marble altars and among the works of art preserved in its interior worth a mention the two sculptures dedicated to St. George, of which the first,major is dated the 17th century by an unknown artist,while the second,smaller it is covered by silver jewelry workshop of the town.

The paintings are works by authors of clear Venetian school,there are two larger canvas The Mass at Bolsena and The Miracle of St. George which were painted in the 17th century by Angelo De Coster.In summer you can visit the tower from which on its summit you can admire wonderful panoramic views of that splendid Istrian town and the entire local coastline which stretches from the west coast of the captivating Adriatic gulf,the bay of Trieste,the Julian Alps and the Istrian inland up to Savudrija.

The octagonal base Baptistery was built in the year 1650 and it is the last building of the complex of that Church.You can admire,notable artistic works in its interior as a Gothic crucifix dated the year 1370, a Roman sarcophagus dated  the first half of the 2nd century which was later reworked and a stoned baptismal font.Very close to the Church stands a section of a wall which still retains some of the old towers.

Trg 1 Svibnja is 1st May Square and it is the centre of the district of Punta and in it converge the main streets of that quarter.That square has always been a meeting place for young people and during summer it hosts several interesting cultural events.

That old urban space was also the administrative centre of Piran in the Middle Ages until the 12th century,at its sides stood the old Town Hall which now houses the famous restaurant Delfin.At the centre stands a stoned cistern suitable to collect rainwater.The back of the tank is decorated with two angels placed on columns,one bearing a fish,the other a bottle.Originally the water was channelled by gutters which branched off from the roofs of the nearest houses.

 West to Punta Peninsula,you can admire a Castle with Sv.Klementa,a Church dedicated to St.Clement and considered one of the symbols of Piran.That medieval Religious Temple relevant construction was mentioned for the first time in the 13th century,after restorations,it acquired the present appearance and it was first consecrated in honour of St.Klement,one of the first Roman Popes.

.Piran in its history suffered some plagues and   Cerkev Sv Rok is a Church dated the 17th century dedicated to St.Rok,who helped local people along his way was struck by the plague and rose to protecting against infectious diseases.

Next to the Convent of the Minorites Friars stands Cerkev Sv Franjo a Church dedicated to St.Francis a medieval construction dated the year 1301.The traces of the original style,despite numerous revisions they are visible in the chancel,the exterior after many works was ended in the 19th century.

The current interior is mainly dated the 17th century after several restorations. while the exterior after some
The left wall of the nave of the Church is  adorned with Lombard arches expression of the Renaissance and on the altar you can admire magnificent works by the painter Vittore Carpaccio, dated the year 1518, representing The Virgin and Child, two Musical Angels and Saints delivered in Italy in 1940.

Thar religious building also contains a beautiful carved wooden pulpit dating back the 16th century,located on the right wall.In the sacristy there are paintings of  Venetian school,such as a fine Christ and the Samaritan Woman by Gregorio Lazzarini,The Last Supper,the paintings of Popes Alexander V and Gregory II, Saint Mary Magdalene,St. John of Nepomuk and St. Peter and Paul.

 Krizni Hodnik is the cloister of the Friars Minor,a beautiful courtyard,considered one of the most beautiful  of the entire Slovenia and it is accessed by an arched portal richly decorated with two columns at the sides.Thanks to its acoustic,that place is often used for musical events and.on the ground floor you can visit the Pinakoteka a gallery,which includes a collection of  beautiful paintings of Venetian school, which once adorned the convent.

There are many opportunities to visit in the town very interesting museums,the city museum has valuable works of archaeology,ethnography, history and art.Sergej Masera Pomorski Muzej is another one, the Maritime Museum housed in the port of the 17th century,in Cankarjevo nabrežje 3.

That exhibition was founded in the year 1954 and changed  name in the year 1967 renamed Sea Museum Sergej Mašera.the seat of the exhibition is the magnificent Gabrielli Palaca a palace in neoclassical style.
 It hosts several interesting exhibits related to the navigation and salt production,an activity that, over the centuries have been very important for the local development and the first relevant collections were mainly devoted to the navy set up in the Museum.

After the constitution experts began the study of maritime history and the past of the Slovenian coastal region,in addition,there is also a collection from prehistory to the Middle Ages and another one corresponding to artifacts found in the surroundings.
The ethnological collection is dedicated to the salt and in particular to the salt extraction procedures with an exhibition of objects,utensils and photos.Another area is devoted to the collection of historical, ethnological and artistic life and to the navy from the Middle Age until the end of the 2nd  World War including  famous models of ships,instruments of navigation,photos and sailors uniforms.

 Worth also a  visit the Aquarium located  in the street Ulica Kidričeva at the civic number 4. Established in the year 1964, when the Association of operators of aquariums of Slovenia received a permission for the refurbishment of the rooms of the former Nautical School and it began the activity in the year 1967,when it was entrusted with the administration of the High School Marine of Portoroz.

The complex has several tanks, most of them with artificial lighting coming from the external windows,they have a capacity of seating 300 and 1000 liter and one has a capacity of over 2000 liters and there can be seen about 200 samples from different marine environments.

The aquarium host the common octopus but also many other species such as,snappers, wrasses, groupers, and many other marine animals, in addition some species of algae as the Posidonia,Sargasso and algae cystoid.In a pool at ground level,there are some sharks,sea bream, mullet,,seas bass,some crustaceans,lobsters and  numerous varieties of sponges.

The most beautiful beach of the local coast is not far from the Aquarium and it is situated in Fiesa.In that area navigation is forbidden,it is a beautiful place to have an unforgettable view of the bay,that Adriatic gulf is a marvellous picture you will take with you for ever with magnificent views towards the Italian city of Trieste higlighted by the stupendous and scenic Miramare Castle.

Fiesa Beach is pretty rocky but also partially sandy with calm waters and it is not far from the historic centre,furthermore the area of the beach provides a wide range of bars and restaurants and in summer it is one of the busiest places due the great incoming tourism the town receives.

In the area of Piran directly on the Croatian border is the natural park Sečovlje or Salina close to the hamlet of Strunjan which is also the northernmost area where are still managed salt works in the Mediterranean.

The town is the birthplace of prominent people.Apart the famous violinist Giuseppe Tartini,Louis of Piran, Bishop of Forlì from 1437 to 1446, was one of the most active theologians at the Council of Ferrara and also Cesare Dell'Acqua,considered one of the best watercolourists painters of the 19th century, was born in the town in 1821 before moving to live to Trieste and later to Brussels.

Also Diego De Castro was born in that centre of Slovenia1907 a prominent intellectual and diplomat,one of the greatest characters of  Istria culture of the 900.Don Francesco Bonifacio, a priest born in the town in 1912, recognised as one of the "martyrs" of Foibe risen a symbol of this tragedy, was taken by Tito partisan in September of 1946 and killed.That Religious figure was beatified in December 2008.

That splendid coastal town is also the location of the medium-wave transmitter of Radio Koper(Radio Capodistria), which is operated on 1170 kHz.It also used as a transmitting antenna mounted to a 123.6 metre high guyed mast.

Piran offers many opportunities to enjoy several outdoor activities you can enjoy during your stay tennis,volleyball,cycling, bowling, horse riding and a wide variety of water sports such as sailing,surfing, diving, fishing and very relevant about events its local festival which takes place on 15th October every year.
Gastronomy of Istria is really tastefully,obviously fish and seafood are of high quality and always fresh.
Fish stew with prawns,mussels, shrimp are some of the main highlights prepared with olive oil, garlic,parsley and breadcrumbs,topped with a little bit of wine and all that reveals the richness of taste and smell of the sea.

One of the original recipe is definitely the fish in salt crust,where the fish is completely covered with salt and put in preheated oven.Squid is a local pride of the area,attracting several visitors to Istria for the high quality and excellent flavour,cooked in different styles,fried and in sauce and also present in the very tastefully
Rizot which is is a delicious  risotto with squid flavoured by olive oil,garlic and red wine is another traditional plate of Istrian cuisine very appreciated by a multitude of people.

The local Scallops are considered for many people the best in the world and shells are traditionally prepared in the oven with the addition of olive oil and spices or "au gratin" with tomato sauce.

There are also a big variety of soups and Minestroni prepared with chickpeas barley ans fennel.Very famous is also another local speciality called Pljukanci a kind of local gnocchi and the Jota a soup made by beans,bacon,meat and caps garbi..In addition to the great wines of Slovenia (I wrote a post about Branik linked to those fine wines),do not forget to taste the Biska a special Istrian brandy with mistletoe leaves, or the typical Komovica a grape brandy.
The proximity of the borders of Italy and Croatia and the short distance from the Austrian border permits the visitor an easy access to Piran coming from Ljubljana or Trieste, Koper, Izola  or Portoroz.The train station is located 16,0 km away at Koper,while the bus station lies at the entrance of the old town.  

International Airport of Ljubljana Joze Pučnik Brnik is situated at 145,0 km of distance and  Trieste Ronchi dei Legionari Airport is just 80,0 km away from Piran,in addition it is possible to reach it by catamaran the town from Venice,that beautiful Italian City which is part of the local history,it is only 70,0 kilometres away by sea.

Piran is a great destination if you want to enjoy relaxing sunny holidays and admiring during your stay a magnificent and captivating Adriatic gulf,discovering the fascinating Istria and that beautiful small corner of Slovenian Riviera with all its history it is something really great.

That splendid Istrian town is a mine of surprises,offering in addition the great incentive and the the brilliant chance thanks to the short distances to enjoy several excursions visiting stunning places.Piran is something you have to try and visit,a perfect destination for hundreds of reasons and more.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Piran
Max Hotel Tartini 
Hotel Piran 
Hotel Barbara Fiesa

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