Portorož-Slovenia | Delightful Spa Breaks in a Sunny Adriatic Bay.

Portorož is a very famous and popular seaside resort of Slovenia, a great destination among the best to enjoy delightful Spa breaks in a sunny Adriatic bay part of a picturesque, radiant and gorgeous coastal stretch of a stupendous Eastern European Riviera in the municipality of Piran, one of the most historic towns of the entire country linked to a glorious past related to the Marine Republic of Venice which is just 3,0 kilometres away.

Immediately the image of that lively and superb destination is more than fascinating highlighted by striking landscapes, spectacular sea views in the southeast of  the splendid Gulf of Trieste which takes the name by that marvellous city of the Italian region Friuli Venezia Giulia situated just 25, 0 kilometres away and not far from the Croatian border.

Considered a more than excellent site to enjoy relaxing holidays boasting a very a superb marina which provides excellent connections to the magnificent city of Venice by pretty fast boat services.

Portorož is also great start point to discover many wonderful towns and small centres located in its immediate proximity such as Koper, Umag, Izola, Strunjan, Buje, and Brioni which with their striking images show an immense scenic beauty next to the fascinating colours of that wonderful Northeastern Mediterranean littoral.

That Slovenian resort reached since a long time ago an impressive fame and popularity worldwide when it was selected as favourite destination by the Austrian Emperors linked to the Habsburg House becoming a top destination among the most relevant of the entire country thanks also to the emblematic Hotel Palace, considered among the best structures devoted to hospitality in that area of Europe.

A notable presence of many other comfortable accommodations which offers an extraordinary capacity with notable facilities and services ready to satisfy every kind of request  placed  Portorož in the Elite ranking as one of the most prestigious Holiday hubs on the entire Adriatic coastline with the Spa industry as remarkable highlight.

With a very high reputation also related to events, cultural proposals with many chances to plan successful operations linked to Congresses, Conferences and Meetings at the highest level, a very inviting place for that trendy tourist niche called Travel Incentive and very appropriate for every MICE specialist.

Those features are naturally to take in high consideration also for individuals planning holidays along the beautiful Slovenian Riviera well known for it mild climate with almost 2400 hours of sunshine a year, great communications, a delicious local cuisine served in several excellent restaurants and great communications.

The Slovenian Littoral Region is certainly a great gateway to enjoy  Cultural tourism in an area rich of historic attractions and also some small municipalities boast a very considerable monumental and architectural patrimony with a lot of Medieval, Baroque, Renaissance gems, natural parks and iconic karst caves.

The proximity of three considerable countries such as Italy, Austria and Croatia is definitely a more than captivating incentive to develop a multitude of tailor made tours and special itineraries of very significant interest for every Destination Manager but also for tourists who want to discover also those lands packed by superb marvels.
A delicious cuisine highlighted by fresh products and a culinary art based on homemade recipes with also the chance to plan wine tasting routes in the nearest Carniola or in the scenic Branica and Vipava valleys are certainly other brilliant proposals for visitors who love all that and a complete tourism with also that chance.( I wrote a post about Branik in the case you interested)

Portorož also offers many opportunities to practise water sports such as sailing, diving, surfing, windsurfing but also for those who love trekking thanks to the presence of the enchanting Karst Plateau, a beautiful territory at the foot of the Alps with spectacular trails starting from low hills and ending on heights with a wide variety of itineraries simply enchanting.

All the immediate surroundings are in addition a Mecca for mountain bikers and cyclists with and endless network of routes along the coast until the peninsula of Ankaran and Kolomban close to the Italian border which are also destinations more than suggested for passionate photographers.

Another recommended area for all those activities is in the nearest interior towards the small centres of Puce and Kostabona in a hilly and picturesque land rich of forests, wild streams and gorges in a natural scenery simply wonderful and in addition as very interesting detail totally uncontaminated due to an absence of industries.

 The resort is practically bilingual, the inhabitants fluently speak Slovenian and Italian, many locals due to the proximity of Austria also speak pretty well German for historic and commercial relationships with that country linked to many centuries of common history.

A large number of locals also speak Croat, Serb for linguistic Slavic affinities just like English, a language which is spoken in all the tourist establishments and so spending holidays there it is not a problem because you are in a sort of multilingual land.

The name of that the resort translated means Port of Roses and it derives from that kind of flowers which grow in its hillsides which started to be exported by ship since centuries ago and from that floral presence it took the current denomination.

The local territory was originally inhabited by ancient Illyrian populations who reached the local coast from the southern territories of the Balkans and a a settlement of some Celts, tribes linked to the Taurisci also called Norici who populated a vast territorial area which included part of Austria, Hungary and the Northeast of the Italic Peninsula.

Those settlers were mainly devoted to agriculture and totally assimilated during the campaign of the Roman Empire which was partially occupied that territory in a vast Region called Noricum approximately in 178 BC, during the times of the Consul and General Publius Silius Nerva continued later by the Emperor Claudius and officially entering in the Imperial sphere in 16 BC.

Since that time started a very relevant activity as the trade of salt towards the heart of Europe reaching across new established routes the territories of Pannonia and the Danube valley with a business which had as protagonists different important towns.

Archaeological excavations which took place in the last decades in the local boundaries confirmed furthermore a very active artistic life in that land with the found of several artifacts, consisting in items, coins, tools, very relevant were also the discoveries of ancients farms and villas rusticate, countryside rustic mansions elevated by important Patrician families of the Imperial Rome.

That territory since the 5th century in an era corresponding to the fall of that Empire was severely invaded by belligerent tribes such as  Ostrogoths, Avars and Huns but were the Lombards despite a brief rule to start to give that land a concrete profile leaving the territory in 568, a period which corresponded to the settlement of the first Slavic groups coming from East, tribes which were led by the King Samo since 623 who were the first ancestors of the current Slovenians.

That reign which endured until the death of that Sovereign in 658 with a return of the Avars ruling the territory before the conquest of the Franks which took place in 803 which established one of their domains, it was also a period in which the totality of the locals embraced the Christian faith as part of the Holy Roman Empire.

The medieval era was particularly highlighted by the numerous attempts of conquest by the Marine Republic of Venice which for a brief period was successful but despite that Portorož and Piran were incorporated in the Patriarchy of Aquileia, a current town in the province of Udine, part of the Italian region Friuli Venezia Giulia under Austrian rule.

Those times  were particularly highlighted especially in the 12th century by a notable presence of religious figures linked to the Benedictine Order who elevated several Churches and monasteries, one of them was dedicated to St. Mary Rosary which one century later was renamed Sancta Maria Roxe, St. Mary of Roses. 

Some monks also erected the Monastery of St. Laurence and it said that such Ecclesiastic site was a sort of Spa and Sanatorium pioneer base to cure rheumatic diseases thanks to therapies characterised by use of saline mud and salt water.

Another important historic event is linked corresponds to  the mid 13th century when also the bay took a new denomination as Portus Sanctae Mariae de Rosa.

That century was also the  time of the 2nd  Venetian rule with the fall of Piran in 1283, and that famed Marine Republic from Veneto established a long domain until 1797 when the former settlement was incorporated in the vast and powerful Austrian Empire ruled by the Habsburg House.

That domain endured until 1806 when Napoleon Bonaparte after the notorious Battle of Austerlitz in 1805 well known as the Battle of the Three Emperors which saw protagonists France against the Imperial Austria and Russia with the Napoleonic victory incorporating the current resort  in the Illyrian Provinces.

The former settlement remained under French rule until 1813 returning in that year in the sphere of Austria once again. It was concretely in that time when the Emperors retook after a pretty long period of inactivity the relevant salt production elevating the bay of Piran as one of the most important in Europe in that kind of business with that compound which was also later the winning key to establish the bases of of a considerable success linked to Spa tourism.
Since then that place started to be  a Paradise with many people who flocked there for special treatments much more than in the medieval era,  rheumatic and skin diseases were cured in the best way, the resort reached superb levels especially in 1879 thanks to the work of the Doctor Giovanni Lugnano who treated many aristocratic patients.

That successful activity continued with extreme positive results and it was furthermore very active in 1885 with to the construction of villas and new structures hosting several people coming especially from all around Austria but also from Germany and Italy.

In 1890 took place the construction of the predecessor of the Hotel Palace which became in a very short time a sort of icon with Portorož becoming favourite residence of prominent and wealthy characters such as Langer, Frennez, Furian, Antonelli, Dragovina, Salvetti and Reinlaner among others.

The presence of those figures and the superb development as official summer seaside resort & Spa consolidated furthermore the name and fame of that site at the top levels with a superb boom of tourist flows since 1902 when the works related to the Parenzana railway operating ended in that year.

Since then that centre became a very important meeting point of the classiest Austrian Bourgeoisie and subsequently a renowned tourist destination inserted in a prestigious seaside network which was called in that time Austrian Riviera with people coming from Vienna, Linz, Graz, Salzburg, Innsbruck and other several cities of that former Empire.

 In 1908 a famed Austrian doctor of Italian origin called Orazio Pupini who was in that time the leader of the Medical Services of Austrian Railways and illustrious member of the Austrian Institution of Doctors opened an official Sanatorium elevating the Slovenian centre as a distinctive health resort highly appreciated for the advanced therapies it offered.

The first luxury Hotel which was built in the local boundaries was the famous and iconic Palace Cur Hotel completed and inaugurated in 1910 reaching an immediate prestigious popularity  hosting the highest social class with several aristocrats linked to  the House of Habsburg.

All the noble nomenclature selected that accommodation as one of the favourite havens and since then Portorož for those modern therapeutic services offered  was already classified as a Elite destination among the most relevant in the European continent.

An additional event which supported much more the tourism growth was in 1913. year in which was opened the first Casino managed by the Company Casino Des Etrangers established in a mansion called Villa San Lorenzo despite that gaming activity endured just some months.

After the fall of the Austrian Empire in 1918 at the end of the First World War after the Treaty of Rapallo, that event determined that the entire territory of Istria was incorporated in the Kingdom of Italy led by the House of Savoy. 

Due to that change of rulers Portorož initially had a decline although in a short time restarted to receive tourism mainly composed by Italian aristocrats and more or less the trendy fame previously gained reached similar peaks of incoming flows. 

A relevant key of those new golden ages started in 1928, a date in which was introduced the electric therapy and just a bit later new trendy treatments related to therapeutic massages.

After the Second World War, an event which changed the destiny of Europe with the new redesign of many borders, operations which approximately ended in 1947 with treaties and congresses, the resort was incorporated in the new former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia.
The local tourism in that period had a notable decay living prertty dark pages of its history at the beginning of the rule of the Marshal Tito, grasy times which endured about a decade with some positive signals of a relaunch came in the 60's.

All that because that country never adhered to the Pact of Warsaw signed in 1955 in the Capital of Poland breaking Europe in two blocks and the Yugoslav President established good relationships with some western countries especially with France and Great Britain with many tourists coming from those two nations also for very good and competitive rates offered in that time.

Linked to that In 1964 was reopened a Casino, the first in Slovenia during the times of the former Yugoslavia and the second  in the country behind that one  established in Opatja, a town situated in the current Western Croatia in the gulf of Kvarner southwest of Rijeka.

Four years later In 1968 there was the development of Sports Airfield corresponding to the current Airport established in the nearest village of Secovlje not far from the Croatian border and approximately 6,0 kilometres south of the resort and just four years later in 1972 was erected a pretty large Auditorium.  

Certainly all those relevant works gave the resort a new emergent image and new tourists flocked pretty numerous thanks to the presence of a network of new structures with an increasing tourism in terms of incoming operations.

 The disappeared Yugoslavia hosted the 1976 UEFA European Football Championships Final Tournament in the same year were opened in the area of Bernardin two new Hotels such as the Vile Park and Bernardin Hotel and also that was a further success .

 In 1977 the boom continued with the establishment of a third one called Grand Hotel Emona and in addition the former Lucija salt works were transformed in a splendid marina developed to host small boats.

It was a time in which the country probably had a notable appeal for many tourists who found very competitive rates and those new structures attracted since then several German Tour Operators which started intense operations in terms of allotments with notable outgoing flows towards the Slovenian Riviera with Portorož absolute protagonist.

In pretty recent times in the 90's and concretely in 1991 as you know during the dissolution of that Nation the resort followed the history of the young Republika Slovenija, the Republic of Slovenia which obtained its independence in that year.

At the beginning the efforts to re-establish a high index of incoming tourism was pretty difficult because there was a development of a new Tourism Board which had to re-design a new organisation totally different than that one linked to the former State.

Including many hospitality establishments despite their prestige had some problem to re-start new campaigns convincing foreign Outgoing Tour Operators  and Travel Agencies that the Spa & seaside resort  was still lively than ever ready to host many tourists once again. 

The work was very hard but thanks to ther support of new investors and the participation of the local Operators in all the most important International Tourism Fairs and Exhibitions Portorož re-gained its relevant prestige once again.

Another aspect which worth a very special mention is that the architectural environment inherited from the former Yugoslav socialist party had a notable mutation in those times and today luxury Hotels, Casinos, Spa establishments, fashionable shops and many other businesses activities are hosted in new structures replacing many buildings mainly erected with a very austere image loyal to the former politic regime using standard, functional canons.

Many other old constructions falling in decay were totally restored, re-painted with new colours changing radically aspect and nowadays they host chic boutiques, cosy cafes, trendy bars and comfortable apartments.

All those operations of make up were very fruitful because the resort had a sort of renaissance, ready to be the new tourism engine of the country on that splendid sunny Adriatic bay.
That famous niche called Spa undoubtedly played an important and relevant role in the Tourism industry continuing to be successful than ever thanks also to a larger introductions of treatments.

Thanks to a constant development  Portorož is today a very important tourist hub and in the last decade there was also a very impressive arrangement of the Marina which can accommodate several vessels of different size, operations which notably increased the traffic.

An additional detail of special relevance is that thanks to all what was created in terms of new services and facilities due to the proximity of some Central European Countries which are often under the influence of rain or snow in autumn and winter seasons that seaside resort of Slovenia welcomes tourists coming from that geographic area thanks to its mild temperatures for many months a year.

Visitors from Austria, Hungary and Germany are so pleased to reach that beautiful Adriatic coast which is always a pleasant invitation to spend a good number of sunny days with temperatures which are not too cold.

Summer and a considerable local cultural calendar next to historic attractions in its immediate surroundings form all together a notable fan of options to plan an enjoyable short break anytime with the chance to admire something of very interesting for the joy of many art and history lovers.

The core of the resort is mainly arranged along and north of Promenada Obala consisting in a long boulevard flanking the entire local coastline and the centre where are practically concentrated the most important Hotels. 

From there starts Stara Cesta, a large avenue which connects the seaside resort to Piran in the interior of the peninsula and the Complex Lifeclass Hotels & Spa west of the harbour. 

Cvetna Pot to north and Stopniska Pot to northwest immediately behind that hospitality structure are the main streets of the beating heart of that site while Belokriška Cesta represents a sort of urban junction adjacent to a section of Stara Cesta in its western side directly leading to east reaching the extra radius in correspondence of the exit of the resort.

The sunny Mediterranean atmosphere, a lush vegetation composed by palm, pine, cypress and oleander trees, fine restaurants with outdoor terraces overlooking the sea, the famous Portoroz Casino, comfortable connections with passages leading to the famous treatments complexes and beaches in perfect conditions are a perfect cocktail of reasons to enjoy that place as a great destination also for the image it offers.

The local economy is naturally mainly based on Tourism and Spa, the several facilities include apart the mentioned Casino and Marina numerous spaces suitable to enjoy sporting activities with the presence of tennis courts and much more.
  The famed Terme & Welness Life Class Portoroz which gave since a long time ago the first remarkable success to the resort is still an emblem of that tourist Slovenian Queen, a   superb complex closely related to the action of salt water and mud for the joy of many people.

Modern and very trendy methods of treatments devoted to cure skin diseases and sequels of rheumatic problems are extremely advanced and in addition to all that the patients accompanied by families could enjoy during their stays the beautiful local beaches, a combination  equivalent to a complete health & seaside holidays stay.

The local theraphies can be enjoyed in water-based floral welfare centres in Hotels but an iconic speciality would rather the well known algae therapy, the stickers with the local salt called Secovlje including massage with essential oils, bathing in water marine and thermal pools highly appreciated

A subsoil rich of sort of magic springs with kinds of miraculous compounds is definitely a relevant aspect which permitted that destination to be a little Empire also protagonist for that kind of presence.

Even are present several other modern and trendy therapies and treatments such as Thai Wai, Shakti Ayurveda, Thalasso Therapy, Vichy Massage and Finnish Sauna, all part of a wide selection of offers satisfying many visitors who can enjoy all that and much more in a renowned place with a superb tradition about all that.

Anti-Aging, facial treatments and including aromatherapy are also well known for their advanced therapies incorporated since some years ago in those delightful services which enchant many people who select in many cases withoutt hesitations that destination for several Spa breaks but with the chance to choose also those different options inserted in a pretty vast fan of different packages.

A further detail to take in great consideration is also the presence of staff composed by specialised experts who always after a consult suggest the best therapy case by case and those modern and trendy centres next to those excellent operators are also the key of the success and prestige of that Slovenian resort.

A further highlight is that they provide applications of natural products, another aspect which is certainly highly appreciated and worth a special mention that all is scientifically tested and 100% natural.

The famous and popular Meduza is the beach of the Hotel Lifeclass considered one of the most exclusive and beautiful along the entire Northern Adriatic coastline, in addition very distinguished for its excellent access, maintenance, cleanness and exceptional services provided along its entire surface.

The splendid light and soft sand is another winning feature delighting a multitude of tourists who can also have opportunity to enjoy long walks thanks to the notable length which is certainly another attraction

That long sandy stretch is fantastically arranged to offer the best, highly suitable for different activities, it boasts a blue flag since a long time ago elevating itself as an emblem of the entire National tourism industry.

The beach is located in the immediate vicinity of the Hotels along the promenade facing the magnificent bay of Piran offering many facilities including in gastronomic terms with the chance to enjoy a wide variety of appetisers, salads, soft drinks, ice creams while another service highly appreciated is the use on it of deckchairs, towels, parasols, all options included and inserted in the Hotel packages.

A section of  Meduza beach is mainly reserved for Hotel Lifeclass Complex and all the guests with reservation and consequent accommodation in Four Stars Hotels while the prestigious Meduza Exclusive is only reserved for clients who are spending their stays in category Five Stars Hotels.

In addition you can find there two prestigious massage pavilions which are available offering everything for enjoyment and relaxation such as classical massage, Thai, Ayurveda through to modern and trendy facial and body treatments before and after sunbaths and furthermore programs and sessions of beauty and anti-stress therapies.

Obala Promenada is an exclusive walk side promenade of some kilometres from the hamlet of Lucija to Bernardin leading towards the charming town of Piran flanking a spectacular long and wide coastal stretch bordered by several Hotels and shops.

It is the main local hub and in its immediate vicinity were established relevant hospitality complexes such as the Metropol Group in which is located the busy and famed Casino Hotel Riviera, the famous Hotel Slovenjia and the previously mentioned legendary Hotel Palace.

On clear days along that captivating boulevard you can see pretty well at distance the Italian and Croatian coasts while another incentive is a great presence of bars and restaurants, ideal place offering different options permitting the visitors a wide selection of choice for dinner, lunch, snacks or simply enjoying a coffee or a cool drink

It is one of the best points facing the marvellous bay so fabulous for its image and colours so do not miss a walk along it and a great place to immortalise that place in several pictures for the magnificent sea views it offers.

The famous Grand Casino  Portorož is located in the Grand Hotel Metropol and it boasts a very exuberant nightlife, It is well known for its impressive capacity able to host over 3,100 guests and it is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The largest part of the structure is dedicated to the classic French table games as roulette but it also  provides 300 Jackpot Slots -Video Machines Alfastreet, Aristocrat, Atronic, Bally, IGT, Interblock, Novomatic, Unidesa and Williams and progressive games including Cash Fever and Cash Express Fever, Electronic Roulette; Live table games, American Roulette,7 French Roulette,6 Black Jack,2 Five-card Stud Poker, 4 Caribbean Stud Poker,3 Chemin de Fer,1 Baccarat, 1 Midi Punto Banco, Wheel of Fortune and Bingo.

That very glamorous venue thanks to its fame organises tournaments as well and the visitors can enjoy furthermore a beautiful classical restaurant overlooking the entire seaside resort, the bay and the Marina offering a menu à la carte with different International specialities.

The other venue is the Casino Riviera opened in December 2007 situated in the centre with an easy access to the beach immediately situated across the road. That younger establishment provides bars, restaurants, night club, 176 Jackpot Slots-Video Machines, including IGT, Aristocrat and Novomatic Multigames and 3 Electronic Roulette.

Portorož- Congress Centre is another structure which increased the prestige of that site located in the heart of the resort Life class providing ten wide halls boasting a surface of over 1,600 square meters and a superb capacity to accommodate over 1,200 people, a
stunning complex particularly distinguished for the adaptability and flexibility of its rooms which can accommodate from 20 to 520 people.

It provides all the most modern and sophisticated equipments to organise superb events and congresses of international level with trendy assembly of spaces with audiovisuals, breaks, ideal to host different  kinds of seminars, a perfect place for who is a specialist of MICE or a destination Outgoing Manager focused to the activities of Congresses and Conventions to celebrate abroad.

The complex offers the chance for exclusive and specific spaces hire for companies, organisation and support for corporate events and much more.  

Different areas and foyers are elegant meeting points, ideal sites for the participants of different types of meetings with buffets, cocktail receptions and pleasant evenings can be held accompanied by the sound of a piano.

When you are in  Portorož do not miss to visit the ancient stores of salt enjoying a brilliant excursion to Beli Kriz. That place is absolutely a must and from there you will be delighted by a magnificent view of the fabulous Piran bay while continuing north-east towards Strunjan you can reach another magnificent place consisting in the splendid promontory of Sezza.

Once there you can admire Forma Viva, a permanent outdoor contemporary stone sculptures exhibition inaugurated in 1961 in that area.

Along the road leading to Izola, if you are a photography lover there are some beautiful coastal points with impressive panoramic views and one of them I suggest you is immediately outside the eastern exit of the resort consisting in ther headland of Strunjan. 

In that very scenic place apart to admire the spectacular formation of the local coastline and the beautiful views on the Adriatic you can also visit two nature Parks.

The first one is called Naravni Rezervat Strunjan, a wonderful natural intact environment boasting over 4, 0 kilometres of coast with magnificent cliffs and sedimentary rocks. It is an extraordinary oasis of peace in which protagonists are the stupendous colours of blue and emerald waters and the verdant vegetation surrounding that stunning site.

At short distance in the interior the second park is equally very attractive, it is named Krajinski Park Strunjan which forms with the previous a sort of network, once there you can admire the estuary of the river Strunjan which gives the name to that place especially highlighted by a rich presence of flora and fauna.

The nearest Dobrava is another fantastic site I recommend you because in that point the coast forms some spectacular inlets and a picturesque tiny gulf with the chance to see another scenic tiny peninsula close to Jagodje, just a bit before to reach Izola where the Slovenian coastline shows all its beauty with unforgettable views of the southern section of the Gulf of Trieste.

Portorož offers a very lively and vibrant nightlife, you can find pubs, clubs, bars for every taste and obviously the Casinos which attract crowds of tourists until early hours in the morning with long nights highlighted by the trendiest music performed by the best local DJ and dancing.

Many are the events which take place in the resort from religious to festivals. In  the days of the Saints is celebrated one of the largest international boat shows attracting many tourists while Internautica is another appointment of relevance celebrated in the first weeks of May with over 200 local companies also coming from neighbouring countries.

Also Sport is protagonist, thhat place hosted from 2005 to 2010 an annual important tennis event as the Women's International Tennis Tournament, part of WTA Circuit  Tour which took place every September in the central stadion which was originally called Banka Koper Slovenia Open.

In 1985 it hosted the International Physics Olympics during the times of the former Yugoslavia and in 2001 were celebrated in its boundaries the European Universities Debating Championships.

Also the year 2008 was pretty important due to the inauguration of the new Euro-Mediterranean University founded in a close collaboration and partnership with different Universities of the European Community, Middle-East and North Africa.

Since 1961 that Slovenian seaside resort also hosts a contemporary artistic event called International Sculpture Symposium Forma Viva linked to the site previously mentioned displaying works in a park, an appointment which in its kind considered one of the most important attractions of the country.

The annual Festival of the Slovenian Film called Festival Slovenskega Filma with the Vesna awards for best achievements in the National Film Industry Industry is a very famous appointment well known at International level and with a very interesting launch of several national movies. 

As you can notice the proposals are many with a more than interesting calendar and cultural activities and also for that Portorož is a great destination all year.

Some of the best restaurants are generally inside or closely linked to the major part of the Hotels but there are also others next to the Marina, some of them offer very good menu à la carte pretty complete ready to satisfy the most exigent tastes and palates.

The delicious cuisine of Istria is mainly rooted and loyal to  its seafaring spirit but also offering a wide variety of plates linked to the nearest interior making the local gastronomic panorama very varied and complete.

The Lignji, squid is absolutely a local pride, boasting an excellent quality which attracts many visitors from other areas of the region, Italy and Croatia because of the delectable taste of that superb delight.They are prepared in many styles such as in sauce, stuffed or fried and the iconic Rizot is something else you cannot miss consisting in an exquisite risotto combined with that delicious product.

Also the local Pokrovače, superb scallops have a considerable reputation considered by many people among the best in the world just like shells traditionally baked adding olive oil, some spices or in a variant ”au gratin" with grated cheese adding a bit of tomato sauce. 

Many traditional fish stews prepared with prawns, mussels, shrimp and minced squid with an addition of parsley, garlic, olive oil and breadcrumbs completed by a touch of fine white wine are other great gastronomic highlights.

You can find furthermore a great combination of vegetables, meats served with plenty of fine wines of the Region and the local cuisine is characterised by a large variety of soups and minestroni based on chickpeas, barley, corn novel and fennel as frequent ingredients. 

Very famous is a speciality called Pljukanci, kind of local dumplings often accompanied by other delights while the famous Njoki is the exact Slovenian replica or the Italian Gnocchi.

 If you want to taste something of extremely typical try the Ajdovi Žganci, a sort of mashed flour similar to polenta which is often combined with different kinds of sausages as the famous Klobasa adding sauerkraut or also accompanying the Obara, a delectable meat stew including vegetables such as carrots, celery and onion

The notorious Jota is another one, a very popular soup made with beans, bacon and caps garbi, a plate also very famous in the nearest Italy mainly in the area of Trieste and its surroundings. 

Notable is the high quality of the famous and tastefully Pršut, Slovenian ham often present in starters, appetisers but also in several snacks accompanied by cheese and a cool glass of white wine. 

In the Karst Plateau and also in the area of Vipava Dolina, a beautiful verdant valley you will have the superb chance to enjoy special routes where you can taste that outstanding product and including with the brilliant opportunity to visit farms and producers all that obviously if you are interested in that kind of Educational very useful also for people working in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering Industries.

About desserts worth to be mentioned the Zavitel which is a twin of the popular Austrian strudel and the Prekmurska Gibanica made with honey, nuts, poppy seeds and dried fruit while the traditional Potica is a delicious cake which has as basic ingredients nuts and ricotta.

Very popular in all the territory is the well known Struklji, iconic symbol of the country, a very old recipe dating back the 16th century consisting in a sort of pancake which can be filled with walnuts, cheese but also apple. 

The mild climate for many months a year, the Mediterranean breezes of the Adriatic combined with a fertile subsoil and the winds coming from the Balkans all together form a very special micro climate favouring the culture of superb grapes.

The white wines are very similar for taste and texture to those of the Italian regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto.  

You can try some  Pinot Gris and Blanc of very high level, very palatable, classy and with a superb tonality as the superb Rizling while the red wines are smooth with an intense red colour, symbol of robust grapes, great products of a soil which has all the properties to generate fruits very healthy and with body because they are not too dry and neither humid.

Excellent is the choice of local selected  Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Chardonnay but also pretty suggested are Rebula, and Refosk among others. All them are fine products of high quality and if you like other kinds of tastes, try the local Malvazjia similar to the Italian Malvasia for type of grape, texture, body and tonality.

About other beverages do not forget to try a shot of Biska, a special Istrian brandy made with mistletoe leaves or the Komovica another traditional liquor pretty famed all around the country.

Portoroz has its airport, quite small and only handles charter flights so it is difficult to find a direct flight. However, it is possible to reach easily its boundaries landing on Trieste Airport Ronchi dei Legionari in Italy not far from the resort or as further option Ljubljana Brnik Airport situated at approximately 145, 0 kilometres of distance.

If you are thinking and planning future holidays to Portorož  I added some links which could be of support to organise your stay with some information more and I inserted some very suggested accommodations, obvioubly glad to help you if you need tyo know something more.

That Adriatic resort is certainly a great choice for holidays all year, a superb chance to enjoy delightful Spa breaks highlighted by stunning facilities and services, a mild climate, a lively atmosphere are part of a perfect and large fan of pleasant options to choose that place as destination enjoying more than pleasant times.

That corner of the beautiful Slovenian Riviera will totally delight your stay and the view of a magnificent and sunny bay simply unforgettable will be another great detail highlighting your pleasant days.

Portorož is a place unique in its kind, visiting and enjoying that place will fascinate you for all what it boasts all around its boundaries and without hesitations you will wish to repeat that special experience with extreme pleasure.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Portorož

Hotel Kempinski Palace Portoroz 
Hotel Riviera 
Grand Hotel Portoroz  Lifeclass
Hotel Marko 
Apartments-Residence Marina Portoroz 

Useful links

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