Kuopio-Finland | Shimmering Diamond of Northern Savonia on Lake Kallavesi.

Kuopio is a stunning destination of Finland, a shimmering diamond of Northern Savonia on Lake Kallavesi, a magnificent Nordic waters basin over 90,0 kilometres long with a maximum width of 15,0 kilometres totally surrounding the boundaries of that splendid city of approximately 110,000 inhabitants, a superb landmark highlighted by a striking scenic scenic archipelago formed by numerous islands and islets of different size and a new emergent urban area called Saaristokaupunki.

That Finish centre is located on the famed Blå vägen, the Blue Highway, a famous international tourist route connecting the town of Mo i Rana in Nordland, Norway to Pudozh, a Russian municipality of the Republic of Karelia crossing the Swedish and Finnish territories created to link the old waterways of the Atlantic to Lake Onega.
Boasting an ample and captivating water front usual meeting point of many locals and tourists walking around its central area you will notice that despite Kuopio is the eighth municipality of the Nation and the major of the entire region it is a city on human scale calm and tranquil but with an extremely pleasant and lively atmosphere in that environment  next to the local Satama, the lake harbour and Kaupungitalo, the Town Hall Hall elevated in 1884.  

That Finnish centre is highlighted by its special urban network where every second street called rännikatu is practically a pedestrian or cycle hallway, a system developed since a long time ago in 1776 by Pehr Kjelmann, an urbanist architect when during that time Finland was part of Sweden.

Those streets were denominated in Swedish language gränd, a grid of passageways and narrow lanes providing since their establishment a very safe and peaceful environment for the pedestrians far from the traffic and avoiding risks in the circulation.
Kuopio is much smaller than other Finnish cities such a Helsinki,Turku and Tampere but it has a very relevant historic patrimony with different buildings and Churches elevated in different periods and architectural styles and it also boasts an important University hosting in its boundaries over 7,000 students,a great number if you consider its  population.

That feature makes that it is a very young reality and also for that many are the trendy bars, cafes and clubs to spend enjoyable evenings. In addition you can fine restaurants offering the best local cuisine and Northern Savonia is among the best places at national level in terms of gastronomy with a loyal preparation of delicious homemade dished made with fresh ingredients.

The local cultural calendar is very relevant, with events, concerts and festivals very popular, notable is also the presence of a good number of comfortable Hotels and accommodations while on the Lake Kallavesi many are the chances to practise different kinds of outdoor activities such as sailing, fishing, swimming, rowing, kayak and furthermore along its  shore several are the  cycling and trekking trails.

The greatly preserved intact green forests and an uncontaminated setting are the joy for nature lovers with other splendid streams and other picturesque  lakes in its immediate proximity, a great incentive for every visitor to plan several radial excursions. 

Winter is also a great season with many opportunities to enjoy Nordic and Adventure Ski, snowshoes and other sports as ice skating with many spaces and structures offering excellent facilities and services for all that.

Despite some ancient archaeological remains found in the area according to historical documentations the  history of Kuopio started in the 17th century when the country was under Swedish rule and the current Northern Savonia was well known as Norra Savolax.

The Governor of a big territory was a Swede, Privy Councillor from 1630 and Lord High Steward from 1640, officer of the army and statesman called Per Brahe who found a former town in 1653 and in the same century was also assigned it a name. 

As in every place there are suppositions and debates about denominations and ne of them was that a character named Kauhanen from a Tavinsalmi, a small village situated in the current municipality of Maaninka called it Skopa  probably by a former name Skopuia and  from loca liguistic influences it was pronunced Coopia including in some cases Cuopio.

Another version is that it derives from Prokopij deriving by inhabitants with that surname coming from South Karelia and concretely from Ruokolathi a centre near Imatra (If you are interested I wrote a post about that place)  who settled that territory in Eastern Finland in medieval times and taking off the suffix "Pro" in a sort of diminutive the result was Kopij pronunced Kuopi.
A further pretty remote oprnion is linked  from the verb Kuopia which translated means pow deriving by the imprints left by a horse paws the ground with his hoof considering that territory was in the past pretty muddy and marshy and that kind of quadruped was very used by locals for different activities.

The King of Sweden Gustav III on 17th November 1775 awarded officially Kuopio with the tile of city of the that Scandinavian Kingdom a period in which that centre had gained a significant relevance.

The entire current Nation in the 19th century moved under rule of Russia when on 29th March 1809  it was annexed as a province of to that Empire led by the Tsar Aleksandr Pavlovich, well known as Alexander I who was also the first King of Poland from 1815 to 1825.

In those times it was called Grand Duchy of Finland and that period was highlighted by numerous riots, revolts and an intense struggle with a a desire of freedom, a struggle culminated with positive results in 1917 with the proclamation of independence.

Kuopion Satama, the port of Kuopio is one of the great local  highlights, a very lively place and one of the the most and usual frequented areas by locals very busy all year and much more during summer period.

Finland is very famous for its big number of lakes, symbols of that beautiful Scandinavian country and the Lake Kallavesi is of course a great attraction for its size,beauty ,immaculate nature surrounding it and a fantastic incentive to enjoy magnificent cruises admiring the fantastic scenery composed of the several picturesque islands  in a waters basin which has a surface of 472, 76 square kilometres.

From there many people take a boat for excursions, visits of relaxing places in weekends and holidays, it is a lake very apappreciated for salmon fishing and it is connected to other lakes such as Riistavesi, Muuruvesi, Suvusvesi, Melasvesi, Juurunsvesi-Akonsvesi, a mosaic of waters highly loved for as touristic destinations all them boasting an extraordinary beauty.

 A cruise on the  Lake Kallavesi and those other minor lakes surrounding are a perfect chance for all those who want to discover those splendid symbols of Finland and naturally the cultural tourism with many interesting small cities and towns along their shores rich of attractions and unforgettable natural corners.

 The lake is extremely loved for its varied conformation,  the southern side is pretty ample offering fantastic panoramic views coast to coast with a maximum width of approximately 15,000 metres with rounded headlands and some large gulfs while the northern side is narrower with a jagged coast and a succession of small bays, inlets and tiny natural coves. 

 Saaristokaupunki is a new district linked to that magnificent waters basin which will host 6.000 new houses for approximately 14,000 people in the next fifteen years, its name translated means town of the archipleago, an new emergent reality which will cover 13,0 square kilometres and about 40,0 kilometres of shoreline and it will be developed on those islands close to the major services and public transportation with a clever studied plan of  preservation of the natural environment.

In front of the harbour starts Kauppakatu, a street over 1,5 kilometres long crossing practically all the central core of Kuopio. It is one of the busiest municipal arteries packed by shops,offices, bars and where you can visit Kuopio Museum, a very interesting exhibition opened in 1907 displaying the history of the city, the region, its culture, history and traditions,

In addition it also contain in other rooms relevant archaeological artifacts found in the municipal boundaries, objects and works by Juho Rissanen, a famous painter born in Kuopio and emigrated in U.S.A in the 50's but he conserved strong links with his homeland. That visit is pretty suggested because it is a sort of pleasant introduction of the most relevant local chronological historical stages  and in the meantime you can enjoy some artistic masterpieces.

 On the right side of the museum is situated Tulliportikantu,  the Kuopio Library and continuing walking along Kauppakatu,a short distance from that exhibition  you can see a park called Snellmannpuistio  dedicated to Johan Vilhelm Snelmann.

That character is considered one of the most regarded and  distinguished figure of Finland at the same level of the composer Sibelius ,the General Gustav Mannerheim or the architects Aalto and Saarinen. In that pleasant green space you can see a statue in bronze dedicated to that great man who gave Finland a lot in terms of nationality identity.

Snellmann was a prominent writer,philosopher and later also politician born in Sweden but he moved to Finland very youngalso living in Kuopio becoming Director of Grammar School in the city 

He was a very famous personality during the Russian occupation during the times of the Tsar Aleksandr II convincing that  Emperor to preserve the  Finnish language in the Gran Duchy of Finland in the 19th century when the Royal House of that country was thinking to abolish it keeping only an unitary language : the Russian.

Thanks to the diplomatic important work of Snellmann Finland the country and its citizens continued to use the Finnish language as official just like the Russian and Swedish which was largely spoken after many centuries of common life with that other Scandinavian Nation.

For all that also currently Snellmann is highly venerated as a sort of cultural hero because it was not very easy in that period to change the ideas of that Tsar who wanted  a total Russification of the Finnish territory. 

All that started with notable intensity in Karelia immediately after the occupation in 1809 which sadly in the course of its history had a separation with many plans of mutations in terms of culture, language and architecture but Snellmann was able to brake that.

Bordering that park you can admire Tuomniokirkko,the Lutheran Cathedral of Kuopio, a majestic example of Neoclassic Finnish architecture, a magnificent stone masterpiece built in the early 19th century and exactly ended in 1816.

It is a work by a Swedish architect called Per Wilhelm Palmroth who also projected some Churches in his motherland in Lycksele, Kungsholmen, Åmål but also in Finland as in the case of Kuopio and Pomarkku. (If you are interested I wrote a post about that attractive town)

Palmroth designed and led the works since 1795 and the works continued by Jacob Rijf  from 1806 to 1807 with an interruption in 1808 due to the war in Finland, it is a construction i 35,5 metres high and simply for its impressive size in the centre of the city is one of the most impressive landmarks

Great is the composition and the contrast between the large facade and a long dark roof, with an arched portal beneath a big circular window with iron railings and a majestic bell tower established on its side elevated in three blocks with the upper section having as terminal a polygonal roof with a circular white clock surmounted by a square turret topped by an iron cross.

In the interior you can admire an altarpiece painted in the Russian city of Sankt Petersburg in 1843 by Bernd Abraham Godenhjelm, a donation by the Theologist and Vicar Matthias Ingman and two Danish organs dated the late 19th century made by the companies Bruno Christensen and Sønner Orgelbrygger. Despite some restorations in the past the Church has nowadays an excellent aspect and it is pretty well preserved. 

Very close to that imposing structure in a small garden you can see a monument to pay homage to Minna Canth, an important Finnish writer, very active in political issues with different stages during his life in terms of ideas, concepts and philosphies.

That woman was originally influenced by the Scandinavian literature, a fervent admirer of the great Norwegian master Henrik Ibsen, passionate reader of Shakespeare and linked to  the realism, naturalism and poetic dramas.

Afterwards she totally fell in love with  the Russian literature and especially attracted by the talent of Lev Tolstoj for his his novels, narrations and that marked realist fiction who distinguished that great master of the 19th century from Yasnaya Poljana.

Minna Canth also became famous for many years dedicated to the rights of women and their emancipation,she died in Kuopio and the city apart to to elevate in his honour her a memorial monument also dedicated her a road called Minna Canthinaku situated just behind the Cathedral.

Kauppahalli is the famous Market Hall of Kuopio you can not miss during the visit of the city. It is very famous for its architectural style, a refined Nordic Art Nouveau, a superb work developed in 1902 by a Finnish architect of Swedish origin called Johan Victor Strömberg  from the former Viipuri and current Russian city of Vyborg.

It is a construction over one century old and since its inception it became a reference and a place highly frequented by locals because all the most important products coming in Kuopio are displayed and sold in that site.

That indoor indoor big market is extremely popular for its great quality and quantity of fresh soft fruit such as lingo berries, berries, strawberries and raspberries. Generally it is very busy highlighted by a very lively and bustling atmosphere and furthermore it is open six days a week offering an excellent chance for many people coming from the nearest small villages to enjoy shopping finding something they can not have in smaller shops.

In proximity of that place worth a visit the charming Pikku Pietari, a very scenic and unique attraction. It is a very charming and picturesque market shop alley where you can find antiques, different gifts and small shops displaying curious and interesting articles, items and objects. Its location in a narrow street flanked on both sides by splendid wooden houses is very charming and that unusual but characterful place is in its kind a splendid attraction.

Very close you can see a large light red baroque building with several curved windows in the centre and some others with a detailed small pediment as decoration on the top of its front side and it is  Kaupangitalo, the Town Hall erected in 1884.

Established in a large square it is another very busy cross point of the city leading from one side through the street Puijonkati towards the central railway and bus station and from another to other suburbs of the city centre.

St. Nichoals Kirko situated next to the street Kitkokattu and in proximity of the banks of the lake Kallavesi is the Orthodox Church of Kuopio.

Despite the Lutheran Religion is the predominant with the 79% of the inhabitants of Finland who embrace that Protestant faith due to the past which linked Finland to Russia there is in the city a a minority of people mainly Russian and Baltic immigrants but also some Finnish in particular from the Region of Karelia believers of that Eastern Christian religion.

For that Kuopio has that Church which also a curiosity because the Orthodox Easter has its concrete date of celebration but the locals celebrate that event according to the Roman calendar.

The city in addition closely related to that has a relevant Orthodox museum, it is probably it is one of the most important in the world outside Russia and the countries who took that faith since the 11th century in the Balkans and Eastern Europe after the split with the Roman Church and in that exhibition you can admire several wonderful Sacred objects from the Monasteries of Karelia and Eastern Finland dated 18th and 19th century.

You can admire there  magnificent iconostasis of great value and venerated liturgical items from Petsamo, the current Pechenga in Pechengsky District, Russia very famous for a
battle which took place in 1939 between Finnish and Soviet troops endured about two years, former part of Finland and to the Soviet Union in 1944.

Kuopio is a very tolerant city and some years ago were opened an Islamic Mosque and also a Buddhist Temple, the first opened in Finland in all its history.

The local University is a very famous Institute well know all around the country and also abroad with for a great tradition of its Research and Technology faculties. Founded in 1871, that prestigious Institution apart its prestige has one of the Botanical Garden among the most important in Scandinavia,opened in 1982 focused to the plantation and study of different plants coming from different continents and well known to have a notable and intense collaboration with many Universities of Europe. 

Finland as the other Scandinavian countries is a Nation very famous for Nordic Ski and Ski Jump and Kuopio is an important city of sport hosting every year a Ski Jump World Cup stage in the iconic Puijo Jumping Ski complex the second in Scandinavia only behind the emblematic  Holmenkollen in Norway.(If you are interested I wrote a post about that site)

That sort of  monument of Nordic Ski is located on a hill with the same name at an altitude of 150,0 metres in a site where was also established in 1963 Telekom Pijo Tower,the TV tower.In that period  it was one of the most innovative constructions in the entire  Finland consisting in a majestic modern towering structure, 75,0 m high and providing a restaurant.

That impressive building was a special spot for the modern architecture in the country and furthermore linked to the more important national media of information the Suomi Finland TV.

The image of that architectural masterpiece since its elevation constantly appeared in television, newspapers, magazines, including someone took inspiration by Puijo Tower as the case of the Tampere Major Lindforrs who wanted in his city a similar construction and eight years later in 1971that muncipality had a twin called Nassinuela Tower which is today one of its city's  landmarks.

That shimmering diamond offers several outdoor activities during all year and winter season is a special period to see live Nordic Ski competitions , to practise those sports but also also Ice Skating due to the lakes that in winter are transformed in wide ice rinks or to play Ice Hockey.

In Finland Ice Hockey is the National Sport and the city has a good tradition in that sporting activity sport with a Club pretty popular in the country the iconic KalPa founded in 1929 and playing in the modern and excellent Data Group Areena boasting a capacity of over 5,000 spectators. The Club won twice the Mestis League, the second highest Division in the country in 2004 and 2005.

In that historic Sporting Institution played prestigious players and it is enough to mention Kimmo Timonen, Pasi Kuivalainen, Sami Kapanen, Jouni Rinne, Olli Jokinen and Jussi Timonen, champions who made the history of the great Finnish Ice Hockey success.

Kuopio hosts several events,concerts, folklore festivals, every year the city organises Kuopio Finnish Skating Marathon,the Wine Festival of Wine and the Festival of Dance apart the previously mentioned World Cup of Ski Jump stage.

 Kuopio has a prestigious fame and prestige to be one of the Finnish cities with the best culinary tradition in the country for the famous Kalakukko considered a  national icon. It is a kind  pie made with fish baked inside a loaf bread but also with a variant with pork meat, a local product born in Northern Savonia centuries ago and for many people the best is that prepared in that region.

Apart that do not miss to try the delicious and always fresh salmon, the Lörtsy, is a notorious patry which can be filled with different ingredients such as meat, vegetables or also Jam.

The local gastronomy also offers different kinds of soups as the Mykyrokka containing dumplings made with barley flour and blood adding potatoes,meat, liver, kidneys, offal and onion. The Puuro is a porridge very comon in the local tables and a further is the well known Hernekeitto, a pea soup prepared with meat, onion, thyme and majoram often accompanied by mustard amd slices of bread.

A bakery product called Ohrarieska, a kind of local barley bread is highy appreciated as the Leipäjuusto, a traditional bread cheese. Notorious desserts as  Marjaklisseli and Pulla finding in addition is a big variety of cakes made with fresh berries, lingo berries and bilberries.

The local Sunijarvi Airport is situated at approximately at 15,0 kilometres from the city centre, it is not extremely big but with connections to other Scandinavian cities. By car Kuopio is about 385,0 kilometres from the capital Helsinki via Lathi and Mikkeli driving by E75  and if youare planning a Fly & Drive from that cityin a little bit less than four hours you can reach  Kuopio crossing a fantastic scenery composed by many Finnish lakes,  an experience fantastic driving too. 

I suggest to visit that shimmering diamond for many reasons, its history, architecture, cultural patrimony and events, the Northern Savonia Region is a mine of treasures,the Lake Kallavesi and its magnificent archipelago will conquer you and along the shore of that splendid waters basin, Kuopio is one of the sites you can not miss.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels

Scandic Hotel Kuopio
Hotel Atlas Kuopio
Hotel Savonia

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