Hagnau am Bodensee-Germany | Great Tourism Tasting Savoury Wines on Lake Constance.

Hagnau am Bodensee is a magnificent destination, a charming town of Germany offering the opportunity to enjoy a great tourism tasting savoury wines on Lake Constance in a wonderful land as the state of  Baden- Württemberg rich of historic and natural attractions with a brilliant chance to spend unforgettable holidays in a fairytale environment east of the Upper Rhine.

That enchanting centre of approximately 1450 inhabitants situated in the charming district of Tübingen and part of the region Bodensee-Oberschwaben lies at just 15,0 kilometres from the important city of Friedrichschafen located along the same shoreline of a stunning waters basin at a  very short distance from the historic Meersburg, a small, shining medieval pearl well known for its two marvellous castles.

Highlighterd by many beautiful buildings erected in different periods flanking enchanting streets or encircling fascinating squares, fine architectural gems of a monumental central core on human scale where a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere is eternal protagonists that site is immediately loved by many visitors also for that transmitting an immediate desire to stay there for an eternity.

The captivating lakeside promenade of  Hagnau am Bodensee is another divine highlight flanking a small, captivating harbour established on a striking, jagged coastline facing the stunning city of Konstanz which gives its name to that stupendous lake.

From its banks  in addition you will be delighted by an unforgettable panoramic view towards the Swiss shore with the splendid image of Romanshorn, an idyllic centre lying on a sinuous bend in front of the picturesque rounded promontory of Langernagen another marvel of that beautiful basin.

That very appealing town lies in a geographic area where the spectacular Lake Constance is a special meeting point of three countries such as Switzerland, Austria and Germany immediately that unique detail is to take highly in consideration with the chance to visit in a nutshell many places of those fantastic Nations thanks to the presence of many charming cities, towns and village just on the other shore.

In a great planned tailor made tour with a superb Fly & Drive you can visit centres with a notable historic patrimony and it is enough to mention Bregenz, Lindau, Fussach, Uttwil, Immenstaad, the mentioned Konstanz, Friedrichshafen, Meersburg and Romanshorn among many others

A must to enjoy all that and more in another way is an unforgettable cruise on the stupendous lake on which you can also admire several, scenic islands and islets a great the chance to admire during the navigation that marvellous land from another perspective.

Excellent comfortable Hotels, very good restaurants offering the most traditional cuisine are part of a fine Hospitality Industry next to the the local active Turismusbüro, the Tourism Board offering a very organised service since a long time to welcome the visitor in the best way delivering the tourists all the information they need about routes, sightseeing tours, historic attractions and much more.

Notable is the variety of outdoor activities you can enjy in Hagnau am Bodensee as water sports with many chances to practise swimming, sailing, diving, windsurfing but also an Eden for cycling on road, mountain bike and especially cycle tourism is greatly suggested with great itineraries also in the iimmediate, splendid inland.

The immediate interior is another aspect to take in high consideration boasting several large green spaces, picturesque, gentle hills, intact forests with the chance to discover the beauties of the nearest Bavaria, another superb State of the German Confederation.

Hagnau am Bodensee is a  true paradise for photographers for a stunning coastline packed by small bays, tiny gulfs simply magnificent and just above them scenic hilly woody plateaus forming a spectacular scenery with also the unforgettable view of the towering Alps dominating a short distance the entire scene 

Another important aspect is a mild climate all year, a very inviting detail of course because that land for many months during a year is never cold thanks to a special micro climate.

In that German area there are endless opportunities to create several tailor made tours also linked to that niche called wine tourism simply stunning, a magnificent option for creative Tour Operators and Travel Specialists with interest to add a new trendy product to their  outgoing offers.

An Educational in places as Hagnau am Bodensee and surroundings could be compared to a wide gateway introducing you directly to a vast panorama of options rich in ideas and projects to program in different kinds of operations such as Travel Incentive, 

Groups of series, for individuals special routes on request with that captivating further chance represented by those iconic wines allied for successful plans taking in consideration furthermore that the town also celebrates a Wine Festival.

The history of that German centre according to archaeological excavations which took place in its boundaries and immediate surroundings certified that land was inhabited since prehistoric times. 

The ancient inhabitants lived in sort of stilts on the waters of Lake Constance and that choice was to survive defending themselves by the attacks of animals and just long after they decided to move to the mainland.

According to recorded documentations edited by Tacitus, Roman Senator, Consul and historian that area was occupied by the Helvetii, a Gallic tribe which had since the 1st century BC contacts with Julius Caesar divided in different tribes among them the Tigurini, Verbigeni and Tougeni which had approximately 400 villages scattered all around Lake Constance.

That territory was colonised by the Romans in the 1st century inserted in a region called Agri Decumates living the period of the Flavian Dynasty which gave Rome three Emperors such as Vespasian, Titus and Domitian.

That Empire  established in all the territory of the current Bund as the German speaking people identifies a State in a Confederation a network of fortified lines especially in its northern side considered a place more vulnerable with major risks of invasions to protect a point of a land not yet fully conquered.

Since then those rulers transmitted the locals the first operations of the cultivation of vineyards with the landing of some colonists coming from the former Magna Graecia who thanks to a fertile soil and a very mild climate started the implantation of vineyards which produced very robust grapes.

The secular  development of that activity reached a considerable, successful production  following a great tradition centuries until nowadays. 

The presence of the Imperial Rome endured over two centuries when in the 3rd century it had to retreat behind the river Rhine but also until the Danube valley for the advance of  the Alamanni who conquered the entire territory before to be defeated in 496 by the Franks led by Clovis I. 

That other Germanic population coming from the Lower and Middle Rhine lands once established there its influence changed the local history since the times of the first Carolingian dynasties who had among them the iconic figure of Charlemagne in the 8th century.

Since then he inhabitants embraced the Christian Religion abandoning the pagan faith, the territory became part of the Holy Roman Empire with a very marked organisation mainly established in a traditional Feudalistic system with local Governors leading small and  medium centres.

It was during medieval times thanks to the busy Ecclesiastic activities of that period when Hagnau am Bodensee appeared on the official maps due to its proximity to important sites with new established Bishopric seats but also in the current municipality was erected a Benedictine Monastery.

In 1112 in the current state was named a Margraviate ruled by Herman II, a status which existed until 1803.

There are other historic episodes some pretty which marked the past of the town in different periods. 

The first was a terrible plague in the early 16th century which decimated the population and a further corresponds to a big inundation in the early 19th century which generated a famine.

 About the latter the waters of the lake inundated Hagnau am Bodensee  devastating a large part of the agglomeration composed by beautiful traditional houses.

Despite that many were saved after a long laborious restoration, the same natural disaster was suffered in another occasion exactly 74 years later although the damages were less relevant and in that time the town had a pretty fast recovery.

The beginning of the 19th century apart those sad events was also protagonist of political changes the long history of the margraviate ended when it was raised to an electorate becoming in 1806 the Grand Duchy of Baden ruled by Charles Frederick joining the Confederation of Rhine in the same year.

After the Napoleonic wars with the fall of Napoléon Bonaparte the territory consolidated its position in the once ended the notorious Congress of Vienna in 1815 when the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Kingdom of Württemberg together entered into  a new established State of the German Confederation.

 Historicaly the Württenberg was originally a secular stronghold since the times of the House of Swabia during the periods in which was transformed from a County born the 11th century to a Duchy in the 15th century following the stage of Electorate in 1803 becoming an independent Kingdom ruled by Frederick I who supported
Napoléon in his campaigns against Russia, Austria and Prussia.

The Baden was part of a big Grand Duchy with Dukes who gave the land the denomination of that noble House, the entire present name is the the result of the fusion of those territories.  

Despite that historically the area was subdivided in  three lands considering that a third one was a domain of the former Prussian Kingdom with the emblematic dynasty Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen of Swabian origin which created a Principality in 1623 with capital Sigmaringen, a town situated on the Upper Danube  which also occupied with a branch the throne of Romania in the 19th century.

The last stage in more contemporary times in the 20th century is a bit peculiar because the united Baden-Württemberg was officially declared in 1952 after the occupation of American and French troops of those territories during the events linked to the course of the Second World War.

Despite that  the current State was already linked in 1815 when both lands entered after the Vienna treaty in a large common territory that already had an union and in 1871 in the German Empire and entering together in the Weimar Republic in 1919.

The name of the the town is a composition of two words, the first Hagnau derives from the word Hago probably dated since the times of the Alamanni when a Duke called Gunzo named as a sort of Ambassador a man called Hago who during his charge tried to find  unity of all the local population while the second part of the denomination am Bodensee is simply the translation from the German language of on the land or ground of the lake.

The beautiful centre of the town perfectly preserved it is mainly developed south of the long Hauptstrasse street located in the northern side of the municipality forming a sort of belt around the limits of the old town.  

Seestrasse is the splendid lake side promenade covering a pretty large space on which are  established a a good number of Hotels and accommodations.

Neugartenstrasse and Hansjakobstrasse are two other relevant avenues ,the second is a sort of prolongation of the first, they form together a central artery of the historic core vertically crossed by some streets such as Kapellenstrasse, Steinackerweg and Im Horn Strasse the latter ending close to waterfront .

A great point to start the visit discovering the main monuments with the major attractions sites of major is undoubtedly from Kirchweg the square where is situated Sankt Johan Kirche the Church dedicated to St.John Baptist,  one of the local symbols erected in 1729.

That captivating Sacred is the Pfarrkirche, the Parish Church of the community  elevated on an ample rectangular base is the result of a Neo-Gothic inspiration when many Ecclesiastic complexes in Germany started to be in vogue in that period as the early 18th century.

That architectural execution was a sort of beloved revival of medieval art led by some talented architects trying to compete with a constant predominant Baroque style which strongly entered one century before highly absorbed by the nearest Austria.
The building show a perfect mix respecting some features of its period of construction as a different use of material with different outlines than the traditional Gothic but many elements very similar to those used in the Middle Ages almost three century before perfectly reinterpreting that old style in a more modern key. 

Some of those similarities are height, size, layout of the facade and even more the bell tower which has almost in its all architectural lines many things in common with several traditional Gothic structures or also partial affinities with some Romanesque towers.

On the exterior walls you can admire a statue depicting St.John Baptist and engraved stones flanking a carved crucifix.

The interior is pretty sober but  boasting beautiful stained glass windows placed around a spacious apse containing an altar developed beneath a huge arcade while on the side walls you can admire beautiful paintings dating back 18th century certifying the talented, artistic school of that period with special relevance in the those works of a superb use of colours perfectly combined with fine perspectives.

The high bell tower is a superb landmark of the town with its captivating silhouette covered by a charming red brick gable roof completed by refined curved windows. 

You will notice its light colour is in great harmony with the surrounding green vegetation and the tonalities of the rest of the buildings situated in the immediate vicinity forming a spectacular architectural setting with a very captivating aesthetic profile admired from different perspectives.

Sankt Johan Kirche is a Catholic Church but it is not the only Church in Hagnau am Bodensee because  in the municipality there is another Religious site in Neugartenstrasse consisting in a  Protestant Church, the Evangelische Kirche, a pretty modern developed in late Baroque style.

You can continue the visit taking a look to Hagnau Rathaus, the Town Hall, a beautiful long, light construction developed on a wide rectangular plan covered by a scenic red roof.

Facing a huge green space that very scenic structure immediately appears very attractive at first sight for its considerable longitude and for the presence of several symmetrical windows highlighted by splendid shutters placed on two levels of the facade completed by a very charming, arched doorway placed in the lower section consisting in the main entrance.

That building boasts a high, historic relevance because in the past before to be transformed in the current site  was the former Weingarten Kloster, a Monastery which  Ecclesiastic san important cultural role in the community. 

 The memories of that local icon are still present with a mark and symbol of its existence corresponding to a Coat of Arms depicting the Abbot Sebastian Hyller.

The construction is very well preserved and a great element reminiscent that old Abbey is visible in  a very charming cloister, in addition you can admire a bronze statue depicting Heinrich Hans Jakob a distinguished, local citizen who was a prominent writer and storyteller well known in many areas of Southern Germany.

Many courtyards of that former Ecclesiastic complex are currently occupied by residences, offices but what is greatly impressive is that all the structures forming the structure of that old Monastic site are very well conserved, for that it was named Historic Patrimony of Germany.

Alter Torkel  is another attraction of the municipality you can not miss because it is a monument unique in its kind closely related to the local ,cultural heritage of a secular, rooted activity of the community.

Situated beneath a roof supported by timber columns it is the old wooden wine press built in the 18th century representing an emblem of the history of the town testifying the long tradition in the cultivation of the vineyards producing those supreme local grapes which after the harvest were transported in that concrete place to start the first process of production.

The press is still very well preserved, next to it you can see a wooden panel explaining in brief the chronological history of its operations with the illustration of its use.

A detail you will appreciated very much strolling the streets of that German centre is the charming architecture highlighting composition of the entire environment with a large presence of old, stylish, refined, wooden buildings.

All those constructions are great, true exponents of the old architectural style and canons deeply rooted in the Baden-Württtenberg showing the fascinating layouts of structures characterised by a traditional portico, covered by a high gable roof with a main facade executed with fine lines with a setting completed by small gardens and splendid, flowered courtyards.

A good number of the best examples are visible in Fritz Zimmermann Strasse, a captivating street with scenic lines of houses with ample facades arranged on three-storey present on both sides.  

Some of those buildings currently host Gasthöfe or Gasthäuser accommodations, inns,  compared to stylish B&B, others are taverns with wooden painted front sides, framed windows with beautiful, timber shutters in perfect harmony with other beautiful architectural details as inlayed decorations inserted over the portals.

Park am Seeufer is another notable highlight consisting in a splendid, well cared flowered garden on the shore of Lake Constance highlighted by rows of trees and attractive, rounded flowerbeds giving that splendid green space a very fascinating aspect.

That  beautiful gardened space is perfect to enjoy pleasant, relaxing walks along the lake admiring that little masterpiece of botany representing in its kind a very a scenic hallway showing all its charm flanking a stupendous waterfront.

Very interesting and worth  to be visited are the museums of Hagnau am Bodensee. One of them is Das Kleine Museum, the Little Museum consisting in one of the most relevant exhibitions in Germany devoted to dolls and toys made since the 19th century displaying some others dated the early 20th century, considered for the value of its vast collection a local pride.

The other exhibition is Hagnauer Museum representing a sort of chronological, complete history of that centre starting from the origin of the former settlement until nowadays.

The rooms display items, objects, tools closely related to the cultural traditions of the inhabitants, a large number of utensils, documents, memories of distinguished people who worked and lived in the town. 

 In addition you will have the opportunity to admire in other spaces artifacts dating back the stone age discovered during archaeological excavations which took place in the local area confirming a very old history started in that era in the boundaries of the present town.

Many inhabitants generation by generation are deeply related to the production, trade of that beloved, emblematic fine wines, selected products which created in that land brilliant combinations of cultural tourism, wine tasting with successful results offering the great chance to discover and learn more something of unique and highly interesting.

  he high quality of those wines absolutely of superb level and the production of savoury masterrpieces such as Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Bacchus, Müller Thurgau, Kerner, Riesling  are appreciated worldwide classified among the best existing in Germany and Hagnau am Bodensee with Lake Constance are a fabulous and unique opportunity to discover the secret of that success.

The winning key of those more than outstanding achievements are many, starting from a secular tradition began a long time ago when that soil was tested, analysed, cultivated trying to detect all the positive compounds which permit a successful harvest of resistant grapes in vines implanted at a right altitude.

New experiences implanting different types gave excellent results producing a a variety of wines ready to satisfy a wide range of tastes.

All that depends from the subsoil that in that land is not very dry but never too wet, immediately the plant absorbs the perfect resources from the ground to generate a kind of fruit receiving the right supply and feed to grow healthy, strong showing since the beginning one month before the harvest a colour simply superb, signal that all the properties assimilated are excellent.

A further aspect is the favourable  micro climate of the territory  able to support the maturation because the temperatures in that area are never cold despite that land is in central Europe but the climatic conditions are not very different than those of other countries on the other side of the Alps towards south such as Veneto, Piedmont, Tuscany, Provence, the Swiss Canton of Ticino and Slovenia among others.

That mild climate is highlighted since early spring, during all summer, early autumn before the harvest by many sunny days, many hours with light, cool breezes since the late afternoon followed by very ventilated evenings

All those changes of temperature are simply perfect for the grapes, there is nothing better than warm sun rays during the day with a delightful ventilation at the end of the day with some degrees less at night.

 The final result is that there is a production of magnifcent wines with body, savoury, highly palatable in addition very versatile perfect for meals but also very recommended for those who love special flavours in a delicious dish using them in the finest "Haute Cuisine".

Those wines both reds and whites have a great texture, their value is confirmed by that perfect, homogeneous colour with a total absence of strange spots or shadows corresponding to potential impurities immediately evident in transparency across a glass especially in the whites with their immaculate, straw tonality

A clear example is to try a local Riesling absolutely fantastic with that touch of dry taste characterising that kind of supreme wine, nothing bizarre as bubbles or a bit sweet at first sip, all is simply perfect, immediately palatable.

That kind of masterpiece is not very different for taste to that produced in the iconic Rhine valley or in the French Alsace including it has great similarities with those of  the Italian provinces of Pavia and Alessandria or others you cantaste in Slovenia or Hungary, identical features are also present in a fine local Weissburgunder Pinot Blanc of excellent level.

Those white wines are practically perfect accompanying starters, appetisers, absolutely outstanding with fish or to prepare a delectable risotto. 

Including for their splendid versatility are also very recommended for the creation of sublime cocktails or aperitifs balancing every kind of taste.

 A local Pinot Noir also known as Spätburgunder, a very noble wine is not inferior to the father of those grapes with its origin in the French Bourgougne or those of the Tre Venezie in Italy, Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia or including of that other of high reputation produced in the Slovenian Littoral in the Goriska Brda.

The fine, red wines apart to be served in a special dinner accompanying a superb roast or every red meat is also perfect to flavour grilled steak,excellent to add a great flavor to lamb, pork, superb in a main course and for many other catering operations, the same it is for the Grauburgunder, the Pinot Gris another diamond of superb category.

The great work of the local Tourism Boards very sensitive to the great patrimony that land offers in terms of wine tourism have created very interesting operations illustrating with detailed information all those who are interested to know more the special qualities of those masterpieces.

They are often present in many important International Tourism Fairs, the several opportunities that area offers with proposals highlighted by  professional Educational for Tour Operators and including in Travel Incentive transmitting how it is simply great to combine Lake Constance with that brilliant niche as wine tastinf is certainly an open gateway to develop brilliant outgoing packages highly trendy.

That partnership developed between wine and tourism industries started years ago offering an incredible mine of resources inviting  people to know the town, its wines, offering several options with a large, extensive choice of chances including several routes living a unique experience.

Every Travel Destination Manager  once knowing that can link with extreme flexibility a classica; historic, cultural itinerary to that magic world related to production and wine tasting wines which day by day is becoming a very trendy niche in the world of tourism.

There are in that land furthermore excellent operators, great experts explaining you everything about the history of those wines since their origins and we are talking about a secular history started during the Roman times.

They will give you large number of excellent suggestions for an ample variety of different routes, specific planned meetings with producers with consequent tasting of wines next to other wonderful advises.

Apart the famous wines also gastronomy in that area of Germany is great, a cuisine rooted in a secular culinary art mainly concentrated in the use of local, genuine products with a strong own identity.

The local white fish is very tastefully, highly appreciated for its delicate taste prepared in different styles such as grilled, fried, baked or boiled. Do not miss to try the gegrillt Barsch, grilled perch absolutely delicious just like the Forelle, trout of excellent quality.

Very traditional is a dish called Schupfnude, a plate consisting in a mix of potatoes, butter, salt,eggs seasoned with spices while another speciality pretty popular is the Schäufele, baked pork shoulder accompanied by different kinds of vegetables or also potatoes. 

A further highlight is the Enterbrust, consisting in duck breast seasoned with spices and boasting a notable reputation is the Gehackte Leber, chopped liver.

As in other areas of Germany very typical is the iconic Spätzle, a kind of soft egg noodle similar to pasta considered an emblematic old Swabian speciality born centuries ago accompanying meat prepared with a gravy sauce.

That speciality can be combined with the traditional Rouladen made with onions, bacon, mustard, pickles wrapped in thinly sliced beef or Sauerbraten, a sort of pot roast prepared with different kinds of meat such as beef, pork, venison, mutton or lamb.

Notable is the wide variety of sausages amonf them the classical Rote Wurst and Bratwurst, grilled, baked, boiled, served with sauces or present in sandwiches.

You can also find a wide variety of soups as the traditional Gemusesuppe,  a rich vegetable soup, the Kaldaunen Suppe, a popular tripe soup and that land boasts a kind of asparagus considered one of the best of the entire Nation used in different types of recipes.

In that State of Germany there is a traditional habit called Kaffee und Kuchen which translated means coffee and cake, enjoying a warm cup of that aromatic beverage next to something of sweet at late afternoon in family, with friends, social times.

In that area you can find a large variety of cakes, bakery products some of them are Wähe, Knauzen, Strübli and Badisch Schärbe among others.

The town is also active hosting important events.In summer is celebrated Wimmler, an important, famous Wine Festival with a great participation of locals, tourists, many other events as wine tasting meetings, concerts of classical, pop music and different, other cultural appointments are organised by the great Tourism Board.

The local Institutions very sensitive to offer next to an enjoyable stay of a tourist also provide that very interesting calendar with events highlighted by a very lively atmosphere, activities very appreciated and also for that Hagnau am Bodensee is highly appreciated by many visitors.

I added below some links useful for your plans, naturally if you need some further suggestions do not hesitate to contact me, a great pleasure to give you more information. 

Friedrichshafen with its own airport is well connected by an efficient Bus service to the town and in approximately 30-35 minutes you can reach that centre in the case your arrival or departure is from there.

If you are planning  a tailor made Fly & Drive with arrival to Flüghafen Bodeensee Friedrichshafen there are some flights from and to different German cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt Düsseldorf or others and that Airport is just 15/20 minutes driving from Hagnau am Bodensee.

More important airports with further connections are definitely Flüghafen Zurich, the International Airport of Zurich in Switzerland situated at approximately at 115,0 kilometres from that German town.

A further great alternative is  Flüghafen Stuttgart-Echterdingen corresponding to Stuttgart Airport which  is 185,0 kilometres away, it could be another excellent option and why not in the case you intend to visit that other splendid city, a great choice that I suggest you very much.

Discovering and planning to visit Hagnau am Bodensee is always a great idea, a wonderful destination of Southern Germany to try and enjoy for the fantastic variety of things to do it offers.

Tourism on Lake Constance in a historic town, excellent fine, savoury wines to taste with an endless list of great places to visit in the immediate proximity, a multitude of activities to enjoy in a land of an immense beauty, undoubtedly a destination very easy to remember and very difficult to forget.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Hagnau am Bodensee

Hotel Alpina
Hotel Von Sanden
Hotel Weinberg
Hotel Burgunderhof
Villa am See

Recommended Restaurants in Hagnau am Bodensee

Restaurant Rebstoeckle
Restaurant Hagnauer Hof
Restaurant Kibele
Restaurant Seeblick

 Useful links

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