Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden | Bavarian Beauty in a Nutshell.

Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden is a little stunning marvel, a shining jewel representing in all its fascinating essence and image the Bavarian beauty in a nutshell and the visit of that picturesque German small town situated at approximately 140, 0 kilometres south east from the splendid city of Munich and just 45, 0 kilometres from the beautiful Austrian city of Salzburg is mandatory for every tourist who will be delighted in a while by the fascination of a place born to bewitch everyone.

Located at an altitude of 670, 0 metres and surrounded by scenic and impressive Alpine peaks protagonists of an enchanting frame also composed by a beautiful verdant natural environment that stunning site is part of a scenery which is a hymn to the most captivating landscapes you can find in the world.

That shimmering diamond so attractive and plenty of charm which immediately conquers everyone is furthermore  considered one of the most photographed places of the wonderful Upper Bavaria and since a long time ago one of the emblematic symbols of that stunning Southern German Bund.

 In addition to all those magnificent features which immediately bewitch everyone that Bavarian centre is located in a paradise called National park Berchtesgaden which occupies three quarter of the territory of that municipality declared in 1999 UNESCO biosphere reserve and that relevant presence is certainly another great incentive to discover and enjoy that small Eden very close to Austria.

That place is immediately more than captivating at first sight totally surrounded by scenic mountains, a destination furthermore loved by many people for a wide selection of outdoor activities to enjoy during several months a year such as trekking, hiking, many are the opportunities to enjoy a vast range of spectacular excursions and other chances which find in that site a more than perfect habitat are climbing, cycling, mountain bike and golf among others.

Several are in addition the chances for historic and cultural tourism thanks to a more than considerable patrimony which is a further highlight to take in relevant consideration.

In the case you care planning to visit that astonishing corner of Bavaria you will find a notable number of stunning Baroque, Gothic and Romanesque monuments to admire, many of them were elevated in small villages and tiny hamlets which transmit the highest inspirations in a while for their genuine, true charm and much more surrounded by an uncontaminated nature.

Winter is a very special season with all the area including Ramsau celebrating the wonderful and charming Christkindlesmarkt, those beautiful Christmas Markets which are a great attraction, an fantastic experience to live and remember for a long time highlighted by a vibrant and enjoyable atmosphere, magnificent events deeply rooted in the local culture.

Another notable aspect is the superb chance to practise a wide range of winter sports with a special mention to Alpine and Nordic skiing in an environment which offers outstanding services and facilities with a a superb network of tracks more than appreciated by everyone.

Those marvellous peaks such as Hockalter, Latternebirge, Watzmann, Stadel, Horn and  Karpopf which are all together as a majestic crown encircling that pearl and the magnetic and captivating air which you can breathe in places as Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden is also due to to the magnificent image of those those Alpine giants which add a fabulous scenic appeal around that centre.
All them are part of a vast ski area and that town is located at a very short distance from prestigious winter sports resorts as Schönau and Berchtesgaden both considered an authentic Mecca for all the most passionate ski lovers.

Worth a special mention the aspect communications which is another winning key of that destination with the presence of three Alpine Passes such as Schwarzbachtwacht, Hochsschwarzeck and Hirschbichl, a further highlight permitting a very easy access to that splendid Bavarian resort and many other charming sites.  

All those heights dominate a spectacular environment formed by fairytale forests, gorgeous valleys packed by small characterful centres all to photograph and remember for a long time after some days spent in that unforgettable corner of Germany.

The river Ramsauer Ache which crosses a splendid valley is another scenic attraction completing a picture absolutely stunning of that Bavarian beauty which with its approximately 1,900 inhabitants has in the Tourism Industry its most important activity since some decades ago.

The municipality provides excellent services in terms of hospitality with the brilliant option to enjoy a large variety of comfortable accommodations next to typical restaurants serving a genuine, delicious gastronomy which are with all the natural and historic patrimony a very captivating attractive incentive to plan holidays without hesitations for an unforgettable stay in that magic heaven of Germany.

Since centuries ago Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden was already so famous to be a prestigious climatic resort to cure all that kind of diseases linked to respiratory problems thanks to its uncontaminated fine air and atmosphere and many people mainly related to the highest Austrian nobility chose that place as favourite destination, a trend which also continued in more contemporary times.

The name of the municipality derives from the composition of Ramsau consisting in the river crossing the town and Bei Berchtesgaden which means near, in proximity of the centre of Berchtesgaden.

Many interesting aspects are also related to the local culture, lifestyle and folklore of the inhabitants who have always been close and loyal to their old traditions totally rooted in a secular history which never lost its values and costumes

In every occasion including festivals, Patron feast, Religious events and other appointments of relevance linked to the local history and culture they continue to wear their traditional clothes.

Those special traditions are strongly preserved with pride and transmitted generation by generation making all that something of very characterful and more alive than ever in the town which conserves its own strong identity never lost after a history started centuries ago.

In the course of its chronological historic stages that Bavarian centre has always been an important cross point of merchants and traders who highlighted with their commercial activities busy routes established between Bavaria and the Salzburger Bundesland, the state of Salzburg with Capital the notorious city of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart when the current local Alpine Pass leading to that famed Austrian destination was already crossed since the Middle Ages.

The town started to be officially a Bavarian domain in the early 19th century after several years of disputes and claims generated in a war in a period in which Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden moved under Austrian rule.

Despite those changes of rulers, a certain instability and including an unknown future of the community due to those mutations, that centre was able to become an independent municipality with its own Parish Church reaching a consolidation of considerable relevance in the most important local trade scene

The Kingdom of Bavaria developed some years later during the Reign of King Ludwig I in 1837 managed a geographical and political subdivision of the districts and the town was incorporated in the Oberbayern, the Upper Bavaria.

In that time the municipality enjoyed an important phase of its history becoming a very active site and the Bavarian Royalty linked to the iconic House of Wittelsbach was often present there also due to the passion for hunting of many members of that Monarchy chose that small centre as privileged destination spending in the boundaries of  Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden very pleasant times.

The end of the 1st World War and the deposition of the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1918, the German revolution in the November of the same year and the consequent establishment of the Republic of Weimar incorporated the town in the new Federal Republic of Germany continuing its historic stages in the modern era always linked to the current German Confederation including after the sad event linked to the 2nd World War.

The town is mainly arranged along the Ramsau Ache, the fascinating river entirely flowing the local boundaries. On the main road called Im Tal which flanks that scenic waterway crossing horizontally the municipal core you can find the Tourism Information Centre providing all the information you need about that centre and its immediate surroundings with the chance to plan day by day brilliant radial excursions and several visits extremely interesting discovering stunning marvels at a very short distance.

In the northern side of the municipality there are three roads such as Hochgart, Schlutweg and the long Holzengasse, all them flow from north to south ending in proximity of the  Ramsau Ache. Holzengasse continues to east almost facing Am Muhlbach, an artery located on the other side of that watercourse and connected to Badgasse and Riesenbichl which are two roads running along the opposite shore of the river.

In that point you can start your visit admiring the magnificent Ramsau Pfarrfkirche also called Sankt Sebastian Kirche, the Parish Church of the town dedicated to St. Sebastian and Fabian.

That Catholic Temple is one of the most photographed monuments of the entire Bavaria situated in proximity of a small picturesque wooden bridge surrounded by a splendid Alpine vegetation with a wonderful background formed by the stunning image of the outstanding Bavarian Alps.

That Religious building was erected in the early 16th century and it originally had a typical Renaissance aspect changed in a charming Baroque due to restorations and enlargements during the course of its history adopting that new architectural style pretty common in the new artistic schools very active all around Germany, Austria and Central Europe which highlighted in their kinds a sort of new artistic wave with a plan oriented to give an innovative profile and new face to several centres. 

Since 1812 that Sacred construction elevated as Pfafrrkirche, the most important local Ecclesiastic seat of the town shows a silhouette which reflects all the canons and lines characterised by those architectural changes.

What is really impressive is definitely the perfect balance of all the elements perfectly arranged with care and criteria. A special feature is certainly the outstanding sense of symmetry which is a further aesthetic attraction highlighting all the superb design of the exterior layout of that superb masterpiece.

Developed on a rectangular plan, the Church lies behind a low wall and the white colour of the walls is in total harmony with the light grey tonality of a splendid gable roof which is subdivided in two sections.

The beautiful high bell tower is another highlight, greatly decorated with ample mullioned windows with its upper section topped by a splendid double onion domed roof separated by a cylindrical element placed as terminal topped by a scenic metallic pinnacle.

The interior is equally very attractive and it presents an ample nave with a splendid Baroque altar established on a spacious apse surrounded by large and long windows which transmit a superb luminosity to the entire environment placed beneath a charming domed section highlighted by beautiful sinuous vaults.

Many famous and popular landscape painters such as Busch, Fearnley, Bendtz and Pippel considered in Germany among the most representative masters in that kind of painting have reproduced Sankt Sebastian Kirche from different perspectives.

The artistic mission of those talented characters was for a long time mainly devoted to propose the beauty of Bavaria in a nutshell in their works looking for to impress the human eye in a while. 

According to several opinions and declarations of prominent artists, for position, environment, architectural style and colour combined with the tonality of the surrounding vegetation and with the striking presence the river Ramsau Ache flowing under it that image is unique in its kind without equals to execute artistically something of simply superb.

Also the towering Watzmann with its 2713,0 metres undoubtedly plays an important role adding further scenic appeal to that marvel and many superb works were and are executed from special, concrete positions also identified with special names such as "Malerwinkel", the painter's eye and "Malereck", the painter's corner.

That building is something unique in its kind. It is considered as one of the most charming Religious Temples erected  in Bavaria and Germany all time and it is often immortalised in posters, tourism spots, covers of books and also protagonist in puzzles making it an absolute landmark and emblematic symbol of that land.  

After the visit and view of that outstanding wonder you can continue your admiring a notable further attraction consisting in the charming Maria Kunterweg Kirche also called Maria Himmelfahrt which translated means Mary of the Ascension, another shining local artistic highlight consisting insplendid Church situated approximately 20 minutes walking from the centre of Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden.

Its remarkable silhouette is particularly captivating and extremely well combined with the idyllic local environment consisting in a magnificent natural frame composed by a picturesque forest surrounding a very relaxing and peaceful verdant space.

The relevant value of that Sacred construction apart its beauty in terms of architecture next to magnificent landscapes is also due to its historic and religious relevance elevated since a long time ago as a Sanctuary particularly devoted to pilgrimages venerating that Virgin Patroness of dairy.

That small Baroque construction erected in the 18th century is classified as one of the most charming Bavarian Rococo works erected in that corner of Southern Germany, it is pretty sober from a frontal perspective when seen from a distance but  once there facing it you will notice very interesting details, such as a very marked profile boasting charming lines all around its layout, the outlined apse and fine exterior decorations.

The Church was developed on an irregular rectangular plan and it has a very stylish rounded facade with a framed doorway established beneath a large rectangular window while in the middle you will notice the presence of a fresco depicting the Virgin.  

The charming onion domes are other special attractions with one of them placed beneath a stylish belfry surmounted by a small cupola of clear Neo-Byzantine inspiration topped by an iron Cross, architectural elements which all together are the finest shining artistic exterior highlights of that very attractive Christian Temple.

The interior is equally very charming with splendid vaults and fine frescoes made by a prominent artistic school. The beautiful Baroque altarpiece is richly decorated and in perfect harmony with the light colour of the walls, notable is also a beautiful niche developed above the altarpiece forming a sort a semi dome absolutely outstanding for its sinuous lines and great in its execution was also the choice of the space used to create that superb masterpiece.

Other spectacular places in the surroundings I strongly suggest to visit are two marvellous lakes, great attractions to appreciate more and more the incredible beauty of that Bavarian Eden, images which will remain imprinted in your memories. 

It is a must once you are visiting that area or spending unforgettable holidays an excursion to the Hintersee west of the town and the Königsee which is not far, south of Schönau in the heart of the Nationalpark.

Those two scenic and fabulous waters basins could be considered real, true and right spots for a video with as background music with protagonist that famous work created for ballet and Opera in the Bolshoi Theatre of Moscow with that magnificent and notorious melodic masterpiece performing the Swan Lake by the master Petr Ilijc Tchaikovsky.

The idyllic scenery of those two wonders is completed by a marvellous frame surrounding them such as an unspoiled nature, beautiful mountains and contemplative forests packed by hiking fairytale trails.

In the case of the nearest Hintersee there is an enchanting path crossing the forest of Zauberwald and at end of that magnificent trail also called the Enchanted Path the setting is highlighted by the view of that stupendous waters mirror often immortalised by romantic German and Austrian painters.

One of them who worth a mention to reproduce in outstanding works the image of those astonishing places was Carl Anton Joseph Rottman considered one of the best landscape painters of Germany all time.
That prominent artist was born in Heidelberg but he moved to Munich where he lived for a long time, a talented painter, fervent lover of Greek and Italian landscapes painted and immortalised several times during its trips with including some long sojourns in those lands.

He made fantastic masterpieces  painting places of notable appeal such as Korinthos, Olympia, Naples, Perugia, Taormina but once in Bavaria he fell in love with that land and that lake and also for that finding in his motherland Germany those fairytale places he decided to fix his residence in Bavaria continuing to live in his country until his death. 

That idyllic lake which occupies a surface of approximately 16 hectares is also highlighted by the scenic images of the Hochkalter and the Reiteralm, two peaks which together form a spectacular a frame around the picture of a striking environment absolutely fabulous.

The Hintersee furthermore in its northern shore has some spectacular and picturesque inlets forming small fascinating bays and it is also a gate to start a good number of excursions. 

Many are the chances to enjoy from that jewel several itineraries leading to many enchanting sites such as verdant high plateaus in the immediate vicinity offering fantastic Alpine views or along magnificent paths reaching those two mentioned heights among others.

The Königsee is equally wonderful, much larger than the Hintersee, fabulous and captivating in spring and summer for the green nature surrounding it but also in winter season thanks to the presence of the magnetic silhouette of the Watzmann covered by snow, a majestic mountain which totally dominates that picturesque waters basin at a very short distance of the Austrian border.

That very particular and special name "Konigsee" is the composition in German language of König which means King and See meaning lake forming the denomination King Lake, totally appropriate for that stunning beauty which is probably one of the most picturesque lakes of the entire Bavaria.

The marvellous green colour of its waters and its location at over 1250, 0 metres of altitude with a length of over 7, 0 kilometres long and approximately 1, 2 kilometres wide make that idyllic waters basin simply unique to stay hours and hours in divine contemplation with furthermore an extremely attractive detail consisting in a striking natural setting completely surrounded by a large forest absolutely virgin and uncontaminated.

That  lake  it is also well known to be the deepest basin in Bavaria reaching a depth of 190,0 metres and in all its magic splendour it is undoubtedly a wonderful post card of immense beauty of that land which could be reproduced in a giant poster fixing it everywhere.

On the Königsee it is also possible to enjoy sailing excursions, highly suggested to all those who desire to be delighted by the fascination of that lake from another perspective and the local institutions to preserve an uncontaminated atmosphere since the early 20th century decided to use for the navigation only electric boats.

On its western shore you can reach St. Bartholomä Kirche, a beautiful Catholic Church dedicated to St. Bartholomew patron of Alpine farmers, a wonderful, fine Baroque construction erected in the late 17th century.
It is beautiful white building highlighted by very scenic red domes and roof, a beautiful attraction for that vivid colour used in those architectural elements, its picturesque position on the shore of that stunning lake and situated just behind a magnificent green woodland.

 Despite its interior is not too big you can admire inside a beautiful Baroque altar established in a well defined apse and splendid decorations executed on the ceiling. 

Every year in august that place becomes a destination of a famous votive pilgrimage starting from an Austrian centre called Maria Alm am Steinernen Meer situated in the Pinzgau Region with many people crossing the Berchtesgaden Alps reaching that site, an event with a long history, culturally very rooted since a long time ago.

Wonderful and inviting is the local waterfront flanking that Religious site is a beautiful walkway leading to a small charming harbour on which the view of the stunning silhouettes of the Alps completes an image simply unforgettable.

In proximity of that splendid Ecclesiastic complex you can see an Inn which was during the times of the Kingdom of Bavaria a notorious hunting lodge property since the early 19th century of the famous House of Wittelsbach.

During the navigation on that stupendous waters basin you can also admire a very small island called Christlieger. 

 It is only 26, 0 metres wide and 61, 0 metres long but it has an important Religious value linked to its historic past when on its soil was placed in 1711 a votive marble statue depicting St. John Nepomuk, the Saint protector of floods and drowning.  

Since then that islet was also called Johannesinsel the islet of St. John and under the platform on which was erected that monument there is a grotto accessible by an iron gate.

That very tiny island also has something of suggestive  for many people unknown regarding  a red marble well probably established in the 16th century much before the statue but nobody knows the author of that work and in addition you will notice there is also a mysterious presence of two pyramidal stones placed in front of a red brick wall on the platform and also in that case there are not many information, what is certain is they are also part of an environment highly suggestive.

The river Ramsau Ache is another brilliant option to spend pleasant times along its beautiful shores with relaxing walks and in its immediate proximity you can find a good number of comfortable accommodations.

Despite its size the local Tourism Institutions in terms of hospitality linked to Incoming tourism have developed an excellent network of structures offering very good services, comfort and facilities since a long time ago.

All that is absolutely another considerable incentive to take in consideration offering to all the visitors who are planning a stay in that magnificent area of Bavaria, a brilliant choice of accommodations ready to satisfy the most demanding and exigent requests.

Other aspects very relevant is that all is very well organised with perfect communications and accesses leading to the most important sites in a very fast way and another highlight is the perfect preservation of the local civil architecture which is a further attraction of Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden. 

Many houses, farmhouses and other kinds of buildings are mainly dated the 18th and 19th centuries, all them are perfectly conserved keeping the same aspect of the past, a feature which makes that small town so special and notably characterful representing in all its essence, image and architectural image the beauty of Bavaria in a nutshell.

Some of them of those constructions among the most distinctive are the Inn Auzinger and the Klausenbach Haus, the latter hosting today the Information Office of the Nationalpark aus Berchtesgaden.

 Another tradition linked to the local culture which continues to be very popular is music and singing. Ramsau is famous for its Christmas and advent choirs which with the great Christmas Market give the town a very special atmosphere and a mystical aura absolutely suggestive and captivating.

Music has always played an important role in that idyllic and the famous song Stille Nacht well known also with the denomination heilige Nacht, that famous melody corresponding to Silent Night was born there when the Austrian priest Joseph Mohr who lived in that Bavarian centre in collaboration with the organist Franz Gruber decided to compose that song which conquered the world. 

The special and enchanting natural environment also has attracted several times film-makers and many movies were filmed in that town of Bavaria since the 20s. 

A special documentary with protagonist the famous actress Rosemarie Magdalene Albach well known as Romy Schneider, notorious Austrian actress born in Vienna but also with German and French citizenship, emblematic star who died in 1982, very popular in many famed movies as one in which she was protagonist in the famous Sissi trilogy, performing the Austro-Hungarian Empress Elisabeth and that special tribute was filmed in Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden to pay homage to that unforgettable icon of the film industry.

Many are the outdoor activities to practise in the area, such as trekking, hiking, climbing, but also mountain bike and cycling are two others thanks a multitude of mixed trails and routes with fantastic panoramic views and naturally winter as previously mentioned is a great season for winter sports. 

Bavarian gastronomy offers a wide number of delicious specialities highlighted by a local cuisine which boasts a vast range of exquisite plates linked to a secular tradition using local genuine ingredients and marked flavours characterising a culinary art extremely rich, varied and much more all is loyally homemade.

Very famous are the typical Frikadellen consisting in meat dumplings prepared with pork and beef meats, garlic, pepper, parsley, mustard, eggs, onion and breadcrumbs generally accompanied by potatoes, salad or other kind of vegetables.  

Very popular is the Kartoffelnsuppe, a soup as says its name which has in the potatoes the main base of its preparation in which they are mashed adding them carrots, onion, celery, cured bacon and sausages as the traditional Wurst , a famed sausage presents in may local combined plates.

About that iconic edible product there are many qualities and types as the Weisswurst corresponding to a white sausage but also others such as Gelbwurst, Bierwurst, Mettwurst, Wollwurst among others. They are generally grilled, baked or also boiled accompanied by cabbage, red cabbage, potatoes or in many cases combined and flavoured with sauces as mustard or sauerkraut.

The delectable Schweine Schnitzel is very similar to the famed Wiener Schnitzel and it is a breaded pork cutlet often accompanied by potatoes while a notorious variant called Puten Schnitzel consists in a breaded turkey fillet. Very popular and with a notable gastronomic reputation is also the Schweinebrate, a roast pork  cooked with carrots, onions, celery and pepper.

Excellent and very appreciated is the delicious Rindfleisch, a delicious kind of roast beef accompanied by potatoes and vegetables while for those who loves fish specialities the Chiemsee Fischwurst is certainly a great choice, a dish consisting in fish rolls generally using bleak accompanied by salads or potatoes.Very typical deserving a special mention is also the Lechtalforelle, baked trout served with a sauce and salad.

As in the nearest Austria there is a wide preparation of local Knödeln, sort of gnocchi and in that corner very famous is a specific variant called Semmelknödel, dumplings prepared with bread and furthermore the delectable Schinkenknödeln which with apart breadcrumb contains a delicious cured ham. Another type highly appreciated is the famed Leberknödeln prepared with liver and there some other kinds including as ingredients fresh cheeses and spinach.

Great is the ample variety of cakes and desserts as the traditional and popular Apfelstrudel, the sweet and tastefully Bayerische Crème and the delicious Vanilleknipferl, the latter consisting in vanilla cookies very appreciated. The Kaiserscharm is a further well known delight, a sort of omelet including almonds, sugar, rum and raisin, a speciality among the most beloved in the entire Bund.

About drinks, Bavaria is a place which is an authentic sanctuary of beer, very famous is the Oktoberfest of Munich, the most important Festival in the world with protagonist that kind of beverage but there are also excellent fine wines delighting all the most refined  palates and varied tastes.

You will have a great option as alternative tasting the fine wines of Franconia which are part of the German Elite with a superb production of masterpieces such as Domina, Bacchus, Silvaner, Riesling, Müller-Thurgau, Dornfelde,  Kerner and Regent among others.

The secret of those supreme wines is an ideal soil on which the robust local grapes find a perfect habitat next to special  fresh springs and very mild summers. The Bavarian grapes are very resistant to different climatic conditions including before the harvest with lower temperatures and another relevant aspect is the altitude on which the vineyards are cultivated perfectly chosen to produce wines of high quality.

All those positive features are the magnificent result of wines boasting a splendid and clean colour, the elegant white wines have a notable classy reputation, extremely transparent without peculiar shades with a very aromatic and savoury taste highlighted by a magnificent straw tonality, immediately at the first sip you will notice a perfect body, not too strong but rich, with texture, body and extremely palatable.

Thanks to its strategic geographic position the town has an excellent connection with some relevant airports. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flughafen International Airport of Salzburg is situated at just 35, 0 kilometres south and in approximately 40/45 minutes driving you could reach Ramsau in a very easy way.

A further great option is certainly Franz Josef Strauss Flughafen Munich International Airport located at 196, 0 kilometres north of the town reachable in about two hours driving while a third interesting option could be Innsbruck Kranebitten Flughafen situated at 203, 0 kilometres of distance and from there you can reach that fairytale site in approximately two hours driving in normal conditions of traffic.

Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden is a destination very suggested and recommended for everyone, adults and young people who love an endless list of outdoor activities during all year, sport lovers, families with children who can enjoy a fantastic oasis of serenity and peace with comfortable accommodations delighting their stays.

For a creative Tour Operator or Outgoing Travel Agency specialised in tours and routes characterised by historic itineraries combined to particular cultural aspects, that unique wonder is undoubtedly a more than outstanding choice which could be inserted in a large variety of planned routes which can include the rest of Bavaria, German Alps and also a fantastic option to combine with Austria thanks the proximity of the marvellous Tyrol and Salzburg States.

All those options are certainly an incentive more to create something of spectacular and every tourist will be certainly delighted by that presence along an established route with a visit or overnights during a guided tour.

For all the individuals who want to plan something of highly interesting in terms of  tailor made routes including several stages during a planned itinerary Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden could be an excellent start point to discover all the beauties it has with its immediate magnificent surroundings with a very enjoyable stop.

Including it can be a perfect base for a multitude of radial excursions of considerable interest spending some days there without the need to have a daily change of accommodation, an aspect which sometimes could generate sensations to miss or forget something.I added below some interesting links useful for all that in the case you are interested including some recommended Hotels and accommodations.

If you are planning to visit Germany and in particular that southern land of its territory, a stay, stop and visit in Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden is something of simply great, a beautiful place to remember with extreme pleasure, the pure Bavarian beauty in a nutshell is also there keeping with the charming image and essence of that fairytale town in your most pleasant memories forever.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden

Berghotel Rehlegg
Hotel Alpenresi
Gasthof Baltram
Hotel Garni Wimbachklamm
Hotel Hochkalter

Useful links

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