Net Affinity | Hotel Mobile Barometer Launch


Net Affinity, renowned software company and hotel technology provider,well known booking specialist headquartered in Dublin – Republic of Ireland, has launched a mobile barometer to support hotels track their mobile booking performance against a national average.

Forecasts from Statista well known online platform that specializes in data gathering and visualization state that by 2025, m-commerce retail sales in the United Kingdom will exceed £100 billion, which coincides with the growth in the number of mobile users, which is expected to be almost 100% of those aged 16-54 as of 2023.

In Ireland, according to Data Portal, in 2023 there were more than 5.3 million active mobile connections, exceeding 100% of the population.

Net Affinity Founder and CEO William Cotter declared this barometer examines UK and Ireland-based customer data for 2024 so far and in turn allows hoteliers to be provided with benchmark mobile performance statistics.

While examining averages between data sets can provide context, hoteliers should be aware of how their hotel stacks up against competitors in the market, for this reason it is essential to dig deeper into the data and examine more precise and specific information.

The data collected since the launch of Net Affinity in 2014 shows a strong and significant growth in the use of mobile devices until 2019 when it became the dominant device for the target audience.

Although it has remained the dominant tool, growth has slowed since 2020 with slight fluctuations since then depending on seasonality, economic performance and the pandemic.

Data highlighted from January to June 2024 shows that mobile remains dominant in Great Britain and Ireland with 65% of bookings in the United Kingdom and 59% in Ireland, however the average value of bookings is 13% and 17.5% respectively on desktop mainly driven by long-term bookings from overseas markets.

The situation is changing, with the path to purchase and the quality of the user experience now dictating the success of high-value bookings on mobile devices.

Net Affinity found other significant factors that impact a hotel's success via mobile devices including star rating, property type, persona and marketing activity.

The analysis of the data also demonstrated the essential importance of the mobile purchase journey and the need for hotels to have the necessary technology to allow customers to return after searching to complete their booking via mobile.

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