Baveno-Lake Maggiore-Italy | Dreaming a Poetic Gulf Facing Wonderful Islands.

Baveno is a magnificent and fabulous resort on the magnificent western coast of the extraordinary Lake Maggiore, undoubtedly a marvellous destination of Italy and thanks to its unique geographic location a stay in that divine site is like dreaming a poetic gulf facing wonderful islands corresponding to the charming and scenic Borromean Archipelago situated in front of a ravishing shore of one of the most beautiful water basins of the world elevated since as long time as top destination when several illustrious and distinguished people chose that wonder as favourite haven to spend unforgettable days.

With all its appealing and extraordinary charm that stunning place is considered one of the pearls of the Verbano, other name of that magnificent lake immediately behind the stupendous Queen, Stresa which is just 3,0 kilometres away, well known for its glitzy and stylish image, a striking waterfront, luxury elite Hotels and a long tourist tradition with an outstanding prestige conquering tourists from all around the world.

The beautiful image of that unique bay highly inspiring admiring sublime images such as  the stupendous and superb Isola Bella, the fascinating Isola Madre and the small but more than captivating Isola Pescatori with the imposing presence of the Mottarone,.the most important local peak flanked by another scenic mount called Monte Camoscio dominating the entire environment is the result of a spectacular natural incomparable frame practically  inimitable offering every visitor the chance to be delighted in every corner by an unforgettable scenery unique in its kind.

Those heights combined with that Eden of calm blue waters lining wonderful gardens along a marvellous lakeside promenade are all together a hymn to the most appealing  beauty of that resort crossed by Corso Sempione, the Simplon Road leading to the Italian-Swiss border running along a magnificent coastline all to discover and enjoy metre by metre and corresponding to  that long artery developed in 1805 for desire of Napoleon Bonaparte to connect for military purposes the Rhône Valley in France to Milan, the 2nd Italian city which is just 95,0 kilometres away.

Along the coast continuing in direction Pallanza-Intra you can also admire the captivating neighbourhood of Feriolo immediately situated after an ample sinuous curve which forms a stunning promontory where the river Toce embraces the lake and on the other shore of that watercourse was established some years ago a wonderful nature Protected Area called Fondotoce, something of simply extraordinary because you will have the opportunity to admire that heaven in a space of just  few kilometres greatly highlighted by landscapes of an outstanding fascination and absolutely unforgettable.

The splendid view of the Isola di San Giovanni, a fascinating islet located offshore from the wonderful peninsula of Verbania is another corner to immortalise in an endless set of romantic and superb pictures and also that special image is definitely a further extraordinary highlight of a land which in a while transmits that you are in a dreamland.

Baveno with its approximately 5000 official inhabitants is a destination that a visitor can not miss spending holidays on Lake Maggiore and it never suffered the superb and bewitching presence of its nearest and famed sister Stresa which is for prestige in terms of historic tourism is the main protagonist and highlight of the ravishing Piedmont coastline and probably of the entire basin.

That iconic centre never obscured Baveno despite its charismatic and shining image because in their kind they always lived in great harmony as linked by an eternal love and that proclaimed Queen of the Verbano which constantly shows all its glitzy coquetry always needed that presence next to it as a kind  of consort  princess which represented since a long time ago a support to exalt much more its fascination and enchantment  as a stupendous prolongation which ends along a further stunning lakeside promenade.

They eternally formed together a superb and radiant picture and you can admire all that from different perspectives in a lake cruise, from the opposite shore in the Lombardy territory if you are in Laveno Mombello, from the summit of the mount Mottarone and other points and that sort of geographic marriage is simply extraordinary enchanting in just some seconds millions of tourists.

The resort is so popular all around the world for its enchanting aspect boasting an elegant and stylish hallway flanking the lake, high class Hotels which attracted since a long time ago prominent people who once there were immediately astonished by the striking beauty of that ravishing waters basin and those luxury and famed hospitality structures with those present in that mentioned nearest destination form a fabulous bipolar complex of accommodations of relevant international level.

All that obviously is naturally a captivating invitation for many prestigious companies and enterprises to plan there Conventions, Conferences, Meetings and Congresses with more than successful results for the extraordinary charm, capacity, outstanding comfort, services, facilities all those luxury accommodations boast in a scenery created to dream and the mild climate all year constantly kissing that paradise is naturally another highlight adding a further great value and a special accent to convince a brilliant start-up of operations without hesitations.

Al that is naturally perfect also for those Tour Operators or Travel Agencies specialised in that niche called Travel Incentive and MICE which will find in that destination a superb fertile soil to design their successful projects.

History, art, natural beauties, fabulous climatic conditions, excellent communications and an ample variety of outdoor activities including water sports, lake cruises, the proximity of Swiss resorts as Ascona and Locarno on the same waters basin, an endless list of visits and excursions all around and much more are certainly a large fan of fantastic details to take in more than high consideration.

Next to all those stupendous opportunities we could also mention the incomparable historic reputation boasting a traditional prestige linked to many prominent people who in different periods frequently visited that enchanting town and the list of notorious characters is so long. It is enough to mention Winston Churchill, the Queen Victoria, the Emperor of Germany and the King of Prussia Frederick III, the Royal Family of Norway, the writers Lord Byron Marie-Henri Beyle alias Stendhal, Gabriele D´Annunzio, Arrigo Boito, Giovanni Verga, Edmondo De Amicis, Alexandre Dumas, the composers Richard Wagner and Franz Schubert and including Napoleon Bonaparte and the Emperors of Austria could not resist to the sublime and divine call of that beautiful site in a magic corner of Northern Italy.

All those illustrious figures visited that resort in many occasions returning there several times because totally fascinated by that wonder and that tradition related to a history started in that emblematic and legendary Grand Tour reaching the Italic Peninsula since the 17th century undertaken by the the upper-class European society with tourists mainly associated to the British and North European aristocracy.

Al that historically started in 1660 with those marvellous itineraries, pioneers of a new tourism with discerning and wealthy people looking for unique and sublime destinations. The first flows of outgoing had a beginning from some of the most important European Capitals such as London,  Paris,  Berlin and Vienna.  

Lake Maggiore was a relevant stage before to continue a magnificent towards the Italian Riviera visiting Portofino and the Ligurian coastline until San Remo and entering in the glamorous French Côte d' Azur or following further south to the romantic Sorrentina Peninsula, the ravishing Amalfi Coast and once there landing on the wonderful Capri island.

The train which started to stop along the Simplon later and the development in the past of the national road were undoubtedly further great incentives increasing the affluence  continuing to include Baveno as in the past.

Many  notorious personalities in the 19th century started to love that resort  at first sight and they often decided to return and also in that period in a very short that Lake Maggiore jewel became among the favourite destinations to repeat and enjoy every year and in every season because the desire was so immense to re see that marvel as soon as possible once again and naturally the mild climatic condition was a constant extraordinary invitation.

 All that is further source with a special accent  for the development of an outgoing plan, it is like to have the 70% or perhaps more the conviction for a final choice and all that is not mathematics or a fictitious percentage but simply reality, because the historic prestige of a site support is like to have an ace up your sleeve.

There are many episodes and anecdotes linked to that area of Lake Maggiore and some famed figures.It said that Napoleon Bonaparte was bewitched by Borromean Palace in Isola Bella and he did not want to leave that place including he wanted to purchase the island but he received a resonant no by the Cardinal Charles Borromeo. but he continued to admire that impossible dream from Baveno harbour.

Also his compatriot  the writer Stendhal was totally hypnotised after a visit there and that man in one of his literary works titled Certosa di Parma mentioned the lake and the nearest Belgirate with a navigation towards Locarno touching the resort. (I wrote a post about that place if you are interested) 

The Queen Victoria and the Princess Beatrice in the late 19th century spent holidays in Baveno in the former Villa Clara nowadays called Villa Branca erected between 1870 and 1872 by the British engineer Charles Henfrey who hosted those aristocratic ladies who  loved to stay hours and hours in contemplation from the balcony of that mansion admiring the beauty of the resort and its poetic gulf.

Those two noble women totally in love returned to that resort in other occasions as in 1879  in a sumptuous villa property of the Genoese Marquis of Durazzo since 1857 which was later purchased by Baveno Mayor Gerolamo Rossi who led the operation of transformation in an accommodation in 1882 becoming the former Grand Hotel Baveno well known today as Hotel Lido Palace.

Also Sir Winston Churchill was a declared lover of that resort and he spent his honeymoon in that Hotel in 1908 occupying the room number 124 with his wife the Baroness Clementine Hozier. 

You can see in the gardens of that superb hospitality structure a statue depicting that notorious English Statesman with also that of another illustrious character as Richard Wagner because also that iconic German composer from Leipzig spent pleasant days hosted in that charming accommodation.

The emblematic Prime Minister of Great Britain during his stays in Baveno loved to reach inspiring places which enchanted him as Piazza della Chiesa, Church Square admiring from there the spectacular and striking views overlooking the lake or reaching a stunning curve of Lake Maggiore in proximity of Villa Pallavicino in Stresa and its park to see from that point and with a different perspective the extraordinary image of Isola Bella and Baveno bay.

His excursions continued along Stresa lakeside promenade and he often walked along that stupendous coastal stretch highlighted by fantastic gardens and flowerbeds starting from the distinctive Grand Hotel Des Illes Borromées and Regina Palace Hotel where he stopped  because it said he could frequently find his favourite Cuban cigars brands such as Camacho and Romeo y Julieta ending his promenade near the harbour and continuing in the wonderful historic centre of that town.

The prestigious Tourism group Thomas Cook founded in 1841 is also linked to Baveno, it  sold the tickets and services to that iconic British Prime Minister and it included in its products as usual outgoing destinations that resort and Lake Maggiore in the 19th century delighting several tourists from Great Britain.

That Travel Company increased much more its operations towards that resort since the early 20th century, especially after 1906 when the railway connection crossing the Simplon Pass was ended for the joy of many other enthusiast tourists from the United Kingdom  who desired to land on the shore of that fabulous waters basin.

Alexandre Dumas, the celebrated French author also loved special places in that resort as a long walk along a coastal stretch north of the local gulf not far from the Hotel Simplon in proximity of the curren street Via Piave from where he could contemplate all the Borromean Islands.

It is enough to sit just some minutes next to its harbour on a bench along its stupendous lakeside promenade in a late afternoon or in a starry evening enjoying the unmistakable cool breeze admiring those unforgettable islands to understand in which kind of paradise you are and why all those renowned characters were so enchanted by that stunning site. The answer will be simply facing you, in your eyes and memories once you will leave that corner of heaven.

Notable is also the wide proposal of outdoor activities that resort offers, an Eden for water sports, ideal destination for all those who love sailing, diving and fond about wind surfing, a great chance for enthusiast trekkers with mountainous valleys and stunning peaks all around the local boundaries with a myriad of scenic and marvellous itineraries and a paradise for mountain bikers and cyclists with in the immediate vicinity the emblematic climb of the Mottarone with its ascent of over 20, 0 kilometres among others.

That mountain is well known to offer also the opportunity to practise winter sports as Alpine Ski with slopes very interesting with excellent services and facilities satisfying the visitors who return there with pleasure enjoying that place which also offers the presence of accommodations.

I suggest you that visit in addition if you love to take breathtaking pictures with a stunning view of Lake Maggiore from the Church Chiesa Madonna della Neve and a further one facing the Monte Rosa, the 2nd giant of the Alps.

Very kind people, an uncontaminated atmosphere which makes Baveno also a climatic destination of high prestige with a multitude of unspoilt forests all around and an exquisite local cuisine are other special features so loved by many tourists who find in that site a sort of divine haven so easy to remember and very difficult to forget. 

Along its marvellous Lungolago, the lake promenade there is all the poetry of that gulf so magic and able to transmit in a while the most deep inspirations to everyone and in addition a pleasant walk reaching the beautiful medieval square Piazza della Chiesa, the historic heart of the old town immediately situated on the other side of the Simplon road completing in a very short walk something simply fantastic combining the natural wonders with those linked to a divine art. Also that is simply great to understand why that resort is so captivating showing in every corner and including in its smallest details a magic splendour.

The history of the current town born many centuries ago andthat area according to archaeological excavations was inhabited since Paleolithic and Neolithic times and the first village was established by a Celtic tribe probably linked to the Taurini who were well known to face the famous Hannibal invasion who entered in their territories with the intention to reach from the Alps and the Northern Italic Peninsula the secular enemy : Rome.

They probably formed later a unique ethnic group with other Celts, the Insubri who were in several occasions their allied as in the occasion of that clash with the Carthaginian leader next to others as the Lepontii who occupied also some Swiss territories and the Ligurians who settled in many areas of the current Piedmont and Lombardy.

Those populations were assimilated by the Romans during an intense campaign of colonisation and they founded there a settlement since the 37 AD. The memories of that Imperial civilisation are still visible in its old core consisting in a couple of embedded stones situated in front of its magnificent Church, a superb masterpiece of the Middle Ages.

One of those stones of relevant historic value found in the municipal territory was in honor of the Emperor Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus well known simply as Claudius, that famous leader descendant of one of the most noble Patrician dynasties the Julio-Claudian .

That notorious  character was well know to the open dialogue with the Gaul inhabitants because he was born in Lugdunum corresponding to the current city of Lyon  and furthermore a figure who established the basis for many important reforms inside the Empire.

Considered very innovative he created a sort of centralised system led by sort of ministers speaking a perfect Latin and senators chosen for their skills and not for the prestige of a dynasty or for the fame of the family .In addition he sent Patrician families in new Imperial territories as in the case of Baveno for merits or special services linked to the development of a settlement.

The Romans loved that area for its mild climate all year, the view of the splendid calm waters of that basin and that superb bay were for them a sort of Eden and furthermore they found a fertile soil which permitted the implantation of vineyards and including olive trees producing an olive oil of high quality despite that production was mainly useful for local needs.

Those cultivations were also planned by that saviour Emperor who sent in that land expert winegrowers coming from the former Magna Graecia, corresponding to the regions of Apulia, Calabria and Sicily who for a long familiar tradition started with their Hellenic ancestors were in that time the best all around the Italic Peninsula.

Other remains of ancient tombs certifying the importance of the local area during those times were discovered in other locations from Arona up of Intra consisting in considerable artifacts of immense relevance and in addition in the current town worth to mention that in its boundaries there was the discovery of an ancient necropolis.

Situated on the road leading to Switzerland and the Alps that settlement also played an important role for its strategic geographic position in occasion of the several campaigns of Rome across Europe becoming in a very short time a more than important stronghold.

The origin of the name of the town is still uncertain, probably it derives from a Latin denomination linked to an ancient Patrician villa erected in the municipal territory and called Villa Bavena according to historic documentations dated the 10th century.

For some eminent historians that is the most probable version despite for others it could have another origin and also that breath of mystery as in many other places of the world is part of our captivating history.

After the fall of Roman Empire including with the 2nd Imperial cycle under Byzantine rule, that centre suffered many invasions by Goths, Ostrogoths, Burgundians and Lombards but just the latter established an organised area with a defined territorial subdivision, fortified check points, defencive sections and they were pioneers of the improvements of the old roads reusing the traces of the ancient trails developed centuries before by the predecessors.

Those rulers were defeated by the Franks who gave a major development in terms of productive activities and protagonists of the design of new borders, operations which determined later the future maps with municipalities and counties.

They also integrated Baveno in the Holy Roman Empire governed later by the successor corresponding to the younger Carolingian Dynasties but there was in those centuries the establishment of a pretty rigid feudalistic system which was left as a sort of inheritance to the future governors.

The golden ages of Baveno started in the Medieval Era when the current resort was incorporated in a specific geographic area called Vergante consisting in a pretty vast territory including the lakes Maggiore and Orta, all the lands around the Mount Mottarone including the surrounding hills  governed for a long time by the Duchy of Milan.

 In the 13th century the village officially entered in the Milanese Bishopric and thanks to powerful and influential figures coming from that major centre of Lombardy were developed several reforms in terms of communications, architecture and trade.

The presence and rule of a charismatic and prominent character as the Cardinal Carlo Borromeo who was in the 16th century a superb personality who made the fortune of that land which became one of the wealthiest of the entire Italic Peninsula was undoubtedly a great success for Baveno and its surroundings.

That famed Religious leader born in Arona was also canonised Saint and his notoriety reached notable peaks when he relaunched the Vatican and the Catholic Church  which reconquest a notable and solid position in Europe contrasting the considerable ascent of the Protestant movements in that famous revival called Counter Reformation started with the Council of Trento in 1535 and ended with the Thirty Years War in 1638.

During those times that illustrious man who was also Archbishop of Milan created an economical, cultural and artistic boom He called renowned artists, painters and architects who elevated, embellished and decorated a multitude of monumental marvels along all that shimmering coastline, he developed school and seminaries, there was a consolidation of the agricultural and commercial activities and including the advent of the Savoy House as rulers kept that figure as more than regarded.

 In the 17th century Baveno was a composition of several small villages and today after some centuries only five of them still exist and they are current neighbourhoods of the municipality. Their names are Feriolo, Oltrefiume, Roncaro, Romanico and Loita,  each of them despite the long common history and the several changes of rulers have conserved and preserved their own identity and culture and you will notice all that at first sight.

The following century was highlighted by the French occupation led by Napoleon Bonaparte landed there to abolish the Feudalistic system in 1797 but the fall of that leader in the early 19th century re gave those territories to the Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia once again and living the reunification of Italy proclaimed in 1861 during the times of  King Victor Emmanuel II.

Also that period is part of the golden times of the local history corresponding to a renaissance with that Reign with the former capital Turin with an impressive number of visitors linked to the highest cultural spheres of an united country and also becoming a beloved destination for several exponents of the most relevant European nomenclature.

The centre of the municipality is developed behind the lakeside promenade and the harbour flanked by the Simplon Road and Via Della Vittoria which entirely crosses the local boundaries meeting Via Garibaldi consisting a sort of prolongation of that important artery.

The adjacent street, Via Monte Grappa next to the first mentioned axis is the main hallway leading to the municipal core just like the parallel Via Libertà situated further north and both are next to Via Gramsci and Via della Stazione consisting in two other notable hallways in the urban setting and around those streets lies the lively and beating heart of Baveno.

The environment around the port is highlighted by a splendid square established in a wonderful panoramic position on a magnificent bend of the lake next to the long and scenic promenade flanked by captivating rows of trees and stupendous flowerbeds facing the striking gulf. In that point you can find the  Lake navigation Station which provides that stupendous service consisting in the cruise to the iconic Isole  Borromee , the Borromean Archipelago.

The high presence of fine restaurants, trendy bars and chic cafes in the immediate vicinity makes that place a great incentive for all the visitors to enjoy a cool drink, a lunch or a dinner admiring that unique and sublime panoramic view with also the opportunity to sit there for a great aromatic coffee or a sweet and delicious ice cream immediately after or before the cruise enjoying the pleasant and lively atmosphere of that magnificent municipal corner.

You can start the visit from the Lungolago, the lakeside promenade on which you will notice the presence of some sculptures made by a relevant stone extracted in the nearest heights and consisting in the notorious pink marble of Baveno.

One of them is the famous Scalpellino, also called in a dialectal expression Picasass meaning beating a stone and consisting in a man depicted while he is working with his chisel. That work was created in 1990 by a local artist called Raffaele Polli with the intention to honor that relevant local industry immortalising in that work the local crafts but also oriented to transmit a clear message.

The philosophy of that representation has a significant mean explaining that the hard work is stronger than the difficulties of life and it is always possible to create something great, beautiful and useful in addition transmitting that a humble man with all his efforts and honor is always decent, admired and respected above all and that is the concept linked to the elevation of that statue was much more concentrated in that aspect  than  the artistic execution.

That artist made another sculpture, the Leone di Granito, a granite lion placed in a corner of the promenade depicting a lion next to a leaf  representing that animal considered the King of the forest, a symbol of power and strength next to a leaf which is the beginning of life in  a plant or tree which will produce future fruits or flowers. 

Also in that work there is a philosophical sense transmitted by Polli, there is no force or power without a beginning, nothing comes from nothing without a start-up, a base, a source or a foundation or a distinctive origin able to create with strength and a growth something of important. 

For the happiness of the children that kind of fine stone was also used for something exclusively for them and in a game area along the lake promenade you can see Maggi, a giant snake-dragon very nice and funny. That image has its head emerging from the ground in one point while its long tail appears in another place following a line corresponding to the body appearing from an underground section for the joy of every child.

It is a nice example of a special artistic work in its kind to be photographed and furthermore so nice for the fun of the children who seeking the tail they find the body or climbing on the neck of that sculpture looking towards the back they can see at distance the tail.

Worth a mention the historic value of that fine and appreciated granite which served for the construction of those representations, to embellish the town with something of significant and also very pleasant but it also gave the town prestige in Italy since the 16th century when it was used to decorate and elevate many buildings in Piedmont and Lombardy and furthermore exported abroad since the mid 19th century thanks to a Swiss entrepreneur, Nicola della Casa.

The work and busy activity of that man with that kind of local material reached a great popularity all around the world and it is not a case that many important International monuments were erected using Baveno pink marble due to its notable appreciation and great reputation.

It is enough to mention the famous Mole Antonelliana the emblematic symbol of the city of Turin  built using that famous stone coming from that town of Lake Maggiore and also Milan chose that pink wonder for the construction of its majestic Arco della Pace, the Arch of the Peace located behind the iconic Sforza Castle and including the famous and majestic Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, the "Salotto d´Italia" the lounge of Italy built on one side of the impressive Duomo,  Milan´s Cathedral  was erected with that superb  product extracted in the boundaries of Baveno. 

In Europe some of the most important cities as the Capital of Austria Vienna fell in love with that appreciated product using it for the construction of the imposing Church Sankt Karl Kirche and another magnificent European city, Paris used that beautiful stone of that Piedmont town on the shore of the Verbano to develop the majestic columns of one of the most celebrated theatres of the world: the Opera.

Baveno granite also crossed the Oceans to build the majestic Royal Palace of Bangkok in Thailand and in U.S.A the Statue of Christopher Columbus in New York City. All that can explain you how that refined material is so highly and greatly considered worldwide.

Crossing the road in front of the harbour after the view of those monuments and obviously the stupendous landscapes and astonishing images of that magnificent waters basin taking a street up the scenic Town Hall  you can admire in a wide charming square the famous Chiesa di San Gervaso e San Protaso, an emblematic historic landmark of the municipality.

It is a great example of a medieval construction erected in the 11th century which despite the date of its elevation was consecrated some centuries later, concretely in 1345 by the Bishop Amidano.

That Sacred Temple is considered one of the best examples of  architecture of the Middle Ages elevated along all the lake and in the entire region of Piedmont consisting in an impressive stoned building reflecting all the finest features and essence of the pure and traditional Italian Romanesque Style.

That scenic and wonderful structure boasts a marvellous front side highlighted by a stunning arched doorway with a magnificent wooden portal, a traditional fine gable roof topped by a small cross and a space created by a hole in a stoned block surmounting an open rectangular window.In the facade in its upper section you will notice two diagonal lines of small arches embedded in the stone, certainly a work of high school and immense talent considering the period of construction. 

That Sacred construction was restored in different periods during the 17th and and 18th century but also in the 19th and 20th century, operations managed to save some notable architectural details as the fine decorations of the front side which are today very well preserved and showing all their splendour.The Church erected on an irregular rectangular plan originally had a nave and later during those works of refurbishment were added two aisles with some chapels of extreme beauty.

The interior despite it is a bit dark is very charming with a relevant Baroque altarpiece and one of the highlights is definitely a beautiful image depicting St. Christopher. Notable are some splendid sinuous vaults and what more captures the attention of the visitor is the perfect symmetry of some architectural elements developed around the apse.

An imposing bell tower is located behind the central body of that ecclesiastic complex established on a square base with refined outlines boasting a splendid belfry, slots and highlighted by a white circular watch with as terminal a polygonal roof topped by a metallic cross. An additional attraction is definitely its location dominating the entire medieval setting and it is the most photographed monumental complex of Baveno.

Next to that Religious temple you will have the chance to see that famous ancient embedded stone previously mentioned remembering the Emperor Claudius Tiberius Caesar Augustus, another higlight of the town with an immense historic value reminding the relevant times of the Imperial Rome in the town.

On the left side of that charming square another notable artistic symbol is the Battistero, the Baptistery. That building is historically very relevant because its construction is dated the 5th century attesting the local active artistic live present since several centuries ago.

The structure was originally erected on a square plan with a charming portico highlighted by splendid granite columns and the central  body of that stunning construction consists in a high polygonal drum with octagonal shape surmounted by a cupola topped by a forged iron cross.

One of the splendid highlights is definitely the outstanding symmetry of the colonnade and the stupendous arcades while on the top you can admire a fine stoned section covering the entire fine portico totally independent from the rest of the main nucleus of the architectural layout of the construction. 

The current aspect despite its ancient elevation greatly show a Renaissance Style due to restorations made in different periods which transformed it during historic stages with inspirations and operations of embellishment linked to new artistic schools influenced by Tuscan masters.

Simply wonderful is the composition of the central section with architectural elements added on the front side related to that artistic cycle with an outstanding decoration giving a perfect aesthetic image in total harmony with the original other elements established in medieval times making ir a unique marvel of art of the Middle Ages embellished with refined Renaissance details.

The interior is also highly interesting containing relevant masterpieces. You can admire a very charming cupola with beautiful frescoes dated the 16th century and furthermore a magnificent vault showing a traditional Romanesque style on which you can admire some other superb frescoes depicting biblical scenes, all that highlighted by a superb execution of great lines and use of colours of an advanced school in that time.

On the left side of the baptistery you can admire a long Portico with the Via Crucis built in the 19th century. That splendid construction was ended in 1839 and it is in perfect harmony with the medieval images of the two other main monuments.That charming work depicts all the stations of the Way of the Cross and in a walk you can admire a series of frescoes representing all the stages of Jesus Christ reaching the Mount Calvary.

The architectural design of that structure is highlighted by a splendid line of granite columns and under the roof you can admire the scenic image of a beautiful succession of arches and other rectangular white columns placed between a Cross station and another.

Baveno just like all the towns situated on Lake Maggiore and Como is a place with an incredible artistic patrimony consisting in a stunning number of elegant and aristocratic villas.

 I suggest you some starting from Villa Fedora today hosting the Chamber of Commerce of Verbania. It is a beautiful example of a stylish mansion erected in 1857 by a wealthy character from Turin called Giacinto Mannati characterised by long colonnades developed between the ground and first floor forming scenic porticoes. The ochre tonality of that stylish building is in perfect tuning with the symmetrical windows with green painted shutters inserted in a beautiful high facade which is certainly a great attraction also for the order and criteria of all the fine elements placed in its layout.

That mansion had different owners such as the Hotel businessman Giuseppe Spatz, the musician Umberto Giordano who gave it the name taken by one of his works consisting in an opera composed in 1898 titled Fedora. After some years it became a headquarter of the London Polytechnic Institute and in 1943 it was inhabited by a Jewish entrepreneur called Emil Serman. 

The history linked to that man who was a rich paper trader had a very sad epilogue because on 14th September of the same year a patrol of German SS visited the villa taking him to the local headquarter which was established in that time in the Hotel Belle after that he never returned to his residence and all his family was deported. The villa is surrounded by a splendid huge flowered park in which camellias, azaleas, mimosas and some secular oak trees are magnificent protagonists.

Another one which worth to be mentioned is certainly Villa Branca and as the previous was built in the 19th century. Originally the former name was Villa Clara and it was designed and projected by the English architect and engineer Charles Helfrey who elevated it between 1870 and 1872 and it is  well known because it hosted the Queen Victoria and the Princess Beatrice in some occasions.

That building in its kind represents a piece of outstanding British architecture on Lake Maggiore consisting in a stupendous revival of the most charming British Neo-Gothic Style particularly highlighted by the use of red bricks very common in Great Britain in that concrete time. Also other architectural canons are extremely linked to the traditions of that period with an execution of marble terraces, turrets, spires and obviously surrounded by a wonderful English Garden where you can also admire an Anglican Chapel and a small fortress erected in 1883.

Also something closely related to the architecture from Switzerland is present in Baveno and it is Villa Della Casa, a superb work by the Swiss architect Augusto Guidini. It was erected in the 19th century for the Italian-Swiss businessman Nicola Della Casa that distinguished local figure linked to the trade and the extraction of the pink granite, the pioneer of that activity who gave that centre fame and popularity and considered a prominent personality of the town all time.

The current villa surrounded by a beautiful garden boasts a beautiful refined facade embellished by flowered balconies reminiscent the charming mansions of the Canton of Ticino you can admire around Lake Lugano and notable is the presence of some circular terracotta elements to pay homage to famous historic figures.

I suggest you to take a look to Villa Mussi, the  oldest of the villas built in the entire municipality. Surrounded by a public park that splendid construction was built for a famous writer and historian from Milan called Francesco Mussi.The highlights apart a captivating huge green gardened area surrounding the building is its splendid architectural execution in Liberty Style with a touch of neoclassical inspiration visible in columns perfectly combined with the rest of the other details and forming a very stylish external layout mixing two artistic movements pretty different for architectural concepts and lines.

Villa Barberis is a further wonder and it was elevated in the 20th century as residence of a wealthy character called Alberto Barberis from Vercelli a town of Piedmont halfway between Novara and Turin.That man had among his passions travelling and the construction of that beautiful mansion is closely linked to that.

The former owner also lived for a period in the Middle East and loyal to his memories he decided to give his residence a pretty exotic aspect showing a sort of Moorish image with a Minaret elevated in the garden and all around several tropical plants. 

To honour his motherland and as lover of art, Barberis decided to place in the design of the mansion some details of his loved region such as some elements reminiscent the Cathedral of San Gaudenzio of Novara and others linked to that of his birthplace as the famous Sant´Andrea Church of Vercelli, remembering with the latter his beloved and never forgotten birthplace.

Other mansions which worth a special mention are Villa Carosio, a work by Giuseppe Sommaruga, a notorious Milanese Art Nouveau Architect well known for the design of Palazzo Castiglioni erected in the capital of Lombardy between 1901 and 1903 and an eminent figure of the Liberty style. A further is Villa Brandolini D´Adda elevated on the rests of a convent dated the 16th century, very famous for its spacious and wonderful garden subdivided in different sections developed in Japanese, Italian, French and English styles.

After the view of all those beauties I suggest you to enjoy a lake cruise with the Borromean Archipelago and the three most important islands which are undoubtedly some of the most brilliant and fabulous attractions of the entire lake each of them with its own identity, different in size, shape, history and architecture and something you can not miss during a Lake Maggiore stay.

Those islands will show you all their beauty, not just nature, they also conserve relevant and incredible historic marvels, simply unique and unforgettable to immortalise in an endless number of fantastic pictures.

Another great detail are their colours and the special lights they boast, it is a walk in the history surrounded by a magnificent natural scenery and all around the captivating waters of that enchanting lake with memorable views coast to coast admiring the shore of Lombardy corresponding to the county of Varese and that one of Piedmont, magic places surrounded by a sublime frame.

They are all part of the municipality of the nearest Stresa but I give you some information in the case you are planning holidays to Baveno enjoying the navigation starting from its harbour.

Isola dei Pescatori, the Fishermen Island is very small, it is just 350,0 metres long and approximately 100,0 metres width but it has an immense charm starting from its scenic small harbour. 

 Highlighted by narrow streets, appealing alleys, tiny squares and splendid corners which evoke the past linked to the old traditions related to the iconic fishing activity started a long time ago mainly concentrated in perch and bleak catch.In some alleys you can see nets and accessories linked to all that placed on walls or in captivating spaces to create a true, real and genuine atmosphere reflecting its original past.

It is well known as the island of the archipelago permanently and constantly inhabited since 700 years ago, very romantic for its picturesque image, it is easily visitable in a short time but it conserves relevant historic monuments. as the Chiesa di San Vittore, a charming Church dedicated to St. Victor.

That sacred temple was originally elevated in the 11th century in Romanesque style but modified and enlarged in the course of its history when it was transformed before in a Gothic Chapel and later in a small ecclesiastic Renaissance complex with the apse largely expanded and in 1627 it was declared local Parish Church.

In its external layout it still conserves something of the former medieval image visible in a section of the former wall and especially in the exterior rounded section covering the former apse developed in the Middle Ages. 

The front side is highlighted by a stylish portico formed by beautiful columns with capitals and frescoes on the ceiling. Behind the main body of the Church you can see a high light bell tower erected in two blocks on a square plan, on the lower beneath a circular watch was placed a thin slot while the upper section consists in an ample belfry surmounted by a square base beneath a spire.

In the interior you can admire a magnificent nave  with splendid sinuous wonderful vaults leading to a magnificent altar completed in the 17th century, simply outstanding greatly embellished by a cycle of frescoes dating back the 16th century and a further attraction is the presence of four busts representing the Saints Ambrose, Charles Borromeo, Francis de Sales and Gaudenzio.

Around that beautiful construction you can visit the tiny borgo, a small medieval quarter with restored and scenic houses flanked by captivating alleys and just 50, 0 metres from that sacred site you can reach by a a narrow street the eastern side of the island taking great pictures of the opposite coastline of Lake Maggiore.

The island is not part of Venice, but from time to time it has as in the Capital of Veneto the “Acqua Alta”, high water generated by the the flood of the water of the lake during a day of raining but the old houses facing that were erected over the level of the shore in the middle of Isola dei Pescatori and they do not suffer inundations.

The locals also celebrated feasts, one especially is pretty famous which takes place on 15th August, the day of Ferragosto with a procession of illuminated fishing boats transporting the Statue of the Virgin Mary of the Assumption.

Isola Bella is 320, 0 metres long and 180, 0 metres width, it represents the majestic and impressive beauty of a diamond in the water with its fantastic gardens and the impressive and majestic Palazzo Borromeo, the iconic and distinctive Palace closely linked to the previously mentioned Cardinal and Archbishop of Milan Charles Borromeo.

It said that sumptuous and monumental image of grandeur but at the same time with a radiant natural charm was able to bewitch Napoleon Bonaparte and his wife Joséphine de Beauharnais who spent there several enjoyable days delighted by the extraordinary beauty of that Eden and the French leader did not want to leave that island as also his compatriot, the writer Stendhal who after the visit of the grottoes was totally astonished and surprised facing those marvels.

Napoleon with the impossibility to have that Paradise after a negative reply tried to convince Borromeo family to sell him the Isola Madre or in alternative that of Castelli di Cannero situated further north in proximity of the resort of Cannero Riviera but he received a rounded no and he decided to fix his Italian residence in Cernobbio at Villa D´Este on Lake Como. (If you are interested I wrote a post about that great place)

Other famed guests of that palace who also remained totally enchanted were the Princess of Wales Caroline of Brunswick and Edward Gibbon, an illustrious member of the British Parliament, eminent historian and writer.

You can admire inside that magnificent building several wonderful halls with numerous paintings and canvas by Italian school, Flemish tapestries, archaeological sections and including the room with original furniture which hosted Napoleon during his sojourn.

The construction started in 1632 and it is also linked to the works of the architect Giovanni Angelo Crivelli who led the operations for the development of the stunning gardens which originally had to be executed according to the original design  with a shape of a ship but all that had not a continuation because in that time the Duchy of Milan suffered a plague.

That marvellous jewel is a divine hymn to art and nature with a superb historic and artistic patrimony and the botanical gardens are of a unique fascination.They are a fantastic highlight of Isola Bella with an and incredible variety of exotic plants, flowers, stylish flowerbeds, terraces with statues and sculptures scattered all around that Eden, ponds, magnificent hallways bordered by pine and cypress trees, stunning magnolias, wonderful fountains with allegoric images, impressive majestic steps, paths crossing scenic woody areas.  

Worth a mention the superb and scenic upper section called Amphitheatre from where you can have unforgettable panoramic views and it is as a superb balcony offering a magnificent panoramic image towards Stresa.

The extraordinary waterfront next to the harbour is another corner I suggest you to take thousands of pictures because it offers striking views from every corner facing the marvellous Stresa and next to the balustrade you will have a extraordinary image of the gulf of Baveno too.

That island in addition is also famed for a historic event when it hosted in 1935 an important meeting which saw as protagonists the First Prime Ministers of Great Britain, France and Italy represented by James Ramsay MacDonald, Pierre Laval and Benito Mussolini in occasion of the Final Declaration of the Conference of Stresa celebrated on 14th April of that year which was an important appointment to face the attempt of the Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler to change The Treaty of Versailles.

Isola Madre is the biggest of the three sisters with its 330, 0 metres in length and 220, 0 metres width. It is famous apart for its beauty because it changed its name in different occasion in the past when it was called Isola di San Vittore, St. Victor Island and Isola Maggiore, the Major Island.
That diasmond shows all its classy and refined charm in a mixture of divine architecture and sublime nature. As the previous it has a Palace, former residence of that iconic Cardinal and his family erected in the 16th century on the remnants of a Church probably dated the 9th century and of a castle called Castello di San Vittore.

It was probably used in ancient times for the cultivation of olives during Roman times and also as a cemetery confirmed by the presence of the Scala dei Morti, the Staircase of the Dead which was later embellished by the plantation of Wisteria along it.

The Count Lancillotto Borromeo in 1501 decided to develop on its surface the cultivation of citrus with a personal gardener devoted to that, an activity which continued with a pretty large orchard also in the following centuries. All that happened before to be integrated in the fabulous English garden which occupies an area of approximately 8, 0 acres and also that place had several admirers such as Napoleon who wanted that island as previously mentioned and the French writers Gustave Flaubert and Théofhile Gautier among others.

Many people love so much Isola Madre for the spectacular lush vegetation which totally covers its entire surface with the silhouette of that noble  palace dominating the scenery and that superb garden contains a rhododendron forest, several palm, cypress, cornus, magnolia and maple trees, different species of camellias and it is also famed for the presence of some kinds of exotic birds such as parrots, pheasants and peacocks.

Once ended that spectacular cruise with the visit of those gems I suggest you another excursion  continuing along the Simplon Road flanking the lake in direction Pallanza with a stop in Feriolo. It is one of the neighbourhood of the resort, a stupendous and also poetic place with a very charming and captivating lakeside promenade,a great place highly recommended to visit.

Probably less ostentatious than Baveno centre, it has not the Neoclassical, Medieval and Baroque buildings or the high class Hotels but it shows in all its charming an enchanting splendour in a more than attractive setting of small rustic and picturesque houses with flowered balconies and a further detail is the magnificent panoramic views you can enjoy in that corner of the municipality with a spectacular image of the stunning gulf from another magnificent perspective.

I recommend you a walk there at sunset when you can take many magnificent pictures enjoying something unique in terms of stupendous colours, lights, reflections, landscapes in a scenery simply wonderful.In that place all is very romantic and picturesque thanks also to the presence of its appealing small harbour, narrow streets starting close to the waterfront, well cared gardens, something really unforgettable and including you can enjoy a splendid beach.

In the area there is also a camping and the opportunity to visit the previously mentioned Nature Reserve of Fondotoce, a wonderful protected natural park inaugurated in 1990 in a territory where the Toce river has its estuary meeting Lake Maggiore.

It is a splendid huge green lung  with stupendous intact forests and where you can see a varied fauna with different species such as foxes, martens, weasels, badgers and hares among others.Notable is also the presence of some kinds of turtles and  it is also an ideal site for the reproduction of determined types of fish such as carp, pike, tench and some kinds of amphibians.
That wonderful place is also very loved by many ornithologists due to a large presence of royal swans, storks, gulls, grebes, snips, ducks, hawks and owls among others. In total there are 130 species but the number often increases with the landing of several migratory birds which find in that specific area an appropriate habitat to survive and in addition there are approximately 240 species of different plants, a great site also for those who love those kinds of attractions,

Feriolo apart its charming aspect and the presence of that marvellous natural Eden in its vicinity is also a relevant historic place. In its boundaries were found several Prehistoric and Roman artifacts and furthermore visible are also the rests of an old medieval castle dated 12th century. You will notice what remain of that fortress  such as a tower and the fortified granite walls which formed in medieval times one of the most impenetrable strongholds along the western Lake Maggiore shore.

In addition to all that the site is also famed because in that point took place a historic battle between the troops of the King of Piedmont and Duchy of Savoy and the local patriots Anti-Monarchy in 1798.

That event was characterised by a fervent desire of many locals to have a Republic after centuries lived under rule of Duchies and Royalties and those movements had a notable resonance including in the remote villages of the nearest valleys Valsesia and Val D´Ossola which also were protagonist of that struggle.

Another historic event linked to Feriolo, pretty sad is related to the 19th century when that place suffered a tragedy, concretely in 1867 remembered with the name La Storia del paesino sommerso, the story of the submerged village.In that year due to the construction of the new harbour some houses sank in the waters of the lake and there were several victims,, a very sad episode commemorated with a memorial plaque visible in that place.

A very picturesque local corner is also the shrine Madonna della Scarpia, a charming Religious building dated the 17th century perched on a rock, very scenic and giving a further appealing charm to that enchanting area of Baveno.

I suggest you some marvellous points to stop if you are a photography lover. At the entrance of that borough, you will notice that in a concrete section of the road coming from Baveno starts a curve, immediately after it you can admire the splendid image of a small gulf of less than 1, 0 kilometre in length and once there you will be delighted by the coastline of Pallanza dominated by a scenic setting formed by green hills and immediately above mountainous peaks, a fantastic image as a natural step, mount, hill, lake absolutely stunning. 

In Baveno there is another fantastic view point immediately outside its boundaries along the county road SS33 towards Stresa after approximately 1, 5 kilometres.

You will see there a magnificent small natural bay and in that corner you will have a triple stupendous view consisting in the entire Archipelago Borromeo, the peninsula of Verbania and the promontory of the shore corresponding to Lombardy in the area of Leggiuno and Laveno Mombello with the view of the picturesque silhouette of the hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso erected on imposing cliffs in the 12th century and obviously the entire dreaming and poetic gulf in all its fascination. 

Apart tourism in its pure essence the fame and prestige of Baveno reached its peaks since a long time ago as popular climatic resort. The uncontaminated atmosphere and the breezes coming from the nearest Mottarone and Camoscio mountains were undoubtedly a notable resource to start the development of that kind of activity which started to be well developed in the 60s and with a notable increasing in the 70s with many tourists from Germany, Holland, France and Great Britain loved and love Baveno also for that.

The prestigious name of the town is also famous to host several events. Many luxury Hotels often are the perfect choice to host high class gala dinners, important conventions and meetings and the town is also a notable appointments linked to music, literature and poetry, arts playing an important role in the cultural life of the town making it a very active destination with a vast cultural calendar all year.

The Festival of Stringed Instruments is one of them, an event well known at international level just like the Festival Umberto Giordano in honour of that previously mentioned famous composer who lived in the town. That appointment is a hymn to the pure art focused on music and poetry remembering artists of the 19th and 20th century.

Linked to music is also the Mostra  Concorso Nazionale di Liuteria, an event celebrated every two years with an international participation of the relevant lutists.

December and Christmas time 
is another special period celebrating the event Un Salto Nel passato, a Jump in the Past highlighted by a great exhibition remembering the most ancient professions in the world completed by the presence of people wearing medieval costumes, the use of the old Franc coin to buy articles and items during that event changing some euros at the entrance and you will also enjoy several gastronomic stalls in a very lively atmosphere highlighted by music.

The Local Cuisine perfectly reflects the strong Lombardy and Piedmont influences but also it is loyal to a strong local identity offering a traditional gastronomy based on typical lake fish plates and much more.

The iconic perch, the exquisite Pesce Persico cooked in different styles such as grilled, boiled and also fried using butter and sage or accompanying the delicious Risotto as in other localities of the Italian lakes is highly appreciated.Other specialities are the famed Alborelle fritte,  fried bleak and the notorious Anguille in Umido, eel cooked adding sage, laurel, onion and butter, forming all together a sort of delectable sauce and often accompanied by the famous Polenta.

That latter product is another traditional local speciality also combined with popular stews such as the delicious Brasato, beef slices prepared in sauce or with the Spezzatino di Vitello consisting in  cubes of delicious and tender veal meat cooked with a very delicious tomato sauce seasoned with garlic, onion, pepper, salt and laurel or also with fresh Porcini mushrooms. 

The Gnocchi alle Erbette is another highlight, a plate in which the gnocchi are prepared with eggs, butter and aromatic herbs and a variant is the Gnocchi Burro e Salvia cooked with fresh butter and sage with a bit of Parmesan cheese on the top.

The risotto apart that recipe with the famed perch is also cooked in different styles such as Risotto ai Funghi Porcini, with mushrooms, Risotto con Salsicce, with sausages and Risotto ai Formaggi with different kinds of cheeses.

Realted to that the Verbano area is very famous for its excellent dairy products highlighted by a delicious local Gorgonzola, the delectable Bettelmatt, notable is in addition an ample variety of superb goat cheeses and the renowned Formaggio Ossolano.
That corner of Piedmont is also famed for bakery and cakes, worth a mention an important production of Honey used in many recipes and very famous are the Margheritine made in the nearest Stresa, excellent biscuits which name derives from the Queen Margherita of Savoy, Queen of Piedmont and Sovereign of the Reign Italy, wife of King Humbert I, absolutely excellent accompanying coffee, hot chocolate or tea.

Another relevant local product largely present in the local forests is the chestnut with which apart to prepare several cakes is used to make a delicious Marmellata di Castagne, a very appreciated chestnut jam.

About fine wines you can enjoy a superb selection considering that you are in a land called Piedmont,  a distinctive Mecca offering great and divine products thanks to a brilliant historic tradition. Worth a special mention coming from the hills of Novara a famed Barbera but also a fine Nebbiolo and some others of excellent quality from Ghemme and Gattinara. I suggest you try the wines of a valley called Val D´Ossola with its fine Tarlap, Ossolanum and Pruné, they are simply great.

The local reds are outstanding, very smooth and savoury considered very palatable at the first sip with texture and body and a strong vivid colour confirming the high level of the grapes cultivated in that land.The vineyards of Piedmont produce fantastic wines which are part of the Italian elite well known all around the world and in addition the local whites have a classical and refined taste highly appreciated for their versatility which makes them greatly suggested also for a use in the Haute Cuisine.

Milan Malpensa is the nearest airport situated 55, 0 kilometres away and in approximately 40/45 minutes you can reach the resort very easily by E62 Motorway in direction Gravellona Toce and taking the exit Stresa-Baveno.

If you are planning to spend holidays on Lake Maggiore, Baveno is simply a superb choice, all that you will admire there is absolutely magic and it is enough to take a look all around that town on the shore of that stunning and unforgettable waters basin to understand that you have chosen for your stay a divine corner of Paradise.

That gulf so poetic facing those wonderful islands of the Borromean Archipelago is something so difficult to forget and you will discover in a while how that place will delight your stay from the dawn until night spending unforgettable days surrounded by a marvellous and magic aura and a natural frame so inspiring and unique in its kind which will be your daily sublimation of an enchanting vacation.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Baveno

Hotel Lido Palace
Hotel Splendid
Grand Hotel Dino
Simplon Hotel Baveno
Hotel Alpi
Hotel Rigoli
Albergo La Ripa
Hotel Villa Ruscello

Recommended Restaurants in Baveno

Ristorante La Ripa
Ristorante La Perla del Lago
Ristorante l´Angolo delle Fate
Ristorante Serenella
Ristorante La Trappola
Ristorante Da Giovanni e Giuseppe
Ristorante Posta

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