Skopelos-Greece | Stunning Aegean Treasure to Enjoy Metre by Metre.

Skopelos is undoubtedly an idyllic paradise of Greece,a stunning Aegean treasure treasure to discover enjoy metre by metre, an Eden part of the Hellenic archipelago of the Northern Sporades, a group of dreaming islands which lies east of the Pelion headland, a scenic peninsula dominated by an iconic mountain with the same name, a southeastern part of the Thessaly and north of of Euboea, the second largest Greek island in area, after Crete.

Situated between the fascinating Skiathos and the enchanting Alonissos that marvel is in the northern side of its territory is pretty sharp and narrow, very rounded in the southern side with a small gulf and at distance it looks like a turtle's head, from another angle it takes the shape of a sort of snake while from a further perspective it vaguely seems a sort of sinuous saxophone.

Probably also for that special silhouette next to  its extraordinary beauty it attracted and conquered several civilisations which settled there in different historic periods such as Greeks, Macedonians, Romans,Byzantines, Venetians and Turks who governed that heaven incorporated in 1830 after its independence in a long struggle against the Ottoman Empire in the Thessaly Region and in the new Greek Republic.

 The fascination of Skopelos is the stunning presence of a wonderful jagged coastline, unforgettable natural coves and spectacular beaches ,a splendid virgin and wild interior totally covered by a typical Mediterranean vegetation with pines and olive groves scattered all around dominated by the epic Delphi, a historic height and highest summit of the entire island with its  680,0 metres of altitude which seems from far a natural watchtower created to protect that Aegean wonder.

 That magnificent Hellenic destination is the biggest of the archipelago,with approximately 4,800 inhabitants but the density is very low if you think the capital with the same name but also known as Chora has approximately 3,000 inhabitants and the rest of the population lives in small villages scattered all around the territory.

From its charming harbour you can enjoy a service of catamarans to the other islands  and ferries to  the major port port of Magnesia, Volos  but also the others very important as  Konstantinos and Thessaloniki. Generally that kind of services take between two hours and ten minutes to reach the first two mentioned ports,some minutes more to land on third, second centre of the country.

Special highlights and secrets of that stunning Aegean jewel are undoubtedly the magnificent horizon of that striking eastern Mediterranean corner of azure and turquoise waters packed by small islands and tiny islets, a picturesque mosaic of marvels which appears painted as a stupendous watercolour and its superb beaches  mostly pebbled, the sandy stretches are not a main feature of Skopelos which conquers in a while a lot of visitors during a holiday who are never tired to enjoy metre by metre that Greek gem.
A further attraction is its mystical and suggestive atmosphere, a place which transmits at first sight in every corner of its boundaries the image of an epic and legendary past of an unchanged and extremely intact environment reminiscent the landings of mythological heroes such as Heracles, Achilles,  Jason or including Odysseus wel known as Ulysses protagonist of many of them in the narration of the Odyssey, that superb Greek poem attributed to Homer also author of that other masterpiece, the Iliad.

For that Skopelos appears as a magic site in all its splendour and it is not a coincidence that all those stunning features made that island was chosen without hesitations as main set  of the famous movie Mamma Mia starring Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan, that  famous Anglo-American comedy filmed in 2007 and launched in 2008 which had a great success in all the cinemas all around the world.

Skopelos and Skiathos (I wrote a post about it if you are interested) were selected after an accurate and meticulous view of several sites by Universal Production which probably facing such extraordinary charm next to the award received almost three decades before in 1978 when it was declared patrimony of immense beauty by Greek Government during the times of the former President Konstantinos Tsartos for its architecture and environment played important roles in that choice.

 The name of the island in the movie was invented, it was a fiction denomination, Kalokhairi meaning in Greek language precious time.Thanks to that event linked to the Film Industry Skopelos certainly increased its popularity in most recent years  although since the 80's it was already  known by several foreign lovers of the Greek islands.

The economy of that marvellous uncontaminated oasis of serenity, tranquillity and  natural beauty  before the advent of tourism until the 40's was viticulture but due to a terrible phylloxera there was a strong decline in the production of grapes and wines and the main resource in terms of agriculture area became the olive and the residents in the most remote hamlets are mainly devoted to agriculture and fishing.

The mild climate permits a good production of fruit in particular prunes,excellent is also the honey extracted by the local conifer trees and there is a very good dairy activities with excellent cheeses especially highlighted by one of goat and the famous national product Feta cheese, all that thanks to an activity still alive in the pastures of the interior.

Visiting Skopelos is not extremely difficult ,the best mean of transport to explore the island along its stupendous coasts and entering in the equally wonderful inland is to rent rent a scooter and you can easily visit the rural area until the mount Delphi reaching the beautiful beaches of the Gulf of Panornos in the western side of the island.

Apart that  in the same day you can reach the southern coasts admiring the striking beaches of Agnondias and Stafylos and including with the chance to see its 2nd highest mountain called Palouki situated in the southeastern side. All that is possible because Skopelos does not reach the 70,0 kilometres in longitude despite there is a lot of places to admire dedicating during the visit times to many terrtiorial conrners because the persistent desore to enjoy metre by metre that wonder is eternally strong.

 A name was assigned when  the Cretans explored and colonised Skopelos in the bronze age,introducing much more the culture of vineyards and they called it Peparethos which translated means land rich of grapes.

Since then that place became very popular all around Greece to be a famous land producing a delicious wine and other legends said that the the descendants of the first settlers became skilled merchants taking that superb nectar produced by the local vines of Bacchus in many sites of the Hellenic mainland including in the famed Attica, in the capital Athens surprising many inhabitants of that emblematic city totally in love with that sublime beverage which was used in feasts and banquets in those ancient times.

About that mentioned name "Stafylos",according to Hellenic legends and mythology, it was the ancient name of the island founded by the son of the God Dionysus well know in Roman times with the name Bacchus, the God of wine, vegetation and who inspired  the most exhilarating ecstasy of the Princess of Crete Ariadne, his mother.

Closely related to that the notorious author, naturalist, philosopher but also naval and army commander in the early Roman Empire in the times of the Emperor Vespasian, Pliny the Elder born in Comun, the current city of Como wrote in his book titled Natural History : 

" The Physician Apollodorus in the work in which he wrote recommending King Ptolemy what wines in particular to drink, for in his times the wines of Italy were not generally known, has spoken in high terms of that of Naspercene in Pontus, next to which he places the Oretic, and then the Aeneatian, the Leucadian, the Ambraciotic and the Peparethian, to which last he gives the preference over all the rest, though the states, that it enjoyed an inferior reputation from the fact of its not being considered fit for drinking until it had been kept six years."

That historic reference was clearly related to the excellent quality of wines produced in the the current Skopelos well known since the times in which was introduced the viticulture activity in that land next to that legend of its discovery by the son of Bacchus very popular all around the most relevant Greek cities.

Something about that was also highlighted by another iconic character, Sophocles one of the great tragedians in the Hellenic literature who in his notorious work Philoctetes performed at the Festival of Dyonisus in 409 BC  mentioned a wine merchant lost on his way to Peparethos who affirmede that site rich in grapes and wine.

Skopelos is a marvellous destination which also offers a delicious cuisine loyal to the most traditional Hellenic culinary art, a good range of comfortable accommodations delighting an enjoyable stay, the chance to practise water sports, ideal haven for sun lovers but with also with interest for art and history, the inland is great for all the passionate trekkers, an Eden for photographers and a further attractive detail  is represented by the locals very friendly and welcoming with a high sense of hospitality.

With its legends and history,the island was always a land of conquest,after an earthquake it fell under the rule of  King of Thessaly Alexandros of Pherae famous to host according to an epic narration the God Apollo who was chased by the other powerful God, Zeus who wanted to punish him.

The former Peparethos was historically a loyal allied of Athens in the long and bloody Persian wars and thanks to that it was incorporated in the Athenian League enjoying a period of golden ages plenty of autonomy and free commerce

It was later a stronghold of Philip of Macedonia under rule of that Kingdom from 338 to 146 BC when it moved inside the Roman Republic  which after the conquest fortified that place which officially entered in the domains of the Imperial Rome in 27 BC.

During those times Skopelos lived a peaceful period continuing its flourishing history with the Byzantines as governors in 330 until 1204, a date which corresponds to the integration of the island in the Latin Empire of Constantinople endured until a first brief Turkish occupation which took place in 1403 returning to the older rulers in the same year for other 53 years.

After that event it become a colony of the powerful Marine Republic of Venice which governed since then until 1538 when the Ottoman Empire conquered the Greek territories.

The Turkish domination was highlighted by a massive landing of the famous Hizir Hayreddin Paha also known as Barbarossa with his troops  who were ravaging all the Aegean islands in that time and ended almost three centuries later.

The conquest by the Turks decimated the populations and Skopelos conquered its Independence between 1829 and 1830 as the nearest islands with also protagonist Skiathos very famous apart its beauty to be the cradle of the birth of the Greek Flag.

The Island joined the Independent Republic of Greece under the London Protocol an agreement signed on 3rd February 1830 by France, Russia and United Kingdom recognising with that document the autonomy of the Hellenic state.

Historically the Northern Sporades always had strong Greek sentiments rooted in a secular cultural history linked to its Monasteries, Churches, Chapels and all that is confirmed despite the small size of Skopelos by the presence of 360 Sacred seats in its territory with a notable religious identity of the local inhabitants  since the times of the schist of the Christian Church in the 11th century and living the event of the Greek war in the name of Constantinople and the Orthodox faith with extreme patriotism.

The 2nd World War as a large part of Greece and many other Greek islands including the big Rhodes the Sporades Archipelago was occupied  Italian army from 1941 to 1943 and later by the German troops until 1944 returning to be part of the Independent Republic in the same year.

The rich historic patrimony of Skopelos and nobody knows how many relevant artifacts there are under its soil is certified by several findings of immense value discovered during archaeological excavations dated the 30's in the area of Velanios  not far from the beach of Stafylos with the finding of a relevant Mycenaean tomb corresponding to the burial site of the King with the name of that coastal stretch.

Chora or Skopelos is the capital of the island with its over 3,000 inhabitants and it is the liveliest centre with the main port and the major tourism structures established in its boundaries and immediate outskirts.

One of its main highlights is the perfect conservation of its architectural setting which loyal to the style of the former constructions erected centuries before continues to keep the same aesthetic aspect and charm of the past consisting in small white houses arranged on maximum three floors characterised by coloured doors and shutters,red roofs, flowered balconies rooted to a typical kind of architecture and artistic movement called Cycladic well known to have as special feature those kinds of details.

The core of the inhabited centre is a splendid maze of narrow streets and winding alleys highly inspiring anytime during the day, morning,afternoon or evening with natural or artificial lights, a fairytale place to enjoy metre by metre boasting a very special atmosphere with traditional colours which fill every space of the urban grid with attractive colours making that stunning Aegean treasure of the Sporades a shining marvel.

Although it has not extensive surface in terms of square kilometres Chora boasts in its boundaries approximately 150 religious constructions, definitely an impressive number and you will notice them in every corner of the municipal environment, on coastal tips , along streets, close to the sea on undulated plateaus or in the immediate inland established on  gently picturesque hills.

 Panagista is certainly the most important, it is a stylish Church erected in the 17th century, one of the first attractions you can admire in the beating heart of the capital with its access by a fascinating long step.
It is a whitewashed structure elevated on a Latin cross plan with a scenic dome topped by a cross developed on a stoned gray roof and next to it was elevated a fascinating bell tower established on four strong pillars and from the square facing it you can have a fantastic panoramic views of the island od Alonissos. (If you are interested I wrote a post about it)

Very charming is the composition in the upper section with a belfry of a light brown tonality placed a short distance from a white polygonal turret with circular roof.Inside you can admire some relevant icons decorated with engraved images of birds and floral themes and other works depicting scenes of the Old and New Testament.

 A beautiful walk to to be delighted by the outstanding beauty of the surroundings with magnificent panoramic views and in the meantime admiring a historic local monument consists in climbing a street from Panagitsa Church leading reaching Skopelos Kastro, a stoned fortress erected by the Venetians in 1204 in  exact place where was established the first settlement of the ancient Peparethos.

That site is a symbol with an important historic value overlooking the Aegean Sea from all the cardinal points representing the emblem of the defencive system developed by the Doges of Venice in the 13th century when the Ottomans started to launch intense attacks in the Greek islands and despite it was restored in different occasions nowadays are only visible the walls of that impenetrable stronghold but it remains in its kind a considerable landmark of the local history.

Another highlight  you can not miss is the small Church of Agios Ioannis dedicated to St.John established in an impressive position at approximately 100,0 metres of altitude on top of a rock reachable by the mainland by a narrow path established along 105 carved stoned steps.

Before the construction of that religious building in that site was developed an ancient citadel during the reign of King Philip of Macedonia approximately in 340 BC and it was considered since then the main bastion of Skopelos to avoid the landing of pirates.

The views are amazing with an entire panoramic overlooking the islands of Skiathos and Alonissos and it was one of the iconic images of the movie Mamma Mia.

The architectural layout consists in a low whitewashed construction with an austere facade beneath a red brick sloping roof. The front side provides a small pediment with a small cross on the top and an arched portal consisting in the main entrance bordered on both sides by bands in a terracotta tonality. 

A legend said that a local saw during an evening a glow on the summit of that very scenic cliff but despite that he did not give it special importance but that apparition was repeated more times and in a dream a mysterious woman invited that man to reach that headland with other inhabitants and they found there an icon.

After that they started to carve a step leading to that high rock and to keep safe the icon they transported it in a Chapel not far from that site. The day after the image disappeared from that shrine and it appeared on that cliff once again, an episode which convinced the locals to build a venerated Chapel on that marvellous tip which became since then a venerated destination for many pilgrims.

In the town you can also see the Diocese Palace erected by the Venetians who hosted the first Bishops of Skopelos, a construction which remained unfinished for the devastation during a raid by the Ottoman Pasha Barbarossa in 1538.In 1949 that building was bought by the brothers Dimitriadis who started to manage archaeological excavations culminated by the discovery of very relevant findings.

Related to archaeology worth a mention the presence of Asclepius, an ancient structure elevated in the 4th century BC as a temple dedicated to the God of medicine which was in its kind the first ancient hospital of the community. During operations of archaeological excavations were found around it several coins, pieces of ancient terracotta jars, amphorae, vases from Attica and various statues fragments.

Not far from Skopelos you can visit the Monastery of St. Righinos,t he Bishop Martyr Patron of the Island with his feast celebrated every year on 25th February highlighted by an intense and passionate participation of the inhabitants.
It is a small structure built in the 18th century on a previous Byzantine construction consisting in a nave leading to a pretty large apse covered by a dome.That Religious site conserves the stoned tomb of the Saint dating back the 4th century and some relevant icons. Next to that venerated building you can see some rests of an ancient Greek temple probably built in the 5th century BC.

The second centre of the island is Glossa a very peaceful village located on the northern side of island on a small hilly promontory overlooking the port of Loutraki at approximately 26,0 kilometres from the capital.

That centre is a very fascinating agglomeration with small white houses characterised by flowered balconies covered by stoned roofs, facades and walls embellished by handmade tiles and the core is an attractive up and down of cobbled alleys, a place which offers beautiful views over the coast from many corners of its boundaries.

Also in that place the air is reminiscent of the old and traditional Greece and in addition another attraction is its typical vegetation with forests where the pine tree is the absolute predominant.

In that site were found some towers originally elevated over ancient farmhouses closely related to the harvest with the production of that iconic local wine and used for the collection of cereals.Those watchtowers were erected in the Middle Ages to protect the island by pirates and invaders and used as refuge for the population alerted by incursions by sea.

In Glossa I suggest you a stop til the early evening to admire at sunset the island of Skiathos in front of that village from its stunning hilly plateau and the view is simply outstanding. 

You can find all around Skopelos a multitude of Churches and I recommend you to visit you some of them as those of Prodromos, St.Barbara St,Atanasiosos,Kazolicon and the Virgin of the Annunciation.

There are other small villages as Agnondas, Ananias, Atheato, Stafylos, Kalogeros, Milli and Panornos, all very small centres but extremely picturesque and charming. 

In the latter you can see the rests of an ancient town on the hill of Paleocastro, they are the ruins of a fortified citadel which looking at the perimeter with the view of the remnants was certainly one of the most organised of the entire island.

Also in that place according to archaeological excavations were discovered superb artifacts as amphorae, fragments of jars and vases and from there by a trail you can reach the former Acropolis of the Cave of Pan the unique site elevated in Skopelos devoted to that God.

All the local beaches are beautiful, the turquoise colour of the water lining them is an image simply amazing and they always played an important role attracting a myriad of tourists who after views very difficult to forget want to revisit that island once or more times again.

In the mentioned Panormos there is one absolutely stunning but you can find many others in Velianos,Castri, Belani, Linmonari,Sares, Hovolos,Kastani, Kalives,Glyfoneri and Glysteri, the latter a beautiful place also famous for the presence of a wonderful cave called Triptiri.

If you want to stay in the proximity of the town very recommended is Stafylos on its southern side it is considered one of the most scenic and attractive beaches,only 10 minutes by scooter from the port of Chora. Before to reach it you can find along the local coastline a marvellous series of small beautiful intact coves and a fantastic pebbled stretch dominated by a verdant vegetation and lining spectacular emerald waters.

It is located in a marvellous intact bay, with an excellent clealiness service, its denomination derives from the Minoan King Stafylos as previously mentioned son of the god of wine Dyonisus and Ariadne, daughter of the King of Crete and related to that it is also a renowned site for that emblematica tomb in his honour dated the Bronze Age found in its immediate proximity.

Less than 2,0 kilometres from the centre of Skopelos I suggest you the beach of Velianos, a an excellent choice for its crystalline and blue waters. It is generally pretty busy in summer season, loved for its space,longitude, one section is dedicate for nudists and appreciated for the proximity to the capital ,it offers splendid views boasting in addition a great maintenance and cleanliness.

Its denomination is linked to the Roman period with old name Velanion, a name closely related to Baths established by the colonists of Rome in its vicinity and it is characterised from time to time by the presence of some goats along it because those quadrupeds from the nearest hills reach the shoreline to drink sea water, a curiosity which attracts several curious people and photographers.

Linmonari is another one of incredible charm for its turquoise waters and light sands mixed with bright pebbles, located on a jagged coast situated approximately 10,0 kilometres from Chora. A special highlight of that Aegean idyllic stretch is the presence of a pine forests close to it, very loved by people fond of snorkeling for its marvellous sea bed and also for a scenic curve in its southern point.

Its name derives from the God Ares,the mythological divinity of war, because the former name of the village where it is situated was called Limni Tou Ari which means lagoon or lake of Ares.

In its proximity you can find excellent restaurants and it is considered one of the most organised beaches of Skopelos in terms of services offering the chance to rent parasols, umbrellas and deck-chairs.

Flanking the harbour of the mentioned Glossa you can enjoy the stupendous beach o Loutraki. It is a pretty large pebbled stretch dominated by rugged rocky walls with a scattered Mediterranean vegetation and along it you will notice the presence of some very big stones.Not far you can enjoy some good restaurants, cafes and it is an ideal place to practise different kinds waters sports.

To find something really very wild and extraordinary charming I recommend you to move approximately 20,0 kilometres west of the capital and enjoying the beach of Hovolos.That place is characterised by stupendous emerald waters, in many points it is like a mirror you can admire from a low plateau a spectacular seabed and due to the distance from the centre is not generally very busy as Stafylos or Linmonari but it is very suggested for its magnificent natural environment.

Another more or less with the same features is Perivoliou,in that case to reach that beach you have to move 28,0 kilometres north from Skopelos. It is a very relaxing, peaceful stretch offering magnificent views and its greatly preserved natural setting extremely wild with impressive cliffs just behind it.

Flanked by a fantastic scenery consisting in a marvellous vegetation with Aleppo pine forests lining  crystalline waters it is  very interesting to admire along its development the erosion of the local rocks which show a very particular shape created by the power of the waves of the Aegean and the winds coming from north.

Crossing the road towards west you can reach the beach of Agnontas situated in a beautiful wild bay between two small promontories, a fantastic site extremely loved by several photographers.

Its name derives from Agnon who was a local athlete who competed in Olympia in the games of 569 AD who returned with his ship to Skopelos as a hero after winning some competitions and in his honour were made some silver coins depicting him in the Classical era.

Agnontas is also well known for its active and enchanting fishing harbour and for the catch of fresh tastefully squid, a local pride served in the cosy taverns offering the best fish and seafood products of the entire Skopelos.

Frm thereontinuing then towards the previously mentioned Panornos you can reach the scenic and panoramic  Neo Clima also known as Elios, highlighted by a wonderful bay with a recent developed Marina. It boasts a large beach partially covered by pebbles, sand and stones with a wonderful straight section leading to a picturesque rounded headland.

The beauty of Skopelos is also all that, because in a free tourism the visitor exploring the island thinking it is too small sometimes there is the feeling that it is not extremely long and there  is not so much to admire but then the reality is aonother and ever where you can find many beautiful sites one better than other and the desire to discover all is very big.

Every coastal point hides a natural stunning treasure consisting in small coves ,little hidden gulf, very special shaped cliffs, some rocky promontories which seem sculpted and long bright pebbled lines to stay under a warm sun, a big paradise of picturesque images embracing the waves of the Mediterranean and that is Skopelos in all its splendour.

Skopelos is among the Sporades islands the greenest, the major part of the inland is covered by oaks,olive groves,maritime and Aleppo pines. The forests are inhabited by a wide variety of birds despite the size of the territory but you can easily see many  falcons, owls, buzzards, cormorants and different species of gulls and also a rare presence of lizards denominated Balkan lizards and different kinds of very small snakes

The Northern Sporades archipelago is a great habitat for seals, especially for the monk seal protected species by the National Marine Park created in the nearest island of Alonissos.

The local authorities are doing all the possible to save that mammal fauna patrimony at risk for different reasons such as the traffic og ferry boats,catamarans in high season due to an intense flow of tourism but all since a long time is working very well thanks to a great staff looking after the survival of those animals in the best way.

The cuisine of Skopelos is a hymn to the finest delicious Hellenic gastronomy apart the mentioned excellent cheeses fish is a highlight, eternally fresh  and prepared in different styles such as grilled,fried, boiled or baked.

 Of superb quality is the squid considered among the best of the entire Aegean Sea next to tastefully mussels, mullets and saddled sea bream.

Next to the traditional Moussaka, national gastronomic icon of Greece you can try a healthy and delectable Horiayiki, the classic Greek salad excellent Mezes, typical Hellenic appetisers and notorious the Tyropita with local Feta cheese.

 Do not miss to try the emblematic Saganaki, fried cheese made in different variants using Graviera, Halloumi, Kasseri, Kefalograviera and a symbol of the local culinary art is a  well known a special goat cheese pie.

The local Taramosalada prepared with with fish and potatoes is another highlight as the delectable Spaghetti with lobster. Also meat is present with delectable baked goat seasoned with aromatic herbs or tastefully grilled lamb ribs served with mixed salads.

The famous olives named Kalamata and Pelios part of a sub-species called Olea Europaea introduced in the Sporades from Syria centuries ago are products of excellent level exported in many national and international markets with extreme success.

Very appreciated for their special taste, they are very versatile, served as snacks and appetisers, minced in the preparation of sauces, present in mixed salads, conserved under oil or also in the notorious pickled style preserved in vinegar.

Another emblematic delight is the walnut pie generally served with a delicious ice cream, of considerable quality is the local prune mermelade a fruit which is also used to produce a liqueur. Highly regarded is the honey of Skopelos considered among the best of Greece special ingredient for local plums and a famed goat yogurt.
You can reach the island using different options such as ferry services from the ports of Agios Konstantinos and Volos the duration of the trip from those two Greek harbours is approximately the same or landing with a flight to Skiathos and from there taking a ferry. 

In summer season there are services by hydrofoil from Thessaloniki,Volos but also from Agios Konstantinos and the other islands of the Sporades.

If you are planning to visit Greece in future,next to the other celebrated destinations such as Santorini,Mykonos, Rhodes,Crete and Corfu Greece also offers other spectacular places everywhere starting from the continental Greece in Peloponnese, Attica, Macedonia,  Magnesia,Thessaly and in all its multitude of beautiful islands as the Northern Sporades and Eden unique in its kind.

 Skopelos is undoubtedly a stunning Aegean treasure highly suggested, extremely special  to enjoy metre by metre conquering many people and certainly a great choice to spend a fantastic and unforgettable stay in the sign of a marvellous holiday.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Skopelos

Hotel Adrina Beach
Hotel Adrina Resort & Spa
Hotel Alkistis
Hotel Amalia
Hotel Prince Stafilos
Hotel Ionia
Hotel Aeolos

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