Dalpe-Switzerland | Majestic Peaks Surrounding a Tiny Alpine Pearl.

Dalpe is a beautiful destination highly suggested to visit in Switzerland to admire something of extremely charming with majestic peaks surrounding a tiny Alpine pearl as that small centre at  of the captivating Northern Canton of Ticino situated in a marvellous and wild valley called Valle Leventina at 1193,0 metres of altitude  just 13, 0 kilometres south of the fascinating town of Quinto.

That small Swiss municipality lies in a spectacular geographic point in which the stunning Lepontine Alps and the towering St. Gotthard Massif form a magnificent mountainous chain with the southern Cantonal heights and those of the Verbano in the Italian territory and immediately that image bewitches all the visitors facing that marvel of nature.

Located in proximity of the famous Strada Cantonale, a long road running in the municipal outskirts consisting in a sort of ring  beside the E35 Motorway connecting the cities of Basel, Luzern and via Bellinzona to the enchanting Lugano along that relevant artery in approximately 20 minutes you can reach that splendid place and once there immediately the first impact will be simply great admiring a fantastic environment packed by natural treasures, wonderful colours and much more a wonderful peaceful atmosphere.

Dalpe with its fraction called Cornone is situated at the mouth of another small but highly fascinating valley called Val Piumogna crossed by a stream with the same name also entering in the Valle Leventina totally encircled by a group of picturesque towering Alpine giants  among them the Pizzo Lambro, Pizzo Penca, Pizzo Forno, Pizzo Corno and Pizzo Campo Tencia, a wonderful crown to contemplate for hours and hours.

That denomination Pizzo is the Ticinese version of the Grigion word Piz which means peak and all those "Pizzi" have a very special sharp silhouette due to the special and scenic formation in the prehistoric era during a glacial erosion generated that wonder and something of similar is visible in the nearest Italian region of Piedmont concretely in the County of Verbania Cusio Ossola.

Those mounts are very steep in the last section forming a sort of imposing apex of a pyramid without rounded spurs or gently undulated glaciers, all is extremely vertical as a wall and also for that those mountains are considered very special and loved by many people.

Those magic mountains of immense beauty born to donate pleasant dreams are also a great mine of surprises because at their feet you can find an ample network of gorgeous paths with the splendid chance for all the trekking and mountaineering lovers to discover the best of the Alps with that endless invitation to explore marvellous sites along great trails enjoying in addition superb panoramic views.

The territory is extremely fascination because it is like a magic step you can move to points of different altitude  in a very short time starting from the Bassa Leventina at the bottom of that wonderful valley highlighted by gently verdant low hills reaching  high plateaus  which range around 700.0, 750, 0 metres called Media Val Leventina simply wonderful for the panoramic views of scattered scenic small agglomerations of traditional houses.

From there continuing the ascent further north finding a group of municipalities at over 1100, 0 metres of altitude in an area called Alta Valle Leventina you will be beneath many peaks of over 3000, 0 metres of altitude and all that in just 54, 0 kilometres which is the length of that wonderful paradise.

 Another great highlight of that heaven in the heart of the Alps is the stunning course of the Ticino river which has its source on the Passo della Novena also called Nufenenpass at 2480, 0 metres of altitude. That is a great opportunity to see its wildest image during its spectacular descent forming impressive rapids, small scenic waterfalls, stunning bends and sharp curves and another great attraction is the presence along it of several preserved green forests which are part of the striking frame of that Alpine Eden.

Dalpe represents the pure and true essence of the fascination of that Swiss Canton, a shining pearl in one of the most fascinating corners of the entire country for its stupendous intact environment and stupendous varied landscapes, and that is undoubedtly a great chance for every visitor to be delighted by the unique beauty of the Swiss Alps in all their splendour.
The position of that town is furthermore  strategically fantastic because it is halfway between the beautiful Andermatt and the fascinating Bellinzona. The first is a marvellous centre of the Canton of Uri, a very popular destination for winter sports and but also for its superb and scenic medieval core and its enchanting valley called Urserental while the second is a jewel of the Middle Ages with its stunning Castle and defencive walls and if you are planning to spend holidays in Switzerland and concretely in that area I suggest you to visit both without hesitations.

By motorway in a short time from Dalpe you can easily reach the Swiss shore of Lake Maggiore with Locarno and Ascona two other pearls you cannot miss and also Lugano located on that unforgettable water basin with its name. (If you are interested I wrote posts about those three destinations) Just further south in less than one hour you can enter in the Italian territory immediately meeting a golden marvel as Lake Como which is another great attraction and a further incentive to insert in your holidays plans as stage in a fantastic radial excursion.

 Three lakes among the most beautiful in the world, the Swiss Alps with many chance to practise Alpine but also Nordic Ski and with Airolo Pesciüm, Airolo Lüina, Prato Leventina and Cioss Prato, Dalpe is one of the five Ski resorts of that fabulous territory. In addition in the immediate vicinity filling your days with other stunning visits you can enjoy small beautiful centres such as Prato, Lavizzara and Faido where you can admire fabulous natural wonders and also historic masterpieces. 

That site is also a paradise for cyclists and mountain bikers who can enjoy day by day a wide range of different routes with challenging climbs cycling along roads often protagonists in the notorious and prestigious Tour de Suisse.  

Trekkers and climbers will find there their perfect habitat and  you will discover that every village or tiny town  there could be a wonderful poster to exhibit in all the most important tourist events for their extraordinary beauty and for that it is a magnificent place for all those who love photography.

 Dalpe is greatly appreciated  also for its uncontaminated atmosphere making it a fantastic climatic destination and the peace and serenity you will breathe there is unique, totally appropriate for who is searching a vacation in the name of relaxation and rest, perfect for families with children and nature lovers.

Superb communications, very kind locals with a high sense of hospitality and a cuisine which will delight you for its flavours and variety are certainly other highlights of a land which offers everything to conquer many tourists with also comfortable accommodations ready for a very pleasant stay.

The local history is very interesting and similar for its chronological stages to many other centres and villages of the Canton of Ticino. According to archaeological excavations were discovered in the boundaries of Dalpe a cementery and a settlement dated the 5th century BC related to the Golasecca Culture, a late Bronze Age/Iron Age culture of Northern Italy with epicentre the province of Varese.

The first official recorded inhabitants were the Lepontii, Celts probably related to a branch of Ligurians another Proto-Celtic population established in the Rhaetian Alps after they crossed from their motherland Liguria the Italian regions of Lombardy and Piedmont reaching the southern Swiss lands.

Those tribes also entered in contact with groups of Etruscans who from their native Tuscany reached the current Canton of Ticino developing some small villages and thanks to those different civilisations that area started to be a notable cross point of different cultures.

In the following centuries all those local settlers were assimilated by the Imperial Roman campaign of colonisation in 15 BC led by the Emperors Tiberius and Nerus Claudius Drusus who started in those territories totrace the routes towards new conquests in the heart of Europe.

The entire valley after the fall of Rome which endured over three centuries suffered several invasions and also a notable change of historic rulers. The Ostrogoths settled there replaced afterwards by the Lombards, another Germanic tribe who started to give that land a more defined territorial identity until 774 when they were defeated by the Franks led by Charlemagne.

That leader and his successors corresponding to the Carolingian Dynasties incorporated that area in the vast Holy Roman Empire and it was also the time in which the local population embraced in its majority the Christian faith with also the first bases of a marked feudalistic political organisation.

That land of Switzerland was a place that thanks to its strategic location was immediately considered an important gateway for the presence of many valleys easily connected to different  Northwestern Italian counties, particularly desired by rulers who wanted to expand their influneces and intense trades towards Central Europe by that ample natural hallway. 

For that in the Middle Ages since the early 12th century that territory had two contenders, the Duchy of Milan and the city of Como which started a long war to have the domain of those territories with clashed endured long time covering all the boundaries of their current Italian boundaries but also those of the Swiss, Lugano, Medrisio, Locarno and Bellinzona practically the entire Canton of Ticino.

 In 1217 the village is mentioned for the first time in recorded maps with the denomination Albe and the 13th century was also very important because in o Dalpe was established the Gotthard Route leading to that important Alpine Passes. That former village and was integrated in a Degagna consisting in a Statuory corporation of a specific territorial subdivision with the current fraction Cornone in a Vicinanza, a bourgeoisie commune under Prato Leventina rule.

Conquered by the Milanese Visconti family in the 14th century which expanded its influence until the borders of the Northern valley of the Ticino river, that Duchy of Lombardy was defeated in the 16th century by the Swiss Leaguetral Institution ances of the future Swiss Cantonal Confederation which started that famous struggle of reunification of all the Cantons with the mission to release the lands of the old Helvetia by foreign rulers.

The disputes and several battles which saw as protagonist the Milanese Lords and the Swiss troops in Medieval times called a third contender France and the French Monarchy entered in a war which was also characterised by Religious issues facing from one side the Protestant Swiss Calvinist and Reformists against a country which defended the interests of the Papal State in that time.

Historically for a period Dalpe was part of the German speaking Canton of Uri and in the mid of the 18th century there was a new French occupation led  by Napoleon Bonaparte. Since then the local territory including Dalpe became a Baliato, a bailiwick with a determined autonomy and a governor establishing internal laws and a specific politic organisation depending from a central Institution.

The defeat of that French leader at Leipzig was an event which changed the local history with the union of Bellinzona and all its surroundings including the Valle Leventina to Lugano running towards the birth of a Federal State. 

New reforms and the creation of the Helvetian Confederation in 1848 are also part of the historical stages with Dalpe obtaining in 1866 its autonomy leaving Prato and becoming an autonomous municipality and continuing until today as part of Switzerland.

The image that tiny Alpine pearl of approximately 200,0 residents offers the visitor is simply great with picturesque houses arranged around and in proximity of its Parish Church with typical stoned buildings completed by traditional wooden architectural details in their exterior layouts with typical sloping roofs giving that centre a special aesthetic appeal.

A very relevant detail highly visible in that municipality and in all the Valle Leventina is the superb preserved setting, all the centres boast a profile which has nothing of artificial or architecturally bizarre and another magnificent factor is the intact natural environment and an uncontaminated nature, a great hymn and spot to promote Switzerland in the best way everywhere.

All that is immediately confirmed in Dalpe  because that centre is surrounded by wonderful unspoilt green forests and once entering in the core of that town you will be delighted by a beautiful view consisting in a small opening towards the mountains with a large high verdant plateau at the foothills of the Alps overlooking the local Church.

A further attraction consists in a waterfall formed by the stream Piumogna which along its course meets the Ticino river.That water course runs along the municipality bordered by the Bosco Lambro a splendid wild forest, ideal destination for all those who want to discover a fairytale corner and in which there are many trails immersed in a unique stunning scenery.

After that striking image representing a fabulous introduction to the a great natural marvel encircled by a majestic mountainous crown you can start the visit from the most relevant Religious building the Chiesa di San Carlo Borromeo e San Bernardo di Mentone, the Parish Church dedicated to the Saints Charles Borromeo and Bernard of Menton.

The first highlight of that construction is its splendid position on a fairytale green plateau and its architectural aspect is in totally harmony with the younger styles used to build the nearest houses.

That Sacred construction is the result of a total reconstruction which took place in 1661 on the foundations of a previous structure elevated in the 14th century exactly in 1338 and consecrated some years later in 1356 named Chiesa di Santa Maria to pay homage to the Virgin Mary.

Erected on a rectangular base it presents an ample and high facade covered by a grey gable roof and a notable highlight is on the front side consisting in a splendid framed portal beneath a a fresco inserted in a niche depicting one of the Patrons, St. Charles Borromeo former Cardinal and Archbishop of Milan born in Arona, a famous town on Lake Maggiore. Above that artistic  representation was placed a small rectangular window and part of the complex is also a bell tower covered by a stunning pyramidal roof.

The current building despite works of restoration which took place in the 19th and 20th century and including an enlargement has conserved its original Baroque style. Uts boasts a very attractive central nave and inside you can admire a beautiful barrel vault highlighted by refined stuccoes dating back the 18th century and other splendid sinuous and fine vaults developed in the two following centuries.

Other notable attractions are some frescoes dated the 19th century representing the four Evangelists painted by the brothers Calgari and in the chapels on the sides you can admire other works by Costantino Lomazzi dating back the 20th century.

The other local Sacred structure of Dalpe is the Oratorio di San Rocco located in the small neighbourhood of Cornone at approximately 3, 0 kilometres north of the centre. Accessible by a cobbled passage and a step it was erected in the late 15th century with the last works ended in 1489.

Developed on a polygonal plan the fine front side has  a stylish portico formed by refined columns with capitals and highlighted by four beautiful arcades and beneath it was placed a a rectangular portal flanked on both sides by small square windows. Despite the aspect could appear a bit sober for the lack of decorations it is very attractive for the great balance of all the elements in the architectural layout and splendid lines especially in the execution of captivating arches and outlines in its lower section.

On its left side was erected a magnificent high stoned bell tower of clear Romanesque inspiration. Magnificent are the fine lines with a great choice of some elements inserted in in its facade consisting in two thin long slots and the scenic and unusual presence of two belfries placed om different levels beneath a low pyramidal roof topped by a cross.

The rich presence of firs, pine and larch forests all around that centre and on the slopes at the foot of the Alps are places particularly loved by all those who love long walks discovering the beauty of an immaculate nature and the large woodland surrounding Dalpe. 

If you are a fauna lover you will have the chance to see there many kinds of animals such as deer, chamois, ibex, mountain goat, fox, Alpine hare, marmot and stoat among others. Notable are the chances for ornithologists and people fond of bird watching with different types of birds and raptors such as blackbird, kestrel, partridge, linnet, grouse, hawk and eagle just a part of a long list of other species.

During a stay you can fill your days with many visits and excursions absolutely unforgettable because that valley is simply stunning starting from its conformation starting from Dalpe. For many people the position where lies that town is an immediate fantastic highlight because it is as compressed by the Alps which forms a narrow enclosure inside the Valle Leventina with the agglomeration placed  along a sort of long channel which is also extended in proximity of another local valley the previously mentioned Val Piumogna.

A splendid place I recommend you to visit is the nearest small town of Prato Leventina, a fascinating centre situated at 1043,0 metres of altitude.That municipality was since the 19th century linked to Dalpe and apart an astonishing natural beauty all around its core it also offers a notable historic patrimony as the beautifukl Chiesa di San Giorgio, the local Parish Church dedicated to St. George.

That Religious building is dated in the Middle Ages, established the 13th century but  largely re-arranged in the 18th century. It has a beautiful facade, a nave and three sections covered by barrel vaults, a very fine work and it is flanked by a stupendous high stoned Romanesque bell tower which is part the original structure erected in medieval times.

Once there I highly suggest you an unforgettable excursion to a marvellous small Alpine lake, the Lago di Tremorgio, a place of immense charm will delight you.You can take the funicular at Rodi- Fiesso, a small village at 940, 0 metres of altitude, a neighbourhood of that municipality. 

That enchanting tiny waters basin situated at 1850,0 metres of altitude in the heart of the Alps is a typical lake formed by the glacial erosion since many centuries  ago, It is not very big with a surface of approximately 0,39 square kilometres and its maximum depth is 57,0 metres. 

It has a shape a bit similar to an egg and it is enclosed between two majestic peaks and highlighted by the presence of a beautiful fir forest just some metres from its shore and in that little marvel you can also see different trout.

The nearest Capanna Tremorgio is a complex consisting in two buildings offering the chance of a stay in that Alpine Eden, it has three rooms with capacity of 20, 14 and 5 people and two apartments and it opens its doors from June to October, an ideal accommodation if you are a trekker planning an Alpine route in that wonderful corner of Switzerland.

The majestic peak Pizzo Campo Tencia which with its 3071,0 metres of altitude, one of the most scenic peaks of the Lepontine Alps is an outstanding local attraction and apart its stupendous silhouette it is is also a special destination for expert climbers.

A spectacular point very suggested to admire the marvellous view of its entire glacier is to plan an excursion by a path starting from Dalpe which endures approximately three hours and you will reach the Capanna del Campo Tencia, an Alpine Refuge located at an altitude of 2140, 0 metres and once there you will be just beneath that stunning giant.

It was established in 1912 and it is a property of the CAS, the Swiss Alpine Cluband if you are a trekking or mountaineering lover that site offers the opportunity of accommodation sharing rooms with a global capacity of approximately 70 people and use of kitchen and services. 

That refuge is open all year and it is a site which is particularly recommended for people who intend to enjoy routes of a couple or more days in the Alps fixing that site as stage of an itinerary or also a base for radial excursions.

Another peak of extreme fascination is the Pizzo Penca which with its 3038, 0 metres of altitude is considered for its special shape one of the most picturesque mountains on the entire Canton of Ticino and it forms with the Pizzo Campo Tencia and Pizzo Tenca a sort of stupendous triad forming an outstanding small mountainous range of immense beauty in the Lepontine Alps.From its summit you can admire a wide panoramic view of the Valle Leventina, Prato, Chironico and the entire Valle Piumogna.

The Pizzo Campolungo is another great attraction with its 2713,0 metres of altitude. It lies south of the Alpine Pass with the same name, characterised by a majestic vertical wall and a very sharp summit. It is reachable by a trail starting from Dalpe along a path called Polpiano-Piumogna at 1397,0 of altitude crossing the Alpe di Crostina, a magnificent intermediate point. Once reached its top you can admire the entire municipalities of Prato Leventina, Dalpe and a wonderful image of the previously mentioned Lago di Tremorgio, excellent place to take a large number of pictures.

Pretty close to the municipality is particularly recommended also the Pizzo Lambro at 2224, 0 metres of altitude.It is reachable from a path located in the municipality of Prato Leventina in proximity of the local ski lift. The trail is narrow crossing a pleasant forest and after it start a rocky section, At approximately 50,0 metres from the summit there is a scenic steep crest and the position of that mountain is very special because it lies in the middle of the Leventine valley.
In proximity of the town of Faido which is just 15 minutes driving east of Dalpe on the other shore of the river Ticino reachable by the Route 2 you can enjoy the second waterfall of the river Piumogna, a magnificent view to see the course of that stream forming there that second beautiful wonder in another beautiful place.

In that centre furthermore if you want to play Curling, that trendy sport on ice very popular in Switzerland incorporated in the last Winter Olympic Games there is a complex where you will have that chance to practise it. 

In Dalpe you can enjoy Bedrina Sport Dalpe, it is a place ideal to practise Nordic Ski, if you are a fan of Ski Cross Country it is a very good place.There are two trails, one for beginners approximately 2,0 kilometres long and another for experienced skiers with a length of 8,0 kilometres. 

All the valley is a magnificent destination for those kinds of activities, (If you are interested I wrote a post regarding that about Bedretto) and also for Ski adventure and snowshoes.

That complex also has spaces for children with a carousel, a Pony lift,  87, 0 metres of tapis roulant, the visitors can also have fun with bob and sleds and there is also an area devoted to Alpine Ski, ideal for beginners, intermediate level but also with some sections suitable for experienced skiers.

In the centre of  Airolo situated at just 19, 0 kilometres from Dalpe if you are interested it is possible to enjoy Alpine Ski at a very high level with great slopes and a notable network of excellent ski lifts facilities and services.

Mountain bike and cycling are other highlights with splendid routes crossing picturesque villages and enchanting Alpine passes with the presence of numerous imposing peaks dominating unforgettable trails. All those places are simply fantastic with very challenging climbs and if you are fonf of those activities I also suggest you to extend your itineraries  the nearest wonderful valleys Vallemaggia and the small and wild Val di Prato both authentic natural treasures suggested destinations for all the passionate cyclists.

I discovered for fortuity Dalpe some years ago when I visited Airolo to see some Hotels and a Swiss friend suggested me to visit Quinto to know the reality of the legendary Ice Hockey Club Ambrì Piotta and apart that he recommended me to stop in Dalpe, a place which I visited in other occasions to know more and better that stunning places and its marvellous surroundings.

Also the experience to known the reality of he iconic HCAP Ambrì Piotta, the local Sporting Institution of Quinto founded on 19th September 1937 was a great recommendation to discover something deeply rooted in the local culture and at the same time spectacular visiting Valascia Arena of Ambrì, a Ice Hockey temple with a capacity of 7,000 spectators part of the emblematic history of the Swiss Sport in that area.

In that small place you will discover something of incredible, a tiny reality living a total passion for that sport on ice, something unique in its kind. You have to take in consideration that Ambrì and Piotta are two villages of Quinto, together they do not have 500,0 inhabitants and the entire town with some scattered agglomerations has a bit less of 1100,0 people.

The local Club nicknamed the Biancoblù, the White and Blue despite the very small size of the municipality won two Continental Cups in 1999 and 2000, prestigious trophies equivalent to the UEFA Cup-Europe League in football, one IHF Super Cup in 1999 similar to the European Super Cup and one Swiss Cup in 1962. In addition in that memorable 1999 rich of successes the HCAP Ambrì Piotta reached the NLA Championship final, the Swiss League, losing the final against the eternal rival HC Lugano.

That is is something of absolutely outstanding for that place and its Club with Continental and National triumphs able to win against prestigious and rich Clubs of important cities with a relevant economic budget and in addition the Ambrì Piotta is well known in other countries boasting fans clubs in Europe.

That suggestion was linked to the enthusiastic atmosphere, the fans when the team play sing the notorious anthem of the valley La Montanara and the cultural reality which surrounds that tiny centre with its distinctive Arena with 5000 standing and 2000 seated  seats with a glorious history linked to Ice Hockey is like a myth or a legend.

In the case you want to know that very captivating reality is highly interesting apart the scenic beauty of that place.It is an experience simply unique pretty recommended to all the fans of that sport or simply for curious those who want to see how an entire community is totally envolved supporting that Sporting Institution living with extreme enthusiasm every season the performances of that beloved Club.

The local gastronomy reflects the most genuine culinary traditions of the Canton with an ample variety of delectable recipes.

Excellent is an ample variety of Risotti prepared with cheeses, mushrooms and a very traditional type is the Risotto al Merlot cooked with a notable quantity of that smooth red wine produced in the area. Another variant is with homemade local pork sausages called Luganighe which also accompany the classical and typical Polenta also prepared in the style Uncia with fresh melted butter, cheeses with and with an addition of onion.

That popular plate is also combined with beef and veal stews as the Brasato di Manzo a plate made with big slices of meat cooked prepared in sauce or accompanied with vegetables and the Spezzatino di Vitello consisting in a veal casserole flavoured with a tomato sauce and spices.

Gnocchi Burro e Salvia is another delight with butter and sage as sauce and the famous Minestrone di Verdure, a rice soup with vegetables is a dish boasting a secular tradition just like the Minestra di fagioli e rape, rice in broth cooked with beans and turnips.

Notable is the quality of a delectable local homemade Salami nostrani with a strong affinity with those produced in the nearest Italian Region of Lombardy and you can find a delicious Pancetta, a kind of cured bacon used in different recipes but also present in many assorted starters and appetisers.

As in all Switzerland also in that area is prepared the iconic Fondue and closely related to that  the local cheeses are superb, some of them are among the best of the entire Canton,  such as Formaggelle, Piora, Robiola, Buscion, Fieudo and Croina among others.
About other dairy products boasting a notable reputation is the local butter very appreciated for its genuine and soft taste, great on toasted bread and very suggested to use in cuisine for a multitude of recipes.

Typical and local pride are the Crèfli, crispy biscuits made with sugar, butter, honey and milk, very famed are also the Spampezie, other big biscuits filled with nuts and the Crusti, sort of pancakes fried in oil, butter and lard. The valley is rich of chestnuts, used for different kinds of bakery products, jams and creams too.

If you are planning to visit Dalpe, that Alpine town is just 80,0 kilometres north of Lugano with the option to land on Agno Airport with a great chance to start your holidays with an overnight in that marvellous centre on a striking lake.

If you are coming from Zurich another great alternative due to the relevance of its Airport, that town is  situated at 138,0 kilometres south from that important Swiss city  driving in direction Lugano-Gotthard-Italy via Andermatt by motorway E35 and in less than two hours you will be at destination.

The exit is Ambrì Piotta-Quinto and from there along the Strada Cantonale in a short time you can reach that tiny Alpine pearl surrounded by majestic peaks which will conquer you at first sight.

Dalpe has a unique fascination, a true and genuine aura all around its boundaries, the beauty of Switzerland in the heart of the Alps is also in sites like that and in an unforgettable stay you will be delighted by something very difficult to forget. 

 Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Dalpe and surroundings

Hotel Des Alpes
Albergo Faido – at 10 minutes driving from Dalpe at Faido
Hotel Ristorante Baldi – at 10 minutes from Dalpe at Rodi-Fiesso

Recommended Restaurants in Dalpe

Osteria dal Büi

Useful links


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