Branik-Slovenia | Historic Branica Valley with its Smooth Wines.

Branik is a small, attractive village of Slovenia, a great destination to enjoy the enchanting beauty of the historic Branica Valley with its smooth wines, a land situated in the heart of Europe with a lot to narrate thanks to an important past full of relevant events happened in a territory extremely fascinating for its preserved, natural environment which immediately fascinate many people for its enchanting landscapes. 
Situated at approximately 95,0 kilometres west of the beautiful Capital of the country Ljubljana and at just 33,0 kilometres from the magnificent Trieste, one of the most important cities of Northeastern Italy, that small centre is a Naselje, a borough with a determined autonomy of Nova Gorica, a town arose after the Second World War due to the notorious re-design of the maps of Europe facing its twin Gorizia situated in the Italian region Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Part of Branica Dolina as it is called in Slovenian language the local valley inside another one consisting in the splendid Vipavska Dolina, the basin in which flows the Vipava, a watercourse with its source on Sveti Lovren Gora, St. Lawrence mountain at 1019, 0 metres of altitude 

 that beautiful territory is greatly highlighted by appealing landscapes with scenic rivers, wild streams flanked by green intact forests, a stunning mosaic of colours with several, natural attractions of immense appeal.

Branik lies in a captivating verdant plain at an altitude of approximately of 100,0 metres beneath a group of fascinating  hills such as Sunca Gora, Veliki Hrib, Rabotnica Hrib, Zajeceva Hrib and Mali Hriv, all them with an altitude between 410, 0 and 530,0 metres forming all together a very captivating frame encircling several, picturesque villages and hamlets of incredible fascination.

That territorial section of the Primorska, the Slovene  littoral, one of the five traditional regions of Slovenia is crossed by some torrents such as Rovnak,  Petnik, Branica and  Mlac which add with their courses and presence a further appeal to the local scenery which also boasts vast verdant forests and a large green countryside also attractive protagonists of a striking natural frame.

All those several highlights in a stupendous nature offering wonderful panoramic views are due to a notable preservation also managed keep the notable charm and appeal  of the old identity also of the centres many of them conserving their former architectural aspect with beautiful medieval tiny nucleus and others boasting relevant Baroque monuments of relevant artistic value.

The splendid Branica valley is flanked in its northern side by the captivating Tarnova forest and at south by the marvellous Karst Plateau in one of the most fertile lands of Slovenia where since many centuries ago fruit trees and vineyards found a perfect habitat thanks to a great soil and a very mild climate. Those cultivations continue to be part of the main relevant local resources boasting products of notable reputation for their superb quality exported in different national and international markets.

Due to all that the local inhabitants since a long time ago are mainly devoted to agriculture which still produce excellent results despite in the last decades some small factories mainly established in the outskirts of Nova Gorica and the advent of the tourism industry partially changed the percentage in terms of ranking of the local economy.

That Slovenian territory offers a vast panorama of tourist proposals, it is a land pretty underrated and unknown by many people but it is enough to think all what it can offer, mountains, hills, rivers,art, history, a delectable gastronomy, fine wines, an uncontaminated atmosphere and fabulous landscapes, relaxing and peaceful places.
That large fan of opportunities obviously can create a big channel of resources linked to great offers for those who love outdoor activities such as cycling, mountain bike, trekking, fishing and that geographic area is simply perfect for all that and for all the visitors who love cultural and historic routes.

That geographic point in the core of the continent has always  represented since ancient times for the first settlers and their successors a sort of bridge and gateway to the Danube valley as a magnificent hallway between the Alps and the Adriatic and it is in that area where started some of the oldest trades of products as salt and fabric which from that eastern Mediterranean branch reached the heart of Europe.

It is enough to mention that in the country settled Illyrians, Romans, Byzantines, Lombards, Slavic, Italian and Austrian and all them left in history, architecture, monuments and culture, an important imprint  still visible today.

Gastronomic and wine tasting itineraries find there a Mecca thanks to a fertile subsoil which favoured since a long time ago the production of tastefully delights in addition that Slovenian corner is an appropriate climatic destination for the absence of pollution and very indicated for all the tourists who are searching peace, calm and relaxation far from stress, noise and contamination finding there an Eden.

Very comfortable Hotels and including some rustic and charming accommodations in a stunning verdant countryside.The chance of a varied choice of different kinds of structures devoted to hospitality is a further incentive offering the opportunity to select a stay in small urban centres or as alternative in a place surrounded by a wonderful nature where silent and serenity are the main protagonists.

Many are the opportunities to enjoy from Branik and Nova Gorica unforgettable visits and radial excursions to the ravishing Slovenian Riviera reaching Koper, Izola,  Piran, Portoroz with wonderful beaches and Spa resorts all them situated just some kilometres away all very suggested places you can not miss. (If you are interested I wrote posts regarding Portoroz and Piran)

The Oriental Alps with the wonderful Triglav Nature Park and jewels as Kranjska Gora, a renowned winter sport resort are other destinations which for proximity can be easily combined and the Karavankeas are called those eastern Alpine mountains are simply stunning for their formation with scenic summits and impressive glaciers.

That nearest area corresponding to the Upper Carniola region is an endless treasure of scattered gems on those mounts but also on high hilly plateaus with some medieval centres absolutely stupendous as Skofja Loka. (If you are interested I wrote a post regarding that medieval pearl)

 Italy is just some minutes away and the Friuli Venezia Giulia is a mine of treasures with wonderful cities rich of history such as Trieste, Udine, Gorizia, but also small centres with an incredible patrimony and a relevant historic past as Aquileia and Palmanova  and in addition the magnificent Venice is not so far.

Austria is another great incentive very close with the wonderful Carinthia  boasting cities and towns such as Villach, Klagenfurt but also minor centres as Arnoldstein and many others highly recommended to visit.

Very inviting is also the nearest Croatia with the charming Istria and its beautiful peninsula with striking coastal beauties such as Umag, Porec, Pula, Rijeka, Opatja and Labin and several other seaside marvels are situated pretty close.That country is among the most enchanting along the entire Adriatic coastline well known all around the world for its scenic landscapes, beaches and Otoci, those magnificent islands facing the Croatian Adriatic littoral.

Next to all those superb  options in the immediate surroundings of Branik you can discover many places very attractive such as Vipava, Ajdovscina, but I also suggest you Brda, Kanal ob Soci and Tolmin very interesting sites with historic monumental and natural beauties you will definitely enjoy.

Historically Branica Dolina since a long time ago is part of a historic region also known as Goriska which has always been an important cross point of different cultures, a sort of obliged and selected transit for for military operations during the campaign of expansion of the colonists, a very fertile land very appreciated by all the former rulers and a strategic axis between Central Europe and the Balkans entering many times in the desires of many Empires and Duchies.

The Austrian Habsburg family had a strong secular cultural influence transmitted in different aspects such as a new kind of  architecture as the Baroque which entered so strongly in that land, communications and infrastructures and the use of the German as official language for diplomatic and commercial issues continued to be used for centuries.

The Slavic  who settled centuries ago, ancestral fathers of the current Slovenians left indelible marks in terms of language, folklore, costumes, gastronomy and a still deep rooted culture in literature and music very marked  absorbed in a common local identity.

Also the Italian has played an important role since the times of the Marine Republic of Venice due to its geographic proximity transmitting the love for art, commerce, organisation of the borders and with communities which continued after the rule of the Italian Kingdom to have cultural links with that Nation and in different points the Italian language is still spoken by a good number of inhabitants.

All those different cultures, populations and realities have created a sort of cosmopolitan historic image in an environment which includes that area as a natural gate to the Adriatic, the Oriental Alps, the Pannonia and Eastern Europe.

Branik and its surroundings were originally inhabited since the Iron age according to archaeological excavations which took place in the local boundaries. The first official settlers were probably some Illyrian tribes who across a long trip with long steps leaving the territories of the Southern Adriatic coast, the Balkans and the Messapia in the Southern Italic peninsula one of their strongholds reached the borders of Central Europe as the current Slovenia.

That ancient civilisation was later assimilated by the Romans during the massive Imperial colonisation led by Julius Caesar and since then under the influence of Rome started in that region the cultivation of those iconic vineyards which thanks to great favourable climatic conditions and implementation of robust grapes very appreciated for their excellent quality determined the origin of a very flourishing activity.

That relevant cultivation left a significant productive inheritance continued in more contemporary times with a notable business linked to that beloved product called wine related to catering, hospitality, food & beverage, exportation and also strongly related to the tourism industry in the niches of Educational, Special wine routes, enogastronomic tours, wine tasting visits to producers and farms among others.

That area was part of a large region called Noricum is also well known for an episode dated 394 which also changed the history and its boundaries were the site of the famous and epic historic Battle of the Frigidus between the two Roman Empires with Rome led in that period by the Emperor Flavius Eugenius successor of Flavius Valentinian II and Constantinople with the Roman Empire of Orient governed by Theodosius Augustus I.

That event was highly relevant because determined by the victory of the second the prelude of the advent of the Byzantines with a unique Emperor and also because since then the Christianity replaced the polytheist pagan religion all around the Empire.

After the fall of those ruler, that land lived very tumultuous periods with many invasions by nomadic tribes coming from North and East, belligerent people always looking for wars and disputes.There were in those times many changes and replacements of populations, claims and truces often not respected and unclear borders with numerous territories falling in the domains of a contender and just some days later conquered by the enemy.

Goths and Ostrogoths conquered those lands in different periods but they were mainly dedicated to depredations ravaging villages and towns due to their hunger of conquest with an attitude which had not as main priority that to create organised centres with a defined political system and linked to productive activities.

The same happened later with other invaders coming from Oriental lands such as the Huns and the Avars who after several raids simply established nomadic camps and in sporadic cases small inhabited settlements without a concrete plan of development.

The first Slavic populations who settled there in the early 6th century became one of the predominant ethnic groups and started to establish small villages in which the main activities were agriculture, pastures and the creation of some small local markets with a commerce that had a pretty limited local trade.

Other rulers who made the history of Branik and Slovenia were the Germanic Lombards who incorporated that territory in the Duchy of Friuli. During their domination they were mainly focused to define the organisation of marked borders, construction of defencive systems and a development of communications with new roads traced over the ancient Calzate Romane which were originally the first established cobblestone trails created by the Romans linking different points of Branica Valley.

The conquest of the Franks who were the first rulers in that period of the Middle Ages to plan a solid politic and geographic subdivision of the current country in pioneer counties was for Branik a considerable historic step culminated with the incorporation in the Holy Roman Empire which developed new productive processes with the presence of many artisans but with a very rigid feudalism. .

Slovenia was organised in that time in different specific territories as vast provinces and counties one of them was called Carniola belonging others and part of Carinthia reaching the current outskirts of the Istria.

The important and strategic position of that site was always a very desired land of conquest also in the late Middle Ages and also the Bavarians governed for a short period that corner of Europe integrating those territories in their Duchy until the first Austrian influence with the institution of the first Duchy of Carinthia in the 10th century. It was in those times in which the German started to be a language pretty in vogue all around the territory especially  in important centres.

The former official denomination of the current neighbourhood of Nova Gorica was originally Reifenberg, a name of clear Germanic heritage adopted since the 13th century due to the feudalistic ruler in that time corresponding to the Counts of Rieffenstein linked to an aristocratic family coming from the Italian Alto Adige also known Süd Tyrol.

Those nobles received those lands as a donation by the County of Gorizia related to the Austrian Empire and they erected a castle you can see nowadays in the local boundaries.

The Counts of Celje a noble Slavic House ruled for a short period Branica Valley until the end of their dynasty in the mid of the 15th century. That Slovenian influential family  was in that time the most important opponent and rival of the Hapsburg domination and of the entire aristocrat sphere related to Vienna influences.

After the disappearance of those dangerous enemy the area became a consolidated stronghold of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire for a very long time and much more when the Emperors of Austria inherited the castle elevated by the previous former owner. 

Since then the former Reifenberg was incorporated in the County of Gradisca in the current Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and that period was highlighted by notable improvements of different kinds of activities such as a most modern productive system in agriculture, livestock, wheat and barley commerce with notable results during the reigns of  Leopold VI and Charles III.

The construction in many centres of monuments and Churches adopting the same architectural style used in the Austrian motherland and a new design of roads to increment a faster transit for the busy trades focused to the Imperial golden ages were particularly highlighted during the times of the influential Empress Maria Theresa and later continued with success by Francis I.

The rule of Habsburg dynasty endured until the end of the 1st World War with the last Austrian Emperor successor of the notorious Franz Josef I, Charles I who was well known for his brief Reign endured only two years until 1918 when that Empire ceased to exist. 

That centre and the surroundings became part of the Kingdom of Italy represented by the House of Savoy ruled by the Sovereign Victor Emmanuel III who kept in a sort of respect for the former name in an Italian form calling it Rifembergo or in many occasions in particular in the high spheres of that Royalty keeping the former German name.

All that because the wife of one of the Austrian Emperors Ferdinand I, Maria Anna was daughter of the King Victor Emmanuel I of Savoy and in a sort of noble code the original denomination continued to be in use.

During those years that Reign started a restoration of the urban plan, a new design of the borders and particularly busy in the reestablishment of communications along the axis linking to Gorizia and all the centres in proximity of the Isonzo river which were severely damaged during the war between 1915 and 1918.

In occasion of the 2nd World War Branica and Vipavska Valleys lived very intense events when they were occupied and controlled by the German Wermacht troops who later tried to defend those territories by the incursions of the Jugoslavanski Partizani, the partisans led by the Marshal Tito.

Those times were characterised by battles village by village in determined points including house by house and despite a strong resistance of the German Army which had several divisions present in the local territory the Yugoslav National Liberation Army including entered for some kilometres in Austrian and Italian territories.

Historically Branik lived those times as one of the focal points with the siege of the local castle occupied by a German regiment but it was never conquered in a clash by Tito future leader of the former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia who had organised his troops in the extra radius of the former town.

It is certain that Josip Broz, real name of that Yugoslav leader reached the gates and entered in the boundaries of the current place with his troops but he never had in that period the control of that site because he unexpectedly found a surprise when Branik was occupied by the Anglo-American troops who anticipated him in a sort of blitz operation.

 The result of that curious historic episode in the 2nd World War was that the Allied Forces had a easier access to enter in that centre because they found less resistance by the Army of the Third Reich along the Italian border than the soldiers of Tito who spent several days trying to enter in that centre finding many difficulties.

That was probably an event which marked an unsuccessful operation after several victories of the Yugoslavia father and probably it was in its kind a sort of psychological defeat which also determined in part the future and the attitude of the country with a State which later had more diplomatic relationships with Western Europe and America and less with the Soviet Union originally a natural allied for the cause of related to the Socialist ideology and with an enemy in common  but also that episode happened in Branica Valley changed his plans.

As you known the Soviets were originally glad of the successes to the Yugoslav Marshal who also studied and lived in Moskow, for common politic faith, Slavic brotherhood, there were including strong movements reminiscent the Pan-Slavism in the Balkans which had notable impacts during the wars against the Ottoman Empire and it was according to some opinions of relevant historians a beloved revival with dreams and hopes of Stalin with a design of a different Europe as he wanted with the cooperation of some Nations who later would became vassals and satellite countries of the former USSR.

During the Allied occupation and the segmentation in areas with different influences the British General William Duthie Morgan who perfectly knew Eastern Europe due to his charge in the British Embassy in Budapest and with a wide and wise vision and ideas of the strategies and projects of Tito and a possible future Soviet influence created there the famous Morgan Line.

That English Officer a bit worry for the massive flows of Tito's soldiers in the area with the possible risk that some territories of Austria and Italy falling under Bolshevik sphere increased the movements and presence of his troops in that geographic area establishing all around check points and spaces extremely controlled by several patrols in service day and night covering several kilometres along the frontier of Friuli Venezia Giulia until the current Austrian borders.

The General Morgan knowing formed since then that historic line developed along the borders of the current Italy near Trieste and Gorizia, the Austrian Carinthia, the Slovenian Carniola and the current Istrian Croatia to face possible intrusions avoiding later peculiar pacts and consequent distributions of territories with possible reprisals of the winners over the losers and due to that a much more important aspect there were numerous human lives to save and defend by an uncertain destiny.

Since then also started the negotiations with the former Yugoslavia which at the beginning continued to claim determined territories, protesting for that Morgan line which included for a period Branik considering it as something of fictitious, artificial and invented to create diplomatic conflicts.

The Slavic Marshal in the continuation of the events directly saw that the situation was pretty difficult for a military operations with a massive invasion because the powerful  armies of U.S.A, Great Britain also supported by Canadian troops were very well organised and numerous continuing to keep a strong control in the of new dangerous episodes generating further clashes.

For a period the Anglo-American troops  controlled a pretty vast area called Zone A which also included Tarvisio, Gorizia, Trieste in Italy some territories in Slovenian territory other in Carinthia in proximity of Villach,  part of Istria with Pula in the current Croatia and if you take a look on a map that project of the Allied was very strategic creating a sort of pincer clutching possible incursions coming from different cardinal points.

Established that sort of shield started the time of a redesign of the new European maps, there were several particular situations and also conditions, for many eminent historians that was as a sort of chess match with periodical approaches of numerous Yugoslav troops close to that zone and at the same time the appearance of allied artillery and infantry divisions facing immediately them.

For many experts of history all that was despite a different reality   another sort of war, but psychological . From one side Tito did not accept that presence but he did not want to face risks linked to his project after a war in which he reached many of his goals but at the same time he wanted to show his determination and the power of his new army as a sort of intimidation.

On the other side there was that British General who did not permit accesses with that military barrier including increasing the number of unities as counter move transmitting to desist to every kind of heroic attempt without hopes of success.

All that happened in Branik and surroundings and after all that very tense period was signed signed a treaty in Belgrade in 1945 for non-compliance with the invasion of lines up to take a decision for the final borders. 

That strategy by the Allied including to find an agreement with that document in the current Capital of Serbia was a sort of test to check the attitude and targets of Tito and his former Republic and obviously there was the hope to keep possible future good politic and diplomatic relationships with that country which could be useful to balance an Europe which since then was broken in two blocks.

When the former Yugoslavia were not lined up on the Soviet front two years later in 1947 there was a further operation in terms of new established borders and final decisions which determined that.Gorizia, Trieste and Tarvisio remained to Italy and all the immediate surroundings of Villach were left to Austria.

The epilogue of all that in addition generated that Pula, Istria Peninsula and the territories immediately outside the centre of Gorizia where was born the town of Nova Gorica which means New Gorizia, a city subdivided in two sections moved inside in that new Nation and in those territories was also included the current centre which became a neighbourhood of that emergent town.

The forecasts of the General Morgan were confirmed when in 1948 the Marshal Tito broke every kind of relationships with Stalin and much more highlighted seven years later in 1955 when Yugoslavia did not sign the entry in the Pact of Warsaw established in the Capital of Poland with several Eastern European Nations were absorbed as satellite countries in the Soviet sphere.

Including that country lived a kind of Socialism pretty different than those countries who adhered to that block which divided Europe until 1989 with the fall of Berlin wall and established notable friendly diplomatic but also commercial relationships especially with France and Great Britain.

Al lthose events undoubtedly fascinated many people fond of history with events which made the historic Branica Valley a special destination for historians and experts of the 2nd World War who continue to visit those places for that.

The modern history of Branik is linked to the Slovenian Independence proclaimed in 1991 leaving the dissolved Yugoslavia and it is currently part of a Republic which officially entered in the European Union joined on 1st  May 2004.

The current name was assigned during Tito rule with a strong spirit of change by the former Yugoslav leader giving a new national identity to an emergent country replacing the old Italian and German names giving them a Slavic denomination more appropriate and suitable to represent the country's membership of the Southern Slavs, a sort of patriotic ideology which was strongly focused about that with pretty fast operations,.

The former German name Riefenberg was changed in 1949 with Branik which translated means bastion was taken the castle of the town and in addition it was incorporated in the municipality of the new Nova Gorica which was originally part of Gorizia and also that denomination was deleted replaced by that current Slavic existing nowadays.

Next to the captivating history of Branica Valley it is also very interesting to discover in the case you are planning to visit that magnificent land the secrets, quality and prestige of its smooth wines which are another great local highlight.

That area is considered among the most important and appreciated in that corner of Europe about the production of its fine wines made by autochtone excellent grapes such as Pinela, Merlot, Chardonnay, Rebula, Vitoska Garganija, Rebula, Malvazija and Zelen among others.

All them are of supreme level with a notable reputation, simply superb for texture, colour, very palatable, highly appreciated for their versatility and taste. You can find there wines very savoury, others dry, smooth, light and fresh, further with body and also that diversified range is something very impressive which capture the attention of many wine tasting lovers, considering that such geographic area is not big at all, it is pretty small but offering a vast selection of great products and that is certainly a notable detail.

You are there in that famous and iconic place called Vinska-Cesta the Wine Road which runs through Vipavska Dolina, the valley of the river Vipava concentrated in a Slovenian sub Region offering several chances to taste those mentioned fine wines of a high and relevant quality and having the valley of Branik as one of its relevant stages.

The secret of those magnificent results is due to many aspects starting from  those grapes, very robust with a long tradition, implanted since centuries ago, resistant to determinate temperatures. The success was planned with implantation and experiments of vineyards which year by year were controlled not just for quantity of production of grapes but much more for quality and that was the goal.

The almost perfect micro climate certainly played since the first cultivation a fundamental role for the selection of the territory delighted by cool and mild breezes coming from the nearest Adriatic and winds from East which despite sometimes are of strong intensity find a natural barrier as a walled protection in the heights of the Karst Plateau and the hills of the local valley which form a sort of further bastion mitigating their entry.

A further feature extremely important role is that especially in summer there are many sunny days with pretty high temperatures while the nights are very fresh and cool and that climatic change in a day is one of the benign secrets for the superb maturation of the grapes which find the appropriate conditions to mature before the harvest in autumn simply tonic and perfect, there is nothing better than hours of warm sun and a cool night  breeze next to a fresh dawn  to have an outstanding grape.

Tha territory with the sum of very mild springs, a sunny summer, a favourable autumn before the harvest and a cycle restarting with winters never extremely too cold with vineyards very resistant in the case of days with lower temperatures than the usual is a superb final result to produce something greatly relevant.

The presence of very fertile plateaus with a subsoil boasting appropriate compounds and properties not too dry and neither too humid  is another considerable factor part of the successful results and also that permit in that Karst soil the implantation of different kinds of grapes.

All that was tested during years and years with several tests and those benign properties according to great experts could permit a notable cultivation of many other varieties of grapes of different origin coming from other parts of Europe.

A perfect choice to cultivate the vineyards at a right altitude is furthermore a special and relevant feature with a meticulous study of the territory in which is detected the ideal plantation choosing specific and appropriate heights.

A superb example confirming all that is the great Rebula produced by grapes cultivated between 120, 0 and 250, 0 metres of altitude and if those vineyards were planted on inferor or superior altitudes the results were totally different.

An excellent Yellow Rebula produced in the area of Brda is by vineyards planted not over the 300, 0 metres and a relevant local Pinot Gris is the delectable fruit of grapes which find a divine habitat in hilly terraces between 100, 0 and 200, 0 metres and not over or less.

Those heights are very similar to those of the nearest Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Eastern Veneto and the qualitiy of fine wines is very similar and one of the secret is that limit of 300,0 metres of altitude simply perfect in that territory.

The major part of those wines apart all the qualities and features previously mentioned are also highlighted to have a very classy taste, excellent and ideal for an ample variety of meals, a great choice if you are organising a dinner with friends or for operations of catering and hospitality linked to fine gastronomy and tasting wines managed by professionals combined with a buffet service with typical gastronomic products.

Those wines are in addition are simply magnificent for the most celebrated Haute Cuisine. As you know not all the wines including some of the most iconic are not in some cases appropriate to flavour food, some for their body, other because extremely savoury or too smooth,, partially deleting the taste of a specific delight you are cooking or changing the result you wanted and hoped.

The local whites and those you can find along Vinska-Cesta are simply sublime to be used in a preparation of a delicious risotto or a delectable fish plate. An excellent aromatic white is furthermore divine for seafood, mollusks and shellfish while an excellent dry is superb flavouring turkey, chicken, duck but including other kinds of meats such as rabbit, veal or lamb.

The smooth reds are very suggested for red meats as beef, lamb, pork, great for different kinds of casseroles and stews, outstanding for venison meat, such as wild boar, hare, pheasant and in addition perfect for fish stews as a delicious Bouillabaisse or using cod or others kinds of fish you desire combine in a stew with vegetables and sauces.

A large part of them are also recommended in the creation of cocktails,  they match very well with different kinds of liquors or they are also superb accompanying simple appetisers such as combinations of ham, salami, cheeses, canapes, mini buffet or snacks  always with more than great results.

Those selected wines are furthermore are very distinguished for their genuine pure colour easily recognisable across a glass certifying at first sight their supreme quality, no strange shades, total absence of bizarre streaks and no traces of impurity sometimes reflected by tiny dots. 

The white wines are particularly highlighted by a fantastic straw tonality, texture, transparency, greatly palatable at first sip with a total absence of peculiar tiny bubbles. Apart those masterpieces also produced with local grapes are some fine sweet Moscatel ideal to accompany cakes and pastry products.

Also great is the local Prosek, a dry classy wine very similar to the iconic Prosecco from Veneto with special mention to those of Valdobbiadene and Colli di Treviso, a more than valid alternative for who prefer a determined special taste to accompany a dessert or simply tasting a fresh glass with friends and in social times. 

There are along that route many wine farms, associations and wineries offering the opportunity to taste learn and know more about those supreme wines with the brilliant chance to be combined with culinary tasting of local gourmet products such as the famous Prsut the delicious Slovenian Carniola ham, excellent local cheeses, salami and sausages as the local Klobasa of high quality.

Naturally you can enjoy great chats with producers and experts who will illustrate you the best vintage wines, the emblematic harvests all time, classifications and rankings, tests of comparisons in live operations of tasting and much more.

It is very interesting in a Educational or in a trip if you are planning to visit Slovenia and furthermore a stay in one of those places to taste those excellent fine wines and the delicious, genuine local cuisine, a combination for a very interesting tourism all around that beautiful historic region which offers several attractions.

Those activities could be very suggested for Tour Operators and specialised Organisations which apart to promote a more than outstanding Educational very useful for a Product or Destination Manager can develop some routes of fantastic level of quality for groups, tailor made tours for individuals on request with an ample fan of options and a business with great outgoing perspectives.

All that taking in high consideration that Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Croatia are all countries located in a very small geographic space a short distance one from another, that is another winning key opening a multitude of different proposals and a consequent wide choice.

All that is an open gate for ideas and projects which can be developed including in that niche called Travel Incentive thanks to very comfortable accommodations with competitive rates, visiting cities rich of art such as Ljubljana the little Vienna of Slovenia, the old Piran with its glorious Venetian past the several centres present along the Adriatic Coast as Spa and seaside resorts from Koper to Portoroz and the marvellous Croatian Istria just a few kilometres away and the nearest Austrian territory  with the beauties of Carinthia, a jewel to discover without hesitations.

For all those who love peaceful places but with the chance to fill some days with significant historic routes with a good number of stages in a magnificent mix of art, history and nature with the brilliant chance to be delighted by a delicious cuisine and those fine wines that area is simply perfect. Next to those vineyards there are many medieval marvels, castles and fortresses all that is certainly a very attractive opportunity to plan something of extremely appealing and much more enjoying a very complete tourism.

Branica Dolina apart all that is also very famous for the cultivation of fruit trees such as peaches, cherries, apricots, pears and apples of superb quality, very sweet and juicy and also in that case a good option for people who want to taste also those excellent products with a long historic tradition.

The visit of Branik is highly interesting and could be a notable introduction to admire a place as many others in the immediate vicinity with similar features and history and all them with a more than relevant patrimony.

Dominated by its castle Rihemberk Grad situated on a scenic hill south of the village, that site is crossed by a long road called with the identical name of the settlement then changing in Branik-Komen leading to the immediate outskirts. West to the centre you will see Zelezniska Postaja Branik, the local railway station and from there you can take trains to some different destinations as the main station of Nova Gorica but also to Sezana and Jesenice among others.

The core is just 500, 0 metres away developed at south and west of the river Branica and it consists in an agglomeration of nice buildings some modern, other old but pretty well preserved and the atmosphere is very relaxing and extremely peaceful.

Once there you will never find problem to park your car thanks to a huge parking area where you can see a restored stoned medieval well which served since the Middle Ages  drinking water to the entire community.

During the visit you will see a sort of small obelisk, it is a monument called Spomenik Osvobodilni Vojni dedicated to commemorate the Liberation after the 2nd World War linked to all those previously mentioned historic events with protagonist the Partizani,the partisans who fought against the Nazi occupation.

You can continue in a very pleasant walk admiring Cerkev Sveti Urha, the Church dedicated to St. Ulrich situated north to the centre almost facing the Postna Poslovalnica, the building hosting the local Post Office and the street leading to that Religious Temple is accessible by an easy climb from which you can have a lovely panoramic view of the centre.

That Sacred construction is situated behind a low stoned wall with a step, the structure is very simple and sober but it boasts well defined lines and a balanced layout. The major highlight is its beautiful Baroque bell tower erected on a square plan and  subdivided in two blocks with the higher section topped by a scenic cylindrical turret beneath a copper dome with terminal a pinnacle.  

That construction reflects a pure Baroque style very influenced by the architectural canons of the Austrian school, in colour and elements with pretty austere outlines but with a marked attention to the symmetry of the elements in the front side, the belfry, a circular watch placed beneath it those two blocks in its upper section and you will notice the distance between an element and another are very well balanced.

Gradi Branik also called Rihemberk Grad is the castle of Branik and it is definitely the main local attraction. It is one of the fortresses among the oldest of the entire region and it was erected in 1230.

The former Counts who ruled that land erected that stronghold on the top of a strategic and beautiful hill dominating the valley and originally the name was Reifenberg Schloss, the castle of the lords of Reifenberg.

That fortress is today well restored and preserved showing all its splendour despite several works in different periods were pretty laborious especially after the 2nd World War but those hard works saved its integrity and all its majestic charm.

The complex has kept some details of its former medieval image as a high main circular tower dominating four sections of the complex located at its foot. Three of them were used as residences and halls hosting the nobility while the fourth in proximity of the walled stoned perimeter was the site in which was added a watchtower erected on an irregular rectangular plan.

The other turrets you will see surrounding that fortified complex were elevated in the 16th century and you can easily notice the difference with the rest of the defencive architectural elements for the material used in the construction despite all is in perfect harmony.

The castle during the course of its history was protagonist due to new rulers of some changes mainly desired for a more aesthetic profile more appropriate to new emergent styles and functionality.

In the times in which the Austrian-Hungarian Empire inherited that fortress as many other buildings it was redeveloped as a traditional Baroque Manor using as material also red bricks. You will notice in special architectural details confirming all that  very common  in the times of the Habsburg House the shape of the windows, doors, the size of the gate at the entrance reflecting that nutation in style from the medieval to a more contemporary,  much more ample than that established in the Middle Ages and inside was also built a former Chapel.

During the 2nd World War that fortress was witness of a historic episode when it was occupied by the German troops and it was besieged for a long time by Tito Partisans in the summer of 1944 and in that occasion it suffered several damages due to numerous artillery attacks. In the 80s after further restorations the building acquired the current aspect and at the end of the 90s exactly in 1999 it was declared Historic and National Patrimony of Slovenia.

From the castle surrounded by green forests, you will be delighted by  beautiful panoramic views and it is another opportunity to fill that special and splendid visit taking some great pictures as a pleasant souvenir of a very enchanting place.

According to archaeological excavations in the local area surrounding that manor were discovered the trace of a Roman Castrum, a large camp hosting legions and divisions of the Imperial Rome probably dated the period of Noricum that vast ancient region of the Empire which included many territories of Central Europe.

Not far in the municipality of Komen in a neighbourhood called Gorjansko, I suggest to visit you a special site for its historic value. It is the biggest cemetery of the Austrian-Hungarian Army existing on the Isonzo front containing the rests of approximately 10,000 soldiers who died during the 1st World War in that notorious long battle which took place along that river  between 23th may 1915 and 27th October 1917.

Fort those who love trekking but also cycling,mountain bike and nature lovers I recommend  to visit the beautiful Trnovski Gozd. It is a marvellous woody plateau at the foot of the Julian Alps, a wonderful verdant area with different trails and itineraries of immense beauty with some splendid high hills of over 1000, 0 metres of altitude such as the Prevalo and Jelov Hrib among others.

A visit to Branik and its valley is a great idea to discover a corner of Slovenia which gives several chances to enjoy a very complete tourism for someone maybe a little bit unknown but very rich of marvels and one thing is certain that once there you will enjoy all at first sight because that land is able to transmit great sensations facing stunning wonderful places so enjoyable to remember for a long time.

That historic area is a great mine of surprises as all the region with marvellous landscapes in a picturesque scenery and the presence of small charming little towns and villages conserving their old image visible and still alive today is a magnificent spot for all those who want to discover something great, highly attractive visiting a territory with a multitude of things to do.

The proximity of an endless list of natural and historic attractions makes that destination a great start point to know a wonderful geographic point of Europe in a country which despite its size is a big open door with a wide access to enjoy numerous marvels symbols of the splendour of a land will donate you very pleasant memories.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in the area of Nova Gorica and Branik

Perla Casino & Hotel
Park Casino & Hotel
Hotel Siesta
Tourism Farm Stanfel

Recommended Restaurants in Nova Gorica -Branik area.

Restaurant Pikol
Restaurant Gostisce Sterk
Restaurant Gostilna Metulj
Restaurant Gostilna Makoric
Restaurant Trattoria Kekec

Useful links

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