Costa Rica | Intensifying Efforts with Programs to Reduce Overtourism


Costa Rica, country entirely located on the Central American isthmus bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the east - northeast and by the Pacific Ocean to the southwest with coasts extend more than 1.200 kilometres of which 1.016 facing the Pacific side well known for its tropical climate, a stunning biodiversity, by the actions of its Authorities wants to increase the number of recognised tourist destinations in the country over the next 12 months,seeking to reduce the risk of the infamous the overtourism intensifying the efforts with programs.

The problem of Overtourism that afflicts many countries in the world today is a problem that is being tackled very seriously by the Central American country and the Secretary of Tourism William Rodriguez has reported that the country needs to increase the number of tourism development centres.

Today Costa Rica has 33 tourism development centres and the government hopes to identify five more with plans to increase that number to 38 by 2025.

With regard to all that, after carefully analysing the situation the Minister also confirmed that potential new destinations include beaches, with the country boasting over 1.200 kilometres of coastline and mountainous areas in the south of Costa Rica where the vast area of the Cordillera de Talamanca, the highest mountain range in southern Central America which extends from the southern part of the Central Valley of Costa Rica and continues into the territory of the Republic of Panama.

The Minister commented that the programme will help tourists to discover new areas of Costa Rica reducing the risk of ocercrowding and the south of the country will be developed eliminating any possibility of having the problems the problems that some countries of Europe have had with in addition the intention to expand tourism across the country.

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