Masera | Charm of the Alto Verbano Territory and Delicious Ossola Mortadella

Masera, a centre not far from Domodossola crossed by the river Toce, located in a fertile hilly enclave furrowed by the Bogna, Isorno and Melezzo streams at the foot of the heights of the splendid Val Vigezzo.

This splendid locality in the province of Verbania - Cusio - Ossola was since ancient times a strategic crossroads to reach all the Ossola valleys, living in the Middle Ages a period as a fief of Count Guido di Biandrate in 1100 and then under the protective wing of the Milanese Duchy of the Visconti with activities linked to agriculture, breeding and butchering.

Since then, continuing in today's times, those activities have always played a fundamental role in the local economy with the production of cheeses and sausages of excellent quality, including the delicious Mortadella Ossolana which, alongside other magnificent attractions, stands as the protagonist of the true gastronomy of this territory.

Admiring fairytale landscapes to the delight of those who adore places to remember forever and for all those who consider themselves gourmets in Masera there will be the opportunity to know and taste this iconic sausage with remarkable traditions and highly appreciated by very fine palates.

Once you reached Masera, I recommend starting the visit at the entrance of this locality in front of the Oratory of Sant' Abbondio,  a medieval religious building dating back to the 11th century erected on a suggestive rocky spur and boasting a bell tower built on a quadrangular plan with splendid Romanesque lines.

Continuation with the Parish Church of San Martino built in 1883 on the remains of a previous religious structure of Romanesque origin dated 11th century.

This beautiful neo-Gothic complex has three naves with splendid decorations by the Milanese artist Bottini and a fresco by the painter Cotti depicting San Martino who gives his name to this religious building.

Visiting the interior you can admire a notable wooden group of the Holy Sepulchre, a magnificent triptych by Sperandio Cagnola who painted a Madonna with the Child Jesus next to Saints Rocco and Sebastian and a beautiful organ of the 800.

Afterwards in the hamlet of Ranco where on a picturesque mountainous asperity stands the Oratory of San Rocco flanked by a fifteenth-century signal tower and containing inside  valuable frescoes of the Lombard-Piedmontese school of the 15th century.

Passing through the hamlet of  Piazza you will have the opportunity to admire two splendid oratories of the 1500s dedicated to Saints Elizabeth and Mary.

Subsequently in Rivoria, once you reach the inhabited centre, you will find yourself in front of the Oratory of San Giulio, dating back to the 16th century, erected on a fascinating natural balcony with a view of the entire valley.

This religious building is beautifully decorated with pilasters, stuccoes, capitals and where a beautiful fresco by the painter from Craveggia Giuseppe Mattia Borgnis stands out on its façade, considered one of the pioneers and fathers of the Vigezzino fresco.

Once the visit is over, I recommend visiting a company dedicated to the production of excellent cured meats including the iconic Mortadella Ossolana, a fine sausage that despite its name has little to do with the acclaimed and famous Bolognese.

The pork mixture used for the elaboration is similar to that of a traditional local salami but differing apart from the fatty and fleshy section obtained from the cut of shoulder and neck by the addition in small doses of pork liver.

The components used to flavor the piece are salt, pepper, nutmeg, garlic, cloves and cinnamon, all ingredients crushed in a mortar mixed with a targeted dosage of mulled wine, i.e. cooked red wine that will participate as a fundamental element in the maceration process.

The prepared dough will then be placed in a straight pork casing before the tying phase which, faithful to the old and deep-rooted tradition, takes place manually with bridles knotted in the center of the cylinder taking on the shape of a letter "U", or with the future cured meat folded in half which then sliced will have a double sheet.

The size will pass the traditional method following the stages of elaboration in special cells, carrying out the phases of stewing, drying and maturing that differ from each other in terms of temperature and humidity indexes.

 The first two will last about seven days with a stewing subject to temperatures ranging between 20.0 and 22.0 degrees and a second at 65.0 degrees before drying, while the seasoning will take place with strictly controlled temperatures between 12.0 and 14.0 degrees passing a period corresponding to about two months after which the product will be ready for consumption.

A finished Ossolana Mortadella in keeping with traditions will weigh between 200.0 and 300.0 grams and by making a cut you will see the very typical red color with brown shades that identifies and distinguishes the excellent quality of this exquisite cured meat.

The unmistakable flavor is very penetrating but at the same time delicate as it is balanced by the presence of pork liver, transmitting in an instant a pleasant sensation also due to its extraordinary softness.

For lovers of culinary art the Mortadella Ossolana can be consumed as well as in appetizers, snacks also cooked or boiled but only and exclusively if it is fresh in a varied buffet, in sandwiches and much more.

Time to enjoy your day's lunch, staying in the traditional, local I recommend starting with an appetizer that includes Mortadella Ossolana, Salame di Testa, Mocetta and Venison Bresaola, first courses to choose between Risotto al Prunent or Agnolotti al Radicchio, second courses opting for Lausciera or Beef Fillet with Bettelmatt.

After lunch I recommend going to the center of Cresta to admire the Oratory of San Bernardo erected in 1675 on the remains of a chapel from the 1500s.

The visit of Masera is a wonderful opportunity for all those who love to make a full day of tourism, the landscapes of the Alto Verbano and the province of Verbania – Cusio – Ossola conquer anyone, the historical – artistic heritage is very relevant and knowing the Mortadella Ossolana, a unique opportunity to know and taste a unique delicacy of its kind.

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Where to Stay | Recommended Accommodation

Casa Tomà

Casa Brencio

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