Harlingen-Holland | Dynamic Frisian Harbour Town with Unusual Hotels.

Harlingen is a very pleasant place situated in Holland very well known and characterised to be a famous dynamic Frisian harbour town with a very lively atmosphere and furthermore with Unusual Hotels which are certainly a very special highlight and attraction in their kinds capturing the attention and the curiosity of every visitor also for the peculiar presence of those hospitality establishments developed with creativity and talent next toa notable historic and cultural patrimony with protagonists architectural gems of the artistic Dutch school who created also in that centre stunning masterpieces and maritime landscapes very inspiring.

Situated at approximately at 115,0 kilometres from the Capital of The Netherlands Amsterdam and just 29,0 kilometres west of the town of Leeuwarden facing the scenic Frisian Islands Vlieland and Terschelling at short distance from the German border, Harlingen is a very suggested destination visiting and discovering a site with an appealing charm in a territory packed by beautiful natural attractions and a long captivating history including in the minor centres of that very pleasant region.

The Friesland, the province which includes in its land that town is a historic and relevant area famous for its old traditions linked to trade, commerce and navigation  boasting among the most skilled sailors of the country, a prestigious busy mercantile activity started centuries ago with extreme success and making the fortune of country always very active to develop new routes across all the seas including the Far East developing superb operations admired by nearest bigger countries who frequently were surprised by the talent of a constantly advanced and productive Nation.

That captivating centre has always been mainly related to very busy international maritime trades but apart all those marked features it is also a site very famous for an outstanding ceramic, pottery and tiles production started a long time ago with extreme success and including in its boundaries you can admire monuments and sights of notable interest. 

That past continuing in the present consecrated the relevant local harbour which was for centuries was one of the main maritime gates of The Netherlands placing Harlingen in the highest ranking, as a maritime key for its very strategic position, a more than significant cross point on the shore of  the Waddenzee a space of the North Sea which is also very famous  for its fantastic biological diversity and inscribed in the UNESCO´s World Heritage List.

Connected to the IJsselmeer and the Markemeer those two maritime large waters basins which are a sort of hallway on the sea leading to a direct access to the port of Amsterdam supported since centuries ago the active commerce of the Dutch merchants started who started to use the harbour of Harlingen since the 17th century as frequent base for their several trips and expeditions towards Scandinavia, Great Britain and the Baltic Sea.

Tourism became in more recent times another notable source, the centre town is rich of Neo-Renaissance buildings and other architectonic marvels of extreme beauty and  the visitor can also admire a good number of historic attractions including monuments which reflect the historic and cultural patrimony of that important site.
The beautiful views on the North Sea with the opportunity to enjoy excursions by ferry visiting the Frisian Wadden Islands of Vlieland and Terschelling awarded by UNESCO  for their marine value in its territorial waters is certainly another incentive which will delight your stay in Harlingen.
The presence of  two railway stations is definitely another great option to visit that place with relevant facilities in terms of communication permitting to insert that lovely centre as stage in a tailor made tour and including in alternative it could be an excellent start point for several trips all around the county with radial excursions with a splendid and wide number of attractive destinations discovering the many beauties of the Friesland.

The Dutch railway system works very well and there is  all around the territory a very efficient service in combinations, connections, excellent scheduled times and frequencies of trains from one destination to another and that is certainly a further great aspect obviously to take in high consideration for all those who prefer that kind of transport than a Fly & Drive.

Comfortable accommodations including curious and unusual Hotels which can conquer the taste and an extreme curiosity of the tourist is another considerable feature and a delicious local cuisine is another pleasant surprise with fresh, superb fish and seafood that in that place are among the best of the entire country. 

The History of the town although in the local territory were found artifacts dated the bronze age started with relevance in medieval times concretely in the 12th century when the town of Grayn was inundated and Harlingen obtained an important role to establish a former harbour to replace that centre as local maritime hub.

According to historic documentations that place was also populated in the Middle Ages by some Viking settlers, concretely in 1234 when the Norsemen developed a former small village along that coast of The Netherlands.

In the following centuries  there was an increasing development with and active port which was greatly enlarged and thanks to that started a very intense commercial business at the beginning mainly dedicated to some important expeditions of fish, especially herrings but soon also vegetables and cereals.

A relevant signal of the importance of that centre came in the 17th century when the Friesland Admiralty formerly based in Dokkum since the late 16th century was moved to that port considered for its strategic and geographic position more suitable, operative and appropriate to develop more prosperous traffics.

It was since then that Harlingen became due to those reasons the most dynamic Frisian harbour town and probably reaching its golden ages in that period in which acquired reputation, value and prestige thanks also to clever merchants who contributed to a boom highlighted by a superb commercial activity on large scale with several products added to the previous such as fabric, textiles and potters.

In 1645 that centre began to organise a very important merchant fleet and to lead several relevant naval operations in that Dutch region and furthermore that site was connected to the important town of Leeuwarden by the canal Van Harinxma.

The local history always linked to the destiny of Holland continued with all those successful maritime operations which elevated The Netherlands in a position of high ranking with the notorious monopolies and companies established in the Americas and Asia controlling important markets  until today with a decline during the 2nd World War when the Dutch territories were occupied by German troops but retaking a brilliant rhythm not long time later that historic event.

Nowadays the aspect of the town still reflects its glorious mercantile past visible along the banks of its constantly busy harbour  Noorderhaven and next to it you can admire a series of beautiful Neo-Renaissance and Renaissance buildings erected in periods in which those artistic movements in Holland created important schools conquering the admiration of a multitude of art lovers for those special and defined lines, high shaped facades with a very scenic aesthetic image and use of different materials all harmoniously combined, features very visible in many local constructions.

You can admire other excellent examples around the Stadhuis, the Town Hall, and those two areas highly represent those characterful architectural styles which are certainly a beautiful local highlight giving accent and appeal to a very pleasant urban environment.

 Voorstraat is a very important avenue of Harlingen considered the central axis of the municipality and in its proximity there are the most important  historic monuments. That artery is the lively  heart and beating core of the town and along that street you can find some other fascinating buildings with many houses boasting very distinguished charming lines and decorations.

Those works left by talented architects all around Holland closely related the Flemish School captured the attention of several Kingdoms and Duchies who called those incomparable masters to embellish their cities and towns in many corners of Europe and in Harlingen you will be delighted by stunning clear kinds of those masterpieces.

Captivating gable roofs, ample windows placed on charming wide facade and stylish portals are some of the most significant details of those constructions present in that site and all is very well integrated in the local urban architecture.

Hannemahuis elevated in 18th century is certainly a clear and lively exponent of those enchanting structures , consisting in a splendid big house erected using brick as main material, highlighted by large rectangular windows and fine lines all around the contour of the building. 

Arranged on three story and developed on a large rectangular plan with a charming ample main gable facade all in the layout is i perfect harmony with the architectural elements inserted with extreme criteria also in a section consisting in a flat lateral roof covering part of the house.

That stylish architectural marvel apart its historic value hosts a special local attraction, the Geementemuseum Het Hannemahuis a very interesting exhibition representing the chronological history of the town since its maritime golden ages and main local activities displaying collections of tiles, Chinese porcelain, replicas of boats, ships and typical objects of the province of Friesland as traditional furniture and silverware.

In that museum you can also admire paintings by Nicolaas Baur a prominent artist considered one of the most distinguished painters in the 18th century about seascapes and well known all around the Dutch territory for his incredible talent to immortalise marine subjects, views of cities and towns, sunsets and moonlight something who elevated that man native of Harlingen as an icon considered in addition as one of the best artists in that concrete period.

The versatility of that artist during his life was also highlighted when he started to paint winter scenes with different colours and tonalities of nature and also for that he was declared as one of the most eclectic and complete painters of the entire Nation between the late 18th century and early 19th century.

Baur apart his profession covered the charge of correspondent of the Royal Institute , that Institution predecessor of th Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences founded in 1809. The man died in his beloved Harlingen in 1820 leaving great memories and the town decided to pay homage to that unforgettable local figure with the dedication of that museum.

Along Vorstraat you can also see a statue dedicated to Anton Wachter a character present in several novels written by Simon Vestdijk, a writer, poet and also doctor considered among the most talented novelists of the 20th century and born in that Frisian town which decided to honor that illustrious son of the municipality who often narrated his native Harlingen in his works and that  monument is a tribute to an iconic character that as Baur helped to increase the popularity of that centre in another kind of art as literature.

Stadhuis, the Town Hall is another of the local architectural marvels, a beautiful construction reflecting a sublime representation of the finest Dutch Neo-Renaissance style dating back the 18th century erected by the architect Hendrik Jacobs Norel and ended in 1736.

That outstanding masterpiece consists in big two story building with ample windows on the sides of the facades while in the middle was placed a splendid arched doorway surmounted by a forged iron balcony. In the upper section of the main facade under a typical gable roof was inserted a lunette and you will notice a relief depicting St. Michael the Archangel the Saint Patron of Harlingen.

Very interesting is also to enjoy a walk around that stunning building and Voorstraat where there is an impressive concentration of other charming structures built in different periods, the major part of them dated from the 17th until the 19th century.

What is very impressive as notable detail is that those two centuries of difference of age between those constructions  is an aspect almost irrelevant because all is in perfect harmony, including some are a perfect or almost identical replica of the older and all that is certainly very impressive and captivating with no one detail broke the harmonious aesthetic environment.

The use of identical materials, shapes and outlined  elements loyal to a school which transmitted marked architectural concepts to the successors undoubtedly has left those deep marks generating a very charming local urban image with a total absence of peculiar contrasts with the risk to ruin the setting with something of extremely  bizarre and that aspect is something which delight the visitor in a while.

You can continue to enjoy the visit admiring Groete Kerk the main local Church also called Nieuwe Kerk, the new Church which is also the most relevant local Religious Temple erected in the town. It was totally rebuilt in the 18th century over the foundations of a former Sacred site dated the 12th century and the only section of that older medieval building is the Neo-Gothic bell tower which was totally saved with an integral restoration managed in the 15th century.

That architectural element is certainly the main highlight of the entire complex and it presents as relevant detail a splendid arched wide stained glass window in its inferior section surmounted by a high metallic conical roof. The interior conserves some relevant attractions such as an organ and a pulpit dated 18th century and notable are also ample stained glass windows transmitting a considerable luminosity to the nave and apse.

De Stenen Man located in Westerzeejdijk next to Harlingen dam is another iconic symbol of the town. It is an iron monument erected in 1774 depicting Caspar de Robles son of a Portuguese merchant  and a Spanish woman.

That man was Governor of Friesland during the Dutch War of Independence and in occasion of a terrible inundation which devastated a big area of the province in 1570, the local inhabitants had not money to build a dam system to save the land and they contacted De Robles looking for support.

That character heard the population which was living a very bad time and he ordered to build a barrier consisting in two dikes around the centre. For all that Harlingen paid him a tribute honouring that great helpful attitude towards the community with that symbol representing him in that work you can see nowadays.

Noordhaven is the local Port and Marina of the town and it was developed in the place formerly occupied by the old dock, the site where born all the historic local relevant maritime trade activity and today despite that mutation it continues as in the past to have a very lively and dynamic atmosphere with its busy mercantile activities and much more in its proximity you can find  bars and and shops which form all together a very bustling and animated environment.

The harbour is lined by beautiful Renaissance buildings which give that area a very picturesque aspect and it is also the place in which tourists and locals are mixed walking along a charming maritime promenade.

As important harbour town, Harlingen naturally has its Vuurtoren, the lighthouse which is today an iconic building protagonist since a long time ago when it started to  indicate the routes of the Dutch sailors and navigators sailing and landing along the local banks or in proximity of the coastline and its towering image is a superb highlight.

That emblematic construction was totally restored in a splendid Art Deco style and transformed in a Hotel offering the chances to have a very unusual accommodation. Climbing the steps arranged on three floors the guests can enjoy a beautiful view of the town, the entire harbour and the Frisian Islands.That is certainly a great attraction in its kind and not just for ordinary curious people but for tourists and and professionals of  Hotel & Hospitality Industry who can admire a special and rare accommodation greatly arranged with many comforts.

If the Lighthouse is a curious accommodation that Dutch town has another one probably much more unusual and it is  the Harlingen Crane Harbour Hotel. Well known all around the country but with a fame which also captured the attention of many people worldwide it is definitely one of the main local highlights and unique attraction in its kind.

Developed in a crane of the 60s used in the past to support the expeditions of the mercantile boats with destination the Baltic Sea and Scandinavian countries, that operation to convert that industrial crane was managed between  2001 and 2003 with extreme success.

Located on the dock it was transformed in a very functional and comfortable Hotel certainly for many people strange, singular and for many also pretty bizarre but at the same time ingenious. All that you can see nowadays was an idea by Willem Dookstra and his wife Carla who decided to use that mean dedicated to the charge of different materials in a luxury accommodation and including the old ladders were converted in modern lifts.

The room is equipped with the most modern design providing stylish decorations including furnished by the latest audio & video technologies and a cabin shower completing that unusual Hotel with also an internal lift delivering the breakfast.

Accessible by a steel ladder but also by a lift, another highlight is that the crane is still working and it can rotate at 360 degree giving the great chance to admire unique panoramic views. It is really curious and impressive to see an accommodation with those features and that kind of hospitality representation for many people is a very astonishing surprise.

Both they became further attractions in that harbour town for a stay or also for a visit. The curiosity and the desire to see and admire something special in that case linked to the Tourism Industry in  structures suitable to offer overnights are always something very interesting to discover and appreciate the creativity of who invented all that.

A historic detail related to Harlingen is also the immigration of the local community had in different periods when some natives left the town to look for and find a better life on the other side of the Ocean and especially in America.

As you know many Dutch people settled in U.S.A and New York was one of the first destinations when several colonies coming from The Netherlands who started to settle the territories along the bay of the River Hudson. Some others including inhabitants of that town also reaches other places of the Unites States of America among them Texas where there is an American town called Harlingen founded by settlers coming from that harbour town of West Frisian.

Local cuisine is another aspect delighting the visitor in Harlingen and it  reflects the local seafaring spirit and soul but you can taste many other typical Dutch specialities in a culinary panorama pretty rich and varied. A special mention deserve the exquisite herrings considered among the best in the world and also cod has a very considerable reputation prepared in different styles. Mussels and prawns are always fresh and they are extremely appreciated for their very special taste.

Very traditional are the Metworst and the Rookworst famed local sausages cooked in different styles such as grilled, boiled or baked and also accompanied by the Stamppot, a dish consisting in mashed potatoes with vegetables and bacon.The Hutspot is another popular plate made by mashed potatoes combined with carrots and garlic often accompanied by beef and pork meats but it can be combined with the mentioned Rookworst.

In addition the cheese is another product of high quality in Holland and you will find excellent types in that region too. In Holland you can find superb beers, the country is an important producer of famous brands with a remarkable International reputation and you can find a vast choice  mainly lager beers also produced in in that Region.

Visiting Harlingen is like a pleasant walk in the Dutch and Frisian culture and history. That corner of The Netherlands offers a multitude of very interesting things to do, highlighted by its artistic and historic attractions and it is also relevant to discover the hard work of that people to save the land under the level of the sea highlighted by a secular struggle and all what they developed creating a relevant historical patrimony with all their efforts taking land from the North Sea.

The locals are very kind and lovely and in addition there is always all around a very relaxing atmosphere which is another very positive incentive during a stay. 

If you are planning a tour, holidays or you are in Holland in another town or city, Harlingen is very suggested to insert in an itinerary as stop and stage during your tailor made route in a fantastic Fly& Drive.I added some links below they could be useful for your pleasurable holidays in Holland if you have some future plans to visit that marvellous country.

Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is situated just 123,0 kilometres south of that town and from that city  by E22 motorway via Purmerend in about one hour and some minutes in normal conditions of traffic you will be at destination.(I wrote a post about that city in the case you are interested)

Simply the view of the enchanting Frisian islands and a visit in the centre of that town will capture your attention at first sight, the special atmosphere you will breathe all around that dynamic and attractive harbour town is another detail which will delight you enjoying a very pleasant and captivating place in that attractive country called Holland which always has something of beautiful to offer surprising you.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Harlingen

Hotel Holland Zeezicht
Hotel Anna Casparii
Hotel & Restaurant Vof´T Hereenlogement
Hotel Centraal
Harlingen Harbour Crane Hotel 

Recommended Restaurants in Harlingen

Restaurant De Tijoter
Restaurant Vof´T Herenlogement

Mamaia-Romania | Leading Tourist Destination for Black Sea Holidays.

Mamaia is a name which nowadays has reached an extreme popularity in Romania but also abroad boasting the title of leading tourist destination for Black Sea holidays, a seaside resort which transformed itself in the last two decades and half in a very trendy and popular hub thanks to the efforts of new investors who improved an image already consolidated in the past but marked by diverse historic stages due to varied changes linked to political events, choices and strategies of the former rulers.

Situated at a very short distance from the second city of the country, the splendid Constanta , capital of the district which is just 20 minutes away in the historical Dobrogea region former motherland of the Dacian, one of the most ancient ancient civilisations who populated that land of Southeastern Europe.

That vast land  includes in its boundaries a wonderful attraction consisting in the wonderful Danube Delta one of the delta rivers best conserved of the entire Continent part of UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites since 1991 and seven years later inserted by the same Institution in the programme of Man and Biosphere.

Mamaia is flanked on its western side by the scenic presence of  Lacul Siutghiol, a waters basin situated just some metres from the Black Sea,  a special attraction which forms a scenery very captivating with that double view sea-lake in just a few of metres simply unique in its kind.

That resort lies on a sandy strip of land 8,0 kilometres long between those two waters wonders facing on its western side the town of Ovidiu, a centre well known because the iconic Roman poet Ovid was supposedly buried in its boundaries in a nearby small island.

Today that splendid seaside resort is one the most relevant tourist focal points of the entire Nation since the fall of the old communist regime in 1989 with the debacle and collapse of the dictatorship led by Nicolae Ceausescu, an event which changed the contemporary Romanian history also inside the Tourism Industry.

That change generated a  brilliant escalation with an impressive development of that place which reached the top in the national ranking well known as the most demanded holidays seaside escapade of Romania thanks to the presence of over 60 hotels classified in different categories next to a wide range of apartments with an impressive capacity around 22,000 beds.

Those numbers speak for themselves with indexes simply outstanding because were never achieved similar results about incoming flows in the entire tourism national history considering in addition that the successful relaunch of that destination started just a quarter of century ago after a pretty long, grey period of its history.

That site is one of the most required destinations on the Black Sea basin and next to that notable hospitality network the resort also has  three big Official camping.

Its long sandy golden stretch of approximately 8000,0 metres certainly played an important role to elevate Mamaia among the Queens for summer holidays in Eastern Europe and it is undoubtedly a notable attraction enchanting several tourists who are simply impressed at first sight for its length but also for the services and facilities it offers.

In addition it is highly appreciated for its very easy access with a total absence of natural barriers also that is something extremely appreciated for the final choice of a seaside resort by all those who decide to spend sunny stays in a resort which provides those features considering furthermore that the major part of the accommodations are situated in its immediate proximity.

That marvellous long beach boasting a Blue Flag since a long time ago is flanked by a pleasant, inviting promenade which delights anytime the visitors who can enjoy relaxing, enjoyable walks,  a brilliant chance after sunbaths to spend pleasant times along that boulevard on which were established different bars ideal to have an immediate cool drink or a sweet ice cream.

Next to that stupendoud highlight worth a special mention the active, well equipped Mamaia Sailing & Marina Club offering many chances to practise several water sports such as sailing, scuba-diving, swimming lessons next to other activities linked to the nautical world, a further considerable incentive attracting many sea lovers who can find in that efficient establishment all what they need.

Notable is also the local, climatic aspect with very mild springs, the temperatures in summer season are generally constant between 27º/ 28°C with maximum peaks around 30°C de and an additional delight is a very low index of humidity.  

Very ventilated evenings are the joy of many tourists, a feature extremely loved by a multitude of people inviting to spend many hours outdoor, autumns are not cold and winters despite a climatic change never  have very low temperatures.

The UVA rays in that Black Sea area is another special aspect which enchants all the sun lovers who desire to spend many hours under a warm, tempting sun with long sunbaths because they have a very inferior intensity than other sunny places.

Thanks to that the risks of skin cancer is notably below the world media average according to scientific tests with a detection of the index of nanometres largely under the dangerous threshold.

For that reason the tourists can return home with a relevant tan but without risk to incurre in  dermatological problems also that elevated Mamaia as a special, beloved heaven for several people and that resort for that extremely, trendy aspect continues to recieve a constant increasing demand.

Other aspects very positive are the very low salinity of the sea water and the presence of the Lacul Siutghiol, a waters basin in the immediate vicinity of the sea also plays a relevant role.

That great chance offering the wonderful opportunity to move in a while from salt to fresh waters is an ideal, natural therapy to have a tonic body with a very clean skin released by impurities, totally fresh and revitalised.

Thanks to all that and the presence of spring waters flowing in the subsoil of that lake and in the municipal boundaries many are the superb Spa complexes established in that resort greatly developed since the 90's with a great network of advanced, modern centres providing the trendiest treatments covering all the needs of every visitor responding to the most varied requests.

A large variety of the best therapies in operations led by excellent  specialists in cosmetics and dermatology with in addition a specific use of natural products scientifically tested is an aspect which consolidated that niche called Beauty & Wellness in Mamaia at the highest level in the country and also in Europe. 

All that is certainly another invitation for many people who during an enjoyable stay can enjoy some sessions returning home in perfect conditions also caring their aesthetic aspect.

Further great results were achieved thanks to the revaluation of its Casino next to the opening of a large network of trendy Clubs offering music  for every taste highlighting a vibrant nightlife making that place very appreciated also by young people who decide to land in a destination offering different opportunities to have fun enjoying evenings and nights highlighted by excellent DJ.

 Different kinds of events with a considerable calendar of appointments also supported the increasing prestige of that seaside resort which offers many opportunities linked to a a considerable entertainment activity with shows, concerts and cultural meetings performed in the Teatrul Vara, a huge, summer venue arena with a notable capacity.  

That Romanian site is in addition is well known for the celebration of Congresses, Conferences, Conventions and not a long time ago in 2004 it was seat of a very important meeting of European resonance with the participation of different countries of the Danube basin.

The vicinity of Constanta with very fast connections by motorway and public transports managed by the local company RATC is undoubtedly another notable facility in terms of communications with that important city which offers a relevant historic patrimony.

That centre founded around 600 BC is well known to conserve monuments linked to the history of notable civilisations who settled in its boundaries with also superb museums,  and historic attractions attesting the memories of different, emblematic cultures which wrote indelible pages in all its chronological stages of that city.

Ideal destination for families, sun and sea lovers but also pretty loved by all those who want to enjoy a seaside resort boasting natural attractions, qualities of services Mamaia is also as a great base for radial excursions.

Also for that it is a site of considerable reference for who is very interested in history, art offering the chance to visit a multitude of very interesting places in its immediate surroundings.

Many are the opportunities to discover the immense beauty of the Northern Dobrogea, a region which boasts a very ancient past with many historical settlers such as Thracians, Dacians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans who left considerable marks visible nowadays in architecture, culture and archaeological sites.

That resort is in addition a perfect gateway to the southern Black Sea coastline equally wonderful as the Bulgarian reachable in a very short time by a comfortable coastal road visiting outstanding cities as  Varna, Burgas but also shining jewels as Nessebar among others.

Not far from another marvel consisting in the Danube Delta, UNESCO World Heritage Sit,e that stunning attraction is one of the best preserved fluvial areas of the world with a marvellous huge protected reserve.

Once there you will be enchanted to admire  a wonderful paradise of biodiversity with a vegetation, flora and fauna of immense value with the incredible presence of over 300 species of birds making it a special site for ornithologists and bird watching lovers.
For all those who love to enjoy a local cultural tourism in the immediate proximity of Mamaia there is also for them the brilliant chance to discover places as Ovidiu, Murfatlar also well known for its wines and Medgidia, all them boasting with a very important historic past.

For the tourists who want to change different beaches day by day enjoying at a short distance from Mamaia different seaside resorts, the proximity of Costinesti, Neptun (I wrote posts about those two places) but also Saturn, Olymp, Venus and Jupiter is definitely a further, attractive invitation.

The local gastronomy offers the best regarding the most typical Romanian cuisine with a very varied culinary panorama highlighted by always fresh fish and seafood

Many local restaurants  also provide menu à la carte including traditional specialities of the interior or International dishes, also that is another feature which attracts the gourmet lovers who will be delighted day by day during a stay by different kinds of choices enjoying a cuisine which range from spicy to sour due to several historic, ethnic influences which left notable marks also in the local culinary art.

The resort has approximately 60/70 official residents, the population increases in summer, especially in high season with the presence of workers in the tourism & catering industry with temporary seasonal contracts.

 Mamaia despite its young age with a past lived as a sort of prolongation of Constanta when in the previous centuries was mainly populated by a few of fishermen  has an interesting history to narrate since 1906 when it starts to be a sort of favourite heaven as a pioneer for Spa and climatic holidays in Romania.

The chronological historic stages are very special in their kinds with deep mutations in different eras.

Since the early 20th century it became the first and most important seaside destination of the former Kingdom just some decades after the independence from Turkey in the late 19th century when that country fought next to Russia against the Ottoman Empire.

The country which was also involved in the Balkan wars started to live years with notable changes especially in the periods before and between the two World Wars when in those times was ruled by the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen House, a noble Swabian branch with the Sovereign Karl Eitel Ludwig Sigmaringen well know as King Carol I of Romania who was protagonist of various, positive operations.

That famous Royal figure son of the charismatic Prince Ferdinand I governed the country for a long time playing an important role for the development of Mamaia opening the doors to many people who desired to spend enjoyable sunny stays along the coast of the Romanian Riviera and since then elevated as an icon and a dreaming destination.
In that emblematic 1906 when that strip of land of beautiful golden sands was considered a humble, unpopulated southern coastal suburb of of Constanta whose it is still part started to have a brilliant first signal of incoming tourism flows due to that wonderful long beach which attracted very much the Royal Family and its entourage who from the capital Bucharest frequently reached that Eden to spend enjoyable Black Sea holidays.

Something which undoubtedly impressed the King was the geographic position of that place situated between the sea and Lacul Siutghiol, a lagoon simply separated from the coastline by a very narrow land running along the current Boulevard Mamaia, the littoral road linking the core of the resort to the immediate outskirts of the harbour of Constanta.

That captivating virgin, sandy marvel started to have a prestigious fame because the presence of the Royalty in a place not very popular, an event which generated a considerable resonance all around the country.

The Monarchy immediately detected  in that site great future perspectives, simply perfect to develop an ample variety of activities linked to a complete tourism with a large variety of superb, outstanding options as a sort of golden mine.

Those waters with totally different compounds and properties moving from one to another in a very short time were tested and enjoyed by the Royal Family next to all the nobility closely related to it becoming the winning key of a successful escalation of the former resort.

That stunning combination was considered a sort of magic potion, many people in those times said that returning home they felt the sensation to have ten years of age less and obviously that kind of promotion was extremely successful.

Thanks to their different temperatures next to unique features those waters were perfect for the right therapy of people with bone and rheumatic diseases but also in the meantime  a solution very healthy, highly tonic for the body after two different alternating baths gaining freshness with a consequent revitalisation of skin and epidermal cells.

In addition to all that was also immediately detected a great improvement in the blood circulatory system thanks also to spring waters present in the bed of that lake rich of benign compounds with special minerals.

For all that Mamaia started to be a very appreciated Spa hub, in addition a total absence of pollution due to a lack of industrial complexes in that area was certainly another notable, additional feature which elevated that site as a superb, climatic resort.

In a short time that former unknown site gained an indisputable prestige including the verdant, intact countryside in the immediate inland towards the nearest Ovidiu, Poiana, Culmea was an additional gem added to a fabulous necklace for people loving trekking and a deep contact with an uncontaminated nature.

For all those brilliant qualities Mamaia quickly reached a notable popularity starting to have constant, increasing demand.  

The Royalty commissioned the elevation of two giant, wooden pavilions  works led by the architect Petre Antonescu, an eminent figure who also designed the Arch of Triumph of Bucharest, the Casinos of Constanta, Sinaia and different palaces erected in the capital with others elevated in different towns of the country.

Next to those two huge structures were established some small constructions devoted to hospitality in the site in which nowadays is situated the current Casino

Those establishments started to host first relevant flows of tourists in major part linked to the Monarchy environment with also a first presence of other nobles coming from abroad often invited by the House Hohenzollern-Sigmaringe members.

Unfortunately after the 1st World War exactly in 1920 a fire destroyed those big buildings and some bungalows which were erected in their immediate vicinity.

The reconstruction was pretty slow and laborious, that sad event generated a period of decay also for a lack of funds to re-establish similar, well equipped structures once again.

After fifteen years in a sort of desired revival focused to re-launch of a place which had not to be abandoned to a grey destiny there was a kind of financial sacrifice from part of King Carol I aimed  to elevate that site as a leading tourist destination much more developed than the previous golden ages.

There was a plan for a new creation to re-live to a glorious past but with an emergent reality much more complete with the establishment of other structures.

in 1935 took place an event extremely important with the inauguration of the first official Hotel, the construction of new accommodations with new comfortable. wooden bungalows which replaced the previous considered despite some of them had a restoration old and deteriorated

All that was the first start-up of the rebirth of a site which had a re-birth a second cycle of golden ages with in addition operations managed to improve the coastal road directly leading to Constanta permitting a faster access from that important centre.

All that brought more than successful results with an almost immediate notable demand, furthermore next to those innovative structures were also established some areas suitable for camping activities permitting to many people linked to the most humble social class to enjoy that trendy coastline in spaces close to an uncontaminated woodland just a few metres from the beach.

In the same period was also erected the Casino and the Royal Beach Residence House famous to be in that period the sunny haven of King Carol, that new image with outstanding  facilities, services make that Romanian resort became a favourite heaven for the entire highest national aristocratic ranking. 

Since then Mamaia started to be well known internationally becoming a leading tourist destination for Black Sea holidays much more than its first boom with many tourists especially coming from Germany, a nation which for historical links with the Royal family established very good relatioships with Romania.

After the Second World War with the obliged abdication of King Mihai I successor of Carol I in 1947 the country entered officially in the Soviet sphere transformed in a Socialist Republic, an event started by the immediate abolishment of the Monarchy next to other reforms which changed the destiny of Mamaia which probably since then lived the darkest days of its history.

That seaside resort for the strong desire of the new regime to delete the Royal past with its undesired image for the advent of Marxist philosophy was practically abandoned, it lost all the valuable prestige gained at the beginning of the century with those extraordinary more than three decades which elevated that site in two diverse cycles as a sort of national emblem.

After years living totally isolated as forgotten in 1959 the government led by the Prime Minister Ion Gheorghe Maurer with a total approbation of  the Party had the idea to build there some very standard accommodations.

Those structures were erected using a traditional, architectural style reflecting the canons and ideology of that regime consisting in very sober constructions depicting a grey, poor, aesthetic image with a total lack of identity and attractive details. 

Buildings without distinctive decorations in the layout, they had not annexed gardened spaces or a captivating exterior setting formed by flowerbeds or walkways embellishing the environment as a hospitality establishment usually has also to welcome the customers with a welcoming aspect.

That activity linked to those kinds of constructions continued until 1965 with the new Leader Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej, the major part of them were elevated in the southern boundaries of the resort while the northern side remained pretty undeveloped.

Mamaia was suffering a notable decline in image, flows, reputation, those new hospitality constructions were not of relevant comfort, pretty cheap mainly used to host students , the humble social work class.

Next to them they started to be devoted to host  young people coming from the countries adherent to the former Pact of Warsaw which was signed by the former Romanian leader Chivu Stoica on 14th May 1955 in the Polish Capital.

The ascent to the power of Valentin Ceausescu in 1967 was the identical continuation of that political project created by the predecessors favourable to the establishment of new seaside resorts hosting the Socialist Elite and High nomenclature in other areas of the Romanian Black Sea totally privileging those new sites.

That seaside resort due to all that lived several years of anonymity, obscured at national level so far from its golden past, including in high season the rack rates in those times were index of very cheap holidays very affordable by everybody but that was what the political strategy of those times the Government strongly wanted.   
Olymp, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and much more Neptun but including Costinesti which has a history pretty similar to that of Mamaia had more visibility.

Those new centres became the major focal points of a new historic tourism, much more promoted as a pure, true living creation of the new rulers.

Those kinds of strategies and plans in the Romanian tourism Industry were  totally managed by the Socialist Party focused to obscure the previous Royalty creations which for the politicians of that time were not fruit or product of a new reality of a country which totally turned page.

That philosophy was the main chapter closely linked to the radical change inside the National Tourism Bureau which did not mention during the times of the infamous Cold War determined resorts including in International Tourism Fairs which were the instruments to have contacts with the other Block of Europe.

Many foreign operators for historic knowledge asked about Mamaia but the answers were very firm with a reply it was not an ideal place for western tourists and no additional information.

The destiny of that place was sentenced in those times to be an eternal secondary choice, the priority was the launch at the maximum level those new destinations daughters of the Socialism ideology.

The Romanian Governors kept that site in a shade but they continue to use it simply to have more beds, a source which was always fruitful for the finances and revenues of the State saving or helping the former Socialist Republic by a possible collapses.

In that period was created a new planned ranking with a classification of accommodations in determined sites managed by a Centralised Tourism Bureau with those cited places reaching the Top with operations of campaigns always controlled by the Party. 

In a famous stylised, piloted ranking Mamaia continued to be a destination adapted for young and population of a moderate social level, in brief a seaside place without opportunities to increase its prestige.

All that was part of a kind of propaganda developed to show the population that there was a new  wave created by who was leading the country who at the same was offering cheap stays for all those who could not afford an expensive holiday but with the opportunity to have one, obviously for all that someone was also happy to have that chance.

Those places with iconic Hellenic Gods names created by the political sphere were the result of a strategic management to elevate with those emblematic mythological, captivating, enchanting denominations evoking myths, legends sort of emblems to have a very influential impact towards ordinary people transmitting that the present was better than the past.
All what those rulers wanted was to transmit the beauty of the Romanian coasts using names of those ancient iconic divinities as instrument to identify a sort of Olympus produced by the government as a paradise planned to conquer obviously the sympathy with the complete support of the population.

That message was to show a land which was living  as the powerful Greeks and Romans who created the history and myths linked to wealthy Empires which lived with prosperity, all that was simply planned propaganda which had considerable effects impressing a multitude of people.

Someone from abroad thought that all those kinds of political manoeuvres were pretty peculiar, bizarre, in their kinds representing a paradox with that obsessive attitude of grandeur in a Communist society in which the ideology was the absence of social classes with the proletariat as protagonist.

All that was extremely anomalous considering that in a Socialist reality there must not be segmentations and much more a total subdivision of destinations, rankings or specific classifications.

An additional aspect considered pretty unsual was that way to exalt something totally external to the true Marxist ideological concepts with disparities of rates between a place and another in a society which rejected the capitalism.

A detail pretty interesting detected by some eminent historians of tourism deeply linked to a  philosphical aspect  was that  those  hyms, mentions related to to epic, legendary names of the Hellenic literature had a sound pretty blasphemous towards that ancient Greek civilisation which was always highlighted by prosperous life permitting its several colonists to choose the best for them including to settle in different areas of the Mediterranean basin as happened for many centuries.

The increasing demand to enjoy holidays on the Black Sea in particular in the late 70's but much more in the 80's by Western European tourists who discovered very captivating promotions of those sunny places by the National Tourism Board especially highlighted in prestigious Tourism Fairs as Paris or Frankfurt inviting Tour Operators and Specialised Travel Agents in Educational was despite all that very positive.

Particularly attracted were young socialists coming from those countries, such as France and Germany who found in those International Exhibitions a great alternative, a much more cheaper destination for sunny holidays than Greece or Spain.

Including the rack or FIT rates were largely inferior than the former Yugoslavia which was a touristic emergent reality with very competitive prices in those times which was in that period a pretty, trendy choice with extrardinary offers along the striking coasts of Dalmatia, Istria and Slovenian Riviera.

Those successful operations convinced the Regime to build other Hotels especially between 1982 and the end of 1985 also in that resort to increase not its image but in incoming capacity with a major number of beds which could improve the business of a government which started to have the first signals of weakness linked to a pretty accentuated economical crisis, a forecast which became reality just a few years later.

Despite that all was politically arranged with an internal strategy with a manipulation keeping the “resorts of the ”Hellenic Divinities" as exclusive, priviiged destinations for VIPs and channelling there the sale for people coming from the Western countries.

Destination as Mamaia were mainly highlighted by a national tourism pretty numerous with low financial capacity but filling the resort generating despite that an economical revenue.

The trend of the previous years continued with a targeted  subdivision in top destinations flanked by minor resorts but with more global capacity.

 In that period the difference of prices were characterised by a notable difference created by the political circle with the Hotels established in the 70's always in pole position to keep alive that creation which had to continue for a long time trying to show that all was perfect working very well.

The fall of Ceausescu in 1989 with the advent of new investors who in the following years gave that Romanian resort a renaissance contributing to a return after many years occupying the supremacy in the tourism ranking recuperating the position of leading tourist destination for Black Sea holidays once again was the start-up of a new Romanian tourism era.

That rebirth consisted in a radical change returning in a modern key to the golden ages of a resort which was the historic hub with a sort of revaluation with also that prestigious award to lead that ranking in terms of incoming on national scale with many foreign tourists flocking for many captivating proposals offered.

The local Tour Operators with good commercial plans next to an intense presence in the most important International exhibitions, the new construction of comfortable, fully equipped accommodations, modern, superb Spa complexes with in addition fine restaurants, venues, entertainment parks were all together the first chapter of a new novel with a brilliant successful cycle.

All that new tourist empire combined with an enjoyable mild climate with the chance to spend enjoyable stays on the Black Sea in a site boasting 8,0 kilometres of sandy beach opened a large offer rich of attractive packages which captured the interest of several markets.

 Many of them were launched with the formula all inclusive at more than competitive rates attracting a myriad of tourists who could enjoy those modern structures providing all the most relevant services and facilities delighted by a splendid coastal environment situated in many cases at just a couple of minutes walking from the Hotel doors. 

Since then Mamaia became the engine of the national tourism, the times of the former Royalty seemed so far away, for many people they were as a simple historic memory, that rebirth was for many others a big surprise for someone else including a sort of miracle.

The resort is mainly developed along the long avenue Bulevardul Mamaia which is also the main entrance and exit of the local beating heart running between the coast and the lake.

Along that main artery there are Hotels, the marina, lively cafes, fine restaurants, a Windsurfing School while in a long coastal stretch prolongation you can find a Tennis Club not far from a series of small inlets, tiny coves in the case during your stay you want to change place moving from the busy, central section to a place more calm and tranquil.

The same avenue towards south leads to Aqua Magic and Parcul Tabarcariei, the first is a large Aquatic Parkland with several attractions while the second consists in a big, green lung close to Lacul Tabarcariei another fresh waters basin situated in the immediate proximity of Bulevardul Tomis consisting in one of the main important arteries leading to Constanta and pretty close to the Motorway access.

The longitude of the resort is almost 9, 0 kilometres entirely occupied in its total length by the beach which has an average media of 290, 0 metres in width, a feature highly appreciated by several tourists.

That long stretch is completely sandy, no rocks or barriers, the access is very easy, highlighted by a fine golden sand, in addition the danger of tides, storm is almost zero making it an ideal place for families with children permitting them to enjoy a very relaxing, peaceful, sunny holiday.

Boasting a deserved Blue Flag, with excellent maintenance, cleanliness, surveillance services it is connected to the marina which provides many facilities to enjoy water sports such as sailing, diving, wind surfing but also chances to enjoy excursions by boat.

For those who love fresh waters immediately at a short distance is situated Lacul Siutghiol, a waters basin with  a surface area of 19,0 0 square kilometers, it is over 7,0 kilometres long with a width of approximately 2, 5 kilometres.

Also known with other denominations such as Limanul Siutghiol, Lacul Mamaia meaning Mamaia lake or in a folk expression Ghiolul Mare its name derives from the Turkish word  Sütgol inherited during the rule of the Ottoman Empire which translated means milk lake for the density of its waters.

Its proximity to the Black Sea beach was and is a notable advantage for the local operators who developed around it other facilities combining the tourism of a classical seaside resort to other outdoor activities as water sports such as boating, water skiing, easy, diving tests thanks to a maximum depth of approximately 17,0 /18,0 metres

Highlighted by a total absence of contamination, it is frequented by tourists who use it also as therapy moving in a while from salt to fresh waters during a day swimming in both enjoying that difference of temperatures and properties simply great for toning body, skin taking in consideration furthermore the presence in its bed of spring waters flowing with very benign compounds.

 On that lake lies an island called Ovidiu with a surface of approximately 2,0 hectares and  on its western side towards Caragea and Palazu Mare you can see a small islet composed by Cretaceous deposits era.

The former sea shore which reached that waters basin is mainly made by clay with Creatceous, Samartian and Jurrasic deposits era while in the section closer to the Black Sea the bed is mainly composed by sand, In winter season from time to time part of that lake is covered by ice  especially in January.

In its immediate proximity lies the previously mentioned Lacul Tabarcariei situated at 2,5 metres over the Black Sea level close to the Oceanographic Research Complex and as the bigger neighbour also in that small lake flow some spring waters in its bottom.

Those special presences have created a Spa Empire, that combination of fresh with spring waters next to those of  the Black Sea very famous because they are very appropriate for specific treatments with a lower salinity coefficient contained in it largely inferior to those of other seas and oceans.

Those features have played an important role with  the development of a network of complexes with a notable success favouring Health & Wellness breaks providing a wide range of therapies.

Related to all that the resort provides next to beauty sessions and ttreatments, an offer focused to modern, trendy products such as sunscreen, gels, lotions, sprays all made by natural essences in addition other creams suitable for applications before and after sunbaths, special  facial treatments and much more. 

At the beginning of the 2000's there were in some Educational brochures some promotional spots with incentive mottoes having phrases as “ defend your tanned skin and return home in perfect, healthy conditions after a sunny holidays on the Black Sea coast” and a multitude of others linked to proposals with captivating campaigns which still continue with excellent results nowadays.

The activity of Thalasso therapy next to a varied range of treatments sensitive to offer a multitude of other services such as anti-rheumatism therapies  but including other special segments related to relaxation, aromatherapy, massages and beauty have achieved superlative exploits in the last two decades.

Al that thanks also to the high level of modern technology installed in the establishments of the resort with other activities related to Anti-aging and stress sessions very active at a high advanced level with facial applications scientifically and medically tested.

Thermal baths in Mamaia are also ideal for those who have bones or serious cartilaginous problems because those waters are excellent to improve the calcification  keeping under the threshold that kind of deficiencies but also perfect regarding recuperation after injuries, lesions or post sessions after broken limbs.

Aqua Magic Mamaia is one of the main attractions arose in the boundaries of the resort close to Statia CFR Mamaia, the station of the resort, a huge, amusement water park consisting in a complex which covers an area of over 27.000 square meters

That big space provides several attractions just like similar parks present in the Western Mediterranean basin, its establishment increased the popularity of the resort elevating that vast aquatic parkland among the most relevant in Eastern Europe.

It also boasts a funicular linking that area and the Casino to to the famous Hotel Perla and the Satul de Vacanta covering over 2, 0 kilometres in approximately seven minutes at an altitude of 50,0 metres offering aboard stupendous panoramic views of the Black Sea.
In addition the visitors can enjoy the presence of several restaurants serving typical, Romanian Ethnic cuisine, certainly a pleasant, large environment representing a great incentive to spend a full day enjoying an alternative kind of tourism with fun in a very attractive place.

In the immediate proximity you can have the chance to enjoy several excursions. Constanta is a very suggested destination, it is a very interesting, ancient city, major centre of the Northern Dobrogea with many great monuments, museums and worth a visit. 

It is a centre rich of historic attractions with a varied, architectural patrimony due to different civilisations such as the Roman, Greek, Byzantine and Ottoman who left in its boundaries considerable marks.

Once there you can admire the famous Edificiul Roman cu Mozaic, a complex developed on three levels with an original section of  a former, Roman building erected in the 4th century containing wonderful mosaics with all around archaeological rests including in its immediate the remnants of the public Imperial baths. 

Do not miss to take a look to the Cazinoul, the local Casino, a spectacular Art Nouveau building erected between the First and Second World Wars by a cooperation of the architects Petre Antonescu and Daniel Renard.

It is a majestic masterpiece highlighted by a superb front side with refined lines, stunning arcades, undoubtedly one of the most scenic structures of the entire municipality.

I also suggest you to visir Parcul Arheologic, the Archaeological Park of the city boasting the rests of the Roman period corresponding to the 3rd and  4th centuries with sections of buildings which elevated Constanta since those times the most important centre of the entire region.

It was one of the most organised cities on the shore of the Black Sea with a very active social, commercial life since the times of Emperor Diocletian but also during the period of Contantine the Great when it took the name of Constantia from which derives its present denomination.

If you love Islamic art you can admire two Mosques, the first is Geamia Hunchiar built in 1867 by Sultan Abdulaziz, a splendid stone building highlighted by a high circular minaret. It boasts a traditional Ottoman design loyal to the architectural canons of that former Middle Eastern Empire for size, height, width with very strong, marked outlines.

The second is Moscheea Mare Mahmoud II and it has a special history because it was elevated in 1910 during the times of King Carol I many years after the end of the influence of Turkey but that Monarch established it to permit the Turkish and Tatar communities to continue to practise the Islam in that building.

It is a beautiful construction with a strong Byzantine architectural profile highlighted by a magnificent central dome with a high minaret characterised by a magnificent composition of three blocks in its upper section.

Ovidiu is another place I recommend you to visit, situated very close on the western shore of Lacul Siutghiol at approximately 15, 0 kilometres from Mamaia.

In that centre you can admire Insula Ovidiu a charming, tiny island representing a very pleasant attraction where as previously mentioned  it said Ovid was buried, for that town took the name of that eminent figure of Latin literature who lived in the Reign of Augustus, first Emperor and founder of the Roman Empire.
That eminent master born in Sulmona, a town of Abruzzo but he was exiled in Romania by Augustus without chances to return to Rome for a possible love story with Julia, the daughter of that Emperor, wife of Tiberius and he remained in that country until his death

Insula Ovidiu is a very suggestive place, peaceful, calm, great for photographers all around its environment you will be delighted by wonderful, panoramic views and on it  was established a restaurant.

Another highlight is Geamia Din Ovidiu, a Mosque erected in 1884 during the times of Sultan Abdul Hamid II well known for the first Ottoman Constitution promulgated on 28th December 1876 which has in its very high, thin minaret one of its great attractions dominating the entire town, visible at many kilometres of distance.

In the interior at approximately 28, 0 kilometres west of Mamaia you can visit Murfatlar the former Basarabi. (I wrote something about it in a post regarding Costinesti because you can combine that visit also from that resort)

That town is very famous to be the closest port on the Danube to the Black Sea, a popular site for the development of a wide canal on that important waterway established a long time ago considered one of the best civil works in the entire country regarding fluvial navigation.

In addition if you are a wine lover that centre is well known for its excellent vineyards with viticulture traditions very rooted since a long time ago.

In that place you can visit a site called Situl Arheologic Basarabi-Murfatlar, a superb archaeological area boasting important rests consisting in tombs, engraved stones, remnants of ancient monasteries and crypts discovered in caves in 1957.

It was originally a former stronghold of the Byzantine Empire abandoned and ceasing to exist during the times of the first Bulgarian Imperial dynasty in the early 11th century after the defeat against Constantinople in occasion of the famous Battle of Kleidon in the Greek mountains.

The discoveries of graved inscriptions in different alphabets such as Greek, Proto-Bulgarian, Turkish and Cyrillic calligraphies certify that it was a settlement  inhabited by different important civilisations.

Including in that historic complex you can see some great drawings depicting Viking ships, a great historic detail confirming the routes of the Norsemen from Scandinavia reaching during their long trips the Black Sea with also destination the current Istanbul, former Constantinople during their long navigation across the Atlantic reaching the Mediterranean crossing the Strait of Gibraltar.

Tulcea is a further destination I suggest you, a city situated at the mouth of the Danube Delta very interesting with several great museums, a lively harbour flanking a long, scenic waterfront closely linked to the UNESCO Patrimony site of the Danube Delta Biosphere.  
Ancient Dacian settlement of the Northern Dobrogea region with an important Roman past, you will find there different kinds of architectural marvels such as Orthodox Churches, a Mosque next to other relevant historic monuments. (In the case you are interested I wrote a post regarding that city)

Mamaia due its relevant tourism development in particular in the last ten years also became a site which hosts several events, shows and concerts. 

In 2004 the resort hosted the Congress of the Countries of Central Europe and every year it is also the seat of Festival Musica Mamaia, a Music Folk appointment considered among the most important of Romania celebrated in the Summer Arena Teatrul de Vara, a trendy structure hosting different kinds of events thanks to a relevant capacity, considered in its kind a masterpice for its efficient sdervices and facilities.

Nightlife is very lively and vibrant and today that resort is considered with Costinesti the most animated and bustling place of the Romanian Riviera, ideal for all those who desire to enjoy nights highlighted by good music and fun and with a pretty ample variety of choices depending of the tastes sme of the most notorious places are Le Gaga, La Cucaracha and Ego Club among others.

Local cuisine loyal to its excellent and always fresh sea products offers a large variety of delights, one of them is the very popular Saramura a speciality which consists in an exquisite, salty carp boiled in brine or grilled accompanied by potatoes, vegetables or polenta.

With that kind of fish is also prepared the delicious Salata de Icre, a famed salad which includes in its preparation pike, potatoes, bread crumbs, onion seasoned with olive oil and salt.

The Macrou Afumat is another appreciated speciality prepared with smoked mackerel served with potatoes or mixed salad while the Chiftele de Peste is a famous a fish pie made with whitefish adding, pepper, salt and olive oil.

The Ciorba is a famous, typical plate with strong Turkish influence.,a kind of soup prepared in a large variety of styles depending of the geographic area and local traditions. 

Some of them have chicken as main ingredient or replaced by pork, smoked meat, beef meatballs accompanied by red beans while others are simply prepared with vegetables.

Of Greek heritage is the local Mousaca, a national replica of the famous Hellenic cooked with potatoes, eggplants and meat. 

Enlarging the cosmopolitan character of the local cuisine you can also taste the Snitel which is the Romanian twin of the famed Austrian Wiener Schnitzel consisting in a breaded veal cutlet served with potatoes or mixed salad.

Another plate which links the Romanian cuisine to other cultures is the Sarmale, the local version of the Slavic Sarma with approximately the same process of preparation of that you can taste in Croatia or Serbia consisting in cabbage rolls wrapping meat, rice, vegetables and sesoned with spices.

The Mititei is another well known delight consisting in beef, pork and lamb cylinders flavoured with thyme, garlic, black pepper, grilled served with sauerkraut or mustard. The  

Fasole cu Cârnati is a further notorious plate, a casserole which has as main ingredients  baked beans, smoked sausages with a variant called Fasole cu Afumatura in which smoked pork meat replaces the sausages.

The Mamaliga, a kind of porridge made with yellow maize flour also served with cheese, sausages, fried eggs, mushrooms or ham is another popular dish very similar to an Italian polenta, a plate generally accompanying a large variety specialities.

In the Romanian cuisine many influences are the result of several civilisations who have left important marks in the gastronomy, closely related to that, you will notice a large use of lentils, spinach, nuts, laurel and sesame ingredients used since many centuries ago by Dacian, Romans, Byzantines and Ottomans.

The capital Bucharest is situated 230,0 kilometres away in the case you land on Henri Coanda International Airport and you are planning a tailor made tour starting from that city while the nearest one is Mihail Kogalniceanu International Airport of Constanta located at just 50 minutes driving by E60 motorway via Ovidiu

If you are planning, holidays, a trip or an escapade focused to enjoy sea, sun, sport, relaxation or a Spa escapade , a good climate with an excellent gastronomy but also looking for the chance to enjoy many excursions in the immediate vicinity discovering secular historic sites, the leading tourist destination for Black Sea holidays offers all that and you will certainly fill your days during a stay with many things to do.

That corner of Romania boasts many splendid attractions with a great chance to be delighted by enjoyable, sunny holidays on a marvellous coastline in a site boasting  8000,0 metres of sandy beach which will be certainly a great choice to enjoy all that and much more.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Mamaia

Hotel Vega 
Hotel Golden Tulip Mamaia
Hotel Iaki
Hotel Splendid
Gran Hotel Rex
Hotel Delta

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