Blevio | VIPs Villas,Prehistoric Boulders and Great Lake Como Views.

Lake Como is a wonderful natural letter Y of waters surrounded by picturesque small towns,charming villages perched on splendid promontories and natural enchanting peninsulas with its most shining jewel some very famous other less,Blevio is a spectacular place on that unforgettable waters basin,situated a place with unique lake views and it is a case several VIPs have their Villas and residences there in that town,also famous for the presence of prehistoric boulders transported there by the glacier movements in that so far era.

Facing the stunning town of Cernobbio and the famed Villa D´Este with its charming bay and located on the western coast arm.A visit to Blevio is simply magnificent for its position and the picturesque landscapes that tiny centre of the Lario with approximately 1,300 inhabitants offers,all around is magic,high hills and mountains flanking the lake,a an unforgettable panoramic view over the opposite gorgeous coastline.Very close to the Capital of Lario (Como) which is only 5,5 km away,the town lies along the National Road SS 583 starting immediately after a curve in proximity of Via Torino in the city of Como facing at the beginning of its course,the splendid Villa Olmo,it is the road which leads to that paradise of the promontory of Bellagio.

The unique beauty of that place is its several panoramic views of the southern section of the lake,its peaceful atmosphere,its enchanting environment of its seven small villages,such Sorto, Girola, Maggianico, Mezzovico,Cazzanore,Sopravilla and Capovico which all together form Blevio,in the past that area was called l´area delle sette cittadine,the area of the seven small towns corresponding to those villages which were indipendent settlements,dominated by the Monte Boletto,a mountain of 1040 m of altitude.

Those current neighbourhoods of Blevio are scattered on a mountainous plateau descending towards the lake and overlooking the magnificent Brunate which dominates the city of Como on the top of the square of its famous funicular station.

It is not a case that many artists which visited that wonderful corner of Italy,such as Manzoni,Foscolo,  Lord Byron,Fogazzaro,Rossini,including Napoleon Bonaparte and Josef II Emperor of Austria were often hosted in the wonderful Villa Pliniana situated in the nearest municipality of Torno and they stopped to admire the shining and splendid views of the Lake Como from Blevio.A fascinating and enchanting place at first sight and among the favourite place for several VIPs who totally convinced of the beauty of that gorgeous tiny Eden decided to fix their residence there in Blevio,in stunning Villas and mansions such as the Italian pop stars Ivana Spagna,Milva and the famous Ukrainian footballer former Andry Shevechenko,former A.C Milan player.

The history of Blevio is recorded since prehistoric era,according many excavations along the coast of the lake.The Lario was settled by inhabitants of Celtic-Ligurian origin probably its name derives from the word then latinised Bieulius which means alive..After the Roman colonisation,as all the area Blevio suffered the invasions by Lombard, Franks and Swabians,in medieval times the history of the town has always been linked to the city of Como,due its proximity and Milan,the historic secular enemy of that city.

Blevio was an agricultural small centre with those villages which today form the municipality,before to be conquered by the Duchy of Milan and under rule of the Lords Sforza before and Visconti later,the town followed the history of all the region Lombardy,incorporated in the Kingdom of Lombardy and Veneto under Austrian-Hungarian Empire until the famous battle of San Fermo very close to Como,when all the territory was conquered by Garibaldi and the troops of the Kings of Savoy joining the Kingdom of Italy.

The Chiesa dei Santi Gordiano ed Epimaco is the Parish Church of Blevio,it is a Baroque building dated the 17th century,built on a previous Church probably dated the medieval period.The Construction consists in a wide facade built on two levels,crowned by a splendid tympanum.On one side there is the high light bell tower,built with with a lower stoned section,the bells are located in a square space on the top,with rectangular opened windows arched on the top surmounting a coloured circular watch.The interior has some relevant works as painted canvas by Nuvolone dated the 16rh century and other works by painters of Lombard school and an organ dated 19th century.

In the neighbourhood of Mezzovico,taking an old path in the past one of the most relevant used by the local populations you can admire another highlight of Blevio,something very particular all along the Lake Como the Massi Erratici,giant stones transported by the Alpine glaciers until the shores of the lake since prehistoric times.Many of Those huge stones were carved by the former local inhabitants,and others were carved and opened in a kind of stoned bath and used as tombs.

The Prea Nairola,is a huge granite monolith over 7,5 m high and 4,5 m wide protruding from the mountain at over 700 m of altitude.Looking at  that huge boulder from a distance, looks like a dinosaur or a dragon head. The Prea Nairola of Blevio was declared a national monument in the year 1984.There are legends about that kind of enormous stones where according some narrations have been seen walking in their surroundings,elves,goblins,witches and wizards who used for spells.

On those boulders were found on them engravings most recent of the prehistoric period,something indecipherable,someone linked that to someold Celtic codes saying about legends or related to their, divinities,someone said that they are magical writings, apart that there are also opinions linkink the sacred to the profane aspects,saying those giant stones were related to Saints apparitions and in the other cases to sacredness and pagan rites.

In the high part of Blevio there is a beautiful large panoramic view of the lake overlooking the city of Como,
while on its waterfront near its small harbour there is a small romantic walkway admiring the other shore of the western coast of the Lario.

From Blevio there are many chances to enjoy a multitude of beautiful excursions,the nearest Torno with the beautiful Villa Pliniana,Brunate famous for the historic funicular linking that small picturesque town and its charming centre of the city of Como,enjoying its historical medieval centre and the long Lungolago or continuing along the national road SS 583 crossing many picturesque resorts on the lakes such as Faggeto Lario,Pognana Lario,Careno, until reaching the magnificent Bellagio.

The cuisine of that area of Italy has its strong identity,you can taste excellent plates of meat and fish,the classic Polenta accompanied by sausages or Spezzatino (a beef stew in sauce),the Risotto al Pesce Persico (Rice with a local lake fish),excellent the mushrooms of the valleys,the Brasato and Bollito,beef meat,baked and boiled,the fish fried of the lake,other kind of fish as the Lavarello and the Missoltini marinated fish and a wide selection of cakes and desserts.

Lake Como is famous to offer apart the excursions and a cultural tourism a wide selections of outdoors activities,all the lake area is a paradise for water sports,such as sailing,diving and water skiing.Cycling is another beautiful experience along the coast,with many beautiful routes until the climb of Ghisallo (I wrote a post about that place) and exploring the interior,with forests and fantastic stunning natural places,the territory furthermore offers a wide variety of Mountain Bike paths,and the mountains and hills around Blevio are a great chance for all the hiking and trekking lovers.

 In the case you are planning to visit the wonderful Lake Como,visit Blevio,a great occasion to admire one of its tiny but always shining jewels on its shores.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Blevio

Casta Diva Resort
B&B Edera

Recommended Restaurants in Blevio

Ristorante Momi 

Postojna-Slovenia | Impressive Karst Cave System UNESCO Patrimony Site.

Postojna is a very famous destination of Slovenia, well known all around the world for its impressive Karst system declared UNESCO Patrimony Site consisting in that astonishing masterpiece of nature formed by those over 20 exciting kilometres formed by a  marvellous underground network of caves called Postojnska Jama, a wonderful attraction simply unforgettable.

That spectacular site is definitely one of the great attractions of that town situated in a sub region called Notrajnska in the interior of the beautiful Carniola which was historically an old Austrian stronghold, baptised by the Hapsburg with the German name Innerkrain and well known for a long time with that name.

That Slovenian centre apart that stunning highlight also has many other attractions, it is a place with a relevant historic past situated in a strategic and  important cross point of different cultures and civilisations in the heart of Europe in that splendid country which is an absolute mine of treasures despite its small size.

Postojna with its approximately 15,000 inhabitants is located at just 55, 0 kilometres South West of the Capital of the country Ljubljana reachable via Vhrnika and it has always been since many centuries ago an important junction of communication linking important cities, such as Vienna, Graz, Trieste, the mentioned major centre of the Nation but also an important hallway towards the Istrian Peninsula and the Adriatic.

 Located on a hill at an altitude of 555, 0 metres, the town is surrounded by a series of mountains which form as a sort of ring around it. The highest is the Veliki Javornik with an altitude of 1,270, 0 metres and others are the Sveti Lovrenc with its 1,020,0 metres, the Plesa which reaches an altitude of 1,263,0  metres  and the high hill of Petricev Hrid with its 930,0  metres.

Crossed by the river Pivka, that course of which has its source on a hill named Gradisce Hrib at 555, 0 metres of altitude, that stream is well known because after approximately 25, 0 kilometres it penetrates and disappears inside the grottoes of Postojna flowing for over 5, 0 kilometres inside them and appearing in proximity of another cave situated in Planina called Planjnska Jama in local language taking the name Unica and also that is a wonderful attraction.

The environment surrounding that area is absolutely beautiful with mountains, rivers, streams, a wide green valley, splendid forests and the view of the Alps of the upper Carniola and in addition the proximity of the picturesque lake Jezero Cerknica is another splendid wonder of that territory.

That municipality arouse in the middle of a land which was since a long time ago a point considered a main transit for merchants, traders, nobles, artists, Imperial dynasties and in which the German, Austrian, Italian, the Slavic and Hungarian cultures met themselves in that centre in a geographic area which was protagonist of many historic events.

Postojna was for long time a destination for the nobility linked to the Hapsburg House which enjoyed that place for its uncontaminated atmosphere, including it was a place which called the Venetian traders very active also in that land despite that famous Marine Republic developed its major businesses on coastal territories and later mainly populated by the first Slavic settlers who from east reached the centre of Europe. 

The local history is very attractive and that area was inhabited since the Iron Age according to archaeological excavations with important artifacts found in the municipal boundaries and including settled by the Illyrians who were the first important civilisation who established official villages in that land.

After that population the current town was an important Roman settlement, when that powerful Empire incorporated that territory in its domains and integrated in a large region called Noricum which extended from Austria to Hungary including part of Southern Germany, Northeastern Italy, the Northern Croatia and Slovenia.

After the Roman colonisation and the fall of that Empire, that land suffered several invasions by different populations from East and North among them the Huns,  Avars and Goths and started to flourish in the Middle Ages exactly in the  14th century.

In 1371 it was already ruled by the Austrian Hapsburg and from a simple former village it obtained in a very short time the title of Burg, a town in 1432 to be a very active centre and including in that period it was a relevant headquarter of the Austrian government hosted in Arlsberg Schloss, a former castle situated on a mountain called Crna Sovic.

Unfortunately that fortress was devastated by a fire and that Institution was translated in a new one erected in the centre of the town.

That site lived its golden ages in the 19th century, with the construction of the railway line Vienna-Ljubljana-Trieste and furthermore in that period was also developed an important road linking that centre to the city of Maribor via the capital Ljubljana which was definitely a very relevant junction between Central Europe and a gateway leading to the Adriatic Sea in proximity of the current Croatia.

Thanks to those great connections, the attractions of the discovered Caves, Predjamskj Grad, the notorious Castle of Predaj, the scenic beauty of that region, the town became a major tourist centre since then as well as being a relevant healthy and relaxing resort due to its cool climate and peaceful atmosphere.

In 1909 the former Burg was awarded with a further title, that of Stadt , a city, for its constant development and prosperous activities in a time in which the commerce of fabric, minerals and salt coming from Portoroz made that place a considerable hub of trade. (In the case you are interested I wrote a post about that Adriatic resort)

.After the 1st War with the fall of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, that town which was called Arlsberg moved under Italian Kingdom rule with the Savoy House as new Royalty and the name was changed before in Postumia and later in Postumia Grotte  meaning grottoes of Postojna for the presence of the caves and incorporated in the County of Trieste.

At the end of the 2nd War after the tumultuous operations derived by the Morgan Line (if you want to know more that I wrote a post about Branik talking about that) that centre which was occupied by German troops became part of the former Republic of Yugoslavia and named in Slovenian language Postojna.

In that period there were several changes in terms of new maps, borders arrangements and new geographic designs including a new organisations of small agglomeration called Naselje small centres which were previously independent municipalities incorporated in the administration of Postojna. 

All that happened during the time of Josip Broz well known as Marshal Tito, the new leader of that former Socialist country and the former Arslberg and Postumia changed face with many hamlets and villages scattered around the caves entering to be part of its municipal boundaries.

Under Yugoslavian rule, Postojna was one of the most visited attractions of the entire country and the 70s were authentic golden ages for the tourism in that corner of Slovenia, that place was a pride and distinctive symbol to show to Europe and the world with pride.

Notable flows of foreign tourists reached that destination also because that country never entered in the Warsaw Pact and many tourists in particular from France, Great Britain and USA visited that place with extreme easiness for the pretty good relationships established with the former Government of Belgrade.

If those years were a superb success the 80s started furthermore better, receiving over 1 million of tourists a year, a fantastic incoming result, simply outstanding considering the size of that town.

A strong decline of tourism came after the war in the former Yugoslavia in the 90s and those years corresponded to a period of transition. There was in 1991 the proclamation of independence of Slovenia, a new Tourism Board and many things to do.

Notable flows returned to be very active approximately a decade later with an impressive incoming revival touching index of almost 600,000 tourists a year in that new course of such young Republic.

They were definitely, very positive numbers, considering a war, a separation from a former Nation and it was not easy to rebuild a new organisation due to new systems and operations of the local Institutions including the tourism industry had to restart new campaigns but all that thanks to excellent efforts brought brilliant and successful results. 

The hopes of the Slovenian Tourism Board and the local Operators are those to come back to those numbers around the million of visitors of the past or in most positive hypothesis for someone with a big European community and without Visas much better.

The increasing of tourism created several new facilities, services around that touristic destination with new Hotels, accommodations, restaurants and camping. 

Many National Tour Operators, included Postojna in Tours with radial excursion from other towns such as Ljubliana, Portoroz, Maribor and combined with the beautiful Bled, Bohinj and also Lipica (I wrote a post about that other historic site linked to its marvellous horses)

Including from the nearest Italian Region of Friuli Venezia and the nearest Croatia, there are several excursions arranged by local Tour Operators from Trieste, Gorizia, Rijeka, Opatija, Pula and other points to go to visit those iconic caves in Slovenian territory.

All that is undoubtedly great because a tourist spending holidays in those pleasant places can enjoy a visit to a UNESCO Patrimony Site returning home with very glad memories after a visit admiring something of simply unique and wonderful.

Postojna created its little empire around its attractions and what it is also really impressive despite the intense affluence of visitors that town receives, apart the construction of some new buildings, the local Institutions intelligently organised those establishments in specific areas preserving the image of the environment which is attractive as in the past and nothing ruined the pleasant aspect and also that is very appreciated by many people.

The centre of the town is concentrated in a specific point in which converge three important roads such as Ljubljanska Cesta located at north east, Titova Cesta which connects the core of the municipality to the southwestern boundaries and Jamska Cesta which links the core of that site to its northern side in direction of the river Pivka and the caves. 

Titov Trg is the heart of that centre an important square from which start several streets of relevance such as Presernova Ulica and Ulica 1 Maja which leads to Zelezniska Postaja the railway station situated at east approximately 10 minutes walking from the heart of the municipality.

You can start the visit from that great attraction, those caves which are situated about 600, 0 metres from the inhabited area, the emblematic Postojnska Jama. 

Those magnificent grottoes which receive visitors from all around the world to admire its splendour and beauty started to be famous in the 17th century when Janez Vajkard Valvasor wrote a relation and described those marvels with many details practically unknown by a multitude people.

Someone already had visited some corners of that mine of hidden treasures but nobody could image that inside there was a network of tunnels, galleries, chambers, passages and much more a spectacular show of nature with authentic masterpieces. 

Valvasor with his documentation and places he discovered in long journeys across that marvellous labyrinth illustrated many important aspects of that unique attraction and including that man was the pioneer to narrate the work of the river Pivka, the formation of the rocks, the course of the water and the fauna existing inside those stunning caves. 

Luka Cec was another prominent figure linked to Postojnska Jama, practically the successor of that character and he was one of the most important explorers since 1818 reaching points of that Karst system until that time totally unexplored. Cec in a complete dossier also enumerated the stalagmites and stalactites present on different walls, he discovered the presence of further fauna and he completed in a great way the work of that predecessor.

After other several visits in 1872 there was the construction of the first passages while two years later was installed the electric system, giving lights to that spectacular place to show the world the shining treasures highlighting those fabulous grottoes.

The caves are simply impressive forming a festival of colours, stalactites and stalagmites of different length, width and thickness and much more formed during different geologic period and some of them represent special images neither the science cannot explain. 

All that was the result by the calcium carbonate contained in the water but it is really stunning to admire something that it is like a masterpiece by a sculptor, you can admire there, sort of tapered columns, double vaults with marvellous stalactites, natural arches, including images representing kind of ice creams or other picturesque silhouettes as columns with pedestals and other magnificent and impressive examples.

Very relevant are also the contrasts of colours on the rocky walls due to the different indexes of moisture caused by the flow of the river during its course crossing the caves. Another important and relevant aspect is the temperature inside those grottoes, which is always constant between 8º and 10º degrees and never changes. All that allows the karst process which develops the spectacular formation of the most beautiful famous and visitable caves in Europe and in the world and including the reproduction of a determined fauna which find in those specific climatic conditions a perfect habitat to survive.

The presence of rare species of Proteus Anguinus, an amphibian with a similar to an eel with a pinkish skin rare and other smaller part of the same branch added furthermore to special small beetles only found there are also part of the marvels of that site which apart tourists also call several scientist to study and discover more and more.

Inside also works a little train and a service consisting in a guided visit which approximately endures 1 hour and half. Every corner of that spectacular place is very charming and you will admire many chambers, denominations took by their specific formation and particularity as the Hall of the Concerts for the echo and sounds generated in that striking space, or Hall of Brilliants for the shining reflections as gems or diamonds and others such as   Planina, Otok, Pivka Abyss and the Black caves.

Those grottoes are all together an outstanding hymn to the miracles of nature, impressive and unique in their kind.

The longitude is approximately 20,570 kilometres and they are situated at an altitude of 680, 0 metres and the deepest point is approximately 115, 0 metres. Not all those over 20, 0 kilometres are reachable, the electrical train takes the visitor until a point and after that the visit continue along a path.

The visit is with guide and there are others apart the most famous, they can be explored with torch, special shoes and helmet.

Postojnska Jama are an emblematic symbol of the country and they appear in stamps published in 2013 and in the 2 Euro coin to celebrate the anniversary of the discovery and they are always protagonist in TV documentaries and films dedicated to the beauties of the World.

 Also a historic event is linked to them in occasion of the 2nd World War when Slovenia was occupied by the Wermacht, the German troops. Those grottoes were used as fuel store and that place suffered an attack by the Yugoslavian Partizani, the Partisans loyal to the Marshal Tito and that assault generated a fire and part of the caves were damaged.

Approximately 6, 0 kilometres from that fabulous place in direction of the fortress of Predjanskj Grad, I suggest you a visit to Kozolec Toplar which is a timber construction dated the late 19th century built in oak, fir and larch. 

That wooden structure was used for many purposes, storing wood, wheat, hay, utensils, objects and tools of the of the old farmers and it is a lively representation of a ethnological museum illustrating the work in the forests and in the countryside since the 19th century in Slovenia and one of the better preserved of the entire country.

About 4, 0 kilometres from that site you can admire the famous medieval fortress Predjanskj Grad, the Castle of Predjama an impressive building arranged on four levels, built in the early 13th century

That castle is located on an imposing rocky wall of 123, 0 metres of altitude and its current aspect is due to several restorations it had which gave it a Renaissance image.

The facade of the building consists in two huge adjacent walls flanked on one side by a further smaller one which form a corner of that construction. On them you can see a series of rectangular windows lined in symmetry and covering about the half of the facades while the entrance consists in an arched doorway situated on the right side next to a stoned wall.

The upper section consists in gray separated inclined gable roofs and the structure is the result of works by the noble families Kibenzl and Gallenberg and that place was later residence of a legendary local character, the famous Baron Erasmus Lueger with a long and a very suggestive history to narrate, for many people very captivating, rich of mysteries and suppositions.

The Baron Lueger is considered a legend because nobody exactly knows the real identity of that noble man, considered a knight or a bandit by some people for others a sort of Robin Hood or Zorro helping the humble inhabitants, or  a Doctor Jackill- Mr.Hyde with a double life and probably just his servants knew him.

There are many stories and suppositions linked to that enigmatic figure, I listen some there about that character linked to true historic documentations other which embrace legends.

 That mysterious man who was the Baron of Innerkrant captivated since a long time ago the curiosity of the tourists and for everybody, the histories narrated are very attractive, fascinating and for many one of the great highlights of Postojna in its kind.

Legends and a sort of magic aura surround the profile of such figure who lived in that castle, someone said he was titled by the Austrian Emperor Frederick II of Austria, for merit and honours linked to his services to the motherland and military value, others who was a descendant directly linked to the Hapsburg House but he decided to live in Slovenia and never he came back to his country.

The history tells that such character lived in that manor as a Prince and in determined hours of the day he disappeared for a long time, entire days riding his horse across the Carniola, or towards Ljubljana and coming back to Predjanski Grad with the spoils of his robberies such as money, jewels, gold and objects of relevant value.

The castle was erected next to a wide cave and Lueger used it when he discovered a long tunnel, a hidden passage which was exit and entrance for his raids crossing the river Vipava, immediately on the other side of that hidden rocky hallway.

 Suspects or evidence, the Emperor's soldiers checked him for months and years outside the fortress and that aristocrat was killed only by the treachery of a servant, who informed the guards at times when the man went to sleep.

The servant called the Baron with an excuse, the noble man lit a candle and an Austrian guard in presence of that light illuminating the room killed that aristocrat with a musket shot crossing the window. 

That is the history or legend I listen during an Educational trip there, many are other versions despite that is the most popular and famous, including the most suggestive that his spirit is alive around that castle riding his horse.

Linked to that in proximity of the current highway leading to Ljubljana, there is a bridge still remembering the times of the Baron and that place is called Ravbarkomanda, the site of the house of the bandit.

That Bridge is remembered by the story-telling of the former local farmers who told the sons and the younger generations told that on that bridge saw the Bandit riding his horse and all that is linked to the history of the legendary Baron Erasmus Lueger.

All that for many visitors is highly and greatly suggestive and every year in July there is a Folk Medieval event remembering those times and of course the Baron is also represented and all people wears medieval clothes in a sort of revival of those times. 

Predjanskj Grad has its caves and they are situated on different levels due to the course of the underground river Lokva and a curiosity every cave has its nickname and including some linked to the Baron such as the eye of Erasmus and the Fizenc on the upper level, the horses stable

The gallery with those names corresponds to the main grotto and in them there are the signatures of the first visitors dating back the 15th century.

The third level correspond to the entrance and the 4th level is where flows the river Lokva in a place in which its waters meet during its course the others of the river Vipava

There is another cave pretty interesting in the case you are interested called Zahodni Rov consisting in the western passage and that place is generally explored by experienced and professional speleologists.

The Carniola is a karst region, with specific caves boasting a secular and particular formation of rocks and the grottoes are a great attraction for numerous scientists and geologists. 

Postojna to support all that and to give more information for further studies has a very important centre linked to the Science Academy of Slovenia with a headquarter in the town, very famous all around the world for its deep and meticulous studies and publications linked to relevant scientific researches of very high level.

The name of that notable Institution is Institut za Raziskovanje Krasa Zrc Zazu and such studies are subdivided in speleology, geology, mineralogy, hydro geology, hydro chemistry and obviously analysis of different fragments.

That relevant Institute contains several thousands of karst pieces and in addition an extensive archive with a multitude of information explaining in many details all the discoveries emerged during years of analysis and research.

Another important highlight of the town is Postojna Notrajnski Muzej. It is a very interesting exhibition dedicated to archaeology, geology, history and everything related to the local territory, including documentations about artifacts found in the Notrjanska Region, in the municipality and its surroundings so if you are interested also that visit is very suggested.

The Slovenian town also has its Parish Church, Cerkev Sveto Stefana, a Baroque Religious building erected in 1777 by Leopold Hofer and dedicated to St. Stephen containing relevant frescoes by Domenico Fabrio and Andrej Herling

When you are in Postojna the surrounding area will offer you a wide range of opportunities to enjoy many outdoor activities, such as trekking and hiking on its hills and the mountains Sveti Lovrenc, Veliki Javornik, Plesa and Petricev.

The presence of rivers as the Pivka and the Vitava are excellent to practise rowing and canoeing and all the area has excellent places also to enjoy mountain bike and cycling in direction Ljubljana and in all the Notrjanska.

I suggest you a great place, that area is very indicated for all, if you love cycling it is great but it is also splendid for its patrimony and it is Rakov Skocjan, a protected area since the times of the former Yugoslavia, when in 1949 the Tourist Institutions elevated it as protected nature reserve and it is the oldest landscape park area of the entire country.

That place is very famous for the presence of two iconic natural sites called Veliki naravni most and Mali naravni most; they are two natural bridges in a beautiful wild valley crossed by the river Rak.

In that area you can admire two other caves simply wonderful one is called Zelske Jame, which receives the waters of the nearest small lake Cerknisko Jezero and another one named Tkalca Jama, the cave of the weaver, that name because there is a stalagmite which has a shape as a human figure who seems is working next to a loom apart other formations pretty special. 

That attraction was mentioned by the explored Valvasor in his documentations edited in Die Ehre des Herzogthums Krain which translated means the Glory of the Duke of Carniola narrating that naïve and ingenuous local farmers and peasants looking at those stalagmites they thought they were animals, humans or divinities.

Cerkvici Sveto Kancijana is another attraction consisting in the ruins of the Church of St. Cantianus a former Religious building which originally was erected in Neo-Gothic style in the 17th century, you can see part of the facade and some remnants of the walls and that place is also pretty famous to be a notable archaeological site with found dating back the iron age.

Other places ideal for trekking and mountain bike is all the area around the nearest small centres of Bukovje and Studeno, it is a hilly territory immediately north of the outskirts of Postojna.

Those places are famous because in their boundaries took place clashes between the Yugoslavian partisan brigade Vladimir Gortan Partizani Brigada of Tito and a Division of the German troops flanked by the Cetniki of the General Draza Mihailovic loyal to the King Petar Kararjordjevic II in the 2nd World War on 20th October 1944, so if you are fond about history and concretely linked to those times, those places are pretty relevant.

Tourism, Folklore and Festivals give that centre a relevant position and fame in all the country. The town celebrates many events, apart the famous medieval feast linked to Predjanski Grad, another popular feast is Jakobovo Dan, the day of Jacob, and the Furmanski Praznik, drivers of the carriages is another very popular event. 

Another festival dedicated to the farmers and foresters of the past and of the current times called Gozdar in kmet nekoc, Krompijeva Noc, the Night of the potatoes. Very famous is also Zmaj ma mlade, the Dragon and the young an event festival dedicated to that legendary figure the dragon and furthermore the Slovenian town hosts a very famous Blues Festival.

Local cuisine offers a wide selection of plates, result of the Austrian, Italian and Slavic influences. The Jota very similar to that made in Trieste and Istria is a stew prepared with beans, cabbage and smoked bacon very common in all the Carniola.

The famed and delicious Kraskj Prsut is the local traditional ham very appreciated for its tastefully flavour and if you are interested there are great routes to know that great product. The Kranjska Klobasa Karst is a kind of sausage often present on the Slovenian tables and it accompanies the previous delights in buffets, appetisers and starters.

Very popular is the Zganci a sort of puree or polenta prepared with semolina and flour and they can be combined in soups or with other plates and often served with sauerkraut. 

A further common recipe is the Fritaja, an omelette prepared with garlic, herbs, asparagus and flavoured by spices and there are variants with mushrooms, bacon, ham and minced sausages.

There is an excellent variety of meat, pork, lamb and beef with an ample variety of casseroles and stews; one of the most famed is the Obara.
Notable is production of recipes linked to bakery and desserts, one of the most traditional speciality are the Struklij very famous in all the country. They are fried slices of pastry filled by different ingredients such as nuts, honey, apple, sultana, including poppy seeds and with some of those ingredients is also prepared the famed Prekmurska Gibanica.

 Excellent is a a relevant presence of a very good selection of local fine wines really excellent such as local  Sauvignon, Merlot, Movia Veliko Brda, Chardonnay, Teran, Vitovska and Pinot.

White and red wines are all very versatile, not too strong but with body, texture and a vivid and pure colour. Many of them can accompany starters, appetisers, the local Cabernet and Sauvignon are perfect with salami and red meat, while a fine local white Sutor Chardonnay is great with fish and seafood. 

All those products are very palatable wines at the first sip and you will feel the aroma of a robust grape cultivated at an ideal altitude, signal it is a wine of relevant quality. About other kind of drinks do not miss to try the Slivovka which is the most traditional plum brandy of the country. 

Visiting Slovenia and the Carniola is something always great, beautiful landscapes, many places rich of history and charm and Postojna is a must all to enjoy for its impressive karst cave system  UNESCO Patrimony Site something unique and which will live in your memories forever.

That castle with the mystery of Erasmus Lueger and several other captivating corners of that charming land will be a great desire to discover more and more that place, a splendid place which always transmits something of extremely fascinating and once visited and loved, it will be a see you soon returning there in future once again.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Postojna

Hotel Jama
Hotel Kras
Apartments Grmek

Recommended Restaurants in Postojna

Restaurant Taberna Grajska
Restaurant Spajza

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