Ravda-Bulgaria | Relaxing, Sunny Escapade next to Nessebar.

Ravda is a very pleasant destination in Bulgaria, a place more than recommended for all the tourists who are searching a relaxing, sunny escapade next to Nessebar, one of the most shining pearls on the shore of the Black Sea situated just 4,0 kilometres away, a very famous centre well known for its incomparable beauty boasting a unique historic patrimony  nicknamed the Bulgarian Dubrovnik and The Pearl of the Black Sea included in the list of World Heritage sites by UNESCO since 1983.

Part of the province of Burgas facing a spectacular wide bay which extends from Pomorje up that magnificent centre, that site lies on a scenic peninsula called Cape Ravda subdivided in two magnificent sections forming two stunning arched gulfs greatly highlighted by a wonderful sandy stretch which spreads out on an area of of approximately 57,000 square metres.

Along the local littoral you can enjoy  unforgettable panoramic views simply and at just 5,0 kilometres of distance lies Slanchev Bryag also known as Sunny Beach, the major seaside resorts of the country which started to be developed in 1958 and today it boasts approximately 800 hotels well known to be a site hosting the celebrations of important festivals.

With its approximately current 1,900 official residents that small but with a high reputation seaside centre is located at just 31, 0 kilometres north of the splendid and captivating city of Burgas.

That is certainly a great option apart the vicinity with the chance to visit one of the most historic cities of the Nation well known for its rich historical, monumental patrimony but because it also provides an important International Airport which permits in less than 40 minutes to reach Ravda.

Located halfway between the tip of Pomorje and Cape Emona , the Black Sea in that specific stretch is considered among the most enchanting of the entire coastline  which in that section shows all its charm with fantastic changes of scenery and a unique biodiversity in just a few kilometres. 

That area furthermore boasts an impressive historic heritage left many centuries ago by the emblematic Thracian Greek, Byzantine civilisations, that is also an additional incentive for all the visitors who during an enjoyable stay in a seaside resort can have the chance to admire in a stunning environment with the opportunity to know history, art, archaeological sites linked to those considerable, ancient populations.

That charming resort has reached in the last years a notable popularity and apart its natural beauty all around its boundaries, many are the reasons which placed that destination in the highest ranking of the Bulgarian tourism industry making it a very loved place by many people to spend very pleasant holidays.

Ravda is a site on a human scale, the distances from a place to another are very short, all is pretty well concentrated permitting to reach different areas with extreme easiness with a long promenade which invites to long, relaxing walks for the joy of numerous tourist.

A wide range of very comfortable accommodations such as luxury, family Hotels, fully equipped apartments, rooms for rent represent all together a complete network absolutely perfect to satisfy the most varied demands, exigencies, budgets and a further relevant detail is that they are very close to the beach, an aspect more than appreciated by a lot of visitors.

That special, varied fan in terms of hospitality structures obviously have enchanted several markets, many in recent times are the tourists coming from Germany, Finland but also from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland with in addition notable Russian incoming flows.

The temperatures play another important role, in summer they are constant around 22-23°C  degrees with maximum peaks reaching 27-28°C in very rare cases making Ravda never too hot while that of the water is generally around 25-26 °C, undoubtedly a great climatic condition to swim and immediately after enjoying tonic and pleasant sunbaths.

An additional positive, beloved factor is that the Bulgarian resort is also well known for its over 2,100 sunshine hours a year, certainly another very attractive invitation.

The topic regarding "sun" is also a notable local feature because at that latitude the risk of skin cancer is extremely low during the exposure with  the coefficient of nanometres linked to the intensity of UVA rays abundantly below the average index of danger.

All that was transmitted in many Educational organised for foreign Outgoing Tour Operators,  Travel Agencies since the times of the tourist boom with destination the Black Sea some decades ago, a theme which later was introduced with scientific dates in important Congresses, Conferences with the chance for every participant to note live those dates

Those features are undoubtedly joy and happiness for all those who adore to stay hours and hours under a warm sun without risks.

 Very ventilated evenings and nights due to the cool breeze coming from the nearest Balkan Mountains also delight a multitude of people who thanks to that can spend a lot of time outdoor in addition so happy for a total absence of humidity.

The uncontaminated atmosphere due to a total absence of industries in that area made Ravda very successful not just as a common seaside resort but also as a renowned climatic destination of considerable level elevating itself since a long time ago simply perfect forall those who suffer respiratory problems.

All people with those kinds diseases apart the fabulous beaches can enjoy in a sort of magnificent natural therapy the nearest forests, wonderful green lungs totally virgin next to the heights in the immediate interior, an outstanding presence for a great, healthy and salubrious oxygenation.
All those superb qualities are directly linked to the establishment of excellent Spa centres established in the area which apart to offer great therapies also provide highly prepared staff always ready to suggest with extreme professionality trendy sessions with the chance to return home fresh, tonic, regenerated, in perfect physical and mental conditions.

The local complexes offer a wide range of treatments related to beauty & wellness, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, anti-aging anti stress sessions, massages, thermal baths and much more.  

All that is another option very loved by a large number of people who during an enjoyable holiday can have those magnificent opportunities to look after their bodies and aesthetic image.

Next to all those positive qualities and features there are many others which attract a myriad of visitors. 
A varied network of fine cafes, cosy bars offers opportunities to enjoy pleasant breaks enjoying a cool drink anytime next to local restaurants providing a delectable local cuisine with also International specialities inserted in menu à la carte. 

Certainly all that is a complete proposal very attractive about catering & gastronomy services offering a culinary variety which is also what a tourist frequently searches during a stay.
Excellent are also the transport services which permit to reach Burgas by an efficient bus line with departures every half hour to that superb city and others every 20 minutes taking you to Nessebar and Zlatni Pyasatasi.

Those facilities are very appreciated by many people offering the opportunity to move to other attractive places of that stupendous coastline visiting those marvels in a very easy way.
Several are the chances of visits, excursions in the immediate proximity by car if you are enjoying a very suggested Fly & Drive reaching in a very short time by motorway E87 Sveti Vlas (I wrote a post regarding that resort if you are interested), Elenite the previously mentioned Cape Emona at north and Pomorje at south among others.

The latter is a beautiful place well known for its considerable, historic past but also for its scenic appeal located on a striking coastal stretch highlighted by charming coves, small inlets with two wonderful gulfs, the local and that facing Burgas Bay.

In addition you will be enchanted by the wonderful view of the wonderful resort of Chernomorets, a site which offers in all its splendour an unforgettable image composed by an astonishing succession of four fabulous sharp promontories, ideal site to be immortalised without hesitations by the most enthusiastic photographers.

The easy access to the Balkan Mountains with a complete fan of outdoor activities covering different kinds of tourism niches such as cultural, historic, adventure, trekking, gastronomic and also Religious is undoubtedly a great option to plan day by day something of extremely varied and interesting.

The presence of several old Churches, Monasteries, many scenic trails leading to wonderful heights, nature reserves with kilometres of magnificent intact forests are certainly fantastic chances to discover the beautiful Bulgarian interior all aspects to take in high consideration for those who love a complete tourism.

For the visitors who desire to know the charm of the true, genuine rural Bulgaria not far from the resort you can reach attractive, calm villages such as Kosharitsa, Kozichino and Dyulino all them surrounded by picturesque landscapes with verdant hilly plateaus and large meadows.

Apart all those captivating offers  which all together increased important flows of tourism, an additional positive quality of Ravda is that despite the construction of new structures, infrastructures it never had a change which transformed it in a giant resort.  

That site is easily accessible without difficulty with an absence of intense traffic, no problems for parking and the tourists can find there many peaceful corners to enjoy very relaxing times.

All year that site is extremely calm, a very tranquil haven extremely inviting except obviously summer season when the peaks of occupation are pretty high. 

Also the local history is pretty interesting despite Ravda always lived in the shade of that shining, shimmering diamond named Nessebar but that tiny settlement saw in its current boundaries the passage of important civilisations and furthermore it is highlighted by suggestive legends. 

As in many place there are always narrations evoking remote, mystical stories and the denomination of the resort is particularly related to that with the Classical Hellenic world as protagonist, an ancient, captivating culture well known for an eternal sublimation in literary works of iconic Gods highlighting epic events or closely linked to curious mythological episodes as in the case of that resort.
A legend tells that the former small village was inhabited in ancient times by a few fishermen, some shepherds and farmers who originally populated the immediate interior and one of those inhabitants was a pretty girl called Ravdalina.

It said that Poseidon or Neptune well known as one of the twelve venerated Olympian divinities of the iconic Pantheon, God of the Sea, earthquakes, storms  visited that site falling in love with that young woman asking her to follow him in his Reign but that girl refused that invitation generating anger in that powerful figure who very furious destroyed that tiny centre. 

In a following period a new settlement was founded in the same place once again taking the name of that female character so famous for that episode.

Another version is that it was founded by a local called Ravadin while a further remote narration is related to a local tyrant, a terrible landowner not very friendly with his vassals often beating them with a "Ravda" long stick in an old Slavic expression, that is another suggestive hypothesis of the possible to denomination of the current resort.

Historically that Bulgarian coastline was settled by Thracian tribes who developed some hamlets close to Menebria corresponding to the current Nessebar founded in the 2nd Millenium BC. 

All that is certified and attested by archaeological excavations which took place some years ago with the discovery of items, objects dating back that ancient Southeastern European civilisation.

Also the Greeks occupied that coast in the 6th century BC when a group of Dorians colonists from Megara, an ancient city of the Western Attica created a network of activities mainly concentrated in trade, fishing but also with a very relevant productive life which included the manufacture of silver and bronze coins.

Also regarding those settlers were discovered some artifacts in the immediate vicinity of Ravda with others findings found in the local seabed confirming that notable historic presence.

The Romans who started their campaigns of colonisation in 71 BC incorporated that land in an official province of the Empire in the 1st century during the times of the 4th Emperor of Rome, Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus well known as the grandfather of Caligula.

That Imperial civilisation developed an important maritime network consisting in small harbours which permit to its fleet in different stages of navigation to reach several points of the Black Sea and from there the Bosphorus strait.

Those operations were afterwards enlarged during the times of the Emperors Trajan and Diocletian with new routes leading to the Southern Mediterranean with destination the territories of Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt in those times colonies of the powerful Rome.

That entire coastline since then was  also considered a more than strategic local point of reference for military purposes due to a notable access with two large bays and heights with an ample view over the local peninsula controlling the entire road leading to Burgas perfect places used for the organisation of a considerable defencive system.
That territory in medieval times became a domain of the Byzantines but started to live very tumultuous periods when it was conquered in 812 by Khan Krum leader of the first Imperial Bulgarian dynasty.  

That character was well known because he doubled during his reign the territory of that new emergent reality in the Balkans but losing that land in occasion of a new clash with  that Empire with capital Constantinople in 863 during the times of Tsar Boris Mikhail I.

Despite all that just one year later there was a re-conquest of those territories with protagonist Simeon the Great son of that figure who re-incorporated those lands in that Slavic Empire once again.

That rule endured until the 14th century when a Crusade led by the Count of Savoy Amadeus VI conquered in 1366 the Bulgarian coastline returning it to the Byzantine Empire in the same age.
All those historic stages happened before that Ravda fell under Ottoman rule in 1453 during the times of the Sultan Mehmed II son of Murad II also well known as The Conqueror ,a character who reached an extreme notoriety for the iconic conquest of the former Byzantium, the current Istanbul in the same age when he was only 21 years old

That event had a notable resonance because determined the fall of the Byzantine Empire and its long historic cycle as ruler in the Balkans and in the Middle East with the start-up of the Turkish hegemony in those territories.

The Turks once owner of the entire Bulgarian coastline concentrated all their most important activities in the most relevant centres as the case of the nearest Nessebar.

Ravda was in that time a very small settlement with tiny agglomerations consisting in scattered houses in proximity of the coast inhabited by fishermen of Greek origin, descendants of the first Dorian settlers, structures mainly used to collect the fish catch which was distributed in the markets of that famed town.

The Ottoman rule endured a long time until the late 19th century when on 3rd March 1878 in occasion of the notorious Treaty of San Stefano celebrated in the current Yesilkoy, a small centre west of Istanbul was decreed the autonomy of the current country after over four centuries of Turkish domination.

 That event was the prelude of the birth of the autonomous Monarchy of Bulgaria, with the advent on the Royal throne of the Kohari Dynasty, branch of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha with some years later the proclamation of the Independence on 22nd September 1908.

The times corresponding to the Balkan Wars which took place in 1912 and 1913 are historically well known for the infamous replacements of inhabitants in those different Nations which participated to those events such as Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro.

That was a dark page of the history of those States characterised by massive exoduses of civil populations from a country to another.  

Also Ravda suffered those sad times when it started to be populated by a large number of Bulgarian people many of them coming from Thessaloniki one of the most important cities of Greece and others from Northern Turkey.

An old Greek community direct descendant of the ancient colonists left that land returning to the motherland while the new Slavic settlers became in a short time the predominant population. 

Since then Ravda started its development under Nessebar administration in a period corresponding to the 20's in which there was a new territorial subdivision with new emergent urban realities during the times of Boris III son of King Ferdinand I.
Born from a rib of that notorious coastal centre before its escalation as a tourist destination of relevance that site continued its life as a humble fishing village for a long time with a very limited tourism also due to a lack of accommodations. 

It was mainly known by locals who during weekends visited that marvellous centre and from time to time stopping to admire Ravda considered just a sort of stunning prolongation flanking that ancient prestigious place.

Around the 30's thanks to the great historic patrimony and the stupendous beauty of the Pearl of the Black Sea which was protagonist for the construction of considerable accommodations that seaside village began day by day to be visited and appreciated more with the first signals of development.
All that happened because in some occasions the Bulgarian Royal Family reached that place more than once with King Boris III who during his holidays usually met the new inhabitants protagonists of that mentioned Diaspora.

After the Second World War when the country was living the Socialist regime times entering in the Soviet sphere with the abolishment of the Monarchy in 1946 with the last King, the Tsar Simeon II Ravda had a relevant change.

The Black Sea coast was very well known all around the country for its wonderful sandy beaches, a dreamland for many and the rulers started to establish summer camps offering cheap stays and that relaxing, sunny site next to Nessebar was mainly selected for that.

The facilities were not many it became a destination focused to host a specific niche of tourists receiving several students and families linked to the social worker class next to establishment of some camping activities.

Some years later Ravda was adapted to receive pensioners and people with respiratory diseases landing there for curative reasons thanks to an uncontaminated atmosphere, operations which were pioneers of the first steps for a consolidation as climatic resort.

Despite those mutations, that site continued to live pretty hidden beneath a wing of Nessebar for other years but many things changed especially after the end of the hegemony of Todor Zhivkov who ruled the Socialist country for 18 years since 1971.

That event which was the chapter related to the collapse of the Commmunist system saw a country with many desires of change highlighted by hopes and dreams to have a new European dimension with a different identity. 

Over the 90's Ravda started to live a new era thanks to some entrepreneurs with a fervent enthusiasm to establish new businesses in the Tourism Industry starting to detect  notable potential  resources for all what that place could offer.

An increasing development in the last decade in terms of tourist operations focused to enlarge an Incoming activity constantly in progress made that the seaside resort is nowadays an outstanding and superb spot of that ravishing Southeastern European coastline which is a mine of surprises from north to south highlighted by stunning marvels also in small centres.
The construction of some new comfortable Hotels next a network of different kinds of accommodations next to the restoration or replacement of those few old existing refurbishing the meantime infrastructures, communications and the local transports were other important stages of relevance.

The proximity of Burgas and much more the superb Nessebar were definitely very exciting and challenging chances to create something of extremely trendy, highly demanded, a desired destination in a place which although for many  people was almost undiscovered or unknown was undoubtedly a place with a considerable potentiality of future success.

That resort could easily attract tourists for its stupendous beaches, an immaculate environment, notable climatic conditions, landscapes absolutely fabulous with all around sites of considerable historic value and that project became reality.  

A strategic promotion by the Bulgarian Tourism Board next to local Tour Operators which started to illustrate the many brilliant chances that small resort could offer depicted as a new emergent reality was certainly a winning key.  

 After Educational organised with invitations mainly direct to foreign Outgoing Travel Organisations with proposals launched in meetings and important International Tourism Fairs at the end of the 90's Ravda was finding since then its dimension as affirmed seaside resort.

It was since the beginning a successful boom because those operations were very appreciated by many Travel Agents from abroad who after special visits  discovered "live"  the great perspectives  that site offered including in its immediate vicinity and all that was undoubtedly a very significant incentive to have a positive, operative start-up.

That period also corresponded to the beginning of a development of a new stage creating the first network of Spa complexes with the opening of modern, well equipped, trendy centres offering a vast choice of therapies and treatments.

All that was thought for the relevant  tradition of the country thanks to sort of miraculous spring waters,perfect climatic conditions which found in a place as Ravda a very fertile soil to implant those activities. 

New facilities and services linked to that niche of tourism started to be very appreciated with campaigns which had the aim to launch a message transmitting healthy holidays combined to seaside stays enjoying sun, beach but also that inviting proposal which obviously captured many tourists.

The first operations were originally sensitive to people with respiratory problems for the uncontaminated atmosphere but also for those with bone and rheumatic diseases thanks to the chance of thermal baths. 

Others were connected to dermatology therapies with that advantage that the local sun rays permit very long sunbaths without risks favouring benefits and improvements with specific curative sessions. 

The brilliant chance to offer selected natural and trendy products dermatologically tested enlarged the offer to beauty and wellness and all that was extremely successful. 

Additional treatments related to anti stress and anti-aging started to be highly loved by many visitors for a use of natural lotions and creams, the feedback was highly positive and several people returned to that place once again after very positive experiences.

The core of Ravda is practically arranged in proximity of its sunny beaches which are an enchanting landmark very close to the major part of the accommodations.

Ulitsa Nessebar is one of the main avenues directly leading to that iconic centre with the same name towards north meeting at south Ulitsa Makedonja, an artery which leads to the extra radius of the resort. 

 From there you can reach Ulitsa Zornista, another important axis situated south of an important street called Ulitsa Methodius in proximity of the Hotel Fresh. In that area you can enjoy a very pleasant walk in the centre returning to the beach situated approximately 300/350 metres away.

If you want to be delighted by another pleasant and relaxing promenade the previously mentioned Ulitsa Makedonja is the right place, along it you can continue towards Ulitsa Ribarska which directly leads to Ulitsa Morski Zvutsi, a hallway not far from the marina.

The resort also has its historic monuments as the Parish Church dedicated to St. Paraskevi erected in 1884 which had some restorations in 1998. Its construction is closely linked to the Greek community who populated Ravda in that period and the founders were two Hellenic figures called Teodorakis and Vassilios.
Cape Ravda is definitely a superb local attraction considered in that Bulgarian Black Sea area one of the most attractive headlands offering magnificent panoramic views, it is also one of the most photographed local attractions for its charming shape and scenic image.

The higher section of that splendid promontory is pretty rocky, its natural position forms a sort of wall between the two local beaches, one of them called south beach highlighted by a magnificent fine golden sand and it generally has more occupation. 

That spectacular bright sandy stretch is among the most appreciated of the entire Bulgaria with furthermore boasting vast range of of positive qualities thanks to the presence of parasols, deckchairs, excellent surveillance,cleanliness maintenance services, the access from the Hotels is very easy and fast with a total absence of natural barriers.
It is a great place place to practise water sports such as windsurfing, kite surfing, water skiing but also beach volley and soccer boasting in addition a more than deserved Blue Flag.

 Another relevant feature is that it is perfect for families with children who are planning to spend holidays in that resort due to that the Black Sea in that point does not suffer storms, tides and the depth of the water in proximity of the shoreline is not very high.

The second beach is generally less busy, very relaxing, peaceful, located towards Nessebar, pretty loved by people who prefer a calm haven enjoying sunbaths and swimming in a more isolated place which is undoubtedly a great alternative that resort offers.

An additional positive feature of both it is that they are protected by that promontory, a natural bastion against the pitfall of the wind  offering the brilliant opportunity to practise without problems sailing and diving.

That hat stretch immediately fascinate a multitude of  visitors because they have the chance to move in a very short time from a pretty long golden beach to another, wild rocky area with protagonists stupendous picturesque cliffs

That is  undoubtedly a very special attraction highly appreciated because the diversity along a coast is always something extremely attractive for all the sea lovers, those accentuated contrasts delight the human eye for the diverse environment, an aspect which also plays an important role in the success of Ravda as favourite destination.

In the southern outskirts in direction of Pomorje you can reach a small tip next to a long coastal straight very panoramic with also the opportunity to find very peaceful corners, an excellent point to take some excellent pictures of the resort from a different perspective.

In opposite direction towards north visible from the local harbour do not miss to visit the beautiful peninsula of Pyasachni Dyuni part of a picturesque natural area highlighted by a splendid sandy beach close to Ulitsa Ivan Vazov which is in that concrete point the main artery leading to the centre of Nessebar.

Behind it you can admire a large green lung another special highlight which complete a very attractive frame, a very well conserved setting very inviting for pleasant walks in an uncontaminated nater.

For all people who love cycling, 30, 0 kilometres is the distance which separates the resort from Burgas, a great incentive to enjoy at the same time that sporting activity net to cultural tourism cycling admiring the scenic coastline ending the itinerary in a city very rich in art and history.

That city is 4th Bulgarian centre behind Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna, a historic, ancient Thracian settlement and  you will be enchanted to admire different stunning attractions.

Several are the Orthodox Churches erected in different historic periods, three magnificent museums such as the very interesting Historical, Archaeological and Ethnographic exhibitions I recommend you to visit and in addition Burgas boasts a splendid urban beach, a Casino and many other stunning marvels.

Another place I suggest you to visit if you love to know more the local history is the village of Kameno situated at just 20,0 kilometres from that city.

It is a relevant  historic site in which you can see the ruins of Rusokastro, a former fortress which name means red castle for the colour of the material used for its construction.

 It was established on a steep hill from the north side was practically inaccessible for the presence of big rocks and a highlight is that the walls were approximaterly 2,5 metres wide.

That defencive stronghold was built in the 5th century by the Byzantines, destroyed on 18 July 1332 by the Bulgarian Imperial troops led by Tsar Ivan Aleksandr who defeated in a notorious battle the Byzantine army commanded by the Emperor Andronikos III Palailogos, a figure well known because he was elevated co-emperator when he was only 16 years old.

That place became in the 15th century an important Turkish outpost with guards controlling the traffics along a road linking the coast to the interior, the Ottomans called it Kayali, a denomination kept until 1934 changed by the Tsar Boris III.
In the boundaries of Kameno lies a large fertile plain crossed by the Aitoska river and thanks to that waterway it is considered one the most fertile areas of the region with a notable production of vegetables, fruit,  sunflower and sugar beet.

In another place called Poda situated south of Burgas on the road leading to Sozopol (If you are interested I wrote a post regarding that resort) you can see other renmants of another fort called Poros erected in the 2nd century during the times of the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius.

Originally that defencive complex consisted in simple tower enlarged later to provide a more agile movement of the Imperial troops within its walls, it is located close to three water basins such as Vaya Ezero, Mandraka Ezero and Atanosovko Ezero, small lakes on which where established some docks and piers.

That place was declared a nature protected area in 1989 and it is is listed in the 100 Bulgarian tourist sites of major relevance elevated as a wetland of international importance in 2003. 

In addition it boasts a Visitor Centre with a permanent exhibition established in 1997, a great place which will show you a magnificent biodiversity next to a rich flora, fauna among the most important existing in the entire territory.

That area is also well known because it is a notorious Bird watching destination, a Mecca for ornithologists thanks to the presence of approximately 265 species of birds, a brilliant chance for  who is interested to see cormorants, mallards, Dalmatian pelicans, Eurasian spoonbills, waterfowl, songbirds, marsh harrier, grebes, swans and several kinds of ducks.

That site is in addition extremely famed for its numerous colony of pink pelicans with over 40,000 specimens and that impressive presence is because Poda is a relevant stage on the Pontica migration route, the 2nd largest in the European Continent.

 In a marvellous green environment packed by forests next to a large plain you will have the chance to see other species of animals such as otters, nutrias and grass-snakes among others.

Poda is since a long time ago a jewel of the country and in its area there are different paths leading to specific places showing you a stunning biodiversity moving from humid to typical central European environments, a natural paradise very recommended to visit.

 Another site I recommend is the iconic Zlatni Pyasatsi, the golden sands. It is one of the the major Bulgarian resorts, a sort of emblem of the Nation at just 17, 0 kilometres from Varna.

It is currently  one of the destinations most promoted by the local Tour Operators, it started its development in 1957, it currently boasts a superb capacity consisting in 30,000 beds with about 200 hotels for every budget, a great and large marina and a famous Casino.

The best of that site apart an endless bright beach highlighted by a fine sand is that it is close to three nature parks immediately situated behind it, an impressive, marvellous extension of verdant virgin woodland, a fabulous natural frame so close to the sea forming an enchanting bipolar environment with a stunning contrast of colours.

Its name apart the astonishing tonality of the sand is also linked to a legend which  tells that some pirates once landed on that stretch hid a treasure on its surface but a divinity to punish their crimes transformed that gold result of their raids in sand. 

During the Ottoman Empire domination that site was called Uzunkum which means long or extended sand, it was often used as route by local rebels who were fighting against the Turkish rulers a natural road leading to the vast woodland in its immediate vicinity.

Also the interior offers a lot of attractions,  its picturesque landscapes are a great highlight with large wild forests characterised by a very varied vegetation.

Furthermore you will have the chance to visit small villages in which the time still stands, in  a very suggestive atmosphere, some of the most indicated are Medovo, Orizare and Kableshkovo which will show you the real face of the true, rural Bulgaria.

They are very relaxing, peaceful places ideal to discover another reality of that country, you can see all around their boundaries several farms, an attractive architecture with typical stone houses completed by fine timber details, sites in which many locals continue to prepare according to their old traditions genuine homemade foods.

All that and more is a relevant opportunity to combine seaside holidays to several excursions enjoying gastronomic routes visiting places in which the tourists can taste the most traditional local cuisine.

That is something very underrated but that land is packed by a lot surprises like that thanks to a varied culinary art with products ready to delight the  palates of a multitude of people. 

Tailor made special itineraries, selected routes on request with a multitude of options to satisfy different tastes can be definitely a mine for every Tour Operator.

Many are the combinations to develop an endless list of different proposals for the joy of many travellers, brilliant options are also indicated for specialists of Travel Incentive because the presence of Nessebar just some minutes away is naturally a superb invitation.

A big variety of different niches of tours linked to sailing across the Black Sea, a treasure of unforgettable marvels adding to marvellous surprises with thousands of hidden secrets in the interior at the foothills of towering, fascinating Balkan peaks are also part of an immense offer.

Extensions to the nearest Romania and Turkey, two other beautiful countries with why not a suggested Educational is simply great to see live how many opportunities that land boasts.

In the case you are planning Bulgarian and Black Sea holidays in future I added some links, ideal to organise your stay with ideas about different kinds of itineraries.

Bulgarian gastronomy has a magnificent culinary panorama which is another superb  highlight of that Nation, a sublime mixture of influences left by different civilisations such as the Turkish, Greek and Slavic, spicy, sour but also sweet flavours all together characterise a vast range of exquisite delights. 

In that seaside resort you can enjoy many traditional national plates, obviously great is to taste the fresh, excellent sea products.

A local, renowned speciality is the delicious Midena salata,  mussel’s salad, that delectable  product is also present in the Pilaf consisting in white rice prepared with a base of onion, salt, butter, very appreciated is also the Chiroz, a local stockfish of consideable reputation.

Very famed is the Shopska, a plate which includes in its preparation different vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers combined with cheese, all that seasoned with a touch of olive oil, salt and vinegar.

You will find in many catering establishments serving the well known Tarator, a cold soup made with cucumbers, nuts, garlic, yogurt, and sunflower seeds.

A speciality which worth a mention of clear Turkish influence is the Turshiya, a very complete salad including carrots, celery, beets, cabbage, spicy peppers, cauliflowers, all that is seasoned with salt, vinegar, ginger and peppercorns. 

With the same heritage is the popular Bulgarski Kebab or Kepapche with identical preparation of the original from Turkey with grilled minced meat and spices served with rice.

The delicious Bulgarian Sarma is very similar to that one you can taste in nearest countries such as Serbia, Macedonia or Romania prepared with cabbage leaves wrapping meat, rice, vegetables adding  yogurt and cooked in the oven. 

Very tastefully is the Gyuvech, a stew which includes in its preparation meat, rice, onion, herbs, mushrooms, olives and tomatoes. Another delight very famous is the Teleshko Vareno, a notorious casserole which consists in a combination of different kinds of vegetables with pieces of boiled veal adding a gravy sauce.

A famed further dish called Chorba is another common speciality, a soup which has many variants, you can find some containing mushrooms, vegetables but also lamb, chicken, tripe generally seasoned with garlic, salt, black pepper vinegar and a good quantity of red paprika.

An exquisite plate of Greek heritage is the local Mousaka pretty similar to the original Hellenic while regarding some other famous Bulgarian products try the Sirene, a famed cheese often present in many recipes and naturally do not miss to taste the local Yogurt, national icon highly appreciated.

About fine wines very recommended are the famed Melnik but also with a high reputation are Mavrud, Pamit and Misket among others. They are very palatable, versatile wines which can accompany different plates characterised to be very smooth with an outstanding texture and colour.

The proximity of the International Airport of Burgas Letishte-Sarafovo is a brilliant chance to reach in a very short time that resort situated just 35 minutes away driving by Strada 9  which permits a great and fast connection delighting all the impatient tourists who desire to start an enjoyable stay as soon as possible.

The qualities of Ravda are many, it is a very recommended destination for everybody, greatly appropriate for young people, families, couples, travellers who want to enjoy different kinds of activities, tourists searching total relaxation or enjoying Spa treatments on the shore of the wonderful Black Sea delighted by a great atmosphere and much more.

If you are planning a trip to Bulgaria looking for many things delighted by a mild climate that place is definitely an excellent choice, a magnificent relaxing, sunny escapade next to a diamond called Nessebar which is certainly another fantastic incentive to take in great consideration.

Comfortable holidays and quality of services combined with a more than pleasant natural environment elevated Ravda in an important position in the highest ranking of destinations in that Southeastern European country making it a more than lovely, pleasant surprise that you will enjoy so much. 

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Ravda

Emerald Beach Resort & Spa
Aparthotel Rutland Bay
Hotel Bijou
Guest House Ekaterina
Family Hotel Aura
Family Hotel Deja Vu 

Useful links 

The Oberoi Group | Developing Two New Upscale Properties in Rishikesh, India

The Oberoi Group , renowned luxury hotel company founded in 1934 based in New Delhi, India , owning and managing several luxury hotels un...