Panama | Creation of the First Chamber of Gastronomic Tourism


Panama Tourism Authority ATP has developed the first Chamber of Gastronomic Tourism, a significant initiative and a notable step for the promotion and development of gastronomic tourism in the Central American country.

Panama's gastronomy is highly recognized as one of the country's great cultural riches, due to its history, variety, quality and positive feedback.

Panamanian culinary art will be further enhanced through this initiative, which demonstrates the commitment of the private sector to work intensively with government bodies to increase attractiveness along with value for both domestic and international tourism.

 The General administrator of the Authority expressed the enthusiasm for the organization of the Chambe, stating that gastronomy is a central and fundamental component of Panama's tourist and cultural heritage and that this new important channel will contribute significantly to the growth and diversification of the Panamanian tourist offer.

ATP is committed to providing all the necessary support for the success of the chamber by promoting gastronomic events, spreading Panamanian cuisine abroad and formulating policies that promote the development of gastronomic tourism.

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Peru – Successful Incoming Tourism | Over 1,2M Visitors between January and May


Great success for the incoming tourism in Peru, which in the months between January and May 2024 recorded the arrival of 1,290,087 international visitors, marking a growth of as much as 52.8% compared to the same period of the previous year, certainly a figure that represents an absolute exploit for the Andean country.

These very successful data have been provided by Mincetur, the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, which looks at the current year with two significan scenarios, the first with a projection of 3.5 million visitors from abroad arriving in the country, the second looking with optimism to have a goal of reaching 4.4 million international tourists.

According to the analysis of the data available,  Mincetur also informed the data about the main markets of international tourists who visited the country.

 Chile with 309.000 tourists and a 23.9% increase compared to 2023 leads the ranking followed by the United States of America with 234.000 visitors and 18.2% more than in 2023, in third position is Ecuador with 111.000 tourists and an 8.6% increase compared to the previous year.

Following in the ranking there are other Latin American countries such as Bolivia with 74.000 tourists and an increase of 5.8% compared to 2023, Brazil with 69.000 visitors and a growth of 5.4% compared to 2023 and in sixth place Colombia with 65.000 tourists and an increase of 5% more than 2023.

The Ministry reported that geographical proximity, cultural and commercial ties and ease of transport have played an important role in receiving significant flows of tourism from Latin American countries based on key factors influencing this behavior.

The regional blockade with reference to arrivals from other South American countries represents the 53% with 684.000 tourists arriving on Peruvian soil.

North America occupies the second position with 303,000 tourists (23.5%), followed by Europe with 207,000 tourists (16%) and Asia (4.1%).

As far as the entry of international tourists into Peruvian through immigration checkpoints is concerned, Jorge Chávez International Airport stands out with a total of 815.000 international tourists, marking a 63.2% of the total incoming.

This was followed by the Border of Santa Rosa de Tacna, which recorded the entry of 235.000 tourists equal to 18.2%, the Binational Border Service Center of Tumbes with 90.000 tourists representing the 7% while the Desaguadero/Carancas/CEBAF Border Control Post of Puno recorded 69.000 incoming tourists equal to a 5.4%

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Congresses & Events | Italy First in Europe and Second in the World


 Congresses & Events | Italy First in Europe and Second in the World

The President of the Convention Bureau Italia and the major Italian Tourist Institutions provided data in which Italy conquers the second place in the world behind the United States of America and the first place in Europe driven by the great success of Rome in hosting a large number of events and congresses.

The statement underlines how the work comes from afar, built over the years, analyzing that in 2014, a decade ago, Italy occupied the seventh place in the world with about 400 events difference from the United States of America almost 200 events difference from Germany which in that year occupied the second position in the ranking.

After ten years, Italy is ahead of Spain and France in Europe and the difference with the USA has been almost halved.

The Chairman of Enit stated that at the moment Italy is the only country to grow while European competitors remain anchored to the threshold of 2019, also underlining that congresses and events tourism in Italy is an asset of great importance of the tourism system in Italy in strong consolidation.

Italy at the moment has seven cities that are included in the list of the top 100 in the world for the organization of Congresses & Events and it is important fact that Rome since 2022 according to the statement of the Councilor for Tourism and Major Events of the Italian capital has climbed seven positions in the ranking, citing the great commitment, believing in the territory as a resource and fruitful teamwork.

Confirmation of all this is the choice of Rome as the venue for the next WTTC Global Summit to be held in November 2025, a great success in addition to the Jubilee, elevating the Eternal City and Italy as a World Center of Tourism.

Casa Carolina Hotel | A New Hospitality Jewel Hosted in a 16th Century Mansion in the Walled City of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

Casa Carolina Hotel is a new hospitality jewel hosted in a 16th century mansion in the walled city of  Cartagena de Indias, a centre of uni...