Gressoney-La-Trinité-Italy | Alpine Gem Beneath the Majestic Monte Rosa.

Gressoney-La-Trinité is a fantastic resort of Italy, an Alpine Gem beneath the Majestic Monte Rosa one of the giants of the Alps, the second peak of that wonderful mountainous chain just behind the iconic Mont Blanc which with its towering presence gives a superb appeal to that splendid destination situated in a magnificent region called Val D' Aosta, land packed by numerous natural and historic attractions able to charm anyone for its scenic beauty and striking landscapes.

Located in a stupendous valley with the same name called Alta Valle del Lys, the High Valley of the river Lys which descends from that superb height in the beautiful Aosta Valley a marvellous Italian Alpine territory enclosed within France, Switzerland and Piedmont, you are in a beautiful place simply born to donate dreams and fantastic stays all year.

That stunning centre lies at approximately at 85, 0 kilometres from the capital of the region, the beautiful Aosta, notorious city boasting a rich historic Roman patrimony and at 103, 0 kilometres from the fourth Italian centre, the splendid Turin, former first Italian Capital during the times of the Kingdom established by the House of Savoy, Gressoney-La-Trinité is considered by many people one of the pearls of that enchanting Northwestern territory of Italy surrounded by a sort of magic air which transmits a multitude of visitors very special feelings.

Every corner around the municipal boundaries of that splendid mountain resort is a fairytale marvel and all that beneath the charming and imposing silhouette of that towering peak which with its 4634,0 metres lies there as the Protector of a Paradise dominating picturesque villages and hamlets scattered in a fabulous Alpine scenery.

Thanks to its very well preserved natural and architectural environment due to a great and clever plan of conservation managed since a long time ago by the local and regional Institutions that site has kept its divine image despite a constant increasing tourist demand.

The beauty of that valley is also highlighted by its uncontaminated atmosphere which also placed that town as a relevant climatic destination of prestige and a further highlight is a large presence of a stunning vegetation formed by large pine and fir virgin forests which give it a further charming, appealing fascination forming a striking frame encircling a wonderful environment to immortalise infinite times in fantastic pictures.

Highly suggested place for those who love the Alps and all the activities linked to mountaineering, Gressoney-La-Trinité is an Eden and Top destination for Alpine skiing and winter sports, a Mecca for trekkers who can find there a multitude of magnificent  itineraries and routes enjoying full days with great excursions, including visiting other nearest valleys and a Paradise for cycling.

That resort is in addition a heaven for photographers who will enjoy wild images combined with that unmistakable captivating Walser architecture simply outstanding, greatly suggested for those who love nature, art, history and for all people who want to have relaxing times in a sweet and enchanting heaven. 

Excellent accommodations among them very stylish and comfortable chalets next to a gastronomy simply great offering a varied range of homenade, traditional dishes prepared with fresh and delectable ingredients are other fabulous features which delight a visitor in a while.

A further detail enchanting numerous tourists is represented by the kind and polite locals who with a very high sense of hospitality are always ready to suggest you the best during your stay, proud to to indicate and inform everyone who wants to discover a land which is a mine of extraordinary surprises, an endless treasure rich of infinite gems and also thanks to that the tourists feeling themselves very welcome.

Relevant and very interesting is also the history of that wonderful Alpine municipality which after the Roman colonisation in 25 BC according to historic documentations was populated since the 11th century by a small group of descendants of the Alemanni, an ancient Germanic tribe originally coming from the valley of the Upper Rhein.

The ancestors of that population were well known for several battles which took place a long time before against the Imperial Rome which during its massive campaign towards the Gaulish territories occupied the region founding different centres among them Aosta.

They were  later defeated by the Franks after a long period characterised by numerous clashes to establish also in that strategic point a domain of the Holy Roman Empire with the succession of the Carolingian dynasties ruling that land since the 8th century.

In the Middle Ages along all the Alpine chain there were often displacements of populations from a valley to another, many settlers were assimilated by other ethnic groups or they moved to other territories, including some of them returned to the original motherland.

Others remained accepting the new political system of the rulers living as ordinary vassals as in the case of those settlers of Gressoney-La-Trinité despite the local territory in those times was pretty depopulated.

Those former inhabitants were mainly farmers, devoted to agriculture, pastures with some small trades with the nearest settlements located in some neighbouring valleys such as the Val D´Ayas and Valsesia, two lands which always had important links with the Lys Valley.

Some former paths were developed in the area of the Salati Pass and the Monte Mologna towards Piedmont at the foot of the Colle Pinter and the Colle Bettaforca connecting with the development of trails those passes those valleys offering chances of transit despite to reach some villages and hamlets was not in that period very easy.

 Much more difficult was to establish communications leading to the nearest Switzerland for the presence of high mountainous walls part the of Monte Rosa Massif such as the Monte Castore and the Lyskamm which were practically insurmountable in medieval times.

In the 13th century the local lords organised a traditional feudalistic system and they started to be active trying to populate a territory practically desert.Those aristocrats needed labour especially dedicated to agriculture and breeding deciding since then to invite the Walser, a Germanic population consisting in an ethnic group coming from the Bernese Oberland in the current Swiss Confederation.

That people replaced and assimilated in a short time the Alemanni originally linked to them having the same ancestors and they started to create other villages in different geographic areas including in Piedmont especially in the previously mentioned Valsesia on the other side of the Monte Rosa.

You can find some Walser communities apart in that Italian region and Switzerland also in the French Haute-Savoie, in addition some in the Principality of Liechtenstein and Austria. (I wrote a post about Bosco Gurin and Davos Swiss Walser settlements and Silbertal in Austria in the case you are interested)

The name Walser identifying that population is the simple denomination of inhabitants living in a valley deriving from the word Walliser and those settlers took with them all their traditions, culture, folklore, architecture, gastronomy including their old Germanic language which was very similar to those of the predecessors.

In medieval era those new inhabitants of the current Gressoney-La-Trinité also obtained autonomy and freedom, they could use their own language without impediments and to build their typical wooden houses and the picturesque Stadel.

Those charming constructions are typical two story buildings highlighted by magnificent timber balconies, scenic sloping roofs, captivating framed windows with refined lines, developed on the traditional "funghi" pillars which have the shape of mushrooms which are another special architectural feature of those enchanting structures.

Those houses in many cases became a trendy inspiration to build some magnificent Alpine chalets and stylish cottages very related to a traditional Walser House for their fine layout and appeal and today in the resort you can admire some superb examples of that kind of architecture.

The local history continued for a long time linked to the Duchy of Savoy, future Kings of Piedmont and Sardinia and first Sovereigns of the new Italy who incorporated the entire Aosta Valley in their domains often visiting it for hunting and as favourite climatic destination, the latter was a sort of pioneer activity which generated later a kind of tourism which found a very fertile soil in Gressoney-La-Trinité.

The name of the town for sound is of clear French heritage and that Francophone denomination derives from the word Cresson meaning watercress because that kind of vegetable is pretty common in that territory and from that it changed with local influences into Gresson while the second word is of Religious origin linked to the Holy Trinity.

That centre for proximity and cultural links closely related to secular trades and rulers kept strong relationships with the nearest France and the Aosta Valley is well known to be a bilingual Region with Italian and French, both official languages.

The site is also called in Walser Greschoney or Creschnau Dritfaltigkeit and in German Kressnau Dreitfaltigkeit due to also to the strong Germanic linguistic roots present in that valley. Another German version of the name is Kressnau bei den Dächern which means Gressoney next to the roofs while in Greschóneytitsch the local Titsch Walser language that denomination is Creschnau bei Tachen.

All those influences and linguistic features generated that the resort is historically and culturally a multilingual municipality. Despite its tiny size, you can find there locals who fluently speak Italian, French, the Titsch closely linked to the previous which is part of the linguistic group called Highest Alemannic.

Many inhabitants also speak an excellent German due to those historic links with the Greschóneytitsch, the construction of phrases is very similar with the use of the auxiliary verbs haben and sein, to have and to be, including in the use of the dative, genitive and accusative with in addition many other morphological affinities.

There are differences in phonetic, accent, sound particular expressions and words due to inflections of a language which independently grew with strong local influences and uses of determined words created by the community but having the same grammatical roots.

Furthermore many people in the area also speaks the Patois Vâldotain very common in Val D´Aosta, a Romance Occitan language which is a sort of old French also spoken in Piedmont and in France mainly in Haute Savoie an in that case people who speak Patois are pretty fluent in French too. (In the case you are interested about that I wrote a post about Rhêmes Notre Dame closely linked to that topic)

It is always very interesting to know also those cultural details during a stay to know more and more a very interesting culture packed by many curiosities, narrations, stories and events which greatly help to enter deeper in a beautiful local reality which also created the history of a land.

The centre of the resort is arranged along the Regional Road SR 44 on the shore of the river Lys, pretty small but with very interesting sites and once there you can start from one of its landmarks, the iconic Walser Huis Muzeum.

That outstanding exhibition is the Ethnographic Walser Museum hosted inside a typical rural house characterised by a scenic stone roof boasting a splendid wooden loggia with marked architectural details on its facade reflecting the true and typical architecture developed by that population. 

The interior is a superb representation of a traditional environment explaining the visitors the utility of the rooms containing in addition very interesting documents and objects regarding a step by step of the chronological history of the community.

All the main cultural aspects and topics are greatly illustrated in that site trying to transmit the soul and spirit of a culture since the times of the former settlers who populated the current town in the Middle Ages.

Visiting that exhibition is definitely a splendid occasion to know and learn more something extremely rooted in Gressoney-La-Trinité as a sort of great jump in the past closely related to the Medieval era but what it is great is that many things continued to be alive than ever despite those distant times because everything was transmitted generation by generation with a notable pride.

That museum will perfectly introduce you about all that offering in addition the chance to admire utensils, tools, handcraft, decorations and many wooden items which are really authentic artistic masterpieces. 

The Walser for a long tradition inherited by their ancestors are well known to be excellent carvers and engravers especially in works using timber. They create several kinds of objects as simple spoons but also ashtrays, decorated boxes, frames, sculptures of animals and different items depicting nature among many other great things and in that exhibition you can see some excellent confirmations displayed in its rooms which will surprise you.

That community is very proud and very close to the deepest cultural heritage which is as a symbol to defend and that splendid museum in addition integrally represents that, an identity to preserve transmitting with a clear message to the next generations to conserve the cultural value and roots and obviously it is also a great instrument to show all that to tourists who are interested in a secular history with the opportunity to see something of unique in its kind.

 If you are planning a trip the Western Alps you will find others in Alagna Valsesia, Bosco Gurin, Triesenberg, Val Formazza and Macugnaga, including in the famous Swiss resort of Davos, all destinations boasting a superb beauty which will help you during a future visit to learn furthermore the Walser culture and traditions, something of very recommended if you are interested in that theme.

The inhabitants also gave a name to the valley calling it Kramertal which means Valley of Trade or Valley of the Merchants.That denomination because since a long time ago that geographic point was an important commercial meeting place with main protagonists several traders coming from the nearest Swiss and French valleys but also from Southern Germany meeting each other with exchange of goods, especially fabric.

Other further names were given to identify specific areas of the local territory such as Oberteil which corresponds to the Northern side of the valley while the southern, the low section is called Unterteil.

To keep alive the contacts with the other communities present in different areas of the Alpine basin, the Walser communities organise festivals and feasts highlighted by typical cuisine, handcrafts expositions and other cultural events celebrated in different sites in which that culture is present and alive since many centuries ago.

If you are interested to know more about all that and you are in Italy there is another splendid representation of houses and a museum in Alagna Valsesia in the region of Piedmont on the other side of the Monte Rosa where you will discover many other interesting things.  

That exhibition is highly recommended and it is located at the entrance of the municipality, it could be a good idea to take in consideration if you are spending your holidays in that geographic area with a tailor made tour across the Italian Alps with a second chance consisting in a further significant stage to know more the Walser culture.

Another local attraction is the Pourhus consisting in an interesting Eco Museum also known as Casa del Paese or Thedy Hus, the house of the town.

Next to that exhibition you can see the local Parish Church erected in the early 18th century dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is a typical example of Alpine Religious building painted in a light ochre tonality with a sober but charming high facade on which were inserted two arched windows of Romanesque inspiration above a rectangular doorway.

You will notice in addition a fresco beneath the scenic gable roof, fine outlines, a perfect balance of all the architectural elements placed in the layout and next to that construction lies the local cemetery.

The Church consists in a nave, the interior is arranged on a Latin cross plan having as main  highlights a splendid Baroque altarpiece and a beautiful chandelier forged in gold, silver and copper placed in the centre of the nave.  

Next to the main body of that Sacred structure is situated a high bell tower developed on a square plan, it is over 30,0 metres high characterised by a circular white clock completed by a charming belfry surmounted by an attractive onion dome.

If you want to enjoy a very relaxing and at the same time highly scenic walk in one of the municipal neighbourhoods I suggest you Orsia, a splendid place highlighted by a fascinating promenade also called by many people Giro dell´Anello, the ring tour, for its circular shape very similar to a ring. 

That very appealing panoramic hallway consists in a magnificent itinerary along the river Lys, a great opportunity to enjoy stunning views because it is beneath the majestic Monte Rosa and walking along it you can admire in all its splendour the beauty of that Alpine giant with its spectacular glacier above you. 

That scenic corner of the town is simply fantastic, that trail is flanked by uncontaminated virgin forests, captivating wooden houses scattered in fairytale places, a splendid site very recommended at early evening for its fabulous sunsets with special lights and reflections as protagonists also characterised by that salubrious, cool breeze of the Alps accompanied by those pleasant and unforgettable images you can stay to contemplate for hours.

Once ended that pleasant and relaxing stroll on its southern side, perpendicular to the main road leading to Gressoney Saint Jean you can take a street on the right with an ascent leading to a group of charming wooden houses in the middle of a large verdant pasture.

Once there if you want to continue for other 10/15 minutes walking you can reach the top of a picturesque high plateau and once there you can admire a couple of very old Alpine stone constructions, a fantastic view of the valley and the picturesque and scenic course of the Lys river highlighted in that point by a numerous presence of high pine trees in an ample green environment.

That prestigious resort mainly lives of tourism all year and it is one of the best Winter Sports destinations in the entire region with a long and great tradition about Alpine skiing.

The local family Bieler gave the Italian Alpine Ski National Team excellent champions such as Franco and Wanda Bieler who competed in the Alpine Ski World Cup in the 70's and including the unforgettable Leonardo David was from Gressoney.

They started their brilliant careers on the slopes of their beloved town and thanks to the presence of those champions, the fame and popularity of that place grew up with prestigious ski schools and also shops specialised in winter sports equipments increasing furthermore the tourist promotion with names of prestige well known also internationally.

The resort offers over 220, 0 kilometres of stunning pistes, part of the iconic Monterosa Ski Complex including in its wide environment the resorts of Alagna Valsesia, Brusson, Champoluc and Champorcher. (I wrote a post about the latter, a splendid place if you are interested splendid place) 

All that forms a modern and stunning network providing 44 ski lifts including funiculars and chairlifts with 11 of them situated in Gressoney-La-Trinité which offers the superb and emblematic ascents to the marvellous Lake Gabiet, Punta Indren and Punta Jolanda spectacular places to visit also in summer season considered jewels not only for the magnificent tracks but also for their fascinating scenery.

That huge space is simply fantastic for the organisation of the slopes with the great opportunity to ski for all people with easy blue tracks for the beginners along pistes with a low coefficient of difficulty taking lessons by great Masters representing the local Ski Schools also teaching snowboarding and other specialities.

Absolutely great are the 26 red slopes for skiers with an intermediate level who want to improve their skills especially on the longest piste of the resort called Pistone Betta with a stunning length of approximately 5,500 metres.

It also represents  a spectacular stage which could be considered a notable stage for a skier before to move to the challenging black tracks, a track highlighted by different features such as some steep straights, ample curves and some interesting jumps.

Another one very suggested is Salati 1 which is over 4,600 metres long, absolutely great for its different changes of gradient with a very long straight ideal for those who want to improve aerodinamicity, testing new materials  and worth a mention for their excellent development also Jolanda, Alpe Ricka and Ski Weg Marmotte.

All those tracks are very suitable for intermediate skiers with some points pretty challenging, in some of them there are some interesting changes of slopes moving from gentle undulated sections to steep descents. 

For masters and experienced skiers there are three stunning Black slopessuch as Mos, Jolanda 1 and Nera. They are wonderful pistes with great levels of inclination, superb sharp and large curves and immediately after them start very steep straights considered very technique, ideal for spectacular giant slaloms or Super G and the preparation of the snow on those pistes is always fantastic.

Apart the classical Alpine skiing te outstanding ski area of  Gressoney-La-Trinité also offers the chance to enjoy freestyle and snowboard thanks to the presence of a great Snowboard Park considered one of the best in the entire region and Italy.

The Snowboard Cross another trendy activity always more than loved by many people is practised on the stunning slopes of Bettaforca and that site is in it kind another emblematic symbol of the resort.

Excellent is the service of over 400 snow machines placed all around Monterosa Ski Complex serving the tracks always with fresh snow which is immediately prepared in the best way.

Gressoney-La-Trinité is very sensitive also for children offering them wonderful spaces such as Baby Snow Park Stafal and another one called Baby Snow Park Colletesand, both great sites in which also adults can enjoy pleasant days with their young having fun and spending very lovely times.

On the other side of the Monte Rosa in the Valsesia if you are a winter sport lover and at the same time an enthusiast tourist searching excellent tracks and magnificent views in a stupendous valley of Piedmont, apart the mentioned Alagna you can visit Macugnaga which is also a great Top resort boasting wonderful pistes, some of them highly challenging.

If you want to stay at a short distance from the Lys Valley  I suggest you the nearest Val D'  Ayas, a superb place offering stunning slopes in a wonderful valley extremely characterised by its scenic wild environment, undoubtedly a great incentive if you love winter sports changing place and tracks in a very short time.

Gressoney-La-Trinité thanks to all that gained an important National and International reputation also hosting important competitions very well known also abroad, a destination very appreciated for a superb organisation and preparation of its slopes, excellent services in terms of incoming, information and also for a high level of comfortable accommodations it provides.  

The town is not only Alpine skiing but it offers a multitude of opportunities to enjoy several other outdoor activities all year such as trekking, hiking and climbing. 

Many are the unforgettable excursions with also the chance to practise cycling on road, mountain bike with many opportunities to admire in addition a relevant historic and natural patrimony.

A splendid excursion to enjoy in the surrounding of the resort is that one to the Lake Gabiet, a magnificent Alpine waters basin surrounded by towering peaks situated at 2373, 0 metres of altitude. 

There is a path from Gressoney-La-Trinité and also a funicular service transporting the visitors to admire that wonderful marvel, a Paradise of blue waters located in a picturesque scenery totally surrounded by an unforgettable crown of peaks with a striking frontal view of the majestic Monte Rosa.

That site simply spectacular was created by a dam developed between 1919 and 1922 which formed that beautiful waters basin with a surface of approximately 12,0 square kilometres. Once there you will have other fantastic views of the scenic Castore, Lyskamm and Breithorn heights and next to the shore of that captivating lake  you can see a Refuge.

If you want to reach that place from other alternative points, there are other paths starting from Stafal, Orsia and also immediately off the centre of the municipality, you will take approximately two hours and half to reach the summit where is situated that stunning attraction.

Punta Jolanda is another fantastic place consisting in a stupendous Alpine headland at 2218, 0 metres of altitude, a very special site because it is an ideal point to admire from the highest crest of its summit all the Lys Valley. 

You can reach that iconic site by chairlift and once there you can enjoy the local Refuge with the same name having a meal in a great restaurant established in a traditional Alpine cottage and in the case you are spending your holidays on snow there is a special snow cat service.

Fantastic and extremely suggestive is an extraordinary excursion leading to Capanna Gnifetti, a distinctive refuge beneath  Monte Rosa glacier at 3647,0 metres providing accommodation.

It boasts a considerable historic value because it was inaugurated in 1876 immediately calling numerous mountaineering lovers and in the course of its long history it was enlarged and modernised due to the constant desire of many people to reach that magnificent place.

From there starts the ascent to the Monte Rosa reaching the peaks of its majestic group with some of its emblematic central icon as Lyskamm, Dufour but also others equally stunning such as Zumstein, Parrot Ludwgshohe, Corno Grigio, Balmenhorn and in about four hours from that refuge you can reach the famous Regina Margherita Observatory located at 4554, 0 metres of altitude.

Another superb excursion I  strongly suggest you is one leading to the Bivacco Rifugio Gastaldi at 2610, 0 metres. Apart the stunning natural frame you will admire along a wonderful trail moving from verdant plateaus to scenic high cliffs and gorges of extreme beauty,a striking highlight is its last stretch extremely very wild with the view of some impressive vertical walls.

Once on the top you can have a spectacular view of the Testa Grigia peak and the basins of the picturesque small Alpine lakes of Netscho with in addition fantastic panoramic sights towards a corner of Lake Gabiet and its dam. 

A further one pretty recommended if you love trekking and the Alps is reaching the Rifugio Quintino Sella al Felik at 3585, 0 metres of altitude. Also that refuge has a historic value, the first timber hut was established in 1885 and it is in its kind a local icon, highly appreciated for the marvellous perspective of the Monte Rosa from a special angle and views it offers overlooking different valleys.

The path leading to that summit is absolutely wonderful crossing apart the Alta Valle del Lyss also the Ayas Valley and it is indicated for all people who from there want to reach the highest vertical section of the Castore peak or the Western side of the Lyskamm,  a very scenic trail for its development beneath a large Alpine spectacular wall. 

Those three paths are simply wonderful because you start from stupendous verdant high  plateaus and after 2000, 0 metres of altitude the environment has a total transformation becoming rugged with superb views of high and imposing mountains flanking you the vegetation disappear with rocks and the glaciers of several Alpine heights encircling those ascents becoming absolute protagonists and all that is undoubtedly more than suggestive, extremely loved also by numerous photographers.

The nearest previously mentioned Val D´Ayas is another recommended place to visit closely linked to all that. 

It boasts one of the wildest territories of the entire region, beloved by numerous climbers, a destination boasting magnificent landscapes packed by scenic pine forests, highly appreciated by a large number of trekkers who can have the chance to walk along a myriad of trails with different coefficient of difficulty, planning furthermore something different day by day.

From there you can reach places simply outstanding where the Alps could be eternal protagonists in great movie with paths leading at the foot of majestic mountains as the Rothorn, the mentioned Testa Grigia, but also Chasten, Mont Nery, all spectacular giants and the list of other marvellous trails is endless.

For who is passionate about cycling many are the chances to enjoy fantastic itineraries, I recommend you one consisting in a classical fabulous route which from the resort leads to the centre of Gaby crossing the sister Gressoney-Saint-Jean and the small municipality of Issime.  

That itinerary is highly captivating along a road flanking towering heights and in all the surroundings you will meet challenging ascents, fabulous landscapes with the Alpine chain always next to the cyclist as a faithful friend. 

In those mentioned centres you can enjoy a multitude of mixed and dirt trails perfect for enthusiast mountain bikers who can find there a heaven spending days across forests and high mountainous plateaus admiring places offering a stunning variety of change of scenery in a natural frame simply unforgettable.

Gaby is a very small centre but very attractive at the foot of the Mount Néry which with its 3075,0 metres dominates that tiny place characterised by a charming municipal square. It a worth a visit if you want to take some great pictures for the special conformation of the valley in that very interesting point because you will see as a narrow canal with a large opening just some kilometres after.

 In a neighbourhood called Voury at approximately 2, 0 kilometres from the municipal centre, I suggest you to visit Notre-Dame-de Grâce de Vourry, a beautiful Sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin of the Grace highlighted by stunning fine frescoes depicting a Via Crucis, the Stations of the Cross of Jesus Christ towards the Mount Calvary.

If you love art and history I strongly recommend you to stop in Gressoney-Saint-Jean, once there you can admire the beautiful Savoy Castle linked to that House who gave several Kings to the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia and Italy, a superb building was elevated between the late 19th and the early 20th century for desire of the Queen Margaret

It is a splendid manor which apart to represent one of the emblematic structures related to that important Monarchy is characterised by scenic towers, a very high stone wall and around it you can visit a magnificent Botanical Garden.

Another historic attraction is the Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, the Parish Church, dedicated to St. John Baptist elevated in 1515 representing a superb architectural example of the early post medieval artistic period in the Aosta Valley established on a large rectangular plan highlighted by a splendid nave flanked by stylish granite columns leading to a beautiful marble altar. 

That Religious building contains a relevant organ, a donation by the House of Savoy Royalty in the 19th century, in addition you can visit an adjacent museum containing different objects and items of Sacred art.

Next to that Ecclesiastic complex you can admire a wonderful stone bell tower of Lombard inspiration elevated on a square plan with slots, a great further attraction of that site.

The gastronomy of the Region Val D´Aosta is another spectacular highlight, a complete and delicious cuisine rich of different flavours with different influences from the nearest Piedmont, France but also Switzerland and all that is something unique in its kind because you will enchanted by that great variety of tastes with an endless list of delectable homemade dishes.

One of the typical specialities is the famous Fondue Valdotaine prepared with Fontina cheese, pepper, eggs, butter, flour and milk, served very hot and accompanied by Crostini bread. It is a very autochtone dish partially linked to the notorious Swiss but defended with extreme pride as a 100% born and bred local gastronomic vaunt.
The Polenta Valdostana is another great gastronomic highlight consisting in that notorious yellow recipe covered by melted cheese, fresh butter, strongly rooted in a secular tradition, prepared by many local families following the oldest methods of preparation served with sauces, meats but also with  venison casseroles.

Very appreciated is the delicious iconic Dzambon, a superb cured ham containing salt, garlic, pepper, rosemary, sage, laurel, thyme, juniper, often present in starters but also in snacks on toasted bread or filling rye bread slices and served in varied appetiser.

Very famed is also the Boudin a local pork sausage seasoned with spices frequently present in an assorted starters but also baked or boiled. 

Do not miss to try the emblematic Motsetta; it is another regional pride consisting in a sort of chamois ham prepared with a specific addition of aromatic herbs, laurel, garlic, sage and rosemary, a product pretty salty with a rich taste, fantastic on a toasted or grilled bread or also accompanied by a slice of great cured goat cheese.

A very energetic plate is certainly the Zuppa Valdostana, a soup made with bread, meat stock, Fontina and Toma another traditional cheese of the region, butter and salt. 

French influence is very is present with the typical Carbonade Valdotaine very similar to that so famous made in France. The preparation of that kind of recipe has many affinities to that delight prepared on the other side of the Alps using with the typical beef meat, lard, cinnamon, garlic, cloves, eggs, flour, pepper adding during the process of preparation a good quantity of red wine to flavour all.

As in France also in the Aosta Valley there is an ample preparation of Crepes very similar, you can find many prepared in different styles, salty or sweet, with jam, chocolate, or other ingredients as iconic Crepe a la Valdotainne  having Fontina and ham as main ingredients.

In addition you can taste also a local delicious Tartiflette containing apart potatoes, onions and lardons a notable quantity of cheese.

A speciality pretty notorious plate which will delight your palate is the traditional Fricandeau which consists in meat cubes cooked with salt, onion, rosemary adding white wine and it can be accompanied by vegetables or including combined with polenta. 

With that kind of meat is also prepared the iconic Cotoletta alla Valdostana, a large cutlet, fried with butter and eggs. 

Also fish is present in the local gastronomy despite you are in a mountainous land. The exquisite Truit avec Beurre is one of the main highlights consisting in baked trout cooked with salt and butter while a variant is the delectable Truit au Blau, a recipe in which that kind of fish is boiled, seasoned with olive oil, herbs, lemon and once served is often accompanied by mixed salads or potatoes.

For who is a lover of sweet flavours very appreciated is the Chiechen, sort of frittelle similar to the Iberian Buñuelos. The Torcetti and Tegole are great protagonists of the regional bakery, they are homemade biscuits really tastefully and you will find there desserts and other superb products with a strong affinity to the French Savoy traditions as the Blanc-Manger or the very typical Flantse, a kind of bread which in its preparation includes  butter, walnuts, nuts, raisins and fruit.

The local forests are rich of  blueberries, blackberries and wild berries often used to make homemade cakes, very appreciated jams and different kinds of bakery products.

About cheeses, Aosta Valley is an authentic great Paradise about dairy products. Apart the mentioned emblematic and eternally present Fontina, the Toma of Gressoney is a typical and emblematic local pride of high quality boasting a unique reputation.

 That kind of delight can be served in assorted appetisers, varied snacks but it is also excellent combined with other ingredients or melted in other plates such as Polenta, included in the local Fondue, simply great in sauces flavouring exquisite Risotti or Pasta or grated on a large variety of specialities.

You will find in that land also a great choice of fine wines ready to satisfy your tastes with excellent fine Pinot Noir and Gris but also supreme Chardonnay, Nus, Torrette, Donnas, Fumin, Riesling and Chambave among others.

That region apart the Alps has a vast territory occupied by hills, ideal places to cultivate divine robust grapes.

 Aosta Valley boasts very mild springs and summers, autumn is not too cold and thanks to all those climatic features in those hilly territories there is a sort of benign micro climate thanks to the presence of of the Alps which represent a fantastic protective shield defending the land by the cold winds coming from north, a soil not too dry, all features which permits a relevant, fruitful harvest.
Very appreciated are the smooth red wines boasting a great texture, extremely palatable, with a pure colour, highly recommended to flavour several dishes, you will also find fine, dry and classy white  wines and including a great sweet Moscato. 

All they give the visitor the chance to taste a wide variety of selected products and in addition many of them are very versatile, some of them are absolutely perfect to combine red and white meats while others are very suggested for fish and seafood, including some are excellent for cooking.

Other typical regional beverages are the famed Génepy, a traditional iconic herbal liquor made with local plants, a spirit very popular also in the French Haute-Savoie and a further one is the Grampapole considered a social drink consisting in Grappa mixed with honey.

If you intend to plan holidays with a stay in that resort below I added some links which could be very useful to organise your itineraries, routes and to chose an accommodation, for that I suggest you some you will find with them.

Turin Caselle International Airport is situated at a distance of 113, 0 kilometres and in less than two hours in normal conditions of traffic you can reach the resort driving by A5 Motorway until the town Pont Saint Martin. Once there you have to take the Regional Road SR 44 and via Gaby you will reach that shining gem in a very comfortable way.

Gressoney-La-Trinité is a fantastic place to enjoy holidays all year, a great top destination for all people who love tourism, outdoor activities, winter sports, great sites, a magnificent heaven beneath the charming silhouette of the superb and majestic Monte Rosa and simply that name is something immediately inviting.

That resort is something unique and simply the view of that big giant over you during your stay, day and night with that enchanting glacier and its summit eternally covered by snow will transmit you the sublime fascination of the Alps in all its splendour with unforgettable sensations of pleasure living a stay to remember forever. 

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Gressoney-La-Trinité

Hotel De Gletscher
Hotel Romantik Jolanda Sport
Residence Obereil
Hotel Ellex
Hotel Lo Scoiattolo
Hotel Nordend
Hotel Dufour 

Recommended Restaurants in Gressoney-La-Trinité

Ristorante Oberteil
Ristorante Capanna Carla
Ristorante Punta Jolanda
Ristorante Anderbatt

Useful links 

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