Djerba is today,a busy tourist seaside resort and a relevant spot for to spend
sunny Tunisian holidays all year in in a corner of Maghreb where never is cold,but that island a very short distance from the mainland is also a place with a rich historic and cultural patrimony,it is not a case,that famous destination is also called the island of the
100 Mosques, for the presence on its not too big territory of that incredible number of Muslim religious buildings.
Modern and comfortable hotels,splendid golden beaches all in Djerba changed in the last three and more decades when it started to be a trendy destination which every year attracts a multitude of tourists which want to discover the pure and unique charm of one of the tourism queens of North Africa.
Despite many people are particularly oriented to chose Djerba for its enchanting image which appears in TV,magazines,promotional video clips and all the instruments able to describe that land as a destination mainly packed by long stunning sandy beaches under the warm Mediterranean Maghreb sun,we have not to forget the ancient treasure and its relevant history and past
Narrated by
Homer in its masterpiece
Odyssey,when the sailors fleeing by the Sirens reached the
island of the Lotus Eaters,(the current Djerba) where the crew of Ulysses tasted the strange
fruit of the lotus which made them lose the memory.Ulysses only refrained from eating the dangerous fruit,which could well be a date,and with great effort managed to rescue his men from such arcane amnesia.The locals are so proud claiming the island of Djerba, anchored in the splendid Gulf of Gabes,as the scene of that famous episode narrated by that famed Hellenic Literary figure .
Djerba, is the largest island of Tunisia and it was the since antiquity an important and relevant place of encounter within European and North African civilisations.Thanks all that the Tunisian island gained notoriety and importance in the Mediterranean area and it became one of the trading centres most successful for many centuries.Its beautiful sandy beaches,splendid orchards and ancient villages are some of the jewels of a place which conquered and fascinated travellers,artists and tourists who chose Djerba as a sunny holiday destination or to find inspiration coming back home with unforgettable memories for such marvellous scenery and fascinating places which are of course a delight for every visitor.
The coast of Djerba is absolutely magnificent with its very long sandy beaches which surround the island like a golden crown,and give it a special atmosphere,an indefinable charm,a blend of exotic mysterious place with the desire to discover it in a while.The coastline is characterised by low coasts,extending mainly between Ras and
Borj El Kemal Kastil.Today, Djerba is the largest tourist attraction in Tunisia but also rich of historical events which say and show the visitors,the ancient Roman rests discovered,how the island was defended at all costs by the Normans and the Swabians in their long battles against the Saracen pirates and those places in which the Ottoman Empire fought later against the Spanish fleets,all that,visiting its most remote villages scattered along the coastline and in the interior with several Mosques of different size and date of construction.
Although exempt from opulence and ostentation,the religious buildings of Djerba are, for simplicity a fine example of Mediterranean Muslim architectonic concept, pretty sober and far for its austere details by the sumptuous Mosques of the Middle East or the Western Maghreb,showing stylish lines and naked, immaculate Minarets.The island also conserves the old Spanish forts as one in particular called
Borj el Kebir which
the Iberian stronghold erected during the Spanish occupation by the glorious
Dynasty of the Kings of Aragon,its picturesque and small
Souks and all around the typical Mediterranean smells and flavors.
The several rulers who occupied that land have left important marks in every corner of Djerba,
Byzantine mosaics and European houses are perfectly blended with the natural environment of palm trees,golden sandy beaches
and an always blue sky
form a perfect mixture of detail
s giving that exotic place an image
simply fabulous.

Apart the epic narrations by
Homer in its magnificent work the Odyssey,Djerba was visited in several occasions by
Greeks and also by other ancient civilisations as the
Romans and the island was for long time under rule of
the powerful Carthage in the 4th century BC.The Carthaginians occupied the island and named i
t Meninx,which became soon a centre of relevant prosperity.Its purple,oil and wine were sold in all the most important ports of the Mediterranean with success.
The island is connected in its southern side to the mainland by
a bridge of 7.5 km long and about 10m wide.Its route covers the former dated
the late 3rd century BC,
a work by Carthaginians and modified by the Romans who called it
Pons Zita later renamed in Arabic
El Kantara, who is also the current name of the locality where the pavement way begins and it is overwhelmed by the sea
.Largely destroyed in
1551 during the continuous disputes and conflicts between
Dragut and the Spanish troops.
Over centuries, a ford called
Trik Ejjmaal which means
road of the camels was established near the ruins of an ancient former Roman road,developed in the
year in 1951 and improved in
1959.The Romans colonised the island since the 2nd century after the successful campaign against Chartage and the island was for nearly five centuries a hub between Africa and Europe and one of the places most important trade centres between the Maghreb and the Roman Empire. Djerba was transformed a sort of big and ample Emporium,where ivory,gold,silver,spices and all the treasures coming from the countries south of the Sahara, were preserved there before to be sold in important markets such as
Rome,Alexandria,Constantinople and Damascus.

Djerba quickly became
Christian and it also welcomes
a big colony of Jews exiled by the Romans. Several thousands of Jewish groups settled in proximity of the two
Haras (districts) called
Hara Ghirba and
Hara Kebira.
The oldest Synagogue in the World was built in the 5th century BC by Jews fleeing from the destruction of Solomon's temple,some of them escaped in the Maghreb area and Rome and from those places they found refuge in Djerba.
The famous
El Ghirba Synagogue was rebuilt in pretty recent time with an imposing square design, dazzlingly white,standing in the middle of olive groves. Once crossed the gate and entering into that impressive reeligious building,the visitor can discover the sumptuous decorations,the relics and priceless as one of
the oldest Thora in the World.Each year,on a fixed date, the El Ghriba Synagogue hosts many pilgrims coming to pay tribute to that ancient place of Jewish worship.
The presence of
a Jewish community added to the distinctiveness
of the island a culture more.That community reached before the Christian era
over 5000 people since a few decades,although it has considerably
reduced by emigration.Today that historic community is approximately of
400 people and it is Muslim the main religion presents on the island.
After the Roman Empire fall,Djerba was invaded by
the Vandals, retaken by the
Roman Byzantines and conquered
by the Moorish in 667.
The 7th century was another period of golden ages for the island related to the powerful Arab-Muslim Empire
,despite that from the
10th century Djerba will know after the arrival of
Ibadi, the turmoil of civil wars and after cruel invaders
as Barbarossa and Dragut, two of the most famous pirates of the Mediterraneam who made of Djerba,in the their home port.
The island was also the scene of the struggle between
the local Berbers and Arabs Kharidjites Orthodox and it was devastated by
Beni Hilal.In the Middle Ages,the
Kings of Aragon and Sicily fought against the Moorish for the domain of the land and including for three times the island was under control
since the Norman Kingdom of Sicily.
After three centuries of struggle between Sicilian-Norman,Spanish Aragoneses, Spaniards and Ottomans,in
1540, Djerba became a bastion of piracy.In
1551 there was
the first battle between the pirate Dragut and Andrea Doria, Admiral of the Marine Republic of Genoa.The pirate manages to unlock his float by
piercing the floor of the Roman El Kantara.
In 1560,French, Spaniards,Neapolitans and the Knights of Malta in a sort of alliance mount an expedition to put end to the piracy but
Dragut, helped by the Ottomans managed to reconquer Djerba.
The island under Ottoman rule showed a subsequent long period of peace and in the
early 19th century, Djerba already had a population of about 40,000 inhabitants and it was pretty cosmopolitan with colonies of Italians,Greeks,Maltese,Turkish and Berbers before the period of the
French Protectorate which began in 1881 and ended with the independence of Tunisia on 20th March 1956,since there the island has experienced a growing increasing,mainly as tourist destination.
The location of the island and its welcoming atmosphere make Djerba a a major tourist resort,with a wide
number of Hotels and tourist complexes flourished in the past 30 years and mainly developed along
over 20 km of coast and with
International Airport which was built to face the pure mass of tourism flows.The official population of Djerba is composed by approximately 120,000 official inhabitants,a detail about the territory is
the scarce presence of source of waters and also the wind in particular in winter makes salt culture even more difficult and ,there is a high presence of palms and over 500,000 olive trees.
Fishing is another important activity in particular of
sponges and other activities are handicrafts,with rugs,tablecloths,carpets,jewelry, pottery, basketry.and trade where the Djerbians monopolise in many cases the trades with the wholesalers of Tunis and well linked to the Southern French markets.
The campaign of Djerba, despite the influx of tourists,remains very calm and miraculously preserved with the
Menzel the typical family houses,characterised by white domes and surrounded by orchards and palm trees.Each village has kept its own identity with is local artisans,vendors and a strong families unity.
In summer, the island is bustling,the sunny beaches of Djerba are a great destination for a multitude of tourists in particular in the last years coming from North European countries.
Houmt Souk with its 30,000 inhabitants,is the main town of Djerba. overlooking the sea,it is characterised by a lively and colourful
Souks.The coast is flat and sandy, the water is clear and very gentle slopes,making the beaches safe for families with children.Near Houmt Souk there are Hotels and typical white houses called
adorned with trees,hibiscus,the souks are the traditional markets in which you can meet,several spices and they are also home of tailors and merchants tissues.
The centre of Houmt Souk is the hub of the market,a place where you can find the best in terms of local crafts, from clothing to jewelry traditional gold and silver finely worked, bags and leather goods, pottery or clay,a very good place to enjoy shopping and do not forget to bargain.Negotiate the price is crucial because it is considered disrespectful not to do that,if the first price asked was for you exorbitant,there is a code to bargain and respect is the letter A such alphabet normatives. In Houmt Souk the Souks are organised by activity types,there are
Souks of boilermakers, blacksmiths and goldsmiths which are of the most interesting,furthermore you can also find in the centre,fabrics,beautiful carpets and tourist trinkets in the covered galleries.One of the most famous and picturesque is undoubtedly the
Souk Bijoutiers.
In summer Houmt Souk hosts hundreds of thousands of tourists,but it has kept its traditional charm with its whitewashed walls and in no way disposed to modernism offering the visitors by the ceaseless activity of its markets and colorful neighbourhoods,its rich heritage and diversity of its landscapes.The old port of Houmt Souk is also a faithful witness of its past,almost nothing altered,simply there are respect the past some cosy bars facing the the sea and in the morning it is a lively place of a liveely
fish market.Worth a visit the
fondouks, the vast caravansaries courtyards lined with multi-story buildings designed to receive and accommodate caravans of nomads,the animals rest on the ground floor and people find accomodation on the first floor.
The historic highlight in Houmt Souk are undoubtedly
Borj el Kebir and the
Folk Art Museum.Borj El Kebir is the old fort erected on the harbour dated
15th century,it is 68 m long and 53 m wide,the walls are about 10 m high and with a thickness ranging from 1.20 to 1.50 m, once equipped with drawbridge and surrounded by a moat.

Literally Borj El Kebir means
the great one and it was also called
Borj Ghazi Mustapha built by
Sultan Abu Fares El Hafsi Hafsid on the ruins of a
Roman fortress to house a former garrison originally dated
1392 which was expanded in
1560, following a defeat, Sheikh Messaoud, at the head of the island,gave it to the
Viceroy of Sicily,Juan de la Cerda, who did not not keep it long time because the fort was besieged by the corsair Dragut supported by the Ottoman Empire.Borj El Kebir,later it was also called
El Fuerte during Spanish rule and it was considerated one of the most important and impenetrable strongholds in Tunisia in medieval times.
In Bordj el Kebir,
5,000 Spanish soldiers built a pyramid tower with skulls of the enemies on the site of the present Borj Al Rouss the Tower of Skulls
and it will be destroyed
by the Ottoman Bey.The Kaid Bey Mustapha Ghazi, installed with Dragut on the island a
sort of fleet base,completed between
1560 and 1567.The work undertaken by the expedition of Juan de la Cerda, included some rooms and a small Mosque and
during excavations in the year 1975 was discovered the original fortress.In one of the rooms, there is an
exhibition of the discoveries made during excavations explaining the history of the fortress and also offering a panoramic view from the ramparts where you can see the harbour and a high obelisk located on the west side erected during the French protectorate.
Le musée des arts et traditions populaires de Houmt Souk (The Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions) was opened in
the late 70s and it is a chronological history of the life,customs and traditions of the locals since the first generations of inhabitants until today,it is a exhibtion which exalts the wealth of the Islam, folk
costumes,jewellery made by Jewish craftsmen,Korans and utensils.The
museum of traditional heritage of Djerba was reopened after extensive
remodelling and expansion in a set comprising,a new building of about 2,000 square metres which incorporated the traditional
architecture of the island.
The exhibition is
close to the
Zaouïa Zitouni, a Muslim sanctuary erected in the
18th century by the governor of the island Ben Ayed.That Zaouïa was dedicated to the
Marabout Sidi Zitouni who was reputed a Holy Man able to cure mental illness and it alsohouses
the Tomb of Sheikh Abu Baker Ezzitouni,a divine Sunnite master.
Some legends surround some ancient religious building,one known with the name
El Koubet Kheiel which translated means the
Dome of the ghost.According to a legend, that Mosque is inhabited by some divine figures,as jinns which only become appear in the evening,which is why
the Djerbians are accustomed to leave the Mosque at sunset.Those Jinns according local legends were particularly powerful to call in the Mosque local women,who had the courage after listening a signal to spend a night in the Mosque and allowed to marry one of them and those unions,from there the notorious exceptional beauty of the Djerbians women,considered among the most fascinating in all the Maghreb,for that sacred union with the sublime jinn who donated them an unique beauty.
Another legend embraces
Jemaa El Guellal a
13th century Mosque.A pottery Establishment owner had to take months to build a cart for sale.Along the way,the cart tips over and falls with its pottery,which disperse over tens of metres.The family decide to identify what could be saved and, to his amazement,all the pottery was intact.He delivered his load and then returns the money to the family.Seeing a divine intervention in his adventure, the man decided to build
a Mosque on the site of the event.
Jemaa Ettrouk well known as the
Mosque of the Turks is another highlight of Houmt Souk and it is visited by Muslims who embraced the
Hanafi Maliki rite. Founded in the
16th century by orders of the
Bey Ghazi Mustapha,that Mosque is characterised by a splendid Minaret and its typical Ottoman style unique of its kind on the island.Not far from that building there is
Jemaa Echeikh,a Mosque with relevant domes mainly dated 1
4th century,erected by the
Dynasty Smoumni who dominated Djerba from
1289 to
1560,the Mosque was restored several times in different centuries and today it is pretty well preserved.Next to Jemaâ Ettrouk there a small square building,surrounded by wrought iron and topped by a dome.It houses three tombs of people of Houmt Souk honoured to commemorate the thousands of Djerbians died defending the island.

Another Mosque of the town is
Jemaa Sidi Brahim founded in
1674 and originally erected as a
Medersa, a
Muslim School,opened by orders of the
Bey of Tunis,to allow the
Sheikh Brahim El Maliki Gemni to disseminate his knowledge and skills through theological Islam education and intense lessons.The building was enlarged in
1714 by Hussein Bey I,it includes the source of housing for students,a library and a hammam.The architectonic profile it pretty attractive,with a multiple-arched roof and a cupola with green tiles,which relies on marble columns and Corinthian capitals from the ancient Meninx.
In the centre of Houmt Souk,you can also see a Christian religious building a classic
Maltese Catholic Church erected in 1848 in the old and former quarter of the old Maltese and Sicilian fondouks,in the centre of Houmt Souk
by a priest of the mission of St. Vincent de Paul, assisted by the Bishop Gaetano Maria Ferrara. Dedicated to St. Joseph and part of the Archdiocese of Tunis, it was reconsacred in the
year 2006.As symbol of the cosmopolitan and intolerant Djerba,there is also a
Greek Orthodox Church dedicated to Saint Nicolas,Patron Saint of fishermen and sailors, founded in 1
890 and it is located near the port and the current marina,just behind
the Hotel Lotos, one of the oldest in Djerba.
The Jewish synagogue, El Ghriba located in the village of
El Riadh well known as well as
Hara Sghira, is located at a short distance of Houmt Souk.It is one of the
oldest Synagogues in the world and the largest in North Africa.Externally the building is white with blue doors and windows,the typical Tunisian colours.That famed Jewish religious building was rebuilt
in 1920 with an imposing square design,standing in the middle of olive groves and it is the Jewish spiritual centre of the island.
Once crossed the gate of
the impressive El Ghriba Synagogue,visitors can discover the sumptuous details, the back room is beautifully decorated in oriental woodwork,
tiles,stained glass and painted ceiling and an adjoining inn welcoming the
pilgrims.The main highlight is undoubtedly the presence of one of
the oldest Thora in the World.Each
year,on a fixed date, the El Ghriba Synagogue hosts many pilgrims
coming to pay tribute to that ancient place of Jewish worship.
The presence of
a Jewish community added to the distinctiveness
of the island a culture more.That community reached before the Christian era
over 5000 people.Many Jews came to the island and brought with them some manuscripts of
Tables of the Law they would have saved the ruins of the Temple of
Jerusalem destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and even some stones of the Temple
on whom they could built the sanctuary.Since a few decades,many Jews decided to move to Israel,the community was considerably
reduced by emigration and today there is in Djerba approximately
400 people embracing the Jewish Religion and it is Muslim the main religion presents on the land.
year,on a fixed date, the El Ghriba Synagogue hosts many pilgrims
coming to pay tribute to that ancient place of Jewish worship,according tourist statistics the Synagogue is visited by pilgrims coming from all around the world and that event carried in a procession out of the synagogue,the Tables of the Act, under a heavy multicoloured canopy is a very important appointment for the local community.
An ancient Berber village is
Mezraya also known as
Sidi Mahrez is there where was is installed the
Resort of Dar Djerba with over 1,000 rooms which despite that the architecture fits relatively well
with the local environment and landscapes.Mezraya is traditionally a Berber name, although its inhabitants mainly speak Arabic and in minor part Berber today and it is located on the eastern coast of the island of Djerba.
The village is home to two mosques
Jemaa Medrajen and
Jemaa Haouari.The latter was founded by
Sheikh Ilyes Haouari who spent all his youth abroad,also known by the name of
Sidi Ghraib.The legend of
Sallaouta,settled in Mezraya
says that who decided to build a Mosque,chose the location and began to
dig the foundations.The day after,returning to the site, they saw a
pillar to a height of twelve-sided marble no human hand could place it
there.They saw that was as a divine sign,added three columns of stone and
mortar and built the Mosque called Jemaa Sellaouat.The town is also active in cultural activities and the local Primary School organises a festival entitled
The Memory of Mezraya which highlights are the local heritage traditions such as clothing,gastronomy and history.
Guellala is an iconic symbol of Sjerba, a famous pottery village island,called in Berber language
Iqellalen which literal translation is
potters.The ancient art of the potters of Guellala, masters in that kind of activity started centuries ago and the fame reached all the country and it made that small town so famous all around Tunisia.The first thing impresses every people arriving in Guellala is the large number of objects of all kinds,all made by ceramic and the secret is jealously guarded by the locals passed from father to son son,generation by generation.
You will see there on the main road close to the houses,laboratories,with plates,pots and containers made by different clay.The town is in fact in a very rich of clay which is used to produce a multitude of various objects,an activity of pottery began to store
various agricultural products,
including grains and dates,but above all to preserve the island's main product :
olive oil. Even today, the clay jar is considered the perfect and ideal container to store that liquid and another traditional use is to store clothes,instead of wardrobes that are rarely found in the island of Djerba.
The terracotta of Guellala often is left of its natural colour,reddish or white,while the typical colours used to decorate the artifacts were
yellow and green,especially for the tiles.In Guellala there is also
an interesting Museum which recreates scenes of traditional life and naturally pottery located in a space of over than 4,000 square metres of exhibition,it offers a series of separate pavilions,each displaying a theme,such as traditions and customs,crafts,myths and legends,traditional music,mosaics or Arabic calligraphy and it receives about
100,000 visitors a year.Opened in the year
2001 according to the roles of the local architecture, it presents the essential and pure culture and traditions of Djerba and Tunisia and furthermore are also exposed wedding customs throughout Tunisia.
Ajim is the main fishing port of Djerba,located on a large rock surface in a corner of the Mediterranean sea rich in fish and seafood but in particular grouper,octopus and cuttlefish.Another source is the
sponge considered another main source and activity
especially in the pit of Ajim.The town is the closest point to the mainland along a channel approximately 2,5 km wide and which it is connected by a ferry.Sometimes local sailors also in bad climatic conditions cross that strait where there is a marine trench approximately 55,0 m deep and there also two small uninhabited islands,
Guettaia Gueblia and Guettaia Es Ghira located in that maritime arm.
The town of Ajim is located almost the same latitude as the town of Guellala to which it is connected by a paved road. An important activity of maritime transport of goods was managed in the port of Ajim and until the
1970.It is recorded that in the
year 1961, 1,170 tons of pottery from Guellala were transported by that port.The local inhabitants of Ajim are mainly fishers and farmers,the area is rich in olive groves,fig trees and palms too.A a huge palm area can be admired especially from Dhahret Guellala.In winter,the inhabitants of Ajim are also dedicated as artisan,works and wool both women and men by making traps and fishing especially in the area of Mazrane.
Paved roads connect Ajim and other towns on the island including a new between Ajim and Mellita Airport by
Sidi Jmour and
Bordj Jelij along the west coast,a corner where you can admire beautiful landscapes with practically virgin coasts.Southeast of the current Ajim,existed
a Carthaginian settlement called
Tipasa which was which the place where the
Romans made an important emporium and enabled them to control the trade route across the Mediterranean,but unfortunately, there are not relevant remains or almost nothing of that ancient place.
Midoun is the second town of the island,pretty attractive for thee presence of some small Mosques very interesting for their white and cubic forms and the central square hosts
a colourful market which takes place on Friday.An oil mill three centuries old with a dome topped with a beautiful stone is another attraction of the town which is also famous for its several coastal Hotels and for the
Djerba Club Golf situated in a huge area a with
a course of 18 holes and another of 9.The largest is more suitable for experienced players,while the small one is ideal for beginners.The two paths wind through dunes,lagoons and palm trees, offering a beautiful maritime view
Jemaa Fadhloun is a Mosque located near the road connecting Houmt Souk to Midoun, dated the
11th century and it was transformed into a
museum,permitting the tourists to discover how the Mosques were also used as a refuge for people in cases of attacks and sieges and allowed them to defend themselves.
Considered,probably the best example of
fortress Mosque in Djerba,it was built on an area of 850 square metres,with an open courtyard of 530 square meters,with two entrances located in the east and south sides and several rooms,a Koranic school,a mill,a bakery with oven,a sink,a kitchen and several bedrooms,a large prayer hall and a staircase leading to the Minaret with strong walls backed with the outside by buttresses .
3,0 km west of Midoun there is the village of
Mahboubine which name in Arabic means
beloved. Mahboubine is a pretty and picturesque place surrounded by olive groves,vineyards and fruit trees with its vlovely menzels and a very quiet atmosphere.The
Mosque Al Katib is one of its historic constructions with a domed roof very Orientalist,it was built in
the early 20th century by Ali El Kateb.That white building is a reduced and simplified imitation of the
Mosque of Hagia Sofia, Istanbul and it is very evident the Turkish influence in all its architectonic details.The existence of such architecture proves that the founder of that Mosque, Ali El Kateb, like other merchants of Djerba exercising their business as a trader in Istanbul,also influenced by Byzantine art.
El Kantara is a village situated South of the island.El Kantara as mentioned before literally,means
the bridge,that
long road developed by Romans built in Djerba to connect the island to the coast.El Kantara is the end point of the causeway linking the island since the
Punic era and that the Romans turned into a real communication channel.They broke through in places to use the force of the sea and run the tread mill.Very deteriorated over the centuries it was enlarged in
1973 and dubbed the island of pipes supplying water.
Nearby archaeological site of El Kantara,
Meninx was one of three centres that ancient Romans authorised to make the imperial purple.
Borj El Kantara is the village built on the foundations of one of the oldest forts of the island and rebuilt several times.The latter was restored in the
15th century,it was also used as
Customs Building under the French protectorate and then by the
Interior Ministry after being expanded.
The archaeological site of Meninx,is a site located on the southeast coast of the island,near the present town of
El Kantara Henchir. It stretches
over 2,0 km in longitude and approximately
800,0 wide and some spaces were submerged by the sea.The Phoenicians founded there a settlement in the
10th century BC,probably a former dock flanked by an emporium and some houses,the centre reached its peak during
Chartaginian and Roman times,when that place became the capital of the island.The extent of the site reflects the prosperity and the importance of that ancient stronghold, a crossroads of trade between Africa,East and West for many centuries.A first exploration of the site also revealed the presence of thermal baths,an amphitheatre,a theatre,a basilica and possibly a forum too.Moreover,the ground is littered with the remains,such as rests of of white marble and granite columns,capitals and numerous statues.
Borj El Agrab is a fortress surrounded by the sea between
Terbella and
El Kantara. Built on the remains of a previous garrison on a circular base with three small rooms,it was restored and occupied for decades by the
Normans-Sicilians and Spaniards,and particularly developed by the
Catalan Ramon Muntaner.A legend surrounds that fort,saying that it was built by a Prince of Djerba,whose the only child brought there to protect from kidnapping and invasions died as a result of bites of a scorpion hidden in a fruit basket .
Located east of El Kantara,there is
Borj El Kastil another fort built on a plan square,30 m wide and 10 m high.Borj El Kastil is one of the few highlights of medieval times which was partially spared, it is a sort of fortress
built in the 13th century by the Spanish conqueror Roger de Lauria, an admiral of
King Pedro III of Aragon.When Lauria occupied Djerba and ordered to build a strong garrison,the Spaniards have conquered all the island and such construction was oriented as one of the main checkpoints of Djerba,
with strong walls with a very easy access from the interior for the batteries of artillery..The fort was restored at the beginning of the
15th century by Sultan Hafsid and in the
16th century by the Ottomans, the last
was in the 17th century led by Hammouda Pasha Bey,keeping the original structure and reinforcing the walls.
Close to the
Phare de Taguermess an impressive lighthouse,there is a theme park of approximately twelve acres and called
Djerba Explore.It features a traditional reconstruction of a typical village of the island with
Lella Hadhria Museum,an exhibition of Tunisian Arab-Islamic world art,a heritage circuit Djerbian and the largest crocodile farm in thee Mediterranean basin.That combination of cultural and commercial centre also hosts crafts from around the country and it is a valid destination in the case you want to spend an alternative day,doing something different.
Sedouikech is a typical example of the most traditional Djerba, its habitat is formed by the traditional
Menzel scattered in the ample gardened areas and it situated in the centre of the island,located on the road between Houmt Souk and the ancient Roman road linking the island to the mainland,the extension of the village is developed along the main road near the beach of
Sidi Mahares..Its name derives from the Berber word
Azdyouch meaning
master of the Dark and it is with Guellala, Ajim Ouirsighen one of the villages of Djerba where Berber is still spoken in everyday life.Also Known for its
fish market and
weaving of wool, the commercial centre has always been the old market square around which were developed gradually on three sides a series of
Hanout which are
general shops selling different kind of products.
In Sedouikech also exists an
underground Mosque, known as
Jemaa Louta where the
Ibadi community fled to pray.Ibadi Mosques have a particular architecture and it is possible to access to the Minaret only through the prayer room.Jemaa Louta,which dates from the
12th century is surrounded by an olive grove, it opens with a very steep and narrow staircase which leads to the room of the Muezzin and next door there is a large reservoir which supplies water by a well, also underground and another one is on the road Ajim.
Many of the local inhabitants have embraced sincee long time ago and for familiar traditions generation by generation the Ibadite doctrine is a kind of Islam based on an Muslim organisation of social rules of life with a coordinate and peaceful state of mind and a cult with simplicity and harmony,even the doctrine is also the marriage with the local Berber population gives a special dimension.
The former fishing port of
Aghir today has been to set up with a tourist complex of Hotels and holiday villages,although the area conserves
Borj Aghir,a fortress built by the Ottomans in the 17th century and transformed before in customs building and later into a holiday structure for young people.
Another relevant detail,if you are fond about fauna and ornithology,the island of Djerba is also famous to be the island of
flamingos.In the Northern peninsula the scenery is absolutely magnificent, turquoise and blue waters and the green of the local vegetation welcome walkers and campers who come spend a day in that peaceful place admiring those birds which find there the ideal habitat due the climatic situation and an environment which offers them food resources and space,to reach the island of flamingos,go to the port Fishing at Houmt Souk, where the fishermen have used to take on board their boats,there are excursions by boat with departure in the early morning depending of the company you can also enjoy in that f/d excursion,a typical lunch.
Attending to
a traditional wedding in Djerba is one of the most beautiful memories.A visitor can keep it in his memories and take home it as an unforgettable cultural souvenir of the island.Accepting an invitation is a great chance to participate to a great cultural event,the inhabitants are famous for their hospitality and in such ceremony,it is important to be decently dressed and introducing yourself in a very kind of polite way.If you know Arab and Maghreb culture,a little bit of Arabian language or you are very fluent in French language and you visited Djerba in more than one occasion knowing someone can be an advantage.
Djerba is particularly lively during the celebration of its
Summer festival,internationally renowned and held annually during the month of June in an amphitheatre,with an intense participation,there is also the opportunity thanks to the high Hotels quality and capacity to organise in that Maghreb island excellent incentives composed by several participants,congresses and conferences linking all that to discover the land
in a deep and complete way,naturally the mild climate all year help and support the operations of such tourist projects.
Apart beach holidays and the beautiful historical monuments,Djerba receives a big number of tourists who come to Djerba for being the scene of the shooting of
Star Wars,specifically the desert planet Tatooine, a nest of pirates and smugglers
Djerba gastronomy is very similar to that of the rest of Tunisia but with unique touches.Its
fish Cous cous is a great culinary highlight with the
famous dried anchovies and also its
meat,plates in which the typical barley flour which is added in many cases.Other delicious products are
squid and octopus,
plain or stuffed with vegetables and spices.The traditional mint tea,so famous in all Maghreb area in Djerba you can drink with leaves of a local variety of
geranium.In addition, you will find the plates very popular throughout the country.
Tunisian Couscous consists of a combination of vegetables potatoes, onions,tomatoes,carrots,pumpkin, Semolina and mutton or beef.The famous
Merguez is a kind of red spicy sausage which often accompanies other specialities,while the succulent
Tajines of Djerba,very different than from those of Morocco are a mix of eggs with lamb,vegetables, potatoes, leaves mollusk and cheese,all slow cooked.Both tajines the Cous cous and other local specialities are often accompanied by the famous
Harissa a pepper paste or sauce which can be very spicy and adding a little more of flavor to the food.
The sweet pastries made with local products such as like dates,almonds, pistachio and sesame are very tastefully and genuine,many of them are laced with honey and they are often served with the classical and traditional Mint tea accompanied with aromatic sugar as in all Maghreb.That typical North African drink in Djerba is also prepared with leaves of a local variety of
geranium,having a very aromatic flavor and according ancient narrations it is a powerful cleanser of the digestive organs.

Nightlife in Djerba is very lively,
Djerba Casino is a relevant highlight, a Casino on an island still very tied to the Muslim traditions may seem a paradox,but that establishment with slot machines,glamour,lights and nightly shows are also part of the charm of the current tourist of Djerba and in the most of the Hotels you will also find a wide good selection of clubs.
Aéroport international de Djerba-Zarzis situated in
Zarzis has a location accessible crossing the Roman bridge, located on the south coast of the Gulf of Gabes.Situated approximately
9,0 km from the town of Zarzis,low cost airlines use that airport for domestic flights,but it also receive International and Intercontinental with famous companies and it ptovides a parking with about 650 places and there is a a good public transport from and to the airport.
Gustave Flaubert called Djerba the
Ile de les Sables d'Or the island of the golden beaches which are undoubtedly one of the main highlights of that enchanting Tunisian land,a place with a rich history and attractions but it is also known as the
Mediterranean Garden for its vegetation,its cuisine rich in fruits,fish and olive oil,an unique place painted by the green of its several palms reflecting a sort of rainbow of colours merging close to the blue waters and the whitewashed houses.Many villages look unchanged,without much reference to modernity for all that Djerba is a great destination to discover,metre by metre and coming back home after visiting one of the most beautiful and enchanting corners of Tunisia,you will think it could be maybe a dream but it was reality,that reality telling you to come back there once again.
Francesco Mari
Recommended Hotels in Djerba
Hotel Hasdrubal Prestige Thalassa & Spa
Hotel Telemaque Beach & Spa
Hotel Sentido Djerba Beach
Hotel Club Magic Life Penelope Beach Imperial
Hotel Radisson Blu Resort & Thalasso
Hotel Joya Paradiso
Hotel Flamingo Beach
Hotel Riu Palace Royal Garden
Hotel Dar Dhiafa