Visby-Sweden | Marvellous UNESCO Patrimony Site on a Stunning Island.

Visby is a destination among the most iconic and suggested destination in Sweden a marvellous UNESCO Patrimony Site situated on a stunning Island called Gotland, a great place to discover without hesitations in Scandinavia thanks to a multitude of historic and natural enchanting attractions which make that site a small Nordic paradise absolutely astonishing in its kind.

Situated at 92, 0 kilometres from the eastern Swedish coast facing the town of Vastervik and another fascinating island called Oland in proximity of the important harbour town of Kalmar, that Scandinavian jewel is also located at approximately at 135, 0 kilometres from the Latvian coastline and it is the biggest island in the Baltic Sea.

Gotland Island is a land highlighted by a marvellous coasts at distance they are almost mesmerising for their conformation highlighted by small scenic inlets and with a scenic peninsula flanked by picturesque bays offering spectacular views showing in all its splendour some of the best images of that sea in Northern Europe packed by numerous shining attractions and for its unforgettable sunsets.

Also it’s immediate interior of that striking place you can admire many natural marvels in a scenery in which great protagonists are pleasant verdant meadows, scattered captivating farms, traditional charming wooden houses and small fascinating hamlets which seem coming from a fairytale novel and all that is part of an environment simply spectacular.

With its 58,000 inhabitants Gotland has in Visby its capital and the most populated centre with over 23,500 residents and it is since a long time ago the most important cultural and economic centre of a place simply wonderful where historic buildings some of them great architectural masterpieces and nature meet themselves in a sort of everlasting marriage  in a fantastic scenery delighting every visitor in a while.

Declared UNESCO Patrimony Site in 1995 Gotland has that pride to have on its soil one of the best preserved medieval complexes of the entire Sweden and in addition it is also a centre which boasts a rich presence of some of the beautiful Renaissance constructions erected in the entire Scandinavia, a magnificent green centre with a wonderful huge park simply inviting to spend more than pleasant times and an extraordinary waterfront form which you can admire unforgettable panoramic sea views.

The main local highlight present in the boundaries of that enchanting town is undoubtedly the superb historic patrimony mainly concentrated around its iconic Ringmuren, that emblematic complex of fortified walls almost 3, 5 kilometres long which is one of its most beautiful and scenic attractions existing in the island and probably in the entire Sweden.

That magnificent defencive complex established in the Middle Ages gave the municipality that prestigious title delivered by UNESCO and linked to that Visby celebrates a notorious Medieval Festival a further aspect for all the lovers of suggestive and traditional appointments highly inviting next to other events of relevance.

You will also have the chance to visit in that centre some very interesting museums and an additional detail which worth a special mention is the excellent local Incoming Tourism Board which greatly work very well offering the visitor all the information regarding the most important attractions also in the small centres in its immediate surroundings.

In addition you can find in that Swedish town a notable network of very comfortable Hotels and accommodations all ready to delight your stay, very friendly and hospitable people and a delectable gastronomy with highlights an eternal fresh fish with protagonists the superb local herring but also other great gastronomic specialities made by seafood and white fish more than delicious.

Many are the outdoor activities to practise all around Visby such as sailing, other kinds water sports, cycling and trekking exploring the intact and virgin forests of the interior, the ravishing local coastline, tiny beautiful hamlets and scenic agglomerations scattered in green plateaus,  in brief you can enjoy on Gotland Island and in the immediate vicinity of its capital a lot of things to do filling your more than pleasant stay.

Other aspects very relevant are the connections by road and including the transports, all works very well, the distance between a centre and another are very short and its peaceful atmosphere extremely relaxing and calm is a further incentive, no noise and traffic a great incentive for every tourist admiring a lot of attractions in those magnificent conditions in total serenity and obviously a more than recommended destination for all those want to recharge the battery but at the same time admiring something of absolutely outstanding.

The local history is extremely interesting and captivating rich of events, iconic chronological stages and golden ages of resonance and also that is an aspect which immediately capture the attention of every visitor.

Originally Gotland Island was  inhabited since prehistoric times according to archaeological excavations with the discovery founds of considerable artifacts. That land was later visited in several occasions by the Vikings and the name Visby is closely linked to that Nordic population deriving from the ancient Norsk language by the composition of two words such as Vis and By, the first one meaning sacrificial and the second village. That denomination is probably related to a place in which those ancient polytheist settlers established a seat in honour of their Gods such as Oddin, Thor and Freyr celebrating there those events rooted in their faith and Religious culture.

Located on a rocky coastline in a very strategic position  that centre was officially founded in the 10th century with a historic past closely linked to the famous Hanseatic League when that famous and powerful maritime Association found by active German merchants well known in medieval times for their very busy trades established along several strategic Scandinavian and Baltic coasts their headquarters establishing considerable harbours which made the fortune of that emblematic and influential network.

The town already had a small port on the Baltic but with the landing of those skilled traders from Germany was protagonist of a notable enlargement and a very  fast development consolidating Visby as a considerable stage across the main routes on the Baltic Sea in that corner of Scandinavia with numerous traffics towards the Swedish mainland but also with different operations with destinations the ports of the League on the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian coastlines.

In the 12th century during the period in which different agglomerations were already pretty developed and inhabited by several colonies of German traders who continued to settle in Scandinavia and in the current Baltic Republics, Visby for its strategic geographic position as a main cross road in a sea space so busy more than ever was chosen as favourite residence by many of them.

In that time with that constant and relevant presence was also erected Sankta Maria Kyrka, the Cathedral and other significant buildings around it. Later other Churches and an enlargement of that main Religious building in the 13th century gave that town an important prestige also related to a very active artistic life with many masters and architect directly coming from the current Germany to embellish Visby which had since then the start of its artistic golden ages.

In addition the highest emissaries and influential figures of the Hanseatic League increased the fame of that centre with further several commercial operations consisting in numerous expeditions to the Baltic Oriental coastline reaching important ports as Reval,the current Tallinn capital of Estonia which was in that time one of the most flourishing centres in that corner of Europe about maritime trades.

That century with a constant development of Visby was also the emblematic period in which was erected the famous and iconic Ringmuren, exactly in 1280 when the town was encircled by that stunning circular wall of over 3, 0 kilometres in length, a long stoned perimeter erected to protect the entire centre giving that town an aspect of impenetrable stronghold, an imposing medieval complex which was considered since then one of the most impressive defencive systems elevated in the entire Scandinavia all time.

Due to the constant presence of the German traders Visby continued to be under influence of the League also in the 14th century although that legendary Institution developed other relevant ports of relevance as the previously mentioned  Reval  which reached volumes of commercial traffics very relevant concentrating along its banks the most important busy traffics of the Hanseatic League, an event which marked the destiny of the Gotland Capital which started to have a sort of soft decline.

In that time the young King of Denmark Valdemar Atterdag IV seeing that the Germans were mainly concentrated to develop major influences on other towns and cities in the Baltic developing new routes landed on the island of Gotland with his troops.The few merchants and nobles who lived in the former town did not fight against the invaders and the occupation by the Danes just found a resistance by a small group of local farmers. 

Under that brief Danish rule started continuous disputes between that Scandinavian Kingdom and the German merchants who despite their new flourishing domains they did not want to lose the makor centre of that stunning island for economic interests already developed in the previous centuries and much more to have a base despite in a decay was always in the centre of a strategic route as stage for their fleet.

The famous German city of Lubeck, the major centre of the Hanseatic League informed several times the Monarch of Denmark to return the territory and to pay all the damages caused during the troops invasion. The request was to leave the island of Gotland and to renounce to future claims on those lands with the risk of severe diplomatic problems. Obviously the Danish Sovereign facing that challenge and a warning directly coming from that influential German centre paid and left the island.

The decision was taken simply to avoid numerous risks to have as a rival all the League so close to the Danish borders which in that period was also a commercial military and political power and a diplomatic solution was definitely the best than to face a more than insidious enemy in a terrible war which could be expanded in all that geographic area.

Just some years later and in several occasions Visby was devastated by Baltic pirates who already had attacked ports of the League and merchants ships on the routes leading to Riga and Reval.Corsairs and buccaneers with their continuous assaults and attacks also created sort of bases for their operations all around the Gotland coasts and it was since then when started an intense and sad decline of Visby.

It was since then but probably with delay that he Duke Eric Boguslaw of Pomerania decided with an attempt to save Visby and the the towers you can see today were added to the iconic Ringmuren in the 15th century. Despite that  the Hanseatic League due to that situation and avoiding to compromise its interests losing ships during their trips trying to dock in a place considered pretty unsafe deleted the town from the most important routes across the Baltic and later expelled officially the  Sweidsh town from every contact with other centres of that famous trade Institution.

The 16th century was a period extremely highlighted by the several clashes, fights and disputes between Swedish and German merchants regarding to the maritime spaces and commercial influence in that geographical area. 

Some new organised networks of very Swedish traders started to operate with very positive results using frequently Visby as one of their headquarters but soon came notable problems and troubles with the traders from Lübeck who saw that sort of intrusion as an attempt to conquer spaces generating conflicts and continuous threats undermining a stability founded since a long time ago.

That German Institution once determined the impossibility to establish a treaty or to solve a situation pretty dangerous and tricky decided to attack Visby destroying a large part of the town and leaving intact just the Church of Sankta Maria Kyrka which was the only survivor of a massive devastation and many ruins of that time are still visible today.

The decay of that town after that sad event made that the centre was incorporated in the Kingdom of Denmark until 1645 but after that second but longer Danish occupation Gotland Island  was conquered by the Kingdom of Sweden and after the famous treaty of Brömsebro the Danish Reign was forced to surrender and to return all its conquests in Swedish territory to the Swedes.

Visby never came back to be the flourishing and glorious town of the past but in the 19th century there were new activities and the reconstruction of a new harbour with major capacity which  gave that centre a good relevance at national level.

Another resource which had a considerable success was the Tourism Industry thanks to that significant and relevant historic medieval patrimony which started attracted several visitors for the presence of monuments and notable buildings of very high artistic value which made the history of the capital of that beautiful island.

The core of Visby is mainly developed behind the huge and splendid Almedalen Park which is situated next to Fiskaporten the captivating fishing harbour which is another of the main highlights of the municipality.

 From there crossing the lovely square Fiskar Plan along the street Strandgatan you can immediately have a very easy access to the magnificent historic centre and also taking in consideration a long artery called Strandvagen which directly leads to the Botaniska Tradgarten, the beautiful Botanical Garden which is partially flanked by the notorious Ringmuren the iconic fortified walled complex on its western side and it is an excellent point of reference I suggest you.

You can start a beautiful and exciting visit from one of the emblematic sites of the town, Sankta Maria Kyrka also called Domkyrka which is also the local Cathedral. That majestic stoned Church was built in 1225 by German merchants and it was immediately after its elevation declared the major local Religious seat of the current municipality.

Restored in different occasions it was officially consecrated as Cathedral in the 16th century, a period in which it was also enlarged expanding its central nave and the apse. That imposing Religious Temple boasts a splendid ample and high facade beneath a beautiful gable roof, it has three naves which are greatly enclosed by two high and imposing twin towers two towers with a hexagonal shape characterised by several fine mullioned windows and both topped by a stunning polygonal dark spire dominated by very scenic pinnacles.

The front side is furthermore highlighted by a great execution consisting in three fine lines of symmetrical windows placed on the upper section and you can also admire in the layout a statue depicting the Virgin Mary and a Christian Cross.

In the interior the beautiful vaulted central nave leads to a splendid Baroque altar, further relevant works are a splendid wooden pulpit and a fine stoned baptismal font.Another special highlight is definitely the presence of beautiful painted stained glass windows depicting bible scenes transmitting a stunning luminosity to the apse, a great work by a Bavarian artist called Carl De Bouché, an eminent  and talented character form Munich who also made superb works in Augsburg, Leipzig and including in Athens.

 Despite the local territory it’s not too big Visby had about 17 Churches, many of them were totally devastated keeping the rests as historic patrimony heritage and all that explains you the intense artistic and lively cultural life which was developed in that centre, considering furthermore the large spaces which were used to establish all those sacred constructions.

The ruins of Sankta Katarina Kyrka and Sankt Nikolai Kyrka two historic Churches erected in the Middle Ages show the impressive work developed in medieval times by many artists called in that town during its golden ages.

Despite you can admire just some sections of those structures it is enough to take a look to their perimeters and the size of what remain of the former walls of those Religious buildings which are really impressive to understand what they represented in a virtual reconstruction of their entire majestic monumental architectural profiles.

The first Church was exactly built in the 13th century hosting an Order linked to Franciscan monks you can admire the imposing walls and the almost entire shape of  two f facades while in its interior visible are some fine and great columns and stylish arcades and some shapes of sections in which were placed lines of stained glass windows.

The second one was erected in the 14th century on a pretty large plan and in its remnants you can admire spectacular refined vaults, some beautiful columns and a rose window placed in a section of the layout in proximity of a vaulted niche. Also in that former Church you can admire the stylish and refined lines of the silhouette of the spaces which containedthe mullioned windows and notable is the central nave showing you a marvellous vaulted ceiling and strong high square columns flanking it.

Just like the Cathedral also those structures were commissioned by the German merchants of the Hanseatic League and it represented behind it the most relevant for size and artistic lines.

Despite the local territory it’s not too big Visby had about 17 Churches, many of them were totally devastated keeping the rests as historic patrimony heritage and all that explains you the intense artistic and lively cultural life which was developed in that centre, considering furthermore the large spaces which were used to establish all those sacred constructions.

Also another Church called Sankt Drotten is extremely interesting dating back the medieval times was a relevant masterpiece and studying the reconstruction of the ancient and former project although today you can only see the rests.Unfortunately the only intact architectural element is the majestic stoned square tower flanked by part of a high wall but simply the view of those remnants of the layout will give you an idea how was such stunning construction before its destruction.

Walking in the town you can see many other ruins of those Religious Temples such as Sankt Clement  Sankta Gertrude, Sankt Olof, Sankt Per and Sankt Hans considered the most important, all them are symbols of that great complex elevated in the boundaries of Visby, a local pride and a marvellous attraction.

The local tourism Board organises during summer period a great city tour offering the superb chance to discover the history of the local medieval patrimony with all the information about those relevant ruins with great experienced guides trying to transmit the visitors the history and all the architectural topics of many of those former Sacred buildings erected in the Middle Ages and it is a visit undoubtedly highly interesting.

You will certainly enjoy a great experience because you can discover many interesting things and details trying to imagine to see in front of you the real, integral and intact structure with all its elements and artistic detailed features and also obviously to learn  how was relevant that centre in its past, a visit very recommended to all art lovers.

The Ringmuren is the construction which gave the town notoriety, fame and prestige and much more the title of UNESCO Patrimony site.

Along the perimeter of that impressing and imposing walled structure you can admire the superb work made in the Medieval era to fortify the town with almost 3, 5 kilometres of solid and strong stoned walls which gave that marvellous Swedish centre popularity but also respect and admiration. In addition it is a great example how to build something of imposing and almost inaccessible around an inhabited centre in medieval times in a very strategic position pratically covering all the cardinal points.

You can also imagine how was the life in the Middle Ages behind that impenetrable bastions and that is another very suggestive feeling that place will transmit you.

One of the most relevant rests of that stunning medieval defencive system is undoubtedly Nordegravar, the North Wall consisting in two twin circular crenellated towers and that iconic section was furthermore one of the ancient gates of the old town, obliged passage to enter in the core of Visby and you will also notice the presence of a hallway on a bridge located on a ditch. 

Krutornet is another superb highlight of that magnificent complex, it was another key point of that fortification originally used as check point but transformed later in the gunpowder tower situated in a very strategic position in proximity of the coast.

It is a strong tower developed on a square plan topped by a red brick roof and flanked by a stoned wall with a scenic arched doorway. That construction was erected in the 15th century and it was used as arsenal after the elevation of other watch towers hosting the guards and behind Nordegravar was probably the most important element of that imposing structure erected all around that centre.

Apart the immense historic value of the Ringmuren in a walk around its perimeter you will also discover as that superb construction was perfectly and ideally studied to arrange passages and how the elevation of its towers was perfectly studied to provide a complete view at kilometres of distance.

Another feature highly relevant is to admire the position of the gates which permitted the access to the heart of Visby making it not only an insurmountable high wall but also a sort of well organised linear fortress combined with a town. Also that is extremely interesting because many fortresses in the past arouse as bastions were not totally planned to defend the entire boundaries of a centre showing in some cases some weakness in determined sides something not visible in Ringmuren.

Almedalen is another splendid local attraction, it is the green lung of the town consisting in a large green park well preserved and cared highlighted by a small lake, bike paths and pedestrian walks. The locals often use that municipal verdant lung to enjoy peace and relaxation but also to practise sport activities as jogging. It is located a few meters from the Baltic Sea and it is also the seat of some events which are celebrated on its surface.

Very close to the northern exit of that park you can find the Tourist Information Centre of Visby, ideal place to collect further and several information about all the historic sites to visit also in the immediate surroundings and in that point you are also close to Visby Radhuset the Town Hall.

Along Donnersgatan a long street flanking that very lovely park starts Strandvagen which is the local maritime promenade, a beautiful walkway immediately situated outside the old town flanked by trees and it is a perfect place to take several pictures on the Baltic enjoying a pleasant break in particular in the late afternoon to breathe the special cool local breeze.

Also that site is another place among the favourites by locals in summer and weekends and it is particularly frequented by families with children, tourists and young people. Furthermore I recommend you to stop for a while at sunset, simply great are the lights and reflections from that marvellous waterfront admiring striking beautiful images of the Baltic Sea  in that very charming point.

A walk in Visby also means to admire apart the relevant historical medieval patrimony the several beautiful Nordic Renaissance buildings which replaced the old former houses destroyed in the past. 

Some of the most distinctive constructions are along Strandgatan and one of those relevant constructions is undoubtedly the charming Gamla Apotheke one of the most beautiful examples existing in the entire town.

That great masterpiece represents the old pharmacy and it is a superb work consisting in a majestic stoned construction boasting a splendidylish facade completed by a refined wooden door and a series of fine rectangular and curved windows. 

 Very relevant for their execution are the architectural lines designed in a very harmonious and balanced layout placing detailed elements with symmetry and and criteria highlighting many spaces of the front side and you will notice that no one was placed in a wrong place.In the centre as stunning highlight you will admire the perfect symmetry of four large mullioned windows while some others of rectangular shape were greatly added with extreme taste on both sides.

Another example of that kind of that fine style despite it shows a more contemporary silhouette is Liljehornska Huset, a charming high house boasting a beautiful light facade with several lines of rectangular windows and highlighted by a scenic brick sloping roof.In its kind it is a pretty unusual structure, from a perspective at distance appears a bit austere but once you are facing it you will note perfect outlines and all appears as perfect and balanced.

Very nice and pleasant is also a walk along Fiskärgran, a picturesque and marvellous cobblestone alley flanked by charming small houses with flowers and plants placed at their doors.

That very captivating place is the old street in which the former fishermen of Visby lived and its fascinating image is as to return to the past also for the perfect preservation of the entire environment, it conserved its old charm and with the Cathedral, the Port, the ancient walls and Strandgatan is one of the most photographed places of that centre. 

The town also offers the opportunity to visit some relevant museums and the Lansmuseet pa Gotland is one of them consisting in a complex arranged in different sections displaying a scientific area.

Visby is very famous to be the birthplace of the famous inventor Christopher Pohlem, a prominent figure considered one of the most influential scientists in the history of Sweden and it was mandatory for that municipality to have that very interesting exhibition devoted to such that emblematic figure and that topic too.

Very interesting is also the History space which represents a sort of chronological historic step by step of the town since the Viking times across the medieval era and also highlighted during the period in which Visby was part of the famous Hanseatic League, a very recommended visit to know all the most important historic periods which characterised the life of the town.Another area of that Museum displays archaeological artifacts dated the origin of human life in the island and the Stone Age.

A further exhibition of relevance is the Gotlands Konstmuseet hosting a wide collection of Swedish and Nordic artists works, an occasion to discover something more about pure art and artistic expressions in Scandinavia in a visit which will show you great works.

All Gotland Island is a mine of treasures, a very stunning land, there are many places to visit including its small and picturesque, lovely centres such as Vibble, Hemse, Slite and Lärbro among others.

The island of Farö north of Gotland is a splendid place famed for its natural environment, a famous summer resort boasting  a beautiful beach while Götska Sandön is another fabulous highlight consisting in a small island situated at approximately 35,0 kilometres from Farö offering the chance to visit a wonderful nature park considered one of the most captivating natural attractions of Sweden.

Probably you remember an old TV series Pippi Längstrump, the famous Pippi Longstocking, a Swedish-German production which was broadcast in TV in 1969 for the first time with protagonist that nice and funny girl interpreted by the famous actress Karin Inger Monica Nilsson and written by the notorious writer Astrid Lindgren who conquered with her works many children in Scandinavia and in the world.

That series was launched with many scenes filmed in proximity of Visby in which there is the famous house Villa Vullekulla situated at a very short distance from the town in Kneippbyn.

The beauty of the island, its picturesque air and atmosphere also attracted other artists, famous is a movie by the famous and iconic filmmaker Ingmar Bergman who in the early 70s chose Visby for one of his works titled Beroeringen starring Max Von Sydow.

Also Mari Jungstedt, a popular journalist and crime fiction author from Stockholm decided to have Visby as set for several of her crime and detective novels with the town hosting the Police headquarter starring the detective Anders Knutas as main figure of that successful work.

Not just Swedish artists fell in love with the charm of that charming town and also from the Far East and concretely from Japan, Hayao Myazaki a famed Manga creator and filmmaker was impressed by the scenic and genuine beauty of that marvellous place which was the inspiration for his animated fantasy film Kiki´s Delivery Service produced in 1989.

The Director from Tokyo chose some places in Sweden including Visby as main set of that work took from a literature children work by Eiko Kadono who wrote a novel with the same title four years before.

The town remembering its splendid medieval past celebrates every year the Medeltisevckan the Medieval Week in August, a great event which takes place since 1984.

It is an important appointment for all the inhabitants who wear medieval costumes for one week, a very special event to pay homage to the history of Visby and naturally a great chance to welcome all those who love festivals linked to the past enjoying furthermore the presence of a very lovely medieval market.That event has a very lively and animated atmosphere and the best of that great appointment is also the real, pure and true reproduction in costumes and image of how was the town in the Middle Ages.

Almedalen Week is another important event celebrated in the Capital of Gotland in July. It calls all people linked to political issues and it is considered a meeting of national relevance. All the major members of the Swedish parties are present there and its denomination from Almedalen Park the place hosting it.

As many cities, towns and places in the world also Visby has its nicknames. Someone for its historic medieval rests consisting in those famous and distinctive Churches remnants calls it the town of the ruins but it is also named the town of the roses for the splendid blooming of that kind of flowers which characterises the Capital of the island in spring giving it a further charming appeal.

Also the local delicious gastronomy plays an important role delighting a multitude of visitors and it is traditionally linked to a very genuine cuisine typically rooted to local products as excellent cheeses and cakes prepared with excellent fresh lingo berries and berries which are also used to produce excellent jams and many other recipes including sauces.

Very famous as in all the country is the Blaubarsoppa, a soup made by bilberries, starch potatoes, sugar and water. Naturally you cannot miss to try the delicious sea products which are superb highlights as the always supreme salmon and cod, the famed Gravlax and the iconic herrings are other delectable culinary highlights. 

Lamb is also excellent and in the island a further traditional dish is the Glödhoppa consisting in cured that kind of meat prepared in a special style. In its preparation the meat is before boiled and after that operation is fried completing all the process adding a good quantity of mustard.

Also rice is part of the local gastronomy and in Gotland Island using saffron it is a spice very used, a tradition part of the old heritage culinary patrimomy since the time of the merchants who traded and introduced that product in the local gastronomic culture.

With that ingredient is also prepared the Saffranspannkaka, a traditional pudding rice which is generally accompanied by sauces, jam or whipped cream and in addition it is often present in bakery added in bread and buns.

Another popular dish is the Pitepalt consisting in a kind of gnocchi very similar to the German and Austrian Knödeln generally served with meat, vegetables or local sausages another product offered in a large variety of types.

A further typical speciality is  the Ugnstrull, a pie prepared with rye bread as basic ingredient filled with pork meat and a very appreciated product well known in all Sweden is the beer Gotlandsdricke made in the island.

Visby has its airport and harbour with ferry services and if you are planning to visit that magnificent place simply for the reason to see and admire its magnificent Ringmuren that long fortified walls that UNESCO awarded as one of the most impressive medieval structures in Sweden and in Northern Europe you can also have excellent connections from and to the Capital Stockholm.

I added some links could be useful to organise your stay in the case you will plan future holidays in a place will transmit you many wonderful things.

That town is very special in its kind, a centre on human scale, the beautiful and picturesque scenery of the island of Gotland is simply great, very friendly and kind people will welcome you, the Baltic Sea with its horizon is an attraction more, unforgettable walks along its coastline admiring the views of many small islands and islets and a multitude of great attractions are all aspects which can conquer everyone.

For all that Visby is a more than a marvellous destination to enjoy and remember for a very long time in your pleasant trip memories which will be always alive and preserved as a magic dream and experience you will desire to repeat once again.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Visby

Hotel Clarion Wisby
Hotel Strand
Hotel Stenugnen
Hotel St.Clemens
Hotel Sohlem

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