Morocco | Commitment to Tourism Growth Plan with Goals by 2026


Morocco, North African country bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea in the Maghreb region, is assiduously working on its tourism growth plan with goals by 2026.

A goal implemented by the Ministry of Tourism aims to increase to more than 13.000 beds by 2026 compared to 7.200 this year and looking ahead to 2025, with optimistic forecasts estimated, bed capacity is expected to reach 9.944.

Another objective is about the evolution of the number of seats contracted with airlines, with forecasts to reach 12.6 million in 2024 compared to 6.3 million in the previous year, a goal that is part of improvement of programming for the destination Morocco from the issuing markets.

The Moroccan Ministry of Tourism also focuses on the quality of the service and therefore with the development of professionals, currently the number of people enrolled in hotel and tourism training institutes in 2024 is 1.690 students with the aim of reaching 5.910 enrolled by 2026.

All these stages of growth and improvement are linked like an additional capsule to the well-known Tourism Strategic Roadmap 2023 - 2026 a plan developed in close collaboration between the Government and Tourism Industry Professionals to elevate the Moroccan Kingdom to the rank of the world's most popular destinations.

In this growth plan with a vision to 2026, Moroccan tourism is looking optimistically to the future and this roadmap aims to achieve a yearly growth of 10% with a target of 17.5 million tourist arrivals by 2026, generating 120 billion dirhams foreign exchange earnings, creating 80,000 direct jobs and 120,000 indirect jobs and in addition to repositioning tourism as a key sectori in the national economy.

To achieve all these goals by 2026, this roadmap aims to transform the tourism sector by acting on all key levers, namely a new logic of supply articulated around the customer experience and structured around nine thematic and 5 cross - sectors with focus on a plan to double air capacity and strengthen promotion and marketing with particular emphasis on digital.

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Tumbes – Peru | Projects and Investments to Strengthen Incoming Tourism


Tumbes, capital of the region of the same name, an important and historic city located in northwestern Peru on the banks of Tumbes river, facing the Gulf of Guayaquil along with Zorritos near the border with Ecuador, relevant, political stronghold during the Inca Empire is the protagonist for projects and investments that will raise its internal tourism to strenghten and increase its level of incoming tourism.

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, Mincetur, Desilú León, Champén reported that his office, through the Copesco National Plan, responsible for formulating, coordinating, directing, executing and supervising investments projects of tourism interests at the national level and providing specialized technical support for the execution of tourist projects to Regional Governments has two important tourism investment projects in its portfolio focused on Tumbes.

The Head of Mincetur commented that tourism plays a fundamental role in regional development, generates an important economic movement and creates jobs and the Peruvian Government is committed to Tumbes that has to continue to be an important, attractive and competitive tourist destination at a national level and for these reasons the leading organizations of the country are working on important tourist works that generate pride and identity.

Mincetur's first investment project will be carried out in Puerto Pizarro, a resort located 13 kilometers from Tumbes, famous for its fishermen, seashell collectors, its shallow waters allow water skiing, boating and windsurfing and relevant starting point to visit Tumbes Mangals National Sanctuary.

In this location the project will build a tourist mall, a rest stop, a boardwalk, a tourist viewing point, a central plaza and the construction of pedestrian paths and accesses. All that will cost more than 26 million of soles and the area of intervention will be 18.164.72 square meters.

This new infrastructure will allow some 113.000 national and international tourists to benefit and enjoy better services over the next ten years.

At this moment the works are in the phase of physical – lega sanification, by Emusac the municipal society of urbanization and construction SAC as far as land availability is concerned, it is necessary that the maintenance of the property and fires in the area of the project be carried out in advance and then the studio of the project be updated to enable the investment phase of the project.

The Minister then underlined that another of the projects on which work is being done in the region is the improvement and expansion of the tourist services of the Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary, a protected natural area established in 1988 boasting the largest area of mangrove forest in Peru for an amount of 13 million of Soles and which will allow some 15,000 national and international tourists to enjoy services over the next 10 years.

The works will be carried out in El Algarrobo where the construction of a pier to sail to the islands of Galllegos and Matapalo will be carried out, the activation of a pedestrian and vehicular path, the construction of interpretative routes, the construction of a visitor center with tourist services with information, luggage storage, interpreting, toilets, offices, the construction of a large parking lot and operations to improve the surveillance and tourist security post.

Other works will be carried out on the islands of Matapalo and Gallegos where pedestrian access will be created through an interpretative walkway, as well as rest and observation areas, and other developments will concern the construction of a pier and improvements regarding the surveillance and tourist security structures.

At this moment the Plan Copesco Nacional is completing the last stages of budget development while Mincetur is working on the environmental assessment for the works in the Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary.

Other current tasks concern the authorization of the DICAPI for the right of use in aquatic areas and it is expected that the technical file will be completed in the first half of 2025.


Ruta 54 – Mexico | Increased Investment, Development and Focus on Responsible Tourism


La Ruta 54, the Carretera Federal 54 that runs through the States of Colima, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas and Zacatecas with a length of over 900 kilometres will be subject to greater investments with works projected for development, installations of companies, services and with focus on Responsible Tourism.

 Ruta 54 stands out for being the shortest route between the Mexican state of Nuevo León and the United States state of Texas, connecting the city of Monterrey with the border crossings of Miguel - Alemán - Rome, highlighted by the suspension bridge that spans the Rio Grande known as Rio Bravo in Mexico and Camargo - Rio Grande City, the International Bridge also known as the Starr Camargo Bridge linking the cities of Rio Grande City in the Starr County - Texas - U.S. and Camargo, Mexican municipality in the State of Tamaulipas then continuing in Texas territory with the famous Highway 83 Brownsville - Laredo.

With this initiative and works planned in seven locations located in the State of Nuevo León such as Apodaca, Cerralvo, Doctor González, Higueras, Marin, Pesqueria andTreviño and two in the State of Tamaulipas such as Ciudad Mier and Miguel Alemán in the State of Tamaulipas that will benefit from the establishment of companies and services for the growth of the local economy also through tourism.

This development will include a corridor boasting an extension of 179 kilometers corresponding to 164 kilometers of the Ruta 54 that connects Monterrey, famous city and capital of Nuevo León, sprawling industrial and business centre north of the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range and Mier, municipality in Tamaulipas also known as El Paso del Cántaro just south of Falcon Dam and near the Rio Grande and 14.5 kilometres between Mier and Ciudad Miguel Alemán, also known as San Pedro de Roma, in the state of Tamaulipas on the Rio Grande River opposite the Texan city of Rome.

In addition to accepting investments and the establishment of companies in their territories,and services these municipalities that are part of Route 54 pursue responsible tourism so that in one place the inhabitants find sources of work, leisure and entertainment.

The Representative of the International Alliance for the Development of Trade in North Mexico and South Texas Sergio Ruiz pointed out in local media that many companies from various sectors and civil associations are assiduously engaged in the economic development of this territory for commercial installations, development of services, companies and also with regard to the tourism sector.

This route crosses several towns that have a lot to offer from a tourist point of view with the invitation to visit the area and do responsible tourism giving energy to a movement of the local economy that will gradually attract even more investments from other companies and factories.

The primary objective is that the cities of this Mexican territory grow in a correct, harmonious, orderly way both in the economic part of work and from the point of view of entertainment.

With all this thousands of inhabitants of the region would benefit for example in the area of Pesqueria alone, lively center just 22 minutes driving from Monterrey and Marin, historic center in the colonial era there are 50,000 people and the form of economic benefit would consist of the people of the region knowing other places that have restaurants, grocery stores and other goods, services by improving their economy.

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