Morocco | Commitment to Tourism Growth Plan with Goals by 2026


Morocco, North African country bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea in the Maghreb region, is assiduously working on its tourism growth plan with goals by 2026.

A goal implemented by the Ministry of Tourism aims to increase to more than 13.000 beds by 2026 compared to 7.200 this year and looking ahead to 2025, with optimistic forecasts estimated, bed capacity is expected to reach 9.944.

Another objective is about the evolution of the number of seats contracted with airlines, with forecasts to reach 12.6 million in 2024 compared to 6.3 million in the previous year, a goal that is part of improvement of programming for the destination Morocco from the issuing markets.

The Moroccan Ministry of Tourism also focuses on the quality of the service and therefore with the development of professionals, currently the number of people enrolled in hotel and tourism training institutes in 2024 is 1.690 students with the aim of reaching 5.910 enrolled by 2026.

All these stages of growth and improvement are linked like an additional capsule to the well-known Tourism Strategic Roadmap 2023 - 2026 a plan developed in close collaboration between the Government and Tourism Industry Professionals to elevate the Moroccan Kingdom to the rank of the world's most popular destinations.

In this growth plan with a vision to 2026, Moroccan tourism is looking optimistically to the future and this roadmap aims to achieve a yearly growth of 10% with a target of 17.5 million tourist arrivals by 2026, generating 120 billion dirhams foreign exchange earnings, creating 80,000 direct jobs and 120,000 indirect jobs and in addition to repositioning tourism as a key sectori in the national economy.

To achieve all these goals by 2026, this roadmap aims to transform the tourism sector by acting on all key levers, namely a new logic of supply articulated around the customer experience and structured around nine thematic and 5 cross - sectors with focus on a plan to double air capacity and strengthen promotion and marketing with particular emphasis on digital.

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