Andrea Bocelli at Dublin on 06th November 2012 at O2 Dublin Anfitheatre.A great opportunity for a splendid City Break in the great Irish Capital enjoying one of the most beautiful voices in the world,a talented artist who entered in the Wall of Fame.

The magnificent Tuscan tenor Andrea Bocelli is ready to charm and enchant everyone with his beautiful and incredible voice in the Irish Capital Dublin in a expected magnificent concert.

The formidable Italian singer who with his unique voice,who captivates music fans worldwide will be in Ireland very soon.Dublin awaits him on 06th November in its amphitheatre at North Wall Quay.

A major event in a city among the most important in the world of music scene, a city open, bubbly, friendly and charming.Nothing better to enjoy a great city break in a city of great musical traditon,birthplace of the U2,Ronan Keating,Sinead O´Connor and the Thin Lizzy among others.All Dublin,all Ireland are impatient to receive the great and unique artist from Lajatico.

Francesco Mari

Muse and Prague, a perfect combination to enjoy one of the most beautiful cities in the World and Muse the famous rock stars from Devon.A great concert at O2 Prague on 22th November 2012 do not miss this fantastic day in the wonderful Czech Capital.

Prague and Muse in Prague on22th November.It will be a spectacular day in Prague,the splendid city of the 100 towers will host a fantastic concert at O2 Arena Venue.

The British Band from Devon,with Matt Bellamy,Dominic Howard and Christopher Wolstenholme stars of the space rock and alternative rock have conquered East Europe and Prague is absolutely crazy waiting for this group that has sold more than 15 millions albums in the world.

A great event,to enjoy Muse and Prague,a wonderful concert,a beautiful city to enjoy metre by metre,a magic 22nd November at O2 Arena,do not miss this musical appointment to share an unforgettable day of rock,Muse are ready to conquer another city in the world,the magic Prague.

Francesco Mari


Travel with Me: AMSTERDAM-HOLLAND-INTRIGUING,EXCITING,SPLENDID,CIT...: Amsterdam has long been considered as one of the most, exciting, intriguing and interesting cities that the world has to offer. Known as ...

Milan-Some Tips and Information visiting Milan in a Pleasant Way.

Today I would like to suggest you some tips to make pleasant your future visit to the city of Milan.Milan is a big city and like any big city,it often suffers a heavy traffic,parking difficulties and sometimes tourists have some problems about orientation just like in other big metropolis.

If you arrive at Milan-Malpensa Airport with a Fly & Drive and you have to go to Milan City by car with your destination Hotel in Milan City centre,from the airport take the "superstrada" in the direction of Busto Arsizio-Malpensa Milan Malpensa Fiere and from  here take the motorway A8 Milano-Varese direction Milan tangent to the Highway A9 Milan-Laghi.Generally it is a busy motorway bit until the Milan Highway Barrier is pretty good,a little bit before  the Barrier toll fee of Milan there is a perfect service station fuel with bar and restaurant in the case you need it.

After the motorway toll gate of Milan, near Lainate, Arese towns part of the Milanese urban belt, follow signs A4 Milan-Venice,direction Viale Zara and then continue taking direction Viale Certosa on the right side standing below the bridge that leads to the San Siro Stadium. (I recommend attention crossing the bridge there are various lanes and the traffic is very heavy).

Here you will find a traffic light just below the bridge, turn right and go straight through Piazza Firenze until the Arco della Pace.From here turn right and follow the road  and after a couple of rounds you will be next to one wing of the beautiful castle the Castello Sforzesco, 400 meters from the Cenacolo Vinciano where there is the masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci the Last Supper, 400 meters from the beginning of Brera Art District,150 meters from Cadorna Tube and Railway Station.Here you are not far from the splendid Duomo,the Cathedral,only 700 meters walking on the pedestrian street Via Dante.On this street there are great restaurants for lunch and dinner and some chic cafes.

If you arrive at the airport and you have not a rent a car,there is the Malpensa train that will take you directly in just over 15 minutes to Cadorna Station150 meters from the Castello Sforzesco and 250 meters from Via Dante.Recommendation outside the station,it is a very busy area of Milan,with railway station,subway station,bus stop station, there are always pick pockets as in each big city, I suggest you immediately turn left cross the street and you're next to a wing of the Castello Sforzesco outside the mass of people.

If you have a hotel outside of Milan and you want to visit Milan,I suggest to take direction San Siro Stadium and head over the bridge overpass and follow the signs Lampugnano,keeping the right side of the road on the right there is a big paid parking but very cheap,it is next to thet Palasharp, excellent parking for M1 tube the Red Line subway, which will take you directly to the Duomo taking the direction Sesto FS.There are 10 stops about 20 minutes but you have your car safe in a parking with CCTV, the parking is open from 06.00 to 01, 00.Parking in the centre of Milan are normally expensive and several times you do not find parkings available driving for 1 hour in a heavy traffic,

If you arrive by train to Milan,at the Central Train Station take the M3 Subway Yellow Line will take you in 5 minutes to Piazza Duomo ( only 4 stops).Central station has two floors, down the ladder you go to the subway station and directly to the big main  square, inside the station there are bars,some fast foods and an excellent Information Office if you need,maps, brochures or information for events that are celebrated in Milan,show,theatre,live music and so on.

Milan Central Station could serve you as a point of arrival if you arrive to Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport with Ryanair or other low-cost airlines, the shuttle bus from the airport stops at Milan are Centrale,2 minutes from the Station Entrance.From Bergamo to Milan there are 52 km,the highway if it is not in rush hour traffic on the A4 Milan-Venice is quite smooth, there is always a bit of traffic near Cormano,Sesto San Giovanni, as there are exits for Monza, Lecco and Brianza,it is a good service because it takes you right into the city centre and it is cheap.On the square of the Station Piazzale della Stazione Cadorna I recommend attention as mentioned before about Cadorna Station.

Once in Piazza Duomo after the visit of this majestic,splendid Gothic Cathedral  if you want to see,the famous Teatro della Scala,the Palazzo Marino, cross the beautiful Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, take a coffee in one of the famous cafes Savini od Biffi  sometimes if you are lucky you can see some famous people,these elegant and historical cafes are frequented by some artists, actors, athletes and models then if you want to shop in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele you find the largest Prada shop and other shops and and at the end of the gallery outside on the left you will see the Scala while at the centre of the square there is a monument dedicated to the great Leonardo da Vinci,The Square is very beautiful, there are benches next to the monument and a souvenir shop outside from the upper gallery with interesting articles.

If you want to do shopping in the famous Via Montenapoleone,in Via della Spiga,Via del Gesú and Corso Buenos Aires and visit the fashion area of Milan,take Corso Vittorio Emanuele next to the Cathedral walk to Piazza San Babila for about 10 minutes walking ,then turn on the left to enter directly on the prestigious Fashion Milanese street.From Piazza Duomo you can also visit the Basilica and the Roman Columns of San Lorenzo taking Via Torino  and also admiring Porta Ticinese one of the ancient gates of Milan.It is a walk of about 15 minutes, next to the Roman columns and the Basilica there is Piazza Vetra with the park of the Basilicas and you are close to the area of Navigli, an idea to spend a vibrant nightlife in Milan.

If you want to visit the Castello Sforzesco from Piazza Duomo go to the opposite direction of the Cathedral, where there is the medieval complex of Milan with the Broletto continue to Piazza Cordusio and from there to the pedestrian Via Via Dante,in 10 minutes you will be in front of the Castle Sforzesco.Behind the Castle then begins the big Sempione Park one of the green lungs of Milan.There are two excellent bars-restaurants in front the of the Castle entrance in Largo Cairoli.

From here you can also visit the Bohemian district of Brera, the Art District, with the Pinatoteca,the famous Brera Museum with masterpieces of art by Raphael, Mantegna,Rubens,Titian, Tintoretto among others.Next to Largo Cairolitake Via Cusani and you will directly enter directly in the neighbourhood of Brera,Here you will find several trendy locals,restaurants,chic bars,romantic trattorie and the famous Jamaica Bar for a cocktail,it is a must if you are in Milan and Brera offers great nights in beautiful premises.

From the Castello Sforzesco,you are not far from Santa Maria delle Grazie the beautiful church with the Cenacolo Vinciano and the "Last Supper" famous great Leonardo's masterpiece.Walk on the right side coming from the Castle then take the first road on the left, you will be in Piazza Cadorna, crossed the Station square, walk along Via Boccaccio, when you get close to Via Conciliazione a wide road turn left in Via Ruffini and you will be next to the Cenacolo Vinciano,in this area if you need there are bars and restaurants in the nearest Via Magenta.

If you want to visit the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio Pusterla patron saint of the City, one of the masterpieces of Romanesque art and the beautiful Museum Leonardo da Vinci 250 meters from the Cenacolo Vinciano there is the underground station M1 Conciliazione, take the metro in the direction of Sesto FS,only one stop and you will be at St. Ambrose, in front of the underground station less than 100 meters there is the Basilica of the Holy Patron of Milan.About  200 meters from this church taking Via San Vittore you will be in front of the Museum of Leonardo da Vinci the fantastic Museum of the Science and Technology dedicated to the great Master Leonardo.Last Supper is visitable with booking reservation so I recommend to visit of the website.

If you wish to visit the Giuseppe Meazza San Siro Stadium,the Lotto Metro stop is on the M1Red Line two stops from the Lampugnano Station,once you exit the station, take Via Caprilli and you will be in less than 10 minutes walking in front of the majestic a quiet area and it is a plesant walk.

The Red Line M1 is also the line that takes you to the Milan Fair Rho Pero, if you are driving and you will have to bear the Fair you must follow the indications Como-Chiasso-Varese and Turin towards the ring road on the right-Tunnel there is the exit Milan Trade Fair, Rho Milan Fiera.Generally going out from the city you will always find traffic,Corso Sempione and Viale Certosa are very busy avenues,take care when you enter into the curve on the belt of the highway,there is a lot of traffic and is a point that connects the ring road with vehicles that can not get to low speed,I suggest precaution in this point.

I hope to be helpful, I wish you a good evening all and enjoy the charming and beautiful Milan in your future trips.

Francesco Mari

PS-If you need further information do not hesitate to contact me.

Viaggi e Musica .New York o Londra ? Qual´é la Capitale Mondiale della Musica ? . Due cittá magnifiche,viaggiando e scoprendo perché siamo in due cittá considerate galassie musicali.

 Viaggiare é sempre un grande stimolo per il nostro benessere fisico ed interiore,quando viaggiamo é un cambiare aria,ricaricare le batterie,trovare nuova linfa per godere luoghi sconosciuti,un viaggio é come un pó rinascere,uscire dalla routine,un ottima medicina per toglierci lo stress quotidiano e scappare verso altri lidi.

 In un viaggio c´e sempre qualche cosa che ci accompagna,il desiderio immenso di provare nuove emozioni,vivere nuove sensazioni,un viaggio genera anche positive vibrazioni.Ci accompagna anche quell´entusiasmo di arrivare a destinazione ed iniziare una nuova esperienza,ci accompagnano,i nostri amici o amiche,le nostre metá,i nostri bagagli e spesso e volentieri la musica.Quanti di noi durante un viaggio in bus,in treno,in aereo in una nave da crociera non si infilano gli auricolari per ascoltare buona musica ? Od in auto la musica di un CD ci rende l´avvicinarsi alla meta scelta,il viaggio piacevole,la musica rilassa e successivamente in un determinato luogo,spesso desideriamo andare in un locale ad ascoltare Live Music,in una discoteca od ad un concerto.

Sovente,pensando ad una destinazione,colleghiamo un genere d´arte,l´arte nella figura della pittura e nei monumenti ci potrebbe far venire mente un viaggio a Firenze per visitare la Galleria degli Uffizi o il suo magnifico centro storico rinascimentale,o Parigi con il suo Louvre,oppure Roma per i suoi monumenti antichi od ancora il Messico per ammirare le rovine Azteche e Maya, per citare alcuni esempi.

La musica,nel suo genere d´arte,provoca stimoli identici,nominiamo o sentiamo la parola Samba ci verrebbe il desiderio di viaggiare a Rio de Janeiro,Tango significa Buenos Aires,New Orleans Jazz e Lisbona,Fado,La musica ha creato movimenti,societá,storia e lifestyle ovunque.

Se ci capita per esempio di ascoltare una canzone cosi famosa come "Imagine" di John Lennon immediatament colleghiamo il nome di questo grande artista Britannico ai Beatles il gruppo che ha cambiato in molti versi la Musica e di cui Lennon era l´indiscusso leader ed il nostro pensiero vola e viaggia verso Liverpool,quella cittá del Merseyside,nel Nord Est dell´Inghilterra che grazie anche al prestigio di quel leggendario Gruppo musicale é stata proclamata Capitale Europea della Cultura alcuni anni orsono nel 2007.L´identica e medesima sensazione la proviamo ascoltando quella celebre canzone interpretata da Liza Minnelli e Frank Sinatra "New York New York" voliamo con anima e sensazioni verso quella magnifica cittá  situata sulla Baia del fiume Hudson,un altro esempio ascoltando la canzone O sole Mio una delle canzoni cosi famose nel folk e nell´Opera,ma che ha anche ispirato artisti del Rock & Roll come il mitico Elvis Presley,la nostra immaginazione ci sta portando sotto il Vesuvio a Napoli e ci ricordiamo dei compianti Maestri Caruso e Pavarotti che hanno conquistato Teatri e fans di tutto il mondo e molti,infiniti esempi che si potrebbero citare.

Ci sono moltissime cittá del mondo che si identificano nella musica profondamente,per eventi storici,movimenti culturali e sociali,oggi vorrei dividere con voi alcune destinazioni che fanno parte a mio avviso di mete di viaggio che non si possono perdere se si ama la musica ed anche viaggiare.Tutto é opinabile,difficile anche effettuare una top list,tutto é soggettivo e personale,potremmo mettere tutte sullo stesso piano per ovvi motivi d´importanza,oggi vorrei parlare di New York e Londra probabilmente le due cittá che per cultura ed aspetti socio-culturali collegate al pianeta musica potrebbero essere considerate le capitali assolute per quantitá di stili musicali e perché hanno capitalizzato l´Industria della Musica nel migliore dei modi,con le loro prestigiose Case Discografiche,Studi di Registrazione,Concerti e business.

NEW YORK - USA - New York é la patria indiscussa del primo Rock,stiamo andando indietro negli anni 50 quando sotto la Statua della Libertá ed i Grattacieli di Manhattan,da Brooklyn al Bronx,da Central Park a Geenwich Village  the "Big Apple" ha creato i primi movimenti rock,quando Bill Haley,famoso artista nativo di Detroit uno dei padri dei primi Rock &Roll con il suo gruppo Bill Haley & His Comets lanció nel panorama musicale quella famosa canzone "Rock Around the Clock"un genere di musica nuova per tutti,un mix di musica e suoni,Country,Rockabilly con alcune influenze di di Rhytm & Blues.New York divenne una delle piazze,una delle platee,per il lancio di questa canzone ed automaticamente del Rock&Roll e del Rock.New York ha da sempre ispirato artisti di ogni provenienza dagli U2,a Billy Joel,Simon and Garfunkel,REM,Bruce Springsteen,Sting,Suzanne Vega e Lou Reed che hanno dedicato alcune delle loro canzoni a questa cittá.

New York é una delle capitali dei musicals con Broadway,e quella canzone New York New York capolavoro composto da Fred Ebb e John Kander e poi interpretata dalla grandissima Liza Minelli e da " The Voice" Frank Sinatra ha fatto il giro del mondo.New York é poi legata ad altri movimenti musicali dal Folk -Rock di Joan Baez e Bob Dylan al Soft Rock di Billy Joel,alla musica New Wave di Cindy Lauper all´Hard Rock dei Kiss al Rock Sperimentale ed Art Rock dei Velvet Underground.Nella cittá statunitense si é inoltre creato il primo gruppo Punk Rock : The Ramones e sempre in tema rock,questa volta citando i primi gruppi di successo dell´Hair Metal,Bonjovi originario del vicino New Jersey ha trovato nella grande metropoli Newyorchina la sua grande platea per consacrarsi come una delle Rock Star piú osannate.

New York é stata anche la grande porta per la commercializzazione della musica "Salsa" che grazie ai numerosi immigrati Latino-Caraibici provenienti in particolare da Cuba,Puerto Rico e Repubblica Dominicana (in gran parte installati nella zona del Bronx) come Tito Puente,Bobby Sanabria,Ray Barretto e la presenza della grandissima Celia Cruz hanno fatto di New York uno dei tempi della musica salsa che continua ancor oggi con una tradizione di grand artisti,un esempio é Mark Anthony figlio di immigrati portoricani,nato e cresciuto a NYC.La nuova musica poi,ha trovato nuove stelle della musica pop come Lady Gaga,Chrisitna Aguilera oltre al Rap.Il Rap ha in New York una delle sue storiche capitali con forti radici nei quartieri del Bronx,Brooklyn,Harlem ma ovunque sul territorio metropolitano..A New York si trova di tutto e di piú,ogni genere di musica é rappresentato,si possono godere fantastiche performances di Jazz,Blues,Soul e Rhytm & Blues in ogni area metropolitana e per ció che riguarda la musica classica New York ospita numerosi concerti é é stata la cittá trampolino di lancio per Caruso,probabilmente il piú grande tenore della storia,che ebbe neel Madison Square Garden uno dei suoi palcoscenici preferiti che lo resero un idolo incontrastato della Musica Lirica ed Opera.

LONDON -UNITED KINGDOM - London é esattamente come New York,si trova di tutto e di piú se ami viaggiare e se ami la musica la capitale Britannica é una fantastica destinazione.L´Inghilterra é da sempre un Impero Musicale,creando e lanciando artisti in ogni genere musicale,dal Rock al pop,dal Brit Pop al Rhytm & Blues,Underground,Jazz,Ska,Garage Punk,New Wave,Heavy Metal e Hard Rock e Londra é un grande grande centro metropolitano che con la sua musica ha creato un immagine anche della cittá.Videoclips musicali girati a Tower Bridge,Chelsea,Kensington nei quartieri dell´East London,sino a Brixton o a Camden Town,visitare Londra si é in pieno pianeta musica,Jazz Clubs,Live Music,concerti,festivals e spettacoli ovunque. Un simbolo poi é Abbey Road,la famosa via che immortaló in una celebre foto i Beatles camminando in fila indiana su una striscia pedonale che ha fatto da copertina ad Albums,protagonista in posters,locandine e spot celebri in tutto il mondo.

Londra é stata la madre di grandi gruppi come i Rolling Stones,Dire Straits,The Queen,la capitale Inglese ha creato artisti rock di immenso talento come David Bowie,Phil Collins,Peter Gabriel ed il loro ex gruppo Genesis,ha lanciato nel grande scenario musicale The Police e Sting,senza dimenticare il grande Elton John uno dei padri di una musica che potremmo classificare come Symphonic o Melodic Rock e Cat Stevens probabilmente una delle grandi figure del Folk Rock mondiale.

Se poi pensiamo che la capitale Britannica é stata una delle cittá Europee,che ha sviluppato un Hard Rock da grande competizione con l´Hard Rock & Heavy Metal Americano,a Londra sono nati miti di questo genere musicale come gli Iron Maiden,Led Zeppelin e Motorhead,che hanno iniziato a provare in locali dei sobborghi londinesi ed in un genere diverso ma pur sempre classificabile nella categotia Hard Rock The Who.Fleetwood Mac é stato senza dubbio uno dei gruppi musicali che hanno dato origine al grande Pop Rock Britannico ed Internazionale ed i Sex Pistols con il loro leader Sid Vicious nati negli anni 70 come movimento di protesta hanno creato un Punk Rock che é stata ispirazione per molti artisti e gruppi anche negli anni a seguire e con uno stile diverso non si possono dimenticare The Clash.

La creativitá in musica di artisti londinesi,creati anche dagli aspetti sociali ed urbani della Capitale Britannica ha generato gruppi che hanno proposto differenti generi di musica con stili variabili da una New Wave differente ad un Ska 2 Tone e Pop Reggae,facendo nascere i famosi gruppi Madness,tanto amati e ricordati per i loro divertenti video clips per le strade di Londra ed il loro talento musicale,Bad Manners ed in tema New Wave dalla vicina Basildon,una cittadina dell´Essex a poca distanza da Londra sono nati i Depeche Mode che si possono classificare in uno stile di musica molto particolare che qualcuno ha identificato in Dark Wave,probabilmete il miglior gruppo della storia in un questo genere di musica anche loro hanno girato dei Videoclips metropolitani.

Il fenomeno della Pop anni 80 ha avuto poi a Londra l´esplosione ed il fenomeno boom del gruppo Spandau Ballet che faceva la concorrenza ai Duran Duran di Birmingham sebbene con stili diversi fecero impazzire teenagers di tutto il mondo,facendo ritornare le memorie del dualismo Beatles -Rolling Stones degli anni 60 e predecessori della grande divisione di audience poi creata da Take That vs Oasis.Recentemente,negli ultimi decenni Londra ha continuato a produrre artisti in ogni genere musicale,Dido é probabilmente una delle Regine del New Soul e Coldplay che hanno scalato le classifiche mondiali nelle vendite.    

New York e Londra sono da sempre due fantastiche destinazioni,per le loro grandi attrazioni,per il loro ricco patrimonio,per la grande offerta di turismo diversificato che possiedono.Vivere queste due magnifiche cittá vivendo la loro musica dal vivo ed addentrandosi nella loro immensa cultura musicale,pensando soprattutto a tutto ció che il fenomeno musica ha generato in queste due immense metropoli,potrebbe essere un viaggio che senza dubbio vi fará entrare piú profondamente nell´anima di queste due splendide cittá.

Francesco Mari

PS - Prossimamente saró lieto di scrivere altri blogs riguardo  "Cittá Musicali"che ho avuto il piacere di visitare e sará un piacere condividerli con voi.

Swiss Holidays.Uno spot all Universo di Opportuntá ed Idee per Meravigliose Vacanze,365 Giorni all´Anno.

Spesso e volentieri, identifichiamo il nome Svizzera,ad un paese che vive sulla precisione delle sue prestigiose marche di orologi,alla finanza ed alle sue banche,alla figura epica ed antologica di GuglielmoTell,l´eroe nazionale di questo paese,alla produzione di prodotti alimentari quali il formaggio in cui risaltano i prestigiosi Emmenthal e Gruyeres, ed al famoso cioccolato che grazie a molte aziende fabbricanti un cioccolato di grande livello,in primisi la celebre marca Lindt & Sprüngli ha dato a questo paese una popolaritá internazionale,altri accostano il nome Svizzera alle imprese tennistiche e records dei suoi campioni dello sport dal campione di Basilea Roger Federer incontrastato re di Wimbledon e detentore di vari records nel mondo della racchetta od al formidabile ciclista Fabian Cacellara,specialista delle classiche in linea come la Paris-Roubaix.

Ma la Svizzera non é solo questo.Questo splendido paese circondato dalle Alpi e da grandi ed importanti nazioni come la Germania,la Francia,l´Italia e dalla storica Austria é un ventaglio di opprtunitá ed idee per creare e godere un turismo universale durante tutto l´arco dell´anno.Le strutture alberghiere Svizzere sono di alto livello,per chi conosce la Svizzera,questo paese é famoso per essere un paese all´avanguardia nella prestazione di servizi che funzionano piú che ottimamente,i servizi di informazione ed "how to get there" sono precisi,efficaci,si trova sempre tutto ció che vuoi sapere o visitare molto facilmente a partire dal tuo arrivo in un aeroporto o stazione ferroviaria in  terra Helvetica,L´Industria del Turismo Incoming nella Confederazione Rossocrociata é difendere l immagine di un paese orientato quasi verso la perfezione come i suoi orologi e strumenti di precisione.Questo orgoglio abbinato a funzionaltá é una delle caratteristiche principali della cultura Svizzera,la valorizzazione e capitalizzazione del patrimonio e dell´offerta qualitativa come pochi altri paesi al mondo.

Partiamo per esempio dalle sue stazioni sciistiche famosissime,che tutti conoscono come Sankt Moritz Davos,Zermatt,Wengen,Interlaken,Gstaad e Verbier,celebri stazioni di soggiorno famose per il turismo invernale e winter sports e che ospitano importanti manifestazioni sportive dalla Coppa del Mondo di Sci Alpino,gare di Bob,Sci di Fondo,hockey su Ghiaccio,e sarebbe doveroso menzionarne molte altre minori dove é possibile passare vacanze sulla neve,vi cito semplicemente Andermatt,Pontresina,Brig e Bosco Gurin sebbene la lista é davvero lunghissima.

Ebbene queste famose stazioni Alpine tanto celebri che richiamano l´attenzione di molti amanti de gli sport invernali anche nelle altre stagioni e non solo in inverno,offrono un ampia gamma di offerta turistica,nel Turismo Spa,la Svizzera é un paese all´avanguardia,Welness e turismo di salute e benessere sono il frutto di una grande e secolare tradizione,offrendo cure
termali,centri di bellezza e salute al top delle classifiche mondiali per le loro strutture di rilievo in qualitá di servizi,professionalitá degli operatori e diversificazione di trattamenti.

Se si desidera inoltre praticare altri sport,a prescindere dai giá menzionati Sports Invernali,la Svizzera é un eccellente destinazione per il Golf,con clubs di livello internazionale ed inoltre un turismo che va dal trekking all´alpinismo,da escursioni per le numerose valli che si possono godere in ogni cantone,dal Canton d´Argovia,al Canton Ticino,dal Cantone di Uri al Cantone dei Grigioni,ciclismo e mountain bike,sono un paradiso per gli amanti dello sport su due ruote,passi alpini,scalate in paesaggi da favola,e se volete
fare Mountain bike,da Lugano a Zurigo,da Berna a Ginevra ci sono molteplici soluzioni per creare un turismo di questo tipo,la Val Verzasca per esempio o la Valle Maggia,l´Engadina la Val Ferret,le Centovalli,la Vispertal e molte altre offrono un enorme qualtitá e quantitá di sentieri ciclabili con diversi coefficienti di difficoltá,il tutto in un incontaminata natura,fra valli e montagne che potrebbero riempire i vostri albums di viaggio se siete poi appassionati di fotografia la Svizzera é un paese che offre anche questo,Turismo Fotografico,potresti immortalare migliaia di fotouna piú bella dell´altra semplicemente in uan sola valle od ai bordi di un solo lago.

Parlando di laghi,pensiamo semplicemente che la Svizzera é come una piccola Finlandia famosa per i suoi 1000 laghi,quasi tutte le cittá piú importanti,da Zurigo a Ginevra,da Losanna a Lugano,da Neuchatel a Lucerna,da Locarno ad Ascona sono situate su fantastici laghi dove é possibile fare di tutto,dalle semplici passeggiate in riva a questi magnifici specchi d´acqua,crociere lacustri,sport acquatici,dallo sci d´acqua,al nuoto,dal canottaggio al  windsurf e kitersurf,cito semplicemente due localitá Zenna e Silvaplana con il suo lago,se si é appassionati di questi sport sono un Eden per praticare queste attivitá.Se si desidera poi un turismo fluviale il Reno é un grande incentive per crociere partendo da Basilea ed ammirare le bellezze di questo fiume che scorre in paesaggi da novelle fiabesche,fra curve,anse,cascate attraversando cittá storiche e villaggi che sembrano essersi fermati nel tempo nonostante una storia secolare.

Storia,arte e cultura,La Svizzera é un paese piccolo per superficie e chilometri quadrati ma che possiede
numerosi UNESCO Patrimony Sites,la cittá di Berna,per esempio,capitale della Confederazione Helvetica ha nel suo centro storico un capolavoro d´arte medievale,patrimonio dell´UNESCO il suo centro medievale fondato nel 1191,é uno dei meglio conservati al mondo,ed all´interno si possono scoprire autentiche gemme d´arte.Bellinzona magnifica cittá del Canton Ticino con i suoi meravigliosi castelli e mura medievali é anch´essa un UNESCO patrimonio,tutta da visitare,godere e ricordare.St.Gallen,bellissima cittadina a due passi dal Liechtestein nella Svizzera Orientale ha un complesso storico come la sua magnifica Cattedrale in stile Barocco e la Biblioteca del Monastero Benedettino di St.Gallen che si devono assolutamente perdere se si é amanti dell´Arte.La piccola cittadina di Mustair nell´omonima Val Mustair ha un Monastero Carolingio del periodo di Carlo Magno,il Convento di St.Johann con pitture murali uniche al mondo,vederle per credere.

Altri patrimoni UNESCO naturali sono il Monte San Giorgio,nei pressi della cittá ticinese di Mendrisio dove dai suoi 1100 metri d´altezza si puó godere un panorama che potremmo considerare da poster per qualsiasi vostro locale ed il gruppo montuoso dello Jungfrau-Aletsch per chi ama le Alpi e vuole ammirare un capolavoro della natura.ë sufficiente visitare questo magnifico ghiacciao che offre un cammino di circa 24 chilometri,dove si possono ammirare paesaggi che variano nel raggio di pochi chilometri passando da una flora e vegetazione tipicamente Alpina ad un panorama naturale e paesaggistico praticamente Mediterraneo o quasi.Continuando nel citare montagne l´area di Engi con un estensione di oltre 300 chilometri quadrati accanto al monte Piz Sardona,vi offre l´opportunitá di ammirare a Tectonic Arena,un fenomeno geologico incredibile ed unico che evidenzia e vi mostrerá la formazione di rocce antichissime depositate su altre rocce molto piú giovani, formate anche in anni recenti e la Ferrovia Retica Albula -Bernina,é un  capolavoro d´arte ferroviaria che attraversa valli Alpine percorrendo piú di 130 chilometri,probabilmente la piú spettacolare invenzione su binari al mondo in un paradiso naturale chiamato Alpi.

Se poi ci riferiamo a paesaggi da favola e biosfere la Svizzera vi offre due patrimoni UNESCO anche in questo.La Biosfera di Tschierv nella Val Mustair,in un paesaggio fiabesco accanto al Passo Alpino di Ofen,é un meraviglioso insieme,di torrenti,montagne,pascoli e piccoli villaggi che mantengono la loro autenticitá naturale e architettonica in secoli di storia.L´altra Biosfera dell´Entlebuch nel Cantone di Lucerna é un paradiso naturale per varietá di paesaggi che va da valli verdeggianti a picchi montagnosi pittoreschi,a sentieri idilliaci che non hanno subito variazioni nella storia e mantengono tuttora il loro aspetto originale.

Anche la Svizzera Francofona offre al visitatore l´opportunitá di ammirare i suoi Patrimoni UNESCO,come ad esempio Lavaux nei pressi del Lago di Ginevra con i suoi Vigneti a terrazza colmi di charme,uno spettacolo unico nel ammirare la perfezione d´allineamento dei filari d´uva  piantati sulle strade che costeggiano il Lago di Ginevra,un idea per effettuare cicloturismo,turismo enogastronomico gustando i vini locali e scoprendo le bellezze del Lago Lemano.Nell´area della bellissima cittá di Neuchatel v isono Le Chaux -de-Fonds e Le Locle due piccole cittadine dichiarate patrimonio UNESCO per il binomio industrie orologiaie-nucleo urbano antichi laboratori e case dedite all´industria dell´orologio inserite in un panorama architettonico ed urbano che ha mantenuto la sua immagine vera e reale dopo secoli di storia.

La Svizzera é un paradiso anche per lo shopping,cittá come Ginevra,Sankt Moritz,Zurigo,Lugano ed altre sono assolutamente fra le migliori in Europa per gamma e qualitá di articoli che si possono trovare ed acquistare.Il paese Helvetico é inoltre turismo congressuale,la stesse Ginevra,Zurigo Davos,Gstaad,sono destinazioni di prima classe per un turismo di conventions e meetings di livello internazionale  cosi come la cittadina di Nyon sede del grande organo calcistico UEFA e meta annuale di meetings per ció che concerne
decisioni dell´entitá che rappresenta lo sport piú popolare al mondo.

Se poi ci riferiamo al cinema ed all´industria cinematografica,l´affascinante cittá di Locarno é sede di di uno dei piú prestigiosi Festivals del Cinema Europeo e se si cerca tourism glamour la vicina Ascona per storia,tradizioni,movimenti turistici a livello di trend é una delle localitá piú gettonate oltre ad essere una stupenda cittadina che conserva un patrimonio artistico ed architettonico unico in un hinterland di grande rilievo paesaggistico.
Uno spot per questo paese potrebbe essere : Swiss Holidays un turismo possibile per ogni richiesta e gusto 365 giorni all´anno,,credo che sia lo spot ideale per un piccolo ma stupendo e meraviglioso paese chiamato Svizzera.

Francesco Mari

Granada and Hostels my experiences in Andalusia with Hostales in the beautiful Alhambra City,An idea I suggest you to enlarge your offer.With a brochure "Special Magic Granada Hostales for families and young people under the shade of the Wonderful Alhambra".

Some years ago when I lived in Spain,in Andalusia,Granada was one of my favourite products to create a multitude of Incoming Services,because the magnificent city of Alhambra the ancient Moorish Castle symbol of this wonder of Andalusia built during the Al Andalus Kingdom (the name Alhambra derives from the Arabian name Q´Al  Al Harmra,meaning red fortress) at the foot of Sierra Nevada is a mine of resource if you want to make tourism all the year.Spring and summer are two wonderful seasons to visit this city,in autumn the temperature are excellent and winter apart the historical tourism due the relevant value of the ancient Nazari city,it is also a mecca for winter sport.Some Foreign Tour Operators contacted me,to have more information about Granada with regard Hotels and accommodation.

Granada has an excellent hotel offer,a high quality of hotels and "estructuras receptivas" as in Spain are called aparthotels,apartamentos,and hostales or hostels. I showed those clients some hostales and well  they were really enthusiasts.

Hostales are the equivalent of B&B,Hostels or Pensioni in Italy,or Gasthof or Gasthaus in German to give them a classification.This Foreign Tour Operators did not know very well Granada and only the most important hotels they did not have idea that Granada offers a wide variety of Hostales that in other countries could be Hotels 2 Stars some could be probably 3 Stars.

There are many excellent Hostales in Granada,from Camino de Ronda to Avenida de la Constitucion,from Acera del Darro to Plaza Manuel Cano,near the Cathedral,in Reyes Catolicos,Realejo and Albayzin,I know many I can strongly recommend an accommodation in these Granada Hostales,Granada is a city well prepared to receive tourism with every budget and more the quality of these Hostales is really excellent.

I know Hostales in Moorish style,some modern some typically Spanish an I know some with a touch of Belle Epoque Parisienne.I invite you to visit Granada,to visit some Hostales of this wonderful city,starting from the the Albayzin to Calle Elvira,then take a look in all the area I mentioned before you will find a big variety of excellent Hostales,and a suggest.I prepared in the past a Brochure for young people and families,calling it "Special Magic Granada city of the Kings Nasri under the shining Alhambra".

Granada is magic,one of the most charming cities of Spain and Europe,its historical centre is unique,the area from Plaza Isabel la Catolica to Plaza Cano very elegant,the Albayzin and Sacromonte are two diamonds of districts and and only the name Alhambra is enough to give this city an Oscar of Tourism, with its excellent variety of great accommodation including its great Hostales or Hostels.

Francesco Mari

Montepulciano-Monticchiello | Scenic Valdichiana Route, Cycling in Tuscany.

From Montepulciano to Monticchiello if you are a lover of romantic, inspiring lands, you can enjoy a great scenic Valdichiana route, cycling in Tuscany, a great chance to practise a wonderful outdoor activity living in the meantime a fascinating experience of tourism.

In that very captivating, picturesque corner of one of the most astonishing regions of Italy well known to be packed by a multitude of superb, historic sites in an incomparable scenery among the most enchanting in the world you will charmed by the immense beauty of the  province of Siena.

It is definitely a great destination at the foot of the Apennines pretty close to the beautiful Lake Trasimeno, a more than fascinating waters basin very loved by people fond of water sports, nature, tourism and cyclists who can find all around that territory encircled by a fabulous hilly frame along the wonderful course of the river Chiani which gives its name to that stupendous valley a lot of things to do.

That geographic area also includes the province Arezzo, another land rich of stunning attractions, motherland of one of the most celebrated artists all time, a genius of the Renaissance called Michelangelo Buonarroti bordering furthermore those of Perugia and Terni situated in Umbria , another fantastic region all to discover for its unique spendour.

As additional, attractive detail you are very close to another famous valley, the splendid Val D'Orcia which apart its extraordinary appeal was absolute protagonist as scene of of the famed movie The English Patient. 

That successful Anglo-American production released in 1996 directed by Anthony Minghella which enchanted the public of all around the world awarded with its 9 Oscars won in the edition of 1997 filmed some scenes in the wonderful centre of Pienza, one of the most charming sites of that geographic area.

Surrounded by idyllic, hilly plateaus the Valdichiana was one of the favourite settlements of the ancient Etruscans who found there one of the most fertile soil of the entire Italic Peninsula permitting them to cultivate different kinds vegetables thanks to an extraordinary soil and a very mild climate.

In that land you will be delighted by superb, fine wines tasting experiences appreciating in addition a supreme extra virgin olive oil, a fantastic product highly regarded worldwide for its outstanding quality.

With an endless list of opportunities to enjoy historic, cultural, gastronomic, photographic tourism, that territory is very appropriate for cycle tours with several, stunning itineraries across a land born to bewitch everyone for its marvellous patrimony.

In an Eden boasting an infinite list of artistic marvels ranging from the finest Renaissance to the most charming Medieval architecture visible including in the smallest hamlets also protagonists of a magnificent secular history that Tuscan heaven  is since a long time ago a Mecca for mountain bikers.

Thanks to the presence of splendid mixed and dirt trails, that relevant destination is simply perfect for activities on two wheels, a place in proximity of the route of that famous cycling competition called Strade Bianche inserted in the professional calendar.

That spectacular race undoubtedly increased since its inception the desire of many people to test those attractive, special roads in the heart of Italy which became in the last decade a top destination for a multitude of passionate cyclists who can combine that attractive activity with many others.
All those who love that can also have the chance to taste an outstanding cuisine loyal to the oldest regional culinary traditions, a delicious gastronomy perfect for the most refined palates always searching the most delectable flavours finding there a multitude of genuine, delectable typical plates and all homemade.

For all that and more many visitors since a long time ago started to enjoy cycling and visiting farms or spending great stays in agriturismi, hospitality structures  offering the best, fresh products and in the meantime having the unique chance to stop in different places admiring the immense treasures Tuscany offers.

All the area around Montepulciano is packed by monumental gems scattered everywhere including in remote villages nestled on the top of picturesque hills, unmistakable landmarks of that dreamland.

That great idea to combine cycling, nature, art, history, gastronomy attracted and attracts  a large number of German, American, British, Dutch tourists who by bicycle continue to be enchanted by that kind of exciting tourism which offers them a complete, unforgettable experience in an Italian heaven.

From Montepulciano to Monticchiello along a very short itinerary of approximately 10,0 kilometres with slopes ranging between 8% and 10% with some steep walls having a superior percentage you will have the unique chance to be charmed by an incomparable scenery surrounded by picturesque olive groves, vineyards which form all together an enchanting image that only Tuscany offers.

That route is not long but spectacular, apart the magnificent landscapes you will admire all around, it is a very valuable test with curves, climbs, changes of rhythms, dirt sections, narrow roads in the heart of the most scenic Siena countryside.

Naturally for who is a non cyclist it is also possible to do that driving for about 10 minutes along a comfortable hilly road of approximately 6,5 kilometres and you will equally enjoy magnificent sights while the other for bikers has the same itinerary until a specific point with a variant turning on a dirt trail from which starts that alternative, great cycle route.

What is more than interesting is that driving or by bycicle in those few of kilometres you can stop to take numerous, fabulous  pictures in every corner admiring historic sites taking with you great memories of places which will donate you, something of very suggestive, and significant  transmitting in a while great feelings living a different day of holiday in a sort of Paradise.

Montepulciano is the starting point from its historic centre which why not if you are planning a trip to Tuscany could be your base, a golden haven during a stay organising from there day by day an infinite range of radial excursions.

That beautiful town of Etruscan origin nestled on a high, scenic hilly plateau at an altitude of 605,0 metres, it is a centre of 14,500 inhabitants well known for its superb, Medieval and Renaissance core.

Characterised by romantic narrow streets, winding alleys, wonderful squares encircled by majestic walls erected in the Middle Ages you will breathe there the unique atmosphere of the true, appealing Tuscany.

Montepulciano is is undoubtedly one of the most most shining pearls of the entire region also for the outstanding preservation of its great, monumental complex formed by the imposing, marvellous Palazzo Comunale, the Municipal Palace and the Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, a stunning religious building considered one of the best masterpieces elevated in that region between the 16th and the 17th centuries.

All around those two emblematic symbols you will be delighted by a wonderful maze of enchanting alleys packed by inviting, lovely shops selling fine crafts, antiques, magnificent paintings flanked by stunning buildings  totally reflecting that iconic, architectural style born in Florence the capital of the Region.

Naturally the name of that centre apart its immense artistic, historical value is also well known worldwide for its fine, prestigious wines, especially notorious for the emblematic Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, a sort of magic blend created by the grapes of Canaiolo Nero, Mammolo and in much more percentage by the famed Sangiovese.

That charming municipality in addition as the mentioned nearest Val D'Orcia also attracted famed filmmakers as the American director Christopher Wietz who chose that site as protagonist of some scenes of a famed movie, The Twilight Saga: New Moon dated 2009.

From the historic heart of that town you can start your cycling experience taking a steep descent of approximately 2,5 kilometres with three spectacular bends reaching Viale I Maggio, a long avenue which leads to the Bivio San Biagio, an intersection in which that road splits in two sections and once there you will have to follow the indications towards Pienza.

On the right in a charming narrow street bordered by beautiful cypresses you can admire the beautiful Chiesa di San Biagio, a wonderful Renaissance Church erected in the 16th century I suggest to visit because you will be enchanted to see something of simply great.

Located in an ample, green space encircled by hills, that architectural marvel is a superb masterpiece by Antonio da Sangallo Il Vecchio, a talented Florentine master very active in many centres of the region in that period but who also worked in Rome. 

That great architect  is well known because in the Italian Capital re-established the layout of the fortification of the iconic Castel Sant´Angelo also known to be the Mausoleum of Hadrian containing the rests of that famous Roman Emperor from 117 to 138 who commissioned the elevation in the former Imperial capital the Temple Venus and rebuilt the emblematic Pantheon.

That outstanding Religious building is highlighted by a scenic, huge cupola with a turret and pinnacle, that artist partially took as inspiration the majestic St. Peter´s Basilica in Vatican by Donato Bramante, an eminent protagonist of several, outstanding works such as the cloister and apse of Santa Maria delle Grazie Church in Milan but also the Belvedere courtyard in Vatican among others.

That Sacred structure consists in a Greek cross plan with a central dome, fantastic architectural lines all around its facades with a refined execution of symmetrical decorations  inserted in a layout boasting elements perfectly placed in a building boasting fine, defined outlines.

Including the project of the gable roofs of the structures developed beneath that big, domed marvel are something of great for the perfect composition encircling that superb cupola covering nave and apse.

Simply sublime is the main facade flanked by a superb high bell tower completed by a fabulous spire.

In in its interior you will have the chance to admire a series of other masterpieces as the main altar highlighted by stunning frescoes, a marvellous marble altarpiece completed by four, fine statues placed beneath a huge vaulted niche, other highlights are majestic columns, sinuous vaults reaching a beautiful ceiling and a relevant pipe organ dated 1781 by Alamanno Contucci.

After that magnificent visit on the southern side of that monumental wonder surrounded by a fairytale woodland from that cross road you have to continue for approximately  300,0 metres and in proximity of a Tamoil Service Station you have to turn on the left following the signals Terre Di Nano.

In that point you will also have as reference a Hotel called Albergo San Biagio facing you, from there starts a beautiful hilly, straight road called Via San Bartolomeo flanked by olive groves, vineyards and romantic cypresses.

At the beginning that artery is pretty narrow for approximately 500, 0 metres, after that half kilometre starts a climb pretty gentle with slopes of about 3%, 4%, and on the right side you will be delighted by a splendid, panoramic view of a marvellous corner of the Valdichiana.

That great scenic image has with protagonists several rows of vines enclosed between two charming hills, a very recommended place to take several pictures making a spectacular giant poster to pay homage to  those divine Tuscan landscapes.

In that area you are in the heart of a land in which started a long time ago a secular, sublime tradition linked to the cultivation of supreme grapes well known since the 8th century but already implanted during the ancient times of the Roman Empire

Those emblematic vineyards produce selected wines identified by a Denomination of Controlled Origin marked by four iconic letters ; DOCG.

That code certifies all about true, real origin, concrete provenance, protection of the methods of production, a sort of original passport or imprint attesting the unique qualities of those local wines with their own identity, as an indelible DNA impossible to alter or imitate.

After the harvest when the wine is produced to reach its highest value the product  has a special process before to perform a brilliant escalation in terms of  quality and ranking.

It has to be aged for minimum two years in oak barrels to reach the top level entering in the elite when it will be awarded with the title of Montepulciano Riserva after three years after that concrete period with no one day less or more of conservation it will reach its highest, prestigious, value.
An excellent cycle in terms of quality was in the 90's, a more than appreciate one corresponded to the harvest which took place in 1999 which was for different reasons such as as climatic conditions, sun, cool nights and more one of the best of the last two decades and half.

After approximately 300, 0 metres from that point you will meet a curve where the climb starts to be steeper changing in a section with a slope having a percentage close to 10%.  

Cycling for other 200, 0 metres you will delighted by spectacular bend, the ascent continues reaching in a point a wall around 14%. although for just some hundreds metres.

The surface has some little holes, the asphalt is not in perfect condition but despite that the views are simply great with a constant presence of scattered olive groves and vineyards on both sides.

After approximately 400,0 metres you will meet a couple of other bends with magnificent photographic view points, after  3,0 kilometres the road starts to be pretty flat with some gentle undulations flanked by a multitude  of vines on the right side and by another of charming cypresses on the opposite side.

You can see there a beautiful Villa which is currently an accommodation, once you will be close to that building you will have a fantastic view of the town of Montepulciano in front of you admiring the silhouette of that centre boasting from that point a unique fascination.

That concrete place is highly recommended for all those who love photography immortalising a scene simply astonishing because at sunset it could represent the enchantment of the most picturesque, striking Tuscany in all its splendour with reflections and play of lights showing you something of extraordinary.

After a gentle curve near to that stylish mansion the climb continue again for about 2,0 kilometres, in that point who is travelling by car can continue along a comfortable road reaching Monticchiello driving for just some minutes.

The cyclists have take a dirt road  very similar to a famous section of the Classic Strade Bianche, that great race in the Chianti Valley close to Siena won by famous champions such as Fabian Cancellara, Michael Rogers and Damiano Cunego among others.

In that trail starts a great test for excellent mountain bikers trying the emotions and vibrations of a very spectacular route cycling in the scenic Valdichiana

The beginning is highlighted by a steep descent of about 250,0 metres but immediately after you will face a climb with a slope ranging between 10% and 12% in a brief section it could be compared a bit to a sort of mur of the iconic Ronde Van Vlaanderen as Flemish people call the Tour of Flanders, that  legendary competition which takes place in Belgium but in the place of those typical cobbles you will cycle on a dirt surface.

The scenery is absolutely stunning, containing in a nutshell the best of Tuscany, a sort of live painting with tiny, scattered agglomerations, remote farms perched on amazing hills packed by olive groves and vines.

In that area in strategic corners are located some enchanting B&B very appropriate to show their guests the unique beauty of a region which can charm anyone anytime, including the most inspired romantic people or thinkers.

That climb is approximately 800,0 long metres followed by a short undulated straight of  about 400, 0 metres and after that starts another one more or less of 300,0 metres in length with similar features of the previous ending gently with the last effort at the door of Monticchiello.

Once there you are in another valley, the previously cited wonderful Val D´Orcia taking its name by a river crossing that Paradise, famous for two jewels of Tuscany called Pienza of which that small centre is part as neighbourhood and the famed Montalcino, well known for its famed wines.

That land is also highlighted by the presence of the Monte Amiata one of the most beautiful Tuscan peaks boasting a very inspiring silhouette, well known for its unforgettable sunrises,  marvellous sunsets which give that fabulous mountain of 1738, 0 metres of altitude a unique charm often immortalised by landscape artists.

That scenic territory as the Valdichiana is well known for its superb artistic patrimony, superb wines, delicious cheeses, an infinite list of marvellous historic, natural attractions and much more great people.

Monticchiello is a medieval village at approximately 5,0 kilometres from  Pienza a borough belonging its municipality situated at an altitude of 500, 0 metres boasting a relevant medieval past  linked for a long time to the history of Siena. 

Its boundaries were historically protagonists by endless clashes between the current capital of the province and Florence to obtain the domains of those territories considered a very strategic point bordering Umbria.

In the 16th century the powerful Florentine House of Medici conquered the village incorporating it in the territories of Granducato di Toscana, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany an independent state until 1859 before to be annexed to the Italian Reign ruled by the House House after a plebiscite one year later.

Attesting the considerable, historic value of that site is the immediate view of its entrance called Porta Sant´Agata representing the old gate of the walled fortification erected in the Middle Ages visible by the presence of two high stoned towers.

The first was one developed on a square plan pretty well conserved while the second established on a circular base was restored and it did not keep its former image, they are both representative landmarks flanking a scenic arched gate, crossing it you will enter into the splendid Borgo Medievale, the medieval core of that great place.

Strolling it you will be charmed by scenic alleys picturesque,  narrow streets highlighted by restored buildings erected in different historic periods breathing a magic atmosphere in a peaceful environment greatly preserved transmitting you very special sensations.

A great highlight is the wonderful Pieve Dei Santi Leonardo e Cristoforo, a magnificent Gothic Church dedicated to the Saints Leonard and Christopher. 

That outstanding, architectural masterpiece reachable by an attractive stone step boasts an imposing gable facade highlighted by an impressive rose window with a splendid, framed wooden portal established beneath a refined, carved niche. 

In its interior you can admire relevant frescoes by talented artists of Senese School dating back the 14th century.

In the past that Sacred construction also contained a considerable image of the Virgin Mary, the Madonna di Monticchiello which is currently displayed in the Diocesan Museum of Pienza. 

That work was one of the great masterpieces by Pietro Lorenzetti ,a master from Siena who also painted in Rome, Assisi and Arezzo especially notorious for his executions characterised by a great use of brilliant colours, perfect lines, defined shapes, scenes with superb perspectives, a style which significantly influenced the great painter and architect Giotto. 

That centre apart its artistic treasures is also famous for its partisan resistance during the Second World War against the Fascist regime and despite its limited size with just 210 official residents it boasts notable, cultural traditions closely linked to the inhabitants performing theatrical shows playing a kind of art called Teatro Povero, poor theatre.

They represent realistic histories where the main actors are ordinary people talking about daily life, different kinds of subjects with extreme authenticity and spontaneity with protagonists the Tuscan territory, local characters and events happened day by day.

All that started a long time ago but it is is still  deeply rooted as part of an indelible, cultural patrimony to preserve, highly attractive in its kind as a true expression of identity

Monticchiello is part of Pienza so after that beautiful route and  a walk in the streets of that small, enchanting village which will donate you an unforgettable experience of cycling  and art in the most genuine Tuscany of course that other attraction deserves a last effort and it is a must.

You can continue cycling if you desire reaching the core of that marvellous town which originally was known with the name Corsignano very famous for being the birthplace of Enea Silvio Piccolomini, a figure who became Pope Pius II in 1458, admiring its medieval heart listed as  UNESCO Patrimony site.

A main highlight is its wonderful Renaissance Duomo, the Cathedral elevated between 1459 and 1462 by the architect Bernardo Rossellino who real name was Bernardo di Matteo Gamberelli next to magnificent palaces such as Palazzo Piccolomini, Palazzo Borgia and the superb Palazzo Comunale, the Town Hall.

Once there after an enjoyable visit I suggest you to taste the iconic Pecorino di Pienza, an emblematic, delectable sheep cheese with DOP denomination, a mandatory when you visit that great town of the Val D' Orcia.

If you are planning to visit that area of Tuscany  the nearest airport is the Aeroporto Internazionale dell´ Umbria San Francesco di Assisi situated 74, 0 kilometres away and from there in approximately one hour driving along the Raccordo Stradale 6 Bettole-Perugia you will be at destination.

Another option with more solutions in terms of number of flights could be the Aeroporto Internazionale Amerigo Vespucci of Florence located at a distance of 127, 0 kilometres and driving by A1/E35 motorway via Montevarchi you can reach that area in less than one hour and half. 

The Aeroporto Internazionale Galileo Galilei of Pisa is located at 188, 0 kilometres of distance, in two hours driving via the Tuscan Capital you will be reach that fabulous territory, that airport is a further, great option due to the several low costs opportunities it provides.

The Valdichiana offers a vast range of very comfortable accommodations, magnificent people with a high sense of hospitality, many chances to taste a divine cuisine next to those sublime wines which are also part of the local history and an infinite list of other stupendous things attracting every visitor. 

Cycling is one of them and from there you will have a more than ample fan related to that outdoor activity consisting in a myriad of itineraries of considerable, cultural values all them to enjoy day by day.

Montepulciano-Monticchiello is a splendid journey very significant in which nature, art and culture are greatly mixed to delight many tourists because in those few kilometres there is a bit of everything and for that it is in its kind a very captivating experience.

I added below some links with some suggested accommodations and information about the territory if you have plan to visit soon that Tuscan corner of immense fascination.

The stunning atmosphere and environment of that Italian Region which with its unique scenery charmed the world it is also in that scenic Valdichiana route of just 10,000 metres,  cycling in Tuscany where  you will appreciate a land born to enchant and astonish millions of people with its incomparable, indisputable appeal and numerous attractions in a hospitable, friendly region always ready to welcome you all year.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Montepulciano 

Villa Poggiano 
Villa Cicolina
Albergo Duomo 
Hotel I Due Cigni 
Meuble Riccio 
Albergo Il Rondo 
Hotel Panoramic
Albergo San Biagio

Useful links 

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