Blevio | VIPs Villas,Prehistoric Boulders and Great Lake Como Views.

Lake Como is a wonderful natural letter Y of waters surrounded by picturesque small towns,charming villages perched on splendid promontories and natural enchanting peninsulas with its most shining jewel some very famous other less,Blevio is a spectacular place on that unforgettable waters basin,situated a place with unique lake views and it is a case several VIPs have their Villas and residences there in that town,also famous for the presence of prehistoric boulders transported there by the glacier movements in that so far era.

Facing the stunning town of Cernobbio and the famed Villa D´Este with its charming bay and located on the western coast arm.A visit to Blevio is simply magnificent for its position and the picturesque landscapes that tiny centre of the Lario with approximately 1,300 inhabitants offers,all around is magic,high hills and mountains flanking the lake,a an unforgettable panoramic view over the opposite gorgeous coastline.Very close to the Capital of Lario (Como) which is only 5,5 km away,the town lies along the National Road SS 583 starting immediately after a curve in proximity of Via Torino in the city of Como facing at the beginning of its course,the splendid Villa Olmo,it is the road which leads to that paradise of the promontory of Bellagio.

The unique beauty of that place is its several panoramic views of the southern section of the lake,its peaceful atmosphere,its enchanting environment of its seven small villages,such Sorto, Girola, Maggianico, Mezzovico,Cazzanore,Sopravilla and Capovico which all together form Blevio,in the past that area was called l´area delle sette cittadine,the area of the seven small towns corresponding to those villages which were indipendent settlements,dominated by the Monte Boletto,a mountain of 1040 m of altitude.

Those current neighbourhoods of Blevio are scattered on a mountainous plateau descending towards the lake and overlooking the magnificent Brunate which dominates the city of Como on the top of the square of its famous funicular station.

It is not a case that many artists which visited that wonderful corner of Italy,such as Manzoni,Foscolo,  Lord Byron,Fogazzaro,Rossini,including Napoleon Bonaparte and Josef II Emperor of Austria were often hosted in the wonderful Villa Pliniana situated in the nearest municipality of Torno and they stopped to admire the shining and splendid views of the Lake Como from Blevio.A fascinating and enchanting place at first sight and among the favourite place for several VIPs who totally convinced of the beauty of that gorgeous tiny Eden decided to fix their residence there in Blevio,in stunning Villas and mansions such as the Italian pop stars Ivana Spagna,Milva and the famous Ukrainian footballer former Andry Shevechenko,former A.C Milan player.

The history of Blevio is recorded since prehistoric era,according many excavations along the coast of the lake.The Lario was settled by inhabitants of Celtic-Ligurian origin probably its name derives from the word then latinised Bieulius which means alive..After the Roman colonisation,as all the area Blevio suffered the invasions by Lombard, Franks and Swabians,in medieval times the history of the town has always been linked to the city of Como,due its proximity and Milan,the historic secular enemy of that city.

Blevio was an agricultural small centre with those villages which today form the municipality,before to be conquered by the Duchy of Milan and under rule of the Lords Sforza before and Visconti later,the town followed the history of all the region Lombardy,incorporated in the Kingdom of Lombardy and Veneto under Austrian-Hungarian Empire until the famous battle of San Fermo very close to Como,when all the territory was conquered by Garibaldi and the troops of the Kings of Savoy joining the Kingdom of Italy.

The Chiesa dei Santi Gordiano ed Epimaco is the Parish Church of Blevio,it is a Baroque building dated the 17th century,built on a previous Church probably dated the medieval period.The Construction consists in a wide facade built on two levels,crowned by a splendid tympanum.On one side there is the high light bell tower,built with with a lower stoned section,the bells are located in a square space on the top,with rectangular opened windows arched on the top surmounting a coloured circular watch.The interior has some relevant works as painted canvas by Nuvolone dated the 16rh century and other works by painters of Lombard school and an organ dated 19th century.

In the neighbourhood of Mezzovico,taking an old path in the past one of the most relevant used by the local populations you can admire another highlight of Blevio,something very particular all along the Lake Como the Massi Erratici,giant stones transported by the Alpine glaciers until the shores of the lake since prehistoric times.Many of Those huge stones were carved by the former local inhabitants,and others were carved and opened in a kind of stoned bath and used as tombs.

The Prea Nairola,is a huge granite monolith over 7,5 m high and 4,5 m wide protruding from the mountain at over 700 m of altitude.Looking at  that huge boulder from a distance, looks like a dinosaur or a dragon head. The Prea Nairola of Blevio was declared a national monument in the year 1984.There are legends about that kind of enormous stones where according some narrations have been seen walking in their surroundings,elves,goblins,witches and wizards who used for spells.

On those boulders were found on them engravings most recent of the prehistoric period,something indecipherable,someone linked that to someold Celtic codes saying about legends or related to their, divinities,someone said that they are magical writings, apart that there are also opinions linkink the sacred to the profane aspects,saying those giant stones were related to Saints apparitions and in the other cases to sacredness and pagan rites.

In the high part of Blevio there is a beautiful large panoramic view of the lake overlooking the city of Como,
while on its waterfront near its small harbour there is a small romantic walkway admiring the other shore of the western coast of the Lario.

From Blevio there are many chances to enjoy a multitude of beautiful excursions,the nearest Torno with the beautiful Villa Pliniana,Brunate famous for the historic funicular linking that small picturesque town and its charming centre of the city of Como,enjoying its historical medieval centre and the long Lungolago or continuing along the national road SS 583 crossing many picturesque resorts on the lakes such as Faggeto Lario,Pognana Lario,Careno, until reaching the magnificent Bellagio.

The cuisine of that area of Italy has its strong identity,you can taste excellent plates of meat and fish,the classic Polenta accompanied by sausages or Spezzatino (a beef stew in sauce),the Risotto al Pesce Persico (Rice with a local lake fish),excellent the mushrooms of the valleys,the Brasato and Bollito,beef meat,baked and boiled,the fish fried of the lake,other kind of fish as the Lavarello and the Missoltini marinated fish and a wide selection of cakes and desserts.

Lake Como is famous to offer apart the excursions and a cultural tourism a wide selections of outdoors activities,all the lake area is a paradise for water sports,such as sailing,diving and water skiing.Cycling is another beautiful experience along the coast,with many beautiful routes until the climb of Ghisallo (I wrote a post about that place) and exploring the interior,with forests and fantastic stunning natural places,the territory furthermore offers a wide variety of Mountain Bike paths,and the mountains and hills around Blevio are a great chance for all the hiking and trekking lovers.

 In the case you are planning to visit the wonderful Lake Como,visit Blevio,a great occasion to admire one of its tiny but always shining jewels on its shores.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Blevio

Casta Diva Resort
B&B Edera

Recommended Restaurants in Blevio

Ristorante Momi 

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