By Francesco Mari

Prague is a magic,magnificent and unique city,,Johan Wolfgang Goethe called Prague "the most beautiful jewel in the crown of the world".Prague has always arouses interest and admiration and it is definitely worth a visit in this beautiful town.The definitions on it,made over time,give an idea of its importance.The "Pearl of the East,"the Paris of the'20s,"Golden Prague","Mother of all cities","City of hundred spires".Prague is a city with a thousand faces,romantic and captivating,ancient,traditional,fashionable,functional and monumental.You can compare this city as a Hemingway book,walking in a street and it is a narration of history and curiosities,secrets and discovers.

Prague has been royal city,imperial city, provincial town in the shade of Vienna,city of meeting of prominent people of culture,music and literature and capital of a modern renaissance.André Breton,defined Prague a town with the ability to transport people to the top of romantic ecstasy,and of course it is that enjoying a pleasant  walk at night on "Karlovy Most",discovering the mystery of the district of "Hradcany" contemplating the castle,or an enchanting walk in "Zlata Ulicka", to the charming district of Mala Strana or to enjoy a coffee in the several elegant "belle epoque" Cafes where writers and poets as Kundera, Hrabal,Kafka, Seifert, Rilke and many others,found the inspiration for their superb works.

 George Elliott once said :"Prague is most attractive than Vienna because it has not things that Prague has" Mozart loved more Prague than Vienna or its native Salzburg and he said : "Prague understands me,Prague is my town".The name Prague in Czech Praha derives from "Prah"which means threshold.The famous legend of Princess Libuse on the Vyserhad hill is very famous when she predicted the birth of a city "whose glory will come to the stars"speaking to his people told him to build the city close to a forest near the Vltava River where a man was busy making the threshold of a house".Austrian writer Gustav Meyrink said about Prague name :"Prague’s name is no accident.It is a threshold between life on Earth and in Heaven,a much narrower threshold than in other places".

 Prague is surrounded by nine hills and the diverse landscapers gives this town an unique charm,offering numerous and picturesque views.Vltava river softly runs for less than 32 km and the river makes the city a very special and romantic site,drawing numerous islands.Prague is not Paris or Venice, but as them it is also a city of love,very romantic and fascinating.Just think in a romantic night cruise on Vltava river,or a kiss in a medieval street under its several renaissance gas lamps or dreaming a night in Hradcany castle,or in a late afternoon enjoying its charming Cafes with music having a coffee in the Cafe Europa or Gran Cafe Orient.Prague history is long and fascinating.The earliest traces of human presence in Prague dating back to the Paleolithic Era.Around 400 BC there are some documentations about Celts and German settlements.

Later Slavs tribes about 600 AD founded the first settlements along the river defended the territory called "Bohemia".The real history of Prague anyway started with Hradcany foundation in the 9th century.Later Prague and the region were annexed to the Moravian Empire forming the Kingdom of Bohemia and Moravia.The New Kingdom thanks also the "good King St.Wenceslas reached a prosperous period,becoming an important center of trade.The "golden ages" of Prague came in 14th century when the city reached the full indipendence and with the construction of beautiful buildings as St.Vitus Cathedral,Karlovy Most and the Karolinum University founded in 1348.Prague was in that period one of the most important cultural,artisitc and active cities in Europe.In the 15th century Prague is the center of the Religious Revolt by Jan Hus,preaching against the abuses of the Catholic Church..The early 16th century is the period of Hasburg from Austria.From the mid 17th century to the mid 18th century,Prague building were embellished with masterpieces of Baroque style and a new elegant urban development .

In the late 18th century Queen Maria Theresa of Austria established an education reform with the creation of public school around all Bohemia and Moravia.It is another "golden ages" period but there are also the first signals of Czech against Hasburg domination and their "Deutsche Kultur" and new movements of Czech nationalism had an explosion after the end of the 1st World War,with the fall of Austro-Hungarian Empire,Prague is the new Czechoslovakia Capital and many symbols of Hasburg Monarchy were destroyed,"German street and square names were replaced in Czech language.In 1938 Prague suffered the Nazis invasion and it became part of the German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.The end of the 2nd World War is culmined with the Soviet entrance in Prague,from there Prague lived under a Communist regime suffering a cultural decadence.Famous 1968 Prague spring with the protest about Soviet tanks invasion was hardly repressed with violence.That desire of change came reality in the period of"Gorbachov Perestroika "and the fall of Berlin wall in 1989.Prague lived its the"New Renaissance" and after the famous "Velvet Revolution"a new air came to Prague,the signs of communism rule were removed, personalities as American George Bush President and Pope Johan Paul II honoured the city with official visits in 1993,The new President Vaclav Havel started a "Europeiski Politik"from there the city is the new capital of Czech Republic,and in 2000 the city was elected as European Capital of culture.

 "Prazsky Hrad" The Prague Castle is a shining landmark of  this beautiful city.You can reach the Castle,taking the trams nº 22 or 91 and you will be next to the Czech fortress."Hrad Prazsky"is one of the main attractions of the city.Situated in "Hradcany",the hill district,on the left of River Vltava,Prague Castle is one of the gems of the city.In 870 Prince Borijov,one of the early leaders of Premsylid Dynasty ordered the construction of the castle,originally of wood and over an embankment by way of fortification.The architectural style reflects almost a millennium of different works and the imprint of the kings most memorable such as Gothic style during King Karl IV ,Neo-Gothic with King Vladislav Jagiellon,Renaissance with Emperor Rudolf II and the last in Baroque with Marie Therese,last Queen of Hasburg dynasty."Prazsky Hrad" is a typical medieval fortification with inside a complex of palaces,a Cathedral,churches, museums,decorate towers and courtyards connected by narrow streets.It is the largest ancient medieval castle in the world with 570 meters long and 130 meters wide.The castle has endured a major fire in 1541, successive invasions and the effects of world wars.In the last century, between 1920 and 1934 at the request of Czechoslovakia President Tomas Masaryk,Prague Castle was remodelled by Slovenian architect Jozef Plecnik.

 During the Second World War was the Nazi headquarter and later the Communists set up their offices there.It is remarkable how the castle survived at such a turbulent history and eventually turn into a legendary symbol of Prague.Today the Castle is the official residence of Czech Republic President but almost all areas are open to the public.Do not miss the changing of the guard at the gates of the castle,it occurs every hour from 5.00 to 23.00.

 The majestic entrance of the castle is decorated with statues representing Mythological Giants. The main entrance "Mathias Brana"(Mathias Gate) noted for its beauty in early Baroque style,and built in 1614 in sandstone On the right in the first courtyard you can see "Kaple Svateho Krize" the Chapel of the Cross, made with beautiful interiors and decorated with frescoes and gold.Next to the chapel is "Rudolfínum Galerija",it is a great Museum,the collection covers the periods from Gothic to Baroque art.If you are fond about painting here you can admire works by great artists as Rubens,Veronese,Tintoretto,Titian and many other prominent artists.A curiosity..the Gallery is located in rooms that were originally used as horses stables.

 The most important attraction is "St.Vita Katedrala "(St.Vitus Cathedral).It is an impressive Cathedral long 124 meters, 60 meters tall in the highest point,the towers facade are 82 meters tall while the main tower reaches 100 meters in high.The Cathedral was built in 1344 in place of an ancient Roman Forum,it is a great example of Gothic style,the construction was driven by the owners of the Czech lands,St.Vitus,St.Vaclav and St.Vojtech.If you visited Paris,you remember of course the famous "Saint Chapel",the construction is very similar and there are also many things in common with the Cathedral of Narbonne in the Southern France.The Cathedral was a "French inspiration"of  Emperor Karl IV and for that he called a French architect :Matthias Arras.Later The Emperor commissioned the works continuation to a young German architect,Peter Parler.This talented artist has left his mark on the building with a fantastic demonstration of the choir of the Cathedral:"Zlata Brana" the Golden Gate.Decorated with a mosaic of the 14th century from typical Venetian school,depicting the Last Judgement, and the Chapel of St. Wenceslas with 1372 precious stones in the walls.The glittering "Sonder Gotik" an unusual Gothic style is a masterpiece by Parler.The imperial tomb,the mausoleum of Hasburg Royal family,appears in the Cathedral in the second half of the 16th century, built by Flemish sculptor Alexander Colin.

The magnificent baroque silver tomb of St.Jan Nepomuk is located in the ambulatory,dated first half of the 18th century was designed by Austrian sculptor Josef Emanuel Fischer Von Erlach.Between the second half of the 19th century and  20th century, there was the final completion of the work:the masterpiece of the Neo-Gothic facade with twin towers,the beautiful stained glass windows by Alphonse Mucha,a prominent exponent of Czech Art Nouveau and the restoration of the Royal Crypt,resting place of the kings of Bohemia.

The magnificence of St.Vitus Cathedral finds its sublime culmination in the chapel of St.Vaclav, which is in the safe where they are deposited Royal Czech jewels such as the crown, sword,sceptre and orb,dated from the 14th to 16th century.In the Cathedral courtyard you can admire at the centre a beautiful statue of "St.Jiri"(St George) and the Dragon dated 14th century,built by brothers Cluj and in front of it "Stary Kralovsky Palac"the Old Royal Palace,the seat of the kings of Bohemia until the Habsburg period.Built in Romanesque style in the 11th century,it was enlarged and modified in the 15th century.Inside the beautiful Vladislav Hall,built by architect Benedikt Ried.Really beautiful are the ribbed Gothic vaulting,the hall has been witness in the course of centuries of solemn ceremonies and coronations,tournaments,today welcomes the election of Czech Republic President by the National Assembly.Absolutely worthy of note are the Steps of the Knights,built with Gothic vaults.

There is a section of the palace, called "Ludvik Wing", within which lies the Bohemian Chancellery.This room was the scene of the defenestration of the imperial governor, the Second Defenestration of Prague in 1618,a prelude to the War of 30 years.From the Palace cross now "Jiri Namesti" (St.George Square) where you can admire the impressive "Bazilika Svateho Jiri" (the Basilica of St.George).It is a great example of Romanesque style although the facade is in Baroque style.It was founded between 915 and 921 under Prince Vratislav.The architectural elements of the nave are dated between the 10th and the 12th century.Remarkable the 13th century frescoes depicting the heavenly Jerusalem,located on the vault of the choir and inside the chapel of St.Ludmila houses the tomb,built by Peter Parler in honour of the patron Saint of Bohemia.On the right next to the Basilica,visit "Klaster Jiri"(Monastery of St.George).Built in 973 for Mlada,Boleslav Pious's sister.She became the first abbess of the first monastery built in Bohemia.You can visit here an interesting collection about medieval art.Between 1962 and 1974, the monastery had a careful renovation:the goal was to make these places suitable to house the art collection,covering the periods from Gothic to Baroque,the highlights are the works of the Master of the Altar of Trebon, considered probably the greatest medieval Bohemian painter and also the 9 tables by the Master of Brod.

 Facing the square of the same name is "Prazska Loreta" Iy is a remarkable building of the city, consisting of a cloister, church, the Holy House, a handful of chapels and its world famous tower. The Loreto has been a place of pilgrimage since it was built for over 300 years and saved a valuable treasure in liturgical objects retaining only comparable to the Cathedral of St. Vitus.The holy House according to the Catholic faith, was originally in Nazareth, Palestine, and was the site where the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that he would conceive a child, the son of God. Mary lived in this house until the death of Christ.The Holy House, as it was called, was soon a site revered by Christians and attacks target the infidels. For this reason the Holy House was gradually dismantled by the pilgrims, who carried the pieces to Loreto, Italy, in the year 1294. It appears that moving the house from the Holy Land was involved a family named Angeli, which explains the legend that angels who were miraculously transported the Holy House (as is often depicted in paintings). During the Battle of White Mountain, Catholics defeated the Protestants and regained control of Prague. In an attempt to attract the Czechs to the Catholic religion promoted the legend of the Holy House of Loreto and fifty replicas were built in Bohemia and Moravia. The Prague is the largest and most important in the number of pilgrims who visit.The construction of Loreto began in 1626 at the initiative of Baroness von Lobkowicz Katerina and grew in size over the centuries. Capuchin monks, installed in a nearby convent, were responsible for the management and care of Loreto.

 The pilgrimage site itself consists of a complex of two story buildings with arcades surrounding the Holy House, located in the central courtyard. On both sides, two sources with groups of sculptures adorn the courtyard: The Resurrection and the Assumption, replicas of the works of J. M. Brüderle preserved in the Lapidarium.The arcades provide access to six chapels, the oldest of them built in 1686, and the richly decorated Church of the Nativity of Our Lord, who was consecrated in 1737 and in particular impacting the frescoed vaulted ceiling.

Lobkowicz Baroness chose an Italian architect, G. B. Orsi, for the construction of the Santa Casa, which was consecrated in 1631. Originally only the exterior was decorated with paintings between 1660 and 1670 panels were placed stucco reliefs, funded by the Countess Elizabeth Apollonia Kolowrat. The reliefs depict scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary, her birth, her wedding, the Annunciation, the birth of Jesus, Mary's death and the transfer of the Holy House from Nazareth.The interior is rustic brick masonry, partially covered by fragments of frescoes. The atmosphere is divided into two parts, as was the tradition, using a silver grid. In the smaller space is the statue of Our Lady of Loreto, made in lime wood. Most of the objects of the Holy House, such as reliquaries, candelabra, lamps and liturgical items, dating from the seventeenth century.In the treasury of Loreto displays a stunning collection of decorative objects, together with the treasure of the Cathedral of St. Vitus, is unique in its kind in the country.

The most valuable piece is a famous Diamonds custody, held in Vienna between 1696 and 1699 to save the hosts. The incredible number of 6222 diamonds covering this treasure were the inheritance of Countess Ludmila Eva Frances Kolowrat. Rarely used in the Mass, the last time was in 1999, celebrating 400 years since the arrival of the Capuchin monks in Bohemia.Other objects are remarkable medieval silver chalice, which dates from 1510, and a domestic altar of ebony representing the Birth of Jesus with thumbnail pictures of silver, which belonged to the Lobkowicz family.

The Loreto bell tower was donated by a wealthy merchant of Mala Strana called Eberhard von Glauchau. When it was installed in the late seventeenth century, was a real novelty in Bohemia.The thirty bells that make up the carillon were made by Claudy Fremy in Amsterdam between 1683 and 1691. Peter Neumann, famous clock in Prague, organized by the chime and connected to the clock on the facade of the tower. He also created the mechanism based on a cylinder with pins to produce the different tunes, called pantomusos. The complicated mechanism is similar to that used in the Westerkerk in Amsterdam, Delft, Bruges and Berlin. Loreto bells rang for the first time in August 1695 and since then every hour sound filling the air of Prague.

 The towers of the castle are another highlight.The most impressive is the tower called "Mihulka".Built in 1496 by architect Benedikt Rejt, the name "Mihulka" means pwder and because it was used as arsenal.In the 19th century the Emperor Rudolf II used this tower as alchemist worshop.The second tower "Daliborska"was built by Rejt in 1496 too.The name is from the first prisoner Dalibor Kozojedy.It is said the man was imprisoned in that tower,playing a violin,people walking next to the tower was impressed listening fantastic melodies and brought him food to thank him.

Walking along "Porholec Ulicka" on the left is "Strahov Klaster".Strahov Monastery is one  of the oldest in Bohemia and its history began with the establishment of an austere religious canons,"premontratenses".This order was founded by St. Norbert in 1120 in Abbey Prémontré, France,from which it derived its name.It was initially built a wooden monastery with a Romanesque basilica. The construction of a stone church has probably begun around the 12th century.This first building was destroyed by fire in 1258 almost entirely rebuilt in Gothic style as other buildings of Prague, the convent suffered the vicissitudes of the eventful history of the city. In 1420 the activity was stopped when the monastery was sacked by the Protestants during the Hussite revolts.At the end of the Thirty Years War, the monastery was looted and destroyed again, this time by Swedish soldiers, who stole many valuable objects, manuscripts and printed books in the convent. Once again set about rebuilding In 1679 the monastery was seriously damaged during the French bombardment in 1742. The years that followed were again the last major reconstruction work on the building was the addition of a new library, now the Philosophical Hall,under the direction of Abbot Václav Mayer.With the advent of communism, the official activity of the monastery was arrested and began a series of archaeological excavations in the complex.The recovered premontratenses the abbey in 1989 and then made permanent restoration work.Strahov Monastery still functions as a monastery, that is training and preparing novices and clerics, and is an active place of pilgrimage. It also houses a valuable museum, art gallery and its famous library, which holds an interesting collection of rare books and other objects very special.The monastery is the Basilica of St.Mary, beautifully decorated with frescoes depicting the Virgin Mary and St. Norbert, and where stands the organ in which he played Mozart when he visited the convent in 1787.A special place occupied by the Cabinet of Curiosities, a collection of curiosities that could be considered a direct forerunner of modern museums.The monastery library is definitely the big draw, since it retains a huge collection of rare books. The oldest are in Latin manuscripts dating almost from the time of the founding of the convent.

Another Prague landmark is "Zlata Ulice" without doubt one the most charming street of thee Czech Republic.Its small houses are surrounded by a dense mystery.According to the tradition this street close to the tower Mihulka was popoulated by alchemists during the pertiod of Emperor Rudolf II.The Emperator was very interested about art,astronomy,science,alchemy and he was surrounded by several artists such as the Italian painter Atcimboldo and the German Kepler and the Danish Brahe famous astronomists in that period.In the 16th century the houses were built to accomodate the guards of the castle until they were occupied by goldsmiths.The name "Zlata Ulice" derives from that.In this picturesque alley at number 22,lived the German-Czech writer Franz Kafka.Also Nobel Prize Jaroslav Seifert lived in that alley.Currently the houses are occupied by shops keeping anyway the original aspect.

 From "Zámecké Schody" stairs,you come into "Mala Strana" district.Mala Strana,lies between "Prazsky Hrad" and the river Vltava.It is a fascinating area,with Baroque and Renaissance palaces giving it a very special environment.Mala Strana" means Little Town or Lesser Quarter.The history of this district started in 1257 whenKing Otakar II founded here the New Town under the Castle,but since it was too small to accommodate the growing population.A century later King Karl IV founded the New Town across the river so this area became known as Lesser Town.The district originally had a Gothic aspect but the city was completely destroyed in 1400 during the Hussite wars,a fire destroyed this area in particular around the main square.Towards the end of 1500 began to arrive in Prague a colony of Italian artists who decided to take this area as their residence and brought with them new artistic ideas,starting to decorate palaces and houses in Renaissance and Baroque style.All the noble Austrian and Czech families close to Royal Hasburg family elected their residences here for its proximity with the Castle and now in these sumptuous palaces there are many embassies,so that we can say that "Mala Strana" is the district of the embassies.The main attraction is in "Malostranske Namesti"(Mala Strana Square) the Baroque "Chram Mikulas"(St Nicholas Church) in front of the church stands the Plague Column with a statue of the Blessed Trinity.It was built in 1715 by Italian Giovanbattista Alliprandi.The church construction started in 1673 by Jesuit order.In 1711 it began to officiate mass,the work was completed in 1752.The architect,creator of this beautiful church was Christoph Dientzenhofer,a German architect.The facade is curved and decorated with monumental statues in a pure Baroque style.It is very interesting climbing the tower, 65 meters tall from there you can admire all the Old Town.During Communism regime until 1989 the tower was used by the secret forces to guard foreign embassies.The interior is artistically considerable,with frescoes in the dome,by Franz Palko representing the Holy Trinity,the Baroque organ is which Mozart performed in 1787 and the frescoes of St. Cecily on it,the four statues of the Fathers of the Church and a beautiful pulpit decorated with Baroque angels.In the square you can admire "Lichtenstejnsky Palac"(Liechtenstein Palace),today the palace hosts the Academy of Music,this building has a long history,here lived Karl Liechtenstein,nicknamed "Bloody Governor"to which Emperor Ferdinand II gave the task of exterminating the conspirators concerning the famous facts of the White Mountain.

 On the right of  "Chram Mikulas" in "Tomanska Ulice" a narrow street you can admire another beautiful church "Svateho Tomas"(St.Tomas Church) The church was founded in 1285 by the Hermits of St. Augustine, and this explains a Saint statue in the portal in a beautiful façade.The interior is majestic, with gold, paintings, stuccos,and vaults depicting scenes about St. Augustine life.Next to the church a famous Prague brewery & Restaurant "Pivnice U Schnellu"favorite brewery of many Prague artists so if you want to taste a typical "Pilsner Urquell or a "Branik".,Czech beers are excellent and this is a great place to taste one.

 .Behind the church is "Wallenstein Palac" a beautiful example of Italian Baroque style,dated 17th century,it is the biggest Palace in Prague,the inspiration is from Tuscany from the famous "Loggia dei Lanzi"in Piazza della Signoria,if you visited Florence you remember this place with "the Perseo statue" Today the Palace is home Czech Republic Senate.In the square you can also see "Prazsky Radnice"Prague old Town Hall,it currently houses a live music bar

Crossing the square is Nerudova Ulice."Nerudova" it is not dedicated to Pablo Neruda famous Nobel Prize in literature as many people thinks.It is dedicated to Jan Neruda a czech writer.Chilean writer name was "Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes" and after reading the stories by Jan Neruda "steal"the surname to use as artistic pseudonym.Apart this curiosity,you can discover many other things during a walk in Mala Strana..It is a brilliant experience,walking here...So from Nerudova,Turn now on the right in "Jansky Vrsek" and then take "Ulicka Sporkova" here you can admire "Lobkovitz Palac"built in Renaissance style,this palace was previously a Museum,later became a Music Hall,now it is the Germany Embassy.In the garden a curiosity:"Quo Vadis",a sculpture by David Cerny dated 1990,which depicts a German communist-era Trabant car raised on four legs.The title explains the uncertainty of the time in Germany after the reunification in 1989.In front of the Palace you can also see the Toy Museum hosting a large collection from ancient Greek toys to the presents.In the nearest "Vlasska Ulice"is the American Embassy  in this building famous writer Franz Kafka lived for a period.

 In " Karmelitska"is  the church of Maria Vitezna on the right side,famous for the baby Jesus of Prague.The Infant Jesus of Prague is a statue of wood covered with wax that comes from Spain.Since 1600 it is located here and it is said to have the power to save children and women in difficult moments.From the church taking on the right "Harantova Ulice",this street is the door to "Maltezske Námesti",the Knights of Malta Square.After the square is the Church of the Virgin Mary under the Chain, which is the oldest church in Mala Strana and part of a large complex of buildings that still belongs to the Knights of Malta.The church was built in Romanesque style but then it was decided to demolish it and rebuild it in Gothic style.The palace of the Knights of Malta who before 1989 was the Museum of Musica Just at that time the palace was used as the setting in the movie Amadeus as Salieri's house,Mozart rival in the movie.

 Next to the French Embassy walking along the perpendicular street is "John Lennon Wall".The history of this wall is a bit 'special..Since John Lennon in December 1980 he was assassinated, to commemorate him some Prague young people have started to paint graffiti on a wall here.This small tribute soon became a small sanctuary Hero pacifist,a hymn to Love, Freedom,imagination ,the Non-Violence,life,all concepts were not very well regarded by Czechoslovakian communist regime..Police shut the wall several times but never managed to keep it clean,and installed surveillance cameras.The day there were new words and drawings again...Someome says that the wall of Lennon helped as inspiration the Revolution that led to the peaceful fall of communism in Czechoslovakia in 1989..It is possible..Anyway and as long as the wall of Lennon remains a symbol, a reminder to future generations that is worth fighting for freedom.

 Continuing towards "Kampa Namesti" you are on an island on Vltava River.This square has a curious past The inhabitants of the island were exempted from paying taxes as a matter of humidity.further more here were filmed some scenes about Movie "Mission Impossible",From Kampa Island crossing "Velkoprevoske Namesti" a square next to "Mostecka Ulice" you are in front of "Karlovy Most"the famous Charles Bridge another magnificent Prague landmark .The exact time of of construction beginning of "Karlovy Most" is chiseled into the stone of one of its towers: the July 9, 1357 at 31.05 am.The choice of date and time was not arbitrary,because the number palindromic,reads the same right to left and vice versa 135 797 531 was determined by the numerology of the astrologers as the ideal time to begin work,a study that was requested by the monarch and he did a bit up early to attend in person to the Olympics.It goes without saying that the bridge, built under the parameters numerology, stands and any subsequent flooding of the Vltava river has been with it.The bridge connects two historic neighborhoods of the city, (Mala Strana ans Stare Mesto) and being pedestrian,is always crowded with tourists and buskers who give so much life to the dark rock and gothic art overloaded.The most striking feature of the bridge is awarded the thirty stone statues,carved between 1683 and 1714 by the best Bohemians sculptors,which line both sides of the bridge and represent the patron saints of the time, as St. Vitus and St. Nepomuk.The bridge was designed by architect Peter Parler and with towers at each end is considered one of the most accomplished jewelry of architecture in the world.

 You can reach by tube "Namesti Republiky"Republic Square".The first attraction you can admire in the square is"Prasna Brana" the Powder Tower.It is the most important tower of the city.This tower dated 11th century represents one of the 13 gates of the Old City.In 1475 King Ladislav II laid the first stone of the new tower,as it was called at first.It was a gift from the coronation of the council,inspired by Peter Parler bridge was built a century earlier in the Old City.Its defensive prowess was poor and the rich sculptural decoration was looking to add prestige to the old palace of the royal court.The gate acquired its present name in the 17th century, when it began to be used as a powder arsenal.The sculptural decoration was damaged during the Prussian occupation in 1757 and shortly thereafter partially removed, replaced finally in 1876.You can climb the tower admiring a fantastic view of "Stare Mesto" the old town.Across the Powder Tower,you can admire"Obecni Dum" The Municipal House is one of the Art Nouveau buildings most impressive in Prague,it is also the headquarters of the Prague Symphony Orchestra.Concerts are held during the Prague Spring Festival,inside there are several exhibition halls and an auditorium.

 Walking along "Celetna Ulicka" the main street in front of the tower and the square,at the first crossroad on the left you can admire an interesting building "Dum U ?erné Matky Boží" The House of the Black Virgin of Prague,was named after a nearby Black Virgin statue,it is a cubist building and although its construction is dated 1912, quickly became the first and best example of cubist architecture in Prague.Today it is "Muzeum Kubismu" the Museum of Czech Cubism, Its shape is still modern and dynamic and has three floors of paintings and notable structures, furniture, ceramics and glass.So if you are fond about this kind of art you can visit the gallery.A curiosity about Cubism,you know famous artists as Picasso and Braque,Cubism is expressed mainly in painting and sculpture,Czech artists express Cubism in architecture..Anyway The building houses the charming Grand Cafe Orient.So if you want enjoy a coffee or a drink in this great Cafe is a must.

 From here turn on the the right and crossing an alley is "Kostel Svateho Jakuba". the Church of St.James.It is a splendid example of Baroque style dated 1689,the church was rebuilt after a fire on a previous Gothic Church dated 1232,here you can see the tomb of Count Vratislav and a wooden sculpture dated 15th century.A curiosity about this church: for 400 years is hanging to the right of the mummified arm of a thief who had attempted to steal the jewels of the Virgin Mary, which miraculously seems to have stuck.On the right is  "Tyn"or "Otynení".it is an old fortified courtyard (Otyeneni in Czech language means fortified area abbreviation is Tyn) dated 12th century and meeting point of merchants coming to Prague.It was like an ancient Taxes Office area where the merchants had to pay the store of goods and the area was surrounded by fortified walls to protect the trade.The courtyard is also called "Ungelt" it means tax here the King collector taxes lived.The word derives from German "Geld"(money).

Crossing another small passage on the right by "Celetna Ulice"is "Ovocny Trh"also called Old Fruit Market.In this square is "Tyl Divadlo" Tyl Theatre a magnificent building in Baroque style with Neoclassical columns inaugurated as Theatre in 1783.Mozart premiered here his opera "Don Giovanni"and in 1834 was first performed the song that would later be adopted as the Czech national anthem "Kde domov muj ?(translation.. Where is my home?).In 1984 the theater became a movie set time when famous Czech filmmaker Milos Forman chose to shoot scenes there for his award-winning film "Amadeus"in honor of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.The name "Tyl"(in Czech language id Tyl is fortress) in this case ,it is from Josef Tyl a notable figure of the cultural movement known as the Czech National Revival a cultural movement to revaluate czech language and culture.

 Next to the theatre,the historic home of the University of Prague,the "Karolinum" the name from the founder,King Karl IV.It was founded in 1348 and it is the oldest in Central Europe..In front of The Karolinum University you can admire "Kostel Svateho Havla"the Church of St. Gallen dated 13th century was restored in 1700 the facade in Baroque style replaced the original typically medieval.Since the Middle Ages on the street on which the church is facing, Havelská Ulice, held the most famous and largest outdoor market in Prague.

 Walking along "Zelezna Ulice" and you will reach "Staromerske Namesti" (Old Town Square) "Stare Mesto is the old part of Prague, which was started to be populated.During the 12th century, settled in this part of the city Jews,Germans,Frenches and Italians occupied the space of the square.The Germans founded a church dedicated to Saint Nicholas, patron Saint of merchants.Since that time the square will become the heart of Old Town.Today this area has become the tourist area of Prague.The Old City,is extending from the Castle" Prazsky Hrad"to the right bank of the Vltava River.Stare Mesto has an enchanting,monumental,romantic aspect.The old square at first impact is simply great,surrounded by several beautiful Palace built in different styles...The symbol of the Czech patriotic soul is "Pomník Jana Husa" the monument to the Protestant reformer Jan Hus.It is the memorial to Jan Hus,burned in the center of the square in 1415 on charges of heresy.The imposing monument was built in 1915 and since then has become a symbol of Czech nationalism.

The inauguration day was filled with flowers.To confirm the symbolic value there are two historical events in which the monument was covered with a cloth: the German Nazis occupation during the 2nd war and the protest during the Soviet invasion in that famous 1968 spring. The palaces around the square are several and all very interesting..At number 12 is the "Kinsky Goltz Palac" a building considered the most beautiful Rococo in Prague.Built in 1765 by architect Anselmo Lurago on a early Renaissance previous palace for a long time here there was a German school attended among others by famous writer Franz Kafka.At number 13 is "Galerie Hlavniho Mesta Prahy",The House at the Stone Bell is a remarkable example of a Gothic municipal residence from the mid 14th century.Originally built for the Royal family and in particular,for Queen Elizabeth I,the mother of Karl IV, named after the bell is the corner stone of the building.The interiors of the house serve as exhibition spaces for the Gallery of Prague.At number 16 next to "Celetna Ulice" is,"Storch Palac" or "Stone of the Virgin Mary" decorated with Neo Renaissance paintings from the 19th century.The beautiful façade is decorated with portraits of St.Vaclav (St.Wenceslas patron Saint of the Czech Republic) and the three Magi by Mikolas Ales.Immediately after "Storch Palac" is the Restaurant "Kammeny Stul"this building was"the Stone Table"famous meeting point of German speaking living in Prague writers,scientists and artists,such as Franz Kafka,Albert Einstein,Max Brod,Franz Werfel and so on.They had meetings here in the elegant hall "Berta Fantova".Other buildings worthy of note are the number 20,the "Unicorn Palac“ is one of the oldest palaces in Prague.It has a Romanesque core from the 12th century and also a Gothic gateway with a valuable vault,here famous Czech composer Bedrich Smetana had a private music school in 1848. At number 26 "Stepanovsky Palac".Originally a Romanesque house dated 1170, it was modified several times.The Gothic archway from the 14 th century and a portal dated 16th century.At 29 "Black Angel"house stands by the former Church of St Mikulase (St.Michael). Originally founded as a chapel in the 15th century and housing today the famous restaurant "U Prince" (at the Prince) .The name "Black Angel" from a figure of an angel on the front and you can also admire a sculpture of St.Florian dated 1760.

 The magnificent  "Kostel Matky Boží pred Týnem"(Our Lady before Tyn church) is one the highlight of the square,it is the oldest in the old town, a great example of Gothic style with three classical aisled.The entrance to the church is through an arcade; the Gothic northern portal with its original preserved sculptural reliefs is accessible from "Tynska".The bell tower dominates the square with its 80 meters in height.The church takes its name from its old market"Tyn".It was Founded in 1350 on the ruins of an ancient Romanesque church and it was the church during the Protestant Hussites of Prague.Inside you can admire a golden statue of the Virgin, symbol of the Hussites.Further more Inside you can see the tomb of famous Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.The other church in the Old Town Square is "Kostel Svateho Mikulase"(St.Nicholas church),designed by architect Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer in 1732,it is a splendid example of Baroque style,the last building in order of time on this place that for centuries has hosted several places of worship.The church often hosts concerts thanks to its excellent acoustic and organ.

 Next to the church is "Franz Kafka Namesti".In this square is the house where the famous writer Franz Kafka was born in 1883.Take a look to "Starometska Radnice" the City Hall founded in 1338.The town hall was built as a visible symbol of the town's autonomy after King Jan of Luxembourg accorded the citizens of Prague the privilege of having their own district council.On the ground floor there is a tourist information office and a room decorated with allegories of Prague.Franz Kafka family lived on the second floor of this building from 1889 to 1896.Part of the building (a wing) was destroyed by Nazis troops in 1945.The bottom of the tower is decorated by twelve round images of zodiac signs made by Josef Manes but they are replaced by copies.The most important attraction is the "Orloj" the Astronomical Clock, the most famous medieval clock in the world. It was built in 1490 by master clockmaker Hanus and perfected by Jan Taborsky in the 16th century.A legend describes that Hanus as jealous of his invention so much that he never wanted to reveal to anyone the principles of its operation.

The clock is located in the Town Hall and consists of three main parts.The timing ,the lower sphere of the Clock Tower represent the months of the year by paintings by Jozef Manes.You can also see signs of the zodiac and in the centre, the Coat of Arms of the Old City.The calendar has four small sculptures: a philosopher, an angel, an astronomer and a speaker.Every hour people gather to watch the procession of the twelve apostles and a skeleton that measures time.The animated figures are the main attraction,it is the parade of the clock of the twelve apostles that occurs every time the clock strikes the hour. In addition to the apostles and the skeleton you can see other 3 figures: the Turk, Greed and Vanity.Eventually, a singing rooster announces the end of the show. The area above the Clock Tower is the astronomical clock itself. Its function was to give time, but to represent the orbits of the Sun and the Moon.The construction of the astronomical dial give you an idea about astronomy in that period shortly,The earth is the centre of the universe. The blue represents the sky above the horizon, the gray in the sky.Every symbol is engraved with Latin inscriptions the East with ORTVS the West OCCASVS, then Aurora (down) and Twilight with CPEPVSCVLVM Twilight) below.The three discs stacked czech indicate the time (with numbers in Italian), the Central European Time (with Roman numerals) and the time of Babylon,with Arabic numbers.

 If you want to get a good view of the Old Town Square the best option is to climb the Clock Tower of the City Hall.Once in place you must remember that every hour the Town Hall clock shows its repertoire.

 In "Marianske Namestí"is  the New Town Hall Old Town,including the central hall of Prague.The building is a great masterpiece in Art Nouveau style,and next to the New Town Hall on the right is the Municipal Library.Opposite the Town Hall is one of the entrances of Klementinum born in 1600 as a Jesuit college and now the National Library.Enter it and walk two yards until you find the other exit that will lead to" Karlova Ulice",turn into "Husova Ulice" where is the St.Egidius Church,it is very interesting to admire the mixture of Gothic exterior combined with the interior in Baroque style It was also used in the movie "Amadeus".

 Very close is "Betlemske Namesti" (Bethlem Square)Here you can admire a modern replica  of "Kaple Bethlemske" the Chapel of Bethlem where Jan Hus preached.From is the the path that will bring you to "Naprstkova"the Vltava river waterfront.Cross the road and go straight to the river on the sidewalk at the bottom is the Museum and the statue of famou composers Bedrich Smetana, .Continue your walk next to Vltava River and you are next to Karlovy Most.Here do not miss to visit the National Library the "Klemetinum" The foundation of the Clementinum is dated XI century. In 1232 the Dominicans took over the church of St Clement (which inherits the name) and built his monastery. In 1556 the Jesuits came to Prague and, after buying the building, began an expansion that would last almost 200 years.It is the second largest architectural complex of the city behind Prazsky Hrad the Prague Castle.In the past It was originally the headquarters of the Jesuit but also college and university.Inside you can visit three areas the Chapel of Mirrors,the Baroque Library and Astronomical Tower.The Chapel of Mirrors is named for the dozens of mirrors that is built into the ceiling and hung on the walls. The chapel has several paintings and it is the original body of 18th century where Mozart performed.The Baroque Library is a rich collection of thousands of books illustring you several histories that took place there while the Astronomical Tower was used originally as a viewpoint from the middle of the 18th century by scientists like Josef Stepling for astronomical observations. With 68 meters Astronomical Tower offers 360 degree views over the historic centre.Climbing the tower will pass through the Hall of Meridian, living room with two large dials that were used to measure the height of the stars and celestial motions.This room was also used to know when it was noon.

 The southern tip of "Naprikop" meets "Vaclavské Namesti"(St.Wenceslas Square) it is a Boulevard 750 meters long and 60 wide.It was built 600 years ago,during the period of Karl IV, when he used as a horse market.Since then, the square has been the usual place of parades,events including organization or political parties.The avenue can accommodate over 400,000 people. At the top of the boulevard, you can see the statue of St.Vaclav on his horse. A few meters away from the statue, a plaque in memory of those killed during the communist period, including Jan Palach, a student of 20 years, which burned himself in the square in January 1969 in protest at the Soviet invasion four months earlier.Jan Palach died three days with burns over 85% of their body.Over 800,000 people attended the funeral. After the collapse of communist control in December 1989, Václav Havel and Alexander Dubcek appeared on the balcony of núm.36 to thank his supporters inflamed. Palach and other victims of the regime are commemorated in a small shrine in front of the statue of St. Wenceslas Josef Myslbek.Behind St. Wenceslas square you can admire the monumental National Museum,it is an imponent Neo-Renaissance building built by Josef Schultz a prominent architect of Czech revival movement,the museum hosts several halls with permanent and temporary exhibitions,the permanent are Zoological and Paleontological collections,Anthropological collections,Anthropological collectionsan a collection about history of ex Czechoslovakia,in special occasions the Museum hosts musical events as classical concerts,apart the collections and the imponent structure an important highlight is the superb and charming entrance,in style "Grandeur belle Epoque".

Behind the building you can admire The Prague State Opera,a magnificent theatre built in 1885,the first name was in German "Neue Deutsch Theater"(New German Theatre)after 2nd War the new name was Theatre Smetana in honour of the famous Czech composer Bedrich Smetana. During the communist era the theatre suffered a sad decadence,since 1992 anyway the Theatre has recovered its prestige.Today is a Theatre of elite hosting several events with a rich repertoire,symphonic concerts,ballet at Christmas period and Gala Ball "Vienna style" on New Year's Eve.In Vaclavske Namesti,25 is Cafe Europa it is a classic, it is a Cafe dated 1906 in Liberty style nad it is a must to have a drink or a coffee here.

 In Prague is typical to assist a "Black Theatre show" What is the Black Theatre ? the black theatre had its origins in China,with artistic expression using candle lights behind a white canvas,the famous "chinese shadows" then another kind of black theatre was born in Japan using puppets in the theater "Bunraku".In Europe the first techniques of black theatre came from France by artist George Lafaille using an ultraviolet lamp and techniques of body expressions and illusionism."the technique of the black theater" is to express the images they had in their mind.But the Black Theatre had its great success in Prague in the 60s a totally different drama based on the inability of the human eye to distinguish black on black.In a work of Black Theatre actors are all dressed in black clothes and act on a black background.This makes the viewer sees only what the actors want to show.Illuminated objects, items or characters floating phosphors are some special features that make this art.Czech technique revolutionized the Black Theatre becoming the most popular show in Prague became the capital of this kind of art using lights,shadows, mime and acrobatics.You can book the day of your arrival in Prague in your hotel choosing among many..Some this area there is"Divadlo Metro (Theatre Metro) in Narodni,25 and another is "Divadlo Blanik" in Vaclavske Namesti,25 another very good is Ta Fantastika in Karlova,8 next to Starometska Namesti.

 Do not miss to enjoy a beer in "U Fleku Pivovar a Restaurace" in Kremencova 11 it is aprox 500 meters from "Vaclavske Namesti" and 200 meters from Narodni Trda Tube station.It is a typical brewery in Czech style and also restaurant  Very typical here to have a snack with the famous Prague ham with butter and cucumber,and then you can taste a typical Gulash with Knedlikly and taste the local beer "U Fleku".

 From Starometska Namesti walking along "Valentinska Ulice"and "Siroka Ulice"is "Josefov" ,the Prague Jewish district.Prague Jewish community has a long story over 1000 years.Josefov or Jewish Town in Prague is one of the oldest and largest "ghettos" in Europe, extended to the north-west from Old Town Square to the river Vltava.It still retains a number of important Jewish monuments of European significance,and the complex is also a Jewish Museum. It owes its name to Emperor Joseph II,son of Maria Theresa of Austria, who with the bill of tolerance edict issued in 1781 abolished the discriminatory measures against Jews.

This area was once called"Josefstadt" in German language."Jewish Town"formed by the Old Jewish Cemetery the baroque town hall and only six Synagogues preserved today. .The Jewish Museum was founded in 1906.What you see today is the version of "refurbishing" of the Jewish Ghetto in the late 1800's, when homes style Liberty replaced many Baroque houses..Before that,the ghetto was an intricate system of alleys,narrow streets primitive and decadent.A total area of only 93000 square meters in which Jewish have lived for centuries.They were forced to wear a yellow hat if they wanted out of the ghetto and go to other parts of Prague.Franz Kafka lived here before to move with his sister in Zlata Brana.The sad fate of Jewish community in Prague ended in 1945 with the systematic deportation of the Jewish people to the camps.The visit is possible everyday less saturday (festivity day for Jewish community and other Jewish festivities so if you want to visit this area you can invert the visit,you can buy at the entrance a collective ticket only Staronova Synagoga is not included and you have to pay apart) So start your visit..At the entrance of the Jewish cementery the 1st Synagoga."Pinkasova Synagoga" Pinkas Synagogue was founded in 1479 by Rabbi Pinkas on the position of a shrine of the 11th century.The synagogue in Neo gothic style become a monument to the memory of the over 77000 Jewish people disappeared during the 2nd World War in the Terezin camp and whose names cover the walls of the synagogue.During communism period,the synagogue was closed and deleted the names of the walls.At the 1st floor the synagogue is the house of Lager Terezin imprisoned Children memory with the exposition of the original drawings over 4000 that the children did during their stay in Terezin Camp.For propaganda purposes in the field of creative activities were partially tolerated.Terezin's Jewish community made sure that all children could be deported to continue their education and teacher Friedl Dicker created a drawing class in the lager.The drawnings children were hidden by the teacher in some suitcases,the Nazis did not find them,and only reappeared 10 years later.Today they are here in Pinkasova Synagoga.There is also a legend about Pinkas Synagogue..Rabbi Pinkas found a monkey's body and the body of the animal was abnormally heavy.The Rabbi opened the body and was surprised to discover that it was full of gold coins.With that money,the synagogue was built.After Pinkasova Synagoga visit the Jewish Cementery.It was Founded in 1478, The current dimensions are about similar than the medieval time.There are many groups of tombstones of various periods are the result of the fact that the older headstones were raised from the deeper layers.Today there are around 12000 tombstones it is estimated that over 100000 Jews are buried there.Rabbi Avigdor Kara was the first buried here in 1439.The most important tomb is without doubt that of the legendary Rabbi Judah Loew Ben Bezalel well known as "Rabbi Loew" has always been associated with the legend of the "Golem". According to this legend, the Golem is a creature of mud created by Rabbi Loew to protect the Jews of the ghetto from persecution. The Golem is a figure that could only create the rabbis who knew the art of magic and using the same techniques to create that God had created Adam.The Golem is a being very strong, obedient, but without a soul,that could be used for heavy work or to defend the persecuted Jews.Other symbols of Jewish cementery are "Nephele" a hill, where the children not exceed the year age were buried here. The Tomb of Bass Hendel, one of the most impressive of all the cemetery, built for the wife Hedela Bassevy of the first jew Prague elevated to the rank of nobility,Famous writer Franz Kafka tomb is not here..Hei s buried in New Cemetery, which is located in "Zelivskeho " you can reach the cementery taking the green line and stop to the the station Želivského.From the cementery visit now "Klausova Synagoga".It was originally built in 1694 and rebuilt several times.Built on the location of three small "Klausen"(Klausen"in German from "Klaus" meaning "small buildings" (small buildings that serve as an oratory and from school) It was originally the largest synagogue and home to the burial rites.It is now a museum with a collection of manuscripts and prints, as well as an exhibition about Jewish traditions such as marriage,circumcision,Jewish celebrations etc.Continue visiting "Staronova Synagoga" The Old-New Synagogue was built in 1270 in Gothic style.It is the most famous and visited buildings.The name "Old-New Synagogue" was originally called the New Synagogue or "Shul". When several synagogues in Prague came from the 16th century, this became known as the "Old-New Shul", or Old-New Synagogue.This is because another of the oldest synagogue built before 1270 and was demolished in 1867.The Synagogue is called "Staronova" in Czech language but it is also famous as "Altnenuschul" in German language.You can reach the foyer climbing a ramp of nine steps from the street.The foyer opens to a rectangular room which has six arched spans supported by two large pillars in the middle and the mausoleum has twelve Gothic windows representing the 12 tribes of Israel.Many legends surround this synagogue, one says that the angels have come up with stones that have served to its construction and since then these angels protect the synagogue.Another one says that it was built with stones from the Temple of Solomon and the time when he returns to rebuild the Temple, the Synagogue will destroy and the stones will come back to Jerusalem.The synagogue was renovated in the 19th century and is still used for religious services and It is at the moment the oldest active synagogue in Europe and one of the most ancient Gothic buildings in Prague.Next to the Old New Synagogue you can see "Radnice Zidowska". it is the Prague Jewish Town hall.Originally built in the 16th century,after a restoration in the 18th century with a clock tower with Jewish figure and a decorative Rococo façade.The building is known to be financed by the mayor Maisel Jewish Quarter.Most parts of the Jewish Town Hall are closed.The only part open to the public is the Kosher Eatery.Actually Jewish Town hall works as Jewish Information centre for events,Jewish Tours and cultural activities.And visit now "Maiselova Synagoga".Built with the consent of Emperor Rudolf II in 1591 and named after Mordechai Maisel, who funded the construction and commisioned to the architects Josef Wahl and Juda Goldmied De Herz.Originally it was a Renaissance building but it was a victim of a fire in 1689,it was rebuilt in Baroque style and in the late 19th century was rebuilt in a Neo Gothic style.All that remained of the old Renaissance building are the three aisles of the central room with the women's gallery upstairs. The synagogue is now used as a showroom on the "History of the Jewishs history in Bohemia, it contains a large collection of textiles,books,silverware and decorative Jewish objects.The last Synagogue is "Spanelska Synagoga"the Spanish Synagogue was built in 1868 in Moorish style by architect Vojtech Ullmann.The construction is at the site of the Jewish house of prayer oldest of Prague (the "Old Synagogue") It acquired the name of "Spanish" because of its Moorish decor, great similarity to the Alhambra in Granada.The interior features a low stucco arabesque remarkable stylized Islamic motifs which are also applied to walls, doors and railings of the gallery and stained glass windows dated 1893 designed by architects Baum and Munzberg.Inside you can see an exhibition about Jewish tradition and life in the last century.The first organist and choral director of the Spanish Synagogue was Frantisek Skroup, author of the song titled "Kved domov muj" (Where is my home),which today is the Czech national anthem.

 Take the tube to "Karlovo Namesti",it is the line B from the tube station walk until the brisge "Jirasek Most" and take "Rasinovo Nabrezi" at number 80 you can see a very bizarre building,"Tancici dum" the dancing house,or "Fred and Ginger" The house was designed by Croat-Czech architects Vlado Milunic and Canadian Frank Gehry.Built between 1994 and 1996 on the ruins of a building destroyed by bombing in 1945,the dancing house stirred a sensation at the time because it was "very different" from the neighboring buildings.After more than ten years after its construction but is now one of the most popular buildings. Initially the building had been named Fred and Ginger refering to the famous dancers because its shape resembles a pair of dancers.The project was strongly supported by the then Czech president Vaclav Havel would have liked to be born into it a cultural center.on the top is located a French restaurant  called"Celeste".

The hill of Petrin is one of the most beloved entertainment venues in Prague, gardens, a former vineyard, are preferred by people from Prague to walk and even sunbathing.To reach the 138 meters between the top of the city, you can go strolling through the gardens or take the funicular from the street Újezd.With its 60 meters high and a structure similar to the Eiffel Tower, Petrin Tower is the highest vantage point in Prague. From its upper terrace at 51 feet you will be at 200 meters above the river Vltava.The similarity of the Tower of Petrin with the most important Parisian monument is no accident. Petrin Tower was built two years after the Eiffel Tower in 1891, to the National Exhibition in Prague. Located a few meters from the tower above is another chink in the Prague Exhibition 1891, the Labyrinth of Mirrors.Inside is a small maze and a hall of mirrors are convex. If you travel with children and they can get a thrill, but the price is not worth the experience.

 Prague offers you a wide range of fine restaurants,bars,breweries (method Pilsner was born here in Czech Republic in the town of Plzen or Pilsen in German language) try the famous "Branicka Cerna" the black beer, or "Urquell","Krusovice","Starobrno","Staropramen"or "Budejovicky Budar".All very good, or the excellent wines from Moravia,Riezling,Frankovka and many others.Czech food is great starting from the famous Prague ham but also "Knedliky"(Bread or potatoe rolls filled with ham,cheese or vegetables),"Bramboraky"(like potato pancakes)"Svíckova" (Marined beef),"Spekacky"(marined sausages with vinegar and black pepper) or the "Kolache"(it is like am austrian strudel filled of fruit) excellent grilled trout,and roast duck.Liquor lovers can taste the famous "Becherovka" a very good herbal bitter liquor.

 Prague at night is very romantic and lively and then a walk near Karlovy is the top in sweet company at night.For who wants a vibrant night Prague offers you a fantastic scenary So you can have your dinner in" Novomestsky Pivovar Restauracije" in Vodickova 20 excellent Czech beers,lagers and stouts and typical Czech cuisine,it is near St.Wenclesas Square and then continue in Lucerna Music Bar & Club in Vodickova 36,very good athmosphere and good music,then go to Karlovy Lazne in Novotneho Lavka,5 next to Karlovy Most it is a cool place to have fun and dance,and later go to Aloha Music Bar & Club in Dusni,5,then you can continue in La Fabrique in Uhelny Trh 2 and finish in St.Wenceslas Square again.You can have here your breakfast in Duplex Club & Cafe in Wenceslas Square 21.

Prague Ruzyne International Airport is located about 15 km west of the city and has 3 terminals.Prague Metro has 3 lines and 53 stations.The Line A (Green),Line B (Yellow) and Line C (Red)

Prague is a city unique,charming,all to discover that fascinates all people from romantic squares and alleys  there are not many times words to describe this city.Today Prague is still able to convey the strength of character of its inhabitants and continues to be one of the most beautiful cities and most romantic in the World and one of the most favourite destination for everyone..

Francesco Mari








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