Névache-France | Little Treasure of the Charming Hautes-Alpes.

Névache is a small centre of France representing a very pleasant destination to breathe the very relaxing enjoyable atmosphere and fascination of a  little treasure of the charming Haute-Alpes, a magnificent mountainous department part of that huge and very attractive French region called Provençe-Côte D´Azur situated  in a fantastic and scenic natural corner in the heart of Massif de Cerces part of the majestic and towering western Alps.
Along the splendid Alpine Italian-French border you will discover a land absolutely inspiring rich of marvellous attractions with many chances to enjoy a notable historic patrimony planning several great cultural and routes of extreme interest.

Also that is a priority that many tourists are looking for returning home totally satisfied with great memories of a place also knew for its culture, traditions, architecture, monuments and gastronomy apart the scenic, stunning environment that territory offers in all its magic splendour.

A very special attraction is that the municipality is developed between 1430,0 and 1597,0 metres of altitude and once reached its boundaries the first impact is simply great for its stupendous preservation and because you will face the picturesque Col de L´Échelle which with its special and captivating silhouette is one of the main highlights in its immediate surroundings delighting your view in a while with the sensation you land in a site born to donate dreams encircled by an unforgettable frame.

That scenic commune is totally surrounded by several majestic peaks of over 3,100 metres of altitude in the fascinating Vallée de la Clarée, a beautiful wild, fairytale valley which includes another one called Vallée Etroite which denomination translated means narrow valley forming together a magic Alpine heaven boasting unique images where everything seems as painted by a talented artist and also that is highly captivating.

A further attraction adding a special appealing accent to that striking scenery is represented by the course of some rivers such as the Giuau and Ruisseau crossing the entire local territory next to other small streams descending from majestic peaks joining after some kilometres  the notorious river Po which has its source in the glacier of the marvellous Monviso, a well known waterway which towards east crosses the fourth Italian city, Turin forming further west the Pianura Padana, that immense and vast Northern Italian plain.
That mosaic of beautiful waters from late spring continuing in summer season offers chances to practise canoeing, rafting and kayak and ideal for those who love fishing because those waterways are very rich of trout.

Located at just 42, 0 kilometres from the outstanding Briançon, a shining jewel well known to be the highest city in France at an altitude of 1326,0 metres lying at the confluence of the Durance and Guisane rivers, major centre of the local Arrondissement, certainly that is another special attraction considering the chance to visit a centre which in addition to that title and record offers a medieval core among the most fascinating of southeastern France.

Immediately on the other side of the local Alps crossing the nearest frontier you can reach in a very short time the famous and prestigious Alpine resort of Bardonecchia located just 54, 0 kilometres away so famed for cycling stages of the iconic Giro D´Italia and to be a distinguished winter sports destination included in a famous  network of centres which hosted the Olympic Winter Games in 2006 linked to the splendid complex of Sestriere. (I wrote a post about that destination if you are interested)

All the local area is an Eden boasting stupendous landscapes, a marvellous nature highlighted by wonderful contrasts with protagonists green large forests, verdant plateaus, rugged passes, wild peaks, small picturesque hamlets and villages but with relevant monumental marvels, a place extremely attractive to discover and explore metre by metre which will bewitch you at first sight.

I discovered Névache years ago during an Educational and I decided to return there in other occasions for all that and to re-see also its magnificent post card composed by several tiny scattered agglomerations highlighted by picturesque stone houses developed in little groups located in very fascinating fairytale corners. 

That beautiful detail is represented by the most scenic Alpine architecture delighting every visitor with the opportunity to stay hours admiring stunning panoramic views of those small enchanting villages seen from different perspectives which could be protagonists of sublime narrations and captivating novels.

That is certainly an additional beautiful feature because all there seems as never changed after centuries with a setting which kept its true identity in a commune subdivided in two concrete areas called Haute Ville and Basse Ville which respectively correspond to the high and low areas of the municipality

In both places you can admire those charming structures highlighted by fine timber and strong stone elements, some of them characterised by ample wooden balconies developed beneath scenic sloping roofs loyal to the most distinctive Alpine architectural canons perfectly conserved as a symbol to show with pride and elevated as a local landmark.

But what more makes so special Névache apart that ? The answers are many starting with presence of Charming historic Churches and Chapels erected in different historic periods  some of them elevated in the Middle Ages and the Romanesque or Neo-Romanesque architecture in an Alpine scenery is something with a fascination unique in its kind and in many cases without equals.

An additional aspect is that  spectacular corner of France is populated by very kind, nice and genuine people always ready to give you excellent tips and suggestions about many places to visit, where to eat and go admire special local sites with the most beautiful view points and also that is a further great detail.

When I visited for the first time that site, some locals indicated me some special places where you could see eagles flying from a peak to another and others where it is very easy to see several groups of chamois, ibex and marmots living at an altitude of over 2000, 0 metres consisting in their natural habitat and also that aspect with a rich fauna is something extremely attractive capturing the attention of many visitors.

The Vallée de la Clarée and all its surroundings are a paradise to enjoy all year, notable is also a stupendous Alpine flora next to numerous, uncontaminated wild pine and fir forests and it is a perfect destination for a vast range of outdoor activities exploring a magnificent intact territory discovering areas totally unspoiled.

Trekking and mountaineering lovers will find there a Mecca for their passions with an endless number of itineraries and paths for the first, superb vertical walls for the others and all that in in the immediate outskirts of Névache.

A superb highlight of of that little treasure of the charming Hautes-Alpes is furthermore  that on the top of every local mountain you can admire from both sides two countries, Italy and France so close along a fabulous and charming chain which could be considered in that specific territory for its shape as a sort of fabulous roller coaster.

Also that is a superb marvel  which conquers of the visitors who immediately love in a while that striking and varied up and down of high jagged crests which are often a favourite subject of representation by several landscape painters.

If you are a fervent photographer that magnificent environment is simply perfect for your hobby, ready to be immortalised in a set made by a myriad of unforgettable pictures because every small detail is highly attractive also transmitting a special feeling to stay hours and hours in contemplation.

Cyclists and mountain bikers can enjoy routes absolutely spectacular in proximity of Névache with the ascents to the nearest iconic Alpine Passes of Montgènevre and Sestriere, well known to be emblematic climbs often inserted in two legendary cycling races as the Tour de France and Giro d' Italia.

They are since many decades ago beloved destinations of many people who want to try the emotion to reach their challenging summits which saw and see as protagonists great champions of that popular sport on two wheels and once there on the top, every effort is worth because the Alps are as loyal friends and they offer all the best creating with their images the best donating you unforgettable emotions and vibrations.

Nordic and Pole skiing are activities with a long tradition in that place thanks to the presence of several kilometres of trails immersed in a totally intact nature, ideal site also to practise also Adventure skiing and at just 30 minutes away driving you can reach the fantastic area of Serre Chevalier or in a bit more Sestriere to enjoy Alpine Ski and other winter sports at the highest level.

An excellent network of very comfortable and appealing accommodations situated in great strategic positions with an easy access to the main attractions and routes and a gastronomy absolutely superb will delight you. 

All that and more are undoubtedly other incentives to visit that little treasure of that charming corner in the Hautes-Alpes,I suggested that place to many people who after that experience as me returned there without hesitations.

Including the history of Névache is more than captivating starting from its name, the former denomination is linked to the first Gallic populations who settled the territory before the times of the Roman colonisation related to that Imperial campaign with the conquest of the Gaul led by Julius Caesar in the 1st century BC.

The first was Annavius probably linked to a local figure called Annavo who ruled or was an influential landlord while a further remote supposition was to a constant presence of snow but later by many historians rejected as possible hypothesis.

That  denomination was officially recorded in the 8th century confirming the official existence on the territorial maps of a settlement which already had developed its small local trades and activities since 739, a date closely related to the advent of the Franks which ruled those territories incorporating them in the Holy Roman Empire, period in which the entire population embraced the Christian faith.

In the following centuries that geographic area continued to be a stronghold of the successors of those governors corresponding to the Carolingian dynasties and in the Middle Ages concretely in the early 12th century the name was changed in Nevasca, mutated a third time in 1238 with a new one : Nevachia. 

The current with a more Francophone sound, Névache was the last of a series adopted during the times of influential noble descendants of those famous ancestors who established there their domains highlighting a pretty rigid feudalism with landlords and vassals with an absence of medium social class.

An important historical stage particularly closely linked to that was when the former village was ruled by the powerful House of Dauphiné with the famed Counts D´Albon who established that social-political system all around the local territory, a dynasty well known for a predominant influence in a large part the Rhône-Alps region. 

Those aristocrats were originally direct descendants of the Principality of Ivelot related to the family Le Vieux, a branch from Bourgougne, members of the iconic House of Valois well known to adopt later as symbol depicting a "dauphin", a  dolphin which became the symbol, coat of arms and flag since the times of the Count Guigues IV who was nicknamed "Le Dauphin".

The son Guigues V took that title becoming the emblematic Dauphin de Viennois, lord of the Dauphiné with capital Grenoble in the 12th century, a character very famous because he immediately recognised the figure of Frederick I as Holy Roman Emperor obtaining in change several territories of France and a rich silver mine at Rhâme, in proximity of the town of Embrun.

All that happened before that Névache obtained with the nearest Briançon certain autonomy, exactly in the 14th century joining the République des Escartons, orginally born with the name Grande Charte as first chapter of its development when the Count Guigues VII started to deliver a determined freedom to the locals in a vast area which extended its territories from Turin in Piedmont, Italy until the city of Marseille current capital of  the department of Bouches-du-Rhône.

But why all that change ? Because the population was pretty tired of that situation highlighted by a lack of development, there were first attempts of rebellion and new potential rulers as the Dukes of Savoy started to promise much more lands to cultivate with consequent opportunities for humble peasants to grow.

That Republic ceased to exist in 1713 on the Italian side with the treaty of Utrecht in Holland and some years later concretely in 1789 in France a period which also corresponds to the times of the notorious French Revolution.  

That event changed several aspects in terms of borders, frontiers and territorial subdivisions, it became a domain of the famed Duchy of Savoy ruled by the future Sovereigns of Piedmont, Sardinia and Italy before to enter in the domain of the French Royalty until the advent of the Republic with the dissolution of the Monarchy.

The local territory including Névache  was protagonist in more contemporary times during the 2nd World War for continuous disputes and diatribes between France and Italy for old territorial claims about the Alpine borders and those two countries from both sides established fortified defencive lines and check points with constant movements of troops living in some occasions situations pretty tense.

The municipality has a relevant historic patrimony and I suggest you to start the visit from L´Église de Saint Marcellin et Saint Pelage which is one of the main local highlights, a Church elevated in the 15th century which lies in a place previously occupied by an old fortress probably erected in the 11th century.
That Religious symbol still very well preserved during its history had not several restorations or large changes and it is accessible by a small iron gate flanked by a low stone wall.

The aspect is very attractive reflecting the pure architectural medieval style in vogue in that corner of the French Alps loyal to the most traditional artistic canons developed during the times of the House of Dauphiné.  

The facades are decorated with Romanesque details as an ample vaulted wooden portal characterised by beautiful inlays situated beneath a large curved window placed beneath an ample double gable roof,  one of them surmounting the central body of the structure while the other is part of the aisle covering a side facing a nearest road. 

Further special attractions are very marked outlines highly visible especially in the front and splendid arched windows representing a typical and traditional example of Alpine Gothic style, a very common architectural execution in Haute Savoy in the Middle Ages.

They have an aspect pretty austere in comparison to other inserted in some medieval buildings but all them were placed with criteria in strategic points in perfect symmetry with other elements in perfect harmony with height and width of the structure.

The interior boasts stylish and sinuous vaults, you can also admire a very interesting Baroque altarpiece dated the 18th century, a series of relevant statues and sculptures dating back different periods. 

The former disappeared fort  gave that Sacred building some spaces which were originally the old prisons today containing the treasure of the Parish highlighted by a splendid copper chalice made in the 11th century

The bell tower was added to the Ecclesiastic complex in the 17th century using one of the former fortified towers of that disappeared stronghold, the works ended in 1633 and you can see how it greatly tunes with the central body despite younger and elevated using different kinds of materials. 

That scenic construction was established on an irregular square plan with a white circular clock placed in its upper section beneath a double line of arched windows developed under a square base on which was fixed a long spire topped and flanked by metallic crosses.

Not far moving in direction of the Col de L´Échelle you can reach a small and charming shrine called Chapelle de St. Hyppolite which was originally the former Parish Church of Névache.

That Sacred construction was probably erected in the 4th century and for approximately 10 centuries it was the most important Religious site of the entire commune until the previously mentioned Église de St. Marcellin replaced it as major Ecclesiastic seat of the municipality.

That Chapel is also well known because it hosted a statue dated the 17th century moved later to the Parish Church but for its date of construction and for all what it represented in the past  is considered an icon of the community  and it never lost its emblematic value.

Plampinet is another very charming hamlet part of Névache I suggest you to visit without hesitations because it transmits with its genuine beauty the true essence and image of a very captivating and picturesque Alpine village totally surrounded by majestic mountains and stunning green forests. 

In that place you will be delighted by another historic heritage site of the town consisting in the Église de St. Sebastien. Despite it was erected in the early 16th century in a period in which the Renaissance style was replacing in many cases the predominant Medieval that building has a strong Neo-Romanesque profile loyal to the architectural canons very rooted all around that corner of France.

That Church dedicated to St. Sebastian can appear a bit sober but it boasts unique lines executed in a masterly way with a facade developed beneath a semi-flat roof covered by dark stones.
Notable is the outstanding square bell tower boasting a scenic clock placed on the top of that strong construction and on the left side you can admire a magnificent arched wooden portal with relevant inlays.

Apart the beauty of some refined exterior architectural details evoking the talent of the masters of those times who embellished that Sacred building you can admire other attractions in its interior and you will be enchanted by splendid frescoes depicting biblical scenes and cycles of the Jesus Christ Passion.

In front of the Church on a pedestal  you will notice the presence of a stone Christian Cross completing a very attractive historic scenery representing a monument established there as Religious votive symbol and icon of the village.

Apart that relevant attraction in Plampinet you can admire  another Sacred construction consisting in a tiny shrine called Chapelle de Notre Dame de Grâces, the Chapel of Our Lady of the Graces.

Just like the previous construction it was also built in a fine revival of Romanesque style, the only difference between them apart the size with the previous much bigger  is that one was erected approximately one century before than the other.

The construction of that splendid small structure is very simple but boasting beautiful marked lines and outlines all around its perimeter, its shape resembles a bit to a sort of Alpine house developed on a rectangular plan with light walls and a gray dark roof. 

In its interior you can admire superb artistic treasures consisting in some frescoes of relevant value depicting religious themes as the Seven Deadl Sins and others with protagonists the images of Jesus Christ and the four Evangelists.  

Today those stunning works are a bit deteriorated due to age and humidity but you can appreciate in those works, the hands of fine medieval masters who executed perfect shapes of the human figures and including a great balance between the use of colours and defined lines in determined perspectives making them true masterpieces.

Other frescoes represented of immense relevance which worth a mention are the Virgin Mary next to some Saints and St. Catherine of Alexandria, the famous martyr of that important city of Egypt.

Above that village at an altitude 2239,0 metres you can reach by a path along the Col de Granon, the Fort de l' Olive, a fortress elevated in the 19th century as defencive bastion over a rugged mountainous wall.

It was established to protect  Briançon and the Col de L´Échelle re-arranged between 1930 and 1934 integrated in the notorious Maginot Line, named after the French Minister André Maginot to defend the national borders and it was ceded to the municipality in 2011.

A place I recommend you to visit in the immediate surroundings of Névache enjoying an unforgettable excursion is that of the Col de la Vallée Étroite situated at 2.434,0 metres of altitude, that peak has an important relevance because it marks the borders between the Savoie and the Hautes-Alpes.

That height is  situated in the valley with the same name which was until 1947 an Italian territory but after the Treaty of Paris which took place in that year moved under French rule. From that summit you can enjoy a splendid panoramic view of the entire local basin, the stupendous Vallée de la Maurienne and the Mont Thabor. 

Another magnificent place highly recommended is the Lac Vert, the Green Lake situated in the municipality of Passy, a splendid Alpine glacier waters basin surrounded by pine trees situated at 1834, 0 metres of altitude.

Dominated by a picturesque mountainous group called Fiz, It is approximately 9,0 metres deep with a surface area of about 1,2 square kilometres, a very scenic jewel you can not miss for the magnificent mix of colours greatly represented by its green waters, the verdant nearest forests and the gray tonality of the rocks around it.

The charming image of that stunning post card is in  addition highlighted by the majestic profiles of the summits of different peaks capped by snow encircling that small wonder, a marvellous scenery making that wonder one of the most beautiful natural treasures showing with all its true appeal something to remember forever.

Passy is a pleasant centre with approximately  11.000 inhabitants situated in the high Vallée de l' Arve, a splendid valley which is also a perfect gateway to discover the beauty of the historic province of Faucigny and a paradise at the foot of the towering Massif du Chablais.

Once there you can see the ruins of the Medieval Chateau de Charousses, a former fortress erected in the early 13th century.

In addition I suggest you to take a look to  the  Église de Saint Pierre-et -Saint Paul, a Baroque Church dedicated to the Saints ans Evangelists Peter and Paul erected in the late 15th century over a previous dating back the 11th century but largely mutating its image in the next centuries.

It is a big sober building covered by a long gray sloping roof flanked by a bell tower established on a polygonal plan.In its interior you can admire a beautiful choir which is the only element of the former Medieval site, a fine statue depicting Saint Jacques and a magnificent carved timber pulpit supported by an Atlant, a work which was declared in 1936 historic patrimony of France.

As historic additional information which worth a mention is that in Passy is situated the Sancellemoz Sanatorium well known as the site where the notorious chemist, physicist eminent figure and pioneer in the research on radioactivity Marie Curie died.

The Mont Thabor is certainly another special place you can not miss during a stay in that area I inserted it in a tour for some mountaineering lovers years ago and they were totally fascinated after that excursion.

That fantastic peak of 3, 178, 0 metres of altitude is part of the mountainous group called Massif des Cerces which also includes other emblematic heights such as the iconic Galibier and the extremely scenic Chaberton among others.

It is flanked by a stunning sharp crest named Pic du Thabor consisting in a picturesque spur a bit higher reaching an altitude of 3207, 0 metres and its formation is a composition of Quartzite, Rhyolite and Ophiolite.

Once you reached the top you can see there a Chapel facing a wooden Cross placed on some fragments of rock, the views from its summit are simply superb because you can see Italy from one side with many heights of the Cottian Alps and the Valle di Susa and France from another with other peaks and  Briançon valley, two countries so close with a stunning view from a space of approximately 300, 0 metres of circumference.

Apart those attractions around that mount there are also mysterious stories and old controversial opinions linked to its name. As you know it is the same denomination of that famous Sacred Biblical Mount of Israel, historic place related to the ancient Christian scripts linked to the transfiguration of Jesus Christ.
For shape the summit of that mountain is vaguely similar to that famous one located in the Middle East and according to some suppositions its name is for that also related to Religious and Sacred devotions.

Some legends are instead close to possible presences of Templar Knights who returning to France from the Holy Land used that mountain as stronghold after the repression of the order giving that name to remember a site they saw during the times of the crusades. 

History, realities and legends are often mixed in fascinating mystical secrets  which nobody discovered yet and that mystery is still in the air.

The Col d l´ Échelle is another place I recommend for its natural extraordinary beauty surrounded by an environment absolutely stunning highlighted by several intact pine forests located along the road corresponding to the Alpine Pass with the same name situated at 1762, 0 metres of altitude.

That height situated at just 6, 0 kilometres from the Italian frontier, it is the natural junction between the two valleys Vallée ´Etroite and Vallée de la Clarée and since a long time ago it is a beloved destination by trekkers while during winter season is a Mecca for people fond of Ski Cross Country thanks to many kilometres of trails to practise that activity around it.

I suggest you to reach another distinctive peak called Rocher du Chardonnet which with its 2950, 0 metres is well known to be the meeting place of three basins corresponding to the rivers Po, Isére and Durance.  

It is an iconic mountain of the Cottian Alps overlooking the Italian region of Piedmont with a large view of the province of Turin, and as additional information of tourist interest if you are planning to visit that area is that it is surrounded by beautiful small Alpine lakes such as Les lacs de la Madeleine, les lacs de Glaciers and another one with its name.

That height is well known from its special silhouette highlighted by two twin scenic spurs on the top and a sort of long steep rugged canal immediately beneath its summit, it has an aspect very wild and on one side it is used for training by mountains troops divisions of the French Army.

Another height you can admire in the local area is the Rocher de la Gran Tempête, a further stunning mount which is a sort of natural prolongation of the previous, characterised on a flank by a very steep vertical wall, favourite destination for several climbers.

Also  many trekkers love that mount because there is a path with pretty high coefficients of difficulty starting from the Vallée Etroite reaching an impervious rocky crest which is practically the junction between two valleys, a trail offering striking panoramic views highly suggested for passionate photographers.

Rocher de la Gran Tempête is also a popular site for people fond of Ski Mountaineering, if you lover that kind of activity the easier side for the ascent is that starting from the Vallée de la Clarée while the trail having as start point the Vallée Etroite is suitable for very experienced trekkers.

Another place you can visit without hesitations is the charming Vallée de la Maurienne, a beautiful wild valley of the department of Hautes-Alpes which embraces another splendid French department: the Savoie.

With its approximately 125, 0 kilometres in length it is a vast territory crossed by the scenic course of the Arc River, a fantastic land packed by stunning mountainous chains, scattered groups of picturesque villages and small towns established in fairytale corners.

That natural paradise is a spectacular mix of rivers, green plains, wild landscapes, enchanting heights, if you love contrasts and photography that is perfect environment to admire something great and unique in its kind also for the stupendous biodiversity you will find there.
The Alpine Passes of Montgènevre, Galibier, Izoard and Sestriere also boast a magnificent natural setting to immortalise in a multitude of unforgettable pictures, magnificent destinations for cyclists who want to climb those Alpine icons often protagonists in the Tour de France and Giro D´Italia and in their proximity you can enjoy an endless list of  spectacular routes very challenging.

I suggest you one very panoramic reaching Claviere crossing the Montgènevre Pass at the foot of the Mont Chaberton in Italian territory immediately after the border, the town is located at 1760,0 metres of altitude in the Alta Valle di Susa and its Chiesa Parrocchiale, boasts a magnificent Gothic portal.

From there you can continue until Cesana Torinese visiting places of immense beauty as Oulx and all the centres part of the notorious Via Lattea, that great space linked to Sestriere and its Ski area where just some years ago were celebrated the Winter Games.

Along that itinerary tourism and sport are a perfect combination, cycling admiring magnificent landscapes simply unique, there is nothing better than enjoy a pleasant holiday in a wonderful scenery with the brilliant chance to discover, art, history, nature, many picturesque site and much more.

Among other activities very practised in winter in Névacheone of the most relevant is Ski  Country, sport very famous in the Scandinavian Peninsula but with many fans and a relevant tradition in France, the local territory permits to practise that exciting sporting activity on snow thanks to the presence of several traced pistes immersed in enchanting forests. 

Very popular and traditional is also Ski pole with several people enjoying in winter extraordinary excursions with the chance to explore the territory discovering hidden places covered by snow, something simply unique in those climatic conditions.

Just 14, 0 kilometres away from the municipality for all the Alpine Ski lovers there are the areas of Montgenèvre and Serre Chevaliers, places which offer many opportunities for skiing at a very high level and further chances for other winter sports such as snowboarding, free style and much more.

The latter situated in the wonderful Vallée de la guisane offers over 150,0 kilometres of slopes, well known to boast almost 300 days of sunshine a year, a ski area developed between 1200,0 and 2830,0 metres and it is situated next to the wonderful protected nature area called Parc National des Écrins.

The excellent facilities and services in terms of ski-lifts in those places are highly appreciated by many skiers who can find superb tracks thanks to the development of blue, red and also black slopes and in addition the chance to enjoy very comfortable accommodations.

The beauty of Névache also conquered the Film Industry when the Director François Villiers filmed in that centre various scenes of the movie L' Eau vive, a drama film which participated to the Festival of Cannes in 1958 and in recent times the TV series Alex Hugo created by Franck Thilliez and Nicolas Tackian produced by MFP selected the valley and the town for some episodes.

Also literature in works titled La Saison, the Season and La  Vallée, the valley written by Maurice Pons are linked to  Névache because that famous novelist from Strasbourg took inspiration from that place to create those novels after some sojourns spent there. 

The local cuisine is simply delicious with traditional products and exquisite homemade specialities which will totally delight your taste.

That French land is particularly famous for its superb cheeses, relevant is a special goat cheese of high quality, greatly appreciated is the famous Petit Bayard, one of the most famous among a vast selection which includes also those of Laragne and there is a great production of a butter of high quality. 

One of the culinary highlights linked to that fabulous dairy production is the famous Fondue served with fragrant crostini bread, you are in a land where that plate is an iconic symbol with also the variant Bourguignonne containing meat.

About the latter, you will find excellent lamb and try a special plate called the Agneu the Sisteron consisting in baked lamb seasoned with aromatic herbs absolutely delicious.Of superb reputation is beef used for many casseroles, stews but also prepared in many styles, such as roasted, baked and grilled among others.

The Tourtons is another relevant local dish you can not miss to taste, a kind of Ravioli filled with different ingredients, the most traditional contains onion, cheese and spinach but also exists a variant with local Jambon, a cured ham often served in starters and appetisers too.

The Raviole de Brouquetons is a further delight and despite that name with many people thinking is similar to the Italian ravioli they resemble more to small croquettes made with potatoes and goat cheese, simply sublime.

You can find many kinds of Omelettes, among them one of the most typical is that prepared with with cheese, butter and a bit of onion.

Many are the traditional soupettes often present in different gastronomic establishments, the term "soupette" means little soup, some of them are prepared with delectable asparagus while other with superb fresh champignons, mushrooms present in good quantity in the local forests but also with spinach or other vegetables as carrots and leeks.

Also fish is present in the culinary tradition of that corner of France because the local rivers and several streams are rich of trout which is generally grilled or baked, served with boiled potatoes, vegetables and in some cases accompanied by sauces.

The area is also very famous for an excellent production of honey and of notable quality are the local apples often used to prepare delicious cakes and used in different bakery products.

Among the most famed desserts worth a mention the Tarte du Champsaur prepared with local berries and plums and also famed are the Croquant du Queyraz, exquisite biscuits made with hazelnuts and almonds.

The famed Crepes are also part of the local gastronomy and apart the famous Crepes au Chocolat you can find many variants using different ingredients such as jams, cheese or including ham.

About beverages with a notorious fame is the famous Genepy, a tastefully and energetic liquor considered aperitif, digestive made with aromatic plants, pride of the Haute Savoie but also pretty common in the Italian Region of Val D´Aosta.

Névache offers a wide variety of elegant, comfortable and full accessorised apartments, chalets providing an excellent comfort, simply perfect to enjoy a very pleasant stay.

Situated at 135, 0 kilometres from Grenoble and 123, 0 kilometres from Turin, those two cities are excellent options for landing in their Isére and Caselle airports reaching Névache in a very short time driving. I added some links below to have some information about that area and I included some suggested accommodations.

That Alpine small gem is geographically a perfect place to spend magnificent holidays and many are the beautiful destinations in its immediate vicinity with notable historic, artistic and cultural attractions and for that Névache is a perfect base for radial excursions with endless chances to visit a multitude of wonderful places. 

That town is very recommended place, highlighted by a magnificent natural environment with marvellous landscapes a very peaceful and relaxing Alpine atmosphere totally uncontaminated, tranquillity and serenity are other features which make that place very special admiring attractions which will always remain etched in your best memories. 

France is a big, beautiful country full of enchanting places and also a land of small and hidden jewels as Névache. 

A stay in that town, little treasure of  the charming Hautes-Alpes will be a great experience,  a destination to enjoy all year, an unforgettable page you will start to write with immense pleasure in your diary of trips during your days there and probably later remembering that place with nostalgia and the desire to return there as soon as possible once again.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Névache

Refuge Buffère
Le Chalet D´En Hô
Le Chardonnet Maison et Apartments
Le Mouliniere Apartments
Le Cristol Apartments
Le Miane -Apartments
La Joie de Vivre -Chalets et Apartments

Recommended Restaurants in Névache

Restaurant Les Creux des Souches
Restaurant Le Névaloup
Restaurant Au Chevalier Barbu

Useful links

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