Brazil | Record Spending by International Tourists in the Country

Brazil, the largest and easternmost country in South America, among the world's most multicultural and ethnically diverse nations, bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east with a coastline of 7.491 kilometres, boasting a great variety of ecological systems and extensive natural resources, with a unique environmental heritage positioning the country at number one of 17 megadiverse countries according to the data published by the Central Bank of Brazil has seen international tourists injecting $6000 million into the country's economy between January and October 2024.

This is the highest value in the historical series, which began in 1995, the amount represents an increase of 5.9% compared to the same period in 2023 and even exceded the total raised during the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

In the first ten months of 2024, Brazil attracted more than 5.4 million international tourists a figure that is 13% higher than that observed in the same period of fiscal year 2023.

The data published by the Central Bank of Brazil also revealed the total amount spent by Brazilians abroad in the same period, in this case Brazilian tourists spent $12.3 billion on international travel, more than the double what was left in the country.

The President of Embratur, the Brazilian Tourist Board, federal state - owned agency reporting to Ministry of Tourism, Marcelo Freixo said that the Embratur acts very efficiently on both sides of the tourism narlet with a segmented promotion strategy and it offers the ideal Brazil for each different profile of international tourist, in the main countries, always presenting Brazil as sustainable, happy and diverse.

On the other hand, Embratur is working to expand the offer of international flights, which is a record, making the interest in visiting Brazil become more tourists arriving in the country, boosting Brazilian economy, generating jobs and income in the country.

The President of Embratur stressed that the country is in a very promising moment being seen and remembered abroad. Brazil international policy and its leading role in important global agendas have reinforced the country's image. 

All that promotes tourism, enhances national potential and make international visitors want to live this experience which is only possible in Brazil.


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