Paris and Leonardo Da Vinci. "Projets,Dessins et Machines" until the 18th August 2013.

 Paris and Leonardo,two names and a perfect combination to visit one of the most beautiful and charming cities in the World "La Ville Lumiere"admiring the invention by the Genius of our History : Leonardo da Vinci.The exhibition is celebrated at Cité de Science  e Paris.

"Projets,Dessins,Machines",Projects,Drawings and Machines" is a great chance for everyone to discover the inimitable talent of the Master from Vinci.

The Parisian Exhibition organised this great event in collaboration with the the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica Leonardo da Vinci of Milan and another important Institution the Deutsche Museum of Munich with the chance to admire 40 of his machines came to the French Capital directly from from the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica Leonardo da Vinci of Milan.

Leonardo was not only a great painter,he was also scientist,engineer,physician,anatomist,musician,writer,an Universal researcher probably unique in the History.The 40 machines built following the draws of the great Master are simply fantastic because are the genial expressionof modern inventions created in the 15th Century,Leonardo was undoubtedly unique because nobody in that period could think,study or try to invent such ingenious masterpieces of science.

The title of this Exposition,Projets,Dessins et Machines is perfect,it is the right spot about the imagination of the Tuscan phenomenal artist,Leonardo projected everything in his mind after several scientific and manual experiments,then he drew and afterwards he built.

The Parisian exhibition is organised in six areas to discover step by step the develop and the works by Leonardo,one is about his first experiences in Florence when the young genius started to discover the transformation of the movements thanks to his old Master Andrea del Verrocchio,the second section is dedicated to the Milan period of the Tuscan artist when he was the military engineer of the noble family Sforza the Lords of the Capital of Lombardy  and where he organised the defencive systems built in the case of a war.

The third area is related to his inspiration to the nature,Leonardo loved to study and observe the phenom of the nature,waters,going next to the rivers,observing plants during storms or windy days,observing animals and movements of objects on different surfaces.The fourth section is probably one of the most exciting dedicated to his study of the flight,observing different kind of birds and their morphology,attitudes and movements,and after an attentive observation,Leonardo developed with his great imagination in a deep research of  experiments with artificial wings of different material,testing the results in a scientific way.

The fifth area is related to the production,when Leonardo started to study the mechanical and dynamical systems linked to the transformation in energy, generating work,famous his experiments and studies in the textile activity of production. The sixth section is like a collection of all the information he had about his different discoveries in different kind of scientific areas and linking all  them in his creations.

Apart this amazing Science walk,the Exhibition offers the visitor multimedia services to know deeper and better the talent of this great genius.

Of course is a great chance to visit Paris,the cooperation between three great Museums displaying these masterpieces today is an opportunity you can not miss to learn more about the most Universal and talented artist of our history in a magnificent scenario asthe splendid and shining Paris.

Francesco Mari

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