Cabo de São Vicente | Iconic European Furthest Southwestern Point.

Cabo de São Vicente is well known worldwide to be the iconic European furthest Southwestern point, an emblematic promontory of Portugal from which you can enjoy a stunning Atlantic horizon view situated in one the most suggestive places of the beautiful  Algarve very close to Sagres, part of the concelho of Vila do Bispo in the splendid Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina consisting in a pretty vast territory of immense natural beauty boasting a large variety of attractions.

That splendid nature park is packed by some of the most scenic sites of that striking jagged southwestern coastline highlighted by a stupendous succession of wonderful, secluded golden sandy coves, virgin beaches, a land in which you will breathe an inspiring air which transmits poetry and magnificent feeling.

Simply taking a look to those unforgettable sea views characterised by the presence of stupendous shaped cliffs overlooking the Ocean, some of them arising as for enchantment from amazing blue waters just some metres offshore from that marvellous mainland you will understand all the fascinating appeal that place boasts.

Also the interior interior is equally charming with an idyllic scenery with picturesque villages characteristed by the presence of typical white houses, scenic hills and gentle plateaus with a big number of remote corners absolutely attractive and all to discover.
Situated at 125,0 kilometres from the regional capital Faro (I wrote a post in the case you are interested) and at 25,0 kilometres west of the important and historic resort of Lagos, an iconic centre linked to the legendary Era do Descobrimentos, that period corresponding to the 15th century which saw protagonists the Portuguese navigators with their discoveries.

That Portuguese tip lies at the end of the E9 European Coastal Path, a very long continental route of over 5,000 kilometres which links it to Narva-Jõessu, a town of Estonia located on the country's northern Baltic coast at the border with Russia.

Cabo de São Vicente for someone can represent a simple point on a map but it is a site surrounded by a magic secular aura still alive all around those beautiful and majestic cliffs which with their unique images delight every tourist at first sigh for their very special, captivating silhouettes in an environment highlighted by  marvellous colours, shining lights and unforgettable reflections.
That very distinctive place with a geographic relevance has always been a considerable point of reference but also protagonist of important historic events which took place on it or in its immediate proximity.

Inhabited since the Neolithic era that headland was also a sacred destination for the former local Celt populations the Estrinmnios or Oestreminis who venerates some Menhirs and Dolmens representing pagan tribes who were among the first settlers of Portugal.

The ancient Greeks explored that site in different occasions calling it Ofiussa or Ophiussa meaning land of snakes for the presence of some kinds of those reptiles.

That ancient civilisation also erected there a Temple in honour of Heracles, that mythological hero son of the God Zeus and Alcmene considered with Aphrodite the most beautiful female character in the Greek mythology.

Closely linked to the Hellenic culture that suggestive place was mentioned in the 1st century BC by the famed Hellenic geographer, historian and philosopher Strabo and apart the previously cited denomination it was also known as the end of the head

Since then that promontory of the Algarve reached an extreme popularity, it was not just a simple remote site or an imaginary place on a recorded map never explored but it became a more than famed reference for routes, occupations, domains  of very important rulers.

Also the Romans during the colonisation of the Iberian Peninsula once discovered that cape gave it a name : Promontorium Sacrum meaning Sacred Promontory dedicated to the God Saturn  with several people from different territories devoted to that Divinity reaching it.

Despite that there is a controversial historic opinion affirming that the Holy Headland was Ponta Sagres, another tip situated at approximately 3,0 kilometres of distance from that place.

The name São Vicente came later to pay homage to Saint Vincent of Zaragoza, Patron of  the sailors, martyred under the Emperor Diocletian probably in 304  whose battered body would run aground, an event which according to a legend took place near that Portuguese sharp peninsula.
Related to that episode immediately started to be a frequent destination of Christian pilgrimages with many believers from different sites of the old Hispania and Lusitania travelling to see that regarded place.

Also Muhamad-al-Idrisi, a famous Moorish geographer born in the current Ceuta, who lived in Palermo at the court of the King Roger II in the 12th century mentioned that on the grave of the Saint was established a shrine frequently guarded by ravens and for that it was called Church of the Raven.

In the same century King Afonso I of Portugal  exhumed the body of St. Vincent bringing it by a ship to the capital Lisbon in 1173. A legend says that the boat was followed by many of those birds which curiously later appeared in the coat of arms of the city.

Afterwards Cabo de São Vicente was used in different periods as a base populated by pirates who frequently planned from there their raids along the Southern European coasts establishing in that concrete point a very safe shelter for their galleons.

According to historic documentations that site was one of the favourite headquarters in Southern Europe of that legendary figure called Francis Drake,  former British Admiral who became later a famed, feared corsair using that Atlantic tip to organise his fleet returning there after his several assaults along the Algarvean coastline, the Spanish, Maghreb Mediterranean littorals crossing the Strait of Gibraltar.

That iconic promontory was often scene and witness of several battles, continuous disputes, naval clashes among Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and British navies who fought many times to conquer that European furthest Southwestern point which for many people could appear as insignificant but it was very strategic to study new routes across the Ocean and once settled immediately elevated as a regarded stronghold.
The domain of that tip of the Algarve in those distant times was considered a more than relevant, a successful key to dominate the Atlantic passage and also an open gateway for several military operations and maritime trades.

On 21st July 1337 took place the Battle of Cape St. Vincent which saw protagonists a clash between a Castilian fleet led by Alfonso Jofre Tenorio and the Portuguese navy commanded by Admiral Manuel Pessanha with the victory of the first.

The clever Dutch merchants who were among the most active to develop busy trades founding monopolies and companies in far Continents used several times that cape as a sort of headquarter before to undertake new routes with successful expeditions during the golden ages of the history of navigation of The Netherlands.

Those navigators found in those times a special agreement with Great Britain which supported the presence of several boats directly coming from Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Dutch harbours on the North Sea creating a sort of partnership between those two countries beneath that promontory.

Those events transformed all that in a sort of pretty strong alliance between English and Dutch merchants who formed an important network with also the aim to challenge new emergent powers as France and Spain. 

Linked to that started there are several battles  for the domain of that land as one which took place in 1641 between the Dutch Navy led by Admiral Artus Gjsels who faced the Spanish fleet commanded by Juan Alonso de Idiaquez y Robles who won that clash.

A further which took place in 1719 with protagonists the Spanish and British fleets respectively led by Admirals Rodrigo de Torres and Philip Cavendish with the success of the Spaniards. 

In 1780 another conflict between those two countries saw that time a victory of the navy of Great Britain commanded by Admiral George Brydges Rodney who defeated an Iberian squadron led by General Juan Cayetano de Lángara y Huarte.

Seventeen years later another battle highlighted that cape with always those Kingdoms fighting, John Jervis Admiral of the Royal Navy won against the Spaniards who had as commander Admiral José de Córdova y Ramos.

In 1833 during the times of the famous Liberal Wars a naval army organised by King Pedro IV of Portugal with the support of the British officer Charles Napier defeated in that occasion the usurper led by Manuel António Marreiros leading the Dom Miguel fleet loyal to the Miguelites.

All those relevant events certainly have a very captivating fascination and appeal for those who love history, specific historic periods and people fond of of military events.

The presence of those picturesque and scenic cliffs raising from the Ocean offering a radiant picture of Cabo de São Vicente is as an accent, a constant witness of those historic episodes transmitting something of evocative retracing with their suggestive image those historic chronological stages in which that promontory was protagonist since old times.

A great highlight of that site is undoubtedly its natural beauty with a stunning picture offering fantastic sea views and a magnificent, endless Atlantic horizon simply unique in its kind.

Once there the first feeling is that you are in a magic enclave of the globe, as a base of departure ideal to face new adventures, simply perfect to start to discover remote places by sea.

Furthermore that headland transmits a sort of desire to explore it metre by metre all around that fantastic environment, an incentive more than inviting  for the most enthusiastic photographers who can immortalise every corner of the shape of that stunning promontory with all what there is around from different perspectives. 

That cape is  like a natural sea theatre highlighted by appealing rocks arising from the Atlantic as guards of the coast and the silent in a ventilated evening delighted by a cool Oceanic breeze is extremely fascinating. 

Simply listening the sound of the waves and the cry of the seagulls, that site emanates something of magic with those very special, unique details of a place facing that immense extension of water generating in many people special vibrations. 

All that is in the air with also a touch of veiled mystery but with the certitude that all is so real opening your eyes and you will be in front of something extremely spectacular.

On the top of  Cabo de São Vicente  was established a Lighthouse which is part of that magnificent post card, elevated at an altitude of 86,0 metres over the sea level with an imposing tower 28,0 metres high.
That construction was erected in 1846 over the ruins of an old Franciscan Monastery probably built in the 16th century despite according to historical records there was a previous structure consisting in a sort of defencive fort flanked by a tower established in the same century of that former, disappeared Convent or perhaps before. 

The date of that construction is not certain but it is certified that it was totally destroyed by an incursion led by the previously mentioned Francis Drake in 1587.

After that event, concretely 19 years later King Felipe II of Portugal commissioned to establish another one which was totally devastated by that infamous, sad earthquake dated 1755 which destroyed a large part of the country.

In the late 19th century was established a new one reusing the rests of the previous but in a short time it fell in total decay, pretty abandoned until 1897, year in which started some works of restorations and during those operations it was increased its height. 

The works endured more than eleven years because the deterioration was notable there was also a notable, laborious refurbishment of the exterior layout  and a reinforcement of the foundations.

The new lighthouse which took since then another aspect was provided by a white light with a capacity in length of over 53,0 kilometres with a flash signal emitted every five seconds, devices providing notable performances considering the date of installation, in their kinds those advanced instruments elevated that structure  as one of the best in Southern Europe.

In 1914 to improve furthermore the activity of the lighthouse was added a system of acoustic signals while i 1926 there were new improvements connecting an electrical generator system to that construction.

The 40's also were important years related to different stages of progress creating a more modern, functional complex connecting the Lighthouse  to the electrical civil network in 1948 while one year later was installed a radio beacon. 

The construction of that structure determined that the statues depicting the Saints Vicent and Francis once established in that point were removed to the Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça, a beautiful Church erected in 1579 situated in Ponta de Sagres. 

The cliffs surrounding it are simply superb completing a great frame, they reach in its highest point approximately 80,0 metres in vertical over the Ocean, on their tops you can enjoy stunning panoramic views discovering many hidden corners lying around the promontory. 

All that easily explains in a very exhaustive way the reasons of the choice as refuge of corsairs, all those battles, the construction of the Lighthouse built in that concrete place dominating the entire coastline, controlling every cardinal point and leading the routes of the sailors.

Walking for approximately 500,0 metres south of the cape you can reach a spectacular corner in which the strength of the Atlantic formed a wonderful bay. Once there you will notice that the promontory is subdivided in two sections and also that is another attraction, a perfect place very recommended to take several pictures.
From there you can have a unique view towards Ponta de Sagres with its iconic fortress and after that magnificent view I suggest you to continue along the Ecovia del Litoral, the coastal road which leads to Sagres situated just 7,0 kilometres away. 

During that unforgettable journey you can admire a stupendous succession of majestic high, shaped cliffs, charming inlets, stunning  small bays which will delight you along that marvellous stretch because every metre is simply wonderful.

I recommend you in addition a stop after a couple of kilometres from the cape where you will notice a sinuous curve forming a small rocky headland. That point is simply great for all the protography lovers with the chance to admire from a magnificent perspective the silhouette of the mentioned Ponta Sagres which from there appears as boot entering in the water.

Following along the road at a very short distance from that very scenic stage you can admire a pretty large gulf enclosed between two small sharp headlands and in that concrete place you can admire the second tip of Cabo de Sao Vicente exactly facing of you.

Another important aspect related to that road is the presence along it of a rich fauna with many species of birds such as falcons, storks, eagles, herons, kites, seagulls, rock pigeons and many other migratory species. 

Several people fond of bird watching and ornithologists often visit that coastal artery to analyse the movements of those volatiles checking their attitudes, studying their landings and departures.

The Algarve, that magnificent Southern region of Portugal is rich of beautiful places to visit, it is a paradise full of great natural wonders, marvellous and famous beaches you can not miss such as Praia Da Rocha, Praia da Falesia next to many others, charming cities, towns as the historic Lagos I strongly suggest you to visit. 

Peaceful and captivating fishing villages as Carvoeiro , Quarteira the lively, animated resorts of Portimao, Vilamoura and Albufeira are another mandatory. (I wrote posts about those magnificent destinations if you are interested)

If you intend to spend holidays in the immediate vicinity of that more than appealing site there are some good accommodations and I added below some links which could be interesting to plan your stay, if you need some information do not hesitate to contact me.

You can also find excellent establishments to enjoy the delicious Portuguese cuisine in Villa do Bispo but also in Sagres which boasts  great restaurants offering among the best specialities of the region.

The traditional local gastronomy is a wide fan of tastefully dishes starting from the famed Sardinhas Assadas, exquisite grilled sardines and do not miss to try a delicious Cataplana, a delectable stew of fish or seafood in sauce.

The Bacalhau consisting in the emblematic cod is undoubtedly another gastronomic highlight, pride of the most traditional Portuguese culinary panorama always fresh and prepared in different styles.

Worth a mention the Camarao Portuguesa, another tastefully plate very popular consisting in prawn which in the process of preparation are fried in extra virgin olive oil, adding butter, garlic, coriander, parsley and salt.

Excellent are also the Lula fritas, superb fried squid, all the seafood there is every day fresh offering an outstanding quality so if you love those kinds of products you will enjoy delectable mussels, clams, barnacles, shrimp and lobsters among others.

The Bife de Atun is something else you have to taste, that delicious plate consists in  a sort of tuna steak seasoned with olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic, onion adding a touch of laurel to give much more flavour. 

Also rice is present with exquisite recipes as the notorious Arroz de Choco, a kind of Risotto prepared with squid cooked very slow adding white wine, butter, garlic, tomato, pepper, onion and Piri Piri sauce. 

Another one is the classical Arroz de Marisco which is a tastefully rice stew using the same ingredients of the previous but replacing the squid with different species of seafood, very popular is another one called Arroz de Tamboril, a dish in which the rice is combined with fresh monk fish.

Also meat is present with some typical plates from the nearest interior as the famed Frango Piri Piri consisting in chicken cooked with that famous spicy sauce.

 Of notable quality is also the Ensopado de Cordeiro a very good lamb stew but if you like other kinds of meats the Cabrito à Bicho is a delicious chance to try a plate consisting in baked goat meat cooked with potatoes, laurel, pepper, garlic, butter and salt. 

In a vast gastronomic offer you can find are also several plates using pork meat and many stews and soups are prepared with beans, chickpeas, vegetables and local sausages in particular in the interior.

Very ample is the list of tastefully desserts with the famous Bolos as protagonists prepared with fruit, nuts, almonds and figs.

About wines Portugal and also the Algarve occupy the highest European sphere in terms of production and quality. 

Thanks to supreme grapes which produce fine wines of very high quality thanks of a mild climate all year with approximately 300 days of sunshine a year, very ventilated evenings, cool nights and a hilly territory which receive the benign breeze coming from the Atlantic, a fertile next to a suitable soil are all features which determine a successful, great result.

That more than perfect combination creates wines of high level, many of them produced not far from Cabo de São Vicente where the local vineyards are cultivated at a perfect altitude, the grapes find the right habitat collecting all the compounds and properties to grow healthy and robust ready after the harvest to satisfy the most demanding palates.

You can find selected red wines very versatile which can be combined with different kinds of meats while the whites are absolutely great for every type of fish, seafood highly appreciated for that special feature.

Turiga, Viognier, the famed Lagos DOC, Aragonez are some of the main protagonists, but you can also find a noble and savoury locasl Syrah, furthermore I recommend you to taste  a local Sauvignon which is for its robust taste among the best in Europe and notable are also some other superb reds such as Negra Mole and Castelao.

You can reach the cape from all the Algarve resorts in a short time driving, Lagos is approximately situated at 25,0 kilometres east of Cabo de São Vicente  and Sagres is just 7,0 kilometres away.

If you are spending your holidays in another resort you can enjoy a radial excursion managed by local Tours & Excursions companies which have almost identical itineraries generally including Lagos with free time there but also stops at Sagres, Ponta Sagres or similar routes.

The nearest Airport is the International Airport of Faro situated at 125,0 kilometres from that cape. If you are planning  a more than suggested Fly & Drive you have to take from there the motorway A22 in direction Portimao-Albufeira continuing along the National Road N125 in direction Lagos, Vila do Bispo and in approximately one hour and half you will be at destination.

Cabo de São Vicente is absolutely an amazing place, wonderful blue waters combined with magnificent sunsets and that unforgettable, great Atlantic horizon highlighted by those stunning cliffs all around that place are a wonderful incentive to enjoy a great experience every tourist has to try once in lifetime.

Naturally of relevance is also that history which evokes events of considerable resonance, also that is a detail which frequently attracts the most curious visitors who will be delighted to admire a place which in its kind with its magic, special atmosphere is able to donate something to take home with very pleasant memories.

Maybe someone will receive divine inspirations visiting the iconic European furthest southwestern point but one thing is certain that such site is something simply unique

After the view of many natural wonders scattered along that ravishing coastline at the end of your stay those marvellous images will be alive for a long time in your mind with that unique picture of a scenic cape facing an infinite Atlantic horizon which never ends.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in the surroundings  (in the case you want to choose a structure during your stay close to Cabo de São Vicente 

Hotel Mira Sagres
Nature Beach Resort Quinta Al Gharb  
Memmo Baleeira Hotel 
Martinhal Sagres Resort & Hotel  
Pousada de Sagres

Useful links


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