Davos-Switzerland | Highest European City with Lofty Tourism Traditions.

Davos is one of the most prestigious resorts in Switzerland boasting the title of highest European city a place with lofty tourism traditions,it does not need introductions,simply for the prestigious name it bears,a destination of great and immense value which has made ​​the history of Winter Sports and mountaineering tourism but also linked to other activities such as Golf,events,conferences,congresses and with a rich cultural calendar attracting people all around the world.
Situated in the beautiful Canton of  Graubünden, surrounded by towering Alpine peaks in the district of Prättigau between the pitch of Plessur and the Albula Pass,on the shore of the Landwasser river at an altitude of 1560,0 metres.

With its approximately 11,000 inhabitants it s also the largest ski resort in the country awarded to have the world's first ski lift bracket established by the Davos Ski School and shown one year later  in 1935 in a short Film making that Swiss known worldwide,furthermore it was a pioneer when in 1883 it had the record to be the site of the first  International Bob Competition.

Simply enumerating the accommodations and facilities which Davos offers tourists and  mountain lovers you can have  an idea of what it is that special place :24,500 beds subdivided among Hotels,Aparthotels and apartments105 restaurants,210 shops,54 Winter Sports installations, about 310,0 kilometres of Alpine Ski slopes,77,0 kilometres suitable to enjoy Ski Country,over 100,0 km of winter hiking trails,1 lift station at 2844 metres of altitude,1 Olympic size Ice Rink,1 Golf Club course 18 holes..That is Davos.

In the centre,visitors will find an extensive range of accommodations ,many opportunities for shopping with countless boutiques,cafes,restaurants and everything to spend an enjoyable stay in that unique resort and also at night, the place has a lot to offer with its clubs,Casino and several opportunities to enjoy a vibrant nightlife.

Today the name Davos has reached fame and prestige in the world not only for winter sports as well as the home organisation is its modern Conference Center,hosting the world meeting WEF,the World Economic Forum which brings together the social and economic elites of the world.The event is celebrated in January,politicians and the Economy and high spheres of the International Society meet because of a global forum of discussions.

Although there are documents certifying traces of settlement in the Bronze Age,a former settlement began to develop during the Middle Ages,with some groups coming  from Albula and from the Romansh Engadin Valley.Probably the current name "Davos" derives from the ancient Romansh language Tavaus meaning tube.Later in 1280, the Baron Von Valzer a noble lord of the local lands allowed a group of Walser colonists (an ancient German population originally from the Bernese Oberland) to settle in the territory increasing the local population giving them a sort of administrative autonomy, making the area a centre of an important Walser settlement the most important of Eastern Switzerland,furthermore to defend the unity of the region was founded later the League of the Three Jurisdictions.

The relevant German speaking community influenced on policy the local jurisdictions exercised until 1526 when it was followed by the reformation.In the year 1851 with the new Cantonal Constitution,the current political communities have been created,as well as proximity to Davos to Arosa belonged.

Two years later,in 1853 Alexander Spengler as also Willem Jan Holsboer discovered the pleasant and healthy climate of pathogen-free mountain air, which is particularly beneficial for sufferers of tuberculosis and asthma.In 1855 Hermann Brehmer developed Görbersdorf in Silesia,the contemporary model for all health resorts,later respectfully called Silesian Davos,initiated the era of the Lungesananatorien organised medical structures treating those diseases..

One of the first structures was developed in a winter of 1865 hosting a visitor with tuberculosis,Hugo Richter from Königsberg.The news of his quick healing and other such healing stories,created a sort of myth and it became soon so famous and Richter after his therapy decided to remain in Davos where in 1881 he founded the Davos Newspaper.

That liberal mean of information campaigned vigorously for the development of tourism in the region.It was an excellent instrument of promotion for the resort and of course the Alpine Resort gained in reputation and prestige thanks to the splendid propaganda which gave the resort a perfect image as the best place to enjoy the beneficial effects anti-tuberculosis.

The construction of the railway line from Landquart to Davos and its opening in the year 1890 was the input for a very fast development with the opening of Hostels,Hotels sanatoriums and villas to respond to a a very high demand.

Thus,Davos became famous as a health resort and as a consequence and in other Swiss Cantons and in other countries following that prestigious example and  many towns started to develop their own structures,the best known which still exist today,are the German Hochgebirgsklinik Davos Wolfgang, along with the Hospital Nederlands Astmacentrum Davos and Zurich Höhenklinik Davos Clavadel.The activity linked to Spa tourism also continued until today and many Hotels offers the opportunity to enjoy treatments and sessions with very modern complexes offering the best.

At the dawn of winter sports at the end of the 19th century with its splendid Vaillant Arena,the city became a point of  reference point for another sport : The Speed Skating.The perfect Davos track with an unique organisation gave that Swiss centre the opportunity to host the World Championship in the year 1898,where Peder Ostlund a Norwegian star in that kind of sport established four world records and  in 1906 it hosted the first World Championships in women's skating.

All those famed events made that Swiss centre a Top destination,many prestigious and prominent people of culture and art visited that Swiss centre in several period and occasions.In the year 1880,the city hosted for a period Robert Louis Stevenson in order to cure his tuberculosis,on the advice of his doctor in  Edinburgh, George Balfour. Arthur Conan Doyle after several visits decided to write an article about skiing in Davos in the year 1899,attracting the interest of many readers and people who after that epistolary description wanted to admire that place.

Thanks all that,the resort also became famous as a literary subject,in particular with the famous and popular German novel entitled Der Zauberberg.the Magic Mountain by the famed German writer Thomas Mann who was a frequent guest of that resort totally in love with its majestic peaks and fairytale scenery and that novel is novel is based on a stay of his wife in a lung clinic before the 1st World War.

The city was also a meeting place between the philosophers Martin Heidegger and Ernst Cassirer in which they discussed the continuity or not of the theories of the economist Emmanuel Kant,event attended by important personalities like the Jewish thinker Emmanuel Levinas, among others.In the following decades the Swiss centre became a very famous Ski Resort, frequented mainly by tourists from Great Britain and The Netherlands.

Davos continued to be a relevant and favourite place to spend holidays for an ample number noble people,the high European social class appreciated the resort for its benign micro climate,often recommended by doctors furthermore the opportunity to practise Alpine Ski and Winter Sports,very trendy activities loved by those high spheres was undoubtedly another great incentive and also thanks to all that that centre of the Canton of Grisons became one of of the most popular ski resort in the World.

In the 70s and 80s Davos reached is top as one of the most demanded destinations of the jet-set,aspect recently reestablished thanks to an intense and great relaunch of promotion by the local Tourism Institutions.

The centre of the city is mainly arranged behind the river Landwasser and the long avenue Talstrasse which runs from west to east adjacent to the local huge green lung Kurpark connected to the famed Promenade by Jules Ferdmann Weg which is a pleasant path crossing that splendid park.Hertistrasse is another important artery which crosses the core of the city until Rossweidstrasse another relevant point of the city close to Bobbahnstrasse which is an avenue corresponding to the northern belt of the centre.

In the centre of Davos is still the largest natural Ice Rink Davos and next to it you can admire the legendary Vaillant Arena Ice Stadium,home of the glorious Ice Hockey Klub Davos, founded in the year 1921 one of the most prestigious Clubs in Switzerland.

The Stadium holds 7050 places and it is considered one of the temples of that sport on ice,many tourists from Canada,USA, Finland,Sweden,Russia, fond about Ice Hockey do not miss a visit to that famed and emblematic sporting sanctuary.

The Hockey Club Davos is one of the top Clubs in the country for its history,curriculum and titles.The brilliant success against Canada National Team in 2006 3-2 in the final of the iconic Spengler Cup that result increased furthermore the name of an Institution with another prestigious title in front of the North American masters.

That famous and famed trophy tournament is celebrated since1923 between Christmas and New Year one of the most important tournaments in the world of Ice Hockey,a competition which called and call all the best clubs and National teams of the history.

Davos Rathaus,the Town Hall built in 1564,but with extensive renovations in the year 1880 and 1930.
That imposing construction with an ample facade developed on a huge rectangular plan on six stories,shows a series of rectangular windows of the same size flanked by others larger on its left corner where was also placed on the corner a stoned balcony.The highlight is its majestic tower with a big watch and a splendid spire with a high dark conical roof.

St.Johann Kirche the Reformed Church dedicated to Saint John is  a great example of Neo Gothic style, with a nave and bell tower dating back the early 16th century The Church has had some restorations and it is very well preserved,erected on a rectangular plan behind a stoned wall,notable is the composition of roofs developed in different sections and the sober facade present curved windows.The spendid bell tower is definitely one of its major highlights,71,0 metres high with a splendid towering dark gray conical roof .

Very charming the interior with splendid lines and beautiful vaults,there is a presence of magnificent painted stained glass windows by Giacometti,a relevant carved wooden pulpit,on its sides you will notice the perfect symmetry of a series of columns forming beautiful arcades,and a long wooden balcony leading to a big organ located over the doorway.

Davos offers the tourist the chance to visit very interesting museums one of them is  Kirchner Muzeum situated in Promendade at the civic number 82 very close to the western coner of Kurpark.It hosts  the world's largest collection of works by the famous German Expressionist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,if you are fond about art and you want to admire the works of that talented artist do not miss that exhibition which is the most important collection by Kirchner with another one hosted in the Museo Thyssen of Madrid.Kirchner lived in Davos from 1917 until his death in 1938.

Kirchner was a very eclectic artist,painter but also sculptor and engraver,influenced during his life by masters as Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin and the style of his works has many things in common with those two mentioned iconic figures in lines,colours,perspectives,including in the landscapes which Kirchner painted you will notice many similarities with those iconic characters.Considered one of the most talented artist in Germany in the 20th century and very versatile he also embraced movements as Cubism and Art Nouveeau becoming one of the most complete painters of the German artistic panorama.  The exhibition displays many other works of representative authors of expressionism and it held several art exhibitions.

Apart that relevant museum worth a visit the Gallery Eul Art also situated in the Promenade at the civic number 41 not far from Banhofstrasse the street leading to station of Davos.It is an interesting museum displaying paintings and sculptures you will find in the basement the permanent exhibition,while another area is often used to host temporary works.

In the  Spiezelzeug Museum in Promenade at the civic number 83 you can visit something of very lovely and alternative the Angela Prader Muzeum which is the Toy Museum of Davos.That private collection of antique toys is a small twin of the famous Toys Museum of Nürnberg in Germany with some relevant items of the 17th and 18th century.The museum is arranged in different section,every room contain different kind of toys grouped around different themes and it worth a visit to enjoy something of really special in its kind,if you have children naturally it is a must.

Along the Promenade you can admire the Englische Kirche,an anglican Church erected in the late 19th century and dedicated to St.Luke.It is a stoned construction with an ample gable roof which is surmounted by a spire topped by a cross.The charming facade presents an arched portal covered by a small sloping roof and on the top you will notice three stained glass windows with the central larger than the two others its and a splendid series of large curved windows are present on its sides.

Do not miss if you are fond about sports a  visit to the Verein Winter Sport Museum located in Davos Platz.It is an impressive collection of Winter Sports objects,documents and equipments concerning all the most important sports on ice and snow.Founded by Jurgen Kaufmann the exhibition displays many beautiful examples of skis.skates,curling materials,bobs,the documented history of the first Bob races,the History of the Ice Hockey Klub Davos,the History of the legendary Spengler Cup many trophies and cups,a place very interesting to know how that resort is a destination leader also in sports.

The Local History Museum of Davos is another exhibition among the most relevant in the city situated,in the district of Dorf,it is located approximately 250 m east away from the train station.In that museum is very interesting to discover the traditions,culture and curiosities about the Walser population,those settlers who found in Davos as in other places of the Alps one of their settlements  (I wrote some posts about Bosco Gurin and Gressoney la Trinité writing something about that people if you are interested) and it is a  place where you  can learn more through a collection of utensils,objects and ancient documents about the chronological local history and that of the Canton of Grisons.

Kurpark is that magnificent local green lung which is an oasis of peace and relax for locals and tourists,
that huge space is located close to the centre,it was developed in the early 20th century,when the city decided to buy a woody land in the year 1913 to add as a plus to the centre.Today it has kept part of that former forests,there are relaxing paths and including some statues as one depicting Arthur Conan Doyle who wrote that famous article about the Swiss city and skiing.

Winter Sports and Alpine Ski  find in that centre an iconic land and  the resort has 6 different ski areas,all them very well known by people fond about ski and they are : Parsenn -Gotschna, Madrisa, Pischa, Jakobshorn,Rinerhorn and Schatzalp -Strela.The space corresponding to Parsenn-Gotschna is famous to be the largest and most famous with slopes suitable for all levels and in addition with the brilliant chance to ski at night.

Pischa is smaller than Parsenn but equally very well equipped with facilities for off tracks among the largest in Switzerland and it is also a mecca for free riders.Madrisa is particularly ideal for family and famous for its ski-schools providing playgrounds for children as the Adventurepark Madrisaland.Jakobshorn at 2590 m of altitude and it is very known for its efficient cable-cars,a right place for ski in high mountain enjoying the beautiful nature of its surrounding.

Schatzalp-Strela at 1861,0m of altitude is that place which inspired the German author Thomas Mann to write his novel  Der Zauberberg.The area offers slopes with a variety of coefficient of difficulties,many are suitable for ski-experts and it is the place where bobs races have been performed for the first time.

 That place is also and where you can admire the Alpinen Gärten Schatzalp with about 800 different species of plants from around the world while Rinerhorn is an excellent site to enjoy Alpine Ski and another trendy activity the snowboard.About that spectacular and more than trendy activity,in December and January Davos is the place of the O'Neill SB-JAM Davos a spectacular and important  meeting of freestyle snowboarders coming from different countries.

Since 1972,Davos also hosts a prestigious Nordic Ski competition of great fame.The race is officially since 1980 incorpored in the series of the FIS Cross Country World Cup and champions such as Thomas Wassberg, Björn Daehlie and Dario Cologna stars of that sport won that emblematic competition.For all people fond about Ski Cross Country those over 70,0 km of local tracks are undoubtedly a great incentive,snow,sport,the frame of the Alps enjoying that activity in a marvellous natural scenery.The Swiss city is also considered one of the international cradles and a paradise for lovers of ice sports such as skating, hockey and curling.

Davos Lake offers great fun with its beach and opportunities for surfing and sailing.In the city all is possible including you can enjoy paragliding and hang gliding or routes skateboards.Very prestigious is the Golf Club Davos a magnificent course of 18 holes.To complete the outdoor activities do not forget Davos is also a starting point for excursions to the famous Glacier Express train and Berninaexpress,a wonderful chance to admire in a panoramic view by train the spectacular Swiss Alps during unforgettable trips.

 All the surroundings permit several excursions,the trekking and hiking lovers will find a total of 700 kilometres of marked trails,in an absolute virgin and uncontaminated nature you can explore on foot, by bicycle or horsing many great places and it is an authentic mecca for mountain bike lovers and also for climbers there are great places to enjoy that other outdoor activity.

The city is also very famous to be  home of renowned Institutes.The famed Institüt  ResearchInstitut für Eidgenössisches Schnee-und Lawinenforschung is the most important Institute of Snow and Avalanches in the World,while the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen is the prestigious Research Centre for the treatment of fractures of the AO Foundation and it is often used by important European Specialists.

Furthermore,the Swiss resort is also the place where  you can find  the SIAF Schweizerisches Institut für Allergie- und Asthmaforschung a relevant Institution specialised in the treatments of Allergy and Asthma well know for its high reputation all around the World.

Davos is also a place where culture,events and shows find the right habitat during all year.Annually in September is celebrated  the Wanderrallye Internationale a traditional rally tour in the Alps,.In July and August the city is very active hosting several concerts,shows,one of them among the most famed is Young Artists in Concert a Music Festival performed by young musicians and composers from around the world with concerts in the Davos Congress Centre and in the local Churches.

Local cuisine is the result of the influence of different cultures,German,French and Italian.Apart the popular Swiss Fondue,you can try the typical Engadine Rösti consisting of pieces of meat and potatoes,  ,roasted on the embers of a wood oven.You can taste in all the area excellent meat,such as lamb,goat,beef and deer baked,grilled,stuffed and in sauce.A traditional gastronomical speciality is the Salziz a sausage typical of Canton of Grisons often accompanied with potatoes and cabbage.

The Bündnerfleisch is a traditional product of the Canton of Graubunden,consisting in dried beef shoulder meat,it can be served as snack,appetisers including combined to other food in a starter.The Gerstensuppe is another popular plate,a soup prepared with piece smoked beef meat,barley,carrots,onion and celery.

Very famous is the Maluns consisting in a plate of  grated potatoes roasted in butter with flour and the  tYou can also try the Capuns chard rolls filled with sausages and the Pizokel very similar than the Pizzoccheri from Italian Valtellina,which is a popular plate which can be served without seasoning,perhaps accompanied by a salad,or with sauerkraut and a nice piece of bacon.They can also be served with cabbage,chard or spinach and sprinkled with cheese and a final touch of melted butter.The famed Nusstorte is the most famous dessert a delicious cake prepared with honey,sugar,walnuts and cream.

The Canton of Graubienden also offers the chance to taste excellent fine local fines,such as Sauvignon, Cabernet,excellent Pinot produced by white and red grapes,the Pinot Noir is famous to be a very smooth and palable wine,while the local Pinot Gris has a great straw colour,with body and very tastefully,there are also excellent Syrah and Diolinoir of high quality.

The excellent production of selected local wines,depend for the micro climate of the Canton.The Canton of Grisons is a Swiss area with many days of sun in a year,the local soil is very suitable for grape robust which also receives soft winds coming in the valleys generating a very salubrious breeze,the temperatures are never too hot and the harvest in autumn offer grapes which have received all those positive compounds.

The nearest Airport to reach Davos is Zurich Flughhafen International Airport.From there you have to take a train to Landquart and in that station changing taking the direct train Landquart-Davos.the journey by train from Zurich takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes while if you decide to rent a car from Zurich takes about 2 hours driving.

That destination is a great choice if you are thinking to spend holidays in the Swiss Alps,not many cities in the Alps offer a panorama so vast, rich in cultural activities, sports and leisure as Davos for all that the highest city in Europe  is also so special and worth a visit once in your life of course.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Davos 

Hotel Sunstar Parkhotel Davos 
Hotel Waldhotel Davos 
Hotel Sheraton Waldhuus Davos 
Hotel Meierhof Davos 
Hotel Swiss Quality Fluela 
Hotel Art Haus 
Hotel Morosani Schwizernhof Davos 



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