Saronno is a pleasant centre of Northern Italy where you can enjoy Great Art in the Liquor of love city Two steps from Milan, the famous capital of Lombardy and second Italian city renowned hub of fashion, design and shopping is situated just 25,0 kilometres away, very close to that wealthy and active area called Brianza with its major centre Monza well known for its notable medieval patrimony and famous motor sports destination and not far from the splendid Como and its enchanting Lake.
That municipality located in the County of Varese with its approximately 40,000 inhabitants crossed by the stream Lura is considered with Legnano , a famed city for its Medieval Palio and Busto Arsizio once one of the Italian capitals of the textile industry,the most important centre of the so called land Altomilanese, a territory occupying a position north of the most important centre of Lombardy.
That specific geographic area is concentrated at the border of the Valle Olona, a hilly valley crossed by a river with the same name on the road towards the Pre Alps of the province of Varese and the Swiss Canton of Ticino in proximity of the the famed Strada Statale del Sempione,the notorious Simplon Road developed by an order of Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th century with the aim to connect the French territories to Milan.
Since a long time ago Saronno has always been an important cross road of trade and culture thanks to its strategic position,a land in which artists,merchants, traders, writers, businessmen and talented people have created its prestigious name which is not just biscuits and an iconic beverage, emblematic products made in that site and well known worldwide.
That comune which received in 1960 the honorary title of city with a presidential decree has produced during its long history great art and it is enough to mention its famous and stunning Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli,an outstanding Renaissance Masterpiece among the most admired Sanctuaries in the entire Italian Peninsula boasting in its interior marvellous frescoes by two great and eminent masters as Bernardino Luini and Gaudenzio Ferrari.
Despite that,the first things which springs to mind that word are the famed liqueur which received the nickname of Liquor of love the renowned, Amaretto or Disaronno Originale and also known for the production of the classic and famous cookies Amaretti di Saronno, which for their popularity identify as symbols and icons that site which historically boasts a notable patrimony with a past rich of events very relevant and a site where superb artisitc and cultural movements found a more than fertile soil.
The first historic documents about Saronno according to archaeological excavations which took place in its boundaries with the founds of some ancient tombs are related to the Bronze Age linked to the famous period of Golasecca, a famed prehistoric settlement with cradle in the proximity of Varese with one of the first civilisations who also lived along the Ticino River until the 1st century BC and reaching the municipal boundaries of that comune too.
That centre was afterwards an important Celtic Insubrian settlement and later after a massive colonisation by the Imperial Rome a very active trade hub thanks to its excellent strategic location used for that as main stage on the road towards the ancient Mediolanum the Latin-Roman name of the current Milan.
After the fall of that Empire the land was conquered by the Lombards who started to establish a marked subdivision of the entire regional territory with a concrete partition in lands which formed sort of sub counties formed by villages and hamlets surrounding a more developed centre.
Those new rulers continued the trade activities along the routes traced by the Romans
created centuries before linking the former settlement to Monza and Como and increasing their traffics towards Milan along a route corresponding to the current National Road, the Strada Statale delle Varesina.
The advent of the Franks as successors of that other Germanic group was certainly one of the most flourishing historic periods of Saronno, golden ages highlighted by a more developed local identity, in a territory which started to have concrete borders among different emergent realities of centres very productive artisans, active merchants and apartnerships of farmers who increased the local economy despite all that was controlled by landlords who governed vast territories which included several villages and hamlets.
In those times Saronno was integrated in Holy Empire, the entire population embraced the Christian faith. and the use of the Latin as official language and the former settlement started to have a position of extreme relevance and it was also mentioned in a historical document in Latin dated 796 saying : "Johannes de Vico Salomno filius quondam Aretheo here fuit notarius ".The translation was a message explaining claims to have received from a character called Erminaldo the sum of 90 pieces of silver as a loan payment, giving a pledge all its assets held in Vico Salomno.
From that word Solomno derives the current denomination although in different periods that place due to local dialectal influences and linguistic expressions was also called Sorogno later Seron afterwards Sarono and finally Saronno.
The Franks established in that centre a marked feudalistic system with governors loyal to the crown of the Sacred Roman Empire leaving a notable imprint also in the politic and urban system with a concrete historic core, a borgo established around the local beating heart of the social kife and fortified accesses from all the caedinal points of the local community.
In the middle ages that site was part of the County of the Seprio,an area which included all the territories around the current Milan Malpensa Airport with borders until the province of Como and coming up to the south area of the city of Varese with furthermore the valleys in its in proximity.
After that, the comune fell under rule of the powerful Milanese Sforza House incorporated by Ludovico il Moro Sforza in the Duchy of Milan.That influential family and later the successors, the Visconti ,another noble dynasty who ruled the Capital of Lombardy governed for a long time Saronno and many aristocrats linked to them decided to move to live there.
It was since then thanks to a numerous presence of a high social class ranking,including Counts and Viscounts related to families ties with those famous Dukes that the former village became among the wealthiest centres of that corner of Northern Italy.
Ended the cycle of those rulers after a sequence of defeats especially highlighted by a clash with the Swiss League and the lost of many territories.
France occupied those lands as Paladin of the Catholicism facing the advent of the emergent Calvinist movement who had in Switzerland a notable focal point with several battles and a war against the Swiss who also reached Melegnano, an important centre south of Milan where they were defeated by the Royal French troops.
Saronno became for a short period a domain of the Spaniards with the occupation of the Aragonese House and immediately later fell under French rule once again.Those pretty tumultuous times with several changes were due to the famous wars of succession highlighted by several claims, diatribes and disputes among the most important European Crowns who had for rights or other reasons as rivalries and jeaulousy continuous conflicts and constant desires of expansion.
The French also during the period of Napoleon Bonaparte in the 19th century reused in major part the infrastructures and communications left by the Milanese Duchy establishing busy routes with the wealthy and prosperous Brianza and Saronno in those times became a relevant point of transit for the trade of silk, fabric and textile products among Como, Monza, the Altomilanese and Milan.
The same continued during the times with the new occupiers the Habsburg House during the times of the Austrian-Hungrarian Empire which incorporated the town in the Regno Lombardo-Veneto, the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia created in 1815 by the resolution of the notorious Congress of Vienna during the times of Francis I well known to have been the last Holy Roman Emperor when he dissolved the Holy Roman Empire after the defeat in the famous Battle of Austerlitz against Napoleon in 1804.
That Reign depending from Vienna was a territorial creation with the union of the two main regions such as Lombardy and Veneto linked to others such as the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Trentino Adige, a network of important realities which for a period formed the richest area of the Italic Peninsula.
That historic era was protagonist of several stages and reforms as a new agricultural arrangement,intense processes concentrated to artisans production as the works of metals and timber and a new network of more modern roads to incentive busy mercantile operations organised in payment of taxes by the traders in transit along routes to reach the most important market places among them Saronno.
The fall of that Central European Empire led by the Emperor Franz Joseph I with the defeat of that Sovereign against of the Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia ruled by the House of Savoy was the last episode which linked that centre to Austria entering in the new Reign of Italy officially proclaimed in 1861 following since then all the destiny of the country until nowadays.
The historic centre of Saronno is a very lovely, a pleasant place to visit with several elegant shops and boutiques,cosy cafes,fine restaurants and some attractive squares with relevant historic Churches.In the pedestrian area lies the beautiful square Piazza della Libertá with the Chiesa di Pietro e Paolo a Church dedicated to the Saints and Evangelists Peter and Paul where you can start the visit.
Erected in the late 18th century over another Religious temple called Chiesa di Santa Maria,Church of St.Mary on a large rectangular base on two levels, it present a beautiful high facade and a central doorway flanked on its sides by other four smaller.
On the second level of the structure you will notice the presence of the statues of the apostles Peter and Paul and on the top as terminal architectural element a large pediment topped by an iron cross.
A splendid high bell tower was established just behind the central body highlighted by a big white circular watch placed on its upper section beneath a charming belfry established under a small green domed roof. In its interior you can admire relevant frescoes by Lombard school a famed work by the Master Gaudenzio Ferrari and hosting since 1783 a venerated Crucifix which is annually carried in procession in occasion of a local feast.
Another historic monumental pride of Saronno is the Chiesa di San Giacomo, a Church dedicated to St. James elevated in the 16th century, an architectural masterpiece created almost entirely by local artists about the exterior of the structure and works in the interior.
The project started in 1578 commissioned by a local noble, Ambrogio Legnani with the last operations ended in 1612 and originally that Sacred construction was dedicated to the Saints Charles, Philip, Ambrose and James to pay homage to the brothers of that character.
Developed on an irregular rectangular plan,the aspect is sober but it shows perfect lines and a very marked symmetry in the entire layout with a studied space between the portal and a pediment inserted in the upper section of the facade and notable are also the well defined outlines on the sides.
In the interior you can admire works by a painter from Milan called Santagostino, a magnificent altarpiece depicting the Virgin Mary with Child and the Saints Ambrose, Charles Borromeo and James surrounded by angels with in addition a copy of a work by Master Procaccini.
Notable are also the frescoes by Stefano Maria Legnani, a talented artist who worked in different important Italian centres such as Bologna, Milan, Turin, Novara and Monza among others.
That artist was nicknamed the Legnanino and he was well known for his great capacity to alternate in his executions lights and shades in a great way, very eclectic and with an extraordinary talent in the use of brilliant colours. He was particularly influenced by the Baroque school of Genoa and one of his great works are some great frescoes you can see nowadays in Palazzo Carignano, a stunning palace situated in the historic centre of Turin.

In the early 16th century the great Master architect Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, a prominent figure who in that period was author of several masterpieces in Milan,Bergamo, Pavia,Monza, Cremona,Como and also in Swiss territory in Lugano continued the works of a building developed on a latin cross plan which already included the apse. presbytery, a cupola and two Chapels.
Absolutely marvellous and superb is the main facade a masterpiece of decorations,lines and projections with outstanding outlines and the magnificent symmetry of the columns flanking the central portal with a series of rectangular windows on the sides.
Yu will notice in the wonderful architectural layout how the statues and all the decorative elements are placed with a stunning artistic criteria in strategic positions and the great execution of the upper section with other columns perfectly filling the spaces beneath a scenic huge pediment centrally placed on the the superior section above a series of windows inserted in a scenic and fantastic position. That stunning work with a view from a specific perspective appears as a huge shield covering the beautiful high bell tower erected just behind that stupendous Ecclesiastic complex.
Once inside you can admire a long main nave developed as a sumptuous hallway flanked by triumphant arcades beneath a marvellous painted ceiling covering the entire upper surface of that marvellous interior leading to the apse boasting a beautiful altar.
The fabulous frescoes contained inside the Sanctuary were executed by two superb masters as Bernardino Luini and Gaudenzio Ferrari , two high and eminent exponent of the finest Lombard school. For descriptions of the scenes, silhouettes of the human figures, colours, perspectives, lines and details they are unique masterpieces and you can stay hours and hours in contemplation facing those marvels made by two genius.
One of the great highlights is certainly the cupola covered by frescoes by Ferrari who was called to embellish the Sanctuary in 1534 while he was ending other relevant works in Piedmont concretely in St. Christopher Church at Vercelli.
That outstanding work you can enjoy nowadays is the representation of a concert of angels which was in its kind a continuation of something he already made in Varallo Sesia painting some angels playing instruments in the Dormitio Virginis Chapel in that pleasant centre of eastern Piedmont also famed for its Sanctuary.
The frescoes by Bernardino Luini occupy the spaces beneath the dome, the apse and the presbitery., bur there are others as one in a vault of a chapel with the Cenacolo and a further one in the cloister representing a Nativity.
Certainly the most scenic and outstanding are the Bride of the Virgin, the birth of Christ and Jesus Christ among the Doctors, all representing in their essence the talent of the master from Dumenza for his fabulous colours, expressions and shapes of the human protagonists in the scenesand stunning perspectives transmitting the feeling you are looking at a sort of real image alive just like a true picture.
Other highlights are the great wooden sculptures by Andrea da Milano also well known as Andrea da Saronno because born in that place who worked furthermore in the early 16th century in Meda, a notorious centre not far from Monza.
When you are in Saronno you can not miss that visit because it is something unique and special in its kind.Al that you will admire is cconsidered a sort of sublimation of an artistic school which took inspiration by the greatly celebrated Tuscan,cradle of that kind of art but also created new lines,perspectives and shapes who including impressed the most prominent masters of Tuscany and all that is extremely visible in that magnificent Sanctuary boasting great art, a mandatory two steps from Milan.
Another historic and relevant Religious building is the Chiesa di San Francesco,a Church dedicated to St.Francis situated at the exit of the municipal centre in direction Varese.That Sacred construction was probably erected in medieval times, concretely in the 13th century but largely modified in the following centuries.
Elevated a rectangular base with a facade developed in the 17th century of Baroque inspiration,some of its main exterior highlights are a splendid doorway and a fine pediment placed on the upper section of the front side.
The building has three nave and inside you can admire twelve chapels containing relevant paintings by Milanese school with notable works by Lanzani,Legnanino and other artists very active all around the Milanese province and Brianza. Behind the central body of the Church was elevated a high tower on square plan in perfect architectural harmony with the rest of the complex and highlighted by fine lines and a beautiful belfry.
That construction had a relevant importance not just for its position on an important route but also because it was visited by St. Anthony of Padua during his trip from Portugal to Italy and declared Historic Monument of Relevance since 1931.
A further Church also part of the historic patrimony of Saronno is the Chiesa di Sant' Antonino Abate, dedicated to St. Anthony the Abbott built in the Middle Ages in 1385 and largely restored in the early 60's of the 20th century. The small but beautiful gable facade is highlighted by a mosaic representing St. Anthony and an arched doorway and it shows a very balanced aesthetic profile, a bit austere but scenic at the same time for the fine shape of the front side.
In its interior you can admire some statues depicting the same Saint, the Saints Roque and John while in the apse you will see a Virgin Mary marble sculpture and another one of St. Ambrose patron of the Milan bishopric.
The presence of all those historic Churches in Saronno apart the active artistic life which certifies and attests how that centre was very relevant and frequented by very famous masters is also highlighted by important events, celebrations which take place in the municipality.
One of them is the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a further is devoted to the iconic Our Lady of Miracles celebrated at the end of March in which Saronno lives with extreme enthusiasm and passion that event. Worth a mention also the feast of St. Anthony in January with the blessing of animals and vehicles and in addition the transport of a Sacred Crucifix on the fourth Sunday in October highlighted by a solemn procession with a lively participation of locals and other people coming from different towns.
Saronno also shows the visitors a large number of beautiful villas,mansions and palaces erected in different periods in renaissance, neoclassic and liberty styles, among them Casa Morandi,Villa Koelliker,Casa Zerbi and the elegant former Town Hall Villa Gianetti.
Another relevant building for its historic value is Palazzo Visconti , a fine palace erected in the 16th century by that noble Milanese family of Dukes hosting nowadays some local Institutions and all those aristocratic constructions confirm the notable presence of nobility who decide to fix their residences in the municipal boundaries.

Saronno hosts the headquarters of Illva Saronno Spa, producer of the liquor with the brand Disaronno and the denomination Amaretto di Saronno and DiSaronno Originale is something special and something unique in its kind.
Considered since a long time ago a digestive but also an energetic beverage,tastefully and at the same time aromatic,strong and pleasant,it can be enjoyed in company,in social times, special occasions, meetings,in cold winters,after dinner in summer season with ice,a very eclectic drink and someone even considered that liqueur aphrodisiac and for that iwas called the Liquor of love.
The history and a famous narration of the famed local emblem is dated the early 16th century when the notorious painter previously mentioned Bernardino Luini was called to work and embellish the Beata Vergine dei Miracoli Sanctuary.
That artist during his stay in Saronno used as inspiration for of his artistic representations as a sort of model,the daughter of the owner of an inn in which he was hosted and the young woman for gratitude to be selected by that prominent master prepared for him a dark beverage made with local natural ingredients.
That notorious artist when drank that aromatic,homemade "elisir" was extremely satisfied and impressed by that unique taste.Ended his artisitc mission, he took with him that magic and highly palatable liquid and in a sort of promotion in all the places of the Italian Peninsula where he worked or travelled the started to praise that kind of superb potion he tasted in that town.
The great tradition of Amaretto di Saronno is tied to a secular history continuing after centuries using the same original methods in the composition and original recipe. Nothing changed same taste,same delicious and tastefully flavor, identical colour and a great appreciation all around the Globe.
The only things changed,are the marketing and merchandising operations with that fine product exported everywhere in all the continents, protagonist as sponsor in several International events, TV spots, announced in radio, constantly visible in publicity, newspapers, magazines and cinemas during a break between a trailer and another.
Also the prestigious glass artisans of Murano famous island of the Venetian Archipelago decided to pay homage to that distinguished liquor making an artistic glass bottle which became an international symbol and icon known at every international latitude.
Amaretto di Saronno in its kind could be considered an artistic and versatile liquor and when we pronounce those two adjectives it is because you can taste that drink in a gala dinner,in a welcome luxury cocktail ceremony, with friends,after or also mixed with coffee and that eclecticism could be compared to art in its composition of colours and lines able to satisfy and delight the most exigent palates as a superb painting bewitching the human eye and thousands of people.
Present in cakes and cookies,in tiramisu,ice cream,including fruit juices,granite,sorbetti and mixed cocktails also the Nouvelle cuisine in the trendiest gastronomy fell in love with that fine product and some talented chefs use Amaretto di Saronno including with meat and vegetables as well.
.That liquor is a beverage of 28º degree,hiding a secret recipe transmitted generation by generation and it will never revealed. We only know it is a magnificent essence of the mixture of different plants such as apricot,almonds adding caramelised sugar accompanied by alcohol with some particular addition of fruit,cherry or peach.
We will never know the concrete doses, percentages of the components, what is added to create its successful taste it, methods of distillation,how the ingredients are melted to generate that flavoured masterpiece ,all is top secret and it will be eternally. jealously conserved and preserved in coffer as a treasure linked to a a very old historic tradition.
Saronno worth a visit if you are spending holidays in Milan,Monza or Como or in the nearest surroundings, it is a charming place offering you different things to do and of course admiring some masterpieces absolutely stunning.I added below some links in the case you have plans to visit that area with also some suggested Hotels.
The municipality including offer the chance of a stay in comfortable accommodations and you will enjoy a local delicious cuisine in many of its gastronomic establishments.
The iconic Risotto alla Milanese is one of the plates among the most popular, notable are also delectable meat casseroles as Brasato and Spezzatino, tender beef and veal stews in sauce often accompanied by vegetables, the notorious Polenta or potatoes puree seasoned with fresh butter and herbs.
Other plates as the Minestrone di verdure and vegetable soups are other dishes very common just like the famed Bruscitt, a meat stew seasoned with spices accompanying the mentioned polenta/ and of excellent qualities are furthermore local salami and sausages.
Icons made by the famed company Lazzaroni & C are the renowned biscuits and bakery products with a tradtion since 1888 appreciated by a myriad of people.
The nearest airport is Milan Malpensa Airport. From that Milanese airport by train Malpensa Express you can reach Saronno railway station located in the city centre while by car if you are in Milan taking the Motoway A8 Milano-Como-Varese with exit Saronno you will take about 15/20 minutes from the Capital of Lombardy in normal condition of traffic.
Visitng that place is certainly something of special to see that emblematic centre in which is produced that prestigious beverage and distinctive liquor of love which thanks to its history and popularity could be considered an international,landmark of our world and enjoying an excellent combination of cultural and historic tourism,great art,leisure and all that in Saronno two steps from Milan.
Francesco Mari
Recommended Hotels in Saronno
Starhotels Grand Milan
Hotel Pioppeto
Hotel Della Rotonda
Hotel Firenze
Recommeded Restaurants in Saronno
Ristorante Il Passerotto
Ristorante Locanda D´Autore
Ristorante Scibui
Ristorante Boeucc
Ristorante Positano
Useful links
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