Foggia - Italy-BITREL,"Borsa Internazionale Del Turismo Religioso,Dei Pellegrinaggi e Dei Cammini"-Stock Exchange of Religious Tourism,Pilgrimages and the Paths of Protected Areas from the 24th to 28th October 2012 at Foggia Fiere-If You are an Active Tour Operator and You Want yo Kmow and Learn more,Creating New Products and Destinations do not Miss BITREL,an Unique Event for Unforgettable Destinations.

 The splendid region of Apulia and the captivating Foggia capital of the "Tavoliere di Puglia" will held BITREL,"BORSA INTERNAZIONALE DEL TURISMO RELIGIOSO,DEI PELLEGRINAGGI E DEI CAMMINI" the Stock Exchange of religious tourism, pilgrimages, and the paths of protected areas.The Exhibition will held from 24th to 28th October 2012 at at "Foggia Fiere" Exhibition Fair Center,the event is managed and organised by "Assessorato al Mediterraneo,Cultura e Turismo" Tourism Department of Mediterranean for Culture and Tourism".

Religious tourism and pilgrimages are a segment very important for a TT.OO in the industry of tourism and it is possible to move a myriad of tourists everywhere.It is enough to think to many pilgrimages destinations from the most important as Rome,Jerusalem and Israel,Lourdes Padua,Santiago de Compostela, Fatima,Czestochokowa,Medjugorje,but also the Orthodox monasteries in Greece,Bulgaria,Serbia, and many many others.Also Apulia,this beautiful and magnificent region of Southern Italy has in the pilgrimage tourism so many things to offer.St,Pio of Pietralcina with San Giovanni Rotondo.

Apulia offers a wide range of kinds of tourism and one of them is the Religious and pilgrimages tourism,offering a wide range of solutions for your plans to develop your outgoing toward this wonderful land called "Puglia".

BITREL offers you the opportunity to know more all the aspects of Religious tourism introducing you thanks to expert and professional exhibitors all the secrets about routes,itineraries,history,culture,accommodations and ideas to satisfy all the most demanding requests.

Apulia is a treasure of nature and splendid rural environments with its picturesque hills and olive groves and offers the opportunity to create mix-incentives travels,splendid Educational for your Operative Team to know one of the most beautiful regions of Italy.Further more BITREL offers workshops that aim to expose the services of TT.OO to any clients expert or  inexpert Travel Agents they want to develop and improve or learn a fantastic kind of Tourism as the pilgrimages.

One of the highlight of this Fair will be focused   to the "Via Francigena",the famous path and tour starting from Rome coming to Apulia trough a magnificent road full and packed of ancient churches, shrines, churches,monasteries,convents,hermitages,convents of great,relevant historical and spiritual value.

If you want to develop your business in tourism & travel with pilgrimages and religious destinations, Foggia and BITREL offers you this great opportunity do not miss this unique event if you wish to create new products with new unforgettable destinations.

Francesco Mari 

1 comment:

  1. I strongly recommend the participation to this great event,you can not imagine how many things you can discover and learn ,I particpated to several events in Apulia with educationals ,organising tours and ougoing toward this beautiful land..Absolutely amazing Italian region and great people.

    Kind regards


    PS - A warm greeting to Hotel Villa Fiorentino and Arteco Tur,all the best.I remember you with pleasure after many years.


Thanks a lot to read and note.

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