From Shakespeare to Goethe,from Stendhal to Hemingway and Berlitz.Knowing and speaking a foreign language is always an advantage for all those who want to open new horizons and professional challenges and to be part of a team that wants and desires to be winning.A Curriculum enriched by foreign languages spoken fluently is your great business card. No one will ever say : "you do not speak this language you are not eligible to hold that position".

 Study and learn new languages open new horizons and of course always help you to know deeply new cultures,new realities,new products and new businesses.When you are preparing to make a trip to a country,for pleasure or business many times you think. ·"Oh I would like to speak the language of that country,communication is a very important factor regardless of how long you will remain in that destination, knowing the local language is absolutely a primary advantage.Further more if you decide to live in another country, the first thing to dois learning the local language, for obvious reasons of integration,culture and lifestyle. .

Being able to communicate fluently helps a lot to learn about the culture, traditions, history,customs, folklore and even the social aspects of a country and especially to have a fast and  immediate direct contact with the reality that surrounds you.

The first feelings when you speak a foreign language is very positive, because you can immediately ask for information,dale more trivial example on the table in a restaurant asking for clarification on the ingredients of a particular dish or the quality, the vintage and the goodness of a local wine,or asking in a a store or in a shop the quality and origin of a particular product,until asking why that event cultural, historical and folkloric or more to enter into conversations more detailed with all people with the opportunity to know further more the local culture.

Many artists, philosophers,writers,poets,although they mainly wrote in their native languages,some of them studied or lived for a period abroad for a medium or long term in order to learn a new language,an extreme advantage of being able to communicate with everyone,gave them the opportunity to face every topic,gave them inspiration,learn a new culture open new horizons,write new stories and their experiences and knowledge always arouse interest, to draw.

Johan Wolfgang Goethe magnificent German writer, poet and playwright, father of the Romanticism Movement and of the Weltiliteratur,the World literature said something very significant :"Who does not know foreign languages, knows nothing of their own." Goethe spoke in German,his mother tongue a fluent French and English, an excellent Italian, he studied privately, Jewish and he continued to study in his life Latin language and Literature.Goethe read the works of Moliere and Racine in French and Shakespeare in English.If we think Goethe could not communicate or understand English,French or Italian or without knowledge of Latin would have been that great writer who has conquered the world with its literary masterpieces?

William Shakespeare,probably on the greatest playwright of our history,the genius of English literature and most beloved poet of British culture continued without pausing to read the works of Ovidius and Virgil in Latin,he communicated discreetly in Italian and read the works of Cervantes in Spanish.Without this basis we are confident that the genius of Shakespeare have transcended the boundaries of Great Britain and fascinated readers around the world?

Other examples that could be cited are those of Henri Beyle, better known as Stendhal considered the father of that movement called Realism.The writer of Grenoble lived for many years in Italy, spoke a perfect Italian,read the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri totally and completely in Italia communicated well in English reading so much Shakespeare.Stendhal  continued to study some of the Old French derivations of the modern French Language such as the langue  d'oil and the langue d'oc called Neo Latin languages and also considered Romance languages part of the culture of the past but always an advantage for him to write with impressive talent and inspiration.

In more modern times we could mention Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Prize of Literature and Pultzer,a brilliant writer and journalist from Illinois.He lived for many years in Cuba,He learnt   and spoke Spanish.Cuban experience served him so much to know more deeply the Hispanic and Caribbean culture including he wrote from this experience of one of his major works: The Old and the Sea.Hemimgway also lived in France,in Paris,he spoke French and Italian as well.The natural talent of the American writer,his experiences, and the desire to communicate in different languages to draw inspiration helped him a lot in proclaiming as one of the most popular writers of the 20th century.

A final consideration I would like to mention with an examples could be Maximilian Berlirz a German teacher and pedagogue who emigrated to the USA in the second half of the 19th centuty.Mr.Berlitz spoke in addition to the German,his mother tongue, English, French, Greek and Latin.He created an Empire for what regards Institutes of language teaching with a presence in every continent from Tokyo to Rome,from Sydney to Rio De Janeiro, from New York to Paris.I invite you to read the story of Berlitz and its institutions by  the origin until today, it is very interesting and rich in content, experiences and strategies that this Lord of German origin to transmit people the study of foreign language.

Currently,for that which pertains to possible future business,partnerships and collaborations if you speak more foreign languages potential collaborator parties can never tell you or try to make you understand,we have communication problems, difficult to collaborate with you or doing business and initiating projects geared towards a particular country.

.Apart English language spoken internationally and in the vast majority of the World,if you want to make South America, Central America or Spain one of your main destination or a major source of your projects,your markets,your marketing strategies,it is a great advantage to speak Spanish the same for Portuguese if you want to enhance your knowledge with destinations in Europe such as Portugal or Brazil in America.

The French as well as in France,a language spoken in Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg and in the North West of Italy (Val D'Aosta Region is a bilingual Italian-speaking Italian and French) helps a lot about contacts with the countries of North Africa, particularly with the countries of the Maghreb, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and the West Coast,Senegal, for example.

The German is a language apart spoken in Germany,Austria,Switzerland, very useful in the countries of Central Europe,due to the historical and cultural background and today linked to Economical and Financial aspects from the Czech Republic to Slovakia, from Hungary to the Italian South Tirol in the Italian Trentino Alto Adige Region, from Slovenia to Poland.

Even the Italian helps a lot,apart Italy,you can speak Italian in a part of Switzerland,Slovenia, in Croatia,Tunisia,Egypt,Montenegro and in some areas of Greece there is many people Italian speaking.

Today,to know more languages can be a very important business card for you.Myself personally I've always had a great approach with the languages.I studied languages, I practised a lot with my experiences abroad where I lived in different countries working in the Industry of Tourism,I learnt and I speak six languages and I know a couple more at a general level.I am not put off not when attending interviews in language, technical interviews, written tests and oral and with regard to to a specific product, whatever it is at the level of many international destinations,written in direct, a live program or a route and especially love to share my experiences and also listen to or read the experiences of other people,reading or talking with people from every country.

In my honest opinion thee basic concept of a serious company is to be competitive and with the idea creating great team with many resources.A very good team needs play makers, guards and pivots in basketball,in the football team without  strikers,men of creativity  and imagination and strong defenders can not be a winner team,in motor sports if there are notvalid engineers,technicians but also mechanics,it is very difficult to win competitions and to be at the highest levels.

I suggeest and recommend to all,regardless every sector or area in which you work or where you want to work to learn,study and practise foreign languages,enhance your resume, your skills, your knowledge, no intelligent Recruiter Company can never say :" you do not speak this language,you can not cover this position," because certainly all that goes against their professional image and prestige and lose of course the chances to give teams,companies who seek excellent team players to be included in their teams, what they really need and want so much to conquer new trophies and goals.

Francesco Mari

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