Kitzbühel | Glorious Destination in the Heart of Austrian Alps.

Kitzbühel is undoubtedly a glorious destination in the heart of Austrian Alps.Situated in a privileged position in Tirol one of the most charming and attractive länder of the country highlighted by unforgettable Alpine landscapes and the superb silhouette of magnificent towering peaks.

That town of Austria is certainly one of the most popular and prestigious sites linked to Winter Sports and it is not case that is so popular worldwide elevated and declared as a Top Alpine Ski Resort.

It is enough to mention that name Kitzbühel to relate that word a word which is immediately linked to the legendary Streif that iconic downhill track named in all the most important pages of Alpine Ski and considered by many experts one of the most prestigious,difficult,captivating,challenging and emblematic tracks in the World.

Located halfway from the famous Mozart city,Salzburg and the Capital of Tirol Innsbruck,Kitzbühel with its 11,000 inhabitants was founded on a shore of the river Kitzbühler Ache river in a spectacular corner of the district of Bezirk one of thee most suggestive and charming natural spaces of Austria and of the entire Alpine chains.

The most important local resource is tourism all year but in particular in winter season.Kitzbühel is a paradise for all skiing lovers and furthermore a traditional appointment every year for the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup which apart organising apart that glorious and internationally known downhill track also hosts a spectacular Slalom,a great Super G assigning the title of the Combined.

Apart winter sports since long time ago the Austrian resort reached a more than important position as superb SPA resort and every year Kitzbühel hosts several tourists, thanks to its modern and distinguished SPA & Wellness Establishments.
Also historically that Queen of Austrian Alps has a long history full of important events all to narrate.The first traces related to a former settlement are dated the 16th century B.C.In an area rich of forests and pastures the current town was probably inhabited by Celtic populations and later by Illyrian tribes mainly dedicated to farmers and small trades crossing the nearest valleys.

During the Roman colonisation Kitzbühel it became a relevant Castrum,a fortified centre in a land which was incorporated as all the Tyrol  in that ancient Roman province called Noricum by the Emperor Augustus.

That large geographic area included all the Danube Valley,the current Slovenia,the Hungarian Pannonia and part of the Northern Italy corresponding to territories currently occupied by the regions of Veneto,Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia and that mosaic of territories was one of the most busy spaces in terms of commerce and development of new routes of the Roman Empire on the other side of the Alps.

After the fall of Rome the local territory was in different occasions invaded by German tribes and later by Bavarians populations from the Southern Germany who apart the conquest of that land started an intense and deep exploration of the nearest forests with the relevant discovery of some important iron mines.

Originally the name Kitzbühel is linked to that former rules deriving from the ancient Bavarian -German word Chizbühel a composition of two words such as Chiz and Bühel.The first word is related to a Clan,a Tribe which ruled the local territory while the second is linked to the hill on which was developed a former settlement.

For all the period corresponding to the Middle Ages the history of that Austrian area has often been linked to the history of the nearest German Bavaria and in the year 1255 Kitzbühel officially became a stronghold of the Duchy of that land.

The former settlement during that time started a relevant development with the construction of fortified walls in the year 1271 and apart that military aspect to defend its boundaries it also increased its economy becoming soon an important trade cross point between Southern Germany and the Adriatic coasts crossing a large corridor in the current Austria.

The Duke of Bavaria Louis II,16 some years later due the notable relevance reached in a very short time granted it a charter in which were assigned several privileges and much more it became officially a town due that increasing importance assigning it the illustrious and prestigious title of "Stadt."

Despite that period of golden ages some years later Kitzbühel suffered ages of of instability due the continuous disputes between Bavarians and Austrians and in 1342 after the marriage of the Bavarian Duchy Louis V and the local noble Margarete Maultasch the town came back to be official part of Tyrol but coming back back under Bavarian rule in 1369.

That new change was generated by a famous treaty signed in a document at Schärding in 1369.That event created new borders and agreements established to create stability and peace in an area which was for long time theatre of claims,battles and wars.

At the beginning of the 16th Century exactly in the year 1504 the town was conquered by the Austrian Emperor Maximilian and during that period the Hapsburg integrated the town in the region of Tyrol once again.

The Land of Tyrol was later protagonist of other wars against the French during the occupation by Napoleon Bonaparte troops who for a period occupied the territory finding a notable resistance by locals who never accepted the submission to the rule of those new occupiers.

The fall of the French Leader linked the Austrian municipality and Bavaria once again.The endless history between those two lands and the town  which was was integrated in the Bavarian territory after the famous treaty of peace signed in Pressburg.

Another further war and and the famous Congress of Vienna with a new design of the European maps took Kitzbühel to be part of the Austrian Empire.That is in short the old history of Kitzbühel.

You perfectly know the events of the most modern and contemporary history in particular related to the 2nd World War when all Austria in that famous Nazi Operation called Anschluss was incorporated and annexed to Germany and immediately after in the post war period started the reconstruction of the Republic of Austria,events which included also other historic steps of that splendid Alpine destination too.  

It is really very nice and pleasant to walk for the medieval centre of that town.The pedestrian medieval centre of Kitzbühel is very charming thanks to the presence of that captivating typical Tyrolean architecture and its several houses highlighted by coloured facades,pretty balconies and painted wooden doors.

A great point to start the visit is certainly Tor Jochberg a historic gate which is the main door to come in a maze of picturesque streets in the core of town and which was the most ancient wing of an ancient castle built there.

The atmosphere of the centre is very peaceful and more than captivating.Worth a visit Katharine Kirche (St.Catherine Church),a medieval masterpiece completed in 1365 in Gothic style.

The main highlights of that beautiful Church is undoubtedly its tower with its splendid spire and beautiful clock dominating the entire town.

Developed on an ample rectangular plan that Sacred building shows an ample light facade,a magnificent arched doorway and completed by a splendid gray roof.On one side of the main entrance you will notice a large painting depicting the Saint which completes as relevant artistic detail the beauty of the front side of that beautiful Church. 

In the square do not miss to stop and hear the melodic notes by the beautiful carillon which works every hour from 11.00 in the morning to 05.00 p.m.It is certainly another must when you visit the centre Austrian Alpine resort.

Others buildings worth a mention and very interesting are St.Andreas Kirche,the dedicated Church of St.Andrew very close to Katharine Kirche and another one Liebefrauenkirche the Parish Church of Our Lady.

That last one is a splendid example of Baroque art although the building was originally built in the medieval period in Gothic style and restored in several occasions.The result of its current architectonic style was arranged to combine the right harmony between the upper and the lower architectonic sections developed in different periods and much more using a style (The Baroque) which for long time became the predominant symbol during the period related to the Austrian Empire.

Do not miss to take a look to the Burgerspital which is the ancient Hospital of Kitzbühel dated 15th century and for long time was one of the most important in the Region. 

Kitzbühel Museum  is undoubtedly another highlight of the town offering the visitors the chance to enjoy an extensive walk in the history and culture of Tirol.It is a very interesting exhibition in which the visitor can discover the strong identity of the local culture in all its aspects with special highlights linked to folklore,handcrafts,customs,history and local lifestyle.The Reisch Dance Cafe is another emblematic historic building of the town.Built by a local architect called Alois Welzenbacher in 1928,a pioneer of the Tiroler Moderne Schüle a typical school of architecture raised in Tyrol which privileged new lines and decorations
 and furthermore of notable relevance because it is one the most modern building among the most important and historic you can admire in the centre of that Austrian town.

Kitzbühel offers in spring and summer many opportunities to enjoy a very active tourism and Golf is of course a notable highlight.The resort is particularly linked to that kind of sport boasting the presence of four Golf Courses of very high level very appreciated for their positions at the foot of charming peaks surrounding those prestigious Clubs immersed in a wonderful green nature.

The magnificent Alpine area is also an authentic mecca for trekking lovers with over 500,0 kilometres of wonderful trails while for who loves Mountain Bike there is the brilliant chance to enjoy over 700,0 kilometres of spectacular trails crossing splendid verdant spaces enjoying several scenic itineraries while in the nearest lakes there is the chance to practise water sports. 

The excellent quality of  the Hotels of Kizbúhel is certainly another superb feature of the resort.  All the structures present in its boundaries are a great response for all the needs and demanding request of the most exigent clients for a comfortable stay enjoying several excellent facilities and services.

The local Ski areas are absolutely as a temple for who loves winter sports and a magnificent surprise for all people who choose that glorious destination in the heart of Austrian Alps.

Alpine Ski in Austria is the passion of an entire Country just like Baseball in USA ,Rugby in United Kingdom or Nordic Ski in the Scandinavian countries.The very organised system of the slopes of Kitzbühel is mainly subdivided  in four sections developed at different altitudes.

The first one is the famous and promoted Hahnenkamm-Steingergkogel-Pengelstein,the site in which takes place the legendary Slalom.It is a track designed on a space which permits to ski from 1950,,0 and 700,0 metres absolutely spectacular for all people who wants to try perfect surfaces and challenging changes of rhythm highlighted by a large presence of splendid curves.

The second section corresponds to the Kitzbühler Horn which extends its area from an altitude between the 750,0 (the lower point) to its summit situated at 2000,0 metres of altitude.Also in this case the skier can enjoy on those slopes something simply special.The preparation of the snow on the tracks is practically perfect,notable is the chance for every skier to descend those 1250,0 metres in terms change of gradient finding the perfect adherence and much more trying the tracks in different aerodynamic positions.

The third one also great is an area called Stuckkogel developed between 900,0 and 1600,0 metres while the fourth corresponds to Pass Thurn located between an altitude starting from 950,0 metres with its higher point situated at 2000,0 metres of altitude.Both sections are simply beautiful also for all there is around,a magnificent natural spaces embraced and encircled by picturesque peaks covered by snow and the opportunity yo enjoy unforgettable panoramic views.

That sort of Alpine Empire of Winter Sports called Kitzbühel provides as ski facilities a magnificent complex consisting in 53 ski- lifts serving over 160,0 kilometres of magnificent slopes a superb detail which is an immediate invitation for everyone.

For all that Kitzbühel is so famous because apart to try the places in which are celebrated the great and prestigious events concerning the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup the visitors can find everything responding to all their most demanding requests also in terms of facilities moving from a slope to another in a very easy way.

All those many kilometres of tracks are furthermore all located very close each other and developed with different gradients and different.The sum of all those outstanding qualities are undoubtedly something of simply exciting and great for every skier who choose that resort to spend unforgettable days.
The Alpine Ski Complex provides blue,red and black slopes ideal so for beginners,skiers of intermediate level and experienced people or masters.Along those areas previously mentioned people excellent tracks you can try are the Pengelstein or also the Oxalm and the Fleck or some slopes in a space called  Steinbergkogel.

In winter Kitzbühel due to its fame and prestige is very busy and the best place to reach the slopes in a comfortable way going to the legendary area of the Hahnenkamm is reaching Kirchberg and from that point you can take the Fleckhalm corresponding to the the Gondola service taking you at destination in about 20 minutes,that is a tip to avoid queues.

The Asten downhill is one of the most spectacular tracks of Kitzbühel.It is a splendid slope always well maintained,there are not ices plaques,the skis perfectly slide on a magnificent snow surface always well rolled on which the edges never sink.Furthermore from there you can reach the Hahnenkamm mountain until late evening.   

In all the spaces around the Thurn Pass in proximity of a mountain called Resterkogel and in the previously mentioned Stukkogel section there are furthermore many chances to enjoy other splendid slopes suitable for every level and capacity of a skier.

The resort is very sensitive to offer the visitor who wants to have fun on snow the brilliant option to enjoy two great Snow Parks one is pretty close the Thurn Pass the Kitz Soth Hanglalm while another one was developed in the area of the famous  Kitzbüheler Horn.

You can define Kitzbühel an Alpine Resort where all is possible and another reason apart that magnificent network of services and facilities about Alpine Ski the resort also provides over 40,0 kilometres of slopes dedicated to practise Nordic Ski which is undoubtedly another great detail offering the magnificent opportunity to enjoy that kind of sport so famous in Scandinavia but with a lot of fans in other countries.

A great attraction linked to that sporting activity is the Sportloipe which provides a spectacular illuminated trail developed in proximity of the Golf Club Schwarzsee Reith.

Kitzbühel does not need adjectives to describe what it is in all its splendour and superb services.It is the Queen of Tyrol and Austria about Alpine Ski and the legendary and emblematic Streif mentioned at the beginning of the post is its icon and symbol.

It is the dream of every professional skier and winning a competition there is like to come in  directly in the Olymp of the legend of Alpine Ski.That iconic downhill has consecrated and crown unforgettable champions such as Franz Klammer,Roland Collombin,Pirmin Zurbriggen,Franz Heinzer,Karl Schranz,Steve Podborski,Peter Wirnsberger,Luc Alphand,Hermann Maier and Didier Cuche the best specialists of the history who wrote with other athletes glorious pages of sport along that magic and challenging descent.

Streif downhill track apart the difficult and the prestige is also one of the official competitions with the Ganslern Slalom corresponding to the title and trophy which award the winner of the historic Hahnenkamm combined.To win such competition is for an skier just like for a F1 driver to win a GP at Montecarlo or Monza. 

That downhill track was introduced for the first time  in 1967 in the World Cup with the victory of the French champion Jean Claude Killy and that event won by such formidable and unforgettable star started to be one of the most relevant appointments in the International competitions present in the calendar.

It is incredible the atmosphere you can breath on that legendary track,it is like to be in a football stadium and the fans constantly give all their support to the athletes.All there is a festival of coloured flags of many countries,sounds of instruments,music and passion.Even the great Ingemar Stenmark that magnificent Swedish Alpine Ski Super Champion but not a downhill specialist wanted to try the Streif simply to feel what an athlete really feels skiing along that legendary track.   

The Streif starts from and altitude of 1,665 metres and during its very steep descent is an immersion of thrliing sensations and vibrations for the atlethes and fans,In some sections the gradients reach the85%,86% something of absolutely spectacular and unique in its kind.

Some of the most challenging steps of the track are the famous Mausefalle literally meaning mousetrap.That name because in that concrete point the skier is coming as in a sort of trap.It is as a tube just like to be prisoner of that terrific section designed of that iconic track.

 After a jump of over 90,0 metres there is another section called Steilhang consisting in spectacular double curves in which the skiers need iron legs and a superb coordination reaching that point with a speed of over 150 km/h with an immediate change rhythm.

Another emblematic point of the race track is the Hausbergkante a very difficult stretch which includes a jump of approximately 40,0 metres coming in that point at a speed of  over 140 km/h.That concrete point is where the skier has to read perfect line and to know with anticipation what there is facing him with all the risks.The Zielschuss is the last stretch once characterised by a spectacular jump before the finish.

The Streif is not a game,there an athlete has to be complete,excellent skater,able to perform a superb aerodynamic position showing power,concentration,to be an attacker but at the same time clever to read and interpret the challenging lines of that track,because on the contrary the Streif  hurts and can be indigestible for every champion.

A perfect preparation of the skis is not enough,every professional skier has to be very strong mentally and furthermore showing a notable respect of that downhill are the keys to be competitive along that track which is a glorious Alpine Ski legend.

A further brilliant and exciting detail assisting "live" that competition is the incredible support all the fans give to all the athletes,does not matter if in that Austrian Temple the winner is a Swiss,a French,an American American,Canadian or Italian who is going to Kitzbühel to participate to such great event is simply to live days of sport living vibrant moments cheering all the skiers and to spend an unforgettable time socialising with many other people of different nationality.

That is the right and magnificent culture of sport and in all that Kitzbuhel shows a great philosophy as a competiton can be also feast,a friendly meeting between fans of different countries.Finished the race and after the celebration of the winner it is very common to go often together to have a cool beer or  a warm coffee having a chat about the result of the race or simply talking about everything.

All that is Kitzbuhel in all its charming and captivating essence,for all that this place is so special,sport is great apart the time competition there is an exciting human "after" all to enjoy next to other people probably you will never see in your life once again but certainly something to remember for ever.

Kitzbühel is not only ski,it is a town with a rich calendar of events of relevant International fame.For all cycling lovers the resort is often place of challenging stages of competitions as the Osterreich Tour (the Tour of Austria) and also inserted in the Tour of Germany with the arrival at the upper station of Kitzbühel Horn with a very challenging climb.

The town also hosted in 2004,the Buddy Bears in which the famous Institution for peace and tolerance during their World Tour included Kitzbühel as seat to celebrate such meeting with a large participation.

The ATP Tennis Trophy is another a prestigious competition calling every year important players.Despite the modern tennis changed giving more relevance to trophies related to the prestigious Grand Slams (Wimbledon,Roland Garros or US Open) in Kitzbühel won great champions such as Pete Sampras  Guillermo Vilas,Vitas Gerulaitis and Goran Ivanisevic among others.

Another relevant event celebrated in that glorious destination in the heart of the Austrian Alps is the Kitzbühel Alpenrallye which is an important and spectacular car race which takes place every year since 1988 calling in the resort and its surroundings a multitude of people.

The famous and picturesque Kitzbühel Christmas Market is of course another special attraction to live in a very exciting and magnificent atmosphere.As you know in Tyrol there is a great tradition,the typical and traditional local culture at Christmas time is deeply rooted in the locals so sensitive in brilliant preparations and in a climate of peace and serenity organising with every detail the typical dinners,placing lights decorating the houses in the best way,drinking wine and eating gingerbread.

The traditional Christmas music and popular songs,the bells of the Churches,musicians and people singing in the streets are part of magic frame all to enjoy.The Christmas Market is the right place to enjoy something of unforgettable meeting people having a chat and wishing each other Happy Christmas and Happy New Year in a marvellous scenery furthermore packed by stalls with the chance to buy with typical local products.

Tyrol is also a paradise about gastronomy offering a very delicious and genuine cuisine.Soups are generally the first plate,starting a lunch or a dinner,there is a big variety of them using vegetables and the most famous is the traditional Gemusesuppe but there are also other kinds as the famous Gerstelsuppe prepared with bacon and barley or another one called Griesnockelsuppe highlighted by semolina dumplings.

Very famous are also the famed Knödeln a culinary speciality very common in Germany and Austria consisting in a kind of balls similar to Gnocchi of bread stuffed with speck a typical smoked ham product of Tyrol area and cheese cooked in meat broth.

The Knödeln are generally cooked in different ways depending from the geographic area.The basic ingredients remain the same with some derivations of the traditional which are the Fleischknödln using meat or the Kasknödln made by cheese.If you like sweet flavors,there is also a variant of  Knödeln called  Zwetschkenkn consisting in dumplings stuffed with prunes and  apricots.

Another traditional plate pretty popular is the Spätzle a kind of very small gnocchi,very similar if you visited Hungary to the Hungarian Nokledi.Among the most traditional are those made using spinach called Spinatspätzle.

If you are in Tirol you can not miss to try the typical Gröstl a plate consisting of fried potatoes combined with bacon,onions,browned meat and ham generally served in a small wrought-iron pot.

Furthermore in the typical local cuisine there is a large presence of a big variety of sausages combined with sauerkraut and accompanied by potatoes and a good beer.Of excellent quality is also an ample presence in the local gastronomy of grilled meats in particular beef and pig both of high quality.

About bakery,cakes and desserts the famous Apfelstrudel,(Apple Strudel) is undoubtedly one of the main highlights next to the popular Kaiserschmarren a kind of omelette thoroughly dusted with powdered sugar and served with cranberry sauce.

Just outside Kitzbühel in the case you want to discover the beauty of its immediate surroundings you can visit the Farm Museum.It is a very old farm approximately 450 years old totally furnished in rustic style and one of its highlights is a charming kitchen and also very nice is the charming dining room.

All the other spaces are equipped with the typical tools reflecting the traditions of the past and decorated with the traditional Tyrolean style.You can also see a small Chapel and a garden belonging to the museum which is open from June to September.

Just 8,0 kilometres from Kitzbühel  is situated the Wildlife Park a great natural park opens every day from January until mid-November and in that magnificent Alpine scenery the protagonist is the nature with a rich flora and a large fauna,a splendid place in which you can see over 200 species of Alpine animals in a spectacular natural environment highlighted by impressive Alpine peaks and unique verdant landscapes.

The nearest airport to reach Kitzbühel in a very short time driving is Salzburg International Airport situated at approximately 80,0 kilometres from the resort and in approximately 1 hour by car in normal conditions of traffic you can reach your destination.Another alternative option is landing at Innsbruck Airport which is about 100,0 kilometres east from the resort in about one hour and half driving or by train can be a relevant second alternative.

In Spring,summer and autumn in Kitzbühel visitors can always find something to do.Cultural tourism a multitude of active outdoor activities such as sports,SPA sessions,the opportunity to enjoy great Gastronomic routes,that town and its surroundings are just like a wonderful mine of surprises all to discover.

 Winter is the season in which Kitzbühel lives its yearly Galas,just like an Opera in Vienna.That period of the year is passion,moments full of sensations waiting for the Ski World Cup and enjoying skiing on those wonderful slopes and visiting its Christmas Market as well.

Kitzbühel is undoubtedly a great destination all year for all that the town is so special,there are one million and more reasons to visit and remember it for long time wishing to come back to admire something else once again in that glorious destination in the heart of Austrian Alps.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Kitzbühel

Hotel Edelweiss
Golf Hotel Rasmushof 
Hotel Schweizerhof Kitzbühel Sport & Beauty
Hotel Erika Hotel Premier Kaiserhof
Hotel Gran Tirolia Resort
Hotel Kitzhof Mountain Design Resort

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