Riads | Unforgettable Moroccan Stays in Gorgeous Moorish Accommodations.

Riads is a sort of magic Arabic word in the captivating culture of the Maghreb hospitality industry offering unforgettable Moroccan stays in gorgeous Moorish accommodations with that denomination, fascinating structures which since some decades ago became trendy, beloved choices of several tourists spending unforgettable overnights in  that magnificent North African Kingdom.

That very special country able to capture the imagination of thousands of visitors for its vivid colours, incomparable, aromatic smells, a multitude of architectural gems scattered everywhere all around its territory found in those sites an icon of the incoming Tourism which created thanks to excellent operations managed with success a great business, elevating themselves as a sort of myth.

That captivating name also written in the classical Arabian language Ryad means Gardens absorbed by those establishments closely linked to those stunning gardened spaces which were originally integrated into noble houses since the times of the Idrisid Dynasty founded by Idris Ibn Abdullah, also known as Idris I.

During the times of that emblematic character who was the first Arab to rule Morocco from 788 to 791, a figure who in addition was a sort of leader in the Islamization of the country since his residence in Walīla, the former iconic Roman city of Volubilis which arose near Meknes born in that land the philosophy to elevate stylish constructions which made history.

Those charming were afterwards adopted by the Berber Almoravid, Almohad, Marinids, Hammadid, Zirid, Wattsasid dynasties which in different periods ruled Morocco culturally transporting that kind of architectural jewels to  Al-Andalus, the Islamic Iberia which became favourite haven of Caliphs, Emirs and Wāli, the governors of administrative divisions.

Also notorious philosophers, scientists and eclectic men of art such as Ibn Rushd alias Averroes, Ibn Tuyfal, Ibn Hazm, Ibn al-Arabi, Ibn Bayya, Mūsā ibn Maymūn well known as Maimonides used the first Riads as loved space for their studies, times of meditation and relaxation.

The essential cultural message of those kinds of accommodations is strongly linked to that focused since their opening to re-live in their kinds that famed folk tale One Thousand and one night in which protagonists next to the representative figures as protagonists  noble characters were also those magic environments depicted as shining Arabian Palaces or luxury mansions bewitching at first sight.

 All them were in narrations but also in the reality, architectural diamonds decorated by stunning fine glazed tiles placed on sumptuous walls established with an inventive use of brick or stone, carved doors, embellished by magnificent carpets covering majestic  staircases, captivating golden, silver objects visible in strategic corners of their layouts and much more.

The Riad, the garden, was conceived to exalt apart the aesthetic, stunning appeal of its environment to give protagonism to citrons, jasmine, exotic plants, fragrant shrubs spreading their unmistakable smell  in the air, in a patio, courtyard, details prepared to transmit in their kinds a sort of sublime, exhilarating ecstasy generating sense of peace, pleasure, divine feelings  and that is all what you can feel in many of those places nowadays.

 What is much more relevant to add as a special accent is that all those structures were able to re-take their inncomparable fascination value closely linked to the local identity of the past offering for the joy and satisfaction to a multitude of customers the chance to spend memorable days in charming accommodations born to donate dreams.

Another aspect pretty captivating is that many of those palaces currently transformed in stupendous tourist establishments have a long history to narrate because many of them were residences of famed characters of in some cases for all what they represented for a Moorish dynasty as birthplace of an important figure, an event, episode or anecdote which took place within their walls.

The philosophy in terms of concept of hospitality is furthermore an aspect very interesting since the beginning of the inception of a network with a special segmentation of them which can be different for size, style, location, date of construction, architectural value linked to the history of a specific site, services, facilities, including some in a very veiled way for suggestive details with great surprises you will discover once inside them.

Created to transmit in a while the captivating air of the past transported to the present, the first, main sensation of who is spending  a short break or holidays in those structures is that they easily enchant anyone. 

A multitude of those establishments were elevated to be perfect sites to offer a special stay in a sort of world apart wrapped by a fascinating aura donating firstly pleasurable sensations and in just some minutes stupendous vibrations.

Apart all those outstanding qualities, they all have  a common denominator that one to provide a very comfortable sojourn, totally delighting the visitor who will be encircled by the traditional, real, true, typical local atmosphere reflected in the highest sublimation of the spirit of the culture of the country.

That is the profile which identifies the pure essence of those accommodations which for  arrangements can be different, there are some more modern, others very classical, traditional, further offering a mix of old and new, small or big but all is tied into a marked unitary link.

A Riad can be less or more glitzy  than another what is very relevant is that the tourist will feel in the major or the cases the very appealing Morocco also inside four walls beneath a roof in one of those structures.

Today in Marrakech, the fascinating city of the Atlas is well known to be probably the place where those structures devoted to hospitality are extremely, culturally more than rooted also for a wonderful historic, monumental past.

That centre still spreads a unique fascination as in the past all around its boundaries more alive than ever and in that centre  you can find over 1000 Riads, that incredible number speaks for itself and it is in its kind is a fantastic incentive  to know more and more them. (I wrote a post about that city in the case you are interested)

 A great Educational is very suggested for Travel Destination Managers, Outgoing Tour Operator Specialists but also for professional of Hotel & Hospitality Industries who for curiosity want to visit those structures to know a fabulous reality or ordinary people simply fond about that, also excellent in other destinations such as Fez, Rabat, Tangier, Meknes, Tetouan, Essaouira and Casablanca among others.

Very interesting is the large variety of establishments you wiil find there perfect for every taste, special request, desired enquiries, for romantic couples, families, people who love to be surrounded by the aesthetic appeal of sublime architecture, visitors attracted by another culture, also that aspect is extremely captivating causing a lot of interest with desire to learn  more including in other cases for many others was highly inspiring.
The historic tradition of the elevation of those buildings is also very interesting because every dynasty brought something of different with their different artistic canons, concepts and defined philosophies, aspects which in their kinds made the history of the Riads.

The Almoravids had as highlight the use of the iconic horseshoe arch, the Koubba, that large, scenic dome, floral motifs, a style marked by practicality with little ornate elements in specific spaces and sculpted marble especially in the capitals and you will find all that in many Riads.

The Almohads were well known for the schematization of the ornaments, intricate geometric patterns, a canonical use of brick to create arches, polychrome spandrels, exterior, glitzy decorations especially in the entrances and also those details are visible in several other accommodations.

 the Idrisids created a refined school in the use of a lot tiles on walls but also on floors of different colours, they developed large rooms, with an alternation of marble, timber while the Nasrids were well known for the rich decorated interior facades, establishment of scenic fountains, watercourses, an use of ceramics over glaze decorate in luster and including in those cases you will see Riads with those features.

The Fatimids used the brick as structural material, carved timber for doors, panels, ceiling beams, decorative layer of stucco or stone, combining frequently the architecture of the Middle East, such as Syria, Iran and Iraq to that of the Maghreb, all details greatly present in different structures.

The Marinids sculpted stucco with a large use of handmade tiles and wood inserted in the facades, an abundance of fine objects among them chandeliers while the Abassids were well known for a large use of mud, baked brick, plaster, rough blocks of stone set in mortar, pendant and muqarnas vaults and including in all about that you can easily find accommodations boasting those architectural qualities.

All that is very interesting because many Riads were developed with many of those features in a unique environment while others are most traditional having a maximum of two combinations.

Apart all  that the Berbers also took partial inspirations for those constructions by the notorious architectural canons and design of the Domus with Peristilis,those famed, noble houses or Patrician Villas boasting a wide gardened space inserted in the middle of a large courtyard which represented ancient Roman residences inhabited by the highest and prominent class of that Empire.

You can see nowadays some beautiful examples of rests of them in the area of Pompei in Campania but also in Spain, concretely in  Italica and Santiponce near Seville in Andalusia elevated during the times of the Emperors Trajan and Hadran.

Other Riads took as example the magnificent  Bāgh-e-Parsi, the Persian gardens which had a notable notoriety since the 6th century BC during the times of the Achaemenid Dynasty established for spiritual relaxation but also conceived as a social environment.

They were developed in a rectangular symmetry on a large space with greater emphasis of a fountain in the centre of the layout, settings adorned by lushing plants, gardened pavilions, network of canals, some with big pools and enclosed within high walls. 
Many layouts took different details by those structures, despite the decorations were obviously linked to the local artistic culture linked to a strong sense of identification with great protagonist geometry, an aspect extremely rooted in the Moorish world and not only in architecture.

Many Riads are located in excellent, strategic positions inside the Medina, the old city centre or established in the Kasbah corresponding to a section erected inside a walled perimeter of the urban core.

That is a great incentive to choose an accommodation offering the tourist a very easy access to the most important attractions and relevant sites to visit.

A good number of those houses and palaces currently have all the facilities and services to respond to all the most demanding requests of a customer. Many of them provide, pool, jacuzzi, air conditioned, reception 24 hours, garden or patio, solarium, in many cases Internet connection some include their own restaurant, bar and other facilities.

Choosing a Riad is always a great choice simply because you will spend a stay in a distinctive place feeling the real atmosphere of the true Maghreb and that is also a visitor wants,

Very interesting is also to know the more contemporary history of how the Riads were launched in the world of the Tourism & Hospitality with their successful advent of them inside the International panorama which at the beginning was pretty laborious for different reasons.

The first ideas with a consequent project to use those buildings devoted to hospitality started in the 60's with an intense restoration continuing furthermore in the 70's.

Many of those structures were originally properties of wealthy merchants, Muezzins, traders or people descendants of noble dynasties abandoned during the times of the French Protectorate which endured until 1956 after 44 years of rule by France which developed in those years ample, modern districts outsides the urban heart of many centres.  

In the case of Marrakech many people  left the Medina and the Kasbah moving to live in the most modern districts occupying new residences as in the case of the Pearl of Atlas  in the areas of Menara,Gueliz, Maatallah and other extra radius quarters but the same happened in Casablanca, Fez, Tangier, Rabat and many other cases all around the Nation.

Due to that there were operations which at the beginning were mainly focused  to conserve the architectural patrimony preserving historic houses, many of them in total decay, disrepair or suffering year by year a very sad deterioration.

Since then apart an intense make up started the implementation of decorations, traditional details with pretty long processes of refurbishment replacing many damaged elements.

Many of those structures boasting a notable historic, artistic value were in precarious conditions with facades, walls in extreme status of abandon but they obviously  had to be saved with the intention to preserve the local environment without the risk to face a future ghost city abandoned to an uncertain destiny.
At the beginning there were notable difficulties to find the right materials for a complete restorations because it was not easy to find the material for relevant architectural elements as original Zellij or Sebka decorations with centuries of age which apart that difficulty also needed a specialised staff with consequent expensive costs.

Restructuring a Mirhab as happened in many of those establishments boasting that iconic architectural diamond consisting in a niche part of an arcade in a door or gate was also another challenging work among the most arduous. 

The recovery of those structures was laborious but once ended all those stages thanks to the support of some foreign investors who became owners of some structures which re-took a splendid image started the first incoming operations offering the opportunity with different options offered  to tourists to spend nights in many charming accommodations.
A traditional  Riad is generally arranged on two or three, in some cases in four with a terrace overlooking a patio or garden with open doors all that because the privacy not admits openings in the home to the outside beyond the door. 

That concept was strongly  left in in Andalusia were born common architectural complexes which loyally followed that philosophy.

The Riads structures provides the Gurfah consisting in the rooms suitable to  spend a stay in the past used by the noble owners to host guests coming from other Caliphates and Emirates. 

Another element consists in  halls called Shaqqah, lounges developed around the Sahn corresponding to a sort of an uncovered pretty large patio  while some others provide a Menzeh, a smaller courtyard.

 At the centre in some accommodations you will find the traditional Hamman, the bath, frequently surrounded by Miad, columns established to encircle the central section of the building with charming Riuaq, a scenic composition of arcades established all around the centre of the structure forming a stylish portico.

The Madjal is another highlight of many classical Riads consisting in an elegant entrance which generally leads to the Hamman or the pool which in the most of the cases is located in the Sahn as it is called the specific core of the building or in the mentioned Menzeh present establishments with a limited size.
During the course of its history the Riad, conceived and developed as pure tourist accommodation as in the Hotels which have classification in category having stars as symbols  stars a ranking established by the first Hospitality Managers and Developers in Morocco who decided to subdivide those structures in categories.

The concepts are very particular but very interesting, all made with an excellent sense and and criteria.

There are some establishments called Riad Hotels represented by kinds of concrete structures generally corresponding to  big buildings having all the comforts exactly as a Luxury Hotel providing a good a number of rooms next to a great range of services and facilities.

The Riad Kasbah is a further category, in the most of the cases those accommodations are developed in constructions of a small size, very cosy situated as the denomination says  in the oldest area of the city within the historic walls.

For obvious reasons they have less rooms and services of the Riad Hotels but they are highlighted by a very accurate aesthetic image extremely visible in fine decorations, presence of charming antique items, stylish objects, attractive furniture in private rooms and common areas too.
Another inserted in the ranking is the so denominated Riad Villa which as reflects its naming corresponds to a sort of mansion or palaces with an ample garden, huge common spaces, structures generally situated outside the Medina, established in independent buildings very well equipped offering all the comforts.

Worth a mention to complete the panorama the presence of  the Riad Maison or  Riad Dar Ryad consisting in small structures with a very small capacity of accommodation and including despite different in the classification also appears  the Riad Makaan also called Riad Mataan, a range of establishments offering Bar and/or Restaurant service but  without accommodations.

The philosophy in Maghreb about hospitality is very sensitive to transmit the guest who has to feel himself as at home, not just living in a space which reflects in furniture, decorations or typical details the geographic location but also enjoying local rooted traditions.

All that consists in a frequent use of the Hamman, drinking the Atay, the famous Mint tea, sitting in the traditional Arikaah, a typical sofa reading a book or having relax in a Shaqqah, the lounge which in many cases provides comfortable chairs with pillows arranged around low tables, details strongly linked to the local lifestyle.

Highly interesting is to know the features of the rooms where the tourist will spend a stay. The bedrooms of classical, traditional Riads are generally prepared in an incomparable, meticulous way with the aim to offer the visitor a splendid rest transmitting a sense of peace and serenity all around. 

You will often notice the presence of objects made by copper, silver, bronze, in some corners other items made by coloured crystal or fine glass, cushions with golden borders and small silky pillows.

Many Riads although there are some pretty modern compared to Hotels despite that respect many cultural features of the past boasting fine curtains with several layers with in addition the traditional Sayyadah consisting in beautiful handmade carpets generally of an intense, vivid colour to contrast the light tonality of the walls but never chosen with bad taste or peculiar multicolour mixtures.

There is in many rooms an use of shiny colours such as green, blue red, in some others you can also see other tonalities such as saffron, gold or violet which were particularly used in the Middle East but absorbed almost totally by the Berbers in the Maghreb.

As tradition there are never bizarre compositions which apart to be not frequently appreciated can  ruin the image of an environment fantastically arranged including in the smallest, fine details.

In some structures the windows have transparent curtains, a detail to permit an immediate view of the exterior towards the courtyard providing the access of natural light from the outside to the Gurfah.

The Moroccan exotic sophistication and style has to be completed by an atmosphere with a very diffuse light which must not disturb, in addition  in some rooms you can find typical Haska, captivating metallic chandelier while the Azulejo Mudejar, the glazed handmade tiles previously cited is another detail  present in a good number of those establishments.

Many of those structures as additional information boast a notable presence of carpets more frequent than others which have floors totally uncovered to highlight a refined marble or a fine stone, others in their rooms provides beautiful table covers made or silky borders of curtains.

Including the lights in those establishments can be different from place to place but always studied to create a welcoming atmosphere, what is most important is that the luminosity has to delight and never harassing or blinding.

 A chapter apart but equally and extremely interesting deserve the common areas. In the halls of several Riads you will notice the presence of typical furniture as pips, carved objects, plants next to classic decorated tables to complete exactly in a sort of true replica the style used by the old, noble dynasties.

The decorations in that kind of buildings are generally well cared loyally following the canonical Arab-Berber culture in which geometry has a special importance linked to a Religious topic  related to the indivisibility of God with the symmetry as well to create harmony next to the research of the perfection in art about the execution of defined, refined lines.

In a good number of those accommodations you will see the of typical use of iconic decorations called Sebka with rhombus-shaped elements executed  on the Majda, the door, next or around windows but also visible on some walls encircling the central courtyard.

Others have very charming Muqarnas, that kind of decorative work generally used on doors or beneath a classical Koubba, a Dome established to link the spaces between the wall and the ceiling with the development of elements very similar to stalactites. 

To have an idea in a comparison you can think in those excellent examples of Muqarnas present  in Europe as in the beautiful Alhambra of Granada but also some in the splendid Palacio de la Aljaferia of Zaragoza.

In many Riads in addition you will find on the walls Tadelakt or Quadad plasters, handmade tiles with calligraphy of the Quran with some emblematic Ayaths, verses or some parts of Suras, those 114 chapters of that Sacred Muslim Text. 

In other structures you will also find the presence of the Alfiz, a decorated surface corresponding to the pave often surrounded by arcades, in many cases present in the entire Madjal while in some oyu will be delighted by the view of the previously mentioned Mirhab consisting in that niche established over a door or a gate oriented towards the Quiblah, the Holy City of the Arab world La Mecca.

In some establishments furthermore  you can see splendid Zellij decorations inserted close to the Gurfah, Hamman, Menzeh consisting in those fantastic tile works made with mosaics highlighted by geometric patterns of different colours while another feature is the lack of large windows in the exterior clay or mud walls.
Another aspect of many Riads is to give the chance to re-live the glorious times of the ancient Caliphates is closely linked to the meditation so famous in the golden ages related to the period of the Idrisids remembering the figures of the great philosophers Averroes and Maimonides.

A good number of Riads offer very relaxing spaces, ideal for all those who are looking for a peaceful haven transmitting serenity with the desire to hear only the noise of the water in the courtyard just like in the past. 

Plants, flowers, vegetation all around are also a very relevant detail inserted in many of those  hospitality establishments forming a captivating frame of a very cosy, attractive environment, a combination created as a sort of marriage between structure and  nature.
Many Riads offers restaurant service with the chance to taste the local delicious cuisine. Not just  Couscous as many people thinks,  in Morocco that famed dish is prepared as in all the Maghreb but the traditional, national speciality is the delicious Tajine.

Special mention worth other plates such as Mechoui, Kefta, Harira, Zaalouk and Bastaila among others. Moroccan gastronomy is great for its variety and naturally and do not miss to drink the previously cited Atay the famous mint tea, part of the culture of Maghreb.

Apart Marrakech you can find excellent Riads in all the Imperial cities, after visits of some Riads in Morocco to suggest you to choose one it is not so easy, as multitude of them have something of very special and fascinating.  

There are so many really fantastic in Marrakech, I can recommend some such as Mur Akush, Malika, Kechmara, Ambra et Epice, Nashira & Spa, Le Eihani, Assouel, Palais des Princeresses, Adriana, Eden, Dar More, Boussa, Les Orangier d' Alila, Samsli, Jona, Dar Zaman, Dar Malak, Dar Najat, Bahia Salam, Porte Royale  among others.

In Fez a good choice could be Idryssi, Misbah, Amani,Alkantara, Andalous Pavillion, Dar Bensouda, Anata, Dar Finn Dar Anebar, Felloussia, Dar Roumana,  while in Tangier very lovely structures are Dar Jameel, Dar Nour, Dar Chams Tanja, La Maison Blanche, Arous Chamel and La Tangerina.

In the Capital Rabat some pretty  suggested are the Dar El Kebira, Kalaa, Marhaba, Dar Zouhour, Dar Soufa and Alcazar among others. I added some links below with some useful information if you are planning a trip to Morocco and if you need some information more very glad to give you some details more.

In Europe the cultural message of the Riad was especially transmitted in Spain and concretely in Andalusia. 

Without a deep comparison you can partially link that kind of construction  to a traditional  Casa Palacio Andaluz con Patio, a mansion with a charming interior courtyard you can find in many places of that Southern Iberian community especially in big centres as  Granada, Cordoba, Seville.

The Caliphate of Al-Andalus established in that land with the Moorish dynasties a solid link between  those two part of the world transmitting their artistic, architectural concepts continued later with the Arte Morisca performed by the descendants of the former rulers born in that area.

All that inheritance was adopted in a following stage with a new movement called  Mudejar executed by the new generations of talented Spanish architects and eclectic artists who developed in architecture that kind of style considered daughter or niece of the former left by the Moors.

An example in Seville is the famous Casa Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija in the popular Calle Cuna, an emblematic building Patrimony of the city or the Casa Palacio de las Comares in the Alhambra of Granada, another beautiful example of Andalusian Palace.

Similar example although related to charming Hotels reminiscent in their kinds environments pretty similar to some spaces of a Riad are in the beautiful NH Amistad Cordoba, Hotel Casa Morisca,Granada,the Hotel las Casas de La Juderia,Seville and in part also the Hotel Alhambra Palace, Granada, many details are strongly related especially in the common areas arranged with the most classical, traditional Moorish style.

 If you carefully observe doing a sort of comparison between those Iberian accommodations with two famous Riads located in Marrakech as the Riad Malika or Adriana to mention a couple in Bab Doukkala, one of the most captivating areas of the Moroccan city you will notice a lot of things in common about architectural design, material, decorations, size, development of determined spaces, lines, decorations and much more.

The Riads are something undoubtedly you will never forget enjoying in a trip unforgettable Moroccan stays in gorgeous Moorish accommodations. 

What is certain those kinds of structures will fascinate you as a magnificent accent in an enchanting destination called Morocco delighted by that  kind of superb hospitality establishments,  an experience which you will want to repeat with immense pleasure once again.

Francesco Mari


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