Albena | Enjoyable Bulgarian Black Sea Spa Breaks.

Albena is nowadays a very exclusive and attractive seaside resort and a more than perfect place to spend enjoyable Bulgarian Black Sea Spa breaks in a place greatly developed in the last decades becoming a trendy and fascinating destination along a superb and magnificent coastline packed by several natural and historic attractions, a sort of coffer fully of jewels simply ready to be opened discovering a marvellous treasure.

Situated at just 35, 0 kilometres of distance from the beautiful and lively Varna, a great incentive to visit one of them most attractive centres of the country, the third largest city of Bulgaria with its approximately half million of inhabitants boasting a relevant historic patrimony and providing an important International Airport which is just 40 minutes away. undoubtedly that is a great detail to take in high consideration once landed there to place in pole position as relevant stage in an itinerary or a radial excursion spending holidays in a sunny resort very in its immediate vicinity.

Located on a spectacular coastal stretch at just 12,0 kilometres from Balchik one of the most famous seaside towns of the Southern Dobruja region a very active centre since the ancient Thracian and Greek times and not far from the beautiful Kavarna another fabulous resort highlighted by the stunning Cape Kaliakra immediately to east of its boundaries. Albena is furthermore a direct splendid gateway and magnificent hallway along the coastline leading to Romania, a further attraction with the opportunity to reach a beautiful country so close with many attractive places to visit.

That site is today among most brilliant realities of the National Tourist panorama because the local Institutions next to new investors made a great and work in recent times establishing stunning comfortable accommodations with 43 official Hotels ready to satisfy the most demanding requests and its capacity is simply impressive with over 20,000 beds, a date undoubtedlyly extraordinary for a place of  very reduced size and close to other other bigger realities which reached much before popularity and major flows of incoming tourism not a long time ago.

The resort is highlighted by a stunning bright sandy beach approximately 5, 0 kilometres long and that extraordinary presence is not just appreciated for its superb longitude next to a deserved and constant Blue flag but also for the great quality of services and facilities it provides with including a very easy access due to a total absence of natural barriers and an additional highlight is a large green virgin forest immediately behind it for the joy of many visitors who after long sunbaths can enjoy cool temperatures in a splendid natural environment.

Another successful feature for the joy of many families with children is the very low depth of the water close to beach, no tides and almost 200, 0 metres offshore from the mainland the maximum height of the Black Sea water is around 1, 50- 1, 60 metres.

The brilliant conditions of the sea water due to a total absence of pollution due to the lack of  industries in that area elevated that site in the highest ranking of preferences also as climatic destination.  

The presence of a very active Marina with the chance to practise water sports such as diving, swimming, sailing, water skiing and surfing, all activities which find in that place a seat more than perfect is a further great detail beloved by many people who can plan their stay enjoying their favourite passions linked to all that.

The vicinity of the major part of the accommodations all situated two steps from that long sandy paradise is certainly something else highly appreciated by several tourists who find that resort more than appropriate and comfortable without long walks to reach the inviting golden sands of Albena and they are furthermore happy because in addition a good number of restaurants and gastronomic establishments offering a delicious varied cuisine are also in the immediate proximity.

A relevant local highlight is also linked to the temperatures, warm in summer but not extremely hot, they averagely reach 27º-28º degrees while those corresponding to the sea water are between 23º- 25º degrees, conditions more than excellent to swim enjoying immediately after those 4º/5º degrees of mild difference without an abrupt change.

Evenings and nights thanks to the fresh breeze coming from the nearest heights of the Balkan Mountains are very ventilated and the word humidity does not exist along that coastline for the total happiness of every tourist.

The factor sun also plays an important role , the intensity of the U.V.A rays in that area has a very low coefficient and after  complete scientific analysis and meticulous studies during several years was detected and officially declared that the spectrum in nanometres of the sun rays in that resort is between 290 and 310. 

Those results explained that the danger of skin cancer is very far from possible risks according to accurate researches and consequent real dates shown in several occasions in considerable international meetings and events which have treated that specific theme.

All that means that there are the perfect conditions for all the tourists who love to spend a long time under the sun with that frequent desire to have a very tanned skin finding in that destination a sort of Eden and closely related to all that was born a special niche which treats that kind of topic with special treatments consisting in natural tested products for everybody with different types of epidermis.

A very healthy oxygenation due to the uncontaminated atmosphere since a long time is also an aspect which made that site an ideal destination for people with respiratory diseases who also can enjoy the nearest Balkan high plateaus moving from the coast to heights, a splendid opportunity also to have so close that choice admiring a different scenery and a notable enjoyable didifference in terms of biodiversity in just some kilometres, certainly an aspect loved by all those love a tourism with those contrasts.

In addition to all that great chances to fill your stay with something else of highly pleasant and healthy is offered by modern Spa complexes providing trendy and superb therapies and treatments thanks also to the presence of local salubrious spring waters. Certainly all those magnificent features are all together a perfect cocktail served as celebration to the visitors who are looking for something of extremely special to spend enjoyable holidays.

The resort sensitive to offer all people an appropriate incoming tourism with a notable variety of services has clubs, bars and discos attracting young people who can enjoy there a lively and animated nightlife.

The magnificent local coastline is also a fabulous attraction for photographers and landscapes lovers, that long stretch boasts superb panoramic views, perfect to take several stupendous pictures thanks to a stunning scenery in which the Balkans mountains and the Black Sea are practically embraced forming a stupendous image to keep in your best memories and to immortalise in hundreds of magnficent photos.

Those two different wonderful natural realities and beauties which together form a stunning setting boasting marvellous different colours and contrasts and the geographic position of Albena is simply stunning right in the middle of a large bay which extends from Cape Kaliakra to Varna.

From there the visitor can enjoy a wonderful large fan of excursions and visits. Next to the previously mentioned places many are other chances to discover several marvels such as Burgas, Tyluenovo, Nessebar and Pomorje. 

 All those sites are not far and they conserve several Roman, Greek-Byzantine, Bulgarian,  Turkish monuments left by those relevant rulers who occupied many centuries ago that land in different historic periods.

 All that means you can find ancient ruins of immense value, stunning architectural masterpieces as Mosques boasting Minarets with beautiful artistic details dating back the Middle Ages loyal to the most traditional Ottoman school,beautiful Orthodox Churches elevated by the Slavic settlers and next to all that great museums and exhibitions, a vibrant nightlife, superb beaches and  alltheir outskirts a natural patrimony absolutely outstanding.

Also that it is definitely more than fascinating with the opportunity to admire a varied range of buildings so different in style which immediately delight everyone at first sight. All those destinations are very recommended, they are places to discover and appreciate metre by metre and that option considering the proximity is certainly very inviting for everyone with the opportunity to discover great treasures in a land rich of great surprises and very versatile for all the most varied tastes.

In opposite direction towards north you can reach in a very short time the Romanian border entering in the Dobrogea region and visiting Mangalia and other important seaside resorts with many different modern and old histories to narrate, lively and bustling places as Mamaia and Costinesti well known for their animated nights an much more.

Another special wonder is the presence of splendid intact villages in the immediate interior such as Senokos and Vidno encircled by a virgin nature, all the area around Dobrich also offers fantastic trails, a Mecca for trekkers who can walk in a stupendous environment, a stupendous natural mosaic composed by wild mountains, green large plains and verdant hills and in addition that area is also great for who want to try the exquisite local fine wines, simply superb.

Other itineraries leading to Orthodox Monasteries erected when the Church of Constantinople found a fertile soil during the times of the Byzantine era and later with the first Bulgarian Empire who embraced that Religion with a construction of those charming Religious buildings is absolutely a further interesting tourist proposal highly interesting to discover an important historic stage of the current Nation with suggestive events which marked a new era.

Balchik and Baltata National Reserve are very close, the first is a charming town with a historic past very relevant and the second is a large protected nature territory boasting an immaculate aspect offering Educational paths and very suggested for bird watching and fauna lovers.

A further incentive to choose that pleasant resort is that you can also plan extensions to Turkey a wonderful country which also along its Black Sea coastline is packed by fabulous attractions. 

Undoubtedly all that is a great offer in terms of leisure and tourism and magnificent are those several options to alternate enjoyable Spa breaks in total relaxation and sunbaths with that large fan of opportunities making Albena an absolute paradise for every tourist. 

All those tempting chances made that destination more than complete since some years ago when some tourists discovered that superb surprise and how it easy to combine relaxing stays to active holidays planning days of rest and visiting the day after sites of immense historic and natural value.

 A vast calendar of events also attracts many people who found a reason more to consider that place unique for a splendid vacation but with that other wonderful chance to fill pleasant times with something of different and alternative.

It is not a case that after a very good promotion and Educational oriented to Tour Operators managers who saw with their own eyes the immense resources that resort offers, Albena was immediately considered a Top destination highly attractive for successful outgoing operations.

The presence of very comfortable Hotels, many of them new or of recent construction with a notable capacity which respond to the all the needs and requests to organise great events or special Congresses, Conventions and Travel Incentive of high relevance with in addition very competitive rates made that seaside centre a site extremely attractive for all that especially suitable and perfect for all the professionals of Tourism working in that specific niche called MICE.

Those Modern structures are prepared to respond to the most demanding enquiries and the great strategies of the local Tourism Industry in a very clever plan has created all that linked to the Spa niche which boasts in Bulgaria a relevant tradition already existent in the country since a long time ago. 

That combination created a marvellous mine of opportunities obviously attracting many people for all what it is connected to them such as special visits, radial excursions, Black Sea navigation, rural and gastronomic itineraries, wine tasting routes and much more.

The history as official resort is pretty young but an ancient settlement already existed many centuries ago when the current place was a Thracian stronghold since the 1000 B.C.

All that was confirmed in occasion of archaeological excavations which took place some years ago with the discovery in all the surroundings, at a short distance from the local shore of the Black Sea and in the inland boundaries artifacts dating back those times closely related to that important civilisation.

The Greeks landed on that coastal stretch in the 7th century B.C with a colony from Miletos, an important centre founded in the western coast of Anatolia which was before the Persian invasion of the 6th century B.C one of the richest and wealthiest Hellenic cities.Those settlers immediately appreciated the local mild climate and its mineral waters and due to that superb presence that site became since then a sort of pioneer Spa destination.

It was also during the Greek period that the social and artistic life was furthermore highlighted by the landing of Ionic colonists who founded a centre called Geranyea which became at the beginning a pretty considerable place mainly dedicated to small trades. Despite that for the reasons previously mentioned it started to be frequented as an important climatic site by people of the highest sphere who loved that magnificent salubrious mixture of breezes coming from the sea and the mountains fixing their residence there and starting a flourishing cycle of activities.

In the following centuries the land was a domain of the Roman Empire when the entire Thrace became in 46 AD an official province of Rome after long clashes highlighted by numerous attempts of conquest by the legions and all that happened during the times of the Emperor Claudius well known to be the first leader of that Imperial Italic power born abroad in Lugdunum corresponding to the current French city of Lyon.

The Romans established along that coastline several docks which served as bases for an active commerce towards the Bosphorus and the Southern Mediterranean reaching the coasts of the Middle East and all the areas under rule of the former Constantinople the current Istanbul.

That Imperial cycle continued under Byzantine rule domain until 681 with the defeat against Khan Asparukh who created the first Bulgarian Empire taking the opportunity to invade that land with an army of approximately 50,000 soldiers when Constantinople was besieged in 674 by the Arabs led by Muawiyah I, second Caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty.

That event which decreed the first domain of that Southeastern Slavic emergent reality endured until 971, year in which those territories returned in the domains of Byzantium which kept them until 1186.

In the late 12th century, the tumultuous history continued with the advent of the 2nd Bulgarian Empire with the ascent of Tsar Ivan II also well known as Kaloyan the Greek-Slayer.   

That era was highlighted by a multitude of clashes between those two contenders with situations sometimes not very clear with treaties and territories ceded and returned in a while to the previous rulers in a very short time after a battle and those centuries in the area of Albena were often pretty tense for all that but also in a period in which many pirates with their raids started to attack and ravage the entire Bulgarian coastline. 

All that endured just a century and some years when in 1396 the Ottoman Empire established its domain. During the long Turkish domination started a new organisation with a network of harbours developed along the Bulgarian littoral, that territory became a strategic point of transit between Varna and the Romanian coasts of the Northern Dobrogea and in the meantime was also added an active fishing activity.

The former village was mainly inhabited by groups of fishermen many of them descendants of the first Greek settlers but the situation notably changed when country acquired a very cosmopolitan aspect with apart the Ottoman rulers for the presence of Tatar and Bulgarian settlers invited to repopulate a place pretty abandoned due to the tumultuous past becoming vassals of the Turks.

The Turkish rule ended in 1878 leaving important marks in terms of culture, traditions, religion, costumes, gastronomy and lifestyle. The independence of Bulgaria in the 19th century was an event which marked the history of the Nation transformed in a Monarchy and a new dark historic page with the Balkan wars which took place in 1912 and 1913 with those infamous exoduses and replacements of populations from a country to another.

The years between the two World Wars are linked to the name of the resort because a literary drama wrote by Yordan Yovkov in 1930 had a heroine called Albena as protagonist depicted as a beautiful Bulgarian woman who gave the inspiration to call the former Geranyea with that denomination in more recent times.

After a very relevant success that work was also produced in theatrical representations and soon it became famous all around Bulgaria thanks to the Theatre and Dramatic Master Boris Hinchev who launched it in the famous National Opera of the Capital Sofia.

That name since then was often used as a symbol in the Bulgarian Slavic culture describing someone extremely fascinating or of a very attractive aspect exalting the beauty closely linked to the most classic Hellenic literature which deeply inspired the local artists. That denomination also means white from the Latin Albinus and it was officially adopted by the resort in 2008.

The end of the 2nd  World War generated the advent of the Communist Regime in the 40s linked to the Soviet Sphere with the first President of the National Assembly of the Popular Socialist Republic Vasil Kolarov in 1947 and with a country who signed the disappeared Pact of Warsaw in 1955 in the Polish Capital with the official division of Europe in two blocks during the time of Georgi Damjanov.

In that period that place was well known by locals for its beautiful sandy stretch and for the proximity of the famous Zlatni Pyasatsi, a marvellous golden beach among the most appreciated of the entire Black Sea. The current resort just some years later started in the 60s to be popular abroad with a tourism mainly related to those countries which formed the Eastern European nucleus during the period of the Cold War.

Visitors from Hungary, the former Czechoslovakia, DDR, the Socialist Germany and Poland all satellite countries of the Soviet Union and governed by a Socialist Party landed there in famous operations focused to cultural interechanges among those nations also related to a a tourism industry managed by the States with the aim to promote a country destination in another and vic versa.

Those first foreign tourists mainly spent holidays in famous places such as Varna, Burgas, Nessebar, Pomorje and Rusalka but they also had the opportunity to discover in the meantime in sort of Educational tours organised by the former Party other beautiful sandy marvels and one of them was certainly Albena.

Thanks to that with a very positive answer of those visitors in 1969 that site already had 9 Hotels and some restaurants and it was the first significant signal launched by the local incoming tourist industry with perspectives of development pretty interesting also due to notable flows and a very positive feedback.

It was the time in which Bulgaria had as President Georgi Trajkov who lived in Varna close to Albena, born in Greece in the current village of Itea and he was one of that numerous people who suffered the Diaspora for the Balkan wars moving to that Bulgarian area with the family after those events.

That influential character, former Minister of Agriculture and also Journalist was probably the first figure who launched in that seaside village the first inputs and signals in a centralised Tourism Bureau to create something of important with successful results. Including despite when he was replaced by Todor Zhivkov in 1971 he kept important roles in the government keeping the position of Chairman of the National Assembly until 1974 with always an eye to the Tourism Board and Albena continued to increase its fame.

In more recent times and in particular after the famous political changes in Eastern Europe in the early 90s after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and much more when Bulgaria became an official member of the European Community many things changed.

The tourism since then reached its greatest peaks with popularity and prestige thanks to accurate plans of entrepreneurs who created a little empire with the establishment of excellent new modern Hotels and those operations were greatly studied  taking in consideration the immediate surroundings.

The development of new facilities and the good access from Varna, that very long beach and also the opening of new Cafes and restaurants and other services were added to a considerable network  consecrating that place as a remarkable reference becoming in a very short time a beloved destination and including reaching in a very short time the highest positions in the National Tourism Ranking. 

New Spa centres which were in their kind part of the planned start-up of a project which had to create a new innovative and trendy offer thanks to the spring waters to convince to choose that destination for enjoyable breaks were added to  incentive furthermore the increasing tourist flows and many of those complexes were established in excellent accommodations, a pride of the local hospitality industry.

In the 90s the capacity of the resort was already around 14,500 beds and increased of 6000 more nowadays. Also that date is very relevant to note the progressive development of that site in terms of incoming; some resorts for different reasons stopped or kept similar numbers for a long time while that place continued to enlarge its action also due to a constant demand mainly due to that Spa niche operation managed in a masterly way was particularly successful and extremely attractive.

Despite that a clever plan of conservation saved the image of the environment because those new structures elevated in the local boundaries occupied specific areas keeping intact a large part of the natural territorial patrimony.

The accommodations present in the resort are classified in different categories from Luxury to a wide selection of full equipped apartments which complete a superb network in terms of hospitality.

In an Educational in which I participated years ago the local reality was depicted by some organisers as a sort of novel, or a beautiful story, for someone including declared as a sort of miracle of the new and modern Bulgarian tourism cycle compared a bit to two other places such as Ahtopol and Ravda (I wrote posts regarding those two places if you are interested) and it is very always very interesting to discover the why and how determined sites became consolidated realities.

The Spa industry certainly has linked its success in that site thanks to the presence of those miraculous  mineral waters rich of many compounds such as magnesium, sulphurous oxide, iodine, sodium, manganese and many other curative properties which all together form a magnificent solution highly appropriate for different kinds of therapies.

Those waters are ideal to cure determined diseases and much more played an important role elevating that place as a venerated destination on the shore of the Bulgarian Black Sea.

From those specific mineral qualities born that idea of a superb creation of those notable healthy Spa treatments offered nowadays.Those springs have an average temperature of 30º-31º degrees making them ideal for therapies and they are considered as a sort of magic potion very indicated for bio-genetical revitalisation and anti stress treatments.

All that with excellent results was also enlarged with particular attention to the dermatological aspect with new operations sensitive for all people who needed something special against different kinds o skin problems such as acne, erythemas, and epidermal imbalances thanks to the special salt contained in those waters and many of that people can definitely find a great place to solve or cure their problems.

The presence of those miraculous resources also supported Albena to provide several well equipped Beauty and Wellness centres with a wide selection of programs also specialised in  anti-aging sessions targeted to the to over 50's.

Another advanced niche in which that site has increased its stunning prestige is certainly the aromatherapy, particularly appreciated there for the use of the most modern and trendy technologies and with a constant assistance of a very specialised staff.

The products used in those centres are totally natural with also an use of essential oils and in addition different kinds of superb treatments such as massages, aerial diffusion, baths and technique of inhalation all them of a very advanced level were and are something which undoubtedly conquered much more affluence with a consequent increasing of fame and popularity.

There are in addition several treatments with different sessions suggested for people suffering arthritis or with specific rheumatic diseases and also that was another winning operation inserted in the programs of many centres.

In addition you can find in Albena  excelent establishment specialised in superb beauty treatments , complexes greatly prepared also in terms of medicine and cosmetic solutions of high level.

The use of extracts of natural fruit applications for facial sessions is another highlight of the local establishments with tests of specific epidermal values and a use of ideal products case by case and also that has consolidated that seaside and Spa resort in the last years in a very considerable position in the European ranking.

The local Spa structures are furthermore extremely specialised to offer an ample and varied calendar planned for other topics such as diet treatments, suggestions about a correct nutrition, anti cholesterol consults and class of fitness in modern and trendy techno gyms.

If you are an athlete and you suffered some injuries there are furthermore excellent planned programs of recuperation and others referred to handicap of cartilage calcification, solutions also for those kinds problems derived by inflammation of the ligaments, post meniscus operations with thermal baths enjoying those benign waters with accurate and specific therapies.

The list about the impressive value in terms of healthy destination of that seaside resort is also linked to all people who want to have a very tanned skin enjoying hours and hours of sunbaths and at the same time having a very healthy epidermis. Special suggestions are provided by experienced professionals with tested sun screen, suntan lotions and right gels or sprays with a large presence of products suitable for everyone.

Corporal and facial sessions to improve a uniform integral tanning with analysis of the pigmentation and the resistance to the solar rays are other services offered in those centres.

In an Educational trip all that is highly explained by experts and obviously documented to the Agents and Tour Operator Representatives who can start to develop an important work related to all those themes designing specific packages and linking all that also to Incentive proposals with a wide gateway open to a potential increasing business.

Those meetings are generally organised in late winter or early spring to permit the participants the development of those future outgoing operations who after that Educational and full immersion can start to create more than valid products with an ample fan of options and obviously totally prepared with that large information received to satisfy all the most demanding requests. 

The local beach is another fabulous highlight, it is approximately 5000, 0 metres long and over 150, 0 metres wide. It is a sort of paradise, ideal for long walks, relaxation with several options to find a tranquil place and it boasts a constant Blue Flag since many years ago exhibited with pride for the joy of the several tourists who feel there in a sort of Eden.

It is considered as one of the favourite in the entire country also for the excellent status of its waters, maintenance, services, vigilance and cleanness and that great source gave the local Operators more than notable opportunities to increase an incoming business and much more relevant perspectives with a great future optimism. 

All those positive aspects have created a large tourist segmentation with also excellent capacity to host important Congresses and big Incentive operations, and that beach is part of that very efficient engine created there next to other relevant features.  

The fabulous climatic situation permits all year to that niche linked to the Travel Incentive Specialists to find a very fertile soil in Albena implanting design of projects offering a perfect choice for all who want to discover the beauty of the Bulgarian Black Sea and all what there is around.

The secrets are many starting from radial excursions for different tastes, interests and themes. Apart the beauty of places as the Bulgarian Dubrovnik, Nessebar, Varna, Burgas and all the coastal towns many others are the solutions which make that site very special.

The nearest Romania is certainly another great option considering that Mangalia and the Romanian border are very close and you can reach in a very short time Costinesti and Neptun, the first is one of the leaders of the ranking of the tourism of that country next to Mamaia and the second is a famed destination since a long time ago created in a concrete historic stage of the country and both boasting spectacular sandy stretches

.Also that is highly interesting because it is possible to discover other emergent realities with a different history apart obviously to see other very attractive sites. (In the case you are interested I wrote posts about those three Romanian resorts) In the Romanian littoral furthermore is very interesting to see how the conformation of the coastline is very different, with inlets and coves covering inferior spaces and a large part of the coastline is less jagged.

From there you can enjoy other great routes including reaching Constanta, the 2nd City of that Nation and the Danube Delta further north another special attraction listed as UNESCO Patrimony site with Tulcea which is another very interesting destination. (I wrote a post about that place if you are interested)

That Bulgarian seaside resort is absolutely perfect to combine also excursions to Turkey; there are great seaside resorts as Kiyiköy famous for its white and golden beaches and large bays or Igneada so famous for its stunning crystalline waters and a magnificent wide arched gulf simply spectacular. Both are immediately after the Bulgarian frontier also those visits are great to admire a different coastal shape very different from North to South  and also great is the chance with an extension to the stunning Istanbul discovering a fascinating city with an extraordinary historic patrimony.

Albena is also a more than valid base combining Bulgaria Beach + Historic sites visiting emblematic towns with a range of itineraries including the Southern Dobruja.

For those who want to visit the interior of Bulgaria in large scale starting stunning routes discovering many relevant archaeological sites  and planning visits to Dobrich and Silistra magnificent places well known for their stunning architecture, parks, nature, fine wines and a delicious gastronomy in all their surroundings are sites highly suggested.

The proximity of the beautiful Baltata Nature Reserve is a further superb incentive. It is a wide and immaculate natural land rich of forests crossed by the river Batova, a fascinating waterway which along its shores is an oasis of peace and all that in a wonderful uncontaminated environment, a great place to enjoy pleasant walks discovering the stunning biodiversity of that place with humid areas close to large green meadows flanked by high trees and also that is extremely beautiful to see that with those very short distances.

That special environment is very famous for its varied number of plants boasting over 260 different species, a superb fauna highlighted by the presence of different kinds of mammals such as foxes, squirrels, nutrias, hare, jackals and a paradise for ornithologists thanks to the presence of 183 species of birds among them herons, falcons, woodpeckers, egrets, eagles, a special kind of black stork and in addition other migratory birds stopping periodically there.

Another place I suggest you located pretty close at approximately 3,0 kilometres from Albena is the village of Kranevo, a former stronghold founded by the Thracian and famous for its Ekrensko Kale corresponding to the rests of an ancient Roman fortress developed on a hill used later by the Ottomans.

That site was in addition an important centre in medieval times, very famed furthermore for its mineral springs, it has a magnificent long beach and a great attraction is its scenic environment with green vegetation mixed with rugged cliffs all around its coastline very suggested to admire an attractive Bulgarian corner which delights every visitor.

Approximately 3, 5 kilometres north you can reach a small village called Obrochishte and in that tiny centre you will see a Muslim Sanctuary erected during the occupation of the Turks in Bulgaria.It is called AK Yazili Baba baba and it consists in a polygonal high stoned construction with a domed roof. It was an important centre of pray during the times of the Ottoman Empire and it is still today a pilgrimage destination. 

Another excursion I recommend you is the visit of Balchik which is just 15 minutes driving away.That town is a very interesting historic centre founded by a Greek Ionian colony called during the Hellenic period Dyonysopolis after the discovery of a statue depicting the God Dyonisus, the divinity of wine and grape harvest.

In addtion it was also the residence of the Queen Marie of Romania and Princess of Edinburgh wife of King Ferdinand I who had her residence in Dvorec v Balchik, the Royal Palace erected between 1926 and 1937 when that land was a Romanian territory and considered one of the most important Royal sites in the Southern Dobruja and well known all around the country.

As additional informational  linked to that manor and related to the world of the Cinema is that the famed American  filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola, spent eleven days in Balchik Palace to film some scenes of his movie Youth without Youth based on a novel by Mircea Eliade and produced in 2007.

In that place you can visit the Botanical Gardens inaugurated in 1946 considered the most scenic of the entire Nation  with a surface of 6,5 acres and boasting an immense variety of flowers and over 2000 species of plants coming from different geographic areas.

A superb highlight is the presence of different types of cactus placed on a surface of approximately 1000 square metres and for that special presence it is the second in Europe behind the notorious Exotic Garden of the Principality of Monaco.

Balchik also offers the great chance to visit its Historic Museum containing important archaeological artifacts discovered in the municipal boundaries corresponding to the Hellenic Temple of Cybele and including you can admire in that stunning exhibition eight statue made by white marble representing the Mother Goddess and many other items linked to the first Greek colonial period.

That town located on a splendid coastal stretch also offers the brilliant opportunity to play golf in a great 18 hole Golf course in its immediate vicinity and it is a centre which hosts several important events among them Balfest, a notorious Film Festival.

I suggest you to visit Varna, it is the 3rd Bulgarian city and the largest on the Black Sea, a centre which offers several wonderful attractions as some of the most interesting Museums of the country such as the Archaeological, Naval, and Ethnographic highly interesting.

In addition toy can visit the marvellous Sea Garde, the largest park in the municipality containing Varna Aquarium, a big Open Air Theatre, the Nicolaus Copernicus Observatory & Planetarium, a Zoo and The Museum of Natural History among many other attractions, a great attraction filling your in a full day excursion from Albena,

Other great highlights are the majestic Euxinograd Palace, the superb Theotokos Cathedral, a venerated Orthodox seat, the splendid Church of St. Nicholas and a stunning maritime promenade very lively and packed by refined restaurants, trendy clubs and cosy cafes. Including you can admire many other buildings established in different periods with special mention to some elevated in the Ottoman times and also others consisting in great representations of a stylish Art Nouveau.

Albena is a resort which thanks to its notable tourist development today hosts several rock and pop concerts, Opera shows, classical and symphonic music events and it a very ideal and enjoyable place for families with children thanks to appointments dedicated to the young as the International Children Feast with relevant shows and highlighted by a puppet theatre.

There are in addition many others regarding entertainments, culture and art and one of them is Morning International Art. The resort in the last years increased its popularity hosting important international competitions of chess and bridge and also Albena Festival Fashion is another relevant appointment boasting a considerable reputation.  

A very healthy cuisine also plays an important role delighting all the visitors. Bulgarian gastronomy is a perfect mixture and mosaic of flavours and aromas generated by the different civilisations which ruled that land such as Bulgarian-Slavic, Greek, Roman and Turkish, all them left relevant gastromic imprints in the local culinary art.

Obviously you can find excellent fish, generally fried or grilled but also boiled or prepared "au vapeur" adding on the top creamy sauces or aromatic herbs. Excellent are the local mussels cooked and seasoned with pepper, salt, olive oil and parsley, They are also present in the Pilaf, a white rice seasoned with onion, salt and butter and try the delectable Ribena Chorba, a delicious fish soup very savoury thanks to the presence in its preparation of thyme and very appreciated is also the grilled bonito.

Other special highlights are the delectable grilled or marinated sprat, the superb scampi and highly appreciated are also other kinds of fish such as carp and pike. 

Very tastefully are the local Moussaka a replica of the original Greek and inherited by the Hellenic colonists while of Turkish heritage is the famous Kebab left by the old rulers and it is often served with rice and you will find those two specialities totally integrated and present in several restaurants and menu à la carte. 

The typical Sarma consisting in minced meat, vegetables adding some spices and yogurt wrapped in cabbage leaves is very similar to that prepared in other countries of the Balkans such as Romania, Serbia and Macedonia and you can taste the excellent Banitsa a popular kind of focaccia prepared with eggs and cheese. 

The Elenski But, a typical ham produced in the interior boasts a very good reputation and do not miss to try the Lukanka, a red spicy sausage similar for taste to the Salami Napoli.

A further traditional plate is the Lyutika a notorious speciality containing slices of red and green peppers, garlic, onion and tomatoes adding olive oil. All that is baked and it is vaguely similar to the Italian Caponata and it is a special culinary highlight you can find in many catering establishments. 

The popular Shopska is also often present on the Bulgarian tables and it is a salad prepared with onion, raw, cucumber, tomatoes, adding roasted or grilled peppers, parsley, olive oil and a good quantity of vinegar and minced cheese.

Another well known plate you can try is the notorious Tarator consisting is a cold soup prepared with parsley, garlic, cucumber, dill, olive oil and salt adding yogurt, the latter considered a National pride and one of the best for quality in the world used to flavour different kinds of gastronomic specialities.

In the Bulgarian culinary panorama frequently appears the delicate Sirene cheese often used in salads or appearing in assorted appetisers and starters.

Excellent are also some wines as the famed Melnik and do not miss to taste a shot of Raki a typical Brandy very traditional in that Balkan area.

I added below some links they could be useful to plan your stay if you have the brilliant idea to spend holidays on the Black Sea and I included some recommended Hotels for your stay.

The International Airport Varna Aksalovo is situated at 38, 0 kilometres south of the resort and in approximately 35/40 minutes driving in direction Balchik and the Romanian border by Strada 902 you will reach the resort in a very easy way.

Albena is a great site for all people who want to enjoy an ample fan of activities but at the same time a great chance to spend unique and enjoyable Bulgarian Black Sea Spa breaks in total relaxation with a great stay in very comfortable accommodations which will delight your holidays and including visiting places which will surprise you.

If you love to look after your body, sun, sea and you are interested in art and history that place is simply fabulous offering you an ample fan of beautiful things which will conquer you.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Albena

Hotel Kaliakra
Hotel PrimaSol Ralitsa Superior
Hotel Flamingo Grand
Hotel Gergana

Recommended Restaurants in Albena

Restaurant Kaliopa
Restaurant Ti Amo
Restaurant Atrium
Restaurant Poco Loco

Useful links

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