Samaná-Dominican Republic | Marvel Plenty of Sunshine All Year Round.

Samaná is one of the gems of that wonderful Caribbean country called Dominican Republic,a marvel plenty of sunshine all year round,a beautiful exotic destination with a relevant success in terms of incoming tourism despite just some decades ago it was mainly known as one of the most important and major producers of coconut of that island.

That sunny corner of America is also famous to have some of the most unexplored virgin places of the land in its interior,its stunning bay,a wonderful peninsula and much more the so famed Cayo Levantado also known with the name Bacardi Island are today authentic landmarks of  the Greater Antilles Archipelago.

Many things has changed since 20 years ago and today Samaná is a special place in constant development,  in a short time that resort situated at 240,0 kilometres from the Capital Santo Domingo will be at the same level or maybe more than the famous and acclaimed resorts of Punta Cana,La Romana and Bavaro famous queens of the Incoming Tourism Industry of that sunny place.

Located in the Northeastern side of the island with its capital of district Santa Barbara,in the province some small towns and villages are still  active as centres mainly dedicated to agriculture due those main resources consisting in apart the mentioned coconut also about tropical fruit and sugar cane which for a long time until today were and are patrimony of the local economy next to the Tourism.Other major activities are fishing and some small factories mainly developed in the last 10/15 years.

The beauty of the Bahia de Samaná (Bay of Samaná) is absolutely stunning with the splendid Cabo Samaná (Cape Samaná) and its sandy golden long beaches which are a paradise already known worldwide.

Another shining highlight is the splendid  Bahia de Rincón  (Rincón Bay) one of the most picturesque bays of the Antilles and the small tropical capes of Cabo Cabrón (Cape Cabrón)  and Punta Balandra
which are great places to admire the marine paradise of the ancient La Española (The Spanish island) ,the former name of the island remembering the Spanish colonisers who gave it that name in the 16th century.

The history of Samaná  is similar to that of the entire country.After Christopher Columbus America Discovery,approximately one year after that so important event,other navigators landed on the island on which  was buried a Spanish soldier killed in the nearest island of Puerto Rico during a fight against the natives.Columbus founded in the year 1496 the current city of Santo Domingo and following that event started the arrival of Spanish colonists including in the current Samaná.

In the year 1523 also some French navigators landed on the local coasts and they met there a very hostile welcome by some African slaves who had replaced the local native Indians along those coastline corresponding to that corner of the Caribbean island.

 In that period and later the situation was pretty tumultuous,it was a period in which many European countries such as England,France,Spain and also Holland were very busy to establish their colonies in the Antilles and often protagonists of disputes and battles.

The sacked of the island colonised by the Spaniards  by the British Captain and Vice Admiral Drake was one of the several cases happened in that period and including there were several problems between Spain and France.

The French Governor of the nearest Haiti invaded the most eastern part of the island La Española with the desire to create an unique colony  under an unique flag.All that  increased the problems in terms of politic and diplomatic relationships between those two countries.

The current capital of the province was founded by the Spanish colonists in the year 1756,the former name was Santa Barbara, in honour of the wife of  King Fernado VI,the Queen Barbara de Bragança.The region kept the name Xamaná,the original name from the first former inhabitants the Tainos,a group of native tribes which populated almost all the current area.

The main colonisation by Spaniards started in that territory progressively covered a vast area with new lands populated by Spanish citizens mainly coming from Gran Canaria and Tenerife.The new inhabitants and the occupation of an ample surface including the northeastern side of the current Dominican Republic was also a sort of operation of the Spanish Kingdom to avoid possible lands and claims of new French colonists.

The continues battles between Spain and France for the leadership of the former La Española ended with a treaty celebrated in Switzerland called the Peace of Basel,where the two States  found an agreement in that Swiss city. 

After that historic event the major part of the former island moved under French rule.During the occupation by France that land was developing in its bay an important maritime trade activity starting important commerces exporting mainly coffee,coconut and fruit towards the major European ports.

The rebellion of the African descendants living in Haiti was the end and epilogue of French domination in the entire island including in Samaná.That event generated that in the 19th century the current Dominican province was invaded by former African slaves led by the Haitian President Boyer who started to install in the area several Haitian people.

The current resort was for 22 years a land domain of that nearest country before the Spanish reconquest and the establishment of the first Republic,the new established Spanish protectorate in all the territory of the current Nation and the creation of the Constitution are the historic events of that Caribbean country and of Samaná too.

It was in the year 1907 when Samaná became an official province with its local administration and
 that is in short the history of that corner of the island and of Dominican Republic,a place which suffered several disputes and different occupations.  
The wide bay of Samaná is a natural incentive to visit that marvel plenty of sunshine all year round all year and spending  holidays in that Caribbean Eden. With its typical tropical beauty,that gulf is of a unique splendour attracting on its beaches a big number of European and North American tourists.

Apart the incoming flows mainly linked to enjoy the sandy beaches,sunny holidays and the warm climate of that destination,Samaná is also very famous in the last decade for another niche of the tourism industry the cruises ships which since some years started to give the tourists in holidays in the Greater Antilles the opportunity to visit different unforgettable places and one of them with its marvellous views and  stunning beaches is also Samaná.

Another main attraction which has characterised important tourist visits in that corner of Dominican Republic is that there are some services of navigation suitable to see groups of whales present in proximity of the local coastline.There are over 3,000 of those marine mammals  not far from the local coast also that has created relevant flows of tourism of extreme relevance.

Those giant cetaceans coming from the Northern Atlantic Ocean chose those warm waters for their reproduction since some years ago and today there are always more numerous groups coming and visible not far.The he best period to admire that spectacular attraction is from January to March

Cayo Levantado is one of the main local highlights not only local but of the entire Dominican Republic.It is a wonderful small island linked to the Samaná peninsula by boats and ferries,a paradise of crystalline waters evoking the most exotic dreams of the Antilles with its sandy beaches,palm trees and stupendous corners to set daily movies and tourism documentaries for the virgin beauty of that tropical marvel.

That marvellous Eden is also called Isla Bacardi,the name is from a famous spot of that prestigious Rum in that stunning exotic place and also thanks that the fame of that site reached all the world.TV spots,posters and covers and tourism promotions.

Cayo Levantado is definitely an iconic and emblematic image and symbol for the Dominican Tourism Board in many Tourism International Fairs and events.In that paradise is located the luxury and famed Hotel Bahia Principe Cayo Levantado already known all around the globe apart for its position in that dreamland for its services and facilities.

Las Terrenas in the northern area of the Peninsula is another place with a beach among the most beautiful of the Caribbean area,with stupendous soft golden sands,scenic palm trees and a splendid tropical vegetation giving that wonderful place a very special charm.The sunsets on that coastal corner are absolutely  unforgettable and among the most photographed in the island.

In addition to those special features,the tourism has had a notable development and it is possible to enjoy a very lively atmosphere highlighted by a good number of restaurants and bars.

Playa Bonita is another enchanting highlight,simply the name "Playa Bonita"which means beautiful beach says all.It is a wide and long beach of white sands,you can not absolutely miss if you decide to spend your holidays in that place.

Just like Playa Las Terrenas is located in the northern side of the peninsula and many people loves it at any hour,that coastal sandy stretch flanked by palms,with its turquoise and clear waters is also a mecca for nautical activities and it is often protagonist of photographic services,documentaries and panoramic posters.

In the early hours of the morning many people loves to enjoy jogging and walking along that magnificent site lined by those marvellous Oceanic waters and also horse riding.The dawns at Playa Bonita are simply magnificent with incredible horizons views on the Caribbean Sea.

Also for that,it is one of the most beloved corners of the coastal province,a place which inspires,giving very special sensations and vibrations,what more attracts the tourist are the stunning lights and reflections,an outstanding combination of tropical colours making that place unique in its kind.
Playa Rincon is another famed beach particularly appreciated for who loves to see in Dominican Republic a tropical beach flanked by mountains.That is why that magnificent place is totally dominated by the hilly plateau,you can admire there in a unique and amazing scenery the blue and uncontaminated waters of the Caribbean sea and immediately behind you forming a very captivating set,that mountainous territory as perfect frame to immortalise in thousands of unforgettable pictures.

That beach has been named among the top Ten of the Caribbean Area and also awarded in the top twenty beaches of the World.It is a spectacular line of fine white sands,beautiful clear waters,totally transparent and also very famous for the large presence of palm and coconut trees.You can reach that beach with a authorities upon a spear directly from Las Galeras.Generally it is very peaceful and many people choose that site to escape from other busy beaches.

Situated in the bay with the same name it is part of the municipality of the capital f the province Santa Barbara and part of a  neighbourhood called Las Galeras which also has an important historic past.That place took its current name by two galleys (Las Galeras) present in the bay built by some slaves in the 16th century.

That stunning sunny place is situated between two spectacular and scenic promontories called Punta Cabrón and Punta Samaná forming a large bay.Originally it was in the past a fish harbour while today is a very relaxing exotic place characterised by some beaches of immense beauty.

Apart Playa Rincon there is also another one which worth to be mentioned for its beauty the Playta,which means small beach for its reduced size flanked by palms and with marvellous and tempting turquoise clean waters.

The capital Santa Barbara de Samaná has about 52,000 inhabitants,due its foundation dating back the 18th century,its appearance is pretty young and it is not a very monumental place but it is very picturesque and attractive with nice coloured wooden buildings small gardens and many green areas.

Apart the paradise of its beaches Samaná also offers many opportunities to visit and admire its wild interior formed by tropical forests with several species of plants forming a festival of colours.

Visiting that tropical paradise you will have the opportunity to see a wide variety of vegetation,a suggested excursion is to the Reserva Natural de Haities.That area is famous for its caves and grottoes with a wonderful view of stalagmites and stalactites formed centuries ago which represent a great attraction a visitor can not miss during a stay in Dominican Republic.

According the first historic documentations related to the local area those caves were the first settlements of the native inhabitants of the Region.Populated in ancient time by the Tainos,the first settlers of the islands,in that place came some African slaves who in major part replaced them.

All the surroundings are absolutely wonderful,the uncontaminated wilderness of that corner full of colours and those grottoes are absolutely a must to admire something of really unique and very suggestive.

Samaná also has a hilly territory and its Sierra,a wonderful paradise of nature and picturesque landscapes,  with many interesting paths walking and appreciating the beauty of the interior and also very suitable for horse riding.The altitude of that Meseta,a word which mean mountainous plateau apart to be called Sierra (mountainous land) has an average altitude of 500/550 metres and  highest peak is the Monte Mesa with its 605 metres.

The wild aspect of that Sierra attracts many people and it is full of surprises.I suggest to visit the interior if you have the opportunity during your stay because it is like a complement to know deeply Dominican Republic and its territory.The interior of the country although different than the coastal area is really very attractive.

It is a trip between plants of bananas,coffee,palms,cocoa,the area of El Valle (the valley),present fantastic up and downs in the forest and scattered  you can also find typical old farms,enjoying there the most traditional life of the rural Dominican Republic with the chance to taste the most traditional and typical genuine cuisine.

There are some services organising Jeep Safari very interesting and fascinating.That excursions leading to the interior are furthermore very interesting to understand how live people far from the famous tourist areas,ideal places to know better the local gastronomy and the lifestyle in a village of the interior of Dominican Republic.

Another of the most splendid highlights of that place you can not miss is the famous Cascada del Limon,which translated means the Waterfall of the Lemon,a fantastic drop of about 43 metres absolutely scenic and spectacular.

The Sierra is crossed by small rivers and streams,the most important is the Rio Yuna which ends its course in the Samaná Bay,on the border of that river in ancient time there was the source of the first settlers living in that mountainous place.

Those visits are  particularly suggested with the caves and the Sierra for all people who loves nature and to know deeply the cultural aspects and much more for a TT.OO Educational is also very useful and great to discover something unique.The Agent Operator or Development Productor will learn a lot and will be ready in front of the most demanding requests,to suggest ideal places and to add in a programming such marvellous places with a complete product.(not only beaches).

All those places are  the rural face of Dominican Republic,the Caribe offers apart its coasts also that,several beautiful places you can visit in the interior of that Caribbean country taking with you great memories and a notable experience.

In that area another highlight is undoubedtly the local gastronomy where you can enjoy the most juicy and fresh coconuts of Samaná or a a typical and real Sancocho,a sort of stew very traditional in many Hispanic and Caribbean countries.It consists in a recipe containing meat and vegetables and considered the national plate.

There are many variants of Sancocho depending of the local area and also of determinate cultural influences. Generally the Dominican Sancocho contains pork and chicken meats,someone also add shrimp or fish,when the meat is cooking,there is an addition of potatoes,corn,yam and other vegetables.

Apart that symbol of the traditional local cuisine another special plate is the Asopao consisting in a soup of rice including chicken,mussels,shrimp and other kind of seafood.

Some culinary specialities were inherited by the first and former settlers the Tainos as the Casabe which is a sort of bread prepared by extract of yuca and about bread,traditional is also the Pan de Coco which is coconut bread.

Rice is also a very common ingredient,there are several plates as The Arroz con Pollo,also called Locrio consisting in simple white rice also called Arroz a la Cubana (Rice at Cuban style) adding chicken,or the Arroz con Pasa y Almendras that one is white rice adding raisins and nuts and very traditional is also the Arroz con Mais,white rice with corn,about that plate there are variants adding other ingredients as vegetables or pieces of meat.

Another popular plate worth to be mentioned is the Chapea,consisting in a stew containing red beans, Longaniza a kind of pork sausage,pepper and someone also add white beans.

In a typical farm during a visit in that area you can also taste and try the delicious Bananas Fritas ( fried slices of Banana) which another traditional local speciality.The country also has plates of clear African origin brought by the slaves descendants as as the Chambre consisting in a stew of meat,rice and vegetables, cooked very slow and adding later spices or another one is the Moro de Guandules which is rice prepared with coco milk and peas.

Generally the Dominican cuisine is less spicy and softer than the Caribbean cuisine of Jamaica,Barbados and also Cuba but equally very tastefully and flavoured by some spices.

Some ingredients which are often present are garlic and onion,but also coriander,Cubanelle pepper which is a sweet pepper originally from Cuba,oregano and the Sazón which is a liquid prepared with garlic,yellow pepper,vinegar,cubanelle pepper,water,red onion,coriander,tomato juice and celery,that mixture is fried generating a sauce which is added on several plates.

Just like other Caribbean island Dominican Republic produces an excellent Rum.That local drink with ice is often presents in parties,celebrations and in social life as national drink.

Arroyo Barrill in the eastern side of the province next to a peninsula forming a wide and long arched bay is one of the most modern areas of Samaná.The major part of the houses and buildings were built in the early 21th century and in that place is situated Samaná Airport called International Airport Presidente Juan Bosch situated in the area called El Catey.Many people also calls that Airport simply El Catey from the name of the area.

It was opened in June of the year 2006.At the beginning of its operations it was mainly dedicated to domestic flights,the efficient service and the intense demand  increased its in/out due the increasing flows of tourism Samaná received from that reason started some operation charters to and from North America and in part Europe,although the most important operative flight is to/from the nearest island of Puerto Rico.

Discover Dominican Republic is a great experience and not only for its magnificent beaches and splendid bays.

That wonderful Caribbean island with Samaná is a marvel plenty of sunshine all year round offer a lot of things and that spectacular peninsula is definitely one of its most charming highlights,something you can not miss if you are planning a visit in that little queen of the Caribbean Sea.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels In Samaná

Hotel Luxury Bahia Principe Cayo Levantado
Hotel Alisei
Hotel The Bannister
Hotel Vista Mare Samaná
Hotel Albachiara
Hotel Villa Serena
Hotel Residence Playa Colibrí

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