Velika Plana | Iconic Orthodox Serbian Monasteries and Forests.

Velika Plana is well known to be a great destination thanks to the presence of famous iconic Orthodox Serbian Monasteries and forests in its boundaries which made the history and culture of a country in the heart of Europe with many events and a tumultuous past with a lot to narrate in a splendid natural environment able to enchant many people who are often surprised to admire in that territory a large number of stunning attractions.

That land is a pleasant hallway in the Balkans where verdant plains and picturesque hills on the shore of the placid course of the river Velika Morava, the Great Morava a famous Danube tributary form a spectacular scenery rich of suggestive places in the scenic district of Podunavlje also known with the name Podunavski Okrug it expands across a central part of Serbia.

That historic centre located in a beautiful, intact woody environment situated at approximately 90.0 kilometres south east from the major centre of the Nation, the fascinating city of Belgrade and just 42.0 kilometres south of Smederevo another site of special relevance because it was capital the country in the 15th century and very famous for its medieval fortress and walls which are undoubtedly a great attraction to take in high consideration during a tailor made tour planned around that very interesting geographic area.

The appealing woodland encircling that municipality offers the opportunity to enjoy a multitude of routes and itineraries of immense beauty immersed in a green nature and in addition extremely significant for the considerable historic value because those forests  represent a sort of emblematic symbol of an entire Nation.

A veiled mysticism linked to captivating episodes and mysteries in a past sometimes pretty tumultuous during the times of the Ottoman Empire which ruled that large territory is a further attraction for all what happened since then in the boundaries of Velika Plana  absolutely protagonist of a scene where the  occupiers found several difficulties to root their influence after many successful campaigns of expansion in the Balkans due to a strong opposition of a fervent spirit of patriotism of the locals.

 A spectacular scenery transmitting in a while the visitor a great interest and the immediate desire to discover many hidden secrets and and a great desire to know and learn more why that place is extremely venerated in that country is a further special highlight for all those are fond of history who will find there something of extremely special in its kind.

With its 41.000 inhabitants Velika Plana is considered a lively emblem for many Serbian people conserving a considerable patrimony as the roots of the first Slavic settlers highlighted by many relevant chronological stages with protagonists the successors who created a series of myths and legends which still surround those hilly plateaus and forests and all that since the beginning of historic narrations immediately capture the attention of a visitor in a while.

Famous to be the birthplace of the former Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica that town as all the Region is highly attractive and particularly indicated and recommended for all people who want to know more about a secular history of a land which embraced since a long time ago the Christian faith becoming a loyal stronghold closely linked to the Greek Church started in the 7th century but with a more significant development in the 8th century during the times of the Byzantine Emperor Basil I also called the Macedon and the King of the Serbs Mutimir who originally fought against that Empire before to be converted to the Christian Religion.

A further and strong mark closely related to all that is confirmed by the presence of distinctive Orthodox Monasteries which had since their elevations a relevant impact in the population becoming icons of a culture and special tourist attractions  in all their essence for all what they represent and containing in their historic stages a mine of stunning surprises.

That place in addition is closely linked to the history of the Royal Serbian Dynasty with the legendary figure of Djordje Petrovic Karadjordjevic and also that it is another great opportunity to visit sites which have many things to say because that character was and is considered a sort of Nation and undoubtedly a great experience discovering the places where that emblematic character created his myth and legend.

Very interesting also for all the visitors highly interested to know cultural historic linked to rulers who left significant marks in a country how that land never had a strong Hapsburg influence despite the Austrian Empire conquered a large part of the Balkans but they did not leave an imprint in that territory as in other sites. 

Part of the Baroque architecture you can admire in the Capital Belgrade is reminiscent the golden ages of that former Central European Imperial power but despite the proximity of the major centre of the nation which always influenced the smaller nearest municipalities for its outstanding architectural patrimony  in Velika Plana and iimmediate surroundings all is typically and deeply Serbian in all its essence.

An opposite topic is related to the eternal desire of conquest of those territories by the Ottoman Empire who always wanted to create there a notable gateway between the Southeastern lands and the core of Europe and despite the several difficulties of the Turks to trasmit the locals a marked cultural identity they were able to leave something as in the local delicious cuisine. 

That is another aspect conquering every visitor for its varied number of delectable plates with different flavours from spicy to sour using different spices as cumin, coriander, sesame, oregano, mint typically and traditionally related to the culinary art of Turkey .

The Velika Morava River is a further spectacular and appealing attraction, a waterway which also enchanted the Romans who called it Margus conquering a multitude of visitors for its scenic bends and long straights bordered by picturesque verdant forests.

That river is in addition highlighted by poetic and stunning sunsets inspiring since a long time ago the local folk music which dedicated several songs to that watercouse such as Oj Moravo, Moravac Kolo, Na Moravi vodenica stara or Uz moravu vetar duva all them with others became part of the folklore and musical traditions with their melodies delighting many people and very often in many cities and towns of the country you will see street artists performing them including in a big metropolis as the Serbian capital

Those musical works are linked to old Slavic traditions as a hymn to live, fertility, hope of a prosperous and happy future and that river inspired singers, poets, writers and also ordinary people who keep always in the memories those waters as something of deeply rooted and unforgettable.

That Velika Morava is particularly attractive when it crosses the green meadows of Pomoravlije and much more when it forms along its course the magnificent gorge of Bagrdanska Klisura, a mandatory I suggest you to visit to be delighted by an image simply beautiful.

That land including Velika Plana is also crossed  by two others rivers the Danube and the Sava two waterways crossing Belgrade and flowing across important cities but also along the banks of picturesque hamlets and villages with a spectacular range of scenic curves and channeled sections with a horizon delighted by the fascinating peaks of the Balkans forming a scenery simply magic.

Serbia is a land which could be considered a mosaic of beautiful things or it could be compared to a secret coffer containing many jewels you have to discover it, finding charming towns, old superb Religious buildings,  scenic green valleys superb and wild mountains and with a huge presence of parks and nature reserves.

Also for that it is an Eden for active trekkers, photographers who want to immortalise significant images with colours and tonalities simply unique between art and nature enchanting in a while many people who can enjoy magnificent days visiting places often underrated but boasting a superb appeal and once seen they are often considered unforgettable.

All that is so alive around Velika Plana and visiting that place is always a great experience, you can admire everywhere fascinating landscapes and in addition you will find a considerable high sense of hospitality by kind people. 

The locals are very glad if you are interested to know the historic places of their homeland and they will suggest you many things with several advises about hidden gems you will discover and in your mind will come a thought saying a thank you to them for information and suggestions once you discovered sites simply stupendous.

As further proposal for Tour Operators focused to plan routes full of historic meanings or for visitors who want to plan an organised trip with different stages Velika Plana could be a great idea combined to the Capital Belgrade and you are not so far from that superb city. (I wrote a post about it and one regarding Skadarlija one of its distinctive areas if you are interested) 

In addition in a great itinerary the visits of Topola with the burial site of the Serbian and Yugoslavian Royalties visible in the Oplenac Royal Mausoleum, the Church of St. Djordje dedicated to St. George is also very recommended, a great place to admire two fairytale valleys called Jasenica and Kamenica ideal destinations furthermore for those who love fine wines and an uncontaminated nature between hills and high plateaus.

Smederevska Palanka is a further one, notorious for several archaeological discoveries linked to the Neolithic period but also Roman artifacts. In that centre not far from Velika Plana you will have also the chance to see the oldest Serbian wooden church dedicated to St, Elijah and well known for its mineral water springs discovered during the Roman colonisation. 

That centre is very famed to host in its boundaries a big fair called Krvstodanski Vasar and once there not far you can visit the scenic Jezero Kudrec, a small lake which is another attraction, in brief that corner of Serbia will enchant you and for a Travel destination Manager a superb place for a great Educational with many future chances to develop a product with fantastic options for individuals in a marvellous Fly & Drive and for groups in an exciting Coach Tour.

The name Velika Plana in Serbian language is the composition of two Slavic words, the first means great while the second corresponds to plain due to a large flat surface at the foot of hills formed by those waterways which were since a long time ago important sources for an activity as agriculture which has always played an important role in the local economy.

That municipality is a centre formed by some scattered agglomerations consisting in twelve villages all developed at a very short distance from the main core and the history of that town is very attractive.

The current territory was originally settled by Thracian and Dacian tribes who were the first inhabitants founding an official village and in occasion of archaeological excavations in the municipal boundaries were discovered artifacts and different items related to those two civilisations attesting their presence.

Also the Illyrians reached that area establishing some scattered camps in the same sites of the predecessors and all that happened before the land of thee Greeks who came later meeting an autochtone Celtic tribe called Scordisci.

The curious presence of that population who ethnically had nothing in common with those groups of settlers previously mentioned  was probably a branch descendant of a Gaul tribe who was assimilated in a very short time by the Hellenic colonists who developed there their first village mainly devoted to trades with the motherland especially with fabric and vegetables as main products.

The Roman Empire colonised that territory in the 2nd Century B.C establishing important connections with the rest of the Balkans and also linking the small settlements to big centres as Novi Sad, Kragujevac and much more to Sigindunum the current Belgrade. 

In the 4th Century with the notorious division of the Roman Empire, Velika Plana as all the rest of Serbia remained loyal to Constantinople entering in that new Roman Empire of Orient which had as Capital the current Istanbul

The first Southern Slavic populations who started to be the predominant local reality after massive landings from East started to develop their own culture  embracing the Christianity since the 7th century with the first baptism, in the following century they were in large part members of a Christian community and the period particularly highlighted by a sort of Religious boom was in the 11th century exactly in 1054.

Those times are well known for that famous period in which the Christian Church with seat in Rome had a separation due to Michael I Cerularius who was the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople protagonist of that sort of divorce and well known for a constant and endless contrast with Pope Leo IX.

That separation also increased the growth in terms of influences of the Serbian Dynasties the Zeta and Raska Patriarchates who gained an influential position and social ranking.

In the late 12th century Serbia obtained its independence from the Byzantine Empire and Velika Plana since then transformed itself in an important focal point of such religion and furthermore consecrating its image of relevant site becoming a cultural icon of the country.

Notorious is the event with protagonist Rastko Nemanjic known as the Illuminator, son of a noble family from Gradina who renounced to govern the region of Hum to embrace the Religion becoming before monk and later Archbishop and founding in the early 13th century concretely in 1219 the Serbian Orthodox Church, a character who was known as that iconic and venerated figure ; Saint Sava.
In the 14th Century when the Ottomans after the victory in the battle of Kosovo Polje led by the Prince and Pasha Murat I entered in that territory immediately found a strong resistance. 

While in Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria and including Romania many natives were converted to the Islam without extreme difficulties in Serbian places as the district of Podunavlje with Velika Plana, the Orthodox Religion was strongly entrenched in the population and all that was since then used as a sort of last bastion to defend the Christianity.

Centuries of Turkish domination were frequently characterised by several riots and revolts with protagonist a patriotic Religious identity deeply rooted in the locals and that centre and its surroundings became the first strongholds linked to those insurrections and rebellions against the new rulers which reached in the 18th and 19th century very high peaks.

All that started in Radovanje which was in that period a small village and currently part of the municipality of Velika plana, a place which became a sort of cradle the most important movements highlighting a very hostile attitude against the power of the Ottoman governors never loved.

In that concrete place born the myth of Djordje Petrovic Karadjordjevic well known for being a fervent patriot who also is related to many events of the Royal Dynasty of Serbia of which was founder with the indirect support of the allied Russia, a declared enemy of  the powerful Turkish Empire.  

Worth a mention that place in another historic period was protagonist of an event related to that famous alliance between Serbia and Montenegro in the Balkan War against Turkey and Bulgaria creating in its boundaries one the most important alliances between those two lands with their own Monarchy but linked to their common Slavic heritage and Orthodox Religion.

It was in those forests south of the Danube in which high Montenegrin and Serbian military ranking after several meetings organised together their heroic resistance.The following years after the Independence from the Ottomans were highlighted by the harsh relationships with the Austrian Empire which never liked the union of those former Reigns which could play a menace for the Imperial influence in the Balkans.

The local history is also connected to the Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia after the fall the Habsburg House at the end of the 1st World War and the town was incorporated in the former Republic of Yugoslavia after the 2nd War. The chronolgical stages of that dissolved Nation continued with the separation of that former Socialist country started in the 90s and Velika Plana is currently a municipality of the Republic of Serbia since 2011.

You can start the visit in a beautiful natural environment admiring Koporin Manastir which is one of the historic Orthodox Monasteries boasting a notable value. That building is located west of the town in direction of Arandelovac in an isolated verdant area in proximity of a charming forest.

That Sacred medieval construction is dedicated to the Martyr St.Stephen and it is part of the immense historic patrimony linked to the Orthodox Religion and the historic past which highlighted that land since a long time ago. 

Erected in 1408 under rule of Stefan Lazarevic also known as Despot and Stefan the Tall, that figure was son of the Prince Lazar who died in the battle of Kosovo against the Ottoman army.

Its architectural layout consists in a stoned building elevated on a rectangular plan with a gable facade with frescoes and a sort of turret of Byzantine inspiration placed in its upper section on the top. The rectangular doorway is flanked on its sides by walls on which were inserted a series of arched blind windows with a further one established in proximity of an angle of the front side. 

Inside you can admire a Chapel containing frescoes and a portrait depicting Stefan Lazarevic with the inscription of his famous title and nickname: the Despot.

That character is a symbol of the history of the country and he was well known in that period as a Kralijevic which in Slavic culture was a title assigned to people of high noble ranking often linked to Royal Families, Arch-Duchies and Duchies in those times.

That relevant figure obtained a great prestige and fame in Serbia not only for the fame of his aristocratic family but also for his heroic participation in the battle of Ankara, the current Turkish Capital which took place in 1402 and he fought next to the Ottoman Empire against the Mongol invasion led by the feared Timur Khan.

The building was restored and mainly rebuilt in the second half of the 19th century for its precarious conditions after to be devastated by Turkish soldiers. Further deterioration and the need to complete abandoned operations of refurbishment afterwards generated other works of maintenance and conservation which took place in the 50's and 60's trying to preserve the structure which in 1979 was declared Historic Patrimony of Serbia and of the former Republic of Yugoslavia.

In Radovanje and concretely in Radovanjski Lug, a splendid oak forest declared National Patrimony is buried the emblematic figure of Djordje Petrovic Karadjordjevic.The tomb of that Serbian hero is located inside a small fence surrounded by metal grilles with a commemorative plaque on a tree in his honor facing a big Christian Cross.

That site is considered for many people an emblematic symbol of pilgrimages reminding a special historic stage of the country and the main relics of that iconic character are currently preserved in the Royal Karadjordjevic Mausoleum of Oplenac previously mentioned at approximately at 40, 0 kilometres from Velika Plana.

In that distinctive forest which represents a sort of emblem for all Serbian people you can admire Crkva Zahvalnica. It is a Church which represents a sign of a gratitude dedicated to St. Gabriel the Archangel erected in 1936 by the architect Basil Androsov.

You will notice that the brick construction has a strong Byzantine influence for its marked architectonic details developed on a rectangular plan with a high facade and an arched doorway beneath a circular rose of clear Romanesque inspiration. 

Inside you can see an altarpiece with beautiful iconostasis reflecting the traditional Orthodox painting style and a portrait by the painter Paja Jovanovic depicting the young Djordje Petrovic Karadjordjevic. 

That Sacred temple was elevated for a desire of King Aleksandr Karadjordjevic I as a commemorative mausoleum on the foundations of the country house of Dragic Vojkic a character who hosted Djordje Petrovic Karadjordjevic the day of his assassination on 24th July 1817.

That forest is in addition well known because was the seat of the former headquarter of that murdered figure considered more than a hero with a more than interesting history to narrate. 

Born in a village near Smederevo, son of a humble family he worked as farmer and merchant before to start to move mass of people protesting against the Ottomans as leader of numerous riots which became continuous and frequent including in the most isolated and remote villages.

That man created his own army in a war against the Turks becoming a relevant danger for the interests and the stability in those territories and much more he was classified by the Pacha an undesired resident for his charismatic spirit of freedom and independence transmitting those ideals to the locals with a strong impact.

All that often generated embarrassment of the local Bey a figure who was in those times the governor of a determined geographic territory and those events had a notable resonance reaching Istanbul with the Turkish Emperor conscious to have a dangerous enemy at home.

The culmination of that menace reached its maximum peak when that influential Serbian character killed an Agha who in that time was a relevant figure corresponding to a sort of maximum commander with important military power but at the same time with notable responsibility in themes linked to relevant political and religious issues.

After that event Karadjordjevic with the risk to be sentenced escaped from the country and he decided to join the cause of the Habsburg House enlisting himself in the Austrian-Hungarian Army serving the Imperial Austria who was well known in those times to be a secular rival of the Turks for the domain in several territories of the Balkans.

After a peace proclaimed in 1791 the man came back to his motherland exactly in Topola which became for a period his official residence and where he continued to work.

Despite that a new episode of his tumultuous life changed his destiny when he had other clashes with the local government. For that he was elevated as a maximum leader receiving by the locals the title of Hajduk which in Slavic culture is a sort of awarded heroic condottiero totally loyal to the most fervent patriotism. That period was highlighted by a second insurrection started in 1804 endured nine long years in which Karadjordjevic was protagonist once again.

Declared as an emblem due to a remarkable charisma which trasnsmitted in the population a strong spirit of unity he also was nominated  Veliki Vodz which translated is the equivalent of great warlord and Radovanjski Lug that iconic Serbian forest of Velika Plana became his refuge.

Apart the mission to release his land with all his efforts that man established relationships with Austria and France led in that time by Napoleon trying to convince those two powers to fight next to his cause but unfortunately after various attempts the results were negatives.

Despite that his popularity reached all the borders of the country and also abroad because that character fought against three different Pashas such as Selim III, Mustapha IV and Mahmud II something never happened before in the history of Serbia and neither in that of the Ottoman Empire facing in three occasions not an enemy identified in a country but an individual figure.

Those forests of Radovanje were immediately considered by the locals as something of legendary hiding a man who used them as headquarter to prepare his attacks for a cause which characterised their destiny and future.

After almost nine years of war with the Treaty of Bucharest in Romania, Serbia obtained a determined autonomy although only one year later Petrovic Karadjordjevic was expelled from the country because he was considered a citizen who could undermine a peaceful coexistence also after that important event. 

He had to leave his motherland once again but nothing deleted in the memories of the inhabitants those brave historic stages led by him, elevated as an icon, very famous for his strong personality, charisma and for a large part of the population an eminent symbol of a Nation.

Despite that new exile he never stopped his struggle finding in Russia, a sort of hope and fighting next to the Tsar Army which was for him the last chance to do something far from his homeland.

When he came back to Velika Plana after a new treaty of  he chose to fix his residence in Radovanje and he had matured several experiences abroad. Years spent in the Russian military infantry had reinforced and forged furthermore a man always considered an emblem and much more his image was highly regarded when he returned decorated with medals, an effect which increased furthermore his prestige and fame in the new generations.

Proclaimed legitimate Prince of Serbia, that renowned character was killed by the Duke Milos Obrenovic, rival, contender and pretender to the Serbian Throne and that event happened in Velika Plana concretely in Radovanjski Lug in that place in which was established that Church.

Many are the suppositions and the debates about that assassination and including there are several controversial opinions. The Duke Obrenovic wanted to reach the maximum heraldic title in his country founding his Royal Dynasty but he found the legitimate  Monarch at home in that case the situation was very arduous facing an impossible and hard challenging clash against someone venerated as a God by a multitude of Serbian citizens.

One opinion is linked to the hypothesis he decided to commissionate the murder in a top secret operation without possible suspects from part of the population declaring his extraneousness to the fact.

Another one is related to different strategies of alliances of countries to keep offside some other powers from possible influences in the Balkans in a sort of politic plot avoiding to enter in contact with that man and those suppositions are related to suggestive ideas of secret meetings which determined such event.

A further is a suspicious situation in which for someone Obrenovic was loyal to the Ottoman Empire without a desire of Independence. That possible reality found contrasting opinions because in a revolt against the Turks in 1815 the Duke was an absolute leader including obtaining after his struggle a determined autonomy limited by some conditions. Despite all that is well known that noble character with that murder of the rival was able to become Prince of Serbia in two occasions ending his Reign in 1860.

The history tells that Milos Obrenovic  sent to the forest the stepson of Karadjordjevic, Vujica Vulicevic with a promise to give him very powerful and relevant assignments in the Reign and with him there was a trusted man of high rank close to that Duchy called Nikola Novakovic who had to complete the mission  killing the rival for the escalation to  the Serbian Crown. 

According to historic opinions was also an act to gain the trust by the Ottoman Empire deleting someone who in many occasions gave the Turks problems and much more created a strong patriotic national unity.The Ottomans always thought about a new insurrection led by that man and it would seem that the killing was studied and plotted by the Turkish high spheres with the collaboration of that Duke as main protagonist.

But many mysteries are still in the air because that man who became King of Serbia was obliged later to abdicate by the Turks despite in his place were placed the sons Milan and Mihailo and he came back to the throne. Including when he died he was buried with all the honors in the Cathedral of Saint Michael of Belgrade

All that happened in that woody area which is also very picturesque for its paths and green vegetation of immense beauty. Thanks to its scenic landscapes that forest and its history not a long time ago were protagonists in a movie titled Crna Zora which translates means the Black Dawn.

That work was filmed in 2007 directed by Bojan Todorovic and it represents that event, a movie which had a notable success not only for the original setting but also for the narration according to historic documentations of a chronological step by step about all what happened there.

Another iconic emblem you have to visit is certainly Pokajnika Manastir, another monastery as the previous  declared Historic and Cultural Patrimony of the former Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia. 

That Sacred construction which at distance appears as a curious big hut is  situated in a very charming green environment in a well cared gardened area surrounded by a forest which increases its suggestive and mystical image.

That site was built by the Kraljievic of Smederevo Vujica Vulicevic previously mentioned and allied of Obrenovic in the event of the murder of Karadjordjevic. The man, step son of that National hero in a sense of guilt after that crime decided to elevate that Sacred construction and its name is very eloquent and clear because the word Pokajnica in Serbian language means remorse, repentance.  

That iconic monastery consists in a wooden structure characterised by a big roof surmounted by a Christian cross, on its left side was established an icon dedicated to St. George and inside you can admire an iconastis.

That site has a relevant importance because after its development hosted the relics of
St. Nikolaj, the revered St. Nicholas one of the most venerated holy figures by Orthodox believers and it took the name of that regarded Saint.Pokajnica Manastir was for long time until 1954 Parish Church of Velika Plana returning to its role of Monastery and it is a Protect Monument by the Ministry of Serbian Culture.

The Municipality apart those important historic attractions is very active in the organisation of events and since 2009 it hosts a Rock Festival called Plana Demo Fest managed by the local Youth Community with the annual presence of young bands coming from different areas of Serbia.

The local cuisine is also something of absolutely great. Serbian gastronomy is a delectable mix of flavours result of different cultures which have influenced the local culinary art.

You will find plates obviously linked to the most traditional Slavic gastronomy of the Balkans but also others with strong Greek and Turkish roots and including something absorbed by the nearest Hungary.

There are excellent starters with products of notable quality as the delicious Njegoski Prsut a more than appreciated ham and of high reputation is also the Zlatiborska Govedja Prsuta which could be a bit compared to a sort of local Italian coppa or bresaola. Other delights very famous are the Srpska Kobasica, a local sausage and you can also try the Kulen, an appreciated dried pork sausage with also smoked variant.

Also cheeses are of very high level and they could be served as appetisers, starters or in combined plates among them worth to be mentioned the famed Kackavalj, Zlatarski Sir, Iriski and the savory Dimljeni Trapist.

The Cevapcici is an old recipe with Ottoman influence very linked to the Koffe Kebab consisting in tastefully grilled cylinders made with beef, pork or lamb meats flavoured by salt, spices and paprika.

They are also called by locals Cevapi in a sort of abbreviation generally served in a plate garnished by slices of onion, a clotted cheese sour cream as the Kajmak and the Ajvar, a typical spicy sauce prepared with pepper, chili, a good quantity of garlic and aubergines. 

Another popular speciality is the Pljeskavica prepared with lamb, beef, veal and pork meats, meat balls similar to polpette or hamburgers. They can be seasoned with different kinds of spices depending of the familiar tradition or also filled with cheese and served with onions and potatoes. In a town called Leskovac famous for that kind of gastronomic speciality you can also find in many Serbian places is called Leskovacki Ustipci.

The Becka Snicia is practically the national replica of the famed breaded cutlet Wiener schnitzel often accompanied by potatoes or mixed salads absorbed by the nearest Hungary part of the former Austrian-Hungarian Empire which also trasmiited in the national culinary panorama the emblematic Gulash. Very popular is the Sarma, an iconic plate of Serbia and other Slavic countries prepared in cabbage rolls filled with meat, rice, vegetables and flavoured by spices.

The Burek is another traditional delight consisting in a pastry or similar to a sort of Italian Calzone inherited by the Ottomans. There are Burek of different types; some of them are filled with meat, pepper and onion, others having cheese or vegetables as spinach or in some cases containing tomato and mushrooms. In addition there is also a sweet version containing jam and fruit in particular apple.

Many specialities are often accompanied by a wide variety of salads and one of them is the Ruska Salata made with potatoes, minced chicken, mayonnaise, vegetables adding a bit of vinegar and oil while the Srpska Salata is a combination of lettuce, onion, tomatoes, cucumbers and cheese seasoned with olive oil, salt and vinegar.

The notorious Corba very common in the nearest Bulgaria and Romania also has a Turkish inheritance.It is a soup present in several variants and it can contains meats as chicken, lamb, pork but also some vegetables and fish. The Spanaca Corba is a version containing spinach as main ingredient while the Ribja Corba can be prepared with carp or trout delighted by a strong quantity of paprika. If you love fish you can enjoy the excellent Dimljeni Saran consisting in a smoked carp. 

About dessert very famous is the Palacinka a kind of typical pancake made with nuts or also in other variants with chocolate or different kinds of jams. The aspect is very similar to a crepe and worth a special mentions also the famed Baklava inherited during the long period of Turkish rule.

The chapter beverages is pretty ample with a notable presence of liquors as the notorious Sljivovica made with prunes or the Kaijsievaca which is a distilled product made with apricots.The Vijmovka is another one madewith pears and in a long list worth a mention also the Jabukovaca which has the apple as main ingredient in its process of preparation.

In that area you can also taste excellent wines thanks to a fertile soil with robust grapes cultivated on hilly plateaus not very high and thanks to three seasons very mild in which spring temperatures are constantly very good and never cold, summer with many sunny days support the maturation of those great products of the vineyards.

Autumn before the harvest is pretty ventilated with those positive mild winds and breeze coming from the Balkans and with all those very benign climatic conditions completing very positive stages the result is an excellent product consisting in a fruit rich of properties, body, taste and colour.

The local Vranac is very suggested to be highly palatable at the fist sip and including very versatile and it is very similar for flavour to that one produced in Montenegro coming from the same family of grapes. 

It is a very appreciated and smooth fine wine with a great taste and texture ready to satisfy many people. Notable is also the Prokupac, a superb rose characterised by a stunning colour and texture and others as the local Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay boast a very good reputation.

The white Riesling is a selected wine of very good level despite there is not a large production and it is much recommended very fresh with appetisers. Including it is also used in the finest Haute Cuisine to flavour several plates as rice or sauces, simply superb accompanying in a great lunch or dinner fish and seafood. To complete a wide offer there are in addition some other whites such as Smederevka, Krstac and Dinka all them of supreme quality.

The International Airport Aerodrom Nikola Tesla of Belgrade is situated at 107, 0 kilometres north of Velika Plana and in a bit more than one hour driving by Motorway E 75 via Smederevo you will be at destination.

Velika Plana is a historic and cultural highlight you can not miss visiting that beautiful corner of that country packed by iconic Orthodox Monasteries and forests of that splendid and attractive land called Serbia which will conquer you with its appealing and genuine true charm, a great destination all to discover making your stay a superb tourist experience to conserve in your most glad and lively memories.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Velika Plana

Hotel Balkan Highway
Etno Selo Moravski Konaci

Recommended Restaurants in Velika Plana

Etno Selo at Etno Selo Moravski Konaci

Useful links

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