Krimml-Austria | Extraordinary Waterfalls,Great Natural Alpine Highlight.

Krimml is a small, wonderful town of Austria very famous for its extraordinary Waterfalls, a great natural Alpine highlight in the Pinzgau region, a superb masterpiece of nature unique in its kind representing one of the most scenic attractions of the entire country for its stunning image in a very seductive environment elevating itself since a long time ago as a fabulous tourist spot calling approximately 450,000 visitors a year.

That centre of  850 inhabitants in the Zell am See district situated at 1,067 metres of altitude at the head of the Salzachtal Valley lies at 157,0 kilometres from Salzburg the enchanting Mozart´s city and not far from to the magnificent Capital of Tyrol, Innsbruck  located at just 97,0 kilometres of distance surrounded by charming peaks crowning the wonderful Hohe Tauern National Park which includes its boundaries.

That spectacular nature reserve of immense beauty is dominated by the majestic Grossglockner, the highest Austrian mountains with its 3978, 0 metres of altitude, a further, stupendous highlight which captures with its scenic shape the attention of every visitor at first sight.

That fascinating, protected parkland is also well known for its relevant surface area with a length of 130,0 kilometres, a width of over 50, 0 kilometres with superb protagonist its iconic mountainous group, the Tauern Alpen, a beautiful range part of the Central-Eastern Alps boasting the highest peaks east of the notorious Brenner Pass leading to the South Tyrol corresponding to the Italian border entering in the charming Trentino-Alto Adige region.
The wonderful, strategic geographic position of Krimml permits to visit all those places but also another jewel as Zell am See very famous to be a superb winter sports resort boasting a notable reputation situated at just 54,0 kilometres of distance. (If you are interested I wrote a post about that site)

On the northern side of the local boundaries you will be furthermore delighted by another stunning marvel, the majestic Großvenediger the “Great Venetian” a nickname which was recorded in the late 18th century  probably because at the foot of that towering giant of 3666,0 metres was developed a path frequented by merchants from Venice or according to a second version for the view of its huge, vertical glacier visible from the emblematic Capital of Veneto.

That impressive peak is also called in German language Stützerkopf, one of the heights most challenging for many climbers since the 19th centuryand Ignaz von Kürsinger, a famed, local character who once completed that ascent in 1840 gave it the byname weltalte Majestät, : the World old majesty.

That emblematic mountain is in addition was very famous for an event which took place on 9th August 1828 consisting in an expedition composed by 17 people which had among its member Archduke Johan of Austria, former Field Marshal and Imperial Regent of the House of Habsburg.

That group transited in the boundaries of Krimml trying to climb that peak but the attempt failed due to an avalanche stopping the dream of that eminent character linked to the most important Austrian Royal dynasty.
That Alpine chain is an outstanding symbol of the Nation which gave that town further popularity  for those historic events but it is one of the most captivating natural corners of the Oriental Alps which apart those imposing giants boasts others.

One of them is where lies source of the Salzach river at 2,300 metres of altitude on the edge of Kitzbühel Alps in the immediate vicinity of the municipality between two other towering heights called Schwebenkopf and Salzachgeier both in the favourite list of several, passionate mountaineers.

That waterway is well known because along its course crosses the iconic town of Kitzbühel, that prestigious Top winter sports destination and Salzburg forming the border with Germany also flowing in the fairytale Krimmler Achental an enchanting valley  connecting the Birnlücke Pass at 2,665 metres of altitude also called Forcella del Picco to the Val Aurina, the only Alpine crossing point linking the Salzburg state to Italy.

Once reached the summit of that stunning ascent you can follow towards the beautiful Predoi, a captivating centre situated in the Italian Alto Adige in the province of Bözen-Bolzano, another very suggested place of absolute beauty I recommend to visit if you are planning a tour with a stay in that European area.

That magnificent territory also includes the stupendous Pustertal also known as Val Pusterla, a striking valley approximately 100,0 kilometres long very famous to boast in its basin approximately 80 peaks over the 3000, 0 metres of altitude, something of simply impressive considering that specific, geographic area is not extremely vast.

Definitely you will enjoy there an ample fan of marvels in a fascinating environment, enjoying a place surrounded by an unforgettable scenery highlighted by unforgettable landscapes with an uncontaminated nature and also that detail is something many people love very much.

The total absence of pollution is an important additional factor highly appreciated in Krimml making it a great climatic destination.

Worth a further, special mention the great natural, architectural preservation of that site, certainly brilliant aspects which increase the fascination of that corner of Austria, a country very active for perfect, clever plans of conservation, nothing is abandoned or left to a sad destiny, nature is highly protected as a precious treasure to keep eternally safe.

The immaculate, striking image of the territory is greatly highlighted by its intact historic, monumental patrimony reflecting the identity of a country which is an example to follow, for that many tourists always have great memories of that Nation with a constant desire to return there as soon as possible to enjoy once again many visited towns but including smallest villages which eternally delight a visitor.

Many are the chances to admire a traditional Alpine architecture next  refined medieval and Baroque masterpieces also in small centres

To have an immediate confirmation apart Krimml I suggest you to visit other tiny municipalities such as Maishofen, Piesendorf, Sankt Martin bei Lofer and Hollersbach im Pinzgau among others.

You will be enchanted by the presence in those places of stupendous, architectural attractions and thanks to all that  many tourists can enjoy a tourism which is alive all year charming a large number of art lovers.

All that is certainly an aspect to take in high consideration for all the visitors who are planning holidays in a specific destination as Austria which often transmits the pleasurable feeling to repeat a fantastic experience as soon as possible more than once a year with always the desire to fill stays planning day by day different significant routes.
The superb communications which permits to reach a multitude of fairytale destinations as those previously mentioned next to many others is also supported by the presence of the Pinzgauer Lokalbahn a railway  damaged in 2005 by flooding but reopened in 2010.
That line crosses the Salzach valley with a length of approximately 53,0 kilometres stopping in several charming places and also that is certainly an additional, special incentive.

Regarding information and attention to the visitor that land is greatly advanced, once there you will find including in minor municipalities, Tourist Offices providing you all the detailed information you need for specific, historical itineraries in a concrete geographic area, advises, suggestions, tips about outdoor activities total satisfaction for anyone.

You can find all around the Pinzgau region including Krimml very comfortable accommodations with in addition a delectable gastronomy among the best of the entire country.  

Also those aspects are extremely relevant spending enjoyable holidays in a golden haven with a vast choice of hospitality structures providing the maximum comfort tasting a delicious cuisine which is what a traveller wants.

Next to all that Krimml is a destination which has a lot to offer for many people with different tastes offering the chance to practise several outdoors activities such as Alpine and Nordic skiing, it is an Eden for climbers, trekkers, photographers, a Paradise for cyclists and an oasis of peace for families.

That site in addition has a considerable secular history to narrate started a long time ago, concretely in the Neolithic period when in the local boundaries according to archaeological excavations were discovered a good number of artifacts related to that era.

The first official settlers who established villages and camps were the Taurisci, a Celtic population which name is closely linked to the local mountains due to the composition of two words, the first Taur in the former language means mountain developed later with Germanic influences originating the current Tauern meaning mountain pass while the second syllable "Isci" corresponds to the settlers and the final result is inhabitants of the mountain.

Those former inhabitants were also called Norici mainly devoted to farms, agriculture, livestock populating a wide region that the Romans after a campaign of colonisation called Noricum, a denomination which was chosen for the presence of that ethnic group. 

That vast territory corresponded to a big part of Central Europe including lands at the door of the Balkans such as Slovenia, Northern Croatia, Hungary, the Northeastern of Italy, a large part of the modern Austria and an area in the Upper Danube occupied by the present German Bavaria.

It said that the Taurisci or Norici were pacific but at the same time brave warriors they established good relationships with the Romans since the times of Emperors Claudius and Marcus Aurelius in the 1st  and 2nd centuries.

They fought against Teutons, Cimbri, Ambrones, Germanic tribes enemies of that Empire including many of them left their homeland to support the Imperial Rome in Istria and Dalmatia, territories of the current Croatia in clashes against the belligerent Liburnians and Yapides  but sadly many of them died there.

The survivors of that tribe were mainly assimilated by the rulers adopting the Latin as main language while others in the course of chronological, historic stages due to different replacements of populations from a valley to another reached different lands as the Tyrol, Alto Adige, the Slovenian Carniola in a a couple of centuries disappeared due to other assimilations.

After the fall of Rome different invaders such as Alemanni, Marcomanni, Swabians, Juthungi, Varisci and Vandals who created in that territory instability with continuous incursions devastation in a land which lived long periods without consolidated governors who could establish a concrete development. 

All that happened before the landing and occupation by the Lombards later defeated by the Franks in the 8th century, an event which incorporated the territory of the present Pinzgau region in the Holy Roman Empire.

The Frankish domain left as inheritance a defined territorial subdivision, an organised political system but also a rigid feudalistic system, Krimml in the Middle Ages was governed by local lords who always favoured their entourage while the humble farmers never had opportunities of autonomy or hopes of a future, desired development.

Famous is also in the advent in 13th century of the House of Habsburg which in that time started to be a very influential power with Count Rudolph IV and much more when in 1282 those nobles achieved the title of Duchy of Austria starting a long clash against the powerful Duchy of Bavaria represented in that time by the famed House of Wittelsbach founded in the 11th century by Otto I, Count of Scheyern.

That period was highlighted by endless battles, wars claims from both sides to have the domain of those lands.

The future Austrian Emperors with a defined strategy wanted to complete their territorial mosaic including the current Salzburg State in their large sphere of influence while the Bavarian Dukes always hostile to territorial enlargements of that declared enemy also had the desire to expand their borders towards south with open gates to important commercial routes having in those times the possession of those territory.

Those lands were protagonists for many years of continuous diatribes with an epilogue in the 14th century with a declaration of Independence of the entire area which left Bavaria, the Bishopric of Salzburg played an important role in that event because it loyally supported the House of Habsburg transforming itself in an independent principality and church-state inside the Holy Roman Empire.

The region of Pinzgau was integrated in the Austrian Empire during the Napoleonic Wars was looted by French and Bavarian troops losing in 1806 that independence gained five centuries returning into the domains of Bavaria which was not still part of an unified Germany entering in the German Confederation some decades later in 1871.

That land after the Congress of Vienna 1815 was incorporated in the Austro-Hungarian Empire once again during the times of Emperor Franz II, well known to have been the last Holy Roman Empire ruler.

In the following chronological historic stages Krimml including after First World War with the fall of the Imperial House of Habsburg continued to be part of the current Republic of Austria except for a brief period in the 30's  until the 40's due to an occupation by Germany in that notorious event called Anschluss which determined in 1938 the annexation of the entire Nation as land of the Third Reich.

In 1945 once ended the Second World War with an European Continent extremely busy to establish new maps and  borders Krimml was occupied by the Anglo-American troops.

A historic episode saw that town protagonist in 1947 when it hosted 5.000 Jews coming from East Europe escaped from the Holocaust reaching which was in that time a headquarter of U.S Army.

Those refugees were later conducted to Italian territory escorted by French and British troops crossing the Krimmler Tauernpass as first stage before to reach Palestine later.

The allied occupation endured until 15th May 1955 when was signed the Austrian State Treaty and the nation started its processes of reforms establishing a new Republic.

The municipality is subdivided in three specific areas corresponding to Unterkrimml the lower section of the town Oberkrimml the highest boundaries and Hochkrimml the high part of the centre.

The picturesque, greatly preserved environment is immediately a wonderful attraction will surprise you and it is not a mystery that since some centuries ago the Krimmler Achental valley enchanted many prominent people among them the former Austrian Emperors, frequent visitors of that striking site. 

The municipal core is completely crossed by Gerlosstrasse, a long avenue running  from north to south flanking the Krimmler Ache, the river which flows on the eastern side of the local boundaries another stunning, scenic presence.

That waterway in an impressive highlight, protagonist in an unforgettable scenery with its source in a point of the Krimmler Törl  glacier at approximately 2500,0 metres of altitude of that peak of 2787,0 metres of altitude, continuing its course embracing the river Salzach.

It is the descent of that stream which forms those extraordinary waterfalls with a great drop of 380,0 metres called Krimmler Wasserfälle, the German name of those spectacular wonders.

They are the highest of Europe, a fabulous Austrian landmark  which calls people  from all around the world to admire that magnificent show of nature all to immortalise not only in pictures but also in the most beautiful memories for those who love to remember something of special enjoying marvels like that.

 Krimmler Wasserfälle are subdivided in three levels starting from the top of a fantastic gorge with an astonishing first drop of 140,0 metres continuing with another equally spectacular of 100,0 metres while the third, absolutely  striking has the same length of the first.

That succession of wonders is simply mesmerising, many visitors often stays hours in contemplation facing a patrimony of Austria which boasts an affluence of over 450,000 visitors a year, pride of the entire Nation.

Highly interesting are also statistic dates in terms of volume of water delivered, in late spring and early summer is over 20,000 cubic meters per hour,  the maximum peak is during the month of august with an index recognised between  450,000 and 500,000 metres cubes per hour while winter in the months of January and February the flow is reduced to an average media of "only" 500, 0 cubic meters a hour.

You can reach the top of that natural masterpiece by a spectacular path developed by the OeAV, the Austrian Alpine Association starting at the foot of that striking site with the chance to admire that marvellous attraction from different perspectives and altitudes, including in an intermediate point simply great because it offers superb images halfway between the bottom corresponding to Unterkrimml  and the top.

That is something of fascinating admiring different panoramic sights along that trail and naturally once reached the summit the beauty of that divine site is furthermore accentuated.

A further magnificent feature you will notice around that incomparable wonder is also the stupendous natural frame encircling the waterfalls completely surrounded by a captivating green forest which increases furthermore the appeal of that heaven.

The several trees flanking that spectacular giant gorge in which jumps that unique marvel seems a sculpted masterpiece or a beautiful watercolour made by the best landscape artist.  

In addition the presence of majestic peaks dominating the entire scene are as an Imperial crown creating an enchanting, magic aura more than captivating. 

Austria has always been very sensitive to value its natural beauties with a constant preservation o wonderful sites and those scenic images are always protagonists in important International Fairs, events linked to the world of tourism and that is a clear, lively example you will see in several stands representing that country.

Despite the notable peaks of visits all the area around Krimmler Wasserfälle has kept an intact aspect able to bewitch millions of people in a while and what you will notice is the confirmation of all that

The operations of conservation of the environment is related to a strong, deep philosophy transmitting that the the beauty of the natural patrimony is of everyone and it has to be revered as something of sacred.

Those fabulous diamonds of water many years ago due  to their superb appeal were already the desire of many tourists who wanted to reach the most relevant, highest view point.
The very high affluence created some problems along the road leading to Krimml because it could not bear a heavy traffic highlighted by a multitude of visitors who wanted to reach that iconic site every weekend.

The road despite a surface in excellent conditions was not prepared to be transited by high flows of vehicles considering that Alpine ascent has bends and obviously also a speed limit. 

All that was solved by a brilliant idea by Ignaz Von Kürsinger, the previously mentioned man who climbed the Grossvenediger

In 1879 that gentleman decided to open from his town Mittersill an access leading to Hochkrimml with the opportunity to reach the waterfalls in an easier way avoiding queues,  loss of time saving the plans of many people who impatiently desired to spend a splendid day of tourism admiring something of extraordinary.

Later also the local and National Institutions, among them the Austrian Alpine Club improved furthermore the communications connected to that wonderful site, brilliant operations which consolidated much more that municipality in the highest ranking of the national Top destinations.

That concrete geographic point is also well known because it is situated along a sort of of border between the Großvenediger Massif and the beautiful Zillertal Alps, a nearest mountainous range which boasts as great highlight the enchanting Hochfeiler which with its 3510,0 metres is another stupendous peak nicknamed Grosse Pfeiler, the Great Pillar for its imposing silhouette similar to a majestic column.

In the town you can also admire other beautiful attractions because Krimml also has very relevant, historic monuments, one of them is Krimml Pfarrkirche, the local Parish Church.

That medieval, Sacred building dedicated to St.Jakob was elevated in the 13th century originally developed in a sober Gothic style. 

Erected on a rectangular plan it is highlighted by fine lines, defined outlines after some restorations it currently shows a very refined  light facade with a nave, a scenic gable roof and a series of charming, curved windows on its side walls.

In the interior you can admire a splendid apse in which was established a fabulous Baroque altar beneath a wonderful niche with a stylish vaulted section highlighted by fabulous frescoes

Wonderful, sinuous vaults complete a very charming setting, absolutely outstanding for superb artistic details in terms of decoration as relevant stuccoes and other stylish combinations of architectural elements harmoniously linked among them.

Some of the most relevant works are a carved, decorated pulpit visible on the right side of the nave, some small, painted sculptures placed on stone pedestals fixed on the left side wall, all special highlights which fill with criteria and aesthetic taste the spaces of that very charming Sacred temple.

The high square bell tower adjacent to the main body of the Church is definitely another attraction, for shape, size, height, projection and architectural canons it partially representing a classical example of Alpine medieval art but with some late Baroque details.

All that due to a modification of the structure which presents long ochre outlines, highlighted on its front side by an ample clock having as scenic terminal a stupendous long grey spire.

In the municipality  you can also appreciated the traditional architecture of some fascinating buildings consisting in charming wooden houses as Anton Wallner Gebursthaus.

It is  a beautiful construction similar in many structural details to a Walser Haus, those magnificent constructions elevated by that Germanic population originally coming from the Bernese Oberland who apart to move since medieval times in other parts of Switzerland also settled some corners of Italy, Liechtenstein and Austria.

That building was totally developed in timber except a small stone section boasting in its captivating layout an ample balcony covering approximately three quarters of the front side surmounting the main doorway.

Above, beneath and on its left side were placed some windows more or less of the same size, a long portico completes the main facade of that very picturesque, appealing structure which reflects in its entire image the architectural spirit of the region. 

At an altitude of 1622, 0 metres on the shore of the river along a scenic path you can reach another one over 600 years old called Krimml Tauernhaus, a captivating wooden house which is also a charming accommodation  providing in addition a restaurant.

Developed on a rectangular plan with a typical sloping roof above a traditional front side with an ample portico with a series of symmetrical rectangular windows established on its sides, very attractive is also the interior with traditional timber furniture, wooden walls, chairs, tables and including an old clock.

A further which worth a mention is Gasthof Schönangerl situated in Oberkrimml the high part of the town between the topmost and the middle drop of the waterfall, another accommodation very suggested for its charming, pleasant atmosphere offering superb panoramic views.

At 2,330 metres of altitude in in proximity of Gerlos Pass in the heart of National Park Hohe Tauern you can reach Zittauer Hütte, a a very scenic, timber construction in the Zillertaler Alpen built in 1901.

The relevance of those houses is linked to a secular history related to the oldest local trade when the merchants in the Middle Ages crossed the valleys stopping in those buildings to continue their routes the day after. 

In their kinds they were sort of pioneers of a business tourism linked to hospitality used as inns by those traders who continued the day after their journey focused to new commercial operations.

For their immense historic, architectural and cultural value many of them were declared National Monuments and elevated as protected sites by the Austrian Ministry of Culture.

If you love to discover other attractions over the 2,000 metres you can reach the Plattenkogel at 2,040 metres of altitude with the chance to cross a wonderful Alpine plateau flanked by stupendous, virgin forests with a stop during that excursion in another Alpine Gasthaus situated  at an altitude 1,640 metres called Alpengasthof Filzstein.

You can plan other visits in the immediate surroundings as in the nearest town of Gerlos where you will be enchanted by many beautiful opportunities to discover other wonderful sites.

Once there, you can take a path leading to the picturesque and captivating Gerlosee, a splendid reservoir lake situated at 1,400 metres of altitude which shows in all its enchanting charm the true beauty and appeal of a stunning, uncontaminated Alpine waters basin.

In addition if you love trekking or long itineraries in high mountain I suggest you to continue until the foot of the superb, Reichenspitzgruppe, a mountainous range of extraordinary fascination.

You will be delighted by the view of a majestic crown with impressive vertical walls, rugged cliffs highlighted by the Reichenspitze, the peak which gives the name to that group of heights which with its 3303, 0 metres and its scenic crest is another image absolutely unforgettable.

From there you will have the chance to cross other nearest small valleys, a paradise for passionate trekkers because that area is as an open gate thanks to the presence of a multitude of trails discovering corners totally intact entering in the heart of the Ziller Alps well known for its very challenging walls very indicated for experienced climbers.

Krimml is also a great destination to enjoy Winter Sports due to the proximity of several famed ski resorts, a a perfect hallway located in a very strategic position on the road leading the Ski space of Gerlos with access to the emblematic Zillertal Arena.

That vast ski area boasts  over 170, 0 kilometres of Alpine skiing slopes developed in the boundaries of  three towns such as the mentioned Gerlos, Zell am Ziller and Königsleiten.

That presence is definitely a great incentive to plan a stay in that place combining to your pleasant holidays also skiing in a true Eden with superb pistes.

The proximity of the Queen of the Austrian Alps Kitzbühel which is just 55, 0 kilometres away via Mittersill but also the prestigious resort of Saalbach is a further brilliant opportunity to try those emblematic tracks enjoying in addition the local historic, natural beauty of those iconic sites. (I wrote a post about Kitzbühel in the case you are interested)

The local Institutions also developed spaces with several kilometres to practise Nordic skiing crossing magnificent forests beneath towering mountains with very picturesque trails making that land an authentic paradise for Cross-country skiing lovers.

The Hohe Tauern Park is an absolute Mecca for that kind of sporting activity with several kilometres skiing across virgin woody areas in sections of valleys with spectacular mixed routes highlighted by steep climbs and captivating descents.

Including there is a large network of tracks of over 200, 0 kilometres crossing almost all the Pinzgau Region, many of those trails are very suggested for those who love mountaineering and ski Adventure trips discovering with beautiful excursions some hidden, natural jewels covered by snow in corners absolutely unforgettable.

Krimml Winter Wonder is a special local plan developed by the local Tourist Institutions offering the chance to explore Krimml Achental visiting Hochkrimml by horse drawn sleigh, hiking snowshoes next to other kinds of activities on snow very loved by families with children.

Every Wednesday there is a very interesting appointment consisting in a torch light hike to Krimmler Wässerfalle, a beautiful way to admire that spectacular site at night in company of other people, a very suggestive, unique experience in its kind admiring that marvel with artificial lights.

That resort offers the visitors a wide range of many other things to do and cycling is one.The Alpine passes of that land are very challenging, many are the fantastic routes in the area of Mittersill but also in the surroundings of Kaprun, Zell am Ziller, places absolutely wonderful which in addition will enchant you for beautiful Alpine panoramic views accompanying you along the local roads.
Another recommended itinerary is moving towards Kitzbühel continuing in direction of Kirchberg or as alternative I suggest you also the area of Sankt Johan in another direction where you can admire other spectacular corners surrounded by impressive mountains. 

In that territory you can face climbs with outstanding walls or long straights with an average media of 12%, 13% but also with fabulous bends, a great environment packed by ascents very challenging, a Paradise for many inspired, trained cyclists.

For enthusiastic Mountain bikers there are also several tracks in those areas with different coefficient of difficulty but also routes pretty easy for those who are fond of cycle tourism with many chances to visit picturesque hamlets and villages with also historic monuments of notable value.

Other activities thanks to the presence of rivers are rowing and fishing and of course that Alpine region is a paradise for climbing with great, vertical rocky walls reaching beautiful mountainous crests.

The perfect organisation of efficient Tourism Offices providing maps, useful information a visitor needs for those kinds of outdoor activities, in addition if you are a trekker all the paths are really very well indicated and there is also a very expert and competent service about that.

Krimml is also highly suggested for Tour Operators which have Austria as main destination in their outgoing products, apart the local beauties, its geographic position is a magnificent option to plan from there itineraries, significant routes connected to the Tyrol but also to the charming Carinthia, another marvellous land packed by a multitude of marvellous attractions.

In addition the Italian regions of the Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto with the stunning Dolomites, the charming German Bavaria are beautiful lands very close increasing obviously the chances of  varied exciting, successful operations to plan an ample range of combined tours.

Krimml is more than perfect also as stage for tailor made tours or as base for a stay with radial excursions, the region is in addition particularly interesting for gastronomic routes thanks to a secular tradition linked to iconic cheeses with the chance to visit producers, tasting and buy delights of very high reputation.

The local cuisine is really excellent highlighted by traditional flavours with a use of genuine ingredients boasting a sacred culinary code in which all is homemade delighting the palates of every visitor.

The beef of Pinzgau is considered among the best of the entire country, just like the lamb and goat of Tennengau region prepared in different styles such as grilled, baked and seasoned with aromatic herbs.

As in all Austria very common also in that area is the famed Schnitzel, that breaded cutlet originally from Vienna served with potatoes or salad you can find in several local restaurants.

Very famous is an old, famous dish consisting in the iconic  Knödeln, sort of Gnocchi which can accompany different plates, also served in soups and a delicious variant is the Fleischknödeln prepared with minced meat.

The delicious Pinzgauer Specktorte is a very typical local speciality consisting in a pie made with bacon, cheese, eggs, butter, onion, thyme, parsley, chives and nutmeg.

Do not miss to try the delectable Bierfleisch, a meat casserole prepared with bacon, carrots, celery, thyme, coriander, bread, mustard, vinegar seasoned with a good quantity of beer.

The Rindsuppe is a notorious soup containing beef meat, celery, onion, carrots, pepper and parsley while the Klachelsuppe is a further famed dish prepared with the same ingredient b replacing the beef with pig legs. 

Other notorious soups are the Eachtlingsuppe made with potatoes adding minced beef meat, butter, eggs, milk and the Gemusesuppe prepared with a big variety of vegetables such as carrots, celery, onions, potatoes and leeks among others.

A wide selection of delicious, emblematic cheeses are also used as ingredients for traditional plates one of them is the Pinzgauer Kasnocken consisting in dumplings combined with a superb melted Bierkäse adding onion, salt, pepper and chives. 

For those who love fish, great is the local Forelle, trout cooked in different styles such as grilled, baked, boiled, adding herbs or creamy sauces.

The area of Salzburg is also famous for its delicious desserts as the Salzburger Nockelrn,  famed for its fine chocolate with the well known Mozartkrugeln and an iconic delight is also the famous Apfelstrudel.

One of best options to reach that centre in terms of airports is Innsbruck Flughafen Kranebbiten situated at 102, 0 kilometres of distance, from there in approximately one hour and twenty minutes driving by A12 Motorway via Gerlos you will be at destination.

A second excellent alternative is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flughafe, the International Airport of Salzburg located 148, 0 kilometres away. In that case in less than two hours driving by Pinzgauer highway and A10 Motorway via Kaprun you will reach that magic place.  

If you are planning to visit Austria, Krimml is a fantastic destination with the great chance to admire a splendid natural environment with unforgettable landscapes in a scenery simply astonishing very difficult to forget.

The view of those extraordinary waterfalls, a great natural Alpine highlight will be an eternal radiant image you will keep imprinted in your memories as something of indelible remembering that shining Austrian jewel forever. 

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Krimml

Hotel National Park Klockerhaus
Panorama Hotel Burgeck
Alpengasthof Filzstein
Schönagerl Gasthaus
Krimmler Tauernhaus

Recommended Restaurants in Krimml

Restaurant Duxeralm
Restaurant Plattenhalm
Restaurant Pizzeria Reinis

Useful links

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