Montevideo,the Capital of Uruguay is an Exquisite crossroad of Latin America,friendly and hospitable, cosmopolitan and very charming in its diversified architecture,rich of beautiful and captivating contrasts a unique destination to discover,love and to to take with you unforgettable memories.
Situated on the northern banks of the Rio De La Plata,in front of its "Gran Hermana"its big sister Buenos Aires,with which has shared history,trade and many other activities.That river has always been a meeting point of several people,cultures and European immigrants who landed in that corner of South America with hopes and dreams forming an important centre.
Also today due its geographic position,Montevideo,plays an important role in the Continent,between two important countries as Argentina and Brazil,it is a main gateway to the Atlantic Ocean,a centre of great Importance in the geography of Mercosur,the Panamerican United Market of Latin America,main centre of the economy of Uruguay and seat of the national Government.
With its almost 3,0 millions of inhabitants,considering the Great Montevideo,the city is subdivided in 8 main areas and 62 districts ,it has a modern aspect,very lively,with several shopping centres ,a wide array of museums, theatres,cultural centres in which there are several proposals continuously.
Montevideo cosmopolitan city with different faces,inhabitants with Spanish and Italian ancestral heritage but also French,British and from other countries,notable affinities in culture and gastronomy with the nearest Argentina,a joy of life very similar to Brazil,many flavours linked to the local Criolla cuisine and that one from Europe,many architectonic modern buildings with North American inspiration a real crossroad in Uruguay of cultures but what is very relevant is its exquisite atmosphere making it a very pleasant destination of Latin America.
That metropolis has low levels of environmental pollution,a fact that surely is favoured by the 2,600 hectares of green spaces developed along streets and avenues,the boardwalk and the numerous parks present in its urban area,all that is of course another attraction,offering locals and visitors wide spaces and green areas for relax and pleasant walks.
Montevideo cosmopolitan city with different faces,inhabitants with Spanish and Italian ancestral heritage but also French,British and from other countries,notable affinities in culture and gastronomy with the nearest Argentina,a joy of life very similar to Brazil,many flavours linked to the local Criolla cuisine and that one from Europe,many architectonic modern buildings with North American inspiration a real crossroad in Uruguay of cultures but what is very relevant is its exquisite atmosphere making it a very pleasant destination of Latin America.
That metropolis has low levels of environmental pollution,a fact that surely is favoured by the 2,600 hectares of green spaces developed along streets and avenues,the boardwalk and the numerous parks present in its urban area,all that is of course another attraction,offering locals and visitors wide spaces and green areas for relax and pleasant walks.
In the year 2011 Montevideo ranked the top ten as city with the highest quality of life in South America,while today it is the in addition it is the youngest capital and second most safe of the Continent,definitely a place with very interesting and splendid qualities,apart its inhabitants who are very friendly and hospitable.

That land provided a small bay forming an excellent natural harbour,with accessible beaches and one of the closures of the gulf,just the west side has a hill high enough to spot any ship approaching from the east and it was the right place to arrange there artillery batteries protecting the coasts.
In the year 1726 was founded a fortified stronghold which was called San José (St.Joseph) and from Buenos Aires that famous leader landed with 110 soldiers,1000 native Indians and a battery of 10 cannons.Once the fort was established De Zabala invited a group of families composed by 37 people from Canary Islands settled in Buenos Aires and those civilians were the first official settlers of that new colony established in that place which was the former Montevideo.
By then,De Zabala also recruited another contingent of immigrants as the others from Canary Islands and Galicia consisting in approximately thirty families and the current Capital of the country became the main Spanish port in the South Atlantic and one of the main destinations for Spanish people directed to South America during those times of immigration on the other side of the Ocean.
There are at least two explanations about the origin of the name Montevideo.The first says that the name comes from the expression in Portuguese "Monte vide eu" which means I saw the mountain a phrase used by a Portuguese sailors belonging to the anonymous tour of the famous navigator Ferdinand Magellan when he saw the hill of Montevideo the Cerro de Montevideo dominating the current city.The second version says that the Spaniards recorded the location on a map as Monte VI From East to West.
The layout of the city was originally called San Felipe y Santiago de Montevideo by Pedro Millan and the first districts were delineated according old concepts,sharp angles along a walled perimeter forming the Citadel in proximity of the current Plaza Independencia (Independence Square) which had a wide courtyard inside with rooms and spaces used for different purposes,including stables and an arsenal.
The former colonial architecture is still present and preserved in some buildings of the Ciudad Vieja the Old City and it respond to the architectonic Neo-classical Spanish style.The first constitution was sworn in the year 1830,laying the foundations of the current political system,which consists of 3 independent powers such as Executive,Legislative and Judicial.
Plaza Independencia is absolutely a great start point to discover the city.The square is flanked by several emblematic buildings,showing in all its extension and wide surface the importance of a point in which was organised the metropolitan social life.
That majestic square is chaired by the Equestrian Monument of Jose Gervasio Artigas and the underground mausoleum.The Mausoleum of Artigas is dedicated to that iconic hero of the national independence and honoured by military guards during the 24 hours of the day.
That majestic square is chaired by the Equestrian Monument of Jose Gervasio Artigas and the underground mausoleum.The Mausoleum of Artigas is dedicated to that iconic hero of the national independence and honoured by military guards during the 24 hours of the day.
The monument is a statue representing that emblematic figure,it is 17,0 metres high, and weighting about 30 tons.On the south side of the square you can admire Palacio Estevez (Estevez Palace) a building dated 18th century which was the Palace of Government until the year 1985,former seat of the executive power,a relevant attraction are the wooden carvings on its doors.That historic building is still used for formal events.
Very close to it lies the new headquarter building called Palacio Libertad (Liberty Palace) which is a wholly contemporary glass tower.On its east side next to Avenida 18 de Julio,(18th July Avenue) you can admire Palacio Salvo (Salvo Palace),an iconic and impressive building which was erected in the year 1927 by the Italian architect Mario Palanti.It is an eclectic Art Deco construction with a charming silhouette and inspired by the famous Italian epic poem Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy,that great literary work by the famous Florentine poet and writer.
Very close to it lies the new headquarter building called Palacio Libertad (Liberty Palace) which is a wholly contemporary glass tower.On its east side next to Avenida 18 de Julio,(18th July Avenue) you can admire Palacio Salvo (Salvo Palace),an iconic and impressive building which was erected in the year 1927 by the Italian architect Mario Palanti.It is an eclectic Art Deco construction with a charming silhouette and inspired by the famous Italian epic poem Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy,that great literary work by the famous Florentine poet and writer.
The palace for its unique style became soon a landmark of the city and it is a reminder of the architectonic boom during the years of the early 20th century when in Uruguay there was an intense construction of new trendy buildings in a sort of golden ages,thanks to the presence of talented and creative architects who embellished the Capital of the country using different styles and new proposals to give the city a new image.
Undoubtedly it is one of the main tourist attractions in Montevideo and for concept of construction,materials and shape it could be considered a sort of twin for its eclectic style,of the famous Palacio Barolo,erected by the same architect in Buenos Aires..Built to boost the entrepreneurs Angel,Jose and Lorenzo Salvo brothers,with its 105 metres in high and 27 floors,Palacio Salvo was the tallest building in South America from 1928 until 1935 when it was ousted from the top by the Palacio Kavanagh erected in the Capital of Argentina,Buenos Aires.
Despite that it is still one of the tallest buildings in Montevideo,it is the typical image and symbol of the local metropolitan Skyline and from there as historic detail in the year 1937, British agents observed the German Graf Spee destroyer which was anchored in Montevideo harbour.
In Avenida 18 de Julio (18th July Avenue) is located Palacio Legislativo (the Legislative Palace) which would become one of the most important architectonic accomplishments of the city and it was inaugurated in the year 1925 in occasion of the commemoration of the first centenary of independence.That beautiful and majestic marble construction is a brilliant masterpiece of classic style, home of the Parliament and it was declared National Historic Landmark.
On its facades you can admire four groups of Italian sculptures in bronze symbolising ,Law,Justice, Science and Work.Its four walls are oriented towards the four cardinal points,with the Southern as main access.
Large granite steps and a ramp for vehicles surrounded by columns and pilasters lead inside the Hall of Honour the Salon de los pasos perdidos (Hall of the lost steps) and the Reception Hall which is noted for its beautiful gilded ceiling and paintings depicting episodes of the history of Uruguay,as well as portraits of some national heroes and leaders.Really beautiful are two magnificent stained glass windows imported from Italy,designed by Juan Buffa.
Large granite steps and a ramp for vehicles surrounded by columns and pilasters lead inside the Hall of Honour the Salon de los pasos perdidos (Hall of the lost steps) and the Reception Hall which is noted for its beautiful gilded ceiling and paintings depicting episodes of the history of Uruguay,as well as portraits of some national heroes and leaders.Really beautiful are two magnificent stained glass windows imported from Italy,designed by Juan Buffa.
Towards the southern corner of the old city there is another relevant neoclassical building,the emblematic and prestigious Teatro Solis (Solis Theatre) which is the most important and representative of Uruguay.The architectonic inspiration is from the beautiful Italian theatres,the main facade has similarities with the famous Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa,the interior which has a slightly elliptical shape has something in common with the Teatro La Scala of Milan,and other details inside have a remarkable similarity to another one the Teatro Metastasio of Prato,in Tuscany.
That building has undoubedtly a high aesthetic and architectonic value,located in the core of the Montevideo,its construction began in 1841 using exquisite quality materials some of them from abroad,such as red pine from Russia,while from Italy came Genoa slate and much more, marble from Carrara.The result is something really impressive and all that was a desire imposed by the General Manuel Oribe.
From February 1843 until the year 1851 the new theatre works were affected and paralysed and it reopened its doors in the year 1852 despite the activity in those years was limited to sporadic presentations of groups of foreign and domestic actors before to regain its prestige.
The Puerta de la Ciudadela (Gate of the Citadel) is one of the last vestiges of the colonial Montevideo and from there begins the Sarandí a pedestrian area in the Ciudad Vieja the Old City in a point across the gate where the space was occupied by the old former walls.
The Citadel which took 40 years before to be ended completely,was a formidable stoned fortress formed by a large parade ground surrounded by high walls,having on each corner diamond towers and trails in which it was possible to deploy powerful pieces of artillery.
The Citadel which took 40 years before to be ended completely,was a formidable stoned fortress formed by a large parade ground surrounded by high walls,having on each corner diamond towers and trails in which it was possible to deploy powerful pieces of artillery.
Originally it was surrounded by a moat,width and depth,which could be flooded from the sea,crossed into the city by a drawbridge.The Citadel was a monument composed of thick gray granite walls 6 metres high with 4 bastions at the corners fitted with 50 guns and an outer moat of 17 metres wide and 13 metres deep around that gigantic stoned wall which was completely demolished in the year 1877 to develop the present Independence Square.Currently, you can only see a small fragment of the walls,near the Teatro Solis.
Walking along that pleasant pedestrian street you can reach Plaza de la Constitución (Constitution Square) well known also as Plaza Matriz or simply Matriz.It is a historical square of the city and of Uruguay, with an important national value.
That place is where was declared the first Constitution on July 18th 1830.That area was previously called Plaza Mayor (Main Square) during the colonial period and site in which was located the Iglesia Matriz (Mother Church) the former Montevideo Cathedral and the Cabildo (The Council Palace).In the old colonial city in the first decades of independence that square was the centre and core of the social city life and an important meeting point for locals and tourists.
In the year 1867 a first public fountain was erected in the square,the current was inaugurated in the year 1871 and in that day began to be provided water service in the city by a private company.The construction of the marble source was included in the conditions of contract of the service and it was designed by the Italian architect Giovanni Ferrari.
It is composed by a circular tank with a decorated column in its centre which takes the form of three plates which open of decreasing size from bottom to the top.There are in the pond bottom four fauns and four angels intertwined with individual dolphins in the body.At the bottom,there are four eagles alternating with several symbolic figures such as the national symbol,hammer and compass,beehive,rake,fork, scythe,and time among others.
Three naked children hold the second plate and on the top there are three dolphins and as crown of the source at the top was placed a child drinking from a bowl.On one side of the pond there are seven inscriptions written in letters and texts carved in relief on a gray granite plaque referring to the inauguration.
Today the square is a commercial and tourist metropolitan hub along with Calle Sarandí and very close there are ministry offices,banks,cultural Institutions with furthermore a good number of excellent restaurants.
Today the square is a commercial and tourist metropolitan hub along with Calle Sarandí and very close there are ministry offices,banks,cultural Institutions with furthermore a good number of excellent restaurants.
The Cabildo,the Council Palace was built between 1784 and 1799 in Neoclassical style with a series of Ionic and Doric columns topped by a stoned pediment.The material was quarried by the local hill and settled field brick with lime mortar and sand.The structure includes a chapter hall,a court room,a prison,a prison,guardhouse,a medical centre and a Chapel too.
In the year 1830 after Uruguay independence,the building also hosted the Legislature in the Superior Courts of Justice,the Police Headquarters,the National Council of Administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In the year 1830 after Uruguay independence,the building also hosted the Legislature in the Superior Courts of Justice,the Police Headquarters,the National Council of Administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Since the year 1959 it houses the Municipal Museum and since 1975 it was declared National Historic Monument.The interior sculptural ornaments of the Cabildo come from the Prado district except the water source,located in the centre of one courtyard which was the first public fountain which had the city,located previously in the square Plaza de la Constitucion.
The Palace currently houses the Museo Municipal (the Museum of the Municipality) a historical archive displaying documents and history about the Colonial Period and some Pre-Hispanic archives.
The Palace currently houses the Museo Municipal (the Museum of the Municipality) a historical archive displaying documents and history about the Colonial Period and some Pre-Hispanic archives.
Very close to the Cabildo is situated the Catedral Metropolitana de Montevideo.The history of the most important Religious building of the city is dated the colonial times,concretely in 1740, year in which was opened in the current location.
The original construction was erected in brick and tiles with wooden frames and it is characterised by a main portico and three naves.Later,in the year 1790 started a new construction of the initial draft by the Portuguese architect José Custodio Faria Sà continuing with the works by the Spanish architect Tomás Toribio.
The original construction was erected in brick and tiles with wooden frames and it is characterised by a main portico and three naves.Later,in the year 1790 started a new construction of the initial draft by the Portuguese architect José Custodio Faria Sà continuing with the works by the Spanish architect Tomás Toribio.
The temple was consecrated in October of the year 1804 and despite the renovations made in the year 1860 by the architect Bernardo Poncini and important sections performed by the architects Rafael Ruano and Guillermo De Armas from 1941 and for 20 years,its structure and style generally correspond to the original project.
In the year 1897, Pope Leo XIII consecrated the Church as main Religious centre of the city with the title of Cathedral Metropolitana and dedicated to the Virgin Immaculate Conception and the patrons saints of Montevideo, St. Felipe and Santiago.(St.Philip and Stephen).
In the year 1897, Pope Leo XIII consecrated the Church as main Religious centre of the city with the title of Cathedral Metropolitana and dedicated to the Virgin Immaculate Conception and the patrons saints of Montevideo, St. Felipe and Santiago.(St.Philip and Stephen).
Plaza Zabala (Zabala Square) is the square in honour of the Montevideo founder Bruno Mauricio de Zabala.In the year 1878 during the dictatorship of the Colonel Lorenzo Latorre was decided to demolish the former fortress located in that place and to arrange a public square,but for 12 years that site became a wasteland, leading to the construction of the square only in the year 1890.
The equestrian statue of that emblematic figure was erected by Spanish sculptor Lorenzo Valera Coullaut in collaboration with the Spanish Basque architect Pedro Muguruza Otaño.In That square surrounded by gardens there is one of the few places which still retains iron bars and gates and it is characterised by its oblique arrangement which violates the perfect checker board streets of the historic district and the air of a Parisian garden which gave his designer,a talented French landscaper architect called Eduard André.
The only one of the buildings surrounding the square which deserves particulars interest is Palacio Taranco (Taranco Palace),a French-style building,currently seat of the Ministerio de Educaciòn y Cultura (Ministry of Education and Culture).
Located in front of Plaza Zabala,,it was the residence of the Ortiz Taranco brothers since1910 erected on the ruins of a theatre,it was declared National Historic Momument in the year 1975.The work is by French architects Charles Louis Girault and Jules Lion Chifflot both authors of the famous Petit Palais of Paris and of the iconic Arc de Triomphe in the French Capital.
Located in front of Plaza Zabala,,it was the residence of the Ortiz Taranco brothers since1910 erected on the ruins of a theatre,it was declared National Historic Momument in the year 1975.The work is by French architects Charles Louis Girault and Jules Lion Chifflot both authors of the famous Petit Palais of Paris and of the iconic Arc de Triomphe in the French Capital.
Subsequently the property was transferred to the Uruguayan state and that residence was signed in the Act of Montevideo in the year 1979 which achieved a papal mediation which resolved the border dispute between Argentina and Chile for the Beagle Channel.
The Palace currently hosts a Museum the Museo de Arte Decorativa displaying a rich collection of paintings,sculptures,textiles,ornaments and European furniture alongside a section devoted to archaeology with pieces of Greek-Roman and Middle East civilisations.
From the square walking down the shopping and busy streets Calle Colon and Calle Perez Castellano you can reach Montevideo Harbour,a very lively and vibrant area with many bars,cafes restaurants,the Vieja Aduana ( the Old Customs) and the Mercado del Puerto ( Port Market).
The Mercado del Puerto was the first colonial Montevideo market and now it is a place packed by many locals and typical restaurants.The true origin of the Mercado del Puerto was due to a private initiative from England which brought the plans and a new construction with structural techniques which caused total astonishment in the city.
Under its wrought iron structure,reminiscent of an European railway station,a legend says that the materials used for its construction were intended to build a real railway station in the Pacific,having wrecked off the Uruguayan coast in an unknown point the ship which carried them.
Under its wrought iron structure,reminiscent of an European railway station,a legend says that the materials used for its construction were intended to build a real railway station in the Pacific,having wrecked off the Uruguayan coast in an unknown point the ship which carried them.
An old English clock with a carved wooden base and metal finish,dominates the centre of the market,that old area has a very heterogeneous environment in which artisans,musicians,painters,comedians and all kinds of artists find a great place showing their performances.
The weekends are generally days chosen to turn the place into a journey inspired by mimes,artists and singers and of course over time,that place had an unforgettable charm for every visitor for its colourful and very lively atmosphere all to enjoy.
The weekends are generally days chosen to turn the place into a journey inspired by mimes,artists and singers and of course over time,that place had an unforgettable charm for every visitor for its colourful and very lively atmosphere all to enjoy.
Montevideo is a maritime city and also offers the visitors beautiful beaches,one of them is Playa Pocitos, generally and mainly preferred by young people enjoying water sports,playing beach volley and the famous "futbol playa" the beach soccer.Its waters are calm,it is a flat beach with white sands also ideal for families and it is located just 10 minutes from downtown Montevideo.
On the promenade you can find a wide range of bars and restaurants which satisfy the most demanding clients in terms of gastronomic specialities.Do not miss to take a look to the nearest Castillo Pittamiglio. That castle was built between the years 1910 and 1966 by the Italian architect Umberto Pittamiglio and its decorations referred to Alchemy, Freemasonry and the Occult. Since the year 2009 it works a cultural space where culture is spreading in all its aspects.
Playa Buceo is another wonderful sandy beach particularly loved by windsurfers but also ideal for diving and a few meters away you can visit Museo Oceanografico the Oceanographic Museum of the city.The famous Playa Malvin is another splendid long beach located in a large bay with a beautiful promenade,it is also a great place to enjoy amazing panoramic views of the entire coast.
Playa Carrasco with its fine white sand is located in one of the most beautiful residential neighbourhoods of the Capital of Uruguay offering excellent services,a wide range of typical restaurants,a vibrant nightlife, shopping centres in its proximity and its greatest symbol is definitely the Hotel Casino Carrasco.
Playa Carrasco with its fine white sand is located in one of the most beautiful residential neighbourhoods of the Capital of Uruguay offering excellent services,a wide range of typical restaurants,a vibrant nightlife, shopping centres in its proximity and its greatest symbol is definitely the Hotel Casino Carrasco.
Another maritime highlight is of course the Faro de Punta Carretas the ,Montevideo Lighthouse which is the southernmost of the metropolitan area and of Uruguay,since the construction of the cofferdam,which is today a busy fishing port.
In historical maps that point is known as Punta Brava (Wild Cape), by the number of shipwrecks that occurred in the surrounding area and later it was called Punta Carretas,by the rocks similar to sort of wagons.
It was built in 1836, and the lamp is 21 metres above sea level.That lighthouse emits a white light, fixed, visible over 17 kilometres in clear weather,the instruments of English origin, including lighting components, glass optics and a rotation watch.
Punta Brava or Punta Carretas is a peninsula which was once an isolated point and closely linked with the city with spectacular views towards the eastern and western coasts,a place to enjoy magnificent sunsets, the bay which defines a natural harbour and internally it has an edge formed by small rocky coves and varied are an unbeatable coastal heritage showing all its splendour.
It was built in 1836, and the lamp is 21 metres above sea level.That lighthouse emits a white light, fixed, visible over 17 kilometres in clear weather,the instruments of English origin, including lighting components, glass optics and a rotation watch.
Punta Brava or Punta Carretas is a peninsula which was once an isolated point and closely linked with the city with spectacular views towards the eastern and western coasts,a place to enjoy magnificent sunsets, the bay which defines a natural harbour and internally it has an edge formed by small rocky coves and varied are an unbeatable coastal heritage showing all its splendour.
Close to Punta Carretas there is also a harbour for yachts and many facilities about diving furthermore it is a place offering opportunities for bird watching with a large number of
species along the coastline.In the past the name was Rambla de las Naciones Unidas
(Rambla of United Nations).
La Rambla de Montevideo is an important artery lane,located south of the bay,it is a long pedestrian walk avenue bordered by numerous beaches and on weekends it attracts thousands of people who come in search of ride,recreation, fresh air and relax.In addition to all that in several points, especially in the Rambla Sur (the avenue in its southern section),it is also a very good place to practise fishing.
La Rambla is part of the identity of Montevideo and a relevant landmark and for that reason was declared a historical site,including in the early 2010 it has been proposed for the list of UNESCO as World Heritage site.
La Rambla de Montevideo is an important artery lane,located south of the bay,it is a long pedestrian walk avenue bordered by numerous beaches and on weekends it attracts thousands of people who come in search of ride,recreation, fresh air and relax.In addition to all that in several points, especially in the Rambla Sur (the avenue in its southern section),it is also a very good place to practise fishing.
La Rambla is part of the identity of Montevideo and a relevant landmark and for that reason was declared a historical site,including in the early 2010 it has been proposed for the list of UNESCO as World Heritage site.
Through the Rambla, you can enter in Puerto Buceo ( Diving Port) a small bay which has a yachting marina and flanked by several buildings.The course of that very long avenue which runs along approximately 22,0 kilometres,it is a passage through the neighbourhoods and beaches of the city,including Playa Carrasco Resume and Malvin, among others.
Fortaleza del Cerro located on the Cerro de Montevideo,the hill of the Uruguay Capital,is a fortress which was erected during the first decade of the 19th century as a result of the British Invasions of the Rio de la Plata and from there developed in order to become a sort of sentinel of the Bay of Montevideo.
Ended in the year 1809 by order of the Governor Francisco Javier Elio, got through the wars of independence and then the civil war,without falling into the hands of the besiegers until 1870.In the year 1880,it was reorganised without affecting its external lines and equipped with modern breech-loading artillery pieces.
Ended in the year 1809 by order of the Governor Francisco Javier Elio, got through the wars of independence and then the civil war,without falling into the hands of the besiegers until 1870.In the year 1880,it was reorganised without affecting its external lines and equipped with modern breech-loading artillery pieces.
Located on the highest point of Montevideo and having received the Honour of inclusion in the heraldry of the Republic,in addition to all that it was used as a military prison and site of a lighthouse,while the battery featured in the fort served the mission to greet the arrival of allied ships.
Other highlights are the Hall of Krupp showing artillery pieces and cannons made in Argentina in the year 1889 and in the Room Sarandí are exhibited different replicas of the swords of the General José Artigas given away by the Province of Buenos Aires in 1811 and by the Province of Cordoba in 1815.
The visitors can also admire the priceless collections distributed in other sections and also reaching the walls of the fortress,a place full of memories and legends.From there,it is possible to enjoy a stupendous panoramic view overlooking the bay and the city,absolutely scenic and amazing.
The visitors can also admire the priceless collections distributed in other sections and also reaching the walls of the fortress,a place full of memories and legends.From there,it is possible to enjoy a stupendous panoramic view overlooking the bay and the city,absolutely scenic and amazing.
The city offers the opportunity to enjoy beautiful parks,gardens and green areas.Parque Rodo is one of
the most popular,a splendid masterpiece designed by Carlos Thays.The park which takes advantage of its unique location between the beach Ramirez and the Golf Club is one of the green landmarks of Montevideo and it is completed by a music pavilion and a summer theatre,a children's library which works in a castle on the banks of the artificial lake.
The book "New Directions" and the monument to Jose Enrique Rodo, are good examples of the works by one of the most famous sculptors from Uruguay, José Belloni.Within the park,the visitors can also enjoy restaurants,bars and beautiful flowered gardens.
The book "New Directions" and the monument to Jose Enrique Rodo, are good examples of the works by one of the most famous sculptors from Uruguay, José Belloni.Within the park,the visitors can also enjoy restaurants,bars and beautiful flowered gardens.
Parque del Prado ( Prado Park) within its neighbourhood is a large green lung,which has among its main attractions a big rose garden and it is the perfect place to enjoy a walk,a huge verdant area very peaceful and relaxing.Developed on a surface of approximately 102 hectares,it was the first park opened in the city.That district was traditionally associated with the rich aristocracy of the19th century,originated in the colonial period and some families built there villas,luxurious houses and elegant mansions.
The Rural del Prado,next to the park hosts every year the Expo Prado,attended by livestock producers to present several animals to be judged according to their different breeds.In that exhibition you can also see farm machinery and stands of various business enterprises and companies.
In addition in that ample space is located the Jardin Botanico Attilio Lombardo (a Botanical Garden) the Museo Juan Manuel Blanes,the Carmelite Church and a monument of great relevance,a magnificent work by José Belloni called La Diligencia (The Diligence).Caught in a swamp,as marking the final fate of those vehicles were able to go places and old villages of the Oriental Uruguay and the subtitle is an important message of a glorious past which gave a way to a hopeful present.
In addition in that ample space is located the Jardin Botanico Attilio Lombardo (a Botanical Garden) the Museo Juan Manuel Blanes,the Carmelite Church and a monument of great relevance,a magnificent work by José Belloni called La Diligencia (The Diligence).Caught in a swamp,as marking the final fate of those vehicles were able to go places and old villages of the Oriental Uruguay and the subtitle is an important message of a glorious past which gave a way to a hopeful present.
Parque Battle formerly called Parque de los Aliados (Allied Park),is another impressive green area in the homonyms district,which houses several sport installations such as the legendary Estadio Centenario (Centenario Stadium), which hosted the first football World Cup of the history and furthermore two other football stadiums,the city velodrome and the Obelisk of the Constitution.
Lecocq Zoo is another attraction of Montevideo and worth a visit.That place is a centre for animal conservation and preservation of native species,the forested environment along with a proper building structure,enables excellent field of outdoor recreation.Just twenty minutes from the centre of Montevideo Parque Lecocq is becoming one of the biggest tourist attractions of the city.
Following in the footsteps of its founder,Francisco Lecocq,a lover of arboriculture,nature and animals,the municipality and private companies have unified human,material and economic links with the aim of creating a beautiful centre and to achieve those objectives.
That complex also includes a centre with conference rooms,restaurant,cabins and recreational playground, currently it also has a service for visitors,where a team of professionals organise guided walks on foot or horseback in recognition of the flora and fauna of that splendid park.In those educational walks you can see the animals virtually free,where they reproduce and also where they are protected,enjoying a unique space in the city.
Montevideo has a valuable collection of architecture, ranging from neoclassical to the postmodern buildings. The Telecommunications Tower also known as ANTEL tower reaches a height of 162 metres and today is the tallest skyscraper in the country or the twin towers of the World Trade Centre Montevideo is another example of relevant architecture.Within its skyscrapers also highlights are other buildings such as Antenna Saeta TV Channel 10 and the Torre del Gaucho,both over 100 meters high.
Do not miss ig you are spending a stay in Montevideo the Feria Tristan Narvajal which is of course one of the postcards of Montevideo.Opened in the year 1909,that
market began selling fruit and vegetables but quickly became more
diversified and expanding its businesses becoming one of the rides most
characteristic of the capital.The street begins next to Universidad de la Republica along Avenida de 18 de Julio,every Sunday, beginning at 9 am until about 4.00 pm.
In the last decades in that place have been installed bookstores and antique
recycled and in addition to the widest range of objects and products the
main attraction is the flea market which is a great opportunity
to understand the social reality of the current Montevideo.
You can buy traditional pastries for Sunday lunch,books,tapes,vinyl discs,ornaments,furniture,a multitude of items and including pets.It is an experience really interesting and extravagant,unique in its kind a place highly animated,lively and colourful to spend a lovely time in the city.
You can buy traditional pastries for Sunday lunch,books,tapes,vinyl discs,ornaments,furniture,a multitude of items and including pets.It is an experience really interesting and extravagant,unique in its kind a place highly animated,lively and colourful to spend a lovely time in the city.
The city offers the visitor a vibrant nightlife and a lot of things to do.Theatre performances Tango,Murga and Candombe shows,(typical local dances) Montevideo is a place to attend various dance and performing arts offered throughout the year.
In the Ciudad Vieja there is the largest city nightlife where you will find everything such as bars,clubs,live music,with a choice for all tastes,venues with an ample calendar of events,there are also several restaurants and bars where you can take from a typical Mate the national herb drink to the most sophisticated cocktails,some clubs such as Chapter,the City"Alexander,Nice and Bar Fun Fun which is a bar located in Montevideo's historic Citadel Street 1229 are among the most lively and trendy places and furthermore
you can enjoy different shows including tango.
Also Pocitos is a neighbourhood offering a very lively nightlife,it is one of the most famous places for its safety and beauty.It offers excellent options for those looking to spend nights filled with music and dance,as its bars and discos offer nights of high quality.Among the options to enjoy there are interesting and trendy places as Rapa Nui or El Bacilón.Plaza Victoria Casino in Plaza Indipendencia is another fashionable option,an elegant venue with French roulette tables,blackjack,slot machines,and bingo.
Uruguay cuisine is really tastefully and very similar to the Argentinian but also with strong European influences in particular Italian and Spanish.It is a cuisine full of flavors and the typical highlights are the famous Asado (grilled meat made by firing in kilns called broilers) the Milanesa (beef steak coated and fried bread) and the goat is of excellent quality too.
Meat is simpy exquisite and of high quality, Try a Chivito which is a unique type of sandwich meat which contains meat,bacon,cheese,tomatoes,eggs, olives,onions and mayonnaise.The famous Parrillada as in the nearest Argentina is often served in a large tray with a variety of grilled beef meat.Excellent is also the grilled fish and seafood.
Meat is simpy exquisite and of high quality, Try a Chivito which is a unique type of sandwich meat which contains meat,bacon,cheese,tomatoes,eggs, olives,onions and mayonnaise.The famous Parrillada as in the nearest Argentina is often served in a large tray with a variety of grilled beef meat.Excellent is also the grilled fish and seafood.
Do not miss to taste a Mate an infusion typically made by herbs and it is the national drink.There are several disputes between Uruguay and Argentina about who invented that drink,at the moment there is not still a winner because there are often new and infinite stories with regard someone or a place where that drink has had its origin.
People drinks that beverage any time during the day,it is a social drink,to share with friends,at home,in the streets,there are different kind of mates,adding fruit,lemon,all depend of the local traditions and also by the geographical situation.
People drinks that beverage any time during the day,it is a social drink,to share with friends,at home,in the streets,there are different kind of mates,adding fruit,lemon,all depend of the local traditions and also by the geographical situation.
In Carrasco area, in the eastern zone of the city is situated the Aeropuerto Internacional Carrasco the International Airport of Montevideo,a very busy airport,with National and International flights.
The metropolitan transport has a bus service network Omnibus which covers the entire city.There are three passenger metropolitan rail lines managed by AFE the State Railway Administration covering all the most important destinations in the city.The bus station Terminal Tres Cruces is located in Avenida Artigas and the other important station is the Terminal Rio Branco with intercity bus services linking the Capital to all the most important cities and towns across the country.
Montevideo is a very special city,very safe,rich of attractions and with a vibrant nightlife,excellent restaurants and bars a very exquisite crossroad of Latin America,immediately visible in the local culture,linked to the most traditional South American rythms but also with a strong European culture transmitted by the first immigrants in architecture,cultural events and also in gastronomy which in a "happy marriage" accompanies the tastefully and exotic local flavours.
Local people is very friendly and always ready to give you a very warm welcome.You can sit in a bar and meeting someone so proud and happy to tell you so many suggestions about that beautiful South American Capital for all that and a multitude of things more,that city,many times underrated and by many unknown is a splendid choice,a hidden jewel to discover and enjoy,the surprises are many and all them simply fantastic.
Local people is very friendly and always ready to give you a very warm welcome.You can sit in a bar and meeting someone so proud and happy to tell you so many suggestions about that beautiful South American Capital for all that and a multitude of things more,that city,many times underrated and by many unknown is a splendid choice,a hidden jewel to discover and enjoy,the surprises are many and all them simply fantastic.
Francesco Mari
Recommended Hotels in Montevideo
Don Boutique Hotel
Hotel Four Points by Sheraton Montevideo
Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel
Belmont House Hotel
Hotel Plaza Fuerte
Hotel Iberia
Hotel Tryp Montevideo
Hotel NH Columbia Montevideo
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