Cork-Ireland | Cosmopolitan City with Celtic Spirit.

Cork is an important centre in Ireland,a cosmopolitan city with Celtic spirit which gained a worldwide reputation when it was named European Capital of Culture in the year 2005 and especially after that considerable event also came new inhabitants who added colours giving it a more international character despite it always shows with pride its old and marked Gaelic heritage and a culture deeply rooted in its secular history.

When you visit Cork the first impression is that is a city packed by a large number young people,an incredible number of students you can see around its very lively city in its pubs,bars and clubs.All that because Cork  hosts one of the most important University in Ireland the UCC,a college very popular thanks to the many faculties and offering different courses such as Law,Engineering,Medicine,Art Business and  Economy among others.

Thanks to all that the formula University Erasmus Exchange certainly has consolidated Cork to be a favourite destination to that large choice several people has coming to study  from other European Universities for that prestige but also generated for the young and bustling atmosphere the city has.

Apart the Academic studies,Cork has attracted many people from East Europe in particular from the Baltic Republics Republics,Latvia and Lithuania,but also from Poland,Hungary,Russia and including many immigrants from Africa and Asia decided to fix their residence to live in a place opened to receive new people  after that famous event celebrated some years ago.

The atmosphere of Cork is very lovely and friendly,you can sit in many pubs having a lunch  enjoying the iconic excellent salmon,a pint of Murphy beer and tasting other local gastronomic specialities and it is very easy to know someone and having a pleasant chat.
The city is not small but not extremely big and it is mainly concentrated at the mouth of the river Lee forming a natural little island.Its historic centre is pretty compact with the busy and lively Princess Street and St Patrick Street and the narrow and charming Oliver Plunkett Street which are all together protagonists of the lively core of that Irish centre.Those streets are in proximity of  Ireland Sean na-Mhargadh Sacsan   which replaced the former English Market.

Merchant Quay situated north of the market on the banks of the river Lee and it is another important artery leading to the Opera House and in its proximity is situated Clontarf Street which crosses the river meeting Albert Quay on the other side of that waterway while South Mall is another local main axis running south of the core of Cork facing George´s Quay which leads to St.Din Barres´s Cathedral.
The name city derives from the ancient Celtic word Corcaigh which means marsh for the swamp area existing in its boundaries due the large volume of waters which occupied a large part of its territory.

Cork has always played an important role in the historic events of the country thanks also to its strategic geographic position situated between Dublin and Limerick and aspect which permitted it to have different cultural interchanges in the past with other areas of the Nation,it is 400 hundred years older than the major centre of the Irish Republic and currently  it is the second largest city of of Ireland.

With a very interesting and full of tumultuous events but also with a strong and relevant development in different periods the history of Cork undoubtedly has a lot to narrate,Its origin dating back centuries ago when the first Gaelic populations formed a small settlement which increased for relevance and importance year by year becoming very well known all around the currently county.

In the  6th century was founded by St. Finbarr a former village with a strong Gaelic identity and the construction of a Monastery permitted to the Cork to start a notable development as an important Christian settlement with an enlargement of its boundaries and increasing in population.

Since the 8th century Ireland was a land of conquest by the Vikings coming from Denmark and Norway landing on the Irish coasts and they became rulers founding cities and towns and developing other centres including in Cork in which was established in the local bay a very organised commercial harbour according historic documentations all that took place in the year 846.

The Norsemen continued along all the territory their expansion until the defeat in proximity of Dublin where the men of the North were defeat by King Brian Boru in the early 10th century,when that emblematic figure who died in that event (I wrote a post about his history and that event in a post about Killaloe his birthplace) a man who was able to find an unity within the several Celtic tribes who since there never had a strong union and they were often fighting for local domains.

After periods characterised by truces and immediate operations of war ad always in constant contrasts with the Men of the North with Cork which suffered several devastation by the former Nordic rulers and as important date worth a mention that in  the course of its history that Irish centre was rebuilt several times due to continues invasions and incursions along its coastline which damaged many former buildings and structures.

In the 12th century Cork fell under Anglo-Norman rule and the King of England in 1185 gave it the official title of city.During those times were erected around its boundaries a set of defencive walls to preserve the integrity of its centre after centuries of attacks and devastation and there was a notable development of a new large harbour.

Thanks to that significant operation the city became a very important seafaring centre with a relevant volume of commerce and approximately 15 families established an important network of trade along the Irish coast exporting leather,stones,textile products,wool and mainly importing vegetables,salt,wine and minerals and metals in particular iron.

It was a period in which Cork became a very active cross point and its port was already very well known all around the country including in France and linked to that wealthy and prosperous period was also founded a motto in Latin language which said : Statio Bene Fida Carinis which translated a safe harbour for boats.

The title of Mayor of Cork was established by a Royal Charter in the year 1318 and changed to Lord Mayor in 1900.The city suffered a sad decline in the 14th century due to the Black Death which decimated the local population and that very active and busy port interrupted several traffics including the importations due that tragic event.It was the year 1349 and from a former population which reached in that period over 2,000 inhabitants it was reduced at less than the half.

The middle ages were also protagonists  protagonists of disputes and battles in particular in the 15th century  with the famous Wars of the Roses when the noble houses of York and Lancaster fought for the succession of the throne concretely between the years 1455 and 1487.

In Cork including troubles linked to those clashes continued furthermore for other six years and in 1491 Perkin Warbeck a noble Belgian declared to be the  first Duke of York Richard of Shrewsbury and legitimate son of the Monarch Edward IV and totally against the Reign of King Henry VII.

That figure found in the local population and in the Cork a strong alliance and for that the city had a reputation in that time as a rebel,subversive and declared enemy of the Royal Crown.All that ended when Warbeck organised a military expedition with a big number of soldiers to England to impose his rights and claiming the throne but they were blocked,imprisoned and executed.

After a period of relative calm despite a big fire in the year 1622 the city lived a renaissance in the 17th century when landed groups of noble French citizens of Protestant Calvinist Religion,the famous Huguenots who as you know escaped from France due a persecution by the King Louis XIV who defended the integrity of a Catholic France.

During the 17th and 18 centuries thanks to the presence of those families which were economically very wealthy were erected many stylish and elegant Georgian buildings,including Churches and the Custom House.In addition were also reactivated many maritime trades which had lost importance and the local harbour restarted as in following centuries to export dairy products mainly consisting in butter but also increased later with other operations including meat.

In the 19th century Cork suffered a terrible inundation in the year 1853 and its history continued with the several years related to the War of Independence of Ireland ending with the Anglo -Irish Treaty and the proclamation of the Republic of Ireland when the country left Great Britain in the 20s.

Some other information pretty interesting about Cork are that the former city during its historic course was mainly developed joining numerous bridges with the residential neighbourhoods at north and south and it  has a big number of Churches,if you think that with a population of less of 200.000 inhabitants including the suburbs and the areas corresponding to the greater Cork you can find about 100 Churches around its territory.

One of the iconic symbols and place where you can start your visit  is Shandon a Religious construction dedicated to St.Anne and characterised by its large red and white clock.Its name,Shandon derives from the two words Sean Dun meaning old fort,originated by the former local district situated at the top of a hill overlooking the river Lee.

It is the most famous Sacred building in the city and  it was built in the year 1750 with the highest tower of the municipality with its 36,0 meters and with its 9 bells and you can climb on the top to admire the beautiful cityscape and superb views on the green countryside enjoying a panorama absolutely stunning.
 A peculiar nickname was also given to that tower when it was called The Four Faced Liar because looked from different perspectives it appears different in each side.

Notable is the architectonic arrangement of the Church with a splendid sequence of windows placed under and over its circular watch highlighted by its dark background  with golden wooden and gilded numbers.The entrance is by a splendid arched portal and the material used consists in two kind of stones one of them a splendid red limestone which with the sun lights generates charming reflects.

Very interesting is also the lateral facade flanking the nave with a symmetric composition of four long curved windows and for the kind of material used,lines and inspiration you can consider that Christian Temple a sort of superb revival inspired by old canons but with elements added in a very creative way as that series of windows on the tower.

Next to that Church  you can see  the Cork Butter Exchange consisting in a group of buildings dated the 19th century adapted for craft workshops and where also stands the old butter market.

That activity played an important role in the history of the economy becoming one of the most important local  resources producing that butter which was exported in all Ireland,Great Britain and many other European markets.

Cork always produced butter in large quantity and during the Napoleonic wars, the city became the largest producer and exporter of such product of all Ireland and also for that the French leader wanted to conquer that city which could give him considerable traffics in continuous expansion.

Linked to such product you can also visit Cork Museum of butter an exhibition which introduces the visitor to the history of that special and appreciated butter made in Cork since its origins,its stages and development until most recent times and its importance in chronological steps for the local business.

That area is one the oldest of the city and in that district,a place in which the merchants in old times had their main activities and it was a very lively site in Tobin Street you can see Triskel Arts Centre which houses a small museum and it also organises cultural events.

 St Patrick's Street situated in Shandon district it is one of the most important axes of Cork and  it separates the medieval core from the modern area of the municipality and where you can see the National Monument erected in memory of the Irish patriots.It is definitely one of the busiest streets of that Irish centre characterised by its old houses mainly dated 18th century and with a a very lively atmosphere.In the year 2004 it had a notable redevelopment becoming the main important shopping street of the entire city.

Another historic highlight of that Irish centre is certainly the famous English Market which according historic documentations was founded in the early 17th century concretely in the year 1610.It is a covered market with different accesses such as St.Patrick Street,Prince Street,Gran Parade and Oliver Plunknett Street and under the arcades of that emblematic place you can breathe a very lively,colourful and bustling  atmosphere.

It is a very vibrant place with a big variety of stalls where you can buy several such as fish,vegetables,local cheese,meat and many other things.That market has a long history ans tradition,the trade and the presence of active merchants in Cork is dated since the medieval period when a group of about 14,15 families started to transport to the continental Europe in particular to France on the coasts of Normandie and Bretagne locals products.

That market was born during the Anglo-Norman period and it is the result of a long and secular activity and curiously in those times Cork had more English inhabitants than Irish and only one of those famous families was native of Ireland : the family Ronayne.

 In a small street very close you can see another interesting Church dedicated to St Peter and St Paul's and built in the 19th century exactly in the year 1868 over a previous Religious building dated 1786 in a splendid Neo Gothic style.

Notable is its main facade with a beautiful arched doorway with vaults with splendid framed decorations.In its interior you can admire a splendid altar beneath a scenic dome,magnificent arcades with symmetric columns with capitals and a relevant pulpit made by Russian oak.Another attraction of special relevance is the presence of of a series of long stained glass windows placed in correspondence the apse behind the altarpiece.

Crossing the river Lee,you can reach the Town Hall an imposing building erected in the year 1936.It is an impressive large white building characterised by a big number of rectangular windows on the side of the main entrance on two stories with a splendid portico while in the central body on the top you will notice the presence of a polygonal architectonic element topped by a dome.

That building is the result of the reconstruction of a previous one fired and destroyed by the English Black and Tans,that military Division formed in England in the year 1919 recruited to fight Ira in the year 1920 and 1921 and that name was for the colour of the uniform of the members of that force.

In the central island between the northern and south channels of the river Lee you can see Custom House built in 1881 by William Hargrave,a building which is characterised by architectonic neoclassic elements as a huge frontal pediment and in addition you can see a wrought Coat of Arms of Cork depicting two fortresses sheltering a ship and with that famous motto previously mentioned depicted that Latin inscription Statio Bene Fida Carinis.

Developed on two stories with an arched portal as main entrance and on the top three large curved windows covering the entire facade,the interior is very interesting thanks to the presence of splendid stylish rooms richly decorated with crystal chandeliers and belle epoque ceiling.

Following the shore of the river in a southwesterly direction you can reach the Holy Trinity Church dated 1832 and designed  by the architect George Pain and site in which preached the Father Theobald Matthew well known as the Apostle of Temperance famous for its campaign and crusade against the use of Alcohol in Cork and Ireland.

The spire and the Gothic frontal section visible today were added some decades after the construction exactly in the year 1880.Its  position dominating the river and its arcades developed in the main facade under that majestic spire make that religious building one of the most scenic constructions and landmarks of the city.

The Church was established on a vast and long rectangular plan and in its its interior you can admire a very charming nave with a series of high columns on the sides and stupendous vaults and arcades while the sober altar is dominated by an ample painted stained glass window covering the wall of the apse and over it as special detail you will notice a wonderful triple succession of vaults.

Along the banks of the river  you can also see the Opera House,a building pretty young because it was erected in the year 1965,a place which offers a very interesting calendar of events and shows.

Immediately to the south in proximity of  Emmet Place you can meet  Crawford Art Gallery situated in a building dating back the 18th century which was originally the former Custom House which houses an important collection of distinguished Irish artists of the Irish literary history among them  William Butler Yeats.

It is undoubtedly one of the most visited Museums in Ireland and some of its highlights are a rich gallery containing items of the ancient Greece, the Imperial Rome and statues by the famous Venetian sculptor Antonio Canova one of the most relevant and prominent artists of the 18th century, famous for its neoclassic marble masterpieces.

Also very interesting is to visit Lewis Glucksman Gallery part of University College of Cork and hosting an art exhibition opened in the year 2004.That modern construction  was awarded just one year after its inauguration as best public Irish building.

Flanked by a huge green area it consists in a wide rectangular block over an architectonic base on the ground floor,the gallery is developed on three floors and it was also awarded by important Institutions such as the UK Civic Trust and RIBA as one of the finalist buildings in the edition of the Stirling Price in the year 2005,year in which Cork was European Capital of Culture.

Worth a visit Cork Pubblic Museum housed in a Georgian building erected in the the year 1845 by Beamish family is  situated in Fitzgerald Park which is one of the huge green lungs of Cork.That exhibition was opened in the year 1910 and it contains an extensive collection of ancient artifacts including pieces dating back the Bronze era found after archaeological excavations which took place in proximity of the medieval walls and in the surroundings of the city.

Some of its main highlights are the oldest Pick and Shovel of Ireland found in the vicinity of Mount Gabriel,the Cork Helmet Horn and the Garryduff Gold Bird dating back the Bronze age in Ireland all considered authentic treasures of the Gaelic History and culture.

Other interesting sections displays archaeological items from  the ancient Egypt and Greece and a very interesting Ethnography collections with pieces from Oceania in particular from Australia,New Zealand and some islands of the Pacific Ocean.

An emblematic  symbol of Cork is definitely St Finbarr's Cathedral situated south of the Lee River.Built between 1735 and 1870 in Neo Gothic style by the architect William Burges and dedicated to St. Finbarr is the Patron Saint of city.

One of the domes of that splendid building is surmounted by a golden statue depicting the Angel Preacher who according to a legend joins the sound of the trumpet to that of the other angels to announce the end of the world.Another Irish legend is linked to the Cathedral and it says that such place where is situated the current majestic Religious Temple was the real and original birthplace of the Saint.

Absolutely stunning is its majestic facade with three magnificent arched portals with mullioned vaults and cycle of statues at the entrance on the sides under a wonderful carved niche of the doorway.Wonderful is also the rose window of clear Romanesque inspiration placed over the central portal flanked on its sides by two captivating arched stained glass windows.

Another main attraction is the presence two imposing towers with conical roof which give the entire main facade a beautiful aesthetic image.

The interior is a hymn to the most talented artistic movements born in Ireland with a series of symmetric columns with capitals arranged along the main nave leading to a a relevant carved pulpit placed the left side before to reach the altar and impressive are also the vaults and arcades which make the interior of that superb Cathedral unique in its kind.

Very interesting and suggestive is the history of St. Finbarr which reflects all the Celtic spirit linked to narrations,legends,reported documentations but all that always with that touch of mystic mysteries and stories which characterise the deep and magnificent Gaelic Culture.

It said that the Saint was the son of  Amergin Maigh Seóla one of the leaders of the  Gaelic tribe of  Eochaidh Muidmheadoin and brother of the King of Munster.The original name was originally Finbarr Luan and according a legend that figure had special spiritual attitudes when he was very young.

An episode related to all that as was that in the presence of three pilgrims from Leinster by chance they stop along the way of the house of Amergin and they obtained the permission after a meeting to be educated by that young figure to the Religious doctrine.Since then the name was changed to Luan 'Finn and Toolbars the blond guy who became the first Bishop of Cork and canonised later as Patron Saint.

In the surronding of Cork there are several stupendous places which are the perfect image of the unique and unforgettable Irish nature.One of them and very recommended is the striking  Bay of Bantry, a typical and great example of a  picturesque place in which beautiful inlets,scenic cliffs and green landscapes form all together a set very difficult to forget and also often immortalised in paintings and spectacular watercolours.
Another suggested place is certainly a visit of Bantry where apart the marvellous natural attractions offers the opportunity to visit Bantry House and its beautiful gardens and inside that building you can admire an unique collection of relevant tapestries,decorations and other artistic treasures.
Highly recommended is also  the archaeological trail in west Cork called Arigideen Valley Heritage Park a place which has a visitor centre established in the year 1998 and shows the most genuine and stunning traditional green landscapes of Ireland.
Do not miss to visit West Cork Model Railway Village situated in Clonakilty and consisting in a magnificent miniature which follows the life in the  40s of the towns of Clonakilty, Kinsale, Bandon and Dunmanway through the reconstruction of a railway which runs along those four towns.

Another place absolutely magic is of course Blarney Castle.It is one of the most famous attraction of the surroundings of Cork.Built in the year 1446 by Dermot Laidir MacCarthy on a rocky outcrop overlooking the River Martin that scenic manor is known for the famous Blarney Stone which legend gives eloquence who kisses her.

Not far from Cork on the southwestern coast of the Great Island in the bay stands An Cobh ,the commercial port and  the main harbour of Cork from there you can take some enjoyable panoramic pictures admiring the conformation of the coast and the scenic mouth of the river Lee.

Thanks to the mild climate,that area is also as a popular seaside resort and there you can visit the Cathedral of St. Colman erected in the late 19th century in Neo Gothic style with a beautiful spire of  90 metres high.

South from Cork is situated the town of Kinsale with a beautiful harbour on the estuary of the River Bandon. Historically that centre is so  famous for the Battle of Kinsale dated 1602 when the British fleet forced to surrender a Spanish contingent supported by some Irish rebels and that victory of the British led to three centuries of rule in Ireland.

Cork has a very busy cultural life,as mentioned at the beginning the city was Capital of European Culture in the year 2005 and thanks to that event today the city has consolidated its image as a very a lively place hosting concerts,festivals,theatre shows and different kind of events. 

Cork Fil Festival and Cork Jazz Festival are undoubtedly two highlights and Crawford College is very active organising several cultural initiatives,just like Cork School of Music protagonist of many local events.

Nightlife in Cork is all to live, many are the places to spend a pleasant evening and going to the areas around Oliver Plunkett Street,Sober Lane and Cyprus Avenue where you can find the list of trendy places very some of them are The Old Oak,The Savoy,An Brog,Havana Browns with a vast choice for every taste in a great and friendly atmosphere.

The typical Celtic spirit is also present in all that with music live,traditional Pubs,Cocktail Bars,Cinemas  and a rich cultural calendar with concerts,shows and the frequent presence of famous artists who chose that southern Irish city for their tours.

The local gastronomy fully reflects the traditional Irish cuisine but also there are many ethnic restaurants which give Cork a cosmopolitan image and obviously the presence of cosy and attractive Pubs complete with that touch of typical Irish spirit the aspect of the city. 

Salmon and fish in particular cod are always fresh and delicious just like the tastefully mackerel and very appreciated for their superb quality are mussels,prawns and oysters.Naturally very famous as in all the country the famed Irish Fish & Chips always prepared with the best haddock or cod and very traditional 100% is the Black Pudding of Cork.

Other specialities consisting in meat are very popular as the typical Irish Stew prepared with meat and vegetables or try the Skirts and Kidneys consisting in  a pork stew in some variants adding salted bacon, thyme,potatoes, onions,turnip and cabbage.

The traditional bacon and cabbage is a pretty famous plate as the Coddle which is a recipe made by pork sausages and potatoes.Excellent is also the lamb prepared in different styles.Notable is also the variety of cakes and bakery products and Cork is also a paradise for beer lovers with the more than popular Murphy´s and Beamish.

Public transport in the city of Cork is managed by  the national operator Bus Éireann.Lines connecting the downtown with the suburbs,universities areas,shopping centres and main attractions.The service works pretty well covering a vast area of the municipality and surroundings.Furthermore there are also two urban routes the 1 and 19 which connect the northern and southern districts of the city respectively.

Cork International Airport after the important event celebrated in the city in 2005 increased its incoming and outgoing and not long time ago the Airport improved its services with a new terminal.The city now is an important European destination and in outgoing Aer Lingus and other companies connect Cork to several European destinations.

The success of Cork in terms of tourism flows was also determined by Low Cost and Cheap Flights in the last decade generated by the Air Company Ryanair which included that city as destination in a vast program of arrivals generating a notable traffic with a consequent high index of incoming influx but also as considerable outgoing gate due to different departures from there to varied International centres.

Cork is a very lovely city and if you are planning to visit Ireland it is a great choice to insert that centre in your itinerary,tour and why not starting from there thanks to the excellent flight connections with that unique destination.

From there by train,bus or in a great Fly & Drive you can reach Dublin crossing several magnificent places and including reaching the western coast of Galway (I wrote a post about that other splendid Irish city).

A visit to that cosmopolitan city with Celtic spirit and its surroundings is something unique in its kind,Ireland is a magic country in all its essence from east to west coast to coast,from north to south and in that southern corner Cork is definitely a destination which will transmit you all the charm of that marvellous land.

 Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Cork 

The Maritime Hotel 
Ambassador Hotel & Health Club 
Clarion Hotel Cork 
Gabriel House Guesthouse

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