Frankfurt | Financial Capital of Germany and Splendid Goethe Birthplace.

Frankfurt  is known worldwide to be the financial capital of Germany and also famous to be the splendid Goethe birthplace,the father of German literature who conquered with his superb works millions of readers.

That important centre is a very cosmopolitan city which links its captivating architecture of its glorious past to the most modern buildings making a scenery unique in all Germany,there is not another Frankfurt in the country with those so accentuated architectonic contrasts.
Since the year 1999 Frankfurt  is the financial centre most important of the Deutschland Republic,home of the central Bank of Europe,site of the most important German Banks and Financial Institutions such as Deutsche Bank,Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse receiving for all that the nickname of Bankfürt.

Definitely a very busy city which receives every year approximately 3,0 millions of visitors thanks to the celebrations of Euro Conventions,the busy Book Fair,the famed International Fair of Tourism,famous to host several International Congresses,cultural events and choose by companies of every continent as business destination.

In addition to all that it is the German centre more active to organise temporary art expositions,galleries and it is also the first city in the Deutsche Bundesrepublik about its theatre calendar.

Obviously as birthplace of Johan Wolfgang Goethe that city is also a renowned cultural destination,many people wants to visit Frankfurt to know more about that figure who is considered the German literature symbol and pillar,an immense cultural icon.

Great poet,philosopher and playwright Goethe with his immense talent was a unique figure in that artistic movement called Classicism,conquering millions of followers,fans and transmitting deep inspirations to new artists in the following generations.

You will notice visiting the city at first sight  the presence of several skyscrapers for all that the city received the nickname Mainhattan on river Main combining some words as the Main (its river) to that  iconic district of New York,so famous for its imposing,towering and unique skyline and it is pretty appropriate because immediately the impact and first impression is something to be in front of a small Manhattan in Europe.

With its 690,000 inhabitants,Frankfurt is the 5th German city, its centre is mainly concentrated east of is Zentral Banhof the main railway station and that is also the place in which there are the majority of banks,offices, headquarters of important international enterprises and holdings of the most celebrated and famous International companies and in which all the financial business has its habitat and core.

The southern side of the city  is known as Sachsenhausen one of the most charming districts of the city
 very lively,vibrant,offering an ample variety of shopping,leisure and with an animated nightlife packed by venues,cafes and clubs offering the tourist an ample variety of choices in terms of gastronomy,fun and entertainment.

Römerplatz is another the iconic symbols of Frankfurt a stunning square representing the medieval heart and core of Frankfurt and a great start point to discover the old city while the  major part of the museums are located in an area called Museum Embankment.

 Frankfurt was largely destroyed during the 2nd World War but it was rebuilt very fast and today is the most cosmopolitan,active,busy and dynamic city of the Republic of Germany and a city which was a cradle of several artistic and cultural movements in different historic periods attracting also for that several people.

His most illustrious son Goethe dedicated a famous phrase to his beloved city saying : "here I became a man, here I can be myself." Other other prominent people are linked to Frankfurt as Erich Fromm,one of the most famous exponents and emblematic figures of social psychology who was born in Frankfurt in 1900.

Also Arthur Schopenhauer famed philosopher known with the nickname The Pessimistic from Frankfurt, established his residence in the city fleeing the cholera epidemic from Berlin and he lived in Frankfurt until his death in 1860 a city which was for him the ideal place which helped him to have the most deep inspirations in long walks from the Römer until Sachsenhausen and along the Main.

All those prestigious figures also created also a niche in the Travel Industry that so famous Literature tourism related to several conventions and meetings linked to that art and naturally to visit a city which lived with those iconic characters who left an indelible cultural mark.

According historical documents,the current city was already populated in the 3000 BC and there are various important periods protagonists in the history of Frankfurt such as the Roman colonisation,the German settlements and the Carolingian era with the Frank Emperor Charles Magne with the first origins of the current name of the city.

The  archaeological discoveries in its centre and surroundings have confirmed that Frankfurt was an important economic and trade hub at the time of the Imperial Rome and even before the Frank rule.

In the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew was also discovered the tomb of the daughter of noble man dating back the Merovingian period probably referred to the time between the 650 and 720 and in those old times the city was already a powerful centre of culture and artists.

In the year 1848 in Frankfurt took place in the city the the famous National Assembly and one century later in 1948 despite the severe damages suffered related to the 2nd World War Frankfurt reborn and it was the city in which started the foundation of the Deutsche Bundesrepublik the Federal Republic of Germany,the famous West Germany with Capital Bonn in a new country marked by the event of new design of Europe.

A great start point to visit Frankfurt is from one of its distinctive historic centre the famous Der Römer which is that architectonic complex emblematic symbol of the Frankfurt of the middle age.

That magnificent square is an authentic masterpiece mainly erected in the 15th century and it is also the place in which the Emperor Charles Magne built a fortress to protect the city,from there the origin of the name Frank (from the Frank emperor) and Furt (fortress).

Soul and spirit of the local cultural life,Der Römer has always represented the image of the old city in contrast with the new buildings erected all around it. 

That magnificent site consists of three separate buildings with stunning Gothic facades and wonderful architectonic lines,with impressive gable roofs,symmetric and perfect lines of doorways and windows and an architectonic design so harmonious with a perfect choice and location of the construction which make that place unique in its kind. 

Relevant highlights are also its beautiful courtyards,the Gothic Hall and the Kaisersaal the hall of the Emperor.In the centre of the square stands Römerberg Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen the emblematic fountain of justice.

That complex is definitely one of the most captivating and evocative sites of the entire Germany an authentic gem of architecture,urbanisation and concepts of art developing a scenic urban environment.

The Römer is one of the most photographed places in the city,often it is also protagonist of peculiar and creative pictures with the majestic presence of giant skyscrapers in its immediate proximity but its a great place with those amazing palaces,its arcades,old taverns and stunning facades which all together form a spectacular historic frame.

Nikolaikirche is a  beautiful Church,consecrated in medieval times,concretely in the year 1290.That Church dedicated to St.Nicholas is in perfect harmony with the rest of the buildings present in the square.

Characterised by a splendid facade and decorations under a charming gray gable roof over three large stained glass windows surmounting a curved doorway.Very relevant is its adjacent bell tower highlighted by a long conical roof developed on the top of polygonal architectonic element.

The Church is  famous for its many statues and in particular that one of of Saint Nicholas and the carillon of 40 bells which plays twice a day traditional songs.

Not far from Der Römer is situated Domplatz (Cathedral Square) with the majestic Kaiserdom Sankt Bartholomäus the Frankfurt Cathedral.Erected  between the 13th and 14th centuries and rebuilt after the 2nd World Ward due the severe damages it suffered.

That majestic Sacred building is also a masterpiece of German art in medieval era,elevated as the main Religious Temple of the city.with its imposing silhouette and its perfect lines despite the several restorations it remained one of the landmarks of the city dominating the entire historical centre.
One of the great architectonic highlights is its tower, 95 meters high built in Gothic style in the15th century,but restored and completed in the 1860 and it remains one of the few structures left by the raids of the 2nd World War.

The majestic Cathedral houses in the southeast wing the beautiful and ample  Wahlkapelle (The Vote Chapel) used for the coronation of the Emperors during the Holy Roman Empire.

In its interior very attractive are the splendid line of columns and its beautiful stained glass windows.You will notice furthermore magnificent works the development of majestic arcades and sinuous vaults and the ample central nave which can be considered a sort of triumphal Sacred hallway.

Beside the Cathedral is situated the Historischer Garten (the Historic Garden) with Roman and Carolingian ruins certifying the notable relevance of that centre in two different periods linked to those two important civilisations which marked the history of Frankfurt.

Very close to that archaeological complex you can visit the Museum für Moderne Kunst (Museum of Contemporary Art Museum) which since 1991 offers some of the most representative exhibitions of modern art in Germany in which you can find all the major contemporary art movements.

That gallery is nicknamed cake for its characteristic and bizarre shape and it houses collections of important artists as Andy Warhol,Joseph Beuys and many others and in the course of its history became one of the most visited galleries in the country for who is a lover of modern art and wants to appreciate authentic masterpieces of those mentioned artists and many others.

Paulskirche is a splendid Church dedicated to St.Paul and it is another relevant Religious building of the city.It was  built between the years 1787 and 1833 and it is also very important because it was the place of the first German National Assembly which took place in the year 1848.

Notable is its scenic bell tower erected in four blocks on a square plan covered by a domed roof on a polygonal turret placed on its summit flanking a rounded central body highlighted by lines of curved stained glass windows. Currently that Church is a centre for architectonic studies and historiography.

About other important monumental Churches,worth a visit Sankt Leonhardkirche a Sacred Temple dedicated to St.Leonard consisting in a splendid construction in Gothic style developed on an ample rectangular plan.

Built between the 14th and 15th century,its image represents something very special for that period with new architectonic concepts related to the development of  high of gable steep roofs combined with towers inserted in its central body and the presence of very high curved stained glass windows covering the entire facade as in the case of that splendid Church.

Among the important works of art you can admire there,very relevant is a copy of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci and a fresco representing the tree of life and the Apostles made by the painter Dietz.

In the street Saalgasse,very interesting is the visit id the Historische Museum,the Historical Museum of Frankfurt displaying a large exhibition of ancient objects,among them the most notable highlights are a  statue depicting the Emperor Charles Magne and a model of the city before the bombing of the 2nd World War.

The heart of Frankfurt is a pedestrian are with its centre corresponding to Hauptwache Platz,a square which gives its name to Hauptwache a building erected in the year 1671 as a guard post which in 1730 after to be used for different purposes was transformed in a prison.

Completely rebuilt it was dismantled to work towards the intense development of the metro network and in the year 1904 it became a popular and trendy cafe.

Very close to that square is situated Börsenplatz a wide square in which you can admire the iconic Stock Exchange Building,founded in the year 1558 by local merchants and representing a sort of immortal symbol in the always active financial life of that German city.

The building erected in a splendid Renaissance style is the alive icon of the city which since many centuries ago was already a cradle of economy,commerce and finance and today it is open to the public.

At the crossroads of  streets Töngesgasse and Eschenheimer,you can admire Fahrgasse-tower,built in the 15th century as the highest buildings erected along the ancient walls surrounding the city and next to that imposing tower lies Opernplatz (Opera Square)  which is another emblematic urban point of Frankfurt.

In that charming wide square which is also a relevant meeting point for locals lies  the famous Alte Oper the old Opera Theatre designed by the architect Richard Lucae.

The building for its architectonic development is very similar to the Dresden Semper Opera highlighted by a stupendous facade characterised by the presence of scenic arcades forming a stylish portico and the symmetry of its ample curved windows developed on the entire front with a pediment of Neo Classic inspiration.

In that majestic building many important events linked to classic and symphonic music,concerts are celebrated and it is considered one of the most important Theatres of Germany for its notable and busy calendar which every year offers the chance to host the most celebrated artists linked to the Opera world.

Crossing the River Main you can reach Steg Eisernen an area in which takes places a flea market every Saturday,a very busy place with several stalls and a lively atmosphere with a long tradition and very loved by locals for its distinctive history and for all what it offers.

Sachsenhausen district is a great place to discover the image of the Frankfurt developed on the other side of the river Main opposite to the iconic Römer and the former historic centre.

It is a very vibrant neighbourhood packed by trendy cafes and stylish restaurants and in which there is a vast presence of  museums within the Museumsufer also called Frankfurt Museum Embankment with a total of 26 museums placed side by side along the promenade which runs along the river.

One of them very relevant is Städel Art Museum  hosting a splendid collection of the Renaissance art to the 20th century,a brilliant exhibition to discover step by step outstanding art from the 16th century until today.

In that magnificent Gallery you can have the brilliant opportunity to admire great works by some of the most celebrated famous masters such as Rubens,Rembrandt,Dürer,Degas,Van Eyck,Fra Angelico, Angelico,Vermeer and Monet among others.

Very interesting and with an excellent reputation is also the Weltkulturen-Museum (the Museum of World Cultures) with representations of objects and exotic cultures and not far if you love architecture and styles of constructions,visit Deutsche Architekt Muzeum.It is a unique exhibition in its kind in Germany and considered one of the best in the world.

Another Museum very suggested if you love the cinema and its history is  the Deutsches Filmmuseum which provides a review of the history of German movies with all its main successes,period by period.

That exhibition offers the opportunity to know the development of the Cinema Industry of the country with its peaks,the history of the movies of major success and the most celebrated performers including documentations about the most relevant filmmakers in Germany.
In the street Senckenberganlage is located the Senckenbergmuseum the Museum of Natural Sciences hosting a wide and vast exhibition considered the largest in Germany with an extensive collection of skeletons of dinosaurs of about 50 million years ago.

 Frankfurt is a city which has 48 parks and several gardens surrounding the city with over 75 kilometres of wide green spaces forming the urban metropolitan belt of that German centre.

Some of them are authentic gems of nature such as as the Palmengarten, famous throughout the world for the presence of exotic trees and plants,others are the wide Grüneburgpark and also the verdant and big Bethmannpark,Holzhausenpark and Günthersburgpark which are are among the most important in the metropolitan area. 

Volkspark Niddatal is another renowned place,situated in the northwest of the city,it is a place very loved by locals consisting in an ample green lung in which a multitude of people spend time in relax enjoying long walks,jogging and pleasant times to recharge the batteries in the weekends.

Another special corner of the city which is a must and a mandatory to know better Frankfurt is obviously the financial district in which you can visit the southern headquarters of the European Central Bank in the street Kaiserstrasse 29,place in which you can admire the imposing monuments in modern key of some of the most famed Institutions and busy Willy-Brandt-Platz.

The monumental set dedicated to the Euro and the European Central Bank Headquarters which are part landmarks of the new Frankfurt highlighting with their silhouette the local scenery and showing the Frankfurt financial grandeur of economic capital of Germany with such imposing modern buildings.
It is really impressive in that point of the city to notice the contrast between the medieval structures just some hundreds of metres away and those tallest building until the construction of modern skyscrapers of the financial centre and it is definitely something not visible in many places in the world in terms of a so close proximity.
The birthplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is not far, in Grosser Hirschgraben at the civic numbers 23-25 you can meet the house in which the talented German artist was born in the year 1749.

One of the most 'famous citizens of Frankfurt,poet,novelist and playwright,philosopher,a superb eclectic man,who had several interests,a tireless traveller,a symbol and an example for many young artists but also for ordinary people for all what he was able to transmit.

Goethe loved to discover new places,for him to know new corners of the world also enjoying adventures was a symbol of interior enrichment and not only as memory of a pleasant time spent in a place far from home.

Those trips became part of his inspiration,which transformed his actions and experiences in literary works and much more he wanted to transmit all that to people narrating and describing emotions,vibrations and sensations.

For that immense thinker furthermore all what there was around him was very important,the notorious Sturm und Drang,that so famous German Cultural Movement was in large part inspired by his desire of evolution,in literature and life,narrating in Germany works which transmitted the Joie de vivre also based in the local environments.

Goethe conquered many people with his works in a a sort of "wake up calls",the beauty of the Classic Greece,the sunny Southern Italy,the admiration of the French Comedy by Moliere in rhymes learnt since his young age were instruments to exalt the beauty at his home too.

For all that the artist was a pioneer in literature and a sublime example to follow at international level,not many people were so able as the German master something similar in literature,his narration and works represented as an epistolary picture of all what he saw or thought and all that is not so easy to illustrate something with pen and paper..

Talking about Goethe is not so easy,a genius who changes many things in literature and inspired thousands and thousands of other prominent artists who took him as an icon and an example.

 The house of the great artist was restored with care since after the 2nd World war following the original plans in the style of the18th century being the place in which he wrote his first works and of particular interest is the adjacent museum dedicated to him in which there is also a library containing his writings.

A visit to that building is absolutely a must,if you love literature and you admire such divine mind you can not miss it,it is something special and the exhibition provides an extensive walk in the history and live in a sort of step by step of probably of one of the most talented men in literature of our history.

Not far from Goethe House you can visit the Frankfurt Jewish Museum.The city hosted in its past an important Jewish Community considered among the most influential before the start of the 2nd World and in that exhibition you will discover the life,the history,the stages and the changes generated by different events
of a community who lived several years on the banks of the river Main.

To end the visit of the city as splendid beautiful final highlight it is suggested the great climb of  the famous Main Turm,a majestic 200 meters high tower offering you an incredible panoramic view of the city.

It is really enchanting to admire Frankfurt and places you visited from there,something unique and the right way to have a complete idea at that height of the Mainhattan of Germany.

If you have time or your stay in Frankfurt is  more than a couple of days and you desire to spend a sort of alternative tourism the Frankfurt Zoo is one of the most important in Europe with about 6.100 animals of different species which live in large open areas so if you are interested in animals, do not miss it and it is very suggested if you are travelling with children who can in that case a special place for them.

 As other important cities as Paris,Budapest,London Prague,New York to mention some also Frankfurt offers river trips,enjoying a cruise on the river Main you will have the great opportunity to enjoy amazing views of the skyline of Frankfurt.

That kind of excursion is also to admire a city from a different perspective,the contrasts of different buildings erected in different periods and styles and to imagine during the navigation how was the city before the 2nd World War,simply admiring the old banks with a Gothic Church and not far a new modern building.

Other places you can admire along that emblematic river is the beauty of the Rheingau Region with its picturesque vineyards and also the visit the Monastery of Eberbach which is former a Religious site of great historic value.

 The city also has a great reputation to be an important shopping centre.Zeil is a famous street packed of shops,stylish boutiques and store departments while if you love antiques articles Schillerstrasse is very popular for the presence of pottery,ceramic and porcelain.

If you are a fan of the most trendy high fashion and design,Gorthestrasse offers you the opportunity to find all the most important brands of the most celebrated High Fashion designers an ideal place to buy perfumes,accessories and all the most trendy articles of the most fashionable Prêt-à-porter.

About nightlife Frankfurt offers different and several opportunities and choices,trendy bars,Jazz live music,theatre and cabaret,clubs with all kind of music,underground,disco,techno an d much more. The typical area for nightlife is Ostend a place in which many old factories have been transformed in cosy bars, restaurants,clubs and pubs.

 There are also many other popular places to go out spending a vibrant night.At evening Sachsenhausen becomes an important meeting point,thanks to its many local restaurants developed in typical houses of that neighbourhood with the legendary Cocoon.

That district is one of the few survivors of the bombing in the Second World War and it is also known by the name apple wine district from the Äppelwoi the traditional apple drink.

The lively Bleichstrasse with restaurant,lounge bars and nightclubs,the Stereo Abtsgässchen bar offers nights with jazz, rock and hip hop music.Clubs,discos and bars attract locals and tourists.Generally young people enjoys the area of Hanauer Landstrasse in the western side of the city and Berger Strasse is also a place in which you can find a large number of pubs and and clubs.

The cosmopolitan Frankfurt offers you many different kind of restaurants in which you will not have problems to enjoy your lunches and dinners,Italian,Greeks,Turkish,Balkan,Chinese,Mexican and Oriental restaurants are really numerous all that is the confirmation on which thee city reflects its international character.

You can also try in several places the typical local gastronomy with a wide range of plates as the local sausages Frankfurter Wursteln,cooked in different ways,boiled or grilled and served with different kind of sauces,the ribs with sauerkraut and the offer of beers is really great.In addition try the typical local cider the famous Ebbelwine.

Frankfurt Airport and Air Base was opened in the year 1936 and in that time afterr Berlin-Tempelhof Airport was the second largest airport in Germany.It also served as main base for West Germany with Berlin Airlift.

Since the year 1972 was opened a new passenger terminal which was a major international scale and now known as Terminal 1.The airport located at approximately 12,0 kilometres from the urban city centre and today is considered the largest airport in Germany and base of operations for the German company Lufthansa.

Frankfurt Airport serves as the scale of international flights from around the world and it has more destinations with over 270 direct flights while the number of passengers is the 3rd in Europe behind London-Heathrow Airport  and Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Public transport in the city is excellent managed by the network S-Bahn Rhein-Main and there is  also a network of urban light rail U-Bahn consisting in 9 modern lines from the transformation of the old trams and a tram network, consisting of 8 lines.

The consortium RMV the Rhein-Main Verkehrsverbund transports annually on its S-Bahn and U-Bahn about 100 million of passengers.Frankfurt is also an ideal starting point for excursions along the river Rhine to Rudesheim or Heidelberg and at just 30 minutes by car or train from Wiesbaden,Mainz or Marburg all places very suggested to visit.

The city of the Römer,splendid Goethe birthplace,its skyscrapers and multitude of great museums,financial Capital of Germany all that makes undoubtedly a very captivating place to visit.

Its cosmopolitan aspect combined with its architecture and a vast cultural calendar linked to a prestige as economic centre of international relevance are all together a wide fan of a spectacular combination and a great incentive to visit that stunning German centre.

Frankfurt is a unique experience you have to try soon,in trip you will admire a special scenery along the shores of the river Main with several captivating contrasts but all so fashionable and attractive which will capture you enjoying a stupendous city unique in its kind.

 Francesco Mari

 Recommended Hotels in Frankfurt

The Westin Grand Frankfurt Hotel
Hotel Hessischer Hof
Hotel Beethoven
Hotel Lindner Main Plaza
The Pure Hotel
Rocco Forte Hotel Villa Kennedy

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