Helsinki is a magnificent Scandinavian city,that surprising Finnish Daughter of the Baltic,charming and fascinating capital of Finland was born on an ample gulf of that sea and they always lived together in total harmony.
That Nordic sea helped that centre to be famous conquering the admiration of a multitude of people for its beauty and charm as a Princess on its waters,visited and appreciated for its enchanting and captivating appeal and since its origin that North European centre embraced those waters as an eternal love founding along its coast all its relevant history,a beloved and special relationship which will exist for ever.
That Nordic sea helped that centre to be famous conquering the admiration of a multitude of people for its beauty and charm as a Princess on its waters,visited and appreciated for its enchanting and captivating appeal and since its origin that North European centre embraced those waters as an eternal love founding along its coast all its relevant history,a beloved and special relationship which will exist for ever.
Facing a splendid wide bay and the nearest "sister" Tallinn the old Reval,Capital of Estonia on the other side and located in the Uusimaa Region,Helsinki is a great surprise for the splendid mixture of typical Scandinavian essence and lifestyle but at the same time pretty cosmopolitan since the beginning of its historic stages.
For long time under Swedish rule,the several contact with the Baltic Republics and the strong Eastern European influences due to its proximity to Russia for long time related all those countries in a common historic and cultural past which has linked those lands in periods of peace,tolerance,disputes and also wars.
Helsinki which has always had a special contact with Stockholm but also and probably more with Sankt Petersburg,the second Russian city,for obvious geographical vicinity has had different times in which it took more influences of one,sometimes from both and in other occasions it formed its own strong image and spirit alone and also for that centre is so special and unique in its kind.
For long time under Swedish rule,the several contact with the Baltic Republics and the strong Eastern European influences due to its proximity to Russia for long time related all those countries in a common historic and cultural past which has linked those lands in periods of peace,tolerance,disputes and also wars.
Helsinki which has always had a special contact with Stockholm but also and probably more with Sankt Petersburg,the second Russian city,for obvious geographical vicinity has had different times in which it took more influences of one,sometimes from both and in other occasions it formed its own strong image and spirit alone and also for that centre is so special and unique in its kind.
Despite all that,the Finnish city as all the country are so proud of a culture and traditions always kept with a strong national cultural identity and a for that there are so so many reasons to visit Helsinki which is a little Nordic treasure in a shining Scandinavian coffer all to discover.
That centre was able to integrate in its metropolitan structure different architectonic styles,something taken by the old rulers accepting with tolerance but conserving at the same time its Finnish soul and spirit with relevant magnificent architects which developed all around the urban set majestic masterpieces creating furthermore an outstanding artistic school.
Helsinki is a very safe capital,its transport system undoubtedly works very well,people is very friendly,polite and nice,it has many parks which attract locals and tourists to spend several hours outdoor enjoying those green lungs and in addition during a visit you will notice a big variety of interesting historic buildings and monuments,a large list of museums and furthermore an endless cultural calendar during all year.
That centre was able to integrate in its metropolitan structure different architectonic styles,something taken by the old rulers accepting with tolerance but conserving at the same time its Finnish soul and spirit with relevant magnificent architects which developed all around the urban set majestic masterpieces creating furthermore an outstanding artistic school.
Helsinki is a very safe capital,its transport system undoubtedly works very well,people is very friendly,polite and nice,it has many parks which attract locals and tourists to spend several hours outdoor enjoying those green lungs and in addition during a visit you will notice a big variety of interesting historic buildings and monuments,a large list of museums and furthermore an endless cultural calendar during all year.
Other very relevant aspects are an excellent and rich gastronomy,the atmosphere in every district including the centre is very relaxing,the distances between the most important attractions are very short which is certainly an incentive to have relaxing walks from place to place in an easier way,no hard marathons or stress to reach a point,Helsinki is a perfect city on a human scale.
Considered by the Harvard Architectural Digest the Best Designed City in Europe not a long time ago it was also declared World Design Capital in the edition dated 2012 by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design.
It is not a case Helsinki is also known worldwide for being home to some amazing designer shopping,from high-end fashion to innovative home decorations and design and after Turin and Seoul Helsinki housed the 3rd edition of that important event.
It is not a case Helsinki is also known worldwide for being home to some amazing designer shopping,from high-end fashion to innovative home decorations and design and after Turin and Seoul Helsinki housed the 3rd edition of that important event.
The first industries of design and manufacture made in Finland were mainly developed with success after the Independence from Russia and they are still famous today making the city one of the relevant sites about quality design.
You can see all that during a walk along the famous Esplanadi and also taking the opportunity to visit Stockmann Stores you will immediately notice all that,appreciating the superb Made in Finland with many famed products known worldwide such as Pentik Ceramic,Artek furniture,Nokia Phones,Littila for glass and many other stylish and trendy articles.
All the brands launch innovative articles in different cycles of production and campaigns,the activity about all that is constantly alive,there is always the desire of research of something of new and Helsinki is undoubtedly the main window of the country with its several shops and stores providing a large and wide variety of fashionable products making the Finnish Capital an outstanding shopping destination too.
The city has always been an important place for events,international congresses and conventions,cultural meetings and in 1952 it hosted the Olympic Games taking the opportunity to become furthermore known internationally.
The process of industrialisation and urbanisation has led to further population growth and today the Finnish city has a metropolitan population of over 1 million of inhabitants considering the extra radius.
You can see all that during a walk along the famous Esplanadi and also taking the opportunity to visit Stockmann Stores you will immediately notice all that,appreciating the superb Made in Finland with many famed products known worldwide such as Pentik Ceramic,Artek furniture,Nokia Phones,Littila for glass and many other stylish and trendy articles.
All the brands launch innovative articles in different cycles of production and campaigns,the activity about all that is constantly alive,there is always the desire of research of something of new and Helsinki is undoubtedly the main window of the country with its several shops and stores providing a large and wide variety of fashionable products making the Finnish Capital an outstanding shopping destination too.
The city has always been an important place for events,international congresses and conventions,cultural meetings and in 1952 it hosted the Olympic Games taking the opportunity to become furthermore known internationally.
The process of industrialisation and urbanisation has led to further population growth and today the Finnish city has a metropolitan population of over 1 million of inhabitants considering the extra radius.
Well known and nicknamed as the Daughter of the Baltic or also as White city of the North for the high presence of buildings of such colour,Helsinki is the result of the junction of three towns such as Espoo Vantaa and Kauniainen and all together they form the greater Helsinki.
Those three agglomerations are very different,Espoo is considered the most elegant and chic area with many charming houses and works of brilliant architects as the great and famous Aalvar Aalto one of the most celebrated in the world.
Vantaa is the place in which is located the International Airport,Helsinki Vaanta Airport and also the most industrialised and busy area in trade and commerce with the presence of many international headquarters companies while the smaller Kaunianinen is as a peaceful enclave between the historic centre and the modern city.
Although those three urban areas are so different,the city lives in perfect harmony among its maritime traffic,the incoming tourist flows also landing there by a notable number of cruises,its industrial areas and its parks and forests which occupy almost the 40% of its surface making Helsinki also a centre very green.
Just like other Scandinavian capitals as Stockholm and Copenhagen also part of Helsinki included smalls islands,promontories,peninsulas,tiny harbours and splendid bays and that is certainly another fabulous attraction admiring a stunning maritime scenery.
Those three agglomerations are very different,Espoo is considered the most elegant and chic area with many charming houses and works of brilliant architects as the great and famous Aalvar Aalto one of the most celebrated in the world.
Vantaa is the place in which is located the International Airport,Helsinki Vaanta Airport and also the most industrialised and busy area in trade and commerce with the presence of many international headquarters companies while the smaller Kaunianinen is as a peaceful enclave between the historic centre and the modern city.
Although those three urban areas are so different,the city lives in perfect harmony among its maritime traffic,the incoming tourist flows also landing there by a notable number of cruises,its industrial areas and its parks and forests which occupy almost the 40% of its surface making Helsinki also a centre very green.
Just like other Scandinavian capitals as Stockholm and Copenhagen also part of Helsinki included smalls islands,promontories,peninsulas,tiny harbours and splendid bays and that is certainly another fabulous attraction admiring a stunning maritime scenery.
The history of the city despite according excavations in the boundaries of the municipality were discover artifacts dating back prehistoric times started to be very relevant in the 16th century,concretely in the year 1550 when King Gustav Vasa I of Sweden decided to establish an important maritime trading centre on the other coast of the Baltic Sea.
The intention of the Swedish Monarch was to contrast the powerful town of Reval the current Tallinn capital of the Baltic Republic of Estonia which had developed a relevant traffic also thanks to the support of the Hanseatic League,that iconic German merchant network which with its historic harbours in the North Sea have conquered fame and prestige,apart the monopoly of several routes.
The first name of Helsinki in that period was naturally Swedish : Helsingsfors.That name probably derives from the word Helsinga which in Swedish language corresponds to the Vantaa river.
The Finnish centre became soon a very important cross point and base for the Swedes and the constant development in terms of trade determined a notable reputation along all the Nordic coasts.Despite an always increasing growth unfortunately those golden ages ended in the year 1710 due a terrible plague which killed many people.The population was decimated,the major part of the navigation operations were interrupted and the city suffered a sad decline also due that the Swedish rulers privileged other harbours and new routes.
The intention of the Swedish Monarch was to contrast the powerful town of Reval the current Tallinn capital of the Baltic Republic of Estonia which had developed a relevant traffic also thanks to the support of the Hanseatic League,that iconic German merchant network which with its historic harbours in the North Sea have conquered fame and prestige,apart the monopoly of several routes.
The first name of Helsinki in that period was naturally Swedish : Helsingsfors.That name probably derives from the word Helsinga which in Swedish language corresponds to the Vantaa river.

It is during the Russian Tsars occupation after an intense war with Sweden when Helsinki had a very fast renaissance and a sumptuous rebirth.The old and deteriorated centre was totally rebuilt with magnificent neoclassical buildings and embellished by wide and elegant boulevards flanking large stylish squares.
That strong new influence gave the city a very strong resemblance to the nearby Imperial city of Sankt Petersburg, and you will notice the current urban set of Helsinki it is since the Finnish centre started to be a harmonious mix of traditional Scandinavian and Russian architecture acquired since then.
In the year 1827 the city suffered a terrible fire which destroyed the major part of the centre.Thanks to the efforts of the Tsar Nikolaj I,the Capital of Finland reborn again.That Russian Tsar called a German architect from Berlin,Carl Ludwig Engel who played an important role for the destiny of Helsinki.
That talented man with several previous experiences in Germany,Estonia and in Russia in particular in St.Petersburg wrote historic pages about the current architectonic aspect with an intense and meticulous reconstruction,shaping squares and protagonist of the establishment of many buildings which are today a notable part of the monumental historic complex and grid of the city still visible and well preserved in its historic core.
That talented man with several previous experiences in Germany,Estonia and in Russia in particular in St.Petersburg wrote historic pages about the current architectonic aspect with an intense and meticulous reconstruction,shaping squares and protagonist of the establishment of many buildings which are today a notable part of the monumental historic complex and grid of the city still visible and well preserved in its historic core.
After the Independence from Russia in the year 1918 the city had a significant further architectonic and urban development thanks to the presence of various talented German,Swedish and Finnish-Swedish architects and including a new wave of locals with modern ideas and concepts who contributed to give the city a brilliant appearance.
Not many countries in the world produced such high number of great architects in relation to the population but Helsinki was a sort of mine of a notable generation of great artists who designed many spaces and new outstanding buildings which captured the attention and the appreciation of a multitude of people.
Those architects were seeking always to pay attention to the functionality,the ultimate aim of the work of an architect which is also to improve the aesthetics but also the quality and the aspect in a city without terrible contrasts and general alterations deleting all what of of positive and great was made previously.
Not many countries in the world produced such high number of great architects in relation to the population but Helsinki was a sort of mine of a notable generation of great artists who designed many spaces and new outstanding buildings which captured the attention and the appreciation of a multitude of people.
Those architects were seeking always to pay attention to the functionality,the ultimate aim of the work of an architect which is also to improve the aesthetics but also the quality and the aspect in a city without terrible contrasts and general alterations deleting all what of of positive and great was made previously.
A prestigious and famed name over all is undoubtedly Alvar Aalto,a character famous all around the world.Awarded by the Royal Institute of British Architects,and Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects,pioneer of that style which was called Nordic Classicism moving across the Rationalism and later Master and prominent figure of a kind of a modern style identified as International Modernism.
That movement linked to the main canons of modernist architecture in which Aalto was an authentic icon consisted in the the use of wooden,iron and metal elements,a new way of understanding architecture as a tool serving the needs of the people using the word architecture as instrument to look every time new progressive ideas using the right spaces.
Eliel Saarinen was another famed and great figure, Master in the University of Michigan's Architecture Department and one of the fathers of the Nordic Art Nouveau style and today some of their works are present in the Finnish Capital.
That movement linked to the main canons of modernist architecture in which Aalto was an authentic icon consisted in the the use of wooden,iron and metal elements,a new way of understanding architecture as a tool serving the needs of the people using the word architecture as instrument to look every time new progressive ideas using the right spaces.
Eliel Saarinen was another famed and great figure, Master in the University of Michigan's Architecture Department and one of the fathers of the Nordic Art Nouveau style and today some of their works are present in the Finnish Capital.
Esplanadi considered a strategic Helsinki gate is also great point to start to discover the city.That place is a wide avenue with a beautiful verdant park in the middle of the living heart of Helsinki consisting in the junction of two boulevards,Pohjoisesplanadi representing North Esplanadi and Eteläesplanadi corresponding to South Esplanadi running together east-west from Kauppatori the Market Square to the lively square Erottaja.
The park and those two axes were created in the 19th century during an intense urban reform which turned Helsinki int the city you see today.In that period were erected many Belle Epoque and Neoclassical buildings thus line the sides of the Esplanadi and includes some of the city's most expensive real estate and shopping areas.
That huge green space became in a short time very loved by locals and it is alive with several activities during the short warmer months.It is frequented by a multitude of people for its beauty and relaxing atmosphere with large spaces and facilities.Inside that immense area you can also see some artistic works such as a statue and a fountain.
The statue depicts Johan Ludwig Runeberg,a well known Finnish-Swedish poet who wrote in Swedish language the daily life in the rural Finland while the fountain represents Havis Amanda Fountain which was sculpted by Ville Vallgren and it depicts a bronze maiden who standing on seaweed surrounded by four spouting sea lions.
That park is also very famous because it hosts several popular events such as Marimekko Fashion Show and Jazz Concerts in summer with the popular Jazz,Espa Series and in December a beautiful Christmas Market.
That huge green space became in a short time very loved by locals and it is alive with several activities during the short warmer months.It is frequented by a multitude of people for its beauty and relaxing atmosphere with large spaces and facilities.Inside that immense area you can also see some artistic works such as a statue and a fountain.
The statue depicts Johan Ludwig Runeberg,a well known Finnish-Swedish poet who wrote in Swedish language the daily life in the rural Finland while the fountain represents Havis Amanda Fountain which was sculpted by Ville Vallgren and it depicts a bronze maiden who standing on seaweed surrounded by four spouting sea lions.
That park is also very famous because it hosts several popular events such as Marimekko Fashion Show and Jazz Concerts in summer with the popular Jazz,Espa Series and in December a beautiful Christmas Market.
Mannerheimintie is the old centre developed around the main square Senaatintori,Senate Square modelled in a very charming Neoclassical style and surrounded by important buildings such as the State Council the Council Presidency,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and another one hosting the University.
Next to the University lies one of the architectonic masterpieces by Engel,the University Library housing over 1 million of books and erected in the year 1844. The facade is a perfect example of Neo-Classic art with allusions to
the Greek world with columns in a charming Corinthian style are
perfectly symmetrical and the architectonic complex seems from every perspective a perfect replica of
classical and traditional Hellenic temple.
Moving from the west and heading towards the north of the square you can see the old Russian Hospital currently University Hospital and in a small square in front of the Library you can also admire the bronze bust of the Russian Emperor Alexander I known as The good Tsar.
All the architectonic complex of Senate Square was created by Carl Ludvig Engel. and it is of course one of the most interesting place in the world about Neoclassical architecture.That site was chosen since its inception as a future Helsinki administration centre when the city in the year 1812 became Finland's capital.
The talent of Engel was to find all around that wide urban surface lines and angles to develop in total harmony and you will notice that all around presents a perfect symmetry of the buildings including the distance between one construction and another,nothing was erected without criteria or using bizarre ideas.
Senate Square is also famous for movies and films.It appeared in many spies and cold war movies such as the so famous Gorky Park and Reds and White Nights.
In that majestic set dominating the skyline a short walk from Market Square and the waterfront you can admire one of the most visible and emblematic symbols of the city, Helsingin Tuomiokirkko an ornate majestic Lutheran Cathedral with a green dome erected between the years 1830 and 1852 and also that imposing construction was a masterpiece designed by Carl Ludvig Engel.
Moving from the west and heading towards the north of the square you can see the old Russian Hospital currently University Hospital and in a small square in front of the Library you can also admire the bronze bust of the Russian Emperor Alexander I known as The good Tsar.
All the architectonic complex of Senate Square was created by Carl Ludvig Engel. and it is of course one of the most interesting place in the world about Neoclassical architecture.That site was chosen since its inception as a future Helsinki administration centre when the city in the year 1812 became Finland's capital.
The talent of Engel was to find all around that wide urban surface lines and angles to develop in total harmony and you will notice that all around presents a perfect symmetry of the buildings including the distance between one construction and another,nothing was erected without criteria or using bizarre ideas.
Senate Square is also famous for movies and films.It appeared in many spies and cold war movies such as the so famous Gorky Park and Reds and White Nights.
In that majestic set dominating the skyline a short walk from Market Square and the waterfront you can admire one of the most visible and emblematic symbols of the city, Helsingin Tuomiokirkko an ornate majestic Lutheran Cathedral with a green dome erected between the years 1830 and 1852 and also that imposing construction was a masterpiece designed by Carl Ludvig Engel.
The Cathedral was recently renowned with the sculptures of the 12 apostles on the roof, once again watching the world below,copies of the famous sculptures of Thorvaldsen's Vor Frue Kirke in Copenhagen.(I wrote a post about that other Scandinavian beautiful city in the case you are interested).
The exterior was developed using the most traditional and pure Neoclassical Style showing a majestic shape and concrete austere lines loyal to the pure canons,a great example in its kind all to admire and appreciate for the elegant symmetry and the fine arrangement of many architectonic elements and details which complete that great work.
The exterior was developed using the most traditional and pure Neoclassical Style showing a majestic shape and concrete austere lines loyal to the pure canons,a great example in its kind all to admire and appreciate for the elegant symmetry and the fine arrangement of many architectonic elements and details which complete that great work.
That impressive Religious building is Greek cruciform in shape dominated by a high central dome and with Corinthian columns on each side.The original neoclassical design by Engel was altered by his successor Ernst Lohrmann who added four small towers and and two pavilions in a a corner of Senate Square.
The Church was called St. Nikolaj dedicated to St.Nicholas and in honour of the Grand Duke,Nikolaj I,Tsar of Russia until the independence of Finland.Since 1959, it became a Cathedral and it is currently called Helsinki Cathedral or Lutheran Cathedral.The main highlight in its interior is the Crypt which is a venue for concerts and exhibitions thanks to its great acoustic.
The Church was called St. Nikolaj dedicated to St.Nicholas and in honour of the Grand Duke,Nikolaj I,Tsar of Russia until the independence of Finland.Since 1959, it became a Cathedral and it is currently called Helsinki Cathedral or Lutheran Cathedral.The main highlight in its interior is the Crypt which is a venue for concerts and exhibitions thanks to its great acoustic.
In the square lies an imposing statue dedicated to Tsar Alexander II a work by Walter Runeberg and erected in the year 1894 on a large rectangular base.That monument is different than others depicting the Russian Monarch because Tsar Alexander is not seated on a horse as usual in many other monuments showing him.
After Finland's Independence a suggestion was made that it should be replaced with the equestrian statue of the National hero Baron Carl Gustav Mannerheim but that did not happen and that monument is one of the main landmarks of Helsinki, also remembering the relationship with the former Imperial Russia.
After Finland's Independence a suggestion was made that it should be replaced with the equestrian statue of the National hero Baron Carl Gustav Mannerheim but that did not happen and that monument is one of the main landmarks of Helsinki, also remembering the relationship with the former Imperial Russia.
Another symbol in the square is Valtioneuvoston Linna the majestic Palace of State Council built in the year 1822 in Neoclassical Style.Its facade is predominantly yellow with several windows and white columns.
Today that imposing building houses the offices of the Finnish Prime Minister and inside there is the Throne Hall currently called Presidential Hall as well.Splendid are the decorations in Empire style with the presence of charming ionic columns.
Opposite the Palace you can admire Helsingin Yliopisto built in 1832 another relevant work by architect Engel.
Today that imposing building houses the offices of the Finnish Prime Minister and inside there is the Throne Hall currently called Presidential Hall as well.Splendid are the decorations in Empire style with the presence of charming ionic columns.
Opposite the Palace you can admire Helsingin Yliopisto built in 1832 another relevant work by architect Engel.
Helsinki University is a modern Institute traditionally a centre on high quality for scientific and research of a top international standard.Famous Nobel Prizes as Artturi Ilmari Virtanen Nobel Prize in Chemistry in the year 1945 and Ragnar Granit Medicine Nobel Laureate in the year 1967 studied in that glorious Institute.
Worth a look to the famous Burghers,houses built in the 18th century surrounding the square and today are mostly occupied by shops,cafes,restaurant and offices.In that century started an architectonic movement which had the idea to establish that kind of wooden buildings for the middle class families characterised for their low height and a doorway flanked o its sides by a couple of window and arranged on one floor with a sloping roof covering a painted facade.
Worth a look to the famous Burghers,houses built in the 18th century surrounding the square and today are mostly occupied by shops,cafes,restaurant and offices.In that century started an architectonic movement which had the idea to establish that kind of wooden buildings for the middle class families characterised for their low height and a doorway flanked o its sides by a couple of window and arranged on one floor with a sloping roof covering a painted facade.
In that area you can have the brilliant chance to enjoy a coffee in the popular Cafe Engel located in Aleksanterinkatu street at the civic number 26.It is is a must during your stay in Helsinki,that establishment is a stylish Cafe hosted in a building dated 1765,you can have there a very good selection of brunches,coffee and pastries and it is the perfect place to have a drink and a snack in the hearth of the city.
Close the Cafe Engel you can see Sederholm Talo ,Sederholm House.It is is the oldest stoned building of the Finnish Capital and it was erected in the year 1757, it currently houses a small museum which displays various aspects of Helsinki life in the 18th century with particular reference to the industrialist Johan Sederholm from who the exhibition took its name.
Kaupungintalo is the Helsinki Town Hall completed in the year 1833 also that building is another work by Carl Ludvig Engel.That impressive Neoclassic construction has a long and curious history.
It was previously a Hotel,the Hotel Seurhhuon which hosted for long time many important events such as The First Finnish Opera and one of the first films by French Lumiere brothers in the year 1896 some months after the World Premiere celebrated in Paris and during the 1st World War the building was transformed in a Military Hospital when the Gran Duchy of Finland was part of the Russia Empire.
It was previously a Hotel,the Hotel Seurhhuon which hosted for long time many important events such as The First Finnish Opera and one of the first films by French Lumiere brothers in the year 1896 some months after the World Premiere celebrated in Paris and during the 1st World War the building was transformed in a Military Hospital when the Gran Duchy of Finland was part of the Russia Empire.
Close the Town Hall you can admire Presidentinlinna,the Presidential Palace built in the year 1818 by the architect Pehr Gransted in Empire Style.Each year it hosts approximately 2000 guests to celebrate the day of the Finnish Independence.That imposing building has a hundred rooms and during the 1st World War just like Kaupungitalo was used a military hospital.
From there you can take Mariankatu a street flanking Helsinki Bay and from that point there is the access to Katajanokka neighbourhood,a peninsula corresponding to a low hill close to the old centre.From there you can see the Cruise Ferries Harbour hosting several ships of the companies Scandinavian Ferries and Viking Lines with different destinations such as Stockholm,Tallinn,Gdansk and Northern Germany.
From there you can take Mariankatu a street flanking Helsinki Bay and from that point there is the access to Katajanokka neighbourhood,a peninsula corresponding to a low hill close to the old centre.From there you can see the Cruise Ferries Harbour hosting several ships of the companies Scandinavian Ferries and Viking Lines with different destinations such as Stockholm,Tallinn,Gdansk and Northern Germany.
The neighbourhood is very interesting because preserves some beautiful example of German Art Nouveau as the Cooperatives Houses built in Jugendstil dating back the 20th century using the classic stylised flowing curvilinear forms of that Artistic German school absorbed by Finnish artists which added some other details.
The square at the eastern end of Aleksanterinkatu is dominated by the green domes and red onion-shaped of Uspenskin Katedraali which is the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the city.That majestic Church sits in a position towards the sea between the north and south quays and in an area of major regeneration and urban development is today one of the most photographed monuments in the city.
Uspenski Cathedral serves the small Orthodox minority-Finnish and it is the largest Orthodox Church in Western Europe.The five domes of the building are topped by 22 karat gold and that Cathedral houses some of the icons which are believed to be miraculous according documentations of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchaty.
Designed by the Russian architect Aleksei Gornostajev,it was built using several canons loyal to the traditional Byzantine style between the years 1862 and 1868.It is a classic structure in which the dome is held by four monolithic granite pillars with 13 golden onions representing Jesus Christ and the twelve Apostles.Inside in the apse hosting the altar you can admire some beautiful iconostasis, typical example of the Orthodox religion culture representing Christ and the Saints in their typical shaped silhouettes.
The square at the eastern end of Aleksanterinkatu is dominated by the green domes and red onion-shaped of Uspenskin Katedraali which is the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the city.That majestic Church sits in a position towards the sea between the north and south quays and in an area of major regeneration and urban development is today one of the most photographed monuments in the city.
Uspenski Cathedral serves the small Orthodox minority-Finnish and it is the largest Orthodox Church in Western Europe.The five domes of the building are topped by 22 karat gold and that Cathedral houses some of the icons which are believed to be miraculous according documentations of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchaty.
Designed by the Russian architect Aleksei Gornostajev,it was built using several canons loyal to the traditional Byzantine style between the years 1862 and 1868.It is a classic structure in which the dome is held by four monolithic granite pillars with 13 golden onions representing Jesus Christ and the twelve Apostles.Inside in the apse hosting the altar you can admire some beautiful iconostasis, typical example of the Orthodox religion culture representing Christ and the Saints in their typical shaped silhouettes.
Next to Uspenski Kaatedrali you can see a particular building in modernist style called Enson Toimitalo Enso Building.It is a work by architect Alvar Aalto consisting in modernist structure representing a daring cube and gleaming marble generating an architectonic contrast with the nearest religious Temple but not that kind to break the balance of the local urban grid.
Behind the Cathedral is situated the beautiful Florentine Renaissance-style loggia of the Bank of Finland and in the southern section of Alexanterinkatu close to the square to the south you will find many buildings dated 18th century and 20th century, including the Palace of the Nobility elevated in a charming Renaissance style and the Palace of the Guard now home of the Ministry of Trade.
Very interesting and worth a visit to the Best Western Premier Hotel Katajanokka.That Hotel opened in the year 2007 has a curious old history.It was originally the site of the old and former Helsinki prison dated 1837 and the exterior of the building has been preserved to protect that historical city patrimony but the restaurant has attempted to keep much of the character of that old prison alive and the name is pretty curious and peculiar : Jailbird Restaurant.
Very interesting and worth a visit to the Best Western Premier Hotel Katajanokka.That Hotel opened in the year 2007 has a curious old history.It was originally the site of the old and former Helsinki prison dated 1837 and the exterior of the building has been preserved to protect that historical city patrimony but the restaurant has attempted to keep much of the character of that old prison alive and the name is pretty curious and peculiar : Jailbird Restaurant.
The nearest Kauppatori is the Helsinki Market Square,a very colourful,lively and eclectic Market standing in the shade of the Presidential Palace next to the Baltic Sea.That market is always busy offering a wide range of products such as handicrafts,gifts,jewellery,fresh bread,excellent berries,salmon,fresh Baltic fish, souvenirs and many other objects and items.
Kauppatori is one of the favourite meeting place for Helsinki’s food fans but it is also a popular tourist and cultural point.In October it is the site of Silakkamarkkinat the iconic Helsinki’s Herring Festival in which fishermen from southern Finland bring their fresh catch,along with traditional picked or marinated herring.
The city lives during that event with enthusiasm and passion in a very vibrant way,there is an impressive participation with tasting and a great atmosphere very traditional and surprising for the multitude of people present for the first time making it a notable highlight of the Finnish daughter of the Baltic.
Around Kauppatori there are many outdoor cafes providing some meat pastries including the excellent Lihapiirakka a delicious meat pie which is one of the most loved specialities by locals.From Kauppatori harbour you can take ferries to Suomenlinna a beautiful island important site of Helsinki history.
Kauppatori is one of the favourite meeting place for Helsinki’s food fans but it is also a popular tourist and cultural point.In October it is the site of Silakkamarkkinat the iconic Helsinki’s Herring Festival in which fishermen from southern Finland bring their fresh catch,along with traditional picked or marinated herring.
The city lives during that event with enthusiasm and passion in a very vibrant way,there is an impressive participation with tasting and a great atmosphere very traditional and surprising for the multitude of people present for the first time making it a notable highlight of the Finnish daughter of the Baltic.
Around Kauppatori there are many outdoor cafes providing some meat pastries including the excellent Lihapiirakka a delicious meat pie which is one of the most loved specialities by locals.From Kauppatori harbour you can take ferries to Suomenlinna a beautiful island important site of Helsinki history.
Do not miss a visit to Helsingin Rautatieasema the Helsinki Central Railway Station.It is a modernist masterpiece by the architect Elie Saarinen.Designed in the year 1909 but opened ten years later,the famous architect used as main material pink granite.
Helsinki Central Station is one of the major attractions in Finland and that work is probably the most attractive and largest by that successful artist.The style is called by someone Late Art Nouveau and its distinguishing features are the clock tower and two pairs of statues holding spherical lamps are lit at night on both sides of the main entrance.
Helsinki Central Station is one of the major attractions in Finland and that work is probably the most attractive and largest by that successful artist.The style is called by someone Late Art Nouveau and its distinguishing features are the clock tower and two pairs of statues holding spherical lamps are lit at night on both sides of the main entrance.
The first Helsinki railway station was built in 1860 but it became necessary to extend it.A competition was organised in the year 1904 with the intention of producing a project for a new station ad it was won by Saarinen presenting a former design of pure national romanticism later modified in part by the architect.
The station is used today by over 250,000 passengers daily and for its style it is one of the most visited and photographed sites in all addition the building also hosts Rautatientori metro station,which is the busiest tube station of the city.
The station is used today by over 250,000 passengers daily and for its style it is one of the most visited and photographed sites in all addition the building also hosts Rautatientori metro station,which is the busiest tube station of the city.
Opposite Rautatientori you can visit the Ateneum Museum,which is the largest exhibition in the country and identified as National Gallery of Finland.Hosted in a splendid Neoclassic building,the facade is decorated with statues and
sculptures.You will notice three busts at the entrance depicting famous artists
such as the Florentine Master architect Donato Bramante, the painter Raphael,Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino and the Greek sculptor Phidias.
That museum displays the largest collection of paintings and sculptures existing in the country hosting relevant works from 1750 by Finnish artists,German paintings related to the romantic period,some others highlighted by Scandinavian and European prints and a collection of Japanese woodcuts.
The most important section is definitely the International Collection in which you ca admire great masterpieces by Van Gogh, Gauguin, Modigliani, Goya,Chagall, Munch and Cezanne among others.
That museum displays the largest collection of paintings and sculptures existing in the country hosting relevant works from 1750 by Finnish artists,German paintings related to the romantic period,some others highlighted by Scandinavian and European prints and a collection of Japanese woodcuts.
The most important section is definitely the International Collection in which you ca admire great masterpieces by Van Gogh, Gauguin, Modigliani, Goya,Chagall, Munch and Cezanne among others.
The best work and considered the superb highlight of the entire museum is absolutely Vincent van Gogh's Street in Auvers-sur-Oise painted by the Dutch Master during his permanence in France.Of particular importance are also the works of the late 19th century, the so called Golden Age of Finnish art,a period in which many local artists embraced the spirit of nationalism surged through a considerable independence movement.
The art of that period gave one of the greatest contributions to the Finnish identity,forming an ample generation of painters and artists.That movement is particularly deep in its concepts,in part it took inspiration from the Italian Renaissance in the use of new lines in modern key,colours,shapes and expressions replacing the old and in part from the German Romanticism concepts giving value and exalting the beauty researchable in the motherland.
Just 5 minutes from Helsinki Central Station you can visit the Helsinki Botanical Garden,a natural collection of over 2800 plants.Those beautiful gardens are part of the Museum of Natural History and University of Helsinki and they are subdivided in two separate sections in the suburb of Olympia north of the railway station and Kumpula another district located in proximity of the waterfront.
That spendid space was a design by two great architects of the past,Carl Ludvig Engel and Franz Faldermann that last one was head gardener at the Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg in the Imperial Tsars Russian period and called to set that one in Helsinki.
The original greenhouses were designed by Faldermann replaced at the end of the 19th century by those designed by Gustaf Nyström,which unlike the first were wrought iron.During the war between Finland and the Soviet Union that place was hit by three bombs and suffered heavy damages later restored and rearranged with the current appearance.
That spendid space was a design by two great architects of the past,Carl Ludvig Engel and Franz Faldermann that last one was head gardener at the Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg in the Imperial Tsars Russian period and called to set that one in Helsinki.
The original greenhouses were designed by Faldermann replaced at the end of the 19th century by those designed by Gustaf Nyström,which unlike the first were wrought iron.During the war between Finland and the Soviet Union that place was hit by three bombs and suffered heavy damages later restored and rearranged with the current appearance.
Helsinki offers the visitor a wide range of Museums and Art Galleries.Sinebrychoff Art Museum worth a visit if you love art and it is part of the network of the Finnish National Gallery.Developed in the year 1842 and still has its original furnishings.
It houses an extensive collection of foreign paintings from the 14th century to the 19th century and it also displays a wonderful miniatures space and in addition you can also admire a fine collection of antique porcelain. porcelain.At the end of the visit you can enjoy a relaxing walk in the beautiful park Sinebrychoff a splendid green area arranged near that exhibition.
It houses an extensive collection of foreign paintings from the 14th century to the 19th century and it also displays a wonderful miniatures space and in addition you can also admire a fine collection of antique porcelain. porcelain.At the end of the visit you can enjoy a relaxing walk in the beautiful park Sinebrychoff a splendid green area arranged near that exhibition.
Another interesting visit could be dedicated to Suomen Kansallismuseo,the National Museum hosted in a beautiful Neo-Classic building,recently renewed.The architectonic project was the result of a competition held at the beginning of the 20th century and won by Armas Lindgren,Eliel Saarinen and Herman Gesellius.
With the National Romanticism at its peak,those young architects plunged deep in the project of Finnish history and a very accented cultural heritage.The exhibition is pretty interesting and it displays artifacts and an a wide illustration on the history of Finland,an incentive if you are interested to know something more about the country also in those works which reflect the local spirit transported in art.
With the National Romanticism at its peak,those young architects plunged deep in the project of Finnish history and a very accented cultural heritage.The exhibition is pretty interesting and it displays artifacts and an a wide illustration on the history of Finland,an incentive if you are interested to know something more about the country also in those works which reflect the local spirit transported in art.
If you are a fan of contemporary art it is a must the famed Museum Kiasma.It is the most important experimental museum in Helsinki and its appearance was initially considered a bit hostile view for a structure pretty steel coated.
The building project was by the American architect Steven Holl, who conceived on the basis of any structural feature exhibitions of art created since the tear 1960.Kiasma exhibition draws its material from an archive of thousands of pieces of contemporary art and works by several artists.
The building project was by the American architect Steven Holl, who conceived on the basis of any structural feature exhibitions of art created since the tear 1960.Kiasma exhibition draws its material from an archive of thousands of pieces of contemporary art and works by several artists.
If you want to discover something more about that talented architect called Alvar Aalto works,not far is situated Finlandia-Talo the Finlandia Hall located in the beautiful Toolonlathi,Toolo Bay.That work is a masterpiece made by that prominent character between the years 1967 and 1971.The building is the composition of cubic forms with a tower which the architect hoped would improve the building's acoustics.
The exterior is in Carrara marble and Aalto also used that relevant Tuscan stone in the interior to give it a scenic and imposing Mediterranean architectonic aspect with also priority in terms of material quality.
The exterior is in Carrara marble and Aalto also used that relevant Tuscan stone in the interior to give it a scenic and imposing Mediterranean architectonic aspect with also priority in terms of material quality.
Finlandia Hall hosted many international conventions,conferences and events and many Heads of States and important personalities have visited that building,such as the former statesmen USA, Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, Soviet Presidents Leonid Brezhnev and Mikhail Gorbachev, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher,Opera singer Luciano Pavarotti,the Nobel Prize Dalai Lama and the Holland Queen Beatrix among others.
Next to Finland Hall lies Eduskuntatalo,the Parliament House which was designed by the architect Siren who developed his project using a pink granite for the structure combined with 14 Corinthian columns.For someone the aspect of that building is a little bit pompous and too solemn for others is very appreciated for its monumentally image,imposing silhouette and use of that fine material.
The construction was completed in the 1931 and inside that building there is one of the most enlightened and progressive institutions in the world,the Unicameral Parliament of Finland, formed by 40% by women,one of the highest percentages of female legislators in the world.An artistic highlights is the interior dome and the decorations with sculptures by Waino Aaltonen.
The fans of of European history between 1900 and 1950 will be fascinated by Mannerheim Museum.The Exhibition is a villa in a neighbourhood otherwise devoted to foreign embassies,elegant home of the Baron Carl Gustaf Mannerheim,the legendary Marshal of Finland and President of the Republic from 1944 to 1946.
That iconic and emblematic figure,a Finn by birth and also military commander of the Russian-Finnish Army,driving the "Whites"during the civil war of 1918 and during the Continuation of the War.The Museum houses his collection of European furniture,objects of Asian art,an amazing array of military decorations, uniforms and personal memories of the Imperial Army.
That iconic and emblematic figure,a Finn by birth and also military commander of the Russian-Finnish Army,driving the "Whites"during the civil war of 1918 and during the Continuation of the War.The Museum houses his collection of European furniture,objects of Asian art,an amazing array of military decorations, uniforms and personal memories of the Imperial Army.
Another place worth to be visited id definitely Temppeliaukio Kirkko,the Church in the Rock which was designed in the year 1969 by two architects,the brothers,Timo and Tuomo Suomalainen,who were inspired from the shape of the Archipelago of Helsinki.
That underground Rock Church was built inside of a massive block of natural granite in the middle of an ordinary residential square.Only the copper domed roof with a diameter of 24 meters and a circular wall of granite blocks are visible from the outside.The strange combination of artificial and natural materials makes that site a fixture on the tourist circuit and it hosts several concerts of classic music thanks to its excellent acoustics generated by those rough rock walls.
That underground Rock Church was built inside of a massive block of natural granite in the middle of an ordinary residential square.Only the copper domed roof with a diameter of 24 meters and a circular wall of granite blocks are visible from the outside.The strange combination of artificial and natural materials makes that site a fixture on the tourist circuit and it hosts several concerts of classic music thanks to its excellent acoustics generated by those rough rock walls.
Helsinki is also Music and Opera.The Helsinki Opera House celebrates every year important and splendid concerts.The Finnish Capital launched in the international classical music panorama many important artists,the most famous is of course Johan Julius Christian Sibelius considered one of the best composers in the late romantic period and an iconic symbol of Finnish culture.
Very famous also the soprano Aino Ackté,she was the first international star of the Finnish opera in Helsinki and debuting very young at the Paris Grand Opera and later first soprano voice for some years in New York Metropolitan Opera receiving many honours one of them by London Covent Garden premiere.
That talented woman was also the favourite singer of Strauss,in the famous Strauss's Salome Opera.Esa-Pekka Salonen is a revered orchestral conductor and music composer who was also Director of Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Opera offers a large and distinguished calendar so in the case you are in Helsinki and you desire to assist to some great events of high reputation it is a brilliant chance filling an evening in an emblematic place with a great tradition.
Very famous also the soprano Aino Ackté,she was the first international star of the Finnish opera in Helsinki and debuting very young at the Paris Grand Opera and later first soprano voice for some years in New York Metropolitan Opera receiving many honours one of them by London Covent Garden premiere.
That talented woman was also the favourite singer of Strauss,in the famous Strauss's Salome Opera.Esa-Pekka Salonen is a revered orchestral conductor and music composer who was also Director of Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Opera offers a large and distinguished calendar so in the case you are in Helsinki and you desire to assist to some great events of high reputation it is a brilliant chance filling an evening in an emblematic place with a great tradition.
Sibelius monument is one of Helsinki’s famous places to admire built in Honor of the most famous Finnish composer and designed by sculptor Eila Hiltunen.The work is a visual expression of the way Sibelius music depicting nature.Hiltunen work is an abstract multi dimensional structure made by acid resistant steel and it measures 8,5 meters high and 10,5 meters in length using about 600 tubes with a weight of approximately 24 tonnes.
Another city landmark is of course Helsinki Olympiastadion.The profile of that famed complex is visible from afar.Originally planned for the 1940 Olympic Games which were not celebrated due to the event of the 2nd World War and furthermore that complex served for the games celebrated in the year 1952.From the Stadium Tower you will have the opportunity to enjoy fantastic views of the city and the archipelago of the south coast.
Helsinki in the year 1983 became the first city to host a World Athletics Championship and it hosted the same event in the year 2005, becoming the first city in the world to organise that event twice hosted naturally in its Olympic Stadium which is considered also for that a legendary place.
Helsinki in the year 1983 became the first city to host a World Athletics Championship and it hosted the same event in the year 2005, becoming the first city in the world to organise that event twice hosted naturally in its Olympic Stadium which is considered also for that a legendary place.
During your stay in the Finnish Capital do not miss an excursion to the island of Suomelinna listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site.It is an impressive fortress which was previously called Sveaborg and later Viapori.The first name is Swedish and it means Swedish Fortress while the name Suomelinna was added in the year 1918 and it means Finnish Fort.
Erected in the year 1748 and commissioned by the Swedish Monarch Gustav II who wanted to protect Helsinki the Finnish coastline by the Russian attacks.That fortified building has a long history,protagonist of assaults,attacks,bombing and occupations,it was declared for its historic value UNESCO Patrimony Heritage Site in the year 1991.
The incoming flow of tourism is really incredible it host an average media of over 710.000 tourists a year and the complex provides a very interesting museum,spaces for exhibitions and events and around there are shops,restaurants,bars,green areas.You can reach the island by ferry in a trip enduring approximately 15/20 minutes.
About other activities the city is also famous as mentioned to be a shopping city.In Stockmann's Department Store you can find high fashion clothing,great leather articles,goods, phones, books,jewelry, accessories,bags,typical food all those products are of excellent quality.A great occasion to return home with some splendid article made in Finland.
Finnish cuisine is really excellent and there are over 800 restaurants in Helsinki for a population of around half a million people in the metropolitan area,undoubtedly an impressive number which certifies the spirit of a city which loves to eat out and much more having a vast choice and also that is a surprising highlight of that Finnish daughter of the Baltic.
As other Scandinavian countries also in Helsinki you can taste excellent smoked fish,such as salmon, pike,perch and Baltic herring,while for meat lovers,reindeer and moose cooked in different styles are highly appreciated..
If you like fruit try the delicious sweet berries and lingo berries absolutely of high quality often used in bakery,cakes and local desserts.The Capital of Finland is a cosmopolitan city so you can find a large range of ethnic restaurants without difficult.
Helsinki has an excellent public transport system and in the city centre there are about ten lines of trams.A
subway line connects the eastern suburbs to the centre pretty
fast.There are also regional trains and bus lines which operate both
within the city and to other destinations in the metropolitan
area and furthermore regarding navigation from Helsinki you can take ferries
and boats to several destinations such as Stockholm,Sankt Petersburg and
Tallinn among others.
From Helsinki there is also a helicopter service to Tallinn which is the fastest connection between those two Capitals.If you are travelling by train there are several International rail connections and with almost all major cities in Finland,such as Turku,Tampere,Oulu Kuopio and Rovaniemi.
From Helsinki there is also a helicopter service to Tallinn which is the fastest connection between those two Capitals.If you are travelling by train there are several International rail connections and with almost all major cities in Finland,such as Turku,Tampere,Oulu Kuopio and Rovaniemi.
Helsinki Vantaa Airport,very modern and efficient is located at approximately 20,0 kilometres from downtown.It is the largest of the country with over 13 million passengers annually and frequent flights to many destinations in Europe and Worldwide.
There are 1000 and one reason to choose Helsinki as destination for a weekend,city break,inserting it in a tailor made visiting the Nordic Countries during your holidays.That Scandinavian city,the beautiful and surprising daughter of the Baltic will capture,surprise and delight you.
It will be so pleasant to appreciate it at first sight and definitely at the end of your stay something will remain inside you,that desire to return to re see it soon once again.
It will be so pleasant to appreciate it at first sight and definitely at the end of your stay something will remain inside you,that desire to return to re see it soon once again.
Francesco Mari
Recommended Hotels in Helsinki
Hotel Crowne Plaza Helsinki
Hotel Radisson Blue Royal
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Original Sokos Hotel Albert
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Hotel Best Western Carlton
Hotel Fabian
Hotel Scandic Paasi
Hotel Klaus K
Glo Hotel Kluuvi
Hotel Rivoli Jardin
Hotel Fabian
Hotel Scandic Paasi
Hotel Klaus K
Glo Hotel Kluuvi
Hotel Rivoli Jardin
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