Cat House | Bizarre Curiosity, Scenic Art Nouveau Landmark of Riga.

The notorious Cat House or Kaķu Nams as it is known in its country is a bizarre curiosity,  scenic Art Nouveau landmark of Riga, elevated since many years ago as one of the many attractions present in the beautiful major centre of Latvia former 2014 European Capital of Culture, a stupendous Baltic treasure boasting an impressive, relevant historic patrimony highlighted by outstanding architectural masterpieces.
That stylish building on which rooftop was placed an unusual carved bronze feline is situated in  Vecrīga, iconic borough of the old historic core developed in the Middle Ages in a street called Meistaru Iela at the civic number 19 very close to Pilsetas Kanals, an old moat established to protect the medieval district of the current municipality and  the Latvian National Museum, just five minutes walking from Vansu Tilts, a relevant bridge on the Daugava river.
Erected in 1909 by Friedrich Scheffel, an architect of German origin very active in that  country in those times, that work was commissioned by a wealthy merchant, a construction consisting in a scenic, huge, high five-storey house including the ground floor painted in a captivating ochre tonality with big, charming, symmetrical windows placed on its main facade with a conical turret on the left side of its upper section.

Riga is a a very recommended destination for all those who want to plan a trip, holidays or a short break in Northeastern Europe discovering something of absolutely extraordinary in a
a Nation which was a former state of the disappeared Soviet Union, the celebration in its boundaries of that event of international resonance brought its inhabitants pride, enthusiasm happiness, with their homeland hosting that considerable and unique appointment

That Latvian centre thanks to the presence of several stupendous buildings  highlighting its more distinctive, old urban neighbourhood packed by several, relevant attractions on 4th December 1997   declared by UNESCO the city of Europe boasting the best Historic Centre for its wonderful Art Nouveau architectural complex.

Also  for that it is undoubtedly a great incentive for many tourists who want to admire once in a lifetime something unique in its kind, a superb marvel enchanting anyone at first sight.

It was certainly for many visitors also a great occasion during that magic 2014 in which the city was a cultural hub with that superb event to admire live that beautiful site rich in art, history, splendid monuments with protagonists those magnificent, architectural jewels. 

Including someone simply bewitched by the stunning view of those  incomparable marvels many of them highlighted by scenic and unusual details among them  Kaķu Nams repeated the vist or planned to return there to re-see something of extremely fascinating and in its kind highly inspiring.

When you hear something regarding those two words "Art Nouveau" and you are fond of architecture and art the first thought is iimmediately linked to that  famed, artistic style which had one its most representative focal points in Germany, with the s the iconic Jugendstil well known all around the world highlighting the wonderful capital of Bavaria, Munich especially in one of its emblematic boroughs called Schwabing, cradle of that movement.

That site  still conserves many stupendous buildings which charm many visitors for their stylish, special lines result of the imaginative talent of architects  who used  applied, graphic arts with different kinds of materials fantastically combined in architecture. (In the case you are interested I wrote a post about that place)

A further one very famous worldwide is certainly the renowned Catalan Modernism which found in Barcelona a superb place for its development with an eclectic style characterised by that incomparable exaltation of dynamic shapes, curves, asymmetry mainly focused to create a fine aestheticism with a visual impact immediately impressive.

Similar concepts but with an own identity are also present in the French Guimard movement, that popular artistic  school of Nancy born with rationalist ideas with a fine design using refined materials creating a sense of movement of wooden carvings, stone with modelled ornaments aimed to develop a plastic, curvilinear style.

Including very popular in the Nieuwe Kunst in The Netherlands, also known as "slaoile", meaning oil of salad  an architectural expression which created relevant works well known for a stylised elevation of structures with different  blocks placed in layouts with a very accentuated use of geometry in their attractive facades with also specific representations of floral and animal motifs.

Also in other areas of Europe were developed stupendous constructions products by brilliant inspirations generated or directly transmitted by those famed, prominent schools or in some cases identified as 100% national, born and bred in the country.  

That kind of art also had a great success in Eastern Europe , you can find excellent works in Poland, Croatia, Russia but also in in Nations less known as the Baltic Republcs and concretely in Riga that kind of movement found one of the best places, a very fertile soil  reaching a considerable success with stunning works highly admired, surprising in a while several, eminent critics of art but also ordinary people.

Latvia always had strong cultural links with Germany, a country which historically since the times of the legendary Hanseatic League played an important role in that land leaving many marks in culture, traditions, literature but also in architecture.

In the course of the local history those strong German influences endured from the the early 15th century to the 19th century with a long period of consolidation after those glorious times related to that iconic Confederation of merchant guilds including in art with many distinctive details and messages left to Latvian architects who often took inspirations by masters from Germany.

They were undoubtedly also in more contemporary times very attracted by the that marked, unique artistic executions protagonists in the previously mentioned Jugendstil later absorbed at national level by Baltic artists and the Cat House projected by Friedrich Scheffel in the early 20th century is certainly a clear example among others.

A new wave of Latvian talented characters with their own inspirations next to a very special imagination produced something of extremely attractive changing a bit in that admired style some lines including inserting in the layouts of many stunning buildings some peculiar or unusual details result of notable creativity with protagonists some anomalous presences and that scenic landmark, a bizarre curiosity represented by a bronze cat is undoubtedly one of them.

That kind of movement apart its different schools also contains deep, diverse interpretations generated by a philosophy aimed to develop defined representations of images, objects, in many cases fruit of an instinctive artistic talent spreading fantas, freedom in the executions and much more identifying the personal imprint of an artist.

Those exponents generally never liked clones or an integral copy of a previous work also that was since the beginning a special feature of the school of Riga which had the desire to be classified for the capacity to create works left to be admired for their unique identity highly tangible and not just as a simple number among many others.

All that in the Baltic capital became deeply rooted in the local cultural sphere also inspiring many wealthy people who commissioned those architectural diamonds reaching relevant peaks in the early 20th century Kaķu Nams is undoubtedly very related to that.

In addition in that period started the trendy habit to represent some curious creations linked to allegoric images of flora, fauna depicted by painters but all that had a common mission related to transmit a message with a significant meaning.

In some cases also the animals were represented and it is enough to think on painting with some works by Gustav Klimt, that famous Austrian symbolist artist well known for several female figures immortalised in his masterpieces but in addition famed for very famous executions of murals, landscapes, objects d´art, portraits, allegories and many other figurative works which included  horses and also a notorious snake painted by that eminent figure.

If you visited Paris you probably remember in the emblematic Bohemian district of Montmartre the famous Le Chat Noir, the first modern cabaret opened in 1881 by Rodolphe Salis at 84 Boulevard de Rochechouart with an iconic black cat painted as symbol of that legendary establishment devoted to entertainment.

That feline became a very popular image in many vintage items such as post cards, wallpapers, closely related to that worth a mention also  the famed illustrator Edward Penfield considered the father of the American poster who represented cats more than once in his masterpieces.

About that kind of animal in the case of Art Nouvea it also appearead in several graphic applied arts but also in sculpture the renowned Swiss sculptor Édouard-Marcel Sandoz made some and well known are others by that talented Colombian figurative artist called Fernando Botero, one of the most famous is "The Cat from the Raval" in Barcelona.

Those animals have always been subjects to launch a defined, marked meaning or deep messages and that curious cat on the rooftop of one of the most famous buildings of Riga is closely related to all that.

Many sculptures are often related to stories, legends, narrations, anecdotes, episodes and that work is part of those topics.

Cat House was elevated by Scheffel in front of Liela Gilde, the House of the Great Guild you can admire today across the street, a splendid palace elevated in the 19th century in a beautiful Neo-Gothic style and currently hosting the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra. 

Those two buildings are protagonists with a a wealthy trader and that carved representation established on the top of his former residence of a famous story.

According to historic documentations that entrepreneur asked the incorporation of his business company in that Institution but the request of membership as admission was rejected.

After that event the tradesman could not enjoy several economical, financial advantages and as a sign of defiance he decided to place on the roof of his house that bizarre sculpture depicting a cat with its tail turned and oriented towards that hated building hosting in the 20th century the main headquarter of the Trade Association of Riga.

It said that the gentleman commissioned that bronze sculpture immediately after receiving the negative reply and once that image was fixed on the rooftop started many troubles with a very tense armosphere highlighted by an endless controversy, several critics and including legal threats.

The Chamber of Commerce called in its office that man in many occasions informing him to take off that strange, peculiar detail which was considered very provocative.

The legal battle endured for a long time until when  some members of the Association of traders in a meeting with the judge for that dispute declared that presence was funny and not offencive at all.  

After a further official encounter, numerous chats and voting in the Court the epilogue of that episode was favourable to the merchant and that unusual Art Nouveau representation is still there as a landmark.

A legend also tells that the sculptor who placed that work fell and died during the operation of its establishment.

That is the real history but there is a further one connected to a dispute between the owner of Kaķu Nams and  Riga City Council situated not far due to some diatribes linked to the construction of the building and much more.

When I visited Riga I also heard other very curious versions. A local told me that sculpted animal was established there as a sort of symbol or protector of the city against plagues and the Black death remembering the docking of several boasts mooring in the local harbour which brought them in the past.

Another funny tale was that someone said that the cold winter of the Baltic in Latvia petrified a real cat because it met all the windows closed and it did not find refuge inside the house and once running on the roof at night the ice froze it.  

The latter is certainly a very hilarious story which in its kind is part of the beauty of the world of tourism and our history with a multitude of suppositions, legends, versions, diverse stories and much more.

Apart the curious Cat House which in its kind for many people is an indisputable landmark, Riga is a great place to admire a large wide of outstanding Art Nouveau diamonds and a visit or Educational is highly suggested for Destination Managers or Travel Specialists who have that Baltic country as Outgoing Product.
Those superb proposals are a great chance to discover many significant, historic constructions representing the magnificent interpretations of some marvellous works made by talented masters.
That city boasts approximately 800 buildings elevated in that kind of style, many of them simply stunning and impressive.

The expression of that movement spread in the Latvian capital is not easy to compare to other realities or having twins for number, image, architecturally that striking, impressive presence could be compared as a magnificent mix of various elements of the previously mentioned Jugendstil greatly combined with superb Romantic and Modernisme details.

Riga Art Nouveau is also closely linked to a marked and extremely rooted National Romanticism with superb artist as leaders such as Mikhail Eisenstein, Eižens Laube,  Konstantīns Pēkšēns, Heinrich Scheel, but also Wilhelm Bockslaffs despite the latter was much more devoted to projects of Religious buildings and manors.

All those characters were great exponents of a movement in which the imagination was undoubtedly one of the main highlights but always with defined concepts related to a strong cultural spirit also in terms of patriotism in a small country surrounded by big Nations which found in art an instrument of representation and identification which had an extreme resonance producing all those wonders you can admire nowadays.

Beautiful friezes, fine decorated cornices, a varied, coloured presence of painted flowers, captivating images of sphinxes, lions heads all together had to represent an exaltation of life as an eternal feast of architecture with decorative details, ornaments with a diverse presence of various figures each far from another for meaning including with almost nothing in common.

All that was  combined with columns, obelisks, allegoric images inserted in the facades, elements participating all together to a sort of scenic, artistic celebration just like in a theatre with many actors protagonists or in a fine outdoor exhibition displaying a vast collection of paintings.

Asymmetrical compositions, a constant research of the most impressive aesthetic beauty with executions of curved, sinuous lines, the artistic school of Riga shows all that furthermore highlighted by magnificent decorated front sides embellished by sculptures, medallions, stained glass windows which have to be visual highlights just like series of reliefs, irregular, stylish outlines. or replicas of Neoclassical pediments containing a concrete artistic detail.

A fundamental aspect in that movement is that the presence of all those elements are not just a simple part of a frame but they have to play an important role highlighting with their presence the entire scene.

Many buildings were also painted in different colours with determined details placed in specific points of their layouts with the aim to create in a while surprise, wonder, astonishment from different perspectives and not just in the main facade. 

What is really impressive is that nothing appears as irrelevant, the architectural concepts are strongly related to leave a mark representing a sort of landmark with a defined imprint also in a specific space and not just in the most visible main facade.

The smallest features executed in the layout had to be something very significant also because in many of those exponents there was also a sort of veiled, artistic ego with the immense desire  to be different each other.

The philosophy of that kind of style is very deep, many of those masters despite that had a common denominator highlighted by special inspirations with the strong aim to produce something of new, modern, free, personal, creating something of extremely alternative from the previous equally captivating works. 

Although totally different for era, origin, executions, geographic area that movement could be compared to a sort of Renaissance in most modern key for philosophical ideas and desire to open a new artistic chapter.

It is certain there are many centuries of difference between those two styles but they are pretty similar in a precise message. 

As you know when in Florence born that magnificent movement with a considerable respect towards the art produced in the Middle Ages, the most celebrated Tuscan masters next to eminent exponents of that wonderful period started in the late 14th century, bridge between the medieval era and modern history decided to turn page researching new perspectives, lines the aesthetic perfection escaping from the standard dominant styles of the past

Those artists had to impress with innovative shapes, vivid colours opening a new, artistic cycle bewitching the human eye and that was the main artistic mission which is in its kind the same purpose of that more contemporary movement.

Art Nouveau as its Francophone terminology says means New Art, involving architecture, applied arts and individual talent in which every representation has to create surprise also using curious or peculiar details fruit of the most inspired imagination.

In some cases it is highlighted by the most meticulous executions of details in the scene as main protagonists not just a figure but also special curves, sinuous lines over bends, different kinds of materials used in the development with a varied alternation of decorative elements.

That philosophy is that the old canons could inspire something or taking from them terms of comparison but nothing is bonded in a specific link,  the creation has to be distant from the past as a constant trip to look for new goals as personal challenges of an artist very visible in many works by Latvian artists. 

All that is highlighted in Riga by a special, careful attention to the pure aestheticism, the immediate view has to transmit something very dazzling, the exaltation as to be alive and all what is represented immediately attractive and surprising but not with many things in common with a previous artistic cycle.

It is certain that those schools partially used basis from some artistic influences of the past but the focus of the executions had to be unique finding a dimension which had to be successful marking a period with a significant identity.

The New art also has represented in painting and architecture many stylised subjects such as beautiful women but also  mermaids, sirens, allegoric figures including images or creatures totally out of the reality fruit of different interpretations.

In Riga all that is extremely visible, during the visit you will totally astonished admiring a large variety of works depicting all those features and more.

Those works were often executed to transmit with imagination tangible messages of hopes, dreams, feelings, moods or including sort of protest as the case of Cat House but all them closely linked to a desire of change and  innovation.

I suggest you to visit to learn more about that the Art Nouveau Museum hosted in a magnificent building erected in 1903, former house of the architect Konstantīns Pēkšēns situated  in the street Alberta Iela at the civic number 12. 

That character designed more than 250 buildings an endless number of wooden houses, he was a city councilman, founder of the Association of architects Union 

That exhibition was opened on 23rd April 2009, mandatory with the opportunity to know in specific details the captivating history and beauty of that artistic movement which found in that city a scene of extreme relevance very regarded at International level.

In addition in the historic centre of Riga thanks to to the presence of those outstanding masterpieces it is possible to follow special  itineraries, you can enjoy great guided tours through Vecrīga specialised in extensive, Educational visits helping you to discover many wonderful secrets, fantastic curiosities  regarding that marvellous architectural style I strongly suggest you, a great experience to remember forever.

The Latvian Capital is packed by stunning attractions and it is certainly a centre which worth without hesitation a visit simply to boast a historic core awarded as UNESCO Patrimony site with in addition extraordinary monuments present in many corners of its boundaries.

Undoubtedly that is a great incentive to discover something unique, I added some links below which could be useful for more information about all that and a pleasure to give you more suggestions.

Planning a trip to that beautiful Baltic destination is very recommended definitely during a walk admiring those many stupendous masterpieces it will be great and naturally a chance to see also Kaķu Nams, Cat House.

That bizarre but highly, scenic curiosity represented by that carved bronze sculpture on a roof of a charming building of he former European Capital of Culture is an Art Nouveau landmark of a stupendous city which will enchant you.

Francesco Mari

Useful links

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