Budapest-Hungary | Centuries of Fascinating History in Central Europe.

Budapest,the Capital of Hungary is a magnificent city with centuries of fascinating history in Central Europe,situated on the banks that iconic river the Blue Danube sang several time for Vienna by Johann Strauss but also for that stunning Hungarian city in the heart of the European Continent.
Two cities Budapest and Vienna with a parallel history for centuries along the same river and that melody An der schöenen blauen Donau (by the Beautiful Blue Danube) performed for the first time in the Austrian Capital in the year 1867 by a great artist who composed hundreds of divine waltzer.

It was an hymn for many dedicated the Grandeur of Vienna on the shores of such inspiring river but also for that Hungarian city,which for someone despite the magic charm of the Austrian Capital was more attractive and less sophisticated than that city secular stronghold of the Hapsburg House and it received the nickname Pearl of the Danube  for its immense beauty.

When you walk in the streets of Budapest you always breathe something the air of the former Austrian-Hungarian Empire,in its architecture,palaces and gardens,a history which linked those two countries,Austria and Hungary in a sort of happy marriage for long time.

Sometimes that union were undermined by a sort of mutual envy generated by political hierarchies at those times and also a soft jealousy derived by that to be second (in the case of Budapest) in an important Kingdom.All that included misunderstandings when after many years of common life under the same flag and crown  but with some intolerance Hungary in a revolution obtaining autonomy and more freedom inside that Central European Empire.

The Hungarian Capital with its past transported in the present with its monuments,its history,its artistic patrimony and all what was created in that city which fascinates millions of tourists worldwide.It is a city all to discover,an European Capital which you will understand in a while during a stay and at first sight why it wrote so important pages of our history.

Today Budapest has the quarter of the Hungarian population and concentrating about the 70% of the economy,  business,trade and commercial activities of the entire country.Thanks to its magnificent position it has always been considered an important base of contact between Eastern and Western Europe.

Despite its history for several centuries was constantly linked to Vienna,consolidated during the period under Hapsburg rule it was named as the second capital of the Empire but it always kept so proud its strong identity and its own charm.

It is not a secret the Austrian Empress Elizabeth wife of Franz Joseph I and  well known with the nickname Sissi loved more Budapest than her Vienna.The Empress was often a declared lover of Hungary and with pride,she obtained the title of Queen of Hungary.

In addition  she often visited Budapest alone despite his husband was not so happy and glad about that.For the famous noble lady probably the colour of the Danube father of the rivers of Central Europe was more blue in Budapest than in her motherland.

The city at first sight appears immediately beautiful and attractive at the eyes of the visitor,its monuments,its heritage sites by UNESCO, elegant and majestic palaces,the numerous stunning bridges over the Danube are the image of a stunning place with a lot to offer.

Another relevant aspect it is a notable presence of cafes and bistros which give that city a wonderful charm and also the celebrated link between the Hungarian city and another prestigious European metropolis Paris for several things in common with the shining and magnificent Capital of France,due several aspects in common Budapest took the nickname of Paris of East.
That famous nickname is due to several similarities with the charming Ville Lumière.You can easily find a large resemblance to the French capital in many aspects.The hill of Buda  could be a first example,by location and settlement could be compared to the Parisian district of  Montmartre.The river cruises on the  Danube could be the alter ego of that cruises network on the Seine by bateau mouche,

Including in some museums located on the banks of the river give a striking resemblance to the Parisians quays,where are located the famous Museum d'Orsay and the Louvre.Chic Bistros and stylish cafes combined with a vibrant nightlife are pretty similar to all what you can enjoy in the French Capital.

To complete the comparisons the cosmopolitan and bohemian Obuda and Buda have something in common with the Quartier Latin"or St.Germain de Prés in Paris.The presence of numerous buildings in neoclassical style, Baroque,Renaissance and Rococo complete the similarity between those two magnificent European Capitals, all in a backdrop of lights and illuminated boulevards with style and charm.

The Hungarian capital shows so proudly a great quantity of streets full of history,beautiful corners where you can see the daily life of a city which is a sort of metropolitan theatre along its streets,with "Tzigani" local gypsies playing violins,coloured markets selling everything,modern and trendy disco and clubs,picturesque views on the Danube and the cruises on that river at night with the magnificent view of several bridges built in different periods.

The result of all that combined to an architecture which is a stunning mixture of Medieval,Renaissance, Gothic,Baroque,Rococo and Modern styles gives that site something unique in its kind making it a city full of contrasts and surprises and also for that it is also so fascinating and special.

Budapest with its magic charm has always been inspiration for writers, poets,composers,writers,artists,its captivating melancholy in a autumn evening but also with its sunny atmosphere in a spring morning captivated every time the attention of prominent people and travellers.

The river separates Buda and Pest, two areas so different,Buda the former Royal and residential area rich of monuments and museums and Pest the economic,financial and commercial centre always busy and with a very vibrant nightlife,two cities in a city but equally fascinating and packed of surprises.

The long and fascinating history despite the local territories were inhabited since prehistoric times,officially is dated the 1st century BC,although the current city,that you see today,was created in the year 1873 linking the separate cities of Buda, Pest and Obuda.The first two are positioned in the western course of the river while the third lies on the eastern.

The upper city located on the left bank of the Danube,Buda which has always lived with its splendour and a magnificent artistic life while Pest located on the right bank is that centre which has developed more during the centuries in terms of urbanisation and new areas.

The old Obuda is that place which was originally occupied by Celts tribes many centuries ago and its name was originally Ak Ink which means area rich of water due to the extensive amount of water sources in that area of the current Hungarian Capital.

During the colonisation and conquest of the Romans in the 1st century BC,Obuda, was called after an official foundation Aquincum and it was developed on the territory of the former Celtic settlement and for more than four centuries it was the capital of the Roman Pannonia region.

Characterised by the influence of the Empire with an important archaeological area but also developed as Spa settlement which is since there one of the symbols still present in many areas of the actual city which currently have several thermal baths. 

Budapest has about 120 natural springs,delivering over 70 million litters of hot thermal water,an absolute record for a metropolitan area and that  famous Roman name Aquincum derives from the Latin word aqua (water),due of those several springs of waters presents along the local territory.

In the year 896,the union of seven Magyar tribes replaced the Romans who colonised the region and settled in Aquincum and in the 13th century the locals began to call the area Obuda and developed two new settlements separated by the river those two cities were Buda and Pest.Hungary as nation and official state born in 1000 with the crowning of the first King, Stephen I, and in the year 1222 was signed the first Constitution of the nation.

After a period of peace and intense trade with the nearest countries,that land was invaded by the Mongols who destroyed the city in the year 1241 and King Béla IV ordered its reconstruction leading to the new Buda, opposite the old Obuda which became the most important centre in the year 1361,beginning an era of flourishing development with wealthy peaks in the 15th century thanks to the great Emperor Mathias Corvinus.

In the 16th century and concretely in the year 1526 Pest fall under Ottoman rule and Buda had the same fate some years later in1541.From there Buda  became the capital ruled by the Turks while Pest in that period  was almost uninhabited.

The Ottomans retained power until the year 1686,in that year they were defeated by the Hapsburg and Budapest became part of the Austrian domains.The times under Austrian influence,corresponded to a flourishing period of the city and during those times arose numerous Churches public buildings,gardens,parks and palaces.

In the year 1784 the Austrian Emperor Joseph II established the University in Budapest.As part of the revolutions which shocked Europe in 1848, when the Hungarians revolted against the Austrian,being suffocated and reestablished the authority of the Hapsburg but giving Hungary an ample autonomy.In the year 1849 was opened the first permanent bridge over the Danube, the famous Chain Bridge.
Despite that he city and the country lived years of terror,many disputes and repressions,Budapest was the centre of several riots until the year 1867 and after that tumultuous period there was a beginning of a golden age for the capital and for the nation.

The industry was mainly focused in Pest which became the most populated area the year 1873 it officially joined Buda together they formed Budapest and the city became the second largest in the Austrian Hungarian Empire, after Vienna. 

The first urban organisation of Budapest was under the influence of Austria.The Hapsburg drew the current urban look of Budapest,in the year 1873 when was created the first topographic system,a subdivision of 23 districts and three major metropolitan areas, Buda and Obuda (having 6 neighbourhoods) located on the west bank of the Danube and  Pest  (with 16  neighbourhoods) on the eastern side,while Csepel was classified as the 23th district located in the main island on the Danube river.

 In the period of the Empire the Austrians used  for the urban recognition civic Roman codes and numbers, after the postal code consisting of a letter and four numbers,street name and Roman numbers. numbers.Today,you will find addresses as H-1125-Szegedi-XII identifying as twelfth district,or, H-1011-XI Varaszy identification of the 11th district and the districts have mainly names linked to Austrian Emperors and Empresses such as Elizabeth,Leopold, Josef, Therese,Maximilian, Franz among others.

After the 1st World War, in occasion of the famous Treaty of Saint-Germain, by which Austria renounced to the rights of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy,Hungary and Budapest left Austria and born the independent Hungarian State.

It was the end of a long cohabitation under the same flag and Empire generating a of forced "divorce"after the war.Budapest inhabitants were divided after that event and many of them knew that the city could not reach the prestige acquired during the times of the Empire.

That supposition was pretty right and after signing the Treaty of Trianon in the year 1920, that agreement in which the Allies imposed on Hungary after the fall of Bela Kum the country lost several territories such as Slovakia, Ruthenia, Transylvania, the Banat of Temesvar and Croatia,in total more than two thirds of its territory and Budapest became the capital of a pretty small country with a diminished value respect its glorious past,also the city had a decline,it was not the active cultural centre which lived a fascinating history before those events.

Despite that after some years,the city regained a position as important destination in particular linked to diplomatic meetings,Spa and tourist destination and a bridge of communications and trades between Western and Eastern Europe relaunched the city at an International level..

During the 2nd World War,Hungary which previously had established good political relationships with Germany with also the desire to reconquer some territories lost some years before,supported the axis Berlin-Rome-Tokyo, which promised Hungary with a participation with troops,establishments of headquarters and logistic assistance to recuperate part of its former lands.Due the participation to the 2nd World War,Budapest suffered heavy aerial bombardments by the Allies which partially destroyed the city.

At the end of the war Budapest and Hungary fell under Soviet influence and that infamous October 1956 when the city rebelled against the government and the pact of Warsaw ended with the intervention of the Red Army troops in the core of the city.With the fall of the former Soviet Union and the communist regimes in the year 1989, Hungary started to live a new cycle and in the year 2004 joined the European Union.

The many attractions of the city has made that in the year 1987 the city received the prestigious title of World Heritage City by UNESCO which increased furthermore the fame of Budapest as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and in the World.

One of the most emblematic points where you can start the visit is Kiralyi Palota, the beautiful Royal Palace which is also apart its majestic and beautiful aspect one of the most mysterious historic sites of Budapest.

It was originally built in Gothic style by King Sigmund, and it was rebuilt in Baroque style,because the Ottoman siege destroyed most of the building.Originally the project was focused to rebuild a sort replica,using the same architectonic style,nobody exactly knows why that change was so different.

At the end of the 18th century,the Emperor of Austria chose the building as second residence and then seat the Palatine Archdukes,so a very important place,despite that and after several embellishments,luxury decorations and many costs,it was often underrated and not considered at the same level of the stunning Viennese Imperial Palace.

Also in that case nobody knows why so much money spent to arrange such beautiful construction then used for secondary purposes.Suppositions are related to show the Grandeur of the Empire to the other European monarchies,others are linked to a sort of remorse after the beautiful restoration,it could be place obscuring the shining Vienna which could loose the pole position despite the presence of the majestic Hofburg.

The Palace is also of relevant importance because it houses the splendid Nemzeti Gallery,The National Gallery of Art one of the most famed and rich museums of art in Central Europe.

Another important attraction is the Mátyás Templom Matthias Church, originally called the Church of the Assumption.The name comes from the King Matyas of Hungary who used that Religious building for his wedding in two occasions and it is  is the most famous Catholic Temple of Budapest.Its official name is Church of Our Lady and it was built between the 13th and 15th century and undoubedtly,the history of that site is rich of historical events.

The Church apart to contain the graves of the emblematic King Béla III and his wife Anne of Antioch,was also a site of Royal coronations and weddings,one of the most important was that of Charles IV, the last King of the Hapsburg dynasty in the year 1916. 

During the Ottoman occupation it was transformed in the year 1541 in a Muslim Mosque and after the Christian reconquest the Church became a centre of of the Order of the Jesuits in the late 18th century.

Due all those changes many frescoes were destroyed or abandoned for indifference to preserve such relevant masterpieces.Despite that,started a large restoration which was completed in the 19th century and which gave the building a Neo Gothic look.

Very interesting is to visit the Chapel of the Order of the Knights of Malta,a collection of lapidary and goldsmith of great value and thanks to its acoustics the Church is usually used as place for organ and classical music concerts.

Next to Matyas Templom of considerable interest is Szentharomsag Ter the Fisherman's Bastion.The name originates from the ancient medieval fish market which took place in that site.Built in the year 1905 by the architect Frgyes Schlek linking different styles such as the Gothic,Neo Gothic and a sort of Neo-Romanesque,all those architectonic combinations created that outstanding,artistic masterpiece.

It consists of a complex characterised by seven towers,symbolising the seven tribes which gave origin to the country in the 9th century.Reopened to the public in the year 1997,it is a must a  visit to the crypt with the Chapel of St. Michael dated 15th century.Curiously the Bastion was not built for military purposes or a defencive structure but simply as lookout,also that is very strange and curious because it was a period not totally peaceful.

The Panoramic view in that place with the Fisherman's Bastion has been included by UNESCO in 1988 in the list of World Heritage.

 The equestrian statue of King Stephen I erected by Alajos Strobl is another highlight and it is one of the most photographed monuments of the area. The other main religious building of Budapest is Szent István Bazilika,the Basilica dedicated to St.Stephen which is the largest religious temple of Hungary.It was ended in the year 1905 due to the collapse of the dome years ago and it took  its name in honour of  King Istvan I (Stephen) the first Hungarian ruler.

 The Church contains the relics of that Monarch,including his right hand.It is said that the Basilica inside can hold over 8,500 people,the dimensions of the building speak for themselves, 87 metres  in length and the height of the dome reach i 96 metres making it the highest point of Budapest with the Parliament building.

The area surrounding the hill of Buda in the first district is dominated by the Budai Vár the Castle of Budapest which is undoubtedly one of the most famous images of the Hungarian Capital with the Chain Bridge.

The castle was the former residence of the Kings of Hungary and it currently houses the Széchenyi Library, Hungarian National Gallery and the Budapest History Museum.That construction is special for two fundamental aspects,the first is the imposing set which forms with the famed and majestic bridge especially at night when they are illuminated and the second, the view you can enjoy from the top of the hill, similar to those from the Fishermen's Bastion overlooking the city and the Danube make that site one of the most scenic of the entire city.

The castle due to the bombings during the 2nd World War suffered several damages,the adjoining medieval palaces and houses were largely devastated,despite all that the urban reconstruction has been very efficient and fast.

The Hungarian National Gallery is of course a must if you are fond about art and it is located in a privileged place in the Castle of Buda,containing several relevant works from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.

Until the creation of that great exhibition,the works were displayed in the Hungarian National Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts and although the 90% of that Museum is devoted to painting,it also contains some great sculptures and The Throne Room which displays a collection of late Gothic altarpieces,among of the most important artists worth a mention some outstanding works by Mihály Munkácsy, and Pal Merse.

 Budapesti Történeti Múzeum (Budapest History Museum) is another of the Humgarian Capital exhibitions comtaining a very interesting part of the patrimony of the city.It recounts the history of Budapest from the Middle Ages to the present.

Due to its location in the Buda Castle it is also called the Castle Museum.Arranged on four floors,the museum's collection ranges from everyday objects from different areas of Hungary to recreations and all concerning the history of the country.

 From the castle there is magnificent view of the famous Széchenyi the Chain Bridge, the oldest bridge of Budapest,the most known and popular of all present along the Danube river,officially known as Széchenyi in Honor of its creator the Count István Széchenyi.

 Until the construction of that magnificent work,the Danube in that point could be crossed only by boat or during cold winters,walking on frozen waters.The difficulty of crossing that waters course between seasons was the main reason to build a bridge and the Chain Bridge which was finally opened on November, 1849 after 20 years of work.

The current bridge which is not built over 150 years,the date of its former construction was later,because during the 2nd World War the German troops blew up all the bridges of the city and the new bridge was opened once again in 1949,exactly 100 years after the former.

 Near the castle there are  the beautiful Baroque city streets as Batthiany Ter and Fo Utca ,from there you You can reach the 5th district, Belváros where you can have the opportunity to have a walk in the Boulevard Kiskout, famous for its cosy cafes and restaurants.

That exhibition features a permanent illustration on the traditional culture of the Hungarian people and other temporary exhibitions organised with the intentions to show the culture and the lifestyle of the Hungarians.The collection includes old photographs,costumes,furniture and tools which explains how is and was life in the Hungarian countryside and in the cities, from the 18th century until the 1st World War.

The market Vasacsarnok is one of the biggest markets of Europe,considered the major of Budapest it is the largest of the five which were opened in the city in the late 19th centuryThey were built to control the quality of food and improve their condition since the late 19th century when the population was suffering many health problems.

The architect Samu Pecz handled the design and project and the building was erected  in the year 1897. Since its inception it was a continuous source of protest,many citizens criticised since its construction it had increased prices,a fact which was maximised with the arrival of the 1st World War.

In the 2nd World War the structure was severely damaged and it lost its value.In the year 1991,the Central Market was practically in ruins and was declared closed to the public and three years later came a  decision to restore it showing today one of the most significant buildings of Budapest.

Vaci Utca is one of the most elegant and stylish streets of the Hungarian Capital.During the day with attractive shops and cafes packed by people and at night illuminating the passage of the pedestrians who chose to enjoy pleasant walks.

It is s the major urban boulevard for shopping,where you can acquire the best products and the most trendy and fashionable brands such as Dior to Chanel Rolex,Versace,Armani and all the best Fashion Designers articles and accessories.

During the Middle Ages the current street marked the boundary of Budapest city wall, built in what is now Deák Ferenc Utca street and originally a gate of the city in what there is now the Vörösmarty square.

The most important operations about the construction of buildings began in the 18th century, however, currently most of the buildings which remain are those of the 19th and 20th centuries.The generational change has also been noticed in business,Vaci Utca was formerly frequented by the most attorneys while today is filled with shopping malls,fashion boutiques,souvenir shops,Hotels,restaurants and Cafes.The oldest building of the street was  built in the year 1805 and if you want to see it it is situated at the civic number 13.

Vörösmarty Tér  is one of the central squares of the city,generally very busy and it is considered the real centre,core and heart of the city and it is dedicated to Mihály Vörösmarty,Hungarian patriot and poet,regarded by his contemporaries as one of the greatest romantic artists of his time.

The square is a focal point of commercial and tourist activities,including shops,offices and antique stores and it also corresponds to the beginning of the shopping street Vaci Utca.During the days before Christmas is celebrated there a characteristic market with stalls offering mulled wine and an ample offer of local gastronomic products.

On the other side of the square there are some of the most famous buildings of the area, including the Palace of Gerbaud, where you can see one of the oldest bakeries of Swiss origin,and the Concert Hall Vigado, Palace built in the second half of the 19th century.

Liptovaros district is the political and administrative neighbourhood of  Budapest,with the majestic and beautiful Országház,the Palace of the Hungarian Parliament which is the most representative building of the city and one of the most famous in Europe.It is also the third largest parliament in the world behind those of Bucharest and Buenos Aires.

The construction of that imposing structure started during the Austro-Hungarian Empire,.In the year 1867 the Emperor Franz Joseph started to think in a new building as residence of the Minister Tisza with a project developed by the Hungarian architect Imre Steindl.

The Palace recognises in many details the style of the British Parliament in London,which in fact it is inspired with its Neo-Gothic architecture,supported by elements of Byzantine influence.When it was ended in the year 1902,it was the largest parliamentary building in the world and it is said that the stairs housed inside have a total length of approximately 20 kilometres

It was definitely the greatest work of its time and it consists of 691 rooms,270 metres long and 118 metres wide, a construction which shows the economic power of the early 20th century in the Austrian-Hungarian  Empire in that period.

The impressive Staircase following up the red carpet,the first impression is overwhelming parliament and in the central landing there is a relief by the architect Imre Steindl, designer of the building.The Dome Room can be seen inside and highlighting statues of the Hungarian Kings of Hungary while opposite the main staircase there is St.Istvan,the first king of Hungary.

The Former Senate Hall is currently used only for tourism,that is the hall in which all is thought to imagine the parliament in all its majestic grandeur.In the south wing of the majestic building there are the twin Council Chamber of Deputies.

Inside the Parliament Palace is conserved the Holy Crown,which tradition attributes to King St.Stephen the first king of Hungary and it was used to crown the Hungarian Kings since the 13th century.The origin of that crown is traced back to the Byzantine times and consists of two main parts: the crown and the Larin crown.

According to the most credible theory it was created during the Reign of King Béla III with a strong Byzantine influence.In the year 1945 it was given in custody to the USA Government and stored at Fort Knox until the year 1978 and returned to the nation by an order of the former President Jimmy Carter.
Néprajzi Múzeum is the Ethnographic Museum,hosted in an imposing building which was built in the year 1872 as headquarter of the Ministry of Justice and several years later in the year 1973 the Gallery was moved there.

Located next to Parliament building,the impressive facade decorated with huge columns and statues carved in stone is only a a sort of appetiser,a prelude compared to the splendour presents in the main hall, where huge staircases and marble columns and stucco welcome the visitors.

That exhibition features a permanent illustration on the traditional culture of the Hungarian people and other temporary exhibitions organised with the intentions to show the culture and the lifestyle of the Hungarians.The collection includes old photographs,costumes,furniture and tools which explains how is and was life in the Hungarian countryside and in the cities, from the18th century until the 1st World War.

Entering in the 6th district, considered the cultural heart and core of Pest,Andrassy Utca (Andrássy Avenue), together with Vaci Utca is one of the most emblematic streets of Budapest.That wide boulevard links Erzsébet Ter square to the Heroes Square,ending with the City Park,an ideal place to spend a relaxing break.

The Avenue was developed in 1872 and it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the year 2002.That charming avenue is flanked by stunning buildings,the beautiful facades of houses and Renaissance palaces which remain along that charming artery are undoubtedly a great highlight of that important urban axis.

During a walk on that boulevard you can enjoy some of the most trendy restaurants of the city and immediately after enjoying shopping in some of the most exclusive boutiques with the chance to find several articles of the most celebrated High Fashion designers such as Bvlgari,Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana among others.

Along that charming avenue there is also one of the most iconic and emblematic buildings of the city, the Budapest Opera.At the civic Number 22.It is a magnificent building in renaissance style developed by the architect Miklos Ybl and commissioned by Emperor Franz Josef of Austria.

The building was erected between 1875 and 1884 and it is linked to a curiosity.The Austrian Emperor gave permission to build that theatre on condition that the internal capacity would not exceed the capacity of viewers of the Vienna Opera,so it was, in fact,the Budapest Opera can accommodated 1260 people people,while the Vienna State Opera reaches 2285 people in capacity,it was like a signal from the Capital  before the grandeur of the main Imperial centre and in second plan the rest.

At the end of that magnificent avenue you can admire Tere Hõsök,the famous Heroes' Square another of the main symbols of is one of the most important places in Budapest with the presence of  statue commemorating the leaders of the seven tribes who founded Hungary.

That place was  listed as an important architectural Heritage Site by UNESCO,completed in the year 1929 it is dominated by an obelisk 36 metres high with a representation on the top of the Archangel Gabriel.The legend says that Istvan (Stephen) future first King of Hungary met the Archangel who advised him to embrace the Christian religion and to be crowned by the Pope and Stephen accepting that divine suggestion in that message by the Archangel became King of Hungary.

On  the sides of the obelisk was erected a curved double colonnade and you can see the statues of the heroes,the patriarchs and founders of Hungary,neoclassical and allegorical sculptures representing Glory, Peace, War,Work and Science.

For all art lovers close to that majestic square it is a must here the visit to The Museum of Fine Arts,containing fantastic works by Leonardo, Raphael,Cezanne,Van Gogh, and Velazquez among others.

In addition if you are a museums lover do not miss Műcsarnok Kunsthalle,that exhibition is for you if you are a fan of modern art ad it situated facing the Museum of Fine Arts.The building was erected in the year 1895, by the architects Albert Schickedanz and Fülöp Herczog, in eclectic-neoclassical style and it contains a relevant collection of outstanding paintings.

The history of Budapest is also deeply linked to the Jewish Holocaust remembered for the genocide of nearly 100,000 Jews.The Hungarian city before the 2nd World War war was one of the European centres with the largest Jewish community in Central Europe.

 In the 7th district Erzsébetváros is located the ancient Jewish quarter,a journey through the time will introduce the visitor to the characteristic alleys and small courtyards among the various buildings which made up the old Ghetto and the imposing Dohany Synagogue.

That Temple  is the third in size Synagogue of the world after that of Jerusalem in Israel and  New York Synagogue in USA with its 53,0 metres in length and 26,0 metres wide,providing seating places for 2,964 people,1,492 men and 1,472 women. 

The synagogue was erected between the years 1854 and 1859 by an architect from Vienna called Ludwig Förster,who used as predominant style Moorish details combined with Byzantine and Gothic elements.The Synagogue received many other names such as the Great Synagogue, Synagogue Dohány or Snuff Snuff which is the translation of the name Dohány.

Next to that building is situated the ancient Jewish cemetery and the famous Tree of Life a sculpture like a willow tree in which each leaf has written the name of a Jew murdered during the Holocaust and that sculpture was and that work is dated the year 1991.

The Holocaust Museum in Budapest, displays an exhibition called From Deprivation of Rights to Genocide,narrating the story of the Jewish people in Hungary,a story which began before the genocide when in the year 1938 the Hungarian state began to deprive the local Jews of certain fundamental rights.In the year 1944, when the German army occupied Hungary the government began to seize all Jewish properties and lock them in a ghetto and later in camps during the period of the operations of deportation.

The Citadel is the highest point of Budapest and from there you can enjoy the best views of the city. It was built in the year 1854 under Hapsburg rule as a building of surveillance and lookout.In the apart several stunning view points,there is a restaurant,market stalls and the building of the fortress which is 220,0 metres long, 60,0 meters wide and its walls are approximately 4,0 meters high.

At the end of the Great War the Hungarians wanted to destroy it,as signal to start a new life and deleting part of the historic past,but that never happened.Entering inside that fortress you will come in the background in a sort of bunker of the 2nd World War and within that three-story construction your will notice several rooms with wax statues depicting scenes which will make you go back to the past.

The Church of St.Anne is the best example of Italian Baroque architecture in Budapest.The Construction of that Religious building began in the year 1740 by a project of  Kristóf Hamon and in 1762 it was completed by Mátyás Nepauer.

That Religious construction has been for over 200 years,victim of wars,floods and earthquakes,a history particularly intense and unlucky and due to its deterioration and bad state,in many occasions the local Institutions wanted to demolish it,in particular during the times of the construction of the subway.Finally, the Church was totally rebuilt between the years 1970 and 1984 and inside you can admire some frescoes dated the 20thcentury.

Another emblematic religious building in Budapest is the City Parish Church the oldest building in Pest. It is located next to Erzsébet Bridge,at the place where the remains of the martyred Bishop Gellért.Built in the 12th century in Romanesque style during the 17th century it was occupied by the Ottomans to use it as a Mosque and after some fires in the year 1723 it was partially rebuilt in baroque style.

Today it has a rich and varied mix of styles among them the Gothic Chapel and a beautiful Gothic pulpit carved in wood besides the altar of the 20th century.One of the most captivating highlights consists in a Mihrab,a Turkish Muslim prayer niche preserved since the 17th century when the Church was converted and used by Muslims.

Budapest won the title City of Spas in the year 1934,the city has 118 springs  from which spring up every day over 70 million litres of thermal water at temperatures between 20º and 80 ° C.The thermal waters gained prominence in the early 20th century to treat disease,but the baths of Budapest have been active since the time of Roman rule. 

Under Ottoman influence, between the years 1541 and 1686 were built others many of which remain today.The iconic Gellert Spa is probably the best known of the city, its main pool appears in magazines and in television commercial spots,very famous was the famed announcement linked to Danone,which was filmed there.

Széchenyi Spa is another one of relevant prestige,it is one of the largest thermal resorts of Europe and the present building was opened in the year 1913 erected in Gothic style.That Spa complex provides 15 pools, 3 outdoor large and 12 small enclosures inside with also saunas and massages rooms.

The most impressive pools are those outdoor with one in particular providing waters with a temperature of 37 ° C.When it's freezing on the street it is something really exciting to enjoy that place offering that warm waters and also for that great detail,Széchenyi Spa is probably the best complex of the entire Budapest.

Rudas Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda the Rudas Thermal Baths near Elisabeth Bridge are among the oldest in the city and they were built by the Ottomans in the 16th century and still retain the typical characteristic of Turkish baths.Another pretty suggested is  Kiraly Baths which remains among the smaller but popular in the city and among the oldest.They were also built during the Ottoman period and at that time represented the only baths inside the castle walls.

It is a must to visit the Városliget Park,the City Park which is the main recreation area of the local inhabitants.Initially, like many other parks, it was a hunting area frequented by the nobility who used it for many years but in the 18th and 19th centuries it was gradually transformed in that public park you can see today.

With dimensions of 1,400 by 900 meters,that place is one of the first public parks created in the world and inside you will find many attractions,among them the famous Zoo,a small amusement area, the Széchenyi Spa mentioned before and Vajdahunyad Castle which was initially built in wood to celebrate the Expo 1896.

Vajdahunyad Vár is its real name, was after that event was completed in the year 1908 by Ignác Alpár and it is a replica in part of a castle in Transylvania in Romania.It was developed in different architectural styles such as Romanesque,Gothic,Renaissance and Baroque and later it was rebuilt replacing the former wooden structure with a stoned building.

Its architecture is a sort of replica of elements of other existing buildings in Hungary,inside that building you will find the Agricultural Museum and a Church.That green lung also has a lake in which depending on the time of year you visit the city is suitable to rent a boat or enjoying ice skating in winter too.

Budapest gives you the opportunity to enjoy some metropolitan islands on the the Danube.Margit Island is one of them,it has a large park,ideal for relax and leisure and it was declared a public space in the year 1908.

Over 2,5 kilometres long in the island there are some gardens,the ruins of the Convent of Saint Margareth a beautiful and tiny Church,a small Zoo and a pool with water slides.One of the highlights of that place is the water tank,currently used as a lookout and as temporary exhibitions.The island is large enough to cross it walking,there is also a tourist train,it is possible to rent a bike or an electric car the typical golf vehicles with four seats.

Csepel Island  is the largest island of the Danube River,it is 48 kilometres  long and 7,5 kilometres  wide.That island hosts many activities such as wake-boarding, jet-skiing during the day and dancing clubs at night.That site is also where the famous Sziget Festival takes place hosting hundreds of performances a year and a media about 400,000 visitors in its last editions.

Many building projects took place to make that island one of the biggest entertainment centres in Central Europe,the plan is to build apartment,Hotels,Casinos and a Marina,something which will create new and further flows of tourism towards the Hungarian Capital.

Another attraction you can not miss is Nyugati Pályaudvar,corresponding to the Budapest's Western Railway Station consisting in beautiful building developed in Art Nouveau in glass and iron built in the early 19th century following the style of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

At the time after its construction it was considered one of the largest and innovative stations in the world and the first train of Hungary departed from that station in the year 1846.Today that building also hosts McDonald's Station which is considered one of the most beautiful and charming fast food in the world for its location.

Keleti Pályaudvar is the alter ego of that one and it is  the East Station in Budapest.It is a sort of sister of Nyugati.Built between the years 1881 and 1884 by the talented architects Gyula Rochlitz and János Feketeházy,the style shows Neo-Renaissance influences and as main highlights are the central hall and the mural works are by the Hungarian artists Károly Lotz and Mór Than.Actually it is the largest,busiest and most important station in Budapest.

Very interesting to know the Roman History of Budapest and Aquincum which is the historic and relevant highlight of the Roman Budapest.Aquincum was an important Roman settlement in the historic province of Pannonia,within the current boundaries.

The remains of that emblematic place which is one of the largest archaeological parks of Hungary.The reconstruction of the city was conducted between the years 1960 and 1970 and visiting those ruins you can walk around its ancient streets and to see the rests of temples,houses and baths.
Most of the city was built between the 2nd and 3rd centuries during the visit you will find some surprises as a sewer grate in a stone tile, underground heating system,bathroom tiles rebuilt and a patio which was installed in a market are some of the most important attractions among many others.

During that extensive tour of that superb historic site you will discover that palce was a city much larger than the area you are visiting and currently it covers only a third part of the excavated city centre which was discovered.

The area also contains Aquincum Museum which displays a small collection of Celtic and Roman remains remains,among the objects worthy of note some notable statues and great mosaics,relevant rests of the most ancient civilisations who populated the Hungarian Capital.

Baba Türbéje is another historic place worth to be visited and it is linked to the Turkish rule in the city.

It consists in the  Tomb of Gül Baba who was a philosopher of religion Dervish who lived in the 16th century and he participated in the victorious Ottoman siege of Buda.

He was so famous because numerous miracles were attributed to him a sort of Holy Man and his tomb has an important mean for all Muslim people because it  is the northernmost place of pilgrimage of Islam. Gül Baba belonged to the order of Bektas of which he was the head spiritual guide of Islam and in case of war he was also a soldier.

The name Gül Baba translated  means Father of the Roses and that name because according to a legend he always wore a rose in his hat. According to another one on 2nd September1541 three days after the conquest of Buda by the Turkish troops,during the thanksgiving celebration held in the Church of St. Matthias transformed into a Mosque,Gül Baba died suddenly.

His body was buried in the garden and after the recapture of Buda,the building containing that tomb was converted in a Chapel dedicated to St. John.In the year 1914, during excavations which took place in that place Chapel,the skeleton of Gül Baba was found and reburied shortly after.His grave is located in the district of Rose Hill Rózsadomb,which was built in 1551 by order of Suleiman the Magnificent, the great sultan of the Ottoman Empire and it is revered as a Muslim shrine.

Discovering Budapest from the Danube is one of the essential activities you can enjoy during a trip to the the Capital of Hungary.The views from the river,day and night are undoubtedly unique and unforgettable.There are many companies providing cruise services and you will see advertising in most Hotels and finding vendors near the river,some offering offers "last minute" cruises.

Generally a standard cruise on the Danube endures approximately  60 minutes.Some companies offer a free drink booking the trip and the travellers who want to give a surprise to their partners may consider dining aboard of one of those boats at night enjoying a special dinner with cruise by night.Furthermore there are companies that during the cruises offer live music Gypsy Violin and dance show and other services.

 Budapest is also a great destination for shopping.Apart the mentioned Vaci Utca and Andrassy Utca,one of the best places to buy typical products of Budapest's Central Market which was opened in 1897, is the largest covered market in the city.Inside you can find food, local products and souvenirs and also some food stalls.

 If you are looking for other shopping areas, you may be interested in the Arena Plaza,a modern shopping centre opened in the year 2007 which hosts various fashion stores,especially large chains.You can access to the mall from the subway with stop to Keleti Pályaudvar.

Another of of the most popular shopping centres is the West End, which houses over 400 shops of well known brands,it also has a cinema and numerous restaurants and it is accessible from the metro station Nyugati Pályaudvar.

For Lovers of antiques and second-hand goods can find their place in  Ecseri Flea Market, a place where you can find old paintings,musical instruments, furniture and other interesting old and fashionable articles and items.

The Hungarian Folklore is another kind of attractions and special features you can appreciate during a visit to the Hungarian Capital and why not to assist to some performances or shows. Based on traditional dances which have survived for centuries in small towns of the country,through those dances you will have a broader view of music,dance and local customs of the most traditional Hungary.

Budapest has three clear representatives Hungarian folklore styles with talented groups who act for more than half a century in Hungary and abroad and they are National Folkloric Ensemble of Hungary, Artistic Ensemble Danube and  Rajko Artistic Group.

The Hungarian National Folklore Ensemble is an Institution well known and internationally,since its starting in the year 1951 it travelled all around of the world.The Artistic Ensemble Danube acting since the year 1957,a Group which has become one of the most versatile and well known of the country while The Rajko Artistic Group is an Entity in constant evolution with  musicians coming from the Prestigious Music School Rajko and it is also responsible for finding and training new talents.

Nightlife in Budapest is really very vibrant and lively.The city has approximately 40 theatres,where you can enjoy Opera,Musical events and Cabaret shows.An unusual local and one of the best in the temple of hip-hop, but also jazz and electronics is A38 located in an old ship which once transported stones,anchored near Petofi Bridge.Barokko Club & Lounge is one of the Budapest hot spots,located along the square Liszt FerencTér, and also one of the most fashionable city.

The club is a favourites by young and adult,s as well as for the restaurant and bar with excellent drinks and cocktails.Janis Pub in Kiralyi Pál is a famous local which celebrates the music of Janis Joplin and several live music shows.Bank Dance Hall next to Nyugati railway station is a huge club and offering different levels of music, the first is R & B,House Music,Disco Dance Revival and Funky.

Than ks to its relevance and prestige the city hosts several International and cultural events,the largest outdoor festival is the Sziget Festival, which is really popular all over Europe and other major events are Budapest Spring Festival and  Budapest Autumn Festival while the famous stadium Nepstadion hosts several concerts.

Rich in monuments, museums, art galleries, palaces and Churches,Budapest offers the visitor a great cocktail for large cultural activities but also delicious food and fine wines.

Particularly spicy the Hungarian cuisine offers the visitors a wide range of great culinary specialities,you can not leave the country without tasting the typical and traditional  Goulash (a spicy meat stew with paprika) or the Pörkölt,similar flavour but in a soup version.Local tradition is also to enjoy an aperitif as a glass of Palinka,an aromatic brandy made by apricot, pear,cherry and plum flavors and try the Libamáj (pâté de foie gras) or the Korozott a cream cheese and onions spread on sandwiches or toasted bread.

Excellent are sweets,local bakery and and desserts,some of the most famous are Gundel Crepes, Palacinkas and  Somlo which took the considerable cultural influence of Austria which  has left remarkable footprints in the local cuisine as the Strudel you can find it in many places and do not miss to taste the fine Hungarian wines Tokaj,Riezling and many others,all of excellent quality.

To enjoy a good coffee or  dessert do not miss Gerbaud.It is a cafe-confectionery-bakery,among the most famous in all Hungary,it was founded by Henrik Kugler in the year 1858 and since there its cakes,desserts and pies are very popular all around the city.That cafe has more than 300 chairs and an outdoor terrace.

Another place is the New York Cafe one of the most famous of Budapest since its opening in the year 1894 until its closure in 2001 in that year was closed for the construction of a luxurious Hotel.The Cafe has been renovated to maintain its previous appearance and like the Hotel,it is very charming.

Another option is The Central Cafe is not just a Cafe and that, like its predecessors has been the meeting place of artists,poets and writers of the last century and in communist times it was obviously closed but after the end of the regime in 1989,it reopened to the public.

Once you landed at Budapest Ferihegy International Airport and you are in the city it is very easy to move around its urban area thanks to the three metro lines M1, M2, M3, a large network of lines of buses and trams run and transports managed by BKV (Budapest Kozlekedesi Vallalat) .

Budapest also has three International railway station Keleti Pályaudvar Nyugati Pályaudvar and Déli Pályaudvar hat connect to other major European cities such as Vienna,Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubliana, Bratislava,Bucharest,Warsaw and Venice.

Budapest is one of thew most charming European Capitals  ideal for cultural tourism, nightlife,for leisure and and also a special destination for who love Spa & Wellness thanks to its several complexes,Hotels and structures.A very romantic city as in Paris you can enjoy a romantic cruise on the Blue Danube river day and night and it is something unique.

Sounds of violins along the streets or in corner of captivating squares increase of course the charming atmosphere in a splendid historic and monumental environment with centuries of fascinating history,all is simply  enjoyable and there are many options to spend an unforgettable stay in that special city of Central Europe.

One of them is simply sitting in a terrace,a glass of fine Tokaj,that music as background and it is enough to take look towards the Parliament Palace,the Castle or the Chains Bridge,you will immediately breathe that magic place called Budapest,along that emblematic and nostalgic Blue Danube,that city is like an immense shining door welcoming and offering you something so easy to remember and to keep alive in your best and pleasant memories.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Budapest 

Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest 
The Aquincum Hotel Budapest
Corinthia Hotel Budapest 
Four Season Hotel Gresham Palace 
Hotel Palazzo Zichy
Bohem Art Hotel 
Hotel Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge 
Buddha Bar Hotel  Klotild Palace
Hotel Novotel Budapest Danube

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