Seville-Spain | Superb and Sumptuous Mudéjar Queen of Andalusia.

Seville is one of the cities of Spain which shows with all its immense charm a more than rich historic patrimony,that superb and sumptuous Mudéjar Queen of Andalusia characterised by that artistic style which was the sublime continuation of the former Moorish influences transmitted in art and architecture to a site which became the Capital of that unique and divine movement.

The Andalusian Capital shows in a magnificent mixture apart that wonderful and unique highlight presents in several of its most distinctive monuments and buildings a mixture of outstanding architectonic masterpieces including Medieval,Renaissance,Baroque and modern styles all that was the result of the award received by that distinguished Institution called UNESCO which honoured Seville as a World Heritage Site.

The city will immediately capture your attention for its vivid colours,the smell of the "azahares"the oranges flourishing and delighting the air of that stunning centre,its magnificent and charming patios present in several of its corners,captivating squares and a multitude of picturesque,scenic alleys and narrow streets in its historic centre.

Seville is also a sweet and melodic combination of flavours and sounds,the nature in particular in Spring season blooms in all its perfumes and smells and in many places it is so easy to listen a Flamenco or Copla melodies highlighting that magic atmosphere.

The iconic  Barrio de Santa Cruz the promenade flanking to the Guadalquivir river facing the historic districts of Triana and Los Remedios and the wonderful streets around squares Plaza del Salvador and Plaza Alfalfa until reaching Plaza Nueva are absolutely amazing every time,day and night.

I lived many years in that city and I can confess all the tourists came there at first sight are conquered by such sumptuous charm,not many cities in the world are so magnetic and appealing.

Seville deeply comes in every heart art because because it is one of those classic and inspiring places in the world which transports everyone in the past admiring its endless superb historical patrimony which made that Andalusian centre one of the most admired destinations of the entire Iberian Peninsula.

All in that city is alive is in front of you,alive,well preserved with those orange trees everywhere making a sort of  perfect frame around patios,large courtyards and gardens flanking the most monumental architectonic masterpieces present in inside its boundaries and all that makes a picture simply wonderful.

Seville is today the 4th Spanish largest city with its approximately 750,000 inhabitants behind Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia,its urban development was largely characterised after an important event celebrated in 90s with a new urban asset and a consequent increasing of infrastructures and populations in occasion of Expo 1992 celebrated in the Andalusian Capital.

That beautiful ancient city on the banks of Guadalquivir River is today the cultural, artistic and financial Capital of Southern Spain,a friendly,charming and a captivating metropolis to visit all year thanks to its mild climate and much more despite its size all the most important attractions are within an easy walking distance.

It is enough to think that from the majestic Cathedral and the iconic Archivos de Indias to the emblematic Torre del Oro you have to walk just 10 minutes and from the picturesque Barrio de Santa Cruz to the sumptuous Plaza de España you will take only 15 minutes.

Seville started to be a notable and relevant centre in the 8th century B.C and there are also legends linked to that Queen of Andalusia, related to one which says that it was was founded by Hercules.

More than a flourishing settlement since the ancient times of the Tartessian Reign and later always in constant contact or settled by the most important civilisations such as Phoenicians,Greeks and Romans.

That former population created a small town on the river Guadalquivir and the first name was Ispal in the 8th century BC and since there started golden ages with a centre which was a cradle of art,culture and commerce.

The Hellenic navigators developed important trades with that relevant centre consolidating the current Seville as one of the most important destinations in Southwestern Europe along their routes reaching the river by the Atlantic coasts in proximity of Sanlucar de Barrameda not far from Cadiz.

Despite an invasion by Carhage after the defeat of that powerful North African city after the epic Punic Wars,Seville lived under Roman rule another of its splendorous periods and it was called Hispalis.

The Romans gave the new Hispalis a more than notable urban image developing around its Cardus and Forum a flourishing life with the constructions of Villas,Patrician houses,markets and a long Decumanus which crosses the entire centre with a very busy and thriving life.

In the 45 BC the Emperor Julius Caesar gave that sumptuous centre the status of Roman Emeritus Colony and the name of Julia Romula Hispalis a title which not always the Emperors of Rome assigned to their settlements.

The Roman civilisations left important traces and marks in Seville still visible today as the remains of a stunning and monumental  aqueduct in the boulevards Avenida Luis Montoto  and Avenida de Andalucia and a temple in the street Calle Aire.

In addition to all that two Romans Emperors Marcus Ulpius Traianus (Trajan) and Publius Aelius Trajanus Hadrianus (Adrian) were born from Roman Patrician Families part of the famous and influential  Antonina Dynasty in Italica and Santiponce an area in the outskirts of the current city just 7,0 kilometres away and in which today you can see a magnificent complex of Roman rests developed during the Roman rule.

The city inhabitants are also known as Hispalenses  from that ancient Roman foundation.After the fall of the Roman Empire and with a consequent period of invasions in particular by Vandals and Visigoths tracing a decline of that Andalusian centre.

In the early 8th century and concretely in the year 712 the ancient Hispalis was taken by the Moorish led by Musa Ibn Usayr an Arab Berber from Ceuta who was the leader of the operations related to the invasion of the Iberian Peninsula with almost 20.000 soldiers who crossed the Strait of Gibraltar.

 The new rulers called the city Hims and at the time of  the King Alfonso VI started to be called with a term in some cases uncertain some expert historians declared Sbilia others referred to a the name Ixbilia or in another historical version Isbilya.

That name was the eponymous given by Christians to that city when it was still within the Taifa an independent Muslim Principality ruled by a former Calif.

Also the River which was called Betis by the Romans changed its name in Guad Al Kabir in ancient Arabian Guad means river while Al Kabir translated is big or great,from that name derives the actual name of Guadalquivir which from that composition is the Great river.

Seville under Moorish rule lived other golden ages with the famous Almoravid and Almohad dynasties with the Umayyad Caliphate the second of the four major Arab Caliphates established after the death of Muhammad.

During the Moorish domination Seville totally flourished in the 12th century with the Almohad Dynasty who  in the year1147 from Cordoba transferred the centre of the General Caliphate Al Andalus power to Seville and made Isbilya their Capital.

It is from that last Moorish domination the city developed furthermore in terms of architecture,urbanisation and artistic movements.

Several new constructions over already existent notable buildings were developed consisting in  authentic masterpieces such as the famous Giralda the tower corresponding to ancient Minaret visible today adjacent to the current Cathedral but also the emblematic Torre del Oro  (Golden Tower),several buildings around the Alcazar and the imposing Muralla de la Macarena also called Almohad Walls.

The Moorish also gave that centre a prosperous wealthy with new trades,market places and the establishment of an intense cultural life all that before the year 1248 when the current Seville was captured by King Fernando III of Castilla.

In that period after the Catholic Reconquest the city suffered radical changes with many reforms,restorations and construction of new buildings over the previous Moorish constructions which were or demolished or adapted for other purposes.

.From the "Periodo de Reconquista"(The Reconquest Period) was born a new architectonic style,the "Mudéjar Style"son of Moorish art developed under Christian rule.

The word Mudéjar derives from the term Mudajjan meaning domesticated with reference to any of the Muslims who remained in Spain after the Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula.

The artistic movement so called Mudéjar is simply a reinterpretation of a Western cultural style through Islamic influences using materials less expensive characterised mainly by the use of brick as main material and not for example marble keeping others in use as manufactured tiles with new processes but keeping the same or similar shapes and colours.

There are many examples of Mudéjar Style all around Spain,in Zaragoza,Toledo,Leon,Avila,Cordoba,but also in Portugal in the towns of Evora and Sintra.

In Seville some great example of Mudéjar Style are Santa Catalina Church,The Alcazar although that building expresses itself in a mixture of Renaissance and Gothic,the Giralda, San Marcos Church,San Pedro Church and some buildings and houses in the Barrio de Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz District).

That style had a development very intense in Seville,used in restorations,embellishment,decoration,also used to combine spaces,in some cases reaching an exaltation of the former movement with geometric and artistic compositions on walls,interiors and exteriors.

Another aspect was that of the use of colours,balanced and loyal to tonalities who never had to break an architectonic design but much more giving it more scenic appearance and a sense of stylish decoration. 
With the discovery of the Americas in the 15th century Seville was the city in which was established the Casa de Contratacion,a commercial Institution which had a sort of monopoly of economic relations with the American colonies.

The enormous wealthy and prosperous patrimony which was accumulated during those times became the richest city of Seville which started to be a cosmopolitan centre in a period in which Spain reached of its historic golden ages linked to the new overseas domains with a consolidation as one of the most powerful
country in Europe and in the World .

The golden age of Seville also called the "Siglo de Oro"was anyway the 16th century a period in which was founded an emblematic University,the city grew to about 170,000 inhabitants.

There was an intense construction of new charming buildings and a new political asset with the development of traders networks and centre of important historic archives and documentations related to the lands under Spanish rule in particular in Latin America.

The history of Seville continued in more contemporary times always linked to the Kingdom of Spain,keeping its fascination as tourist destination of extreme relevance and also improving as one of the most active centres for the organisation of events,Conventions,Congresses,an ideal city for Incentives and Educational and Sport appointments.

The rich Cultural calendar is another special features with concerts,exhibitions and a notable presence of Museums and Galleries which apart their permanent collections also organise a vast number of expositions
of international level and two events in which the City lives with extreme passion are its Feria de Abril and the Semana Santa (Easter week).

Although Seville received a strong influences from the Moorish culture,the city also conserve a well preserved historical centre with Medieval,Baroque,and Renaissance heritage.

A great and brilliant point to start the visit of the city is from one of its iconic sites the Torre del Oro (The Golden Tower).That magnificent construction represents a historical watchtower built in the early 13th centuryy by the Almohad dynasty and becoming one of the most distinctive  landmarks of the city.The name "Oro",which translates to gold was originated by the fact that such structure was once covered by gold tiles.The Moorish called that tower with the eponymous Borgh Al Azajal namely golden glow.Erected around the year 1220,the tower was part of the city's defencive walls system and it was used to control the access to the city's port.The Almohad Governor Al Abu Eola ordered to build a trio of towers the Golden Tower,The Silver Tower and Abdelaziz Tower,this last no longer exists.The construction consists in a main body floor,an intermediate  hexagonal section and a final stage on a circular plan.During the middle ages it also served as a prison as well as a storage for the treasures the Spaniards brought back from the colonies.

The terrible earthquake of Lisbon (I wrote a post about that stupendous city in the case you are interested) in Portugal dating back the year 1755 was heard up to Seville and it greatly damaged the tower and on that occasion was proposed the demolition to widen the road adjacent but that decision faced a strong opposition and that idea was abandoned.

For much of the colonial period in the tower were stored the valuable treasures from the Spanish colonies in South and Central America and from the domains in the Hispanic Caribbean Islands.

The tower now houses the Naval Museum of Seville,containing engravings,letters, templates,tools and historical documents on naval history of Seville and the importance of its river Guadalquivir.

The Torre del Oro lies in a spectacular position overlooking Calle Betis,Plaza de Cuba and Triana District located on the other shore and it is located very close to historical centre which is just 5 minutes walking from the Cathedral.

Taking Calle Almirante Lobo a street situated  front of that iconic site you will reach  is Puerta de Jerez (Jerez Gate) which is is one of the historical access linking the central and strategic avenue Avenida de la Constitucion one of the most important central arteries in that corner of the city with Calle San Fernando and the other one next to Jardines de Cristina.

That square has several historic means,originally in that place was developed a gate during Moorish rule commissioned by the Almoravid Sultan Ali Ibn Yusuf and that construction was a sort of prolongation of the fortified walls erected in the old Arab Isbilya.The name was Bab Jerez (Jerez Gate) because was established in a geographical point on the road to Jerez de la Frontera.

That gate was demolished in the year 1846,in a period of the 19th century in which Seville had some urban reforms and also the name was changed in Plaza Sotelo.

Other works continued in the 20s of the 20th century to prepare the Exposicion Iberoamericana (Iberian American Exposition) celebrated in Seville in the year 1929 a relevant event in which the city had some changes at urban level.The square in the year 1936 changed name in Plaza de Andalucia (Andalusia Square) coming back to its former name "Puerta de Jerez" in the year 1980.

In the middle of the square you can admire a fountain in neoclassical style, named Fuente de Sevilla (Source of Seville) representing the city and surrounded by allusive symbols linked to industry,trade and agriculture.

On the right side is situated the beautiful Hotel Alfonso XIII a 5 stars luxury accommodation often hosting the Royal Family and many Heads of States,a stunning and prestigious structure providing the highest comfort.

On the left side of the square you can admire The Chapel of Maese Rodrigo also known as the Old Chapel College University of Santa Maria de Jesus.It is a small Church combining in its architectonic design  Gothic and Mudejar styles,windows and vaults are typically related to the first artistic movement  while the paving and the belfry are typically Mudejar.

Also located in that square is The Palacio de Yanduri (Yanduri Palace) also located in Puerta de Jerez is a great example of  Casa Palacio completed in the year 1904 by the Marquis of Yanduri.That stylish and elegant building hosted in several occasions the General and dictator Francisco Franco during his stays in Seville after the Marquis death.

 Developed on a large rectangular plan the building is characterised by its brick and wide facade with a symmetrical line of ample windows combined with balconies and an arched doorway as main entrance.

Today that stylish building hosts a branch of an important Bank and before the construction of that mansion in that place there was another residence famous to be the birthplace of a notorious Nobel Prize,the poet Vicente Alexandre born in the year 1898 in Seville and that construction is also connected to the Real Alcazar Gardens.

Very close is located the majestic Universidad  University which is hosted in a building which was a former tobacco factory,in a small square in which stands the iconic statue of El Cid Campeador that Spanish Hero and legendary leader famous about the Spanish "Reconquista", and Lord of Valencia in the 9th century.

That building has a splendid 18th century Baroque facade  and that iconic construction linked to that historic Tobacco establishment is the place in which born the figure of Carmen that romantic character created by Mérimée and Bizet's opera.

Turning on the left there is Avenida de la Constitucion,that important avenue is packed by shops,offices and flanked on both sides by stylish palaces and including you can see the Tourism Information Office.

Worth a visit the the General Archivo of the Indias a UNESCO World Heritage site.That beautiful Palace dated 1572 erected in a typical and stylish Italian Renaissance style with Spanish influence in some architectonic elements was designed by architect Juan de Herrera and commissioned by King Felipe II.The construction has a quadrangular structure includes a patio at the centre and consists of two superimposed levels.

The value of the documents stored in that iconic building is remarkable and among them you can find a letter of the famous writer Cervantes author of Don Quixote,the Papal bull of Pope Alexander VI in which were the opposite ends of the world Portuguese and Spanish,as well as the diary of Christopher Columbus.

In addition that site also contains ancient maps and plans of many south and central American cities once domains of Spain such as La Habana to Buenos Aires,Mexico City and Caracas among others.
Also present is great collection of documents illustrating the history of the Spanish Empire in Asia in which Spain had Philippines as colony.

The former name of that building was Casa Lonja de Mercaderes the ancient merchant's exchange because originally hosted that Institution related to trade and commerce.

Next to the Archivo de Indias you can the impressive Catedral de Sevilla the Seville Cathedral.Built on the location of an ancient Roman Presidium and later replacing the High Mosque of Seville,the Almohad Mosque which was demolished in the 15th century after the reconquest of the Catholic Kings.

It is the third largest Cathedral in Europe behind St.Peter's Basilica in Rome and St.Paul Cathedral in London but measured by volume it surpasses them.

.The real name of that stupendous Religious Temple is Catedral de Santa María de la Sede .The construction took just a little over 100 years to be completed.

It only retained some elements of the old former disappeared Mosque,such as the Patio de los Naranjos (The Oranges Courtyard) which was kept as main entrance and the Giralda Tower arranged on the Minaret of the former and transformed in bell tower in Mudéjar style and 92 meters high.

The Cathedral is a beautiful example of Gothic style, project construction was a rectangular base of the old Mosque and adding new elements.Designed by architects Alonso Martinez and Juan Gil that impressive Sacred Temple was completed in 1506 although started in 1402.

Though it shows influences from French Gothic inspirations with the help by French architects and from Italy and other details taken by Milan Cathedral.

If the cathedral from the outside may look great with its imposing walls,splendid pinnacles,relevant and rich decorations and portals of immense beauty,inside this perception becomes even more real if you think that the main building is 130 meters long and 74 meters wide containing 54 chapels and 80 altars,arranged along five aisles.

In the Major Sacristy is collected the treasure of the Cathedral which can be admired during visiting hours.That Treasure is one the most famous and perhaps the most bizarre relic in Spain the Alphonsine Tables, filled with more than 200 pieces of bones and teeth which would have belonged to King Alfonso the Wise and used later by the Spanish monarchs and leaders as a sort of amulet of strength and energy in battle.

To prevent confusion, the term also refers to the Alphonsine Tables famous astronomical tables written by Jewish scholars of Toledo in the 13th century and is used extensively by both Christopher Columbus and Copernicus in Krakow in Poland.
The impressive central nave is 42 meters high with Gothic arches and vaults standing 56 meters high covering the whole nave except the transept.The majestic columns give a lightly view of the beautiful altarpiece with a fantastic "retablo"an image depicting Bible scenes and the lateral chapels with large marvellous Gothic stained glass windows.

Around the central nave you can also a magnificent placement of statues at the side corridors.In addition you will appreciate a beautiful decoration in gold and lavish details of adornment all around the building and masterpieces by great painters such as Goya, Zurbarán and Murillo.

That sumptuous Cathedral typically Gothic in the exterior shows some elements of different style in its interior  such as the Choir with 117 stalls which is is a typical example of Mudejar Art,the organ is in Baroque style,the Royal Chapel used as place of burial King Fernando III and the son Alonso El Sabio and the Major Sacristy are a great example of Plateresque Art while the Chapel of the Virgen de la Antigua is built with a strong Colombian influence.

Do not miss to see the keys presented to Fernando by the Jewish and Moorish communities on the surrender of the city sculpted into the metal in Arabic script in which you can read the words, "May Allah render eternal the dominion of Islam in this city."

Christopher Columbus’s tomb is located inside that Sacred building.Originally Columbus was buried in  La Havana Cathedral in Cuba, but his remains were transferred during the 1902 revolution in that Caribbean Country.The tomb was designed in a later Romantic style and it is one of the highlights of the impressive Cathedral.

Do not miss after the Cathedral to visit the Giralda tower.It is another Seville landmarks and  one of the most historically remnant of the old Mosque consisting in a majestic tower 92 meters high built on the base of the former Mosque Minaret.

During Moorish rule the tower had four copper spheres in which were brightly polished on the top but sadly in a earthquake they were destroyed and replaced later with Christian symbols.

Before the construction of Arab Minaret there was a Roman Presidium developed by the Antoninus Dynasty that Castrum was hosted Officers of the Legions and high ranking figures of the Imperial Rome was developed with stones carried from the nearest Italica and Santiponce.

The Moorish Almohades continued the construction on that base using bricks and decorations with Sebka works (very typical in Morocco,Algeria and the rest of Maghreb) and fixing on the walls horseshoe windows.

If you visited Morocco and in particular the imperial town of Marrakech you will find a very close relation between Seville Giralda and the Al Koutoubia Mosque Minaret one of the symbols symbol of Marrakech (if you are interested I wrote a post about that Maghreb city).

.They are practically twins,both developed in the same period,the design,style,and both towers were built by Almohad Dynasty same family,same origin, same Caliphate,the Almohad Caliphate of Yakub Al Mansur.

Another sister can be considered Al Hassan Tour in Rabat (also I wrote a post about the Moroccan Capital if you want to read something about that city) and a "cousin"or part of the same architectonic inspiration with many things in common can be also considered Al Djemma Minaret in Casablanca too.

The temples stacked on the top is a work by Hernán Ruiz,a talented architect from Cordoba who also created the statue of the Giraldillo who was laid in the year 1568 and named the tower.

You can climb the Giralda by a staircase and enjoying a fantastic panoramic view of Seville and Guadalquivir Valley and all the surroundings and the view is simply stunning and unforgettable.

After that stunning visit you can reach Plaza Virgen de los Reyes (St.Mary Virgin of the Kings Square) is a charming and historical square surrounded by old historic buildings and on its northern side is situated Palacio Arzobispal the Archbishop Palace a beautiful building dated 16th century with a typical facade in Baroque style and in its  interior you can admire some early paintings by famous artist Murillo.

In front of the Archbishop Palace with a white facade lies the Convento de la Encarnacion,a convent founded in the year 1591 on the rest of an ancient Hospital ruled by the religious Augustinian order the and called Hospital Santa Marta and the inhabitants continue to name that Sacred Temple Convento de Santa Marta.

In the centre of the square you will notice the presence of a monumental fountain designed by the architect Lafita Diaz in the year 1925 to celebrate four years later the Ibero-American Expositions in Seville.The water-spouting heads are replicas of Roman grotesques found in the famous Casa de Pilatos while the lamppost on the top of the column is in a traditional neoclassic style.

The Real Alcàzar the Royal Alcazar is another gem and historical monument of that beautiful city and declared a UNESCO World site.
.It is only 1 minute walking from the fountain and the main entrance is located at the Puerta del León (Lion's Gate) in Plaza del Triunfo the Triumph Square.

Puerta del Leon was originally a strategic section of the defencive wall,decorated with "azulejos", ceramic manufactured tile works and over the arched gate entrance you can see an image representing a heraldic lion.

The Real Alcazar is a beautiful complex of patios and halls built and decorated in different styles.The first is the Patios de Los Leones (Lions Courtyard) which is the majestic entrance of that architectonic masterpiece and as appetiser is immediately something of great for its perspective and architectonic detail totally combined in harmony.

From there you can reach El cuarto del Almirante (the apartment of the Admiral),located in the courtyard on the right.That room is very special,because it is completely decorated with precious tapestries and stylish decorations,very luminous and developed to be a hall of high ranking and upstairs are the royal apartments
still used by the current Monarchy during the stays in Seville.

The Patio del León is connected to the palace through a beautiful Mudéjar portal and another beautiful courtyard,considered  the most important is the Patio de las Doncellas surrounded by an elegant reception in that place the halls are decorated with magnificent ceilings and carved wooden doors.

Through the entrance to the rectangular hall at the opposite end of the courtyard very similar to some notable works you can admire in the Nasrids Palaces of the Alhambra in Granada.

The Patio de las Muñecas (The Courtyard of Dolls) is another attraction,smaller than the previous but with very well decorated walls and arches and leading to the bedrooms and other halls.

Very interesting is also the Patio de la Monteria the Hunting Courtyard.It was originally the main meeting hall of the nobility and it has a splendid the facade and located next to  the Palacio de Rey Pedro (King Peter Palace) arranged with beautiful arcades and arched windows giving the environment a a very particular charm.

Really beautiful is the Salon de los Reyes the Hall of the Kings.It was the Hall of King Carlos V and also Hall of the Ambassadors in Seville,for that it was called called Salon de los Embajadores.

That magnificent space was used for ceremonial events like gala dinners,important meetings about Royal Families and banqueting.That hall is covered by a stunning golden dome, the walls are filled by Spanish Kings portraits.

All that you can admire around you  is a  superb creation by an artist called Diego Ruiz with typical architectural Moorish details presents in decorations and structure details,that majestic large room is elegantly decorated with ceramic tiles,tapestries with a series of Gothic arched vaults

When you visited the Hall and the Patios you can admire the marvellous Jardines the Alcazar Royal Gardens.It is a huge area subdivided in terraced separated gardens adopting Italian,French and Moorish styles.

In the first garden you can admire a stunning space consisting in the Jardin del Estanque (Garden of the Pond) in the middle you will notice a statue depicting the God Mercury in a fountain. it is an allegoric and mythological representation of that divinity known as the messenger of Gods and was erected there as a stylish complement but probably also as symbol of good news according some historical suppositions.

A visit to the Royal Alcazar also allows entry into the royal gardens.The Pavillon of King Carlos V is connected to a gallery developed in a space which was part of the original Arab Almohad Castle.

Decorated with charming arcades,the pavilion is part of Jardin de la Alcoba (Garden of the Alcove) and walking in the gardens you will notice that as all the sections are connected each other by gates and small staircases offering you a lovely and pleasant visit.

All the courtyards are decorated with fountains,some sculptures, grottoes placed in  natural botanical labyrinth of flora,trees,palms and oranges.The last interesting garden is the Jardin del Baile the Garden of the Dance arranged with scenic benches and typical "azulejos sevillanos" (ceramic tile works)

The exit of Royal Alcázar is through the Patio de las Banderas (Patio of the Flags) a beautiful large courtyard surrounded by scenic and captivating oranges trees.

Calle Vida (Life Street) on the right is the street comes into a picturesque,charming,romantic and also intriguing Sevillian quarter,the iconic district Barrio de Santa Cruz (St.Cross District).

That district is a maze of stupendous narrow medieval streets,beautiful small squares,charming alleys and white houses with enchanting patios in which every corner has special charm.

The Barrio of Santa Cruz was ancient Jewish jet and someone also called it Barrio de La Juderia,the Jewish District do not be confounded with the La Juderia of Cordoba.

The district also hosts Casa de la Memoria de Al-Andalus,which houses an interesting collection on the culture of the Sephardi Jews.

That charming quarter is also the site of the character of "Don Giovanni", the character of Mozart's masterpiece taken in turn from an earlier play by Tirso de Molina,with the that famed figure represented by Don Juan Tenorio.

The name Santa Cruz derived from a Church Iglesia de Santa Cruz which was erected in the Plaza de Santa Cruz,sadly that Church was demolished during the French occupation in the year 1811 with the reason to give a Seville a new urban reform.

Calle Agua  (water street) bordering the ancient Alcazar Walls and separating the Palace from de Jardines de Murillo (Murillo Gardens) is the street in which at the civic at number 2 you can see a plaque recording the American writer Washington Irving,who lived in that street.

Turning on the left you can walk along Calle Pimienta (pepper street) at the end of the street turn on the right  in  Calle Gloria (Glory street) on which is situated the Hospital de los Venerables a beautiful Baroque building dated 17th century.founded by Justino de Neve.

The interior consists in two sections created by the architect Leonardo Figueroa,in the first space there are some galleries decorated with tiles with a passage leading to a splendid fountain and a staircase decorated with baroque details and elliptical vaults.

The second section of the building consists in a Church with a single nave with windows and transverse arches and barrel vaults.You can admire there a fresco by Valdes Leal in the presbytery and some sculptures by Pedro Roldan.

Actually the building hosts Focus Abengoa Foundation an Institution which organises exhibitions,organ concerts held in the old Chapel which according historic documentation is also famous about the birthplace of Don Juan Tenorio,the famous "Don Juan".

The Sevillian manor house in which the famous seducer might have been born now houses the current Restaurante Santa Cruz despite someone says the residence of that character could be the building in which is housed the famed Hosteria del Laurel a current Hotel & Restaurant,well those buildings are on  the same square one next to the other.

From Plaza de los Venerables,walking along Calle Gloria and following along Calle Reinoso you can continue on Calle Lope de Rueda and reaching Calle Santa Teresa you will admire the Convento San Jose del Carmen Convent well known as Convento de Santa Teresa ( Carmelite Convent of Saint Teresa) Founded in the year 1575 by the Saint Teresa of Ávila Order.

In the street Calle Santa Teresa,at the civic number 8 you can see Casa Murillo (Murillo House) the former residence of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo,the great Sevillian Baroque painter of 17th century.

The house has a small patio with columns and it hosts offices of the Council of Culture although it has a little space as museum for exhibition and expositions.

Next to Jardines de Murillo (Murillo Gardens) is situated Plaza de Santa Cruz.That charming square is surrounded by a nice garden and in the centre you will notice forged Cross.

The adjacent square is Plaza de Los Refinadores,you can visit that little square to see a symbol of the literature the famous Don Juan the seductive alter ego of Italian Giacomo Casanova from Venice,in the centre of the square stands the monument depicting that character in classical 17th century clothes.

That sculpture  is a work by Diaz Piquero dating back the year 1975 and on the pedestal you can see some verses by famous writer Zorrilla.

Coming back to Plaza de Santa Cruz you can see the  main entrance to the Jardines Murillo (Murillo Gardens) a site which has a long story

.Originally these gardens were a verdant promenade called Huerta del Retiro linking the boulevard Paseo de Catalina de Ribera and Avenida Menendez Pelayo a long avenue connecting the historical Seville centre to the districts of Nervion and Macarena.

Until the early 15th century that area was incorporated to the Alcazar Gardens. In the year 1911 the King Alfonso XIII by request of the Halcon Count of the city gave the municipality those lands.

The architect Juan Talavera was responsible for designing a new space,sections and new pavilions of the gardens.The name changed from Huerta del Retiro in Jardines de Talavera taking the name by its creator.

Seven years later a newspaper Director called Jose Laguillo`proposed to give that area an emblematic name linked to a Seville iconic character and the gardens were dedicated to the painter Bartolome Esteban Murillo.Murillo.

Today Jardines de Murillo are subdivided in three areas such Jardines de las Delicias hosting some sculptures in marble, Jardines de Catalina de Ribera designed by architect Talavera and Jardines de Murillo" with one of its gates as entrance to the Barrio de Santa Cruz District.

In the centre of the garden you will notice devoted to the painter of manners Glorieta José García Ramos,built in 1923 while on the north side there are some remands of the ancient city defencive wall with a tower next to some houses part of the Barrio de Santa Cruz.

Plaza De España  (Spain Square) is another important landmark of the city. That impressive square designed by Hannibal Gonzalez is located in the beautiful Jardines de Maria Luisa and it was build to celebrate the Iberian American Exposition which took place in the year 1929. Designed  in renaissance style but adding some local elements and using architectonic details of Mudéjar style and different kind of materials such as red bricks, wrought iron,ceramic elements and tiles.Definitely a work unique in its kind which surprised and conquered everyone in that time.

Between the two towers dominating the square runs a line of galleries with a complex of arcades placed on a wide  perimeter and in the centre you will notice a large and majestic fountain.

That marvellous architectonic masterpiece consists in a semicircular square with a diameter approximately of 200 metres located around a lake and flanked by two beautiful towers one each side.Surrounding that ample area were erected three palaces in different architectonic styles.

The Royal Pavillon was built in Neo-Gothic style,the Museum of Popular Arts and Customs in pure Mudejar Style while the Archaeological Museum reflects a late Renaissance style.

By the walls of the Square there are many tiled alcoves each representing different province of Spain and all depicting historic local symbols.

Someone in the past considered that mosaic of architectonic mixture of architectonic styles bizarre and extravagant mixture of styles with Neo-Gothic,Renaissance,Mudejar,Art Deco someone also named that kind of work Regionalism Revival Architecture.

We could say it is a creative collection of many artistic movements generated in Seville history during its contemporary period in a different way,difficult to classify in an architectonic category but equally unique and charming in its kind.

Despite comments and voices one thing is certain in that event Plaza De España conquered a multitude of people for its scenic aspect it was an excellent example to introduce Seville to all the world in occasion of an important international event with something of new and surprising and it continues to be a city landmark loved by visitors also in recent times.

Plaza de España also became the set for different spots and also protagonist of the blockbuster Star Wars The Clone Wars by George Lucas.In the movie the square represents a complex in the city of Theed on the planet Naboo.

Worth a visit the Museo Archeologico (the Archaeological Museum) considered the best exhibition of Southern Spain displaying a rich collection of artifacts from prehistoric times including finds from different civilisation such as Tartessian,Phoenicians and Romans.

The highlight of that wide collection are the Carambolo-Treasure of the old-Tartessian Iberian tribe dating the 7th century BC a collection of manufactured gold,mainly linked to ancient jewelry discovered in the little town of Camas situated 10,0 kilometres from Seville and another one is the imposing statue of Roman Emperor Traianus who was born in Italica in proximity of the ancient Hispalis.

The Museo de Arte Popular y Tradiciones (Museum of Popular Art and Traditions) is also highly interesting. The exhibition contains a library specialised in ethnology,musical instruments and documents about popular literature,Seville ceramic and tile works and furthermore several objects of different periods related to the history of Andalusia.

Parque de Maria Luisa (Maria Luisa Park) is one of the huge green lung of Seville.Developed in the year 1893 when the Duchess of Montpensier gave the municipality half of her Palace gardens corresponding to the current San Telmo Palace gardens.

That magnificent park was designed by a French engineer called Jean-Claude Nicolas Forestier,he redeveloped the entire southern section of the gardens and the main boulevards and decorated with plenty of ceramic-tiled benches,fountains, pools,statues and monuments all that wide surface.

The centre of the Parque de Maria Luisa was arranged in something to astonish the visitors in an exotic Moorish,exotic, paradisaical,Mediterranean style' with over 1,6 kilometres of tiled fountains,walls, pavilions,ponds,palms,orange trees,Mediterranean pines and the works were completed in the year 1914.

The new name Maria Luisa replaced the former San Telmo Gardens15 years before than Seville hosted the Ibero-American Exposition and that area became the site of several pavilions built for that prestigious event.

Many were developed around that place,the bigger was the Peru pavillon,very impressive buildings were also the pavilions of Argentina and Guatemala and today that of Argentina hosts a Flamenco School.

In  Avenida de Roma next to the Guadalquivir River you can admire the splendid Baroque Palacio de San Telmo today Palace of the Presidency of the Andalusian Autonomous Government.

Designed by the architect Leonardo Figueroa the entrance is in "Churrigueresque" style a derivation of Moorish and late Mudejar architecture present in central -southern Spain and in Europe an old precursor for inspirations could be considered the Charterhouse "Certosa of Pavia in Northern Italy.

That building was used in 17th century as University of Navigators and later as seat of Railway Society.In the year 1849 it was residence of Luisa Fernanda,Duchess of Montpensier and in 1897 it was donated to the Archdiocese of Seville.

San Telmo Bridge links the old historic and high class district of Los Remedios and the neighbourhood  of Triana the district of Flamenco artists.Continuing along the river promenade you can admire the Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla which is one of the oldest bullring in Spain.

Erected in the year1749, it is absolutely a bullring Temple and every young Andalusian bullfighter has 3 dreams ..visiting Plaza de Toros de Ronda in which that activity was born,going to Madrid Real Ventas bullfighter to be protagonist and having a triumph in Seville Feria de Abril one of the most well-known bullfighting festivals in the world and celebrating annually.

The Real Maestranza de Caballeria saw the triumph of the most famous Spanish Bullfighters such as  Ordonez,Manolo "Manolete"El Cordobes and Dominguin among many others,

Considered an icon and landmark of the city,La Maestranza was erected in Baroque style one of its most unique features is the slightly oval shape of the ring.The front rows of seats were originally made by stone and they were replaced with brick in 1914 although the earlier ones remain underneath.

The bullring also has a museum in which visitors can learn more about the world of bullfighting through an exhibition of costumes,photographs and paintings.That exhibition is housed under the stands of the bullring,opened in the tear 1989.

Visiting that iconic site is as to enjoy a walk through the history of the national parties with a great collection of famous bullfighting posters, photos, costumes of bullfighting,bronzes,sculptures,tiles,historical documents and also containing busts of legendary bullfighters.

In Plaza Nueva,(New Square) is situated the 16th century Renaissance "Ayuntamiento"the Town Hall. erected by the architect Diego de Riaño in the year 1527.

That construction presents an Italian-Lombard panelled pilasters on the ground floor and half columns completely covered with relief sculptures while the west front side front is part of a Neo-Classical extension developed in the year 1891 and the east front is a beautiful example of Plateresque style.

Some of the most beautiful rooms of the palace are the "Sala Capitular,"the Sala de los Fieles Ejecutores","and the Sala Colón and another artistic highlight is definitely a spectacular gilded ceiling and the rooms are decorated with paintings by artists such as Velázquez, Zurbarán and Valdés Leal.

The square  is built in the centre of the city and all around there are many elegant shops,modern buildings such as Bilbao BBV Bank Philips Building and Telefonica Building,built in Neo-Baroque style.

Curiously, the word 'no8do',official motto of the Municipality is a composition which combines syllables NO and DO with the Figure 8 which is not the number eight but a figure which represents the form of a skein.

In the centre of the square was erected an equestrian monument depicting King Fernando III (named the Holy King).The sides of the pedestal is flanked by figure which accompanied the Monarch to the conquest of Seville in 1248.

Behind the Ayuntamiento is situated Plaza de San Francisco,(St.Francis Square) which is one of the most ancient and emblematic squares of Seville.Located in the historic centre, next to City Hall it was developed in the 16th century.

 It was in the past the centre of main civil powers and actually that square contains some important buildings, part of Seville history one of them is Bank of Spain a beautiful building erected between the years 1925 and 1928 by architect Antonio Llanes.

The structure was an inspiration of the neoclassical Madrid created with a clear idea to give that area a majestic urban aspect.

The importance of the facade is by a central stairway access which crosses the section of the basement floor  and even more with the latest location in front of it from the former Mercury Fountain an elegant neoclassic monument well combined next to that building.

Facing Plaza de San Francisco you can admire a part of the ancient Convent of San Francisco.The main entrance of that Religious building  called Casa Grande"(Big House) currently forms  the renaissance arcade on the south side of the Town Hall and only the small Baroque Chapel of St.Onofre survived .

The importance of the facade is by a central stairway access which crosses the section of the basement floor  and even more with the latest location in front of it from the former Mercury Fountain an elegant neoclassic monument well combined next to that building.

Another attraction in the area is Casa Arcenegui,a stylish house designed by the architect José Espiau,in the year 1911.That building developed on of three floors with an elegant sense of composition presents a facade which contains decorative elements of modernism in particular visible in the balcony.

The top floor is decorated windows and highlighted by a huge crest which crowns the structure.The facade gives you an impression that the building is arranged in a single vertical plane and the choice of colours dark in the first and second floors and white in the third gives the house a very special and scenic image.The building also shows some elements of Renaissance style in the structural typology.

On the left side of that house there are the most important shopping streets of Seville consisting in Calle Tetuan and Calle Sierpes in which you can find different shops offering several articles,souvenirs, ceramic,tiles,fans,high fashion boutiques and also you can find several flamenco clothes and accessories.

The Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija (The Lebrija Countess Palace) situated in the street Calle Cuna at the civic number 6 not far from the Town Hall and Calle Sierpes,is probably the best "Casa Palacio"of Seville behind Casa Pilatos.

Erected in the 15th century,in the year 1901 the aristocratic Countess of Lebrija bought that Palace and the noble lady who was very fond about art,archeology and sculptures started to decorate her house with important items consisting in Roman mosaics and statues from Italica,Mudéjar objects and tiles,Etruscan marbles from Italy and Roman statues.

 Splendid is the main patio which is a mixture of Mudejar and ancient Roman styles.Mudéjar is the wall with the typical "azulejos" (tiles) Roman is the floor mosaic.In the Roman mosaic floor.

A curious detail is that if you carefully look at carefully you can see a particular : a "svastika".Romans and Greeks frequenlty used that symbol in their coins,architecture,sacred objects,the svastika represented in those civilisations which represented  action,perpetual motion,energy ,reflecting the design of a rotating windmill or watermill.

The street Cuesta del Rosario leads to the popular Plaza del Salvador (St.Savior Square) one of the most emblematic squares of the historic centre of Seville.

In that charming place you ca admire the Iglesia del Salvador ( St.Savior Church) the largest church in Seville behind the Cathedral.built on the ancient Mosque Al Ibn Adabbas,the first Mosque of the Muslim Seville.

Dated the 9th century it was originally the most important former Moorish Mosque in Seville before the construction of the Mosque Al Moharrem.About that ancient former Muslim Temple only two elements remained the Al Sahn (the prayer courtyard) and the Al Minar the base of the Minaret which stands on the current tower.

That Mosque was built by Adabbas Ibn Al Umar which was in that period the Al" Kadi" of Seville a title given the Urban and Architect Director Master at that time

In the year 1248 after the reconquest of Seville by King Fernando III the Muslim Imams and Muezzins were banned and in 1340 started the works of a Christian Temple which received the status of second Church of Seville and the title of "Collegiata".

The construction was pretty slow and  finished in 1712,it is a splendid example in Baroque style developed on an ample rectangular plan with relevant architectonic elements of notable value.splendid is its large dome,
a series of beautiful barrel vaults,stylish pinnacles and corinthian pilasters.

The facade despite is not highly  monumental in its aspect as the Baroque of that period shows splendid lines and beautiful framed portals the light red colour is in perfect harmony with the light inter winded vertical  lines.

The interior is definitely the great highlight containing a rich artistic patrimony with a beautiful altarpiece dedicated to San Fernando and many paintings by famed masters such as Maestre,Mesa,De Acosta,Diaz and Barrero.

On the right by a narrow alley you can reach the famous Plaza Alfalfa a small square famed for its vibrant nightlife and "Bar de Tapas" (bars serving different kind of traditional food) in which you can experience a typical tradition in Seville called "tapear" having your lunch or a dinner in more than one tasting different specialities.

There are many typical bars de tapas such as Casa Manolo,Casa Diego,Bar Alfalfa,Gran Tino,Casa Diego all offering the bests very suggested are the traditional Solomillo al Whisky,Lomo al Jerez,Choco Frito,Tapa de Jamon Serrano con Queso,Revuelto de Esparragos,Tortilla de Camarones,Revuelto de Chorizo and very typical is Pescaito Frito (fried fish).

Very famous is also Casa Antonio well known as Antonio Caracoles because a gastronomical speciality is its famed snails.

 Apart those traditional specialities Moorish culture also strongly influenced gastronomy generating a new style of cuisine called Mozarabe.

In Seville you can find a good number of places offering some typical plates of mozarabe cuisine such as lamb with honey and prunes, Alboronia (it is a cold salad of stewed vegetables flavoured with honey, saffron and aniseed or grilled mon kfish with Arab spices including cumin,coriander and turmeric.

Very close to Plaza Alfalfa is situated Metropol Parasol a work by the German architect Jürgen Mayer.It is a wooden structure with a surface 150 x 70 meters and 26 meters high.

Situated in the lively square Plaza de la Encarnacion.The building hosts,bars,restaurants,a food market and an Antiquarium museum which displays the archaeological remains found during the construction related the Roman times of the ancient Hispalis.

If you are interested or fond about the Art of Flamenco,visit the Museo del baile Flamenco.That museum is promoted by Cristina Hoyos,Mrs Hoyos is a professional and superb Flamenco dancer and the Museum is located in Calle Manuel Rojas Marcos,3 which is situated just 250 meters from the lively Plaza Alfalfa.

The museum is an extensive full immersion in the history and pure traditions of that art in which you can discover how that dance and music is art,in expression,but also linked to other arts as literature, cinema literature,cinema and painting,in that exhibition you will learn more what Flamenco represents in culture and what it can transmit.

Another section is dedicated to imagine and sound and also in those two topics you will capture the basic sensations how that art has a sort of symbiosis with music and representation in terms of performances also linked to the scenic image,what the flamenco represents in the dance in all its essence and cultural concepts.

The Museum naturally is also the perfect place to discover the history of Flamenco linked to some of its most distinctive figures as Carmen Amaya,Mario Maya and Antonio Gades iconic characters who conquered with their unforgettable performances the World and not simply stars of an art but also Ambassadors of Flamenco able to transmit an art rooted in a secular traditions.

In another area there is shop,a splendid patio with fountain,and the studio dance.The Flamenco Dance Museum in Seville also organises shows,it has hosted notable and famous figure as Nick Nolte and the President of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal and it is the principal reference of the Andalusian cultural heritage.

Very close to the museum is situated Casa de Pilatos (Pilatus House) a beautiful Andalusian Palace.The origin of the building dating back the 15th century with further works in the 16th century and it was originally the residence of the the Marquis of Tarifa.

Later it was occupied by the Vice-King of Naples who decided to re disgn a new palace calling the Italian architect Benvenuto Tortello for that architectonic operation.

The building kept the old Mudejar rooms intact but was added a large stylish patio with fountain in a traditional  Renaissance style and furthermore were arranged rooms and gardens around the courtyard.It is so a mixture of a typical Italian Renaissance courtyard of Florentine inspiration and decorations in Andalusian Mudejar style.

That palace was called the House of Pilatus because it was thought to resemble Pontius Pilato's home in Jerusalem and later became a luxurious showcase for the new style

.It is also known as the Palacio de los Adelantados Mayores de Andalucia (Palace of the Governors of Andalusia).The beautiful marble entrance doorway was built by Italian architect Antonio De Aprile while the  main patio is decorated with statues of Roman Emperors and Mythological Greek sculptures.

The Chapel of the Flagellation is considered the oldest of the palace and in the interior you can admire tiles and mosaics.The first impression is to be in a Mosque and not in a Christian Shrine,the style is typically Mudejar,or better a first Mudejar very close to the Moorish style used during the Almohad Caliphate.

In the altar you can admire a Roman sculpture representing a Roman God and a beautiful staircase leading to the balcony and Casa de Pilatos was the first private house to have one.

The courtyard was used as reception to the rooms at the upper floor and in one on the left there is a tower from which you can admire frescoes by by Francisco Pacheco while in the next room there is a series of works by Francisco Goya.

In the dining room are present works by Italian Giuseppe Recco while in the library are three works by Italian painter Luca Giordano.The Great garden was restored in the 19th century and it is perfectly preserved while other relevant architectonic  highlights are two loggias in Venetian style with triple arcade set over columns and niches for busts.

The Barrio de la Macarena (Macarena district) is one of the most ancient in Seville.You can admire there the largest surviving portion of the Seville medieval defence walls dated 12th century.

Today you can only see  400 meters of that wall the ancient former was about 7,0 kilometres long,a walled complex the Moorish created there elevating it as  one of the most fortified areas in the entire Europe.

Next to the wall lies the iconic Basilica de la Macarena The Virgin of Hope" dated the year 1941.The  Church was built in Baroque style and it contains a sculpture dated 17th century which stands in the centre of Seville Marian worship.It is the most revered image in the city and she is is also the Patroness Saint of Bullfighters and furthermore venerated so much by Spanish Gypsies.

Next to the Basilica you can see Puerta de la Macarena which was the main gate of the  the ancient walls.Opposite the walls and the Basilica is situated the Parlamento de Andalucia the Andalusian Regional Parliament.That huge  building was once the  Hospital of the Cinco Llagas (Five Bruises Hospital), dated the year 1558 and it was several times restored and redesigned.

The Museo de las Bellas Artes (Museum of Fine arts) is located in the area of Plaza de Armas close to the square Plaza del Duque and it is the most important museum in Andalusia.

Housed in the former Convento de la Merced Calzada,a Convent dated the 17th century,the current Museum opened in the 1841.The building is an example of the Andalusian Mannerism with beautiful patios at the interior,beautiful architectonic lines in its exterior with large symmetrical rectangular windows in line arranged on a two stories building.

The interior is characterised by a charming patio with a well in its centre and a complex of splendid arcades as perimeter in the ground and first floors.

The rich collection displays works from the 12th to the 15th Century including sections hosting other masterpieces of Baroque and Romanesque painters from the 18th to the 19th century.

The paintings are displayed in 14 rooms in different sections which include major works by prominent masters such as Zurbaran,Velazquez, Murillo,El Greco,Valdes Leal,Velazquez among others.

You can admire In the room V one of the highlights of that magnificent exhibition,a masterpiece by Zurbarán,"The Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas"furthermore extraordinary is also a collection of works by Murillo,including the huge "Immaculate Conception".

The Room X is devoted to Francisco de Zurbarán,and here you can admire one of his masterpiece "The Crucifixion"

.Other great works considered among the most prestigious are a terracotta statue of St. Jerome by Italian Pietro Torrigiano and El Greco's painting of his son Jorge Manuel.The museum also houses a wide collection of sculptures and ceramic panels from Andalusia of relevant value.

The Barrio de Triana the Triana District, is a historical area of Seville.The name Triana derives from Traianus the ancient and emblematic Roman Emperor who founded an Imperial colony in that area which was called Traiana.

Once inhabited by sailors and ceramists,Triana inhabitants are very proud of their district and they consider themselves different than other Sevillian living in other neighbourhoods.

The inhabitants are well known for their sense of identity and some of them says I am from Triana not from Seville,or also if you have to talk to someone living in that district they will tell you that Seville is on the other shore of the river Guadalquivir crossing the bridge the emblematic Puente de Triana.

An emblematic symbol of that picturesque and historic borough id that bridge"Puente de Triana"built in 1852, and it has been inspirations of songs,poems and music and for the Trianeros that bridge is more fascinating than the Ponte Vecchio of Florence or Ponte dei Sospiri in Venice and including of that one in Brooklyn in New Yoek.

The Iglesia de Santa Ana (St.Ann Church) is the other iconic landmark and it is the oldest Catholic Church founded in Seville built after the Christian Reconquest dedicated to the Patron Saint of the sailors and very famous Ceramic factory of Santa Ana the largest of Seville.

Other representative corners of Triana are Calle Castilla a street with small buildings highlighted and decorated by blue,white,yellow and gold tiles,the charming Calle Pureza and Plaza de Altozano next to the bridge.

Pages del Corro is one of the most busy streets in the core of the quarter,while Calle Betis is one of the most vibrant streets,bordering  Triana district and on the banks of Guadalquivir River.That riverside walkway  is packed by trendy bars,restaurants and clubs and its one of the favourite places to live a vibrant night in Seville.

Another symbol of Triana is definitely Flamenco.The first Flamenco schools were created in Seville in the district of Triana,Cadiz and Jerez de La Frontera and probably between 1865 and 1870  the first ad pioneer of that art was created in Triana.

What is Flamenco ? Many times mentioning Flamenco the first name which remind a figure or someone is the emblematic figure of Joaquín Pedraja Reyes alias Joaquín Cortés,the famous dancer who promoted with his talent and sublime performances Flamenco at international scale and much more Flamenco dance with fans worldwide.

The art of Flamenco dance anyway came later.The concept of that art is very deep,that art is an expression of life,communication and transmission in the most deep essence,something an artist feels inside his soul.

That communication for a Flamenco artist can happen anywhere,in a theatre performance,in a dance hall or in a room full of noisy people including in a meeting with friends or alone singing a melody or playing an instrument searching the most melodic sounds.

Flamenco is also an artistic representation of moods,attitude,hopes,desires,challenges,changes and to live the life in a determined way and much more.

That art is song,music and dance,those are the instruments to transmit,strongly influenced by the Gitanos  the Gypsies,but originally in a far past with deep roots in Moorish musical traditions too.

The origin is very remote we can talk about the 8th century in the period in which the Moorish conquered the Iberian Peninsula and developed century by century later.

It was in a social situation in which the musical cultures of the Moors,Jews and Gitanos started to form the basics of flamenco music.A Gypsy song can have origin in the old territory occupied by the new rulers with a subdivision of quarters with a difficult life and something happened later when the Moriscos the Moorish born in Andalusia lived the same during the reforms of the Catholic Kings before to be expelled from Spain.

Those situations generated sort of laments and moods transported in sounds and songs.There are some sounds affinities between Flamenco music and Maghreb music nowadays.

Early Flamenco seems to have been purely vocal accompanied just by rhythmical clapping of hands.Gypsies were treated very badly by the authorities and for that flamenco was an almost clandestine artistic phenomenon a sort of representation of a solitary cry.

The same happened to the Moriscos,Moorish singing style expressed their hard life in Andalusia the different rhythm and style of life generated rhythmic hand clapping and basic dance movements in the period after the Reconquest.

Many of Flamenco songs in flamenco still reflect the spirit of desperation,struggle, hope, pride,and late-night partying of the people during that time.Other concepts are linked to nature,joie de vivre but in particular way including in more contemporary steps desire to show skills and talent to the entire world.

Much later other local traditional Spanish musical traditions would also influence and be influenced by the traditional flamenco styles.

About the name Flamenco there are many versions,one is from Flemish.It is supposed that during the Flemish Kingdom Carlos I in Spain some kind of popular confusion between Flemish and gypsy culture led the people to use that word for the gypsy music.The other version is Arab derived by the words Felag Mengu meaning fugitive peasant.

 There are more than 50 Flamenco styles,all with different rhythmic styles the name of a rhythmic pattern is"palo".There are also many styles of "Flamenco Cantè linked to songs coming from different areas of Andalusia, and dances choreographed by improvised movements influenced by the basic rhythm of the Spanish guitar and the feelings felt by the dancers.

The original and unmistakable rhythms of Flamenco is created by a set of tools like the typical guitar which developed the modern classical guitar in Spain known since the 19th century with an unmistakable sound of the legendary Paco de Lucia and the typical rhythm of clap of the hands and feet as also in some cases from the accompaniment of  Bailadoras/es (Dancers) and in the use of "castanets".

To enjoy an excellent Flamenco Show Tablao los Gallos,in Plaza de Santa Cruz 11,in that establishment Flamenco is performed by great artists,dancers and singers.Established in the year 1966 is one of the Tablao most famous in the world for its quality.

Many idols of Flamenco performed there such as Antonio Mairena,Merche Esmeralda,Maria Jimenez,Los Farruco,Matilde Coral,Paco Taranto,Chocolate,Ana Maria Bueno,Manuela Carrasco,Isabel Romero and Rosario Toledo.

A great alternative is Tablao Flamenco El Arenal situated next to Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza,you can enjoy there dinner and show.The Tablao is property of a prestigious dancer, Francisco "Curro" Velez,excellent atmosphere restaurant and divine flamenco performances boasting "Flamenco Puro" (Pure Flamenco).

Among the most representative corners of Triana,is Calle Castilla a street with small buildings with tiles decorated with the colours blue,white,yellow and gold."Calle Betis,is one of the most vibrant streets,bordering  Triana district and on the banks of Guadalquivir River this street is packed of bars,restaurants and clubs and its one of the favourite places to live a vibrant night.

Worth a visit the Isla Cartuja,a modern area of Seville.The Attraction Park Isla Magica can be an alternative to enjoy many  funny attractions.In that district you can also see some pavilions linked to the Expo 92 celebrated in Seville

The Monastery of Santa María de las Cuevas,also known as the Monastery of the Cartuja originally was a Franciscan Convent and it is also the place in which Cristopher Columbus planned his travel to America.

That former Religious Temple which in the year 1964 was declared National Monument became a ceramic factory in the year 1841 managed by the English businessman Charles Pickman who built  furnaces and chimneys which mark the contemporary style.

The building also hosts a museum, which displays about 560 works consisting in Paintings,ceramic, paintings,ceramic,manufactured tiles,sculptures and tapestries,including are present some works by Joan Miró and young Andalusian artists.

In Isla de la Cartuja you can also admire some modern bridges by famous architect Santiago Calatrava the Puente del Alamillo and Puente de la Barqueta which are part of the historic contemporary patrimony of the capital of Andalusia.

 Seville is a jewel of Andalucia and Spain and also a very romantic city, many artists like composers Rossini, Mozart or Bizet in the famous Operas such as El Barbero de Sevilla  (The Seville Barber),Carmen, the Marriage of Figaro and Don Giovanni took inspiration from to that Andalusian city.

Also in literature Seville is the set for the legend of Don Juan Tenorio (inspired by the real aristocrat Don Miguel de Mañara) and Seville appears in some pages of The Da Vinci Code written by Dan Brown.

Seville has a vibrant nightlife, Calle Betis is famous for its "Marcha"(fun),the Disco Club "Boss",with its 4 bars located at various levels is a great place while in the nearest district of Los Remedios is"Babilonia pop variety with some old classic sand revival music.

In the area of the Alfalfa are La Rebotica a good Cocktail Bar with music and the Santuario a good small disco with a wide variety of cocktails,there are many interesting clubs and bars in the districts of Triana,Alameda and Arenal too.

The International Seville-San Pablo Airport is located about 14,0  kilometres from the city centre and is well served by public transport.

Bus Transport is managed by the network TUSSAM.The point of connection more important are in two main stations,Plaza de Armas and Prado de San Sebastian that latter not far from Plaza de España.The Seville Metro is the 5th largest transportation network in Spain.It consists of four business lines:Green Line with 22 stations,Blue Line with 18,Red Line has 17 stations and Yellow Line 24.

Seville is a sunny city animated by ancient traditions,sensual,friendly,captivating and with a lot of things to do it is a city in which you will never be bored.Seville is colour,rhythm and energy of history highlighted by music and art.

The animated Andalusian Capital  in its typical tradition and innovation it is the continuity of a glorious past which show the visitor all its superb and sumptuous beauty for all that is a very suggested destination to enjoy all year that stunning Mudéjar Queen which will immediately conquer you.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Seville 

Hotel Alfonso XIII
Hotel Gran Melia Colon
Hotel Doña Maria
Hotel Los Seises
Hotel Las Casas del Rey de Baeza
Hotel Las Casas de la Juderia
Hotel Melia Lebreros
Hotel Inglaterra
Hotel Vincci La Rabida
Hotel Tryp Macarena
Hotel Becquer
Hotel Casa 1800
Hotel Ayre Sevilla
Hotel NH Viapol
Hotel Silken Al Andalus Palace
Hotel Zenit Sevilla 
Hotel San Gil
Hotel Las Casas de Las Mercaderes
Hotel Monte Triana
Hotel NH Plaza de Armas
Hotel Don Paco

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