Concón-Chile | Gourmet and Sandboarding Mecca on Pacific Beaches.

Concón is since a long time ago considered one of the most attractive seaside resorts of the entire Chile well known to be a gourmet and sandboarding Mecca on Pacific beaches, special features which are some of the main highlights of that South American coastal centre of approximately 32,000 inhabitants situated in the Valparaiso Region in one of the most scenic corners of that Andean country enclosed between a majestic mountainous cordillera and an immense Ocean offering stunning panoramic views towards an infinite maritime horizon.

That Chilean city lies on a a long coastal stretch north of the famous and glamorous Viña del Mar and the town of Reñaca in a special geographic point where the Aconcagua river ends its course south of Quintero, a famed commune well known to have been the first port developed in Chile during the expedition of Don Diego de Almagro a notorious Spanish Conquistador and later rival of Francisco Pizarro who led the operation of conquest of a large territory in the Andes which caused the fall of the Inca Empire.

The position of Concón is simply outstanding  situated in an ample bay formed by two attractive and scenic promontories, one pretty rounded facing a large gulf while the second in the southern side of its boundaries is highlighted by a series of scenic sharp spurs and high cliffs boasting inside its bay among the best beaches of the Nation and outstanding landmarks of the municipality.

Those magnificent long sandy stretches are extremely loved by a multitude of people for their longitude, width, services and facilities, easily accessible for the absence of natural barriers highlighted by a soft fine sand. All them permit to practice a large variety of water sports such as sailing, diving, wind and kite surfing, perfect for all the tourists who love large spaces for swimming, sunbaths, footing and beloved by families with children who can spend hours having fun and pleasant times in total serenity.

Those stunning Pacific beaches in the last decades became in addition a magnificent Mecca for sandborading, that very trendy recreational activity extremely loved in other latitudes such as U.S.A, Australia, South Africa, Namibia, Egypt but in the last years also in the nearest Peru.

Concón thanks to the exciting presence of spectacular sandy steep dunes permitting stunning descents reaching the Pacific shoreline conquered a myriad of fans for the conformation of those wonderful  hills of sand highlighing its boundaries becoming a top destination for many people who decided to reach that Chilean resort for that unique and special attraction.

Many are the foreign visitors who nowadays want to try that experience in that South American Eden flocking on that Latin American coastline to have fun spending hours and hours practising  sandboarding and including organising competitions and all that increased further touristic flows becoming an important resource for the local Tourism Industry.

Next to that great special highlight that seaside resort is very famed to be a gourmet paradise elevated as the gastronomic capital of the country calling a multitude of enthusiastic people who are absolutely delighted to taste the delicious local specialities highlighted by fresh fish and seafood of supreme quality prepared in different styles creating in Concón a new wave of tourism devoted to appreciate that fine and varied gastronomy that place offers.
 All that is highlighted by several superb restaurants situated along the emblematic Avenida Borgoño the main local avenue which became since some decades ago a sort of national landmark receiving titles and  awards as iconic cradle in which born a culinary myth elevating that Chilean city as a very popular hub recieving all those wo desire to satisfy their palates.

That Chilean site apart those two great highlights increased its prestige also becoming a notorious Spa resort thanks to its uncontaminated atmosphere due to the absence of industries in that territory and since a long time ago a special reference for people with respiratory diseases making Concón a very appreciated climatic destination with a considerable reputation.

Thanks to that the offer was enlarged to the establishment of advanced complexes providing very trendy activities such as Thalasso therapy, massages and beauty treatments managed in modern and advanced complexes offering in addition special anti stress and anti aging sessions using natural tested products.

All that is a great incentive for many visitors to fill a stay looking after the body, a niche of tourism which reached notable peaks in Chile since many years ago and including centres also established in some Hotels provide pools and baths using seawater directly channelled into the hospitality structures from the Pacific Ocean permitting the development of other therapies ideal for people with rheumatic and skin problems.

The mild climate, comfortable accommodations, good communications, stupendous places to visit and much more the proximity of an iconic destination as Viña del Mar, a city among the most acclaimed in Latin America for its vast calendar of cultural events and international appointments of relevance as Festivals and sporting competions are certainly great attractions. (I wrote a post about it in the case you are interested)

A great opportunity also linked to tasting wines is a perfect combination appropriate for that always trendy niche called Travel Incentive with an ideal environment to produce something of highly attractive for creative Tour Operators and Destination Managers who can find in that resort a base with numerous superb options to develop outgoing operations extremely successful.

All the area from the resort to  Reñaca is also very suggested for all people who love cycling along a stupendous panoramic littoral but also the chance to enjoy in the immediate inland a large range of trails for mountain bikers with many mixed routes and very challenging climbs.

Concón for its scenic landscapes is particularly loved by numerous photographers and also ornithologists for an immense presence of birds which find in that Chilean land a perfect habitat to survive and for their reproduction just like several marine mammals especially sea lions and seals present in large numbers along the local coast attracting with their presence visitors and zoologists who frequent visit the resort to study and analyse the attitude and movements of those animals.

Historically the first settlement was populated since many centuries ago by different tribes of native Mapuche, Indian Araucanos before the landing of the Spanish Conquistadors and the name Concón is said deriving from that native population but despite that it is still object of debates, controversial opinions and contrasting suppositions. 

Some historians think that the true and right denomination is closely linked to the ancient Mapundungun language spoken by the first Mapuche communities and it means place inhabited by owls for a high presence of that kind of raptors.

According to historic documentations related to that version, those autochtone settlers once reached the coas from the inland hearing the sounds emitted by those volatiles at night started to sing a lullaby which was transformed in a kind of song dedicated to those birds and the words often repeated represented in a vocal guttural expression were similar to a continuous cong cong and from that the current name.

A further supposition is closely linked to another tribe of native Araucanos who as the previous population came from the Andean cordillera  and reaching the shore of the Pacific Ocean looking at that immense extension of waters for the first time called that place Co Co which translated means a lot of water. From those two syllables born a local musical expression which was transformed later by dialectal influence in the current denomination Concón. 

The history of that coastal resort is also famous for the land of the Iberian conquerors who reached the major part of Latin America in different operations of conquest including in that Chilean territory at the foot of the majestic Andes, that long mountainous chain running parallel to the Pacific Ocean in the immediate interior another great attraction of that Nation.

The first Spanish colonists after to settle the current capital Santiago expanded their influence in a very large campaign of conquests also towards the territories of the current Valparaiso discovering and populating  Concón. The Spaniards once fixed their residence developed a sort of strategic headquarter and in that concrete geographic point  established a harbour, a former village and a space devoted to shipyards.

The leader of those operations was a notorious conqueror called  Pedro de Valdivia well known since the times  when he was awarded with the title of Governor of Chile by the famous Colonel Francisco Pizarro that famed character who was one of the most renowned figures linked to those historic events linked to the colonisation of Latin America who reached high peaks of popularity for the expedition led to the conquest of Panama.

That man also organised a landing on the coasts of Peru in 1524 with just 80 soldiers and later entering in the Chilean territory chose Valdivia as one of his loyal lieutenants giving him that important charge to rule that occupied territory.

 The new governor of those lands after his several experiences in that country once reached Concón with all those works which created a former Spanish colonial settlement  had an idea to to build a ship focused to a future project to transport to his motherland in Southern Europe all the gold and precious objects accumulated during his long stay in South America. 

The history tells that other Spanish conquerors planned a plot and they wanted for them all that immense treasure organising an ambush to take that conspicuous loot. Pedro de Valdivia informed by that conspiracy led a military operation to punish those rebels with a group of faithful knights killing all those rivals. That narration also tells that once ended the construction of the ship that character despite he died in Tucapel in Chile was able to manage before his death the operations to take all his rich possessions to Spain.

The current town for many years during the times of the colonisation was a humble fishing village and continued to be that for a long time also due to a total lack of communications and infrastructures. Despite that in the mid 19th century the history and the destiny of Concón had a considerable change in a period in which Chile had a first relevant development with the construction of important networks of roads and connections with the important pioneer links established in that concrete area.

In those times was created the first railroad linking the Capital Santiago to Valparaiso which generated considerable traffics and automatically there were further improvements for the local inhabitants to use a new public transport since then practically nonexistent just some years before, all that was a proficuous stage in terms of trade and prelude of a new flourishing economy in that land at the foot of the Andes.

After years of peace and a pretty political stability in 1891 during the Chilean Civil War, the current resort was protagonist of a bloody battle between Jose Balmaceda Fernandez former President of Chile and his opponents. Those years were highlighted by several military operations all around the local territory with the National Army finding a strong popular resistance, episodes which interrupted the progress of the entire country.

In the following decades that settlement once re-established the public order and with a new Government which organised a new specific territorial subdivision, a defined innovative plan of provincial and regional borders also elevated former neighbourhoods of determined centres as official municipalities among them Concón which received a total autonomy by the town of Limache and after that it was incorporated in the vast urbanisation of Valparaiso.

It was since then when the current seaside resort started its escalation becoming a well known tourist destination gaining popularity and elevated as a favourite site to spend holidays along those striking Pacific beaches of Chile with a constant increasing demand by many people extremely attracted by the idea to spend sunny days and pleasant short breaks in that wonderful place.

Due to that started the construction of different accommodations in the local boundaries next to bars, restaurants and shops which completed a setting pretty complete and suitable to offer a good number of incoming services and facilities with many visitors flocking numerous since some decades ago.

The local Institutions also established a very active Tourism Office providing all the information a visitor needs and there was a further re- arrangement and improvement of the communications modernising the roads with a prolongation of the accesses leading to the core of the resort.

The centre of Concón is mainly developed behind the famous and previously mentioned Avenida Borgoño, a very long maritime boulevard which covers practically all the municipal coastline running parallel to the long sandy stretch formed by different stunning beaches and from its eastern side start a series of streets among them Santa Margarita, San Agustin and Maroto leading to the heart of that seaside city.

It is along that big renowned hallway where the visitors can enjoy the large gastronomic offer protagonist on that large and wide promenade, the gourmet emblem which gave that place notoriety offering alongside its course a great succession of numerous catering establishments serving every day the most fresh delicious seafood and fish of the entire country prepared in many styles such as grilled, baked, marinated, boiled, fried and in sauce.

Particularly famed are the local oysters, shrimp, crabs, prawns and mussels extremely appreciated by a multitude of people, eternally fresh with an exquisite taste and perfect to prepare an endless list of delicious recipes.

All those great sea products are used in an ample variety of casseroles, fish soups, starters, cocktails, stews accompanied by mixed fresh salads and also by the frequent excellent traditional Empanadas that kind of stuffed bread filled with different kinds of ingredients such as tuna, rice, meat, vegetables and much more.

The local cuisine for its immense variety became in a very short time became very popular all around Chile because it is represented by a large combination of flavours such as spicy, delicate, salty, sour and also sweet. 

All that was since the beginning of a successful gastronomic activity supported by the enormous quantity and quality of delectable and superb sea delights which generated in the last decades a notable presence of a new wave of talented chefs who started to develop a trendy culinary art with many special touches of  Haute and Nouvelle cuisine.

Those professionals of hospitality and catering services can prepare eclectic plates, elaboration of creative sauces, a wide list of entrees, special main courses with an accurated attention to the smallest details and richly garnished with a stylish presentation of the plate and combined dishes containing different delightful kinds of food. All that in addition can be accompanied by a great selection of fine and prestigious wines which thanks to their versatility, smooth taste, texture and body are perfect to be enjoyed next to all those delights.

All that large delicious and tastefully variety of succulent gourmet paradise  has conquered the palates of the entire country and for that Concón received that famed nickname Capital Gastronomica de Chile, the gastronomic capital of Chile elevating itself as a legendary national emblem in that kind of industry.

A typical example which characterises the local cuisine is that you can start with a Palta, a sweet aguacate filled with excellent fresh tuna or another kind of next to a sour and sweet prawns cocktail continuing with a spicy fish stew or a salty cod or also a seafood rice containg superb mussels, prawns, clams and lobster.

Notable is an ample variety of specialities highlighted by incomparable flavours with protagonists a multitude of aromatic fresh herbs and spices such as thyme, mint, parsley, laurel, coriander, sage and several additions of chilli, black pepper, cloves,nutmeg, saffron, rosemary  harmoniously combined in some cases with tropical fruit.

One of the most popular and most visited restaurants is Las Deliciosas but also suggested are some others such as Pica El Horizonte, Punta del Este, Los Delfines, Casa del Mono, Secreto and Club Pedro y Fabiola among others. All them offer a large special menu à la carte with an ample selection of plates so you can find there all what you desire to enjoy a superb meal in a lunch or dinner completely satisfying your palate.

That kind of offer is very recommended for a great Educational, ideal for people linked to tourism gastronomy routes, Catering and Hospitality industries, Organisation of events and naturally tourists who next to a sunny holiday will have the opportunity to taste the best cuisine of a country.

Tour Operators and Travel Specialists can elaborate thanks to all that special enogastronomic tours in that area offering a consequent very attractive outgoing product delighting many people taking in consideration that the province of Valparaiso produces superb fine wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot, Carmenere, Pinot Noir, Chateau Lafittte and Chateau Margaux among many others.

The notorious  Ruta del Vino del Valle de Casablanca, is an iconic wine route simply great with the chance to appreciate the quality of those superb wines, tasting, visiting producers, having chats with experts and sommeliers,a unique opportunity and experience for all the professionals who love to create tourism and naturally for ordinary people with the desire to enjoy those outstanding products.

All that is something of extremely interesting with ample successful perspectives to have an offer which is not standardised to the usual tours or an offer with limited solutions but providing a wide variety of special tailor made itineraries on request or appropriately prepared for different kinds of tourists who desire something of different and highly attractive.

That famed avenue which makes so notorious the resort is subdivided in three sections called La Boca, Industria and Higuerillas Costa. In that last section of that distinctive boulevard you can see the famous Yacht Club Higuerillas, a complex boasting old prestigious traditions founded in the 50's, very popular all around the country to be the organiser of a very important regatta and different important activities linked to the nautical world.

The beaches of that resort are certainly magnificent highlights and you can start to visit Playa Negra, the Black Beach, one of the most famous and its name derives from the pretty dark tonality of its sand. 
That stunning sandy stretch is especially highlighted by its conformation consisting in a wide arch inside a splendid bay which is another captivating aspect of that fabulous stretch able to conquer many tourists in a while. Immediately offshore of its shoreline you can see some cliffs emerging from the waters of the Ocean, a very scenic image very loved by many photographers who often immortalise Playa Negra in a multitude of pictures also for that special highlight.

The area flanking that striking beach is highlighted by the presence of an agglomeration of old colonial houses and in its vicinity you can find some bars and restaurant for a pleasant meal. It is easily accessible by the road, no barriers and it boasts since a long time a constant blue flag, very clean and with an excellent maintenance.

Some rocky sections are also present along its surface and you can have the opportunity to enjoy along all its longitude beautiful landscapes with picturesque cliffs scattered in different points with a wide stunning panoramic view of that magnificent endless oceanic horizon and in its southern side it is very loved by many fans of water sports, especially by kite surfers.

Playa Amarilla, the Yellow Beach, is absolutely the liveliest and most frequented thanks to the presence of several facilities, nautical establishments, restaurants, bars and different kind of accommodations in its immediate proximity. That beach takes its name for the golden yellow colour of its sand of excellent quality, pretty long and it is considered among the best of the entire coast.

Calm waters and a paradise for long relaxing walks, another feature highlighting that magnificent sandy marvel it is that it has several corners to practise water sports far from the busiest sections thanks to its longitude and it is also a great place to have fun playing beach soccer and volley.

Playa La Boca is also very attractive, it is a long arched beach very scenic for the presence of a verdant low plateau just in an immediate corner at a very short distance. from it boasting a magnificent soft light sand, very loved by many surfers and kite surfers for the presence of high waves. 

In addition its location in an ample gulf offers stunning views, very charming at sunset for the beautiful sun lights reflections falling on the waters of the Pacific also for that it is one of the most photographed tourist spots of Concón, elevated as a sort of landmark  to promote the local beaches.

The Delta of the river Aconcagua in proximity of Avenida Borgoño is definitely another relevant local attraction. It is an important fabulous site consisting in a wetland highly suggested to admire the presence of different species of migratory birds, a Mecca for ornithologists and bird watching lovers. You can see there approximately 70 different types of volatiles constantly present among them Gulls, Pelicans, Albatrosses, South American Terns, Giant Petrels, Finches and many others.

That site is also a stupendous point if you love to take pictures, very loved by photographers for the incomparable natural scenery and also for a large presence of seals , many species of fish in the seabed and furthermore because it is highlighted by the last metres of the river Aconcagua which ends its course embracing the Pacific Ocean forming a splendid estuary.

Those two different colours of fresh and salt waters meeting themselves with splendid contrasting tonalities generates an image simply spectacular so do not miss sthat extremely scenic place.

In addition that special environment is also a point with a very important cultural, historic value as a venerated destination for the ancient Mapuche tribes which considered it as a sacred land linked to life, light, hopes and lucky future all aspects linked to their divinities and a polytheist religion related to those waters considered sacred for them.

Between Concón and the town of Reñaca you can admire another spectacular attraction called Las Dunas de Concón. That formation of sands is very similar to the Sahara desert but on the the Pacific shoreline and it is a very attractive site highlighted by a special geological formation dated the quaternary period.

Apart that beautiful natural masterpiece of nature it is in that specific environment where it is practised that very trendy speciality called sandboarding descending from the heights of those high dunes and reaching at a high speed the local beaches.

That activity also for the steep slopes of that place became very popular some years ago, a paradise for hundreds of fans and people with the desire to to try ofr the first time that exciting and spectacular experience.

Including many people from other countries that in the last decade discovered that natural marvel returned there very frequently to enjoy those thrilling descents. Many locals also organise races, events which call maby spectators and all that attracts others who want to try for once in a life that trendy activity, including you can take lessons by very experienced masters in the case you are interested.

The wide sandy plan dominating the Ocean is also called Campo Dunar de la Punta de Concón and Sanctuario de la Naturaleza, the Nature Sanctuary and it is a Protected Nature Reserve.

 During the migratory periods you can see near the coast apart several different kind of birds also penguins and some species of big sea lions who find along that coastline an important habitat for the good resources of food it offers consisting in a rich presence of fish and also an appropriate climate to live at determined ideal temperatures.

Another striking local highlight is La Roca Oceanica, the Oceanic Rock considered one of the most scenic panoramic view points to admire Valparaiso and its major coastal neighbourhoods.

That marvellous place is highlighted by a special ad unusual rock formation and you will notice in a section that the colour of the cliff has a dark gray tonality flanking another very light, almost white. That incredible contrast is for many people astonishing and mesmerising and it is undoubedtly another great image the Chilean coast offers.

That majestic rock furthermore forms a sort of promontory above a small wild small bay of cold waters and around it you can see several birds and a specific and rare flora present only in that area of Chile. For many people it is one of the best and most suggestive sites of the entire country simply wonderful to contemplate for hours in magic sunrises and marvellous sunsets for the different reflections and colours when the sun rays illuminate that wonder.

Since 1999 the resort hosts a Museum. That Institution was organised by the municipality to promote and develop the tourism in that area focused to the historic and cultural aspects of the community. Since its inception that was the aim to incentive apart the several outdoor activities, Educational mainly devoted to attract the interest of the visitors to know and learn more the ancient and secular history with the culture of the first former inhabitants.

The exhibition displays tools and utensils of the native Mapuche population explaining the value of their traditions, folklore, costumes, handcrafts and agricultural activities developed since the first periods of settlement in Concón  until today in an extensive and chronological illustration period by period.

The seaside resort is situated at approximately 144, 0 kilometres from the Capital Santiago de Chile connected by the Ruta 68 the most important highway from the capital to the Northern Coast. You can land on Commodoro Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport of that South American metropolis and from there in approximately two hours and twenty minutes via Curacaví and Viña del Mar you will be at destination.

In the case you are planning to visit Chile in future you can insert in your tailor made tour Concón as a stage with some days of stay, a notable destination, a gourmet and sandboarding Mecca but it will also be a magnificent chance to admire that great attraction consisting in those stupendous sandy Pacific beaches and unforgettable natural landscapes, all that is simply spectacular not easy to forget and extremely great to remember with pleasure forever.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Concón 

Hotel Mantagua Resort & Club
 Radisson Acqua Hotel & Spa Concón
Hotel Resort Playa Paraiso
Aparthotel Duna del Mar 

Recommended Restaurants in Concón
Restaurante Las Deliciosas
Restaurante Punta del Este
Restaurante Secreto
Restaurante Los Delfines
Restaurante Pica El Horizonte 

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